MESIS :: Volume #1

#83: Three waves to a single stroke

Star Skills Entertainment, high-level Room meeting. 星艺娱乐,高层会议 Central log yellow paint long table, from general manager to various section manager and vice-manager, approximately the 20 person, attended this meeting. 中央一张原木黄漆长桌,从总经理到各部门经理副经理,大约二十人,都出席了这次会议 Chief, Star Skills Entertainment general manager and Director-General Huang Yicong, pounds a document ruthlessly on the table, the saliva splashes: Kang Shi'an, your responsible attack group is up to mischief, this groundless scandal, should not first time clarify.” 首席,星艺娱乐总经理总裁黄易聪,把一份文件狠狠砸在桌上,唾沫飞溅:“康世安,你负责的攻关组搞什么鬼,这种捕风捉影的绯闻,不应该第一时间澄清吗。” Huang Yicong is Star Skills Entertainment CEO, said that CEO is not quite accurate, he is board of directors appointment general manager and Director-General, but CEO is Chief Executive Officer, in Star Skills Entertainment, does not have this position actually. The domestic work place jumbles together CEO and general manager and Director-General, is a wrong understanding. 黄易聪星艺娱乐ceo,说ceo不太准确,他是董事会聘任的总经理总裁,但ceo首席执行官,在星艺娱乐,其实不存在这个职位。国内职场把ceo总经理总裁混为一谈,是一种错误认识。 Over Huang Yicong 30, the age is smaller than Kang Shi'an, long naturally is handsome and intelligent, but this goods are not quite proper, often with the female celebrity noisy scandal, management also quite off-line, is the flower childe type. Is good is indeed good because of the ability, even if otherwise has the major stockholder father, he cannot sit this position. 黄易聪三十出头,年纪比康世安还小,长的当然是一表人才,不过这货不太正经,时常和女明星闹绯闻,办事也比较脱线,属于花花公子类型。好在能力的确不俗,否则即便有个大股东老爸,他也坐不上这个位置。 On the Kang Shi'an unemotional deletion face the spittle, took up the document to look, was the online Qin Baobao's scandal print file. 康世安面无表情的擦去脸上唾沫星子,拿起文件看了看,是网上秦宝宝的绯闻打印文件。 Chief Huang, our public relations groups the outgoing message have clarified, but is completely useless, you also know, the Internet users generally lack the rationality. Moreover, the contract clearly stipulated that during office, cannot have the boyfriend, said that was the Qin Baobao violation. I suggested to block her.” 黄总,我们的公关组已经发文澄清过了,但完全没用,你也知道,网民普遍缺乏理性。而且,合约明确规定,在职期间不能有男朋友,说起来是秦宝宝违约了。我建议封杀她。” Blocks your younger sister, do you have the evidence? Do you believe the online scandal?” The Huang Yicong speech style exceptionally is also valiant, off-line: Kang Shi'an, you are company vice-chief, this eyesight vigor? Lamborghini that stops in the television station, the litigant has not entered a country from the start, this type of far-fetched news do you believe?” “封杀你妹哦,你有证据吗?你相信网上的绯闻?”黄易聪说话风格也异常彪悍、脱线:“康世安,你好歹是公司副总,这点眼力劲都没有?一辆停在电视台的兰博基尼,当事人压根没入境,这种不靠谱的新闻你信?” Kang Shi'an said lightly: I know that Chief Huang recognizes Qin Baobao, but she suffers the public relations crisis is also the fact. We meet now, is how decides to process her. I am the suggestion block her.” 康世安淡淡道:“我知道黄总赏识秦宝宝,但她遭遇公关危机也是事实。我们现在开会,是决定如何处理她。我个人是建议封杀她的。” Huang Yicong twists off the insulated cup, filled tea, the ponder moment, good, scandal beforehand does not raise, how we chatted process Qin Baobao.” 黄易聪拧开保温杯,灌了一口茶,沉思片刻,“好,绯闻的事先不提,我们来谈谈如何处理秦宝宝。” Qin Baobao this person, everyone has seen, long. Sang also of pleasant to hear, was a good seedling. I said that she is in the artist who we sign with this year the potential is biggest, everyone does not oppose.” Huang Yicong looks all around the people, sees them to nod, said: Business is business, since confirmed she is a high-quality cargo, we discussed the investment and cost issue again. You are the old person of this industry, the packing, promote C-list celebrity, how many needs to invest the fund? With Xu Lu, in the past to hold her, how many resources company did spend? Reviews Qin Baobao, the investment is almost zero. We just provided «Singer» this platform to her. Short one month, she is C-list celebrity. The small income, the huge benefit, how this buys and sells, did not need me to say. Public relations crisis each celebrity has, a few years ago, the Xu Lu lip-sync event, how many resources did company spend to level to her? For this, blocks a potential stock? I think the business does not do that.” 秦宝宝这个人,大家都见过,长的还可以吧。唱歌也好听,是棵好苗子。我说她是咱们今年签约的艺人里潜力最大的,大家不反对吧。”黄易聪环顾众人,见他们点头,又道:“在商言商,既然确认了她是个优质货物,我们再谈谈投资和成本问题。你们都是这一行业的老人,包装、推广一个三线明星,需要多少投入资金?就拿徐璐来说,当年为了捧她,公司花费多少资源?反观秦宝宝,投入几乎为零。我们只不过给她提供了《歌星》这个平台。短短一个月,她已经算是三线明星。微小的收入,巨大的利益,这笔买卖怎么样,不用我说了吧。公关危机每个明星都有,几年前,徐璐假唱事件,公司又花费多少资源给她摆平?难道就为了这个,封杀一个潜力股?我想生意不是这么做的吧。” He looks to Kang Shi'an, Kang Shi'an is unemotional. 他看向康世安,康世安面无表情。 Holds this meeting, wants to listen to everyone's opinion. I know that everyone is busy, did not spend time on this, table decided that agreed to block Qin Baobao's, raised hand. Did not agree that does not raise hand.” “开这个会,就是想听听大家的意见。我知道大家都忙,就不在这上面多花时间了,表个决吧,同意封杀秦宝宝的,举手。不同意的,不举手。” Kang Shi'an and his trusted aide raise hand in abundance, Huang Yicong, and independent, has not raised hand. 康世安和他的心腹纷纷举手,黄易聪这边的,以及中立派,则没有举手。 No one is the fool, understanding that the situation looks, for this minor matter, blocks a potential rookie, is not cost-effective. 没人是傻子,局势看的明白,为了这点小事,封杀一个潜力新人,不划算。 Number of votes less than half, blocks the proposition veto. 票数不过半,封杀提议否决。 Huang Yicong pounded on the table, shouted: Immediately rolls to contact the media to me.” 黄易聪拍了拍桌子,喝道:“马上给我滚去联络媒体。” 2 : 00 pm, the Star Skills Entertainment public relations publish the sound, condemned the message that in the network spreads rumors and causes trouble, appealed the netizen do not believe. And investigates the legal liability reserved the power. 下午 2 点,星艺娱乐公关发表声音,谴责网络上造谣生事的留言,呼吁网友不要相信。并且保留追究法律责任的权力。 In brief the formulation has no statement of sincerity very much. 总之就是很公式化没什么诚意的声明。 Under the person with high aspirations adds fuel to the flames, not only has not clarified, instead has more traces a blacker suspicion. 在有心人推波助澜下,非但没有澄清,反而有越描越黑的嫌疑。 Started to wash.” “开始洗地了。” hē hē, washes not white.” 呵呵,洗不白的。” Has the chart to have the truth, how do you make us believe your words?” “有图有真相,你让我们怎么相信你们的话?” Lamborghini is false, good, I believe for the time being, but who that man is.” 兰博基尼是假的,好,我暂且相信,但那个男人是谁。” Auricularia auricula is black, how to wash white.” “木耳已黑,如何洗白。” Qin Baobao tumbles out the entertainment world, tumbles out «I am a Singer».” 秦宝宝滚出娱乐圈,滚出《我是歌星》。” The Qin Ze cell phone dīng dōng sound keeps ringing, from 303 dormitory groups information. 秦泽手机“叮咚”声响个不停,来自“303宿舍群”的信息。 Zhao Baliang: „Did today's news look? Not being able to think of Qin Baobao is such person.” 赵八两:“今天的新闻看了吗?想不到秦宝宝是这样的人。” Liu Ziqiang: You roll, my Goddess is not such person.” 刘自强:“你滚,我的女神不是那样的人。” Zhao Baliang: Yo, you became Qin Baobao's shitheaded fan.” 赵八两:“呦,你成秦宝宝的脑残粉了啊。” Liu Ziqiang sent funnily expression: Falls in love.” 刘自强发了个“滑稽”的表情:“一见钟情。” Li Liang: Wave thigh long seductress/evil spirit cheek, who saw fell in love. I am not thick on the family property, otherwise also wants to dive.” 李良:“波大腿长妖精脸蛋,谁见了都一见钟情。我也就家底不厚,否则也想潜一下。” Rolls thickly,” Liu Ziqiang sent infuriated expression, Zhao Baliang: Quick apology, said that you made a mistake, otherwise has no way to make older and younger brothers.” “滚粗,”刘自强发了个“火冒三丈”的表情,@赵八两:“快道歉,说你错了,否则没法做兄弟。” Li Liang: „Very normal, which female doesn't celebrity accompany the rich person? Looked for the poor skirt silk to marry? Makes much ado about nothing.” 李良:“很正常啦,哪个女明星不伴大款?难道找个穷屌丝嫁了?大惊小怪的。” Zhao Baliang: „But why she must deceive the sentiment of audience, said directly company was good to her resources, obviously is at heart have ghost. The moral behavior is really bad.” 赵八两:“可她为什么要欺骗观众们的感情,直接说公司给她的资源就行了,明明是心里有鬼。人品真差。” Li Liang: Also yes, feels sorry for her younger brother to be a scapegoat, if she really has younger brother.” 李良:“也是哦,可怜她弟弟背锅,倘若她真有弟弟。” Liu Ziqiang sent striking one after another expression. 刘自强发了一连串“敲打”的表情。 Li Liang and Zhao Baliang do not respond his shitheaded fan, chatted, Li Liang sent Qin Baobao and Qin Ze shoulder to shoulder back, laughing foolishly expression: Discovered that this man is a bit like Qin Ze! Qin Ze.” 李良赵八两都不搭理他这个脑残粉,自顾自聊天,李良更是发了秦宝宝秦泽并肩的背影,“憨笑”的表情:“有没有发现这男人有点像秦泽!@秦泽。” The attack that Zhao Baliang is relentless taunted: Is higher than Qin Ze, hairstyle short, physique tall and straight, in addition, there is that a wee bit similar.” 赵八两毫不留情的打击嘲讽:“比秦泽高一点,发型短一点,身姿挺拔一点,除此之外,还是有那么一丁点类似的。” Qin Ze after two months of exercise and practice qi, the height raised several centimeters forcefully, the body and spirit is vigorous, at first sight the back, somewhat is quite tall and straight the pretty flavor. 秦泽经过两个多月的锻炼、练气,身高硬生生拔高了几公分,体魄雄健,乍一看背影,颇有几分挺拔清俊的味道。 The Qin Ze corners of the mouth exude the smiling face, the typing: Do not be noisy, this is not I.” 秦泽嘴角泛起笑容,打字:“你们别闹,这不就是我么。” Li Liang sends in the expression that a thump laughs: This wave of I give the perfect score.” 李良发来一个捶地大笑的表情:“这波我给满分。” Zhao Baliang: nicely done 赵八两:“666 Liu Ziqiang: Qin Ze, you give me piss off.” 刘自强:“@秦泽,你给我滚犊子。” Li Liang plays to say with a smile: Let alone, Qin Ze did not have elder sister. Qin Baobao happen to have younger brother. Actually they are one's own elder sister and younger brother...... hā hā, I could not arrange.” 李良玩笑道:“还别说,秦泽不就有个姐姐吗。秦宝宝正好有个弟弟。其实他俩就是亲生的姐弟......哈哈,我编不下去了。” Liu Ziqiang hē hē said: Shanghai surnamed Qin does not have 1,000 also to have 800. My Goddess said, her song is younger brother writes, has a look, this is younger brother of others family/home. Our Qin Ze, I only think hē hē.” 刘自强呵呵”道:“沪市姓秦的没有一千也有八百。我女神说,她的歌都是弟弟写的,看看,这就是别人家的弟弟。咱们秦泽,我只想呵呵。” Looks that the roommate damages himself, Qin Ze both angry and amused, remembers finally, the good friend of they not Weibo powder, three roommates do not bump Weibo's mutually, the Qin Baobao's matter, he also hardly uses Weibo. Therefore does not know # Standing in the Distance, Watching the Passing Childhood # this id. 看着室友你一言我一语的损自己,秦泽又好气又好笑,终于想起,他们并不是自己微博互粉的好友,三个室友都是不碰微博的,要不是秦宝宝的事,他自己也几乎不用微博。因此并不知道#站在远处看童年#这个id。 Qin Ze moves at heart, edit file: You also thought that she does accompany the rich person to be normal? Li Liang 秦泽心里一动,编辑信息:“你也觉得她伴大款正常吗?@李良 Li Liang: Naturally, said that did not accompany the rich person, married your like this poor skirt silk? The entertainment world has multi- young girl celebrity to marry into the rich and powerful family, some multi- young girl celebrity dreams marry into the rich and powerful family, does not lack Qin Baobao one.” 李良:“当然咯,说了啊,不伴大款,难道嫁你这样的穷屌丝?娱乐圈有多少女明星嫁入豪门,有多少女明星梦想嫁入豪门,不缺秦宝宝一个。” Locked the phone screen, Qin Ze rose a clear(ly) to become aware at heart. 锁了手机屏幕,秦泽心里升出一股明悟。 Since Qin Baobao accompanies the rich person, moreover is rich second generation, is not the partner rich and powerful people uncle in the traditional sense, in the entertainment world is the commonly seen matter. The online echo why so intense, done seems in some A-list celebrity marriage to go off track. 既然秦宝宝伴大款,而且是富二代,不是传统意义上的伴富豪大叔,在娱乐圈是司空见惯的事情。网上反响为什么这般激烈,搞的好像某一线明星婚内出轨似的。 This is unscientific. 这不科学。 The answer is very obvious, some people are hiring internet merc, buys the news, smearing ink Qin Baobao. 答案很明显,有人在雇水军,买新闻,抹黑秦宝宝 popular is the celebrity life, the reputation is damaged, popular also changes. Makes a debut soon rookie, even if lucky rapidly, is the foundation is eventually superficial. Said in plain words, although Qin Baobao harvests large quantities of fans, but the loyalty is not high, is very easy to come under the influence of negative report to revolt, the powder transfers the road, even the powder transfers black. 人气明星的生命,名誉受损,人气随之变化。一个出道不久的新人,哪怕迅速走红,终究是根基浅薄。通俗的说,秦宝宝虽然收获一大批粉丝,可忠诚度不高,很容易受到负面新闻的影响而叛变,粉转路,甚至粉转黑。 Who is thinks smearing ink Qin Baobao? 那么是谁想抹黑秦宝宝 Qin Ze somewhat guessed at heart, only two possibilities: First, Star Skills Entertainment competitor. Second, Qin Baobao's competitor. 秦泽心里有些猜测,无外乎两种可能:一,星艺娱乐的竞争对手。二,秦宝宝的竞争对手。 In the room, Qin Baobao also lies in manager telephones. 房间里,秦宝宝亦在于经纪人打电话。 The elder sister tone to/clashes very much: What's the matter, the company public relations are live by pimping? Superficial how many idle talk, useful? My Weibo gave the person to explode, how the old lady does not know that my popular was so when high.” 姐姐语气很冲:“怎么回事,公司的公关是吃软饭的吗?不痛不痒的几句废话,有用?我的微博都给人爆了,老娘怎么不知道我什么时候人气这么高了。” Changed anyone, the mood not. 换了任何一个人,心情都不会好。 Li Yanhong: Baobao (darling), won't you really have the boyfriend?” 李艳红:“宝宝,你不会真有男朋友吧?” piss off boyfriend,” Qin Baobao angrily said: That is my younger brother.” 滚犊子的男朋友,”秦宝宝气道:“那是我弟弟。” company I am urging to you, stares at the public relations group to buy the news for you, hires internet merc.” 公司这边我给你催着呢,盯着公关组给你买新闻,雇水军。” Asked Sister Li, several days later must record the program, the online public opinion was noisy, had a great influence on me.” “拜托李姐了,过几天就要录制节目了,网上舆论闹的,对我影响很大。” The song that Baobao (darling), you rehearse I have listened, good, can definitely be hot. The public opinion pressure is influential, but impossible to create to it too in a big way affects.” 宝宝,你排练的歌我听过,好啊,肯定能火。舆论压力有影响,但不可能对它造成太大影响。” Qin Baobao made the telephone call, the heart and liver of air/Qi is painful. Angry pounds toward the bed on the cell phone. 秦宝宝挂了电话,气的心肝都痛。气恼的把手机往床上一砸。 The gate opened, Qin Ze holds the mung bean soup to come, comforted: Eats the bowl mung bean soup, disappears the disappearing fire.” 门开了,秦泽捧着绿豆汤进来,安慰道:“喝碗绿豆汤,消消火。” He changes the pattern to make various types of health soup every day, sometimes is the rose sago reveal, sometimes is the tremella coconut tree juice milk thick soup, sometimes is the seed of Job's tears mung bean soup. After cool, puts in refrigerator the town/subdues. 他每天都变着花样煮各种养生汤,有时候是玫瑰西米露,有时候是雪耳椰汁牛奶羹,有时候是薏米绿豆汤。凉了之后,放冰箱里镇着。 Qin Baobao and Wang Zijin like drinking very much. 秦宝宝王子衿都很爱喝。 Qin Baobao received the bowl, drank several, horizontal younger brother, shrivelled mouth: Calculates you conscientious.” 秦宝宝接过碗,喝了几口,横弟弟一眼,瘪嘴:“算你有良心。” Online matter I knew.” Qin Ze said. “网上的事我知道了。”秦泽说。 Blames you, all day long is thinking occupies me to be cheap. Then good.” Qin Baobao put in great inconvenience. “都怪你,成天想着占我便宜。这下好啦。”秦宝宝委屈极了。 Uh...... you leave always fling the pot to me, you also agreed at that time I hug your waist. ......你别老甩锅给我,你自己当时也同意我搂你腰的。 Qin Ze tactful had not argued, the installation gives elder sister to rub the shoulder, must to own song confident.” 秦泽识趣的没辩解,坐床边给姐姐揉肩膀,“要对自己的歌有信心。” Talked about the new song, on the Qin Baobao face showed the smiling face, she had the self-confidence very much. Is taking advantage of the new song, has not been scared. But as the new song of spiritual prop, is the younger brother offer of side attentive massage, without younger brother , there would be no her Qin Baobao's today. 谈到新歌,秦宝宝脸上露出笑容,她很有自信。依仗着新歌,才没有慌神。而做为精神支柱的新歌,正是身边殷勤按摩的弟弟奉献,没有弟弟,就没有她秦宝宝的今天。 Such a thinks, elder sister transforms the mentality immediately, said in a soft voice: A'Ze, elder sister may not have to complain about you, elder sister most liked you.” 这么一想,姐姐顿时转换心态,柔声道:“阿泽,姐姐可没有埋怨你哦,姐姐最喜欢你了。” Qin Ze looked at her one eyes with the strange look, by from putting on open pants on solid foundation of mutual understanding, his judgment is: The safe/without matter does everything to please, non- deceitful is a robber. 秦泽用奇怪的眼神看了她一眼,凭借从穿开裆裤就相互认识的深厚基础,他的判断是:无事献殷勤,非奸即盗。 Qin Baobao not deceitful does not rob, pure broken is to brush the younger brother good sensitivity, oh the sound sighed angrily said: Your also 23, this age should look for the girlfriend, but you are in the family/home the only adult male, cannot drift with the current, the small age wallows the female sexual attractiveness. The university period is in love, does not have the result mostly. Enters the society to be in love, does not have the result mostly, because you do not have the capital. Discussed a girlfriend, asked that you wanted the room to want the car(riage), you what to do?” 秦宝宝不奸不盗,纯碎是刷弟弟的好感度而已,唉声叹气道:“你也二十三啦,这个年纪该找女朋友,可你是家里唯一的男丁嘛,可不能随波逐流,小小年纪沉迷女色。大学时期谈恋爱,多半是没好结果的。进社会谈恋爱,多半也没结果,因为你没资本呀。谈个女朋友,问你要房要车,你咋办?” Meant that makes me continue to make the single dog, is this meaning. 意思是说让我继续做单身狗,是这个意思吧。 Our family/home does not lack the house.” Qin Ze said. Although greatly richly greatly expensive/noble is people from other place, but the native also has the advantage of native: Does not lack the house. “我们家又不缺房子。”秦泽道。虽然大富大贵的都是外地人,可本地人也有本地人的优势:不缺房子。 How not to lack the house.” Qin Baobao stares: Present girl many boast commisserates are expensive, is not willing to live in the same place with the parents-in-law. You married, making the parents move?” “怎么就不缺房子了。”秦宝宝瞪眼:“现在的女孩子多矜贵,可不愿意和公公婆婆住一起。你结婚了,让爸妈搬出去住吗?” Qin Ze discovered oneself had nothing to say in reply unexpectedly. 秦泽发现自己竟无言以对。 wèi wèi, you are not the single dog, this seasoned person tone what's the matter. 喂喂,你自己不也是单身狗嘛,这一副“过来人”的口吻是怎么回事。 The words saying, changes to my love issue bewilderedly, wants to do. 话说,莫名其妙转到我的恋爱问题,想干嘛。 Crooked building crooked was too odd. 歪楼歪的太离谱了。 Even if you want to look for the girlfriend, you cannot touch elder sister butt.” Qin Baobao is rousing the cheek help/gang, the indignant appearance is lovable and charming. “就算你想找女朋友,你也不能摸姐屁股。”秦宝宝鼓着腮帮,气愤的模样又可爱又妩媚。 Qin Ze hollow laugh two, really do not know how should say. 秦泽干笑两声,委实不知该如何接话。 The elder sister, asked you let alone, my awkward sickness suspect. 姐,求你别说了,我的尴尬症犯了。 Qin Baobao must continue to talk openly with younger brother, at this time, a telephone resounded. 秦宝宝还要继续与弟弟谈心,这时,一个电话响起。 manager Li Yanhong hits. 经纪人李艳红打来的。 Qin Baobao connection telephone: Sister Li.” 秦宝宝接通电话:“李姐。” The Li Yanhong sound is rapid, Baobao (darling), had an accident.” 李艳红声音急促,“宝宝,出事了。” Had an accident!?” Qin Baobao vertical eyebrow, “又出什么事了!?”秦宝宝竖眉,
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