MESIS :: Volume #1

#80: Also sees damned animal quest

Koi vividly in Wandi of color white cyanine.” “色白花青的锦鲤跃然于碗底。” „When tracing Song typeface inscription is actually keeping thinking about you.” “临摹宋体落款时却惦记着你。” You hide in the kilning millenniums the secrets.” “你隐藏在窑烧里千年的秘密。” Just likes the embroidery needle to fall to the ground extremely exquisitely.” “极细腻犹如绣花针落地。” Outside curtain the Japanese banana annoys the sudden downpour knocker to annoy the verdigris.” “帘外芭蕉惹骤雨门环惹铜绿。” However I passed by that Jiangnan small town to annoy you.” “而我路过那江南小镇惹了你。” In splashing ink landscape painting.” “在泼墨山水画里。” You hidden went from the black deep place.” “你从墨色深处被隐去。” ............ ............ Weibo was static, no indication was static, has not really thought fearless Keyboard Hero also has the silent time. 微博静了,毫无征兆的静了,真没想到“天不怕地不怕”的键盘侠也有沉默的时候。 Sang to the song. The silent barrage gets back one's composure finally, then exploded. 一直到歌曲唱完。静默的弹幕终于回神,然后炸了。 Qin Ze and two elder sister, saw was brushed the screen again by the barrage the phenomenon, in the white captions is mixing blue, red, purple and other color captions, program covering. 秦泽和两个姐姐,再次见到被弹幕刷屏的现象,白色字幕中混合着蓝、红、紫等多种颜色的字幕,把节目给覆盖了。 your mother, a song almost sang the high tide me.” 尼玛,一首歌差点把我唱高潮了。” fuck me!” 卧槽啊!” Blue and White Porcelain? Ancient customs song? Original?” 青花瓷?古风歌?原创?” Original, sees the original. your mother, singing cried me.” “原创,又见原创。尼玛,把我给唱哭了。” Quite is at heart uncomfortable, Dammit, the most repugnant this song, unreasonable dragged into the sad low-spirited atmosphere you.” “心里好难受,妈蛋,最讨厌这种歌了,不讲道理的把你拉入悲伤黯然气氛。” Other bì bì, making me taste for three minutes.” “都别哔哔,让我回味三分钟。” Fierce my big-breasted sister, this time I am not black.” “厉害了我的大胸妹,这次我不黑了。” This song real god, who said that Qin Baobao must be eliminated, my first refuses to accept.” “这歌真的神了,谁说秦宝宝要被淘汰,我第一个不服。” Face is swollen, good pain.” “脸肿了,好痛。” big-breasted sister do not cry, elder brother feeds you to eat the big sausage.” 大胸妹别哭,哥哥喂你吃大香肠。” This word had the ideal condition, Jiangnan water town, the drizzle base, the long green slat road wound in the riverside small town, is describing Blue and White Porcelain of peony, puts on the Jiangnan female who the attendant took...... is not unconscious to reappear this picture.” “这词太有意境了,江南水乡,细雨靡靡,长长的青石板路蜿蜒在河边小镇,描绘着牡丹的青花瓷器,穿着仕女服的江南女子......不自觉就浮现出这种画面。” I loved this woman, black fungus I also wanted.” “我爱死这个女人了,黑木耳我也要。” Qin Ze sees here exactly, could not bear, smiles. 秦泽恰好看到这里,没忍住,噗一声笑出来。 Qin Baobao was angry, the death of being relentless pinched the Qin Ze arm, Qin Ze hides, Qin Baobao was unforgiving. 秦宝宝恼怒极了,毫不留情的死掐秦泽胳膊,秦泽就躲,秦宝宝不依不饶。 Sister Zijin, looks in your face, looked that I do not repair Qin Baobao...... Qin Ze not to forget to draw in Wang Zijin ruthlessly to play together, kid around turn the head, fierce stares, sees only Wang Zijin to look at the computer crazily, the pure white oval face, the tear stains proliferate. 子衿姐,要不是看在你面子上,看我不狠狠修理秦宝宝......”秦泽不忘拉上王子衿一起玩,嬉闹中转过头来,猛的一愣,只见王子衿痴痴望着电脑,素白的鹅蛋脸,泪痕遍布。 Sister Zijin?” Qin Ze and elder sister look at each other one, said in a soft voice. 子衿姐?”秦泽姐姐对视一眼,柔声道 Wang Zijin wipes the tears flurriedly, does intentionally with ease, said with a smile: No, this song was too of pleasant to hear, a little feelings.” 王子衿慌乱抹去泪水,故作轻松,笑道:“没什么,这首歌太好听了,有点感触。” Qin Ze saw elder sister to say with shape of the mouth towards oneself on the quiet: female hipster!” 秦泽看见姐姐悄悄用口型朝自己说:“女文青!” Right, Wang Zijin is female hipster of Peking University Chinese Language department. 对哦,王子衿是北大中文系的女文青 hipster is a sickness, especially female hipster is the terminally-ill patient. They are sentimental, their thoughts are exquisite, they are very easy to substitute in all kinds of sad plots, one second enters the play. If you on the street discovered that some younger sister no cause nor reason yīng yīng sob, was lovelorn either, either hipster sickness suspect. 文青是种病啊,尤其女文青是病入膏肓患者。她们多愁善感,她们心思细腻,她们很容易代入到各种各样的悲伤剧情里,一秒入戏。如果你在马路上发现某个妹子无缘无故嘤嘤哭泣,要么失恋了,要么文青病犯了。 In order to alleviate the Wang Zijin's hipster sickness, Qin Ze quick-witted shift topic: Qin Baobao, your art or technique of singing is a little slight defect.” 为了缓解王子衿的文青病,秦泽机智的转移话题:“秦宝宝,你的唱功还是有点瑕疵的。” Qin Baobao is crooked the head, a face I thought that your opens mouth how to open smallpox the expression. 秦宝宝歪着脑袋,一脸“我看你这张嘴如何开天花”的表情。 First, your vital capacity is very good, this becomes the foundation of outstanding singer. Next, your method to singing, no matter breath or air change rhythm, such as fire innocent. But what I must say, your song, is apathetic. With this Blue and White Porcelain, the sentimental investment had, but is not very intense. tall Diyin transforms, you are really transforming the high bass, the sentiment change are not big. When bass, you should integrate the sad low-spirited sentiment. When treble, the sentiment does not reduce instead increases, but you absolutely do not have, you look like a crow that falls from the sky.” “首先,你的肺活量很好,这是成为出色歌手的基础。其次,你对唱歌的方法,不管是呼吸还是换气节奏,都如火纯情。但我要说的是,你的歌,缺乏感情。就拿这首青花瓷来说,感情投入有了,但不够强烈。高低音转换的时候,你真的只是在转换高低音,感情变化却不大。低音时,你应该把悲伤黯然的感情融入进去。高音时,感情不减反增,可你完全没有,你像一只从天空掉落的乌鸦。” What do you mean?” Qin Baobao blinks the attractive pupil. “什么意思?”秦宝宝眨巴眨巴漂亮眸子。 Uniform speed straight line.” The Qin Ze lesson said: True Soul Singer, first touches itself, then impresses the audience. You light/only touch yourself, impressing the audience is insufficient, you should sing everyone to sob sadly, that accomplishes a lot.” “匀速直线啊。”秦泽教训道:“真正的灵魂歌手,首先打动自己,然后打动观众。你光打动自己,打动观众却不足,你应该唱到所有人都悲伤哭泣,那才功德圆满。” elder sister curls the lip, has not sung everyone cries, is really unfair to oh. 姐姐撇撇嘴,“没把所有人唱哭,真是对不起哦。 Today is on Friday, has not accompanied Qin Ze to hit elder sister of game for a long time, suddenly the conscience found, thought this time really treated coldly single dog younger brother, therefore proposed that must hit one with Qin Ze. But present Qin Ze, was not that hit the roaming to play jokes upon the fading young of forum early initially. During the daytime makes tutor, to look that the plate, pays attention to elder sister's popular to change, really does not have time to immerse in the game. When free time, he is willing to do everything to please with Wang Zijin, looked that can pursue this elder sister. 今天是周五,好久没陪秦泽打游戏的姐姐,忽然良心发现,觉得这段时间委实冷落了单身狗弟弟,于是提出要和秦泽打一盘。可如今的秦泽,早不是当初那个打游戏耍论坛的衰仔。白天做家教、看盘、关注姐姐的人气变化,委实没时间沉浸在游戏里。空闲之时,他更愿意跟王子衿献殷勤,看能不能把这位姐姐追到手。 Because everyone lives in the together reason, Qin Ze instead flings the sugar-coated bullet embarrassed, you think, disgusting the words throw, cannot obtain to respond, then sits in the living room is dumbfounded? That can not die of the awkward cancer. 因为大家都住一起的缘故,秦泽反而不好意思甩糖衣炮弹,你想想,肉麻兮兮的话抛出去,得不到回应,然后坐在客厅里大眼瞪小眼?那不得死于尴尬癌啊。 Therefore the distance produces beautiful, I fling the sugar-coated bullet, cannot obtain to respond, doesn't matter, the racket butt leaves, deeply hides with, next day meets again whets again. 所以说距离产生美,我甩完糖衣炮弹,得不到回应,没关系,拍拍屁股走人,深藏身与名,第二天再接再砺。 The being together way is different, pursues the way also to make the corresponding change. 相处方式不同,追求方式也要做相应改变。 Qin Ze used the plan that fell in love over time, the day day, did not have other meaning. 秦泽采取日久生情的计划,日子的日,没有别的意思。 Night, Wang Zijin takes a bath. 夜深了,王子衿洗澡。 Qin Baobao makes the simple bracing movement in the living room, bends down to touch the tip of the toe, the cowboy shorts are wrapping the buttocks is even more perfectly round, likely thoroughly ripe honey peach. 秦宝宝在客厅做简单的拉筋动作,俯身去摸脚尖,牛仔短裤包裹着的臀部愈发浑圆,像熟透的水蜜桃。 Qin Ze by the lying down sofa, appreciates elder sister to float the raised figure exquisite, will give free reign to the imagination while convenient one next in the future. 秦泽靠躺沙发,欣赏姐姐玲珑浮凸的身段,顺便畅想一下未来。 Unfortunately, ding one, system issues new quest: Strokes Qin Baobao's butt, success reward 90 selects points, the failure deducts corresponding points.” 好死不死,叮一声,系统发布新任务:“抚摸秦宝宝的屁股,成功奖励九十积分,失败扣除相应积分。” For a long time does not see, damned animal quest...... 好久不见,鬼畜任务...... Moral integrity thing, the person does not have, system also not necessarily has. 节操这东西,人没有,系统也不见得有。 If ascends the sky again to me an opportunity, I will turn the head to return to the room to sleep, does not appreciate the Qin Baobao's stature...... 如果上天再给我一次机会,我会转头回屋睡觉,绝不欣赏秦宝宝的身材...... The Qin Ze brain is a trough. 秦泽满脑子都是槽。 Previous damned animal quest, sleeps while Qin Baobao time, kisses her lip. 上一次的鬼畜任务,是趁着秦宝宝睡觉,亲吻她的唇。 Sees Qin Baobao selfish bracing, Qin Ze pretends to look at scenery in all directions, while approaches elder sister, then touched her butt rapidly, has not responded while elder sister, murmured: Gets out of the way, do not obstruct the road.” 秦宝宝自顾自的拉筋,秦泽一边假装看四处的风景,一边靠近姐姐,然后迅速摸了她屁股一下,趁姐姐没反应过来,囔囔道:“走开走开,别挡道。” Snort!” Qin Baobao was really attracted to pay attention, to him tender snort/hum, moves out of the way several steps. Continues her bracing movement. “哼!”秦宝宝果然被吸引注意,冲他娇哼一声,挪开几步。继续她的拉筋运动。 Qin Ze is filled with the favorite sofa then, selects system interface to look, quest demonstrated: Has not completed! 秦泽满心得意的回头沙发,点开系统界面一看,任务显示:未完成! The smiling face is stiff immediately. 笑容顿时僵硬。 Also can play happily, how you want. 还能不能愉快玩耍了,你想怎样。 Qin Ze wants to open the brain to punch system, what considering that injured is he. Ok. 秦泽很想打开脑子揍系统一顿,考虑到受伤的是他。还是算了。 Touching elder sister butt is not difficult, Qin Ze has to hit her butt. But system will not play the word game with you obviously, summarizes experience, hits butt not to trace butt, elder sister can endure by him is hit butt, touching butt is another significance. Hitting butt can understand that educates elder sister, touches butt what's the matter, molest? Qin Baobao estimated that must go all out with him. 触碰姐姐屁股不难,秦泽不是没打过她屁股。但系统显然不会和你玩文字游戏,总结经验,打屁股不是摸屁股,姐姐可以忍受被他打屁股,摸屁股又是另一层意义。打屁股可以理解成教育姐姐,摸屁股是怎么回事,猥亵吗?秦宝宝估计要跟他拼命。 Simple touches does not calculate that touches butt? Can to of television performance, the whole face write me to sexually harass you such to touch butt? 简单的触碰不算摸屁股?一定要向电视上演的那样,满脸写着“我在调戏你”那样摸屁股 Qin Ze results in the fact of acknowledgment at heart desire, he looks at the elder sister buttocks perfect back a moment ago, the idea slightly were many. 秦泽得承认心里欲求的事实,他刚才看着姐姐臀型完美的背影,想法稍稍多了点。 Qin Ze expressed firmly oneself are only pure miraculous glow one presently. 秦泽坚决表示自己只是单纯的“灵光一现”。 Then the issue came, is touches or does not trace. 那么问题来了,是摸还是不摸呢。 Qin Ze opens system interface, sees own surplus points: 205! 秦泽打开系统界面,一眼就看到自己的剩余积分:205! This was counted obtained 90 points in Pei Nanman invisibly acting cool on that day. 这还是算上那天在裴南曼无形装逼获得90点。 The receiving in exchange guqin advanced proficient skill, spends 150 points, the current points point, most makes him exchange a advanced skill again, he will face the finance to dry up. 换取古琴高级精通技能,花费150点,目前的积分点,最多再让他兑换一种高级技能,他就会面临财政枯竭。 But «Singer» program the fourth issue, if in midway comes several accidents again, he not necessarily has enough points to deal with the condition. 而《歌星》节目才第四期,中途若再来几次变故,他未必有足够的积分应付状况。 Therefore this quest cannot give up absolutely. 因此这个任务绝对不能放弃。 Then the issue came, how touches elder sister butt? 那么问题又来了,怎么样神不知鬼不觉的摸姐姐屁股呢? A little is difficult...... 神不知鬼不觉有点困难...... Looked that the grey machine...... then touches rapidly. It is not good, only if elder sister does not have the sense of touch, otherwise the extraterrestrial flying saucer came even, could not conceal to be traced the butt fact by younger brother. 看灰机......然后迅速摸一下。不行不行,除非姐姐没触觉,否则就算外星飞碟来了,也掩饰不了被弟弟屁股的事实。 Moreover had also tried a moment ago, invalid. 而且刚才也试过了,行不通。 The young girls, I thought that you are born charming, especially the side-bone is surprised, whether to let in tell fortunes by phrenology weighing? 少女,我看你天生丽质一表人才,尤其臀骨惊奇,可否让在下来摸骨称量一番? This is not good, the palm of the hand suddenly comes. 这个也不行,巴掌说来就来。 Suddenly, Qin Ze gets a sudden inspiration, remembers the online piece. Immediately had the idea. 忽然,秦泽灵机一动,想起网上一个段子。顿时有了主意。 Elder sister, my recent body had/left a condition.” Qin Ze coughs, attracts the elder sister idea, then the tone does intentionally heavily. “姐,我最近身体出了点状况。”秦泽咳嗽一声,吸引姐姐主意,然后语气故作沉重。 Qin Baobao relates younger brother very much, hears this word, busy say/way: What condition? Where is uncomfortable? Wants elder sister to send you to the hospital.” 秦宝宝还是很关系弟弟的,闻此言,忙道:“什么状况?哪里不舒服?要不要姐姐送你去医院。” Is the doubts or problems,” Qin Ze thinks, lifts own right hand: My hand does not know to have problems, sometimes uncontrolled will do some strange matters. Totally is not my conscience that type.” “属于疑难杂症吧,”秦泽想了想,抬起自己的右手:“我的手不知道出了什么问题,有时候会不受控制的做一些奇怪的事。完全不是出于我本心那种。” Saying, his no indication pulled out oneself a slap, is clear and resounding that type. 说着,他毫无征兆的抽了自己一巴掌,又清脆又响亮那种。 elder sister shocked, runs over in a hurry, nervous say/way: „, But also.” 姐姐震惊了,匆匆跑过来,慌道:“呀,还真是。” Un, does not receive me to control completely.” “嗯,完全不收我控制的。” !” Also gave itself a slap. !”又给了自己一巴掌 Is attention deficit hyperactivity disorder? obsessive compulsive disorder? I access the net.” Qin Baobao pulls out the cell phone. “是多动症吗?强迫症?我上网查查。”秦宝宝掏出手机。 Qin Ze sees the upholstery was similar, touching of being without turning a hair to elder sister's outstanding buttocks. Does not forget to repeat: Should be obsessive compulsive disorder, in brief I cannot control.” 秦泽见铺垫的差不多了,面不改色的摸向姐姐的翘臀。不忘重复:“应该是强迫症吧,总之我也控制不住。” The generous palm sticks to the plentiful buttocks, without the falling hand slight defect, the touching sense of reality mild jade, makes an effort probably slightly, immediately feels the astonishing elasticity that the palm feeds back. 宽厚的手掌贴住丰满臀,没有陷手瑕疵,像是触摸质感温润玉,稍稍用力,立刻感受到手掌反馈回来的惊人弹性。 Familiar formula, familiar feel. 熟悉的配方,熟悉的手感。 Qin Ze was realizing the wonderful feel of elder sister buttocks, in the mind ding, quest completes. , left face burning ache. 秦泽体会着姐姐臀部的美妙手感,脑海中“叮”一声,任务完成。紧接着,“”一声,左脸火辣辣的疼痛。 What to do, my hand also had the uncontrolled problem.” The Qin Baobao fan ends the palm of the hand, retrocedes several, sneers: Almost really believed you. damned pervert.” “怎么办,我的手也得了不受控制的毛病。”秦宝宝扇完巴掌,后退几步,冷笑:“差点就真信你了。死变态。” I go, how you do not press routine to walk! 我去,你怎么不按套路走! Qin Ze is covering the face, wants to cry but have no tears: That everything in fairy tales is lies...... 秦泽捂着脸,欲哭无泪:童话里都是骗人的...... Wang Zijin changes the pajamas to have the bath, hair wet hanging loose, under nightgown, two white and tender calf slender shiny smooths. She sees elder sister and younger brother in living room two, gawked staring, is good to say with a smile: You how.” 王子衿换上睡衣出浴,头发湿漉漉的披散,睡裙下,两条白嫩嫩的小腿纤细莹润。她看见客厅里的姐弟俩,愣了愣,好笑道:“你们又怎么了。” Qin Baobao lies down by the sofa, looks at one leg on the other, both hands is holding the chest, the tiger the small face, appearance that a pent-up anger has not disappeared. 秦宝宝躺靠沙发,瞧着二郎腿,双手抱胸,虎着小脸,一副余怒未消的模样。 Qin Ze sits in she slightly far position dejectedly, does not dare to approach, the whole face is depressed. 秦泽垂头丧气坐在她稍远的位置,不敢靠近,满脸沮丧。 A month of being together, Wang Zijin has been able to detect keenly this to the relational change of elder sister and younger brother, when is plays noisily, when acts difficult truly. 一个月的相处,王子衿已经能敏锐察觉到这对姐弟的关系变化,什么时候是玩闹,什么时候是真正闹别扭。 The Qin Baobao squint shot a look at Qin Ze, sets out drawing Wang Zijin to return to the room: Zijin we walk, do not manage this perverted.” 秦宝宝斜眼瞥了秦泽一下,起身拉着王子衿回房:“子衿我们走,别理这个变态。” Touches elder sister butt perverted. 姐姐屁股变态 Wang Zijin was pulled by her is entering in the room, does not forget to turn head toward the look that Qin Ze throws to have doubts. 王子衿被她牵着走进屋里,不忘扭头朝秦泽投来疑惑的眼神。 Qin Ze opens mouth, I can, I also very be what to do helpless. 秦泽张了张嘴,我能怎么办,我也很无奈。
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