MESIS :: Volume #1

#77: Reappears divine song

Qin Baobao came, is such attractive.” 秦宝宝来了,还是这么漂亮。” Stature is good to arrive explodes, you look at her big long leg, how can be so long.” “身材好到爆,你看她的大长腿,怎么能这么长。” Xu Lu she is unattractive, this I must acknowledge.” 徐璐没她漂亮,这点我要承认。” She may be really hapless, with Xu Lu PK, the least bit odds of success does not have.” “她可真倒霉,和徐璐pk,半点胜算都没有啊。” This does not have the means that Xu Lu has many fans, here has half to come to her. Others wrist are placed there.” “这没办法,徐璐有多少粉丝啊,这里有一半是冲她来的吧。人家腕儿摆在那里。” I also come to Xu Lu, but I am her black powder, is specially black she to come. However to be honest, a moment ago that song really of pleasant to hear.” “我也是冲徐璐来的,但我是她黑粉,专门黑她来的。不过说实话,刚才那首歌是真的好听。” If by some chance Qin Baobao comes Departure Song again.” “万一秦宝宝再来一首离歌呢。” She must come Departure Song again, who wins who lost/carrying did not say, but she chose to sing the ancient customs song, this did not clarify to collect to make Xu Lu the face hit.” “她要再来一首离歌,谁胜谁负不好说,可她偏偏选择唱古风歌,这不是摆明了把脸凑上去让徐璐打吗。” hē hē, Li Xuegang indicated that refuses to accept.” This is Qin Baobao's fans. 呵呵,李学刚表示不服。”这是秦宝宝的粉丝 This she was very difficult to win, Li Xuegang that time was the miracle, the miracle is impossible to happen again. However, her Resurrection Match also has the hope, Li Rongxing does not do, Chen Xiaotong can always put together.” “这回她是真的很难赢了,李学刚那次是奇迹,奇迹不可能再次发生。不过,她复活赛也不是没有希望,李荣兴干不过,陈小彤总可以拼一拼。” Chen Xiaotong she is also unbearable, Heavenly Queen popular recovers, the art or technique of singing is also good, Qin Baobao does not have the advantage.” 陈小彤她也够呛,天后人气复苏,唱功也好,秦宝宝没有优势。” Qin Ze following orchestra teacher takes place, the lens cannot to them, but is the focus on Qin Baobao that gradually mounts the stage. 秦泽跟着乐队老师就位,镜头不会给他们,而是聚焦在缓步登台的秦宝宝身上。 But the audience on the scene can see their, Pei Ziqi sat in most front, the vision swept one on orchestra teacher, regardless the vision, gawked lightly suddenly, transferred the line of sight. 但在场的观众是可以看到他们的,裴子淇坐在最前排,目光在乐队老师身上扫了一眼,淡淡撇开目光,忽然一愣,又把视线转了回来。 That is...... 那个是...... Is Qin what coming? 秦什么来着的? Pei Ziqi does not remember the Qin Ze's name, but she recognizes the Qin Ze's appearance, good and evil Qin Ze was also School Grass Grade handsome fellow, no longer was looked Passersby A that forgot. 裴子淇不记得秦泽的名字,但她认得秦泽的长相,好歹秦泽也是校草级帅哥了,不再是看一眼就忘的路人甲 How can he here? 他怎么会在这里? Is he orchestra teacher of television station? 他是电视台的乐队老师 Pei Ziqi produces at heart thickly curious, he remembers that Qin Ze is the Economics Uni student, how university student possibly appears in that position. Is completely unscientific. 裴子淇心里产生浓浓好奇,他记得秦泽财大的学生吧,一个大学生怎么可能出现在那个位置。完全不科学。 She thinks suddenly, elder brother home teacher, is the sister-in-law/little aunt invites, at that time, she thinks that the sister-in-law/little aunt advertises for tutor that the website draws on through what/anything, at present looks like, as without is so simple. Discernment that but, university student, have what skill and ability enters her sister-in-law/little aunt. 她忽然想到,哥哥家教老师,是小姨请来的,当时,她以为小姨通过什么招聘网站招来的家教,眼下看来,似乎没那么简单。可是,一个大学生,何德何能入她小姨的法眼。 When Pei Ziqi indulges in flights of fancy, suddenly hears the affable melodious music to resound, she was attracted all of a sudden. 裴子淇胡思乱想之际,忽然听见舒缓悠扬的音乐响起,她一下子就被吸引了。 Not is only she, all audience gawked staring. 不单是她,所有观众都愣了愣。 This prelude, pleasant to hear unexpectedly. 这前奏,出乎意外的好听。 The drum, bamboo flute, iron angle and guqin interweave the clear and melodious note, spring water that probably dīng dōng flows, particularly acoustic fidelity limpid guqin, thick classical flavor. 鼓、笛子、三角铁、古琴交织成清越的音符,像是叮咚流淌的泉水,尤其是音质清澈的古琴,给人浓浓的古典味道。 In dubbing in music covered China and West musical instruments, the guqin leads the musical instrument, has it, can the perfect integration China and West musical instruments, without it, dubbing in music lose the classical flavor. 配乐里涵盖了中西乐器,古琴是主导乐器,有它在,才能完美融合中西乐器,没了它,配乐就失去了古典味道。 Vegetarian embryo outlined the tobacco mosaic tip to downturn thickly.” “素胚勾勒出青花笔锋浓转淡。” Peony of bottle body description one such as beginning you makeup.” “瓶身描绘的牡丹一如你初妆。” Soft sandalwood I understands clearly by the window concern.” “冉冉檀香透过窗心事我了然。” On xuan paper writes rapidly puts half hence.” “宣纸上走笔至此搁一半。” ...... ...... The Pei Ziqi complexion stares, at once the relaxing pole from the soft chair, the graceful eyes winks to stare at beautiful Qin Baobao, makes to listen respectfully to the shape. 裴子淇脸色一愣,旋即从软椅上直起腰杆,盈盈秋波一眨不眨凝视艳光四射的秦宝宝,做出聆听状。 The audience, is generally like her, first is a face is optional, after the music resounds, they thought that the accompaniment is very of pleasant to hear, has the flavor very much. Then the Qin Baobao's singing sound sang, on the teleprompter is rolling the lyrics. 身后的观众,大抵都跟她一样,先是一脸随意,等音乐响起后,他们觉得伴奏很好听,很有韵味。接着秦宝宝的歌声唱起,提词器上滚动着歌词。 The literary flourishes magnificent lyrics, the song of classical flavor, in the magnetism mixes with a soft immerse the voice. 辞藻华丽的歌词,古典韵味的曲子,磁性中夹杂一丝软濡的嗓音。 Attracted the audience instantaneously. 瞬间把观众们吸引了。 Azure and other misty rains, but I in you.” “天青色等烟雨,而我在等你。” Kitchen chimney smoke raises, separates in river whatever happens|10 million.” “炊烟袅袅升起,隔江千万里。” Imitated the previous dynasty elegance in the bottle bottom book Han Lishu.” “在瓶底书汉隶仿前朝的飘逸。” When I to meet your foreshadowing.” “就当我为遇见你伏笔。” Azure and other misty rains, but I in you.” “天青色等烟雨而我在等你。” Moonlight was salvaged, fainted the result.” “月色被打捞起,晕开了结局。” Blue and White Porcelain that if handed down for generations is selfish.” “如传世的青花瓷自顾自美丽。” Your eye belt/bring happy expression.” “你眼带笑意。” The orchestra position, Qin Ze closes the eye, both hands following rhythm holds the string, cancels, picks out, wipes, selects, holds, break by twisting in hands, hit and picks, when is epidemic slow. His corners of the mouth do not bring back the happy expression voluntarily, gets on soundings. 乐队位置,秦泽闭上眼睛,双手跟着节奏扶动琴弦,勾、剔、抹、挑、托、擘、打、摘,时疾时缓。他嘴角不自觉勾起笑意,渐入佳境。 Several orchestra teacher, vision surprise looks, the level of this young people. 身边几个乐队老师,目光诧异的看过来,这年轻人的水平可以啊。 Before mounting the stage, Qin Ze exchanged guqin advanced to play the skill with system, can definitely control this song. This song is he writes right, but he is only stopover station, the true inventor came from parallel space. He first listens to this song, startled is a Celestial, but at this time, participates as one of the accompaniment, the feeling is completely different. 上台前,秦泽系统兑换了古琴高级弹奏技能,完全可以驾驭这首歌。这首歌是他写的没错,但他只是“中转站”,真正的创作人来自平行空间。他初次听这首歌,惊为天人,但此时,做为伴奏的一员参与进来,感受完全不同。 The charm of music, is really infinite. 音乐的魅力,果然无穷。 Can the Xu Lu's song really compared with my 《Blue and White Porcelain》? 徐璐的歌真的可以和我这首《青花瓷》相比吗? My elder sister really odds of success? 我姐真的一点胜算都没有? You did not think that " Ink Painting » unimaginative was too heavy? 你们不觉得《水墨丹青》匠气太重了吗? Did not think that composing fixed-style verses a little pieces together haphazardly, constantly pursue literary flourishes? 不觉得填词有点生拼硬凑,一味追求辞藻吗? Good, making us use the fact to speak. 好,让我们用事实说话。 Please continue to listen respectfully. 请你们继续聆听。 The Qin Ze zither music such as the gust of wind sudden downpour, climbs up the peak suddenly little, duplicate/restores, but racing, lightly. 秦泽琴音忽然如疾风骤雨,一点点攀上巅峰,复而急转而下,淅淅沥沥。 Koi vividly in Wandi of color white cyanine.” “色白花青的锦鲤跃然于碗底。” „When tracing Song typeface inscription is actually keeping thinking about you.” “临摹宋体落款时却惦记着你。” You hide in the kilning millenniums the secrets.” “你隐藏在窑烧里千年的秘密。” Just likes the embroidery needle to fall to the ground extremely exquisitely.” “极细腻犹如绣花针落地。” Outside curtain the Japanese banana annoys the sudden downpour knocker to annoy the verdigris.” “帘外芭蕉惹骤雨门环惹铜绿。” However I passed by that Jiangnan small town to annoy you.” “而我路过那江南小镇惹了你。” In splashing ink landscape painting.” “在泼墨山水画里。” You hidden went from the black deep place.” “你从墨色深处被隐去。” The audience are deluded, their mood unconscious immersion in the light sadness, sees such picture, at present the scenery unfolds: The azure black sky, the misty rain is misty, the Jiangnan small town appears intermittently in the drizzle. The light rain is getting in the Japanese banana, the closed front door, the knocker is dyeing a verdigris. 观众们如痴如醉,他们情绪不自觉的沉浸在淡淡的哀伤中,看到这样的画面,眼前景物铺开:青黑色的天空,烟雨蒙蒙,江南小镇隐现在雨雾之中。小雨打着芭蕉,紧闭的大门,门环染着一层铜绿。 The Jiangnan misty rain, the small bridge over the flowing stream, the green slat road, should also miss who is holding the oiled paper umbrella. 江南烟雨,小桥流水,青石板路,应该还有一个撑着油纸伞的姑娘。 She must have the Jiangnan misty rain dimness and nimble and resourceful, what the body puts on is the attendant clothing/taking. 她要有江南烟雨般的朦胧与灵动,身上穿的是仕女服。 She passes through the green slat to spread, long alley. 她走过青石板铺成的,长长的小路。 Supports the miss of oiled paper umbrella, on the umbrella is drawing the painting ink. 撑着油纸伞的姑娘,伞上绘着丹青水墨。 She should be a traveler, but is seeking for what/anything probably. 她应该是过客,但像是在寻找着什么。 Perhaps is the road that seeks to go home, may seek for the previous existence millenniums love. 或许是寻找回家的路,也有可能在寻找宿世千年的爱情。 In this small town, seeks the millennium ago secrets in the kilning? 在这个小镇,在窑烧里寻找千年前的秘密? Here also needs male protagonist, but does not need male protagonist. 这里还需要男主角,但又不需要男主角 It is sorrowful, hidden bitterness, elegantly simple refined. 它是哀婉的,幽怨的,淡雅脱俗的。 Azure and other misty rains, but I in you.” “天青色等烟雨,而我在等你。” Kitchen chimney smoke raises, separates in river whatever happens|10 million.” “炊烟袅袅升起,隔江千万里。” Imitated the previous dynasty elegance in the bottle bottom book Han Lishu.” “在瓶底书汉隶仿前朝的飘逸。” When I to meet your foreshadowing.” “就当我为遇见你伏笔。” Azure and other misty rains, but I in you.” “天青色等烟雨,而我在等你。” Moonlight was salvaged, fainted the result.” “月色被打捞起,晕开了结局。” Blue and White Porcelain that if handed down for generations is selfish.” “如传世的青花瓷自顾自美丽。” Your eye belt/bring happy expression.” “你眼带笑意。” The gentle tactful zither music is getting more and more low, vanishes gradually. 温柔委婉的琴音越来越低,渐渐消失。 Sang, Qin Baobao is covering mouth suddenly, the eye socket was moist. 歌唱完了,秦宝宝忽然捂着嘴,眼眶湿润。 Pei Ziqi recovers fiercely, from that type sad sad, floods in the atmosphere of Jiangnan misty rain to get back one's composure, she hit a cicada slowly, goosebumps. 裴子淇猛地回过神来,从那种忧伤哀伤,充斥着江南烟雨的氛围中回神,她缓缓打了个寒蝉,一身鸡皮疙瘩。 On the spot, several hundred audience, a silentness. 现场,几百位观众,一片静默。 Everyone as if cannot come out from the disconsolate sorrowful singing sound, many perceptual girls, are covering mouth to burst into tears. 大家仿佛都没能从惆怅哀婉的歌声中出来,许多感性的女孩子,捂着嘴流泪。 Backstage. 后台。 Huang Yuteng was excited: Melody gentle tactful and elegantly simple refined, the lyrics are better. Person who creates this song, absolutely is the talent, no, is a wizard.” 黄宇腾激动了:“曲调温柔委婉、淡雅脱俗,歌词更好。创作这首歌的人,绝对是天才,不,是鬼才。” Li Rongxing exaggerate: How to have such song of pleasant to hear, the word how can write is so good, sad touching plaintive, persuasive moving. Heavens, I must sing, I must sing.” 李荣兴浮夸:“怎么会有这么好听的歌,词怎么能写的这么好,凄美哀怨,婉转动人。天呐,我要翻唱,我一定要翻唱。” Chen Xiaotong points at Qin Baobao in screen, the sympathize was saying: Fell unable to pull out in the song.” 陈小彤指着屏幕里的秦宝宝,感同身受道:“陷在歌里拔不出来了。” Liu Xuegang remembers that by own suffered an unexpected failure «Departure Song», remembered a moment ago the young people of casual acquaintance, has to admire, wizard, wizard.” 刘学刚不禁想起那首让自己阴沟里翻船的《离歌》,想起刚才一面之缘的年轻人,不得不佩服,“鬼才,鬼才啊。” The Xu Lu complexion very looked very much, is not the camera is patting, she must upset the table. 徐璐脸色很好不看,不是摄像机拍着,她要掀桌子了。 This song...... she has no chance completely. 这歌......她完全没希望啊。 Qin Baobao adjustment mood, nasal sound strong say/way: Thank you.” 秦宝宝调整情绪,鼻音浓重道:“谢谢大家。” After the moment, the applause erupted. 片刻后,掌声爆发了。 Everyone stands up as if by prior agreement, gives the warm applause. 所有人都不约而同站起身,给予热烈的掌声。 They do not have too many spoken languages, applause that but non-stop, expresses gasping in admiration of innermost feelings. Their expression fully showed that exclamation at this moment, admires, appreciation and support...... 他们没有太多的言语,只是不停的鼓掌,来表示内心的叹服。他们表情足以说明此刻的惊叹、佩服、赞赏、支持...... Qin Baobao stands is stage center's, with a smile the applause that accepts the audience. 秦宝宝站在舞台中央,含笑接受观众的掌声。 Yin Jia mounted the stage, wiped the red eye, said with a smile: Yin Jia below, really listened to cry a moment ago.” 尹佳上台,抹了抹通红的眼睛,笑道:“刚才尹佳在下面,是真的听哭了。” The audience approve consistently. 观众们一致认同。 This little girl in the performance or the sincerity, is unknown. 这妞是在表演还是真心,不得而知。 Then, Xu Lu mounts the stage, she and Qin Baobao stand in the stage center. 接着,徐璐上台,她和秦宝宝站在舞台中央。 Arrived voting link. 到投票环节了。 Two people numbers of votes rise by turns, quick, Xu Lu exceeded Qin Baobao, she was the winning side. 两人的票数交替上升,很快,徐璐就超越了秦宝宝,她稳居上风。 Xu Lu turned head to look at the eye large screen, the heart relaxed, corners of the mouth smiling face unconscious. 徐璐扭头看了眼大屏幕,心底松了口气,嘴角笑容不自觉的荡起。 To Xu Lu, I am her fans, certainly must support her.” “给徐璐,我是她粉丝,肯定要支持她。” I support Qin Baobao, her song too motherf**ker god, from Invisible Wings to Blue and White Porcelain, each capital made me shocking.” “我支持秦宝宝,她的歌太tm神了,从隐形的翅膀青花瓷,每一首都让我惊艳。” „, Xu Lu was in the lead, does what/anything.” “诶,徐璐领先了,搞什么啊。” Xu Lu is A-list, sang also good.” 徐璐一线,唱的也好。” Fart, can her song compare with Blue and White Porcelain? Do you have the ear.” “放屁,她那首歌能和青花瓷比?你们有没有耳朵啊。” Xu Lu, Xu Lu!” 徐璐,徐璐!” big-breasted sister, big-breasted sister!” 大胸妹,大胸妹!” The audience wishes one could to hit. 台下观众恨不得打起来。 Pei Ziqi is wrinkling the fine brow tip, is grasping the polling machine, indecisive. 裴子淇皱着精致眉梢,握着投票器,犹豫不决。 Her bosom friend talked on endlessly in the one side: „, I threw to Qin Baobao.” 闺蜜在一旁叨叨:“诶,我投给秦宝宝了。” What she sang was really of pleasant to hear, singing cried me.” “她唱的是真好听,把我给唱哭了。” Ziqi, do you throw to whom?” 子淇,你投给谁?” Uh, aren't you Xu Lu's fans? How to hesitate.” ,你不是徐璐的粉丝吗?怎么还犹豫啊。” It seems like Qin Baobao was hopeless, Xu Lu is higher than her number of votes.” “看来秦宝宝没戏了,徐璐比她票数高。” Pei Ziqi angry angrily said: Shut up.” 裴子淇怒道:“闭嘴。” In her mind appears the Blue and White Porcelain melody and lyrics, remembers impulsion that nearly cried a moment ago. Clenches teeth, cast the ticket to Qin Baobao. 她脑海中浮现青花瓷的旋律、歌词,想起刚才险些落泪的冲动。一咬牙,把票投给了秦宝宝 I to song not, although votes to you, but still dislikes you. 我对歌不对人,虽然投票给你,但依然讨厌你。 When votes the segmentum posterius, the Xu Lu's support level appears weak condition, reviews Qin Baobao, the momentum is fierce, soars. 投票到中后段时,徐璐的支持率显现出疲软之态,反观秦宝宝,势头猛健,一路飞涨。 Qin Baobao pursued. 秦宝宝追上来了。 Qin Baobao counter- ultra. 秦宝宝反超了。 The Xu Lu face was black, is very at heart anxious. 徐璐脸黑了,心里别提有多急。 She has the new song to come, to propagandize her new special edition comes, no matter the self development, is the self-respect, she cannot lose. The new song of making extraordinary painstaking efforts, at the program by a similar song forcing head, her new special edition must send. company inclines so many resources to give her...... 她是带着新歌来的,为了宣传她的新专辑而来,不管是自身发展,还是自尊心,她都不能输啊。苦心孤诣的新歌,在节目上被同类型的歌曲力压一头,她新专辑还要不要发了。公司倾斜那么多资源给她...... Votes to me quickly. 快投票给我啊。 Why you eat. 你们干什么吃的。 I am A-list celebrity. 我是一线明星啊。 You feel all right to say my fans. 你们好意思自称我的粉丝吗。 Towering, Yin Jia said loudly: Good, voting closure.” 突兀的,尹佳大声说:“好,投票截止。” On the large screen, the vote came out. 大屏幕上,投票结果出来了。 Many face discolorations. 很多人脸色变了。 Many person exciting wishing one could of dance with joy. 很多人兴奋的恨不得手舞足蹈。 Qin Baobao: 208 tickets. 秦宝宝:208票。 Xu Lu: 186 tickets. 徐璐:186票。 100 multi- abstention. 一百多票弃权。 Yin Jia announced: Final outcome is...... Qin Baobao wins.” 尹佳宣布道:“最终结果是......秦宝宝。” The applause resounds, the audience cheer. 掌声响起,观众们欢呼起来。 The scene atmosphere is warm. 场面气氛热烈。
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