MESIS :: Volume #1

#79: The program broadcast

Next day, " I am a Singer » program broadcast. 次日,《我是歌星》节目播出。 Qin Baobao and Qin Ze elder sister and younger brother two accompany Wang Zijin to look again. Compares the program, Qin Ze enjoys but actually at this moment, his left sits Qin Baobao, the right sits Wang Zijin, the acid that two different-styled great beauties, are quite a little surrounded by beautiful women is crisp. 秦宝宝秦泽姐弟俩陪着王子衿再看一遍。相比起节目,秦泽倒更享受此时此刻,他左边坐着秦宝宝,右边坐着王子衿,两个风格各异的大美人,颇有点左拥右抱的酸爽。 The Wang Zijin convenient point operates the barrage, because of the Qin Ze's relations, she also studies now is looking at the barrage, thought that is interesting. Only has the Qin Baobao repugnant barrage, younger brother and bosom friend has no immediate concern to oneself, watches the fun. She is a litigant, the online person what/anything words dare saying that big-breasted sister and ten points does not give the grass zero andthis younger sister I have gotten up and so on words to the grass ”, she looks each time feels the spicy eye. Accordingly, the bearing capacity day entered the thousand li (500 km), but at heart still some obstructions. 王子衿顺手点开弹幕,因为秦泽的关系,她现在也学着看弹幕,觉得还蛮有意思。唯有秦宝宝讨厌弹幕,弟弟闺蜜事不关己,看个热闹。她是当事人,网上的人什么话都敢说,“大奶妹”、“给草十分不给草零分”、“这个妹子我上过”之类的话,她每次看都觉得辣眼睛。相应的,承受能力日进千里,但心里仍旧有些芥蒂。 The barrage is exceptionally lively, the program first records on the spot, then the television broadcast, later is the web platform resources, but looks nowadays the person of television is far from many of looking at the computer. 弹幕异常热闹,节目首先现场录制,然后电视播放,之后才是网络平台资源,可是现如今看电视的人远没有看电脑的多。 Heard that Qin Baobao did win? Some online people said.” “听说秦宝宝又赢了?网上有人说的。” Brags, do online you also believe?” “瞎吹吧,网上的你也信?” Front!” “前排!” big-breasted sister world first, fake pig set of the world second.” 大奶妹天下第一,假猪套天下第二。” Wang Zijin pū chī smiles. 王子衿噗嗤一笑。 Qin Ze turns head, the vision looks to the elder sister proud chest. 秦泽扭头,目光瞄向姐姐傲人胸脯。 Qin Baobao gets angry, knife hand cuts in the Qin Ze nape. 秦宝宝黑着脸,一记手刀砍在秦泽后颈。 Host Yin Jia knocks the gate of honored guest room, Xu Lu opens the gate, the smiling face is gentle. 主持人尹佳敲开嘉宾室的门,徐璐拉开门,笑容温婉。 „, Xu Lu, my Goddess.” “哇,徐璐,我的女神。” For a long time has not listened to Xu Lu to sing, never expected that she will ally the singer, the anticipation!” “好久没听徐璐唱歌了,没想到她会加盟歌星,期待!” „The 30 years old light ripe female, most has the flavor.” 三十岁的轻熟女,最有味道。” Heard that Xu Lu does bring the original song to come? Really anticipated that she and Qin Baobao competes.” “听说徐璐是带着原创歌曲来的?真期待她和秦宝宝打擂台。” 1/6 probabilities, where is so easy?” “六分之一的概率,哪有这么容易?” hē hē, a lip-sync plans prostitute. Unexpectedly has a face to return to the song world, you said that your facial skin is so how thick.” 呵呵,一个假唱的心机婊。居然有脸重返歌坛,你说你脸皮咋这么厚。” Others facial skin are not thick, is the auricularia auricula is thick.” “人家脸皮不厚,是木耳厚。” Really disgusting.” “真恶心。” Your how many do have the quality? lip-sync how, who didn't have lip-sync?” “你们几个有没有素质?假唱怎么了,谁没假唱过?” Yes, clutches the grown past events not to put, skirt silk Keyboard Hero.” “就是,揪着成年往事不放,屌丝键盘侠。” Worthily is controversial female star, enters the stage, barrage huā lā la hikes up, the black powder and really likes the powder wishing one could to sneak in the screen to hit. 不愧是受争议的女星,一出场,弹幕哗啦啦飘起,黑粉和真爱粉恨不得钻进屏幕里打起来。 Wang Zijin is taking a look at the computer, said curiously: Baobao (darling), you will not really pull out to this Xu Lu.” 王子衿瞅着电脑,好奇道:“宝宝,你不会真的抽到这个徐璐了吧。” Qin Baobao is depressed: Also , the program group is doing the matter. They operate secretly.” 秦宝宝郁闷道:“还真是,节目组在搞事情。他们暗地里操作。” „Did that win?” Wang Zijin also asked. “那赢了吗?”王子衿又问。 Naturally, does not have a look at the song that is who writes.” Qin Ze interrupted. “当然,也不看看是谁写的歌。”秦泽插嘴。 Is the elder sister art or technique of singing is clearly good.” Qin Baobao is not convinced. “分明是姐唱功好。”秦宝宝不服气。 You said again!” Qin Ze squint. “你再说一遍!”秦泽斜眼。 āi yā, Your Imperial Sovereign, servant boasted, should not be angry, all was your merit. servant was benefitted from association with you light.” Lacks elder sister dignified Qin Baobao to admit defeat immediately. 哎呀,皇上,臣妾吹吹牛罢了,您别生气,全是您的功劳。臣妾沾了您的光。”缺乏姐姐威严的秦宝宝立刻服软。 Ancient customs song that sang? Does Qin Ze write?” Wang Zijin is stunned. “唱的古风歌曲?秦泽写的?”王子衿愕然。 She is startled big, how Qin Ze what/anything can, write the rock and roll, will write the love song, the ancient customs song will also write. Especially latter, does not have certain literary mastery, cannot write the word. 她吃惊不小,怎么秦泽什么都会啊,会写摇滚,会写情歌,古风歌曲也会写。特别是后者,没有一定的文学底蕴,写不出好词的。 At this time, the singer drew lots to start. Pulling out of Qin Baobao miserable to Xu Lu, the barrage exploded very much immediately, the audience are also very speechless: 这时,歌手抽签开始。秦宝宝悲催的抽到了徐璐,弹幕顿时炸了,观众们也很无语: I force to go, big-breasted sister what luck?” “我勒个去,大奶妹什么运气?” „The first period pulls out to pull out Xue Mei to Huang Yuteng and second period, third period Liu Xuegang, fourth issue of Xu Lu...... I knelt to big-breasted sister.” 第一期抽到黄宇腾第二期抽到雪玫,第三刘学刚,第四期徐璐......我给大奶妹跪了。” At this moment, only has nicely done to express exclaimed in surprise my.” “此时此刻,唯有666能表达我内心的惊叹。” Qin Baobao is really the star way is disturbed, she lost.” 秦宝宝真是星途忐忑,她输定了。” Yes, Xu Lu brings the original song to come, is A-list celebrity, the difference of popular cloud mud, how ratio?” “是啊,徐璐是带着原创歌曲来的,又是一线明星,人气云泥之别,怎么比?” big-breasted sister danger.” 大奶妹危险了。” Only if she puts out a Departure Song such shocking song again, but the possibility is not big. The good song to be difficult to ask, which is suddenly comes.” “除非她再拿出一首离歌这样惊艳的歌曲,但可能性不大。好歌难求,哪是说来就来的。” Is all right, Resurrection Match, big-breasted sister present popular today we are no longer as we have been, she did not make the mistake, not necessarily was weaker than Chen Xiaotong. This issue of elimination, between her and Chen Xiaotong.” “没事没事,还有复活赛,大奶妹现在的人气今非昔比了,她不出差错,不见得比陈小彤弱。这一期的淘汰者,就在她和陈小彤之间了。” Qin Ze remembers itself not to know that who suddenly this issue of elimination is, asked elder sister, this issue was who eliminated?” 秦泽忽然想起自己还不知道这期的淘汰者是谁,就问姐姐,“这期是谁淘汰?” Qin Baobao blinks, the eyelash dull black is long, small tsundere: You guess.” Was stared by the Qin Ze vision, she instigated: Chen Xiaotong, her popular is lowest.” 秦宝宝眨眨眼,睫毛黑长,小傲娇:“你猜。”被秦泽目光一瞪,她又怂了:“陈小彤啦,她人气最低。” Dammit, where my elder sister's dignity. 妈蛋,我姐姐的尊严哪里去了。 Really eats the person to have one's speech softened, is short with the manpower. 果然吃人嘴软,拿人手短。 Huang Yuteng is treading the twinkle gorgeous light, mounts the stage with stride. 黄宇腾踏着闪烁绚丽的灯光,大步登台。 My hometown is getting more and more young.” “我的家乡越来越年轻。” Old, only then father's face.” “苍老的,只有父亲的脸庞。” I look at the strange hometown earnestly,” “我认真的看陌生的家乡,” „It is not I remembers the appearance.” “不是我记忆中的模样。” „The years of passing were flushed rub all change.” “流逝的岁月被冲磨一切都变了。” I look like from the distant place, passed by here guest “我就像是从远方来,路过这里的客人” Barrage: 弹幕: Of pleasant to hear to exploding, before this song me, how not to have listened.” “好听到爆啊,这首歌我以前怎么没听过。” The 70's old song, I had listened in childhood actually, but sang general, without of pleasant to hear that Founder Huang sings.” “70年代的老歌,我小时候倒是听过,但原唱一般,没黄教主翻唱的好听。” This song was hot, when the online resources came out.” “这首歌要火了,网上资源什么时候出来。” I by the Huang Yuteng circle powder, the strength was sung.” “我被黄宇腾圈粉了,实力唱将啊。” In this stage, he and Liu Xuegang art or technique of singing is fiercest.” “这舞台上,就他和刘学刚唱功最厉害。” Versatile, this sang certainly.” “多才多艺,这翻唱绝了。” hā hā, I must look at the Li Rongxing exaggerate expression, this goods are very funny.” 哈哈,我要看李荣兴浮夸的表情,这货特别逗。” Li Rongxing indicated that cannot injure.” 李荣兴表示伤不起。” Is all right, losing to Huang Yuteng does not lose face, did not eliminate in any case. This issue of elimination, should be Qin Baobao.” “没事没事,输给黄宇腾不丢人,反正也淘汰不了。这期淘汰者,应该是秦宝宝了。” Yes, she is too hapless, unexpectedly pulls out Xu Lu. On popular, Huang Yuteng and Liu Xuegang are also inferior she, as soon as plans.” “是啊,她太倒霉,居然抽到徐璐。论人气,黄宇腾刘学刚也逊色她一筹。” Li Rongxing mounts the stage to sing, his art or technique of singing online, may compare to Huang Yuteng to miss plans, lost accidentally/surprisingly. 紧接着李荣兴上台演唱,他的唱功在线,可比起黄宇腾要差一筹,不出意外的输了。 Then was Liu Xuegang and Chen Xiaotong PK, Liu Xuegang previous time in Qin Baobao this sewer capsizing, does not dare to be negligent, puts out to look after the house this lead singer rock and roll, won easily. 然后是刘学刚陈小彤pk,刘学刚上次在秦宝宝这条阴沟了翻了船,再不敢大意,拿出看家本领唱摇滚,轻而易举胜出。 Finally, ink qipao, beautiful Xu Lu mounts the stage. 最后,一身水墨旗袍,艳光四射的徐璐登台。 This clothes are nice.” “这身衣服好看。” Too attractive my Goddess.” “太漂亮了我的女神。” I really like the light ripe female.” “我果然还是喜欢轻熟女。” zé zé, this figure, this chest.” 啧啧,这身段,这胸脯。” I go, must cancel the person, this qipao makes my ignominious was hard.” “我去,要不要这么勾人啊,这旗袍让我可耻的硬了。” Wife, the credit card takes away, Xu Lu buys ten with, I must put on clothes .” “老婆,信用卡拿去,徐璐同款买十件,我要穿着衣服。” Xu Lu opens sings, the voice is light and lively, the inborn good singing voice, she is the singer makes a debut. 徐璐开唱,嗓音轻灵,天生一副好歌喉,她是歌手出道。 Sudden downpour rests initially,” “骤雨初歇,” Lake surface wave swings the ripple mark.” “湖面水波荡涟纹。” Half a lifetime is tired, performs in vain “半生累,尽徒然” On green slat, an oiled paper umbrella.” “青石板上,一把油纸伞。” Painted screen thin Yanchuan,” “画屏薄烟穿,” Painting is difficult to draw your beautiful face.” “丹青难画你芳容。” Ink painting, difficult hidden your appearance.” “水墨丹青,难隐你的容颜。” Several dancing broken bottle moderate snowfall,” “几只舞破瓶中雪,” ............ ............ After Xu Lu opens sang, the barrage heat degree soars, snowflake has fluttered. Various exclamation, various worships. 徐璐开唱之后,弹幕热度直线上升,雪花似的飘过。各种惊叹,各种崇拜。 This song, approved.” “这歌可以的,太赞了。” Was too of pleasant to hear, this song is I this year the most ancient customs of pleasant to hear, was joined to Xu Lu's qipao, did not have two words, perfect!” “太好听了啊,这歌是我今年最好听的古风,配上徐璐的旗袍,没二话,完美!” Really had the ideal condition, the song was better.” “真有意境了,曲子更好。” Xu Lu must rise in the musical world again, I must buy her new special edition.” 徐璐要重新在乐坛崛起了,我要买她的新专辑。” Some people wrote long commented: Domestic ancient customs song are many, but is some network singers is singing, in the song world few people sang the ancient customs song, the reason have two points: The word is difficult to write ; bent/tune Nanpu. Writes lyrics that ancient customs ancient rhyme who has the ideal condition, the literary mastery request is too high. Next is the song difficult spectrum, difficultly in fitting lyrics. The ancient customs song that the network singer sang, the word attained a designated standard, but the song ideal condition was far on the difference, Xu Lu this song, the song was persuasive, as if weeping and complaining, entered the heart. The lyrics were slightly bad, but also was the excellent work.” 有人更是写了长评:“国内古风歌曲很多,但都是一些网络歌手在唱,歌坛里很少有人唱古风歌曲,原因有两点:词难写;曲难谱。写一篇有意境的古风古韵的歌词,文学底蕴要求太高。其次是曲子难谱,难在贴合歌词。网络歌手唱的古风歌曲,词达标了,但曲子意境就差远了,徐璐这首歌,曲子婉转清幽,如泣如诉,直入心扉。歌词稍稍差了点,但也是绝佳之作。” Teacher Xu Gongming is specialized, gives the thumbs-up.” 徐恭明老师是专业的,竖起大拇指。” Listened I am inexplicable, the mood is low, completely immersed in inside.” “听的我莫名惆怅,心情低落,完全沉浸在里面了。” At this time, some people jumped: One group of idiots, this level also feel all right to flatter, you have not listened to the Qin Baobao's song.” 这时,有人跳出来:“一群蠢货,就这水平也好意思吹捧,你们是没听过秦宝宝的歌吧。” Audience immediately dumbfounded, or curious, either stamps one's foot. Causes a battle of words. 观众们顿时懵逼了,或好奇,或跳脚。引起一阵骂战。 Looks in the computer, the audience should have the battle of words, Qin Baobao smiled, bares two small canine teeth, is quite self-satisfied. 看着电脑里,观众应该自己发生骂战,秦宝宝笑了,龇两颗小虎牙,颇为得意。 A'Ze!” She stretches out the palm. Qin Ze coordination claps with her. 阿泽!”她伸出手掌。秦泽配合的与她击掌。 Wang Zijin has a look at her, has a look at Qin Ze, is angry saying: Always thought that two was excluded by your elder sister and younger brother.” 王子衿看看她,又看看秦泽,嗔道:“总觉得被你们姐弟俩排除在外了。” Quick, Qin Baobao enters the stage, she puts on clothes as always the style simple simple, white practicing moral culture/slim fit trousers, black T-shirt, picture pale makeup. The female clothing art matches, the tasteful modeling, by the clothing, the clothes is attractive, the person can also award marks. But simpler clothes, are more difficult to control. Qin Baobao absolutely does not have this worry. 很快,秦宝宝出场,她穿衣风格一如既往的简单朴素,白色修身裤,黑色t恤,画淡妆。女性服装都讲究搭配,讲究造型,因为人靠衣装,衣服好看,人也能加分。而越简单的衣服,越难驾驭。秦宝宝完全没这个烦恼。 The white practicing moral culture/slim fit trousers wrap the perfectly round slender both legs, the slim and graceful, slender waist, the full tall and straight chest, simple dressing up, actually shows her hot and youth. 白色的修身裤包裹浑圆修长的双腿,亭亭玉立,纤细的腰肢,饱满挺拔的胸脯,简简单单的装扮,却将她的火辣、青春展现出来。 Her wears is being dressmaker's suggestion. 她这身穿着是服装师的建议。 That middle aged but still attractive dressmaker, often looks at Qin Baobao to sigh: Back then the old lady is also a figure hot flower, now pours in years this killing under the pig blade. 那位徐娘半老的服装师,时常看着秦宝宝感叹:想当年老娘也是身段火辣的一枝花,如今倒在岁月这把杀猪刀下。 The drumbeat, the allegro sound and tweedle, play vividly, such as running water dīng dōng note. 鼓声、快板声、琴声,奏出轻快的,如流水叮咚的音符。 „, The accompaniment is good.” “诶,伴奏不错。” Of pleasant to hear, is good the feeling.” “好听,好有感觉。” Lively, melodious...... what tweedle? Isn't piano? Has the classical taste very much.” “轻快,悠扬......什么琴声?不是钢琴吧?很有古典味。” Should be a guzheng, un, pleasant to hear.” “应该是古筝,嗯,好听。” When the accompaniment just started, the audience sends the barrage appraisal, but is quick, everyone did not speak. 伴奏刚开始时,还有观众发弹幕评价,但很快,所有人都不说话了。 Vegetarian embryo outlined the tobacco mosaic tip to downturn thickly.” “素胚勾勒出青花笔锋浓转淡。” Peony of bottle body description one such as beginning you makeup.” “瓶身描绘的牡丹一如你初妆。” Soft sandalwood I understands clearly by the window concern.” “冉冉檀香透过窗心事我了然。” Azure and other misty rains, but I in you.” “天青色等烟雨,而我在等你。” Kitchen chimney smoke raises, separates in river whatever happens|10 million.” “炊烟袅袅升起,隔江千万里。” Imitated the previous dynasty elegance in the bottle bottom book Han Lishu.” “在瓶底书汉隶仿前朝的飘逸。” When I to meet your foreshadowing.” “就当我为遇见你伏笔。” Azure and other misty rains, but I in you.” “天青色等烟雨而我在等你。” Moonlight was salvaged, fainted the result.” “月色被打捞起,晕开了结局。” Blue and White Porcelain that if handed down for generations is selfish.” “如传世的青花瓷自顾自美丽。” Your eye belt/bring happy expression.” “你眼带笑意。”
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