MESIS :: Volume #1

#75: Record has the accident/surprise

The scene light goes out more than half, that side the stage actually shines the gorgeous ray, on beautiful woman who the bunch of light illuminations are mounting the stage slowly, illuminates on her printing ink and wash painting qipao. The mountain range folds the screen-like mountain peak, the ancient pine is vigorous, enjoyable distant. 现场灯光熄灭过半,舞台那边却亮起绚丽的光芒,一束束的灯光照射在缓缓登台的美人身上,照亮她身上那件印染水墨画的旗袍。山峦叠嶂,古松苍劲,写意悠远。 The beautiful women like the flower, add a classical graceful beauty. 美人如花,平添一股古典优雅之美。 The audience erupt one to cheer dreadfully, was given to be shocking really by her appearance. 观众爆发出一阵滔天欢呼,着实被她一身打扮给惊艳到。 Was too beautiful.” “太美了。” My Goddess.” “我的女神。” „, Good to do her.” “呜,好想干她。” Leg is good, although does not have the big-breasted sister big long leg to be shocking.” “腿不错,虽然没有大胸妹的大长腿惊艳。” Xu Lu is quite attractive, this clothes, zé zé, explodes any uniform/subdue.” 徐璐好漂亮,这身衣服,啧啧,完爆任何制服啊。” qipao of China has the flavor.” “还是中国的旗袍有味道。” hā hā, after this issue of program, some treasure must have Xu Lu with.” 哈哈,这期节目后,某宝要出徐璐同款了。” In a minute, tender feelings such as the guzheng of water resounds, subsequently urheen, piano and bamboo flute...... 片刻,一声柔情如水的古筝响起,继而二胡,钢琴、笛子...... Sudden downpour rests initially,” “骤雨初歇,” Lake surface wave swings the ripple mark.” “湖面水波荡涟纹。” Half a lifetime is tired, performs in vain “半生累,尽徒然” On green slat, an oiled paper umbrella.” “青石板上,一把油纸伞。” Painted screen thin Yanchuan,” “画屏薄烟穿,” Painting is difficult to draw your beautiful face.” “丹青难画你芳容。” Ink painting, difficult hidden your appearance.” “水墨丹青,难隐你的容颜。” The Xu Lu's singing sound is indistinct, the ancient customs are rich, bent/tune Haoci is good, the person is good. The music of classical aura, the unique sad and melancholy atmosphere brims with. The Chinese traditional music, has the difference in melody, scale, timbre, rhythm and other aspects and Western music. What art is one pure! 徐璐的歌声飘渺悠远,古风浓郁,曲好词好,人好。古典气息的音乐,独特的哀伤、忧郁的气氛洋溢。中国传统音乐,在旋律、音阶、音色、节奏等方面与西方音乐存在区别。讲究的是一个“纯净”! The guzheng is the guzheng, the urheen is an urheen, sole musical instrument performance, pure on sense of hearing: Light and slow, sorrow, raises many characteristics. Without the noise of rock and roll, without disorderly of accompaniment, sole, purely. Is another sense of hearing enjoys. 古筝就是古筝,二胡就是二胡,单一的乐器演奏,给人听觉上的纯粹:轻、缓、哀、扬诸多特色。没有摇滚的喧嚣,没有伴奏的杂乱,单一,纯粹。是另一种听觉享受。 The closing eye that the audience are infatuated with, calmly listens respectfully to the wonderful note that the classical musical instrument plays, listens respectfully to the Xu Lu magnetic sad singing sound. 观众们陶醉的闭上眼睛,静静聆听古典乐器奏出的美妙音符,聆听徐璐磁性哀伤的歌声。 Backstage. 后台。 Huang Yuteng closes one's eyes, listens respectfully to the music dedicated. 黄宇腾闭着眼睛,专注聆听音乐。 Li Rongxing selfish nod: Good oh. has the flavor very much.” 李荣兴自顾自点头:“不错哦。很有味道。” Chen Xiaotong echoes: Outlined all of a sudden the classical flavor.” 陈小彤附和:“一下子就把古典的味道勾勒出来了。” Liu Xuegang plays the rock and roll, the classical music he is not good, but appreciation ability online, comments: Song is of pleasant to hear, leisurely melodious , a light sadness. Good that the word also fills, is listening to music, as if placed oneself in the Jiangnan water town ancient times, is opening an umbrella, walks on the green slat road, the small bridge over the flowing stream...... one volume of ink paintings are unfolding at present.” 刘学刚是玩摇滚的,古典音乐他不行,不过欣赏能力在线,评价道:“曲子好听,轻缓悠扬,又给人一种淡淡的哀伤。词也填的好,听着歌,仿佛置身在江南水乡的古代,撑着伞,走在青石板路上,小桥流水......一卷水墨丹青在眼前铺开。” Several dancing broken bottle moderate snowfall,” “几只舞破瓶中雪,” More is more, is more difficult to start writing the river.” “越想越多,越难下笔成河。” Fears makes an effort, annoys to fall bamboo sharp black ink.” “怕一用力,惹落竹尖墨。” Cannot draw finally, that sad wipes.” “终画不出,那伤心一抹。” Marks for you, reaches a deadlock together.” “为你画上,一道搁浅。” Compared with a window, cannot cover up me.” “比一扇窗,掩不住我。” Cuts a beam of light, does not shear.” “剪一道光,剪不断。” Ink painting, difficult hidden your beauty.” “水墨丹青,难隐你的美。” Does one for you, the painting ink.” “为你作一幅,丹青水墨。” The sound is gradually low and deep, until vanishing. 声音渐渐低沉,直至消失。 Sang. 一曲唱罢。 Xu Lu charming and sultry pulls up hair on the temples, bows, thank you.” 徐璐风情万种的一撩鬓发,微鞠躬,“谢谢大家。” pā pā pā......” 啪啪啪......” The applause of gust of wind sudden downpour, seems like wave to push wave the sea tide, turbulent unceasingly. The lens passed over gently and swiftly in the face of audience specially, records they exciting warm facial expression, the lens passed over gently and swiftly the Qin Ze's time, his symbolic reveals one is good to move the smiling face. 疾风骤雨似的掌声,又像是一浪推一浪的海潮,汹涌不绝。镜头特意在观众的脸庞掠过,把他们兴奋热情的面部表情录进去,镜头掠过秦泽的时候,他象征性的露出一个“好感动”的笑容。 Xu Lu leaves the stage, the applause and cheers of audience rest slightly, the afterheat, them was still talking mutually: 徐璐离开舞台,观众的掌声、欢呼声稍歇,余热仍在,他们相互交谈着: This song had the ideal condition.” “这首歌太有意境了。” Xu Lu sang also of pleasant to hear.” 徐璐唱的也好听。” I like the ancient customs song, has the ideal condition, the feeling was too wonderful.” “我就喜欢古风歌曲,多有意境啊,感受太美妙了。” To/Clashes this song, the Xu Lu new special edition buys certainly.” “就冲这首歌,徐璐新出的专辑一定买。” Road transfers the powder.” “路转粉。” Black revolutions powder, the Xu Lu art or technique of singing is good, how before can lip-sync.” “黑转粉,徐璐唱功不错,以前怎么会假唱呢。” Hi, which singer does not have lip-sync, she has bad luck, exposing.” “嗨,哪个歌手没假唱过啊,她倒霉,给曝光出来而已。” „But how I thought that this lyrics a little piece together haphazardly, flashy but lacking substance.” “可我怎么觉得这歌词有点生拼硬凑,华而不实。” Bah, you understand what/anything.” “呸,你懂什么。” piss off, the father is the Chinese Language department, don't I understand? The lyrics piece together haphazardly, pursuing the literary flourishes is magnificent. The song is good, but without me imagines good, to my Jiangnan water town, the ideal condition that the painting splashed ink. A little disappointed.” 滚犊子,老子是中文系的,我不懂?歌词就是生拼硬凑,追求辞藻华丽。曲子是不错,但没有我想象中的好,给不了我江南水乡,丹青泼墨的意境。有点失望。” This is very good, I did not think that compared with " Prosperous times Smoke cloud » difference, the golden tune I do not dare saying that the high-quality goods absolutely are. Your this is unsatisfied, has the skill you to fill in a word.” “这已经很好了,我觉得不比《盛世烟云》差了,金曲我不敢说,精品绝对是。你这都不满意,有本事你填一首词啊。” Youkanyouupnokannobb!” “youkanyouupnokannobb!” The Qin Ze informer is intelligent, suddenly hears back row several young people buzz of conversation: 秦泽耳目聪明,忽然听见后排几个年轻人谈话声: „, Probably Qin Baobao this period sang was also the ancient customs song.” “诶,秦宝宝这期好像唱的也是古风歌。” Who told you.” “谁告诉你的啊。” „Haven't you paid attention to Qin Baobao Weibo?” “你没关注秦宝宝微博吗?” Has, but I have not seen her to send related Weibo.” “有啊,可我没看到她发过相关微博。” oh oh, is not Qin Baobao's Weibo, is her younger brother.” 哦哦,不是秦宝宝的微博,是她弟弟。” A female student said startled: She really has younger brother.” 一女生愕然道:“她真有弟弟啊。” Probably has, she said, Weibo she and younger brother have the interaction, the genuine and fake have been unknown.” “好像有吧,她自己是这么说,微博她和弟弟也有过互动,真假不得而知。” I think that is false, her younger brother is so fierce, writes the rock and roll to write the love song, some online people have said early, is impossible to have such fierce person. Industry in song and poem writer is very rare.” “我认为是假的,她弟弟有这么厉害吗,又写摇滚又写情歌,网上早有人说过了,不可能有这么厉害的人。业内的词曲作家中都很少见。” Who knows that in any case next she.” “谁知道呢,反正下一个就她了。” Finally, ten minutes in the past, Qin Baobao had not mounted the stage. 结果,十分钟过去,秦宝宝没有登台。 The backstage as if had the condition, Yin Jia also left. 后台似乎发生了状况,尹佳也离开了。 Had an accident?” “出什么事了?” What's wrong? Hasn't started?” “怎么了?还没开始?” Record program, has the good order, waits.” “录制节目嘛,出状况正常的,等等吧。” Many audience stand up, glances right and left, discusses spiritedly. 许多观众站起身,左顾右盼,议论纷纷。 Also about five minutes, Yin Jia has returned to the stage, said with a smile: „The audience, piano of our orchestra, are not injured carefully, has sent to the hospital. New piano the seam protector, everyone will soon be patient.” 又过五分钟左右,尹佳返回舞台,笑道:“观众们,我们乐队的钢琴手,不小心受了点伤,已经送去医院。新的钢琴手即将补位,大家稍安勿躁。” The audience had the confession, immediately is unhurried. But Qin Ze one thump, felt at heart must end the calf. 观众们有了交代,顿时不慌了。可秦泽心里一咯噔,感觉要完犊子。 The name that he then goes to bathroom leaves the seat, touches the backstage, the entrance has the staff to defend, the audience cannot enter. 他接着上厕所的名义离开席位,摸到后台,入口有工作人员守着,观众是不能进入的。 Non- staff no admittance.” Defended referred to the warning sign in the entrance staff, blocked the Qin Ze's road. “非工作人员禁止入内。”守在入口的工作人员指了指警示牌,拦住秦泽的路。 The surrounding lighting engineer, the cameraman, and other staff also looks. 周围的灯光师,摄像师,以及其他工作人员也纷纷看过来。 Returns to the auditorium, here cannot enter.” Has a middle-aged uncle who is hanging the work sign, very not happy waving, hints to catch up with the person. “回观众席上,这里不能进。”有个挂着工作牌的中年大叔,很不高兴的挥挥手,示意赶人。 I am the Star Skills Entertainment staff, has the matter to look for Qin Baobao, you inform. You cell phone also me, I contact with.” Qin Ze is without turning a hair talks nonsense. “我是星艺娱乐的工作人员,有事找秦宝宝,你去通知一下。或者你把手机还我,我自己联系。”秦泽面不改色的瞎扯淡。 Star Skills Entertainment has two singers in the backstage, accompanies except for respective manager in the side, definitely also has other members. The Qin Ze's words, the credibility is very high. 星艺娱乐有两位歌手在后台,除了各自的经纪人陪在身边,肯定还有其他随行人员。秦泽的话,可信度很高的。 Staff doubt is taking a look at him, the age was too young, unfamiliar. 工作人员狐疑的打量着他,年纪太轻了,面生。 Qin Ze referred to the left that several staff, said with a smile: I with their standing same place, felt relieved! Right, I called Qin Ze.” 秦泽指了指左侧那几个工作人员,笑道:“我跟他们站一起,放心了吧!对了,我叫秦泽。” You a while.” The staff and colleagues greet, hints them to favor Qin Ze, opens the door, the form vanishes in the long aisle. “你等会儿。”工作人员和同事打了个招呼,示意他们看好秦泽,推开门,身影消失在长长的走道中。 At this time, lounge. 此时,休息室。 The cameramen shut down the machine, when this is the record program the contingency, cannot photograph. 摄像师关闭机器,这属于录制节目时出现的意外情况,不能拍摄。 The light and bright big room, Li Yanhong and film director communication, presents the dispute. 宽敞明亮的大房间,李艳红导演沟通,出现争执。 In good condition how to be pounded the head by the equipment,” Li Yanhong said loudly: „It is not good, seam protector zither | Jean has not shot the collection of music scores completely, plays on the spot, what to do appears makes a mistake, the audience will also vote to Baobao (darling).” “好端端的怎么就被设备砸到脑袋了,”李艳红大声说:“不行,补位的琴手完全没有弹过曲谱,现场弹奏,出现失误怎么办,观众还会投票给宝宝吗。” film director helplessly said: This matter no one had the means that destroying, the person also delivered to the hospital. Or this, excludes the guqin spot.” 导演无奈道:“这事儿谁也没办法,头给砸破了,人也送到医院去了。要不这样,把古琴部位剔除吧。” Qin Baobao urgently said: That is not good, the guqin accounted for very large scale in the music. Did not have the guqin accompaniment, the musical effect on sell at a discount greatly.” 秦宝宝急道:“那不行,古琴在乐谱中占了很大比例。没了古琴伴奏,音乐效果大打折扣。” piano of orchestra when the backstage rest, not careful pounds the head to the sound of top of the head, the stupor, flowed a place blood at the scene, the person taking to the hospital. piano simultaneously and guqin. 乐队的钢琴手在后台休息的时候,不小心给头顶的音响砸中脑袋,当场昏迷,流了一地血,人给送医院去了。钢琴手同时兼古琴手。 film director is impatient immediately: This is not good, that is not good, or do you look for zither | Jean to me?” 导演顿时不耐烦:“这也不行,那也不行,要不你们给我找个琴手?” The Li Yanhong accusation said: Your program group should not guard against this accident/surprise, why seam protector zither | Jean hasn't shot the collection of music scores?” 李艳红指责道:“你们节目组不该防范这种意外吗,为什么补位琴手没有弹过曲谱?” film director rolls the eyes: Speaking of that I made so many year of programs, has not really encountered this situation. Also, your was the new song, changed other songs, complementing zitherist began immediately.” 导演翻白眼:“你还别说,我做了这么多年节目,就真没遇到过这种情况。再说,你们那是新歌啊,换了其他曲子,补位琴师立即上手。” Qin Baobao nips the lip, the fine attractive cheek covers entirely the anxious look. 秦宝宝咬了咬唇,精致漂亮的脸蛋布满愁容。 The program group has complementing zitherist, what she sang was the new song, the song was also new, changed other songs, specialized orchestra teacher has shot basically, does not need to practice. Now two solutions: First, complementing zitherist on hard. 节目组是有补位琴师的,但她唱的是新歌,曲子也是新的,换了其他歌曲,专业的乐队老师基本都弹过,不需要练习。如今有两条解决方案:一,补位琴师硬上。 This plan is very risky, outstanding musician, impossible to a new song direct seat of honor, is very easy to make the mistake. 这条方案很冒险,再优秀的琴师,也不可能给一张新曲直接上手,很容易出现失误。 Second, rejects from the accompaniment the guqin directly. 二,直接把古琴从伴奏中剔除。 But as the matter stands, the music level on the difference, the ideal condition was insufficient. 可这样一来,音乐层次就差了,意境不足。 On the big sofa, Xu Lu drinks the yogurt of advertising agent leisurely, the corners of the mouth is shouldering slightly, the person are too many, really feared own fall about makes noise. 大沙发上,徐璐优哉游哉喝着广告商的酸奶,嘴角微微挑起,要不是人太多,真怕自己忍不住大笑出声。 This is the retribution. 这就是报应呐。 What to do looks at you, Qin Baobao. 看你怎么办,秦宝宝 Xu Lu have no reason not schadenfreude, Qin Baobao is her opponent, no matter the stage is in secret. She is very self-confident, but if Qin Baobao, because lacks the musician, sang pounds. She will be happier. 徐璐没理由不幸灾乐祸,秦宝宝是她的对手,不管舞台还是私底下。她很自信,但如果秦宝宝因为缺琴师,唱砸了。她会更开心。 Several other singers, stand by, cannot meddle, this matter is helpless. Moreover, their songs were not the new song, pianist trade traded, was stress-free. 其他几个歌手,袖手旁观,也插不上手,这种事情无能为力。而且,他们的歌不是新歌,钢琴师换了就换了,无压力。 Li Yanhong sighed, looked to Qin Baobao, Baobao (darling), or removed the guqin.” 李艳红叹了口气,看向秦宝宝,“宝宝,要不就把古琴排除吧。” The Qin Baobao calm face, said firmly: „It is not good.” Turns the head to look to film director: Can many time practice to the musician.” 秦宝宝沉着脸,坚决道:“不行。”转头看向导演:“能多给琴师一点时间练习吗。” film director direct rejection: Program stopped recording twenty minutes, outside the audience response was very big, exasperation that waited for early. Also, shot two time, the effect was not big.” 导演直接拒绝:“节目停止录制二十分钟了,外头观众反应很大,早等的不耐烦。再说,弹一次两次,效果不大。” Qin Baobao insisted: Effect is not big, always without effect is better.” 秦宝宝坚持:“效果不大,总比没效果好。” Xu Lu opens the mouth: Qin Baobao, film director said that outside audience mood was very discontented, cannot because of your one person, delay everyone time. I have a circular in the evening, cannot delay.” 徐璐开口了:“秦宝宝,导演都说外面观众情绪很不满了,不能因为你一个人,耽误大家时间。我晚上有个通告,不能耽误。” Qin Baobao is sharp-eyed. 秦宝宝目光锐利。 Xu Lu sneers: You are an rookie, many customs do not understand. You need to understand, forever is you adapts to the rule, rather than the rule adapts to you. The up-and-comers, are modest, yes.” 徐璐冷笑:“你是新人,很多规矩都不懂。你需要明白,永远都是你去适应规则,而不是规则适应你。新人,要谦虚,明白吗。” Everyone very tacit casting down one's eyes, the nose view heart, the Star Skills company family affairs, they do not facilitate to interrupt, sees a play well. 大家很默契的眼观鼻,鼻观心,星艺公司的家事,他们不方便插嘴,看戏就好。 The Qin Baobao vision has swept, no one spoke for her, without supporting her, even five minutes, ten minutes time is not willing to give her. 秦宝宝目光扫过,没有人为她说话,没有支持她,甚至连五分钟,十分钟时间都不愿给她。 She is isolated and cuts off from help. 她孤立无援。 She is unable to do it alone. 她孤掌难鸣。 At heart suffering and sad. 心里又委屈又难过。 She is the little princess, the parents loves at home, a laughter creates a disturbance, favors her younger brother actually very much. In the school, she is man of the hour, prostrates oneself the male student under her pomegranate skirt to be innumerable. bosom friend are also many. 在家里她是小公主,父母宠爱,还有个嬉笑打闹,实际也很宠她的弟弟。学校里,她是风云人物,拜倒在她石榴裙下的男生无数。闺蜜也不少。 On the work place, there is to favor about her has the boss in in addition, everywhere attendance. 职场上,有个对她青睐有加的上司,处处照顾。 The life is problem-free. 人生可谓一帆风顺。 May enter the entertainment world, enters a higher level the circle, various plot open intrigues, various manipulating strategically, come in waves. 可进入娱乐圈,进入一个更高层次的圈子,各种阴谋阳谋,各种勾心斗角,纷涌而来。 She knows, without of foundation, wants to walk is higher , is more difficult. 她才知道,没有根基的自己,想走的更高,更远,多么艰难。 Qin Baobao this time mood: Baobao (darling) grievance, Baobao (darling) at heart painstakingly. 秦宝宝此时的心情:宝宝委屈,宝宝心里苦。 At this time, had the staff to walk, glanced right and left, said: Teacher Qin, out of the door has a person to see you, said that is the Star Skills staff.” 这时,有个工作人员走进来,左顾右盼,说道:“秦老师,门外有个人要见你,说是星艺的员工。” Qin Baobao stares, she does not remember besides the driver and Li Yanhong, staff accompaniment of other Star Skills company. 秦宝宝一愣,她不记得除了司机和李艳红外,还有其他星艺公司的员工陪同。 Her present status, has not provided the qualifications of bodyguard, without own life assistant. 她现在的身份地位,还没有配备保镖的资格,也没有自己的生活助理。 Xu Lu knits the brows: You spoke incorrectly, is looks my.” 徐璐皱眉道:“你是不是说错了,是找我的吧。” The staff scratch the head, has not made a mistake, looks for Teacher Qin, isn't he Star Skills staff?” 工作人员挠挠头,“没弄错啊,是找秦老师的,难道他不是星艺的员工?” Also there are possibility to be played, was actually Qin Baobao's fans. 也有可能自己被耍了,其实是秦宝宝的粉丝 He called Qin Ze.” The staff also added. “他叫秦泽。”工作人员又补充道。 „!” Qin Baobao called one suddenly, abandons manager Li Yanhong, high-heeled shoes pā dā pā dā, ran directly. “啊!”秦宝宝忽然叫了一声,撇下经纪人李艳红,高跟鞋啪嗒啪嗒,径直跑了出去。 Li Yanhong stares, with. 李艳红一愣,跟了出去。 Others look at each other in blank dismay. 其他人面面相觑。
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