MESIS :: Volume #1

#81: smearing ink ( 1 )

On Tuesday, Qin Ze accompanies Qin Baobao to record the program, the record of «Singer» program group, is quite interesting. The singers on Monday to Thursdays, choose the time rehearsal, the so-called rehearsal, is the singer and orchestra coordination practices, the detail and issue in wearing in music. Thursday records the program, on Friday broadcast. 星期二,秦泽秦宝宝去录制节目,《歌星》节目组的录制,比较有意思。歌手在星期一到星期四之间,自行选择时间排练,所谓排练,是歌手和乐队配合练习,磨合音乐中的细节、问题。周四录制节目,周五播出。 Qin Baobao and program group time approximately on Tuesday. 秦宝宝和节目组约的时间在周二。 In the manager Li Yanhong family/home has the matter, cannot withdraw the body, elder sister while this opportunity, draws Qin Ze to see the world. 经纪人李艳红家里有事,脱不开身,姐姐趁这机会,拉秦泽过来见见世面。 Qin Ze is not willing to go to the television station, but Qin Baobao forces he to go. 秦泽不太愿意去电视台,但秦宝宝生拉硬拽着他去。 For these days, Qin Baobao and younger brother fight a cold war, thought that younger brother the hunger and thirst to without medicine may rescue the situation, originally planned at least to pay no attention to his one week, but considering that wanted on " I am a Singer » stage walks, must have takes advantage of him. Therefore Qin Baobao is not at home while Wang Zijin, closes family meeting, said accurately interrogates the meeting, scolded Qin Ze one hour. In view of the fact that the Qin Ze admitting mistakes attitude is good, Qin Baobao forgave him. 这几天,秦宝宝弟弟打冷战,觉得弟弟已经饥渴到无药可救地步,本来打算至少不理他一个星期,但考虑到想要在《我是歌星》舞台走下去,少不得依仗他。于是秦宝宝王子衿不在家,关起门来开了一场家庭会议,准确说是批斗会,足足骂了秦泽一个小时。鉴于秦泽认错态度良好,秦宝宝就原谅他了。 Dragon TV. 东方卫视。 Rehearsal location. 排练场地。 Qin Ze by the Star Skills Entertainment trainee status, enters the television station building with strength rookie Qin Baobao. 秦泽星艺娱乐实习生的身份,跟着实力新人秦宝宝进入电视台大楼。 Receives the Qin Baobao's staff to arrange her in a lounge, light and bright. 接待秦宝宝的工作人员把她安排在一间休息室,宽敞明亮。 Teacher Qin, you wait a bit, unfortunately, Teacher Li is really rehearsing, a waited time possible association president point.” The staff said, hastily leaves. 秦老师,您稍等,真不巧,李老师在排练,等的时间可能会长一点。”工作人员说完,匆匆离开。 The previous issue of eliminating singer, once the fire spread big Jiangnan northern Hong Jingyao, the old seniors were old, with him together in Resurrection Match, respectively was Li Rongxing and Liu Xuegang. Li Rongxing is the red male singer, charming, has the art or technique of singing, Liu Xuegang does not raise, is just rising. With these two PK, whom he does not eliminate to eliminate. 上一期淘汰的歌手,是曾经火遍大江南北的洪敬尧,老前辈到底是老了,和他一起在复活赛的,分别是李荣兴刘学刚李荣兴是当红男歌手,帅气、有唱功,刘学刚不提,正如日中天。与这两位pk,他不淘汰谁淘汰。 So-called enemies often cross each other's path, after several minutes, the staff get an honored guest to come in Xu Lu! 所谓冤家路窄,几分钟后,工作人员又领着一个嘉宾进来徐璐 The staff said with a smile: Today this wind blows, blew here to come your several.” 工作人员笑道:“今天这风刮的,把您几位都刮这儿来了。” Xu Lu wears the pale blue one-piece dress, the makeup accommodates fine, 30 years old woman, graceful bearing and makings in the peak of life. 徐璐穿淡蓝色连衣裙,妆容精致,三十岁的女人,风韵、气质都在人生的巅峰。 Qin Baobao sits well the sofa, the vision and Xu Lu sharp look collision, void as if have in spark. 秦宝宝端坐沙发,目光与徐璐锐利的眼神碰撞,虚空中仿佛有噼里啦的火花。 Xu Lu despised Qin Baobao, 徐璐是恨透了秦宝宝, Qin Ze to this Star Skills signboard, A-list female star, has not hated the feeling temporarily, instead has a relish to size up, he is common to the entertainment world sense, does not pursue star, celebrity before him, at most is novel, must say that is excited and excited, that is the least bit does not have. 秦泽对这位星艺招牌,一线女星,暂时没有仇恨感,反而饶有兴致打量起来,他对娱乐圈感官一般,不追星,明星在他面前,顶多新奇一下,要说兴奋和激动,那是半点没有。 The staff for the middle-aged uncle, accompanied were chatting a meeting with two great beauties, Qin Ze knows that originally he was program group deputy film director. 工作人员是为中年大叔,陪着与两位大美人聊了一会,秦泽才知道原来他是节目组副导演 Talked several, deputy film director sets out to say goodbye: You chatted, was the Star Skills people, always did not need me to warm the field.” 交谈几句,副导演起身告辞:“你们聊,都是星艺的人,总不用我暖场了吧。” He also has the matter not to complete on hand. 他手头还有事没做完。 Right now, the lounge remains Xu Lu and her manager, Qin Ze elder sister and younger brother two. 这下子,休息室就剩徐璐和她的经纪人,秦泽姐弟俩。 The Xu Lu vision saunters in Qin Ze and Qin Baobao body, sizes up Qin Ze with emphasis, the previous this boy amazes the world with a single brilliant feat, from exposing status, she is very curious. 徐璐目光在秦泽秦宝宝身上转悠,重点打量秦泽,上次这小子一鸣惊人,自曝身份,她很好奇。 Qin Baobao sits well properly, unemotional, the interest of also not having spoken. She is still mad Qin Ze's, the limbs contact, Qin Baobao is indifferent, but the mentality is straight, such as the previous that dreadful behavior, cannot forgive absolutely lightly. As for Xu Lu, is disinclined to pay attention. 秦宝宝正经端坐,面无表情,也没说话的兴趣。她还在生秦泽的气呢,肢体接触,秦宝宝是无所谓的,但心态要端正,如上次那种猥琐的行为,绝对不能轻饶。至于徐璐,更懒得理会。 Long time does not have the words. 半晌无话。 A half hour, deputy film director comes, said that Teacher Li rehearsed. 半个小时,副导演进来,说李老师排练好了。 Xu Lu stands up, said: I have the circular later, I first rehearse.” 徐璐站起身,道:“我待会有通告,我先排练。” deputy film director looked at Qin Baobao, sees her not to speak, nods: Good, I make the orchestra prepare, Teacher Xu you come together.” 副导演看了看秦宝宝,见她没说话,点点头:“好,我让乐队准备一下,徐老师您一起来吧。” The people go out. 众人出门。 The Qin Ze poke poke elder sister's small waist, said: Didn't speak? Not like your character.” 秦泽捅捅姐姐的小腰,道:“不说话?不像你的性格啊。” Tone that Qin Baobao horizontal younger brother, the pent-up anger had not disappeared: Xu Lu is digs a pit I to jump, everyone is Star Skills, she is a senior, I am an rookie, I want to fight with her, does not respect the senior, is domineering, is the inflation, believes that so long as I opposed, her would-be son is noisy the matter, holds in the network, tarnishes my reputation.” 秦宝宝横了弟弟一眼,余怒未消的口吻道:“徐璐是挖坑等我跳呢,大家都是星艺的,她是前辈,我是新人,我要跟她争,就是不尊重前辈,是跋扈,是膨胀,信不信只要我反对,她一准儿把事情闹大,捅到网络上,败坏我的名声。” Qin Ze suddenly: Is routine.” 秦泽恍然:“都是套路啊。” Work place routine he does not understand, is good is freely feeble-minded because of the elder sister life, but the IQ high energy, is insufficient stupidly under the sheath by the person. 职场套路他不懂,好在姐姐尽管生活低能,但智商高能,不至于傻兮兮被人下套子。 „It is not,” Qin Baobao laughs: You, too young, too simple.” “可不是,”秦宝宝嗤笑:“你呀,图样图森破。” „Is is, right that the elder sister you said that I have must from the place that you learn.” Qin Ze seizes the opportunity to flatter. “是是是,姐你说的对,我还有很多要向你学习的地方。”秦泽逮住机会就拍马屁。 The tacit understanding that he and Qin Baobao is together, Qin Ze was angry, Qin Baobao acting like a spoiled and cute brat asked to forgive. elder sister was angry, Qin Ze is flattery to ask to forgive. 他和秦宝宝相处的默契,秦泽生气了,秦宝宝撒娇卖萌求原谅。姐姐生气了,秦泽溜须拍马求原谅。 Qin Baobao rolls the eyes. 秦宝宝翻白眼。 Crossed for one -and-a-half hours, Xu Lu rehearsed to finish finally, this time Qin Ze and Qin Baobao, waited incomparable anxious. Qin Ze from the beginning, but also the ability the temper is looking at the bulk lots, stops the stock bullish, immersion with great interest in stock market, after three closing, waited for a half hour, he was also anxious. 过了一个半小时,徐璐总算排练结束,此时的秦泽秦宝宝,等的无比焦虑。秦泽一开始,还能耐着性子看大盘,看涨停股,津津有味的沉浸在股市,三点收盘之后,又等了半个多小时,他也焦躁起来了。 Narrow-minded and seeks revenge for the slightest grievance by Xu Lu's, obviously is intentionally. 徐璐的小心眼和睚眦必报,显然是故意的。 Qin Baobao clenches jaws. 秦宝宝咬牙切齿。 deputy film director sends the staff to come to invite the person, Qin Baobao and Qin Ze across the corridor, seven turn eight to turn, arrive at stage. 副导演派工作人员进来请人,秦宝宝秦泽穿过走廊,七拐八拐,来到舞台现场。 Xu Lu curls upwards the leg to sit on the chair, leisurely. 徐璐翘着腿坐在椅子上,优哉游哉。 On the stage, several teacher of orchestra a little are dispiritedly listless. Practices the tune consecutive several hours, being exhausted. 台上,乐队的几个老师有点蔫儿不振。连续几个小时的练曲,给累坏了。 deputy film director gestures toward them. 副导演朝他们打手势。 „.” “还有一个啊。” Omg.” “omg。” „It is not good, I must rest.” “不行了,我要休息。” Makes her come another day again, film director, without directs the person.” “让她改天再来吧,导演,没这么使唤人的啊。” The people of orchestra complain. 乐队的人怨声载道。 The Qin Baobao attractive cheek is somewhat resentful however, is very awkward, orchestra teacher is obviously conflicting her. The resentment is grave, like the staff who staying up late to work overtime, finally the extrication goes home to sleep, finally boss in out of the door, said: Everyone tries harder, went to this day shift...... 秦宝宝漂亮的脸蛋有些悻悻然,特别尴尬,乐队老师明显在抵触她。怨气深重,就像熬夜加班的员工,终于解脱回家睡觉,结果老板堵在门外,说:大家加把劲,把这个白班也上了...... Xu Lu in one side schadenfreude, she is intentionally, these orchestra teacher, do not dare to get angry to her, but a Qin Baobao rookie, they do not need scruples. 徐璐在一旁幸灾乐祸,她就是故意的,这几个乐队老师,不敢冲她发火,但秦宝宝一个新人,他们可不需要顾忌。 Qin Baobao takes out the collection of music scores that Qin Ze writes, gives teacher of orchestra: Troubled several teacher.” 秦宝宝取出秦泽写好的曲谱,递给乐队的老师:“麻烦几位老师了。” Tender dī dī great beauty warm word soft and gentle words, cancel glancing of person also to glitter the hope and guilt, the orchestra teams leader were at that time tenderhearted. 一个娇滴滴的大美人温言软语,勾人的眼波还闪烁着希冀和愧疚,乐队队长当时就心软了。 The helpless receiving collection of music scores, swept one at will, immediately was surprised. This collection of music scores is very complete, not only there is a score, the spectrum also did well, they want according to the spectrum accompaniments of different musical instrument on ok. 无奈的接过曲谱,随意扫了一眼,顿时惊讶了。这份曲谱很完整,不但有总谱,分谱也弄好了,他们只要按照不同乐器的分谱伴奏就ok。 He starts to read the collection of music scores, as the senior musician, he does not need to play, reads the collection of music scores, can play at heart the music. 他开始读曲谱,身为资深音乐人,他不需要弹奏,看着曲谱,心里就能把音乐弹奏出来。 This looked, he falls into immediately, is inescapably involved. 这一看,他顿时陷入其中,不能自拔。 Team leader?” “队长?” „Did team leader you fall asleep?” “队长你睡着了?” „The being in a daze team leader, do not hurry to start, earlier finishes the rest.” “别发呆队长,赶紧开始呗,早点完工休息。” The others of orchestra see him for a very long time silent, urged. 乐队的其余人见他久久无声,不禁催促起来。 Do not quarrel.” The team leader turns head to shout angrily , to continue to look at the tune earnestly. “别吵。”队长扭头怒喝一声,继续埋头看曲。 Uh...... ...... Orchestra several people gawked staring, look at each other in blank dismay. 乐队几人都愣了愣,面面相觑。 Long time, the team leader raised the head, excited looks to Qin Baobao: Is the original?” 半晌,队长抬起头,激动的看向秦宝宝:“又是原创?” The Qin Baobao heart said, my which time is not the original, your excited what/anything vigor. 秦宝宝心说,我哪次不是原创,你激动什么劲儿。 The team leader hi, said: Good tune, is the song that which master arranges, the talent, the talent.” 队长嗨了,一个劲儿的说:“好曲啊,到底是哪位大师编的曲子,天才,天才。” Two deputy film director, Xu Lu and Qin Baobao simultaneously on the scene looks at Qin Ze. 在场的两个副导演徐璐秦宝宝齐齐把目光转向秦泽 teacher of orchestra hurries to circulate for perusal, after dozen minutes, people face glowing with health, the mood especially is unexpectedly stimulated. 乐队的老师赶紧传阅,十几分钟后,众人容光焕发,情绪竟格外亢奋。 Xu Lu at heart immediately one cold. 徐璐心里顿时一凛。 deputy film director claps, urged: Hurries.” 副导演拍拍手,催促道:“赶紧吧。” He collected to take a look at several, but was not the professional, the note in his eyes was dishonest talk. At this time, how wants to listen to the Qin Baobao's original new song quality. Not is only he, the staff on the scene also came the interest, the Qin Baobao product, must be the high-quality goods. 他凑过去瞅了几眼,但不是专业人士,音符在他眼里就是鬼画符。此时,很想听听秦宝宝的原创新曲质量如何。不单是他,在场的工作人员也不禁来了兴趣,秦宝宝出品,必属精品。 piano, guitar and bamboo flute ....... several types of musical instruments resound together. 钢琴、吉他、笛子.......几种乐器一起响起。 Dubbing in music resounds, the people stare. 配乐响起,众人都是一愣。 Qin Baobao grips tightly the microphone, opens by the affectionate singing voice sings. 秦宝宝紧握麦克风,以深情的歌喉开唱。 This song...... 这歌...... The deputy film director complexion changed. 副导演脸色变了。 The staff complexion on the scene also changed. 在场的工作人员脸色也变了。 Xu Lu is the complexion big change. 徐璐更是脸色大变。 Two deputy film director will look at Xu Lu as if by prior agreement, pities, ponders, has the sigh, has excitedly...... 两个副导演不约而同将目光投向徐璐,有怜悯,有玩味,有叹息,有兴奋...... Xu Lu and Qin Baobao disagreement/not with, they know. 徐璐秦宝宝不和,他们是知道的。 When Xu Lu goes out of the television station, the complexion is pale. 徐璐走出电视台时,脸色还是铁青的。 manager attentive opens the gate of nanny van to her, she has not actually boarded, settles down same place, turns head saying: If I and Qin Baobao PK, you do feel somewhat the odds of success?” 经纪人殷勤的给她拉开保姆车的门,她却没有上车,驻足原地,扭头道:“如果我和秦宝宝pk,你觉得有几分胜算?” Xu Lu felt that the pressure, cannot use the company strength under the premise, she cannot suppress Qin Baobao. 徐璐感觉到了压力,再不能动用公司力量的前提下,她根本压不住秦宝宝 A odds of success does not have. The previous issue did not plant in her hand. 一份胜算都没有。上一期不就栽在她手上了吗。 manager does not dare to speak mind, is perfunctory saying: Sister Xu, you are A-list big success, popular are not Qin Baobao may compare, winning her is easy, in do not have a mind to bear, will affect to display.” 经纪人不敢说心里话,敷衍道:“徐姐,你是一线大咖,人气不是秦宝宝可比,赢她是轻而易举,您不要有心里负担,会影响发挥。” Xu Lu is disgruntled: Even you also feign ignorance with me!” 徐璐不悦道:“连你也跟我打马虎眼!” manager is sighing at heart, how ratio? Completely having no way ratio! Once Qin Baobao that song comes out, gets a light from another light certainly, the fire is especially hot. As soon as the audience listen to the song that two people sang, only if were the Xu Lu's hardcore powder, otherwise no one will cast the ticket to her. The issue is, A-list celebrity Xu Lu, fans and black powder 55 open. 经纪人在心里叹气,怎么比?完全没法比!秦宝宝那首歌一旦出来,绝对火,大火特火。观众一听两人唱的歌,除非是徐璐的铁杆粉,否则没人会把票投给她。问题是,一线明星徐璐,粉丝和黑粉五五开。 Xu Lu clenches jaws: Why my side does not have such musician.” 徐璐咬牙切齿:“我身边为什么就没有这样的音乐人。” manager offers the stupid idea: Or we return to a television station, must come composing of that song, said that the song is company, company must go back now.” 经纪人出馊主意:“要不我们回趟电视台,把那首歌的谱曲要过来,就说歌是公司的,公司现在要回去了。” Her meaning is very obvious, seizes by force. 她的意思很明显,强取豪夺。 Xu Lu said wickedly: Copyright, how the song copyright do you solve? This reason deceives the television station, you have not known the truth. Then the court summon, do you go to me to go?” 徐璐恶狠狠道:“版权呢,歌曲版权你怎么解决?这理由骗电视台可以,你难道还不知道真相。回头法院传票,你去还是我去?” The manager complexion is resentful, supported was saying: „A Qin Baobao rookie, only if she does not want to mix, this is unable to speak out about one's grievances she not to eat must eat.” 经纪人脸色悻悻,强撑着说:“秦宝宝一个新人,除非她不想混了,这个哑巴亏她不吃也得吃。” Xu Lu eyes shined, shakes the head at once, said disappointedly: Chief Huang recognizes her very much, the choice supports her mostly. Once public opinion noisy big, perhaps company under the public opinion pressure, gave to block me.” 徐璐眼睛一亮,旋即摇头,失望道:“黄总很赏识她,多半选择支持她。舆论一旦闹大,公司迫于舆论压力,没准就把我给封杀了。” So long as Qin Baobao reveals the copyright card, the public opinion definitely is lopsided, then the company public relations must take the measure, recalls the image best way, naturally is processing chief criminal. If Qin Baobao does not have the backer not to have the background, perhaps she really compromised, but Chief Huang regards as important the Qin Baobao's matter, the company high level knows. 只要秦宝宝一亮出版权证,舆论肯定是一面倒,那么公司公关就得采取措施,挽回形象最好的办法,当然是处理“罪魁祸首”。倘若秦宝宝没靠山没背景,她也许真就妥协了,可黄总看重秦宝宝的事,公司高层都知道。 At this time, Qin Baobao and Qin Ze hand in hand. 这时,秦宝宝秦泽联袂而出。 The song rehearsed two, the people of television station praised, Qin Baobao was very happy, complying made younger brother hug own small waist. 歌曲排练两遍就过了,电视台的人赞美有加,秦宝宝心情很不错,答应让弟弟搂自己的小腰了。 In the Xu Lu heart moved, pulls out the cell phone to take a snapshot this. 徐璐心中一动,掏出手机抓拍了这一幕。 The picture was Qin Ze hugs the back that elder sister is going far away, Qin Baobao turns head to say what/anything with a face all smiles, sweet smiling face in high-definition camera clear. 照片是秦泽搂着姐姐远去的背影,秦宝宝扭头笑容满面的说着什么,甜甜的笑容在高清摄像头里一清二楚。 Afterward, Xu Lu opens a sound recording, the Qin Baobao's singing sound spreads from the loudspeaker, this is she steals the record. Is the scene is a little probably noisy, from somewhat is also far, the Qin Baobao's sound distorts slightly. 随后,徐璐又打开一份录音,秦宝宝的歌声从扩音器中传出,这是她偷录的。大概是现场有点吵,距离又有些远,秦宝宝的声音略微失真。 Sister Xu?” The assistant guesses correctly her thoughts faintly. 徐姐?”助理心里隐隐猜到她的心思。 You passed to the picture and sound recording online, how to do does not need me to hand over you?” Xu Lu through Bluetooth, transmits the sound recording and picture to the assistant. “你把刚才的照片和录音传到网上,怎么做不需要我交你吧?”徐璐通过蓝牙,把录音和照片传输给助理。 She looks that Qin Baobao's little red BMW drives out of the television station, goes far away rapidly, corners of the mouth smiling face gloomy and cold. 她看着秦宝宝的小红马驶出电视台,飞速远去,嘴角笑容阴冷。 Defeats an opponent, the best method draws her to and same level line, then defeats with the strength. 打败一个对手,最好的方法就是把她拉到和自己同一水平线,然后用自身优势战胜。 My negative report is many, I am truly controversial, this I am unable to change. 我负面新闻是很多,我确实备受争议,这点我无法改变。 But, I want smearing ink you, similarly some are the means. 但,我要抹黑你,同样有的是办法。
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