MESIS :: Volume #1

#78: Your older sister must get married

Backstage, somewhere corridor corner. 后台,某处走廊的拐角。 Qin Baobao is drawing younger brother stealthily, looks in all directions no one, first was gave a Qin Ze powder fist that the little girl was mad, subsequently the dimple like the flower, fronted the foot to kiss one in his cheeks, said with a smile: Today performs well, elder sister kisses reward fragrant, the pleasant surprise is not pleasantly surprised, the accident/surprise is not accidental/surprised.” 秦宝宝鬼鬼祟祟拉着弟弟,四顾无人,先是小女孩气的给了秦泽一顿粉拳,继而笑靥如花,垫脚在他脸颊亲一口,笑吟吟道:“今天表现不错,姐姐香吻奖励,惊喜不惊喜,意外不意外。” Qin Ze hē hē. 秦泽呵呵一声。 The mental illness, you draw me to come to say this? 神经病啊,你拉我过来就为了说这个? Qin Baobao also really to kiss him, elder sister vented the happy way, was own Qin Ze one, this was the Qin Baobao's custom. But her custom cannot display under glare of the public eye, otherwise the tomorrow's news will appear: Shock! Qin Baobao in the presence of everyone crazy kiss male piano. 秦宝宝还真就为了亲他,姐姐发泄高兴的方式,就是亲秦泽一口,这是秦宝宝的习惯。可她的习惯不能在众目睽睽之下表现,否则明天的新闻就会出现:震惊!秦宝宝当众狂吻男钢琴手。 Why is excited excited as the younger brother Qin Ze unclear Sister Bai elder sister, Qin Baobao this time is a scapegoat, she regards as number one enemy Xu Lu, what unfortunately is, the PK object unexpectedly is really Xu Lu, then piano that fading young, good skillful unfortunately smashing hospital. Qin Baobao worldview was about to collapse at that time. 做为弟弟秦泽不明白姐姐为何如此兴奋激动,秦宝宝这段时间受了不少气,她把徐璐看成头号大敌,不巧的是,pk对象竟然真的是徐璐,然后钢琴手那个衰仔,好巧不巧的给砸进医院去。秦宝宝当时三观都快坍塌了。 Our common people, are really happy today.” “咱们老百姓呀,今儿个真高兴。” Did not pay attention to the younger brother helpless look, Qin Baobao hi, turned butt to dance segment Rewu, the brow tip flew upwards. 不理会弟弟无奈的眼神,秦宝宝自个儿嗨了,扭着屁股跳了段热舞,眉梢飞扬。 Brain watt.” Qin Ze supercilious look, said: I must first walk, later tutor.” “脑子瓦特了。”秦泽白眼,又道:“我得先走了,待会儿还有家教。” The Qin Baobao big hand wields, disdains saying: Your that broken tutor, refined language. elder sister was superstar, but also couldn't raise you?” 秦宝宝大手一挥,不屑道:“你那破家教,辞了。姐姐都是大明星了,还养不起你?” motherf**ker, this woman opens the dye house to the color. tm的,这女人给点颜色就开染坊。 How you do not ascend the sky. 你咋不上天啊。 Qin Baobao must keep the program to end, therefore cannot accompany Qin Ze to go back. 秦宝宝要留到节目结束,所以不能陪秦泽回去。 Qin Ze looks at the elder sister's back, the white practicing moral culture/slim fit trousers is wrapping full attractive buttocks, any man will unable to bear slightly one hardly , indicating the respect. 秦泽看着姐姐的背影,白色修身长裤包裹着饱满诱人的臀儿,任何男人都会忍不住微微一硬,表示尊敬。 Qin Baobao turns head suddenly, bumps into the Qin Ze stealthy look, charming white, asked: film director as to incur you to enter the television station, how do you see?” 秦宝宝忽然扭头,撞见秦泽鬼祟的眼神,妩媚的白了一眼,问道:“导演似乎想招你进电视台,你怎么看?” I have no interest, Qin Baobao I telling you, the program group trips somebody up to you in the ballot link, your be more careful.” Qin Ze warned. “我没兴趣,秦宝宝我告诉你,节目组在抽签环节给你使绊子,你自己注意点。”秦泽警告道。 Qin Baobao shows the pitiful expression: Your Imperial Sovereign, always some defiant people want to harm servant.” 秦宝宝摆出可怜兮兮的表情:“皇上,总有刁民想害臣妾。” Qin Ze ridiculed: Perhaps cherished concubine, you have not waited on the bedroom long time, the seething discontent among the people, ascends the sky is punishing you.” 秦泽嘲笑道:“爱妃,许是你多日不曾侍寝,天怒人怨,上天在惩罚你。” Qin Baobao curls the lip: You take my underwear to be self-sufficient secretly, or Zijin, has body fragrant woman many oh. inborn 秦宝宝撇撇嘴:“那你自己偷偷拿我内衣自给自足呗,要不子衿的也可以,天生有体香的女人不多哦。 Qin Baobao our friendship finished.” Qin Ze first was defeated with the mouth artillery by elder sister, runs away dingily. 秦宝宝咱们友尽。”秦泽头一回被姐姐以嘴炮击败,灰溜溜逃走。 Qin Baobao pinches the waist to laugh three. 秦宝宝掐腰大笑三声。 Leaves the television station, he rides the taxi to directly soar the luxurious villa area, mixed with Li Donglai for a long time, desperate discovery, this fellow aptitude really general. Mathematics problems, Qin Ze must teach three, he understood, traded a pattern, established to fall in the topic, was the so-called scotoma topic, therefore he grasped blindly. 离开电视台,他坐出租车直奔豪华别墅区,和李东来混久了,就会绝望的发现,这家伙资质真的一般。一道数学题,秦泽得教三遍,他才懂,换了个模式,在题目里设置陷进,也就是所谓的盲点题,于是他又抓瞎。 Reviews the physical training, the Li Donglai aptitude excellent, puffs and blows a 100 push-up, the blushing air/Qi does not breathe heavily. He has not bumped into the white beard grandfather, or sets up a stall sells the Tathagata Divine Palm old beggar. Otherwise must hold on the sleeve to say surely: The show year, your skeleton is surprised, aptitude excellent, might as well save the world with me together! 反观体能训练,李东来可谓资质绝佳,吭哧吭哧一百个俯卧撑,脸不红气不喘。他也就没碰到白胡子老爷爷,或者摆摊卖如来神掌的老乞丐。否则定要被拉住袖子说:骚年,你骨骼惊奇,资质绝佳,不如跟我一起拯救世界吧! Is good seedling that works as the bludger. 是个当混混的好苗子啊。 Qin Ze really thinks that the running hall suggested with Pei Nanman: Let your nephew practice martial arts, was the athlete is also good again badly, studies what/anything, really misled the youth. 秦泽真想跑大厅跟裴南曼建议:让你侄儿练武去吧,再不济做了运动员也好,读书什么的,真是误人子弟。 Over and over hesitates, is ok, he touches temporarily does not permit the Pei Nanman way, does not dare hurriedly. 再三沉吟,还是算了,他暂时摸不准裴南曼的路数,不敢造次。 3 : 00 pm, the setting sun is magnificent, just like sits well the woman on sofa at present. 下午 3 点,夕阳瑰丽妖艳,正如眼前端坐沙发上的女人。 A home clothing/taking, after removing the swift and fierce makings, she seems like graceful solemn jade Guanyin, said toward going downstairs Qin Ze with a smile: Returned?” 一身居家服,褪去凌厉气质后,她像是一尊优雅端庄的玉观音,笑着朝下楼的秦泽说道:“回了?” Un.” Qin Ze looked at makings big change queen, probed: „Doesn't Sister Pei deliver me today?” “嗯。”秦泽看了看气质大变的女王,试探道:“裴姐今天不送我?” Pei Nanman takes a look at his one eyes funnily: Wants me to match a driver to you again?” 裴南曼好笑的瞅他一眼:“是不是要我再给你配个司机?” Qin Ze said pleasantly surprised: That sentiment is good.” 秦泽惊喜道:“那感情好。” Pei Nanman is angry saying: Go away.” 裴南曼嗔道:“滚。” Reveals that wipes the character and style, is particularly attractive. 无意间流露出的那一抹风情,分外诱人。 After teasing two, Qin Ze planned to flash the person, bumped into Pei Ziqi to carry the shoulders package to go home just in time, the short hair pretty student younger sister, gawked slightly, opens the mouth saying: „Do you in the morning play a stringed musical instrument in the television station «I am a Singer» program?” 调侃两句后,秦泽打算闪人,正巧碰到裴子淇拎着双肩包回家,短发俏丽的学生妹,微微一愣,开口就道:“你上午是不是在电视台《我是歌星》节目里弹琴?” Appearance that Qin Ze pretends unable to understand: You said what/anything, I do not understand your meaning.” 秦泽假装听不懂的样子:“你说什么呢,我不明白你的意思。” Pei Ziqi curls the lip, is disinclined to dispute with him, turns head to ask Pei Nanman: Sister-in-law/Little aunt, this fellow what/anything background.” 裴子淇撇撇嘴,懒得跟他争执,扭头问裴南曼:“小姨,这家伙什么来头。” Pei Nanman said with a smile: Little Qin is an average person.” 裴南曼笑道:“小秦是普通人。” Pei Ziqi curls the lip again, at the back of the package, treads the tread to go upstairs. 裴子淇再次撇撇嘴,背着包,蹬蹬上楼。 Not anxiously going home? Accompanies Sister Pei to chat!” “不急着回家?陪裴姐聊聊!” Good.” Qin Ze sits well the sofa, he also wants to understand the background of this woman. “好啊。”秦泽端坐沙发,他也想多了解这女人的背景。 Pei Nanman vision looks at the television, the content of broadcast is overwhelming majority young people, looked «News broadcast» that will not look, on the tea table puts pot Xihu Longjing. 裴南曼目光的看着电视机,播放的内容是绝大部分年轻人,看都不会看的《新闻联播》,茶几上放一壶西湖龙井茶。 Pei Nanman does not open the mouth, Qin Ze did not speak, competed secretly, he thought that Dame Queen intended to dry in the sun him, the idea of launching a psychological attack. 裴南曼不开口,秦泽就不说话,暗自较劲,他觉得女王大人是有意把他晾着,攻心之计。 Looks at the news broadcast?” Pei Nanman. the tea, gave the Qin Ze cup “看新闻联播吗?”裴南曼倒了杯茶,递给秦泽 Occasionally look.” Qin Ze honest reply. “偶尔看一看。”秦泽老实回答。 Mentioned the news broadcast, the full trough point, can summarize this our country longest serial TV opera with five characters: Reporting the good news and not the bad. 说起新闻联播,满满的槽点,可以用五个字概括这部我国最长连续剧:报喜不报忧。 The good and evil is the state media, did not sing the praises, did the matter daily? The people looked for a long time, felt your mother, this did not talk nonsense. When lived was so happy, the society was so perfect. 好歹是官媒,不歌功颂德,难道天天搞事情?民众们看久了,就觉得尼玛啊,这不是瞎扯淡吗。啥时候生活如此美好了,社会如此完美了。 But you cannot deny its significance, the news broadcast were known as that investor god standard, did not call white/in vain. The thirty minutes content has the information content very much. Visits you to be able get to many. 但你不能否定它的意义,新闻联播号称“股民神典”,可不是白叫的。三十分钟的内容很有信息量。就看你能get到多少。 Also the right, present young people, including are an official, who still remembers revolutionary spirit type of thing? The earliest news broadcast only then the 15 minute, reported good news also reports sad news, but now, walked all was routine.” Pei Nanman said with a smile. “也对,现在的年轻人,包括一些当官的,谁还记得革命精神这种东西?最早的新闻联播只有十五分钟,报喜也报忧,而现在,走的全是套路。”裴南曼笑道。 Qin Ze ridicule in heart: Can this pull the revolutionary spirit? elder sister you launch unlimitedly. 秦泽心里吐槽:这都能扯上革命精神?姐姐你无限制展开啊。 You seem discontented with me.” Pei Nanman is staring at him. “你似乎对我很不满。”裴南曼凝视着他。 Absolutely no.” Qin Ze denied. “绝对没有。”秦泽否认。 Because I do investigate you?” “因为我调查你?” Qin Ze is silent. 秦泽沉默。 I have not experienced the fighting, the war of liberation of Communist Party and Nationalist Party compete, has not passed through the ten thousand li (5,000 km) long journey that nearly is annihilated, naturally was impossible to experience in 1942 the big famine. To more counterattack battle and Resist America Aid Korea......” “我没经历过抗战,国共逐鹿的解放战争,更没走过近乎全军覆没的万里长征,当然也不可能经历1942年大饥荒。还有对越反击战、抗美援朝......” My grandfather's young time, Chinese division of the country among warlords, the flames of war set the prairie afire, people have no means to make a living. For filling the belly, he joined the warlord, with the handed down in the family skill in Wushu, dares to challenge, few year of blending group leader. Afterward the Northern Expeditionary Army eliminated the warlord, the Country Party unified China in name, but the internal disorder and foreign invasion, the common people livelihood did not see to change for the better at that time, but, he pulled up one group of routed troops to be like a robber, when had the bandit chief. Kills and torches definitely does a lot, but has not eaten near the nest the grass, instead the report local peace, these were listen to my big sis saying that the grandfather passed away that little while, I had not been born.” “我爷爷年轻的时候,中国军阀割据,战火燎原,民不聊生。为了填饱肚子,他加入了军阀,凭着家传武艺,敢打敢拼,没几年混成个小头目。后来北伐军肃清军阀,国党在名义上统一中国,可当时内忧外患,百姓生计不见好转,无奈之下,他拉起一伙溃兵占山为王,当起了土匪头子。杀人放火肯定没少做,不过从没吃过窝边草,反而报一方平安,这些都是听我大姐说的,爷爷去世那会儿,我还没出生。” Side my grandfather has surnamed Li has assigned older and younger brothers, at that time sd had the red spear/gun meeting, secret is the armed forces of Colorado Party, after the fighting breaks out, that older and younger brothers joins the red spear/gun meeting, made a long and wearisome journey to join forces with the large unit. Afterward new China was founded, by this relations, my grandfather to Red Army large unit not suppressing.” “我爷爷身边有个姓李的过命兄弟,当时sd有个红枪会,暗地是红党的武装力量,抗战爆发后,那兄弟加入红枪会,长途跋涉与大部队会师去了。后来新中国成立,凭借这层关系,我爷爷没给红军大部队给剿了。” Qin Ze very inopportune violated obsessive compulsive disorder, he was pondering that the Pei Nanman grandfather at that time how old, my Great Qing seemed like in 1912 to perish. The Mukden Incident happens in 1931, old gentleman must live now, was supposing the centenarian, Pei Nanman was born former grandfather to pass away, Dame Queen seemed like about 30 years old......, the age truly echoed. 秦泽很不合时宜的犯了强迫症,他在思考裴南曼的爷爷当时多大年纪,我大清好像是1912年灭亡。九一八事变发生在1931年,老爷子要活到现在,估摸着百岁老人了,裴南曼出生前爷爷就去世了,女王大人看起来三十岁左右......嗯,年龄确实附和。 Wait, surnamed Li? 等等,姓李的? Li Donglai...... 李东来...... Pei Nanman seemed saw through his thoughts, said in a soft voice: Right, is the Li Donglai father's grandfather. Because there is such a profound origin, my father in the north is a local despot, no matter is clean, the job who so long as makes money has moistened basically. 94 years offend the person who cannot offend, shooting dead. Kept one to be far to me is the luck is calamity but enough average person eats eight lifetime the family properties. I have an elder sister, marries Li Family, but died many years. Donglai and Ziqi do not like the stepmother, moves here to make a long stay.” 裴南曼好似看穿了他的心思,轻声道:“没错,就是李东来父亲的爷爷。因为有这样深厚的渊源,我爸在北方是土皇帝,甭管干净不干净,只要赚钱的营生基本都沾过。94年得罪了不能得罪的人,给枪毙了。给我留了一份谈不上是福是祸但足够普通人吃八辈子的家业。我还有个姐,嫁到李家,不过死了很多年了。东来子淇不喜欢后妈,搬来我这里长住。” Qin Ze was shocked, somewhat feels helpless. Reaching an agreement chatted, Dame Queen your was gives to pull out to give me ancestor 18 generation of details to look. Damn, little brother my have what skill and ability. Your words can receive. 秦泽愣住了,有些不知所措。说好只是聊聊天的呢,女王大人您这是把祖宗十八代的底细都给掏出来给我看了呀。该死,小弟我何德何能啊。请问你刚才的话能收回去吗。 Indeed, Qin Ze two backgrounds to Pei Nanman and older brother and younger sister is very curious, prepares for with queen greatly wise , but when queen spits bean the family background background spits, he discovered that original woman thing, he truly insufficiently understood. 诚然,秦泽裴南曼以及兄妹俩的背景很好奇,做好和女王大机锋的准备,可当女王吐豆子似的把家世背景一吐而出,他才发现原来女人这东西,他确实不够了解。 This society, has the 80 percent resources, first rations all kinds of partners in exchange of improper favors, remaining 20 percent, are my impoverished family disciples breaks the head to fight. What view do you have?” “这个社会,有百分之八十的资源,优先配给各种各样的关系户,剩下百分之二十,才是寒门弟子打破脑袋争抢。你有什么看法?” The view were too many, I have one mmp not to know, when did not work as to say. 看法太多了,我有一句“mmp”不知当不当说。 The words of some of his actually a lot of angered youth, but has not said that was too weak, feared that was used all might many year of Queen Pei to take lightly in the society obviously. 他倒是有一肚子愤青之言,但没说出来,太幼稚了,怕被显然在社会上摸爬滚打很多年的裴女王看轻。 „The way things should be, each rich first generation struggle like mad, to not become rich second generation rich third generation by own son grandson. Big of desire person, unimpeached.” Qin Ze traded maturely view. “人之常情啊,每个富一代拼死拼活的奋斗,不就是为了让自己儿子孙子成为富二代富三代嘛。人之大欲,无可指摘。”秦泽换了个“成熟”的说法。 Pei Nanman nods, smiles faintly: Real soul talk?” 裴南曼点头,浅笑道:“真心话?” Actually online saw each time such and such rich second generation open luxury car to show off, I also shout 'motherfucker', attack one: By the father, you are anything.” Qin Ze smiles: This was so-called angered youth. Afterward discovered, like this did some with not to have, still cannot change you to defeat the status of dog, except for working as Keyboard Hero, did not have the benefit.” “其实每次在网上看到某某富二代豪车炫富,我也骂娘,抨击一句:要不是靠老子,你算什么东西。”秦泽笑了笑:“这就是所谓的愤青了。后来发现,这样做一点用都没有,仍然改变不了你败狗的身份,除了当个键盘侠,毫无裨益。” Now, I will not think that I am capable of becoming rich first generation. You also know that my elder sister is Qin Baobao, when she celebrity, later had not made money large bundle. My later child, definitely is rich second generation.” “现在就更不会了,我觉得自己有能力成为富一代。你也知道我姐是秦宝宝,她都当明星了,以后还不是大把大把赚钱。我以后的孩子,肯定是富二代。” Pei Nanman catches the loophole in Qin Ze words keenly, the faint smile: You are you, your older sister is your older sister, in the future you will take a wife she to get married, you are two family members.” 裴南曼敏锐捕捉到秦泽话里的漏洞,似笑非笑:“你是你,你姐是你姐,将来你娶媳妇她嫁人,你们就是两家人。” Qin Ze stares, discovered oneself had nothing to say in reply, he has not really thought the later matter, Qin Baobao got married this matter, always felt too xuanhuan. 秦泽一愣,发现自己无言以对,他还真没想过以后的事,秦宝宝嫁人这种事,总觉得太玄幻 Sister Pei, why you said these to me.” 裴姐,你为什么跟我说这些。” This obviously with the world that he contacts not in a level. Qin Ze has not contacted the world were many, commercial big shot world, political big shot world, rich second generation officer second generation world, even the world of big healthcare he has not contacted. 这显然和他接触的世界不在一个层面。秦泽没接触过的世界多了,商业大佬的世界,政坛大佬的世界,富二代官二代的世界,甚至连大保健的世界他都不曾接触。 Two clear.” Pei Nanman said: Feared that you are the male cancer, online said that your straight male cancers are very fearful, are similar to chuunibyou. Looking for the girlfriend must locate, best what/anything to listen to the man, could not have, the self- idea selfishly, will otherwise dislike, character wants Holy Mother, wholehearted is the man.” “两清了。”裴南曼笑着说:“就怕你是直男癌,网上说你们这些直男癌很可怕,类似于中二病。找女朋友要处的,最好什么都听男人的,还不能有自私、自我想法,不然就会讨厌,性格方面一定要圣母,一心一意为男人。” Qin Ze is dumb as a wooden chicken, the brain is the trough does not know how should pour out. 秦泽呆若木鸡,满脑子是槽不知该如何倾吐。 The straight male cancer you know that fierce my queen. 直男癌你都知道啊,厉害了我的女王 Your person does not suppose the style quite the same as. 浑然不似你的人设画风。 The Qin Ze hesitation moment, the fermentation expresses: My Qin Ze, the sex male, likes the female, the parents is in good health, front has elder sister, goes study in Shanghai finance and economics university. Has not made the girlfriend, longs for taking off/escaping in the list. The ancestor three generations are the common people. Cannot compare you to spend to see the flower to open is liked by everybody.” 秦泽沉吟片刻,酝酿措辞:“本人秦泽,性别男,爱好女,父母健在,前头有个姐姐,就读于沪市财经大学。没交过女朋友,渴望脱单中。祖上三代都是良民。比不上您花见花开人见人爱。” Bootlicker.” Pei Nanman hē hē. “马屁精。”裴南曼呵呵一声。 Doesn't dare, after the founding of the nation, does not permit to become a ghost.” “不敢不敢,建国后不准成精。” Pei Nanman helplessly said: I deliver you to go back.” 裴南曼无奈道:“我送你回去吧。” Doesn't use, I go back well, not work your honorable self.” “不用不用,我自己回去就好,不劳您大驾。” Where Qin Ze dares to ride her car(riage), then gives him to bring to Huangpu River to install the gunnysack to sink...... 秦泽哪敢坐她的车,回头给他带到黄浦江装麻袋沉下去...... Also in the child of school screening knowledge, not only looks like Goddess and looks like the queen light ripe female, finished shortly opening heart. 一个还在学校筛选知识的孩子,一个既像女神又像女王的轻熟女,结束了短暂的“交心”。
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