MESIS :: Volume #1

#82: smearing ink ( 2 )

Wednesday morning, Qin Ze and Wang Zijin exercise, took a bath, eats meal. 星期三早上,秦泽王子衿锻炼完,先后洗澡,吃饭。 time was 7 : 30 am, Qin Baobao is also almost about to get out of bed, she did not have the custom of morning exercise, but there is a project that oneself exercised, every day two hours of dance trainings, unshakeable. Nowadays, company relaxes to her request, does not need to train hard the art or technique of singing and dance like these reserve female artists. Qin Baobao persists in rehearsing the dance every day, mainly maintains the stature, in her words: In order to avoid being fostered the small fat pig by Qin Ze, the elder sister must persist in exercising. 时间是上午 7 点半,秦宝宝差不多也快起床了,她没有晨练的习惯,但有自己锻炼的项目,每天两个小时的舞蹈训练,雷打不动。现如今,公司对她的要求放宽,不用像那些后备女艺人一样苦练唱功、舞蹈。秦宝宝每天坚持练舞,主要是保持身材,用她自己的话说:为了避免被秦泽养成小胖猪,姐要坚持锻炼。 Wang Zijin has the breakfast, while and Qin Ze chatted, under diet recuperation that Qin Ze intended, her gastric disease improved. Qin Ze can obviously feel, Wang Zijin to own sentiment, no longer is love the house and its crow, but treats as the friend him truly. 王子衿一边吃早餐,一边和秦泽谈笑,秦泽有意的饮食调理下,她的胃病改善了很多。秦泽能明显感受到,王子衿对自己的感情,不再是爱屋及乌,而是真正把他当做朋友。 Above friendly understanding, the love has not filled. 友达之上,恋爱未满。 Un, may him, when younger brother, this on tragedy. 嗯,也有可能把他当弟弟,这样的话就悲剧了。 He is estimating the Wang Zijin's thoughts, this elder sister is a little difficult to pursue, the solemn natural character is no doubt good, is doomed not to enter in certain aspect oil salts, plays Overbearing President that set to not think about it. It is estimated that must fall in love over time...... is not right, to work steadily at something little by little. 他正揣度王子衿的心思,这个姐姐有点难追,端庄大方的性格固然好,也注定在某些方面油盐不进,玩霸道总裁那一套想都别想。估计得日久生情......不对,细水长流 The love in the world has many types: Falling in love ; Strikes understandingly ; force oneself upon. Wang Zijin entirely is not, this is a rational miss, must capture her love, it is estimated that only then gathering of point dī dī, successful opening heart. 世上的爱情有很多种:一见钟情;会心一击;霸王硬上弓王子衿统统不是,这是个理性的姑娘,要俘获她的爱情,估计只有点点滴滴的汇聚,水到渠成的交心。 Some cell phone news app 8 : 00 punctual push information, Qin Ze fixed the eyes on every day looks, gawked staring. 手机某新闻app每日八点准时推送资讯,秦泽定睛一看,愣了愣。 «Qin Baobao And Mysterious Men's In the presence of everyone Show Love» 秦宝宝与神秘男子当众秀恩爱》 In view of the fact that this information platform is quite credible, is impossible to present the extremely odd false news, Qin Ze faces, click examination. 鉴于这个资讯平台比较靠谱,不可能出现太过离谱的假新闻,秦泽正视起来,点击查看。 Brief swept an article, was said probably Qin Baobao and mysterious man manner were intimate, took a snapshot in the television station. 简略的扫了眼文章,大概是说秦宝宝和神秘男人举止亲密,在电视台被人抓拍。 Has the chart to have the truth. 有图有真相。 Continues to look downward, in the photo of article, Qin Baobao is pulling an arm of mysterious man, the mysterious man is hugging the Qin Baobao's waist, the Qin Baobao side head, the smiling face is happy. 继续往下看,文章的配图中,秦宝宝挽着一个神秘男子的胳膊,神秘男子搂着秦宝宝的腰,秦宝宝侧头,笑容甜蜜。 These are not the keys, the key is mysterious male motherf**ker is very familiar. 这些都不是关键,关键是神秘男子还tm无比熟悉。 Dammit, this is not I. 妈蛋,这不就是我吗。 When Qin Ze remembers on that day and elder sister left the scene, on that day he was wears the light blue T-shirt, the black slacks. Right, is he. 秦泽想起那天和姐姐离开时的情景,那天他就是穿着浅蓝色t恤,黑色休闲裤。没错,就是他。 When was photographed surreptitiously? Neglected, Qin Baobao calculates C-list celebrity reluctantly, having paparazzi stares is normal. 什么时候被偷拍的?疏忽了,秦宝宝勉强算三线明星,有狗仔盯上是正常。 What looks at?” Wang Zijin puts in the Qin Ze dish the steamed stuffed bun that oneself leftovers, sees him to knit the brows the ponder, curious collects the head. “看什么呢?”王子衿把自己吃剩的包子放到秦泽碟子里,见他皱眉沉思,好奇的把脑袋凑过来。 She and Qin Ze good seems true|really elder sister and younger brother, in the life trivia to wear in gradually, blends gradually. 她和秦泽好似真姐弟,生活细节上渐渐磨合,渐渐交融。 Qin Ze picks in the steamed stuffed bun plug cock, gives her the cell phone. 秦泽夹起包子塞嘴里,把手机递给她。 Wang Zijin looked, corners of the mouth smiling face not steerable spread: Noisy scandal?” 王子衿看了看,嘴角笑容不可控制的蔓延:“闹绯闻啦?” Un.” Qin Ze is drinking the soybean milk, has not cared. “嗯。”秦泽喝着豆浆,没怎么在意。 Qin Ze and Wang Zijin have not felt relieved on, the celebrity noisy scandal is very normal, whose few scandal male ( female ) friend. Some female star are odder, makes a movie to change a scandal boyfriend. 秦泽王子衿都没放心上,明星闹绯闻很正常,谁没几个绯闻男(女)友。有的女星更离谱,拍一部电影换一个绯闻男友。 But, by noon, Qin Ze discovered oneself were wrong. 可是,到了中午,秦泽发现自己错了。 Qin Baobao and mysterious man( Qin Ze) the scandal, gets stronger and stronger. 秦宝宝与神秘男子(秦泽)的绯闻,愈演愈烈。 Major websites, each consultation platform. 各大网站,各个咨询平台。 Heat degree noisy is very high, some net press published the lengthy article. The title is: «Some Qin Baobao's Scandal Boyfriend Doubtful rich second generation» 热度吵的很高,紧接着某网络新闻发表了长篇文章。标题是:《秦宝宝的绯闻男友疑似某富二代 Full text: When yesterday female worker singer Qin Baobao was patted in the television station entrance to with the mysterious men's show love, the Goddess precious flower has main. Qin Baobao is the Star Skills Entertainment affiliated artist, makes a debut for short one month, by several high-quality original songs, and hot stature, the attractive cheek is lucky rapidly. Yesterday after the news exposed, does not know that broke to pieces the hearts of many otaku. Here slightly arranged to say one, the person the guardian was so attractive, having the boyfriend was the normal matter is good. But what slightly arranged to say, online some people disclosed that Qin Baobao's mysterious boyfriend, some doubtful rich second generation. Has a look at others luxury car, zé zé, white, rich, and beautiful with tall, rich, and handsome, is really good combination. Why do in the world beautiful women match tall, rich, and handsome? This makes otaku feel sad.” 全文:“昨天当红女歌手秦宝宝在电视台门口被人拍到与神秘男子秀恩爱,女神名花有主。秦宝宝星艺娱乐旗下的艺人,出道短短一个月,凭借几首精品原创歌曲,以及火辣的身材,漂亮的脸蛋迅速走红。昨天新闻曝光后,不知碎了多少宅男的心。在这里小编要说一句,人家长这么漂亮,有男朋友是正常的事好不好。但小编要说的是,网上又有人爆料,秦宝宝的神秘男友,疑似某富二代。看看人家的豪车,啧啧,白富美高富帅,真是天作之合。为什么天底下的美女都配高富帅?这让宅男们情何以堪呐。” The article seemingly has no place of excessive expression, but the tsukkomi beautiful woman matches tall, rich, and handsome. But Qin Ze felt the deep evil intention. First, by celebrity that face value eats meal, no matter men and women, once blows out existence of lover, popular will receive the tremendous blow. fans are unable to accept the idol to become others' thing, felt that the idol was tarnished, is unchaste, because of liking living to hate, thus the powder transfers black. Such example is everywhere, therefore, many celebrity choose the hidden marriage. 文章看似没什么过分措辞之处,只是吐槽美女配高富帅。但秦泽感受到了深深的恶意。首先,靠颜值吃饭的明星,不管男女,一旦爆出恋人的存在,人气会收到巨大冲击。粉丝们无法接受偶像成为别人的东西,感觉偶像被玷污了,不纯洁了,因爱生恨,从而粉转黑。这样的例子比比皆是,因此,很多明星选择隐婚。 Qin Baobao can the fire, depended , is not only the original song, appearance and stature of her Goddess level. Said that she eats meal by the face is not excessive. 秦宝宝能大火,靠的不单是原创歌曲,还有她女神级的容貌和身材。说她靠脸吃饭并不过分。 In the article is hugging the elder sister's back picture besides Qin Ze, a picture, in chart not elder sister and younger brother two forms, only then a license number hit mosaic bright black Lamborghini to stop in the television station entrance. 文章中除了秦泽搂着姐姐的背影照片之外,还有一张图片,图中并无姐弟俩的身影,只有一辆车牌号打了马赛克的亮黑色兰博基尼停在电视台门口。 The positive evidence, had not shown that this Lamborghini is related with Qin Baobao and Qin Ze, but in the Internet users Keyboard Hero are too many, the custom repeats ideas, according to what/anything is unimportant. 并没有直接证据,证明这辆兰博基尼秦宝宝秦泽有关,但网民中键盘侠太多,习惯人云亦云,根据什么的根本不重要。 damn, the life is so difficult, why must attack to me.” 握草,人生已经如此艰难了,为什么还要给我打击。” My Goddess, you cannot have the boyfriend, cannot by other man .” “我的女神,你不能有男朋友,不能被别的男人。” Damn, Qin Baobao is also a superficial woman. Suddenly did not like her.” “操,秦宝宝也是个肤浅女人。忽然不喜欢她了。” „Becoming famous, accompanies the rich person. The society of this motherf**ker reality.” “出了名,就伴大款。这tm现实的社会。” I am the Qin Baobao's faithful powder, because I thought that her makings are very clean, the person is also attractive, is in my dream the sweetheart. But why, why each women are thinking marries the rich and powerful people to accompany the rich person. Material makes me desperate. I later will not support her.” “我一直是秦宝宝的忠实粉,因为我觉得她气质很干净,人也漂亮,是我的梦中情人。可为什么,为什么每个女人都想着嫁富豪伴大款。物质的让我绝望。我以后都不会支持她了。” Shortly, some entertainment gossip Weibo published lengthy Weibo. 不久后,某娱乐八卦微博发表了长篇微博 Recently very hot grade of variety show «I am a Singer», Star Skills Entertainment rookie Qin Baobao as also this grade of program is successful, short one month, popular presses up to C-list. Recently, some people exposed Qin Baobao and mysterious man come and go out the television station, the manner was intimate, opens million luxury car. Originally behind Goddesssome people. Own Baobao (darling) can be lucky rapidly, what depended is at the program shocks four several original songs, from «Invisible Wings» to 《Blue and White Porcelain》, compares shocking. Originates about the song, is the topic that the general netizens discuss. Industry in also has the quite a lot guess. According to Qin Baobao, the song originates her younger brother. Today, finally reveals the tip of the iceberg. First, we analyze the words that Qin Baobao spoke, from the first period to the fourth issue, in five songs has three high-quality goods, two golden tunes. Quality high scary. Some senior composers said, the inspiration of person is limited, the good song to be difficult to ask is the entire entertainment world common phenomenon. Then a person whether to write so many high quality original music, the answer is the affirmation. Only if these employed dozens years of senior composition talents may accumulate such quantity the work. In other words, a person of nameless, writes three high-quality goods in just one month, two golden tunes, are extremely odd. Next, we analyze the Qin Baobao's status, according to a reliable source, Qin Baobao graduation and sh Fudan university, is not only Goddess, is Study Tyrant. But is not specialized professionally trained, such status wants in the entertainment world rapid over, compared with ascending to heaven also difficultly, only if walks the shortcut( you to understand). ” “最近很火的一档综艺节目《我是歌星》,星艺娱乐的新人秦宝宝也随着这档节目大红大紫,短短一个月,人气直逼三线。近日,有人曝光秦宝宝与神秘男子出入电视台,举止亲密,开百万豪车。原来女神背后“有人”。亲宝宝之所以能迅速走红,靠的是节目上震惊四座的几首原创歌曲,从《隐形的翅膀》到《青花瓷》,一首比一首惊艳。关于歌曲来源,一直是广大网友热议的话题。业内也有颇多猜测。据秦宝宝自己透露,歌曲来源她弟弟。今天,终于显露冰山一角。首先,我们来分析秦宝宝说的话,从第一期到第四期,五首歌里面有三首精品,两首金曲。质量高的吓人。有资深作曲人表示,人的灵感有限,好歌难求是整个娱乐圈普遍现象。那么一个人能否写出这么多高品质原创音乐呢,答案是肯定的。除非是那些从业数十年的资深作曲人才有可能累积出此等数量的作品。换而言之,一个籍籍无名的人,在短短一个月内写出三首精品,两首金曲,太过离谱。其次,我们分析一下秦宝宝的身份,据可靠消息,秦宝宝毕业与sh复旦大学,不但是女神,还是学霸。但不是专业科班出身,这样的身份想在娱乐圈迅速出头,比登天还难,除非走捷径(你们懂的)。” Hence, the plot revealed. 至此,图穷匕见。 The words saying is very clear, Qin Baobao or depends on the body high-rank by the relations. 话说的已经很明白了,秦宝宝靠关系或者说靠身体上位。 On Weibo a piece scolded the sound, the love hate deeply cutting ; Joins in the fun purely ; internet merc that not the well-known opponent hires. 微博上一片骂声,爱之深恨之切的;纯粹凑热闹的;还有不知名对手雇佣的水军 By the body high-rank, this woman is really disgusting.” “靠身体上位,这女人真恶心。” Said that her rookie, how some so many originals, really ** disgusting.” “就说嘛,她一个新人,怎么有那么多原创,真**恶心。” black fungus, green tea bitch.” 黑木耳,绿茶婊。” Others attractively are also the capital, some people are willing to spend to hold her. Bah!” “人家漂亮也是资本,有人愿意花钱捧她。呸!” „To be really many, does the entertainment world have the beautiful woman? Wants the female also almost.” “想真多,娱乐圈有玉女吗?欲女还差不多。” Accompanies the program group leaders also to rest? Accompanied the Star Skills leader also to rest?” “是不是陪节目组领导也睡过去?陪星艺的领导也睡过了?” rich second generation toys.” 富二代的玩物罢了。” Dammit, by rich second generation , auricularia auricula was been daily black.” 妈蛋,天天被富二代,木耳都黑了吧。” One crowd of Keyboard Hero, others have the condition, why does not look for rich second generation, looks for your skirt silk?” Also there is artificial Qin Baobao to speak, but such person draws on to denounce in word and in writing quickly, becomes the target of public criticism. “一群键盘侠,人家有条件,为什么不找富二代,难道找你们这些屌丝嘛?”也有人为秦宝宝说话,但这样的人很快就招来口诛笔伐,成为众矢之的。 She looks for rich second generation not to have the issue, makes us feel disappointed by the body abundant resources at most, why may say that is song that younger brother writes? Isn't concerned about face? The moral behavior is really bad, this is green tea bitch. Disgusting.” “她找个富二代没问题,靠身体博资源顶多让我们觉得失望,可为什么说是弟弟写的歌?要脸不?人品真差,这就是个绿茶婊。恶心。” Qin Baobao's Weibo, wells up the netizens of countless cursing at people. 秦宝宝的微博,也涌来无数骂人的网友。 Cheap person, tumbles out the entertainment world.” “贱人,滚出娱乐圈。” rich second generation big is jj crisp? Daily eats, was happy?” 富二代的大jj爽不爽?天天吃,高兴不高兴?” Wastes me to like you so much, originally looked to accompany the rich person, but why did you deceive people?” “枉费我这么喜欢你,原来找就伴大款了,可你为什么骗人?” In building do not tease, how did you make others say? I have a rich second generation husband, daily eats his jj, therefore my some so many original songs.” “楼上的别逗了,你让人家怎么说?我有一个富二代老公,天天吃他jj,所以我有这么多原创歌。” By selling the woman of meat, why wins my family Xu Lu.” “一个靠卖肉的女人,凭什么赢我家徐璐。” I am come to see lively, big-breasted sister, quick publication feelings.” “我是来看热闹的,大胸妹,快发表感想。” Surrounds.” “围观。” Excited eating melon people.” “一脸兴奋的吃瓜群众。” ............ ............ Quick, the flames of war spread to Qin Ze's Weibo. 很快,战火蔓延到秦泽的微博 hē hē, this is somebody's trumpet.” 呵呵,这是某人的小号吧。” Most envies to have two Weibo's people, collaborate is quite interesting.” “最羡慕有两个微博的人,唱双簧好有意思。” Thinks two Weibo that entertains interact, but also was revealed that I am awkward for Qin Baobao.” “一想到自娱自乐的两个微博互动,还被揭穿了,我都替秦宝宝尴尬。” This woman was too fake, said song that what younger brother wrote. Your younger brother, you look for younger brother.” “这女人太假,说什么弟弟写的歌。你弟弟呢,你把弟弟找出来啊。” Pulls the calf, where has what younger brother, even if there is younger brother, is still is a scapegoat the hero.” “扯犊子,哪有什么弟弟,就算有弟弟,也是个背锅侠。” Final word, tumbles out the entertainment world.” “煞笔,滚出娱乐圈。”
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