MESIS :: Volume #1

#76: The song that I score, won't I shoot?

Qin Ze waited for several minutes in out of the door, the gate opened, elder sister looks around to look around, beckons toward him. 秦泽在门外等了几分钟,门开了,姐姐探头探脑张望,朝他招招手。 He crosses the threshold immediately, a gate later generation long aisle, extends in all directions. Qin Baobao stands after the gate, complexion heavy, is nipping the lip, the pupil that the eyes ripple, winks visits him, a being wronged little girl appearance. 他随即入门,门后世一条长长的走道,四通八达。秦宝宝站在门后,脸色沉沉的,咬着唇瓣,秋波荡漾的眸子,一眨不眨的看着他,一副受委屈的小女孩模样。 This stance, Qin Ze understands clearly at heart. 这副姿态,秦泽心里了然。 When the elder sister mood is bad appearance. 姐姐心情糟糕时的模样。 „Was pianist injured to take to the hospital?” 钢琴师受伤送医院了?” elder sister nods. 姐姐点头。 That should have other pianist seam protectors.” “那应该有其他钢琴师补位吧。” The elder sister grievance said: My that is the new song, complementing zitherist has not shot, the program group does not give time to practice.” 姐姐委屈道:“我那是新歌,补位琴师没弹过,节目组不给时间练。” I come.” Qin Ze earnest say/way. “我来吧。”秦泽认真道。 Qin Baobao blinks. 秦宝宝眨了眨眼。 I shoot,” Qin Ze said: complementing zitherist is far-fetched, I come.” “我来弹吧,”秦泽道:“补位琴师不靠谱,我自己来。” Qin Baobao is still vacant, is crooked the head to visit him. 秦宝宝依旧茫然,歪着脑袋看他。 Qin Ze sighed silently, they were own elder sister and younger brother, each other was too familiar, did younger brother have several jin (0.5 kg) and tael (50 g), elder sister can not know? 秦泽默默叹息,他们是亲姐弟,彼此太熟悉了,弟弟几斤几两,姐姐会不知道? I can play the guzheng, in the school, I have joined the music mass organization, has practiced the guqin, but you do not know.” Qin Ze lies, opens mouth. “我会弹古筝,在学校里,我加入过音乐社团,练过古琴的,只是你不知道而已。”秦泽说谎,张嘴就来。 Qin Baobao one hear, on the face ripples such as the flowered dimple, holds in the arms the Qin Ze's waist, wū wū said: A'Ze, elder sister knows, in the world you are reliable.” 秦宝宝一听,脸上荡漾起如花笑靥,搂住秦泽的腰,呜呜道:“阿泽,姐姐就知道,天底下就你靠得住。” With running Li Yanhong, finds this, the startled complexion big change, anxious runs over flurriedly: Baobao (darling).” 跟着跑出来的李艳红,瞧见这一幕,惊的脸色大变,急慌慌跑过来:“宝宝。” Making a decision without authorization pull Qin Baobao, vision vigilant surprised looks at Qin Ze. 擅作主张的拉开秦宝宝,目光警惕惊疑的看秦泽 Qin Baobao accidental/surprised, the star way is doomed radiantly, by her appearance, definitely cannot have the boyfriend, at least cannot publicize, any relates the close man with her, as manager, must control strictly, when necessary, but must destroying these hazard factors. 秦宝宝不出意外,星途注定璀璨,以她的容貌,肯定是不能有男朋友的,最起码不能公开,任何与她关系亲密的男人,身为经纪人的自己,都要严格把控,必要的时候,还得“摧毁”这些危险因素。 Qin Baobao makes faces toward younger brother, had not explained to her pulls up Qin Ze, walks, caught up to follow close on film director to say.” 秦宝宝弟弟扮鬼脸,没跟她解释,拉起秦泽,“走走走,赶紧跟导演说一下。” In the lounge, the reception desk staff run. 休息室里,前台工作人员跑进来。 film director, the outside audience opinion is very big, cannot drag again.” 导演,外面观众意见很大,不能再拖了。” film director is also agitated, Qin Baobao, how has not come back, making her hurry to make the choice, or on complementing zitherist, either rejects the book of music for strings.” 导演也烦躁起来,“秦宝宝呢,怎么还不回来,让她赶紧做出选择,要么补位琴师上,要么剔除琴谱。” The up-and-comers are troublesome, rookie who particularly has a run-away success, they have the characteristics of dashing spirit of fearless young people, does not pay attention to the custom, did not understand that respects the senior. Is hard to communicate. 新人就是麻烦,尤其是一炮而红的新人,他们具有初生牛犊不怕虎的特性,不把规矩放在眼里,不懂得尊重前辈。难以沟通。 Just Qin Baobao draws Qin Ze to walk, raises the sound said: Does not use complementing zitherist, does not need to reject, I have a better candidate.” 刚好秦宝宝拉着秦泽走进来,扬声道:“不用补位琴师,也不用剔除,我有更好的人选。” The people look neatly to Qin Ze. 众人齐刷刷看向秦泽 film director is frowning, your Star Skills Entertainment person?” 导演皱着眉头,“你们星艺娱乐的人?” Qin Baobao just about to nods, actually listens to Xu Lu saying: He is not, I have not seen this person.” 秦宝宝刚要点头,却听徐璐道:“他不是,我没见过这号人。” Star Skills Entertainment is broker company, the specialized orchestra are not many, Xu Lu and they have had happening together, punctures the Qin Ze status. 星艺娱乐是经纪公司,专业乐队不多,徐璐和他们有过交集,一眼戳穿秦泽身份。 film director angrily said: „It is not specialized can mount the stage? Is the psychological quality up to standard, does the level go through a strategic pass, the program effect cannot meet the expectation, who is responsible for? Nonsense.” 导演怒道:“不是专业的能上台?心理素质过不过关,水平过不过关,节目效果达不到预期,谁负责?胡闹。” He can, guarantee that does not have the issue.” Self-confidence of Qin Baobao to younger brother fan. “他可以的,保证没问题。”秦宝宝弟弟迷之自信。 I study several years later the guqin.” Qin Ze is lying. “我学过几年古琴。”秦泽扯着谎。 That candidate zither | Jean, looked at Qin Ze one, questioned: Guqin compared with other musical instruments, this thing is not that easy to learn, proficient was more difficult. The book of music for strings I looked, the non-specialized person, is very difficult to shoot.” 那位候补琴手,看了秦泽一眼,质疑道:“古琴可不比其他乐器,这东西不是那么好学的,精通就更难了。琴谱我看了,不专业的人,很难弹好。” The guqin has a nickname: Seven string qin. Was one of the ancient China most ancient musical instruments, was the Chinese earliest stringed musical instruments, was called „the father of traditional Chinese music. The guqin and guzheng shape is similar, face ripe, the guzheng explodes the guqin, many people only know the guzheng, does not know the guqin. Mainly this thing quite difficult ball, it to only have seven strings, it is well known, the string are less, the song that plays is more monotonous, is not bone ash level player, very difficult hobby guqin thing. 古琴有个雅号:七弦琴。是中国古代最古老的乐器之一,是中国最早的弹弦乐器,称为“国乐之父”。古琴与古筝形态相似,脸熟度而言,古筝完爆古琴,很多人只知道古筝,不知道古琴。主要这东西比较难弹,它只有七根弦,众所周知,弦越少,弹出来的曲子越单调,不是骨灰级玩家,很难玩好古琴这东西。 The people chuckle on the scene gets up. 在场众人都轻笑起来。 This Qin Baobao is a little funny, the done matter makes one not know whether to laugh or cry, should be the rookie is not steady. After meeting sudden outbreak, actively does not coordinate the program group, instead is unsatisfied about both plans, the layman who then looks for a crude person is responsible for acting as seam protector zither | Jean. 秦宝宝有点逗,做的事情太让人啼笑皆非,应该就是新人的不稳重吧。在遇到突发状况后,不积极配合节目组,反而对两种方案都不满意,接着又找来一个半吊子的外行人负责充当补位琴手。 Can the laymen with specialized comparing? 外行人能和专业的比? This records the program, is not the talent show of personal situation. 这是录制节目,可不是私人场合的才艺表演。 In everyone eyes, the Qin Baobao's style, is incompatible with them. 在大家眼里,秦宝宝的风格,与他们格格不入。 Qin Ze he swept the eye people on the scene lightly, curls the lip saying: Nothing incorrect, the song that I score, won't I shoot?” 秦泽他淡淡扫了眼在场众人,撇嘴道:“没什么不行的,我谱的曲子,我不会弹?” Song that I score...... 我谱的曲子...... Song that he scores...... 他谱的曲子...... film director dumbfounded. 导演呆住了。 Li Rongxing shoots fiercely from the sofa. 李荣兴猛地从沙发上弹起来。 The Xu Lu stiff back, the complexion is stunned. 徐璐挺直腰杆,脸色愕然。 Huang Yuteng and Liu Xuegang look at each other in blank dismay. 黄宇腾刘学刚面面相觑。 Chen Xiaotong wind Cantonese. 陈小彤飙了句粤语 These words information content was too big. 这句话信息量太大了。 Since Qin Baobao has made a debut, by many first original high-quality goods, amazes the world with a single brilliant feat. The heat degree skyrockets, at present is the C-list celebrity level. Many how long, considering everything one month. Originates regarding the Qin Baobao song, the online numerous said the numerous altars/jars, for example Qin Baobao is in some circle the big shot sweetheart, therefore the Star Skills incline resources hold her. 秦宝宝出道以来,凭借多首原创精品,一鸣惊人。热度扶摇直上,目前已是三线明星水准。多才多久啊,满打满算一个月。对于秦宝宝歌曲来源,网上众说纷坛,比如秦宝宝是某圈内大佬的情人,所以星艺倾斜资源捧她。 This view, generally obtains the populace to approve. Likes Qin Baobao's male fans loving and hating. 这个说法,普遍得到大众认可。喜欢秦宝宝的粉丝又爱又恨。 Qin Baobao view: My song is my younger brother writes. 秦宝宝自己说法:我的歌都是我弟弟写的。 People on the scene, a natural deviation previous view. But Xu Lu is a sensible person, she knows that company simply does not have the inclined resources to give Qin Baobao. 在场众人,自然偏向前一种说法。可徐璐是明白人,她知道公司根本没有倾斜资源给秦宝宝 Then at present this person...... 那么眼前这个人...... Qin Ze nods, ejects a heavy case bomb: Qin Baobao's all songs, all are I write.” 秦泽点点头,又抛出一个重磅炸弹:“秦宝宝的所有歌,全是我写的。” The lounge, has falls into a flash silent. 休息室,有那么一瞬间陷入寂静。 After losing one's voice shortly, film director is experienced, first responded, warm threw to shake hand with Qin Ze: Hello, how to call.” 短暂失声之后,导演见多识广,首先反应过来,热情的扑过来与秦泽握手:“你好你好,怎么称呼。” Qin Ze.” Qin Ze shakes hand with a smile. 秦泽。”秦泽笑着握手。 Has heard so much about you,” film director was excited, on the face piles up with the smiling face: Our program group had once met, has discussed you, wants to know that is the song of that big success creation. Is unworthy our television station, in the circle many people was guessing, „ the Qin Baobao's composer topic, stays at a high level in the online heat degree. ” “久仰大名啊,”导演激动了,脸上堆满笑容:“我们节目组曾经开过会,讨论过你,都想知道是那位大咖创作的歌曲。不值我们电视台,圈子里很多人都在猜测,“秦宝宝的作曲人”话题,在网上热度居高不下。” Does clumsily, is not worth mentioning.” Qin Ze some do not adapt to his enthusiasm, one anxious, almost writings in classical style whirlwind comes out. “拙作,不足挂齿。”秦泽有些不适应他的热情,一紧张,差点文言文飚出来。 Qin Baobao pū chī smiles. 秦宝宝噗嗤一笑。 Li Rongxing is flexible, pushes to join in the fun: handsome fellow, no, master, song the song, the price you open casually.” 李荣兴性格活泛,挤上来凑热闹:“帅哥,不,大师,约歌约歌,价格您随便开。” Huang Yuteng responded, was busy at shouting: Calculates my one.” 黄宇腾反应过来,忙喊:“算我一个。” Chen Xiaotong refuses to admit being inferior: Calculates my one.” 陈小彤不甘示弱:“算我一个。” Her mouth recording tape the thick Cantonese taste, is walking from the sofa, looked that the Qin Ze's vision is especially earnest, after allying «I am a Singer», her enterprise welcomes second spring, popular soars. After this season program, if can put out several good songs, sends round of single, even if grips the steady heel thoroughly. Otherwise, even if her present popular fire, long time did not have the work, how long did not need to be able by the striking back primary form. 她口音带着浓浓的粤语味,从沙发上走过来,看秦泽的目光格外热切,加盟《我是歌星》后,她事业迎来第二春,人气直线上升。这季节目后,如果能拿出几首好歌,发发单曲,就算彻底扎稳脚跟。反之,哪怕她现在人气火了,长时间没好作品,不需多久就会被打回原形。 The example that the entertainment world has a run-away success are many, after red, vanishes however the people the example are more. Why? Without the good work. Forgetting of audience is very big, brushing face ripe that needs to keep, popular is the celebrity life. 娱乐圈一炮而红的例子很多,红了之后呢,泯然众人矣的例子更多。为什么?因为没有好的作品。观众的忘性是很大的,需要不停的刷脸熟度,人气明星的生命。 Cooks up the scandal, buys the news, can brush face ripe, but time was long, will play the reaction. Has female celebrity to be called blanket star. This does not have the work, brushes face ripe the sequela. 炒绯闻,买新闻,也能刷脸熟度,但时间久了,会起到反作用。有女明星就被戏称为“毯星”。这就是没作品,强刷脸熟度的后遗症。 The Xu Lu's complexion was ugly, such a master level character town/subdues field, plays the guqin to be a cinch, the key is she smells a crisis, the Qin Baobao's song originates, company was also discussing, Marketing Department manager has even hit these song thoughts. 徐璐的脸色就难看了,这样一位大师级人物镇场,弹古琴不在话下,关键是她嗅到一丝危机,秦宝宝的歌曲来源,公司也在议论,营销部经理甚至打过这几首歌念头。 She turns head suddenly, asked the assistant: What song that Qin Baobao sang?” 她忽然扭头,问助理:“秦宝宝唱的什么歌?” The assistant indicated to be confused: I don't know either, she rehearses, we not on the scene.” 助理表示一头雾水:“我也不知道,她排练的时候,我们不在场。” Qin Ze felt oneself are too tender, he a little does not adapt to several celebrity enthusiasms, and after becoming the focus, constriction that brings. 秦泽觉得自己还是太嫩,他有点不适应几个明星的热情,以及成为焦点后带来的压迫感。 I do not have the opinion, but she agreed.” Quick-witted Qin Ze flings the pot to elder sister. “我个人没意见,但得她同意。”机智的秦泽把锅甩给姐姐 Qin Baobao said with a smile: Where I dare to take responsibility to you, at home you are eldest master.” 秦宝宝笑道:“我哪敢给你做主啊,在家里你才是大爷。” Several people smiled immediately. 几人顿时笑了。 Qin Baobao also said: Song, discussed with my manager.” 秦宝宝又道:“约歌可以,和我的经纪人谈。” She has mixed the person in work place after all, does not want at heart, will not say definitely the words. Gives them while convenient a hope, in the future will really have the appropriate song, the price does not have the issue, all talk about, became, others owe her the favor. 她毕竟混过职场的人,心里不愿意,也不会把话说死。顺便给他们一个希望,将来真有合适的歌,价格没问题,一切好谈,成了,别人就欠她人情。 reception desk, seat somewhere near the top. 前台,靠前的某处席位。 Program group is up to mischief.” Pei Ziqi is lying down the soft seat, waited very patient. “节目组搞什么鬼。”裴子淇躺着软座,等的好不耐烦。 Nearly a half hour, what's the matter. We also heard Xu Lu to sing in any case, or first walked.” Her nearby female student also discontented whisper. Continues they, other audience opinions are also very big, time is longer, the audience is more anxious. From the beginning the staff can also comfort, to afterward, the popular feeling running high, could not comfort. “都快半小时了,怎么回事嘛。反正咱们也听到徐璐唱歌了,要不先走吧。”她旁边的女生也不满的嘀咕。不止她们,其他观众意见也很大,时间等的越久,观众越焦躁。一开始工作人员还能安抚,到后来,群情激昂,安抚不住。 The young 100 person left, without whom is willing to be kept waiting. 一百人离开了,没谁愿意傻等着。 „It is not good, that Qin Baobao has not sung, I must vote to Xu Lu, visit her to defeat Qin Baobao.” A Pei Ziqi veto. “不行,那秦宝宝还没演唱,我要给徐璐投票,看着她战胜秦宝宝。”裴子淇一口否决。 Her bosom friend father, is sh Radio and TV Bureau deputy director, today can sit in the seat near the top, walked is the relations of bosom friend. Pei Ziqi is Xu Lu's fans, but is not the iron rod, but to Qin Baobao, her natural malice. Turns over to its reason, in that woman with the family/home has the too similarity probably, the seductress cheek, the seductress makings. 她的闺蜜父亲,是sh广电局副局长,今天能坐在靠前的席位,走的就是闺蜜的关系。裴子淇徐璐的粉丝,不过算不上铁杆,而对秦宝宝,她天然的恶感。归其原因,大概是与家里那个女人有太相似之处,狐狸精似的脸蛋,狐狸精似的气质。 Makes her angry, Li Donglai that final word, unexpectedly so infatuated Qin Baobao, infatuated with the woman who that woman so takes the form. 更让她愤怒的,李东来那煞笔,竟然如此痴迷秦宝宝,痴迷一个与那女人如此形似的女人。 When the audience impatient atmosphere gets stronger and stronger, Yin Jia mounts the stage finally, apologizes: Very sorry, making everyone wait for a long time. The program continues to record.” 观众不耐烦的气氛愈演愈烈之际,尹佳终于上台,致歉道:“非常抱歉,让大家久等了。节目继续录制。” Under the stage, deputy film director is making the countdown. 台下,副导演在做倒计时。 Three! 三! Two! 二! One! 一! Yin Jia: Thank Xu Lu to the new song that we brought, everyone said that was of pleasant to hear!” 尹佳:“感谢徐璐给我们带来的新歌,大家说好不好听!” The lens gave the audience. 镜头给了观众。 Of pleasant to hear!” “好听!” The audience also support very much, applauds in abundance. The probably condition has not happened. 观众们也很捧场,纷纷鼓掌。好像刚才的状况不曾发生。 Invited next singer Qin Baobao.” “有请下一位歌手秦宝宝。”
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