MESIS :: Volume #1

#74: Qin Baobao of tragedy

On Thursday, television station. 周四,电视台。 «I am a Singer» records the scene. 我是歌星》录制现场。 Qin Ze sits in the dense crowd, the top of the head, the colored light is brilliant. Feels like the junior middle school time, the school organization school students move the small backless stool to watch the fighting movie on the drill ground. 秦泽坐在黑压压的人群中,头顶,霓灯绚烂。感觉像是初中的时候,学校组织全校学生搬着小板凳在操场上看抗战电影。 Qin Ze first record that attended a grade of variety show, the admission ticket is Qin Baobao gives, probably the program group offers to a singer scene ticket free of charge. Qin Baobao had well to think bosom friend beforehand, Wang Zijin was saying the own draft had not finished, cannot extract time. elder sister then pushed someone take on a difficult job cheaply Qin Ze. 秦泽第一次参加一档综艺节目的录制,门票是秦宝宝给的,好像是节目组免费赠送给歌手一张现场票。秦宝宝有好事先想着闺蜜,王子衿说自己还有一份稿子没写完,抽不出时间姐姐这才勉为其难便宜了秦泽 Stemming from the novelty, Qin Ze accepts with pleasure. 出于新奇感,秦泽欣然接受。 Records away the program also has ten minutes, several hundred audience chirp, no one play the cell phone, because the cell phone was taken away by the security screeners, the people of two cell phones could not play, had the signal jammer on the spot. 距节目录制还有十分钟,几百位观众叽叽喳喳,没人玩手机,因为手机被安检人员收走了,有两只手机的人也玩不了,现场有信号干扰器。 Side, there are several pairs of small child exciting whispering of: When does Xu Lu enter the stage? I come to see Xu Lu's especially.” 身边,有几对小青年兴奋的交头接耳:“徐璐什么时候出场?我特地来看徐璐的。” Hi, but, is looking at the large screen early later, has the ballot result of singer.” “嗨,还早着呢,待会儿看大屏幕,有歌手的抽签结果。” Really cannot think that even Xu Lu such A-list big success can invite.” “真想不到啊,连徐璐这样的一线大咖都能请来。” This may be more interesting than the concert.” “这可比演唱会有意思多了。” Xu Lu is not high in the musical world status, she sang we to listen, this. I like Qin Baobao, the sound is of pleasant to hear, the person the long attractiveness, most stature awfully, zé zé, was also clamped one time by her big long leg, little lives for ten years I to want.” 徐璐在乐坛地位不高,她唱歌咱们都听过,也就这样。我更喜欢秦宝宝,声音好听,人还长的漂亮,最要命的身材,啧啧,被她大长腿夹一次,少活十年我都愿意。” hā hā hā, little had daydream, Qin Baobao this woman, rested on capital big shot of entertainment world.” 哈哈哈,少做白日梦了,秦宝宝这种女人,也就娱乐圈的资本大佬们睡睡。” Also right, perhaps has become black fungus, daily rests.” “也对,没准早就成黑木耳了,天天给人睡。” „, Such beautiful beautiful woman, will big shot definitely let off? She has so many good songs , does entertainment company hold her for no reason?” “肯定的,这么标致的美人,大佬们会放过?她有这么多好歌,平白无故的,娱乐公司这么捧她?” Bah, do not insult my Goddess, she did not say, was younger brother writes.” “呸,别侮辱我的女神,她不是说了嘛,都是弟弟写的。” Damn younger brother, asked that let alone, who believed. These songs that she sang, coming out that the different styles, a person can write? That is others fig leaf, cannot say, I am accompany the leader to rest to trade the high-rank the resources.” “见鬼的弟弟,求别说了,谁信啊。她唱的那些歌,不同风格的,一个人能写的出来?那是人家的遮羞布,总不能说,我是陪领导睡换来上位的资源。” Show year, you were too young.” “骚年,你太年轻了。” Qin Ze sighed secretly, the people's prejudice to the entertainment world were too profound, perhaps was far from the prejudice, was the fact. May even if knows female celebrity pair of white delicate arms thousand people rest the head on, red lips ten thousand people taste, still some people went crazy pursuing star. Complex of will of the people, being hard spoken language description. 秦泽暗自叹息,人们对娱乐圈的偏见太深刻,或许谈不上偏见,是事实。可哪怕知道女明星一双玉臂千人枕,一点朱唇万人尝,仍有人发疯似的追星。人心之复杂,难以言语描述。 The staff mount the stage, are grasping the microphone, program records immediately, starts the countdown, the audience present please keeps quiet.” 工作人员上台,握着麦克风,“节目马上开录,进入倒计时,在座的观众请保持安静。” The countdown ended, the program records to start. 倒计时结束,节目录制开始。 The large screen after stage, jumps out of the Yin Jia pretty form, the background in the backstage. As always chatted and provokes laughter with the honored guest, the program effect was full, audience hā hā laughed. 舞台后的大屏幕,跳出尹佳俏丽的身影,背景是在后台。一如往常的与嘉宾谈笑、逗趣,节目效果满满,观众哈哈大笑。 Then is the knocking on a door link, Xu Lu wears the light blue strapless skirt, the white high-heeled shoes, the 30 years old young married woman, the graceful bearing is outstanding, marks the fine makeup to accommodate, appears has no time attractively. 接着是敲门环节,徐璐穿着浅蓝色露肩裙,白色高跟鞋,三十岁的少妇,风姿卓绝,画上精致的妆容,更显得漂亮无暇。 Xu Lu appears in the large screen instantly, an audience call piece. 徐璐出现在大屏幕的刹那,现场的观众呼声一片。 Sister Xu, I am your fans, can give me a hug.” Yin Jia pleasantly surprised likely little girl. 徐姐,我是你的粉丝,能给我一个拥抱吗。”尹佳惊喜的像个小女孩。 Sure.” The Xu Lu smiling face is gentle, two people hug. “当然可以。”徐璐笑容温婉,两人拥抱。 Sister Xu, online said that your time has the new song to come !” Yin Jia does intentionally curiously. 徐姐,网上都说你这次带着新歌来的,是不是真的啊!”尹佳故作好奇。 Yes, Teacher Xu Gongming new song, he to create this song, spends two years of time. Told everyone while convenient a secret, this song was the song of my new special edition.” Xu Lu blinks toward the lens, act moe. “是的,徐恭明老师的新歌,他为了创作这首歌,前后花费两年时间。顺便告诉大家一个秘密,这首歌是我新专辑的主打歌。”徐璐朝镜头眨眨眼,卖萌 Yin Jia, exaggerating say/way: Slow work produces fine products, ten years sharpens a sword. Sister Xu, I was really too anticipate curiously.” 尹佳哇一声,夸张道:“慢工出细活,十年磨一剑。徐姐,我真是太好奇太期待了。” This performing skill on exaggerate. 这演技就浮夸了。 Xu Lu nods, sells own new special edition: Everyone must support my new special edition oh. 徐璐点点头,借此推销自己的新专辑:“大家一定要支持我的新专辑哦。 The audience are convinced very much: Relax, certain support.” 观众很买账:“放心,一定支持。” Is good to anticipate oh. “好期待哦。 Xu Lu sang to be good.” 徐璐唱歌行不行啊。” Nonsense, the news said that Xu Lu these years are training hard the art or technique of singing, have the chart to have truth that type. Moreover, but the special edition song the work of Teacher Xu Gongming three years of painstaking care, is definitely of pleasant to hear.” “废话嘛,新闻都说了,徐璐这些年在苦练唱功,有图有真相那种。而且,专辑主打歌可是徐恭明老师三年心血的作品,肯定好听啊。” I also support.” “那我也去支持。” Yin Jia flattered Xu Lu according to the convention, getting her to go to the halls and singers meets. The program enters the ballot link, the audience compares to anticipate this link. 尹佳依照惯例吹捧徐璐,领着她前往大厅与众歌手会合。节目进入抽签环节,观众比较期待这一环节。 Since " Singer » program has started, the ballot link is very interesting, various Li Rongxing types play valuable act moe to ask to sign, next, when is the Qin Baobao's ballot result to be most interesting. 《歌星》节目开始以来,抽签环节都很有意思,李荣兴各种耍宝卖萌求好签,其次,当属秦宝宝的抽签结果最有意思。 Current period ballot result: 本期抽签结果: Huang Yuteng vs Chen Xiaotong 黄宇腾vs陈小彤 Liu Xuegang vs Li Rongxing 刘学刚vs李荣兴 Xu Lu vs Qin Baobao 徐璐vs秦宝宝 Xu Lu vs Qin Baobao? I bought a watch last year (fuck your mother's pussy).” 徐璐vs秦宝宝我去年买了个表。” big-breasted sister this luck, went against heaven's will simply.” 大胸妹这运气,简直逆天了。” big-breasted sister must fly to ascend the sky, with Sun side-by-side.” 大胸妹要飞上天,与太阳肩并肩。” Moral behavior issue, first period and Huang Yuteng PK, second period Xue Mei, third period Liu Xuegang, the fourth issue...... your mother, A-list big success Xu Lu.” “人品问题啊,第一期和黄宇腾pk,第二雪玫,第三刘学刚,第四期......尼玛,一线大咖徐璐。” I was also drunk, how this wins. How to pull out to Xu Lu.” “我也是醉了,这怎么赢啊。怎么就抽到徐璐了。” Is big-breasted sister wipes perspiration silently.” “默默为大胸妹抹一把汗。” Unexpectedly is Xu Lu, I was also drunk.” “竟然是徐璐,我也是醉了。” big-breasted sister tragedy.” 大胸妹又悲剧了。” The audience slightly in an uproar, the expression varies, offers the sympathy to Qin Baobao. 观众微微哗然,表情各异,纷纷向秦宝宝献上同情。 Said that this link is interesting, online some people have teased the Qin Baobao's luck, one after another pulls out big success, what is interesting is that gave her each time. 就说这环节有意思吧,网上已经有人调侃过秦宝宝的运气,接二连三抽到大咖,有趣的是每次都给她挺过来了。 The first period, loses to Huang Yuteng, but successfully returns the stage in Resurrection Match. 第一期,输给黄宇腾,但在复活赛成功杀回舞台。 The second period, defeats Xue Mei by the number of votes of steamroll. 第二期,以碾压的票数战胜雪玫 The third period, a Departure Song shock musical world, Rock and Roll Heavenly King plants in her hand. 第三期,一首离歌震惊乐坛,摇滚天王都栽在她手上。 The above three issues, Qin Baobao from the rookie of nameless, raised to the status of new promote female singer rapidly. Her present popular, does not lose Xue Mei. 以上三期,迅速将秦宝宝从籍籍无名的新人,拔高到新晋女歌星的地位。她现在的人气,已经不输雪玫 This issue, she will face directly A-list female star Xu Lu. 这一期,她将直面一线女星徐璐 The audience talked in whispers, film director threw while the lens in the backstage, making the staff mount the stage to shout propaganda: Fellow audience, please keep quiet, keeps quiet.” 观众窃窃私语,导演趁着镜头扔在后台,让工作人员上台喊话:“各位观众,请保持安静,保持安静。” The audience discussed rests slightly, the Qin Ze listener intended, anything, but one may not again, but can't two three, the Qin Baobao luck be so bad? The first time was the coincidence, second could not be justified, a third time such luck, can only show a matter as before: Human factor. 观众们议论稍歇,秦泽听者有意,任何事情,可一不可再,可二不可三,秦宝宝运气真这么差?第一次是巧合,第二就说不过去了,第三次依旧这样的运气,只能说明一件事:人为因素。 The program group is doing her. 节目组在搞她。 Qin Ze suspected. 秦泽猜想。 But the program group impossible to trip somebody up to Qin Baobao for no reason, the answer takes shape, Star Skills or Xu Lu, in use human relations, in secret entire Qin Baobao. Must know, «I am a Singer» no doubt is famous for the fair and just reputation, but fair relative, is not absolute, Qin Ze has the reason to suspect that the program group's evil behind-the-scenes manipulator under the ballot link, how as for the safety strip, he cannot think through temporarily. 但节目组平白无故不可能给秦宝宝使绊子,答案呼之欲出,星艺或者徐璐,在动用人脉关系,暗中整秦宝宝。需知,《我是歌星》固然以公平公正的口碑著称,但公平是相对的,不是绝对,秦泽有理由怀疑节目组在抽签环节下黑手,至于怎么暗箱操作,他暂时想不通。 500 points quest, is not really simple. 五百积分任务,果然不简单。 Soon, Yin Jia came out, the splendid attire appearance, steps on the high-heeled shoes to come out from the backstage, the lens aim at her, Yin Jia and film director gesture, the lens open, the Yin Jia smiling face is delightful: Fellow audience, everyone's good, welcome to watch bylives muscle cosmetics event sponsor broadcasts «I am a Singer», I am Host Yin Jia. ” 不多时,尹佳出来了,盛装打扮,踩着高跟鞋从后台出来,镜头对准她,尹佳导演打了个手势,镜头打开,尹佳笑容甜美:“各位观众,大家好,欢迎收看由“生肌”化妆品冠名播出的《我是歌星》,我是主持人尹佳。” Applause that the audience coordinates very much, the unit two reactor aims at the audience the lens. 台下观众很配合的鼓掌,二号机把镜头对准观众。 Yin Jia said: Ballot result everyone saw, Huang Yuteng is the musical world, when will sing red, today, will he bring the beautiful music to us? Invited Huang Yuteng!” 尹佳道:“抽签结果大家都看到了,黄宇腾是乐坛当红唱将,今天,他会给我们带来怎样动听的音乐呢?有请黄宇腾!” Resounding applause. 响亮的掌声。 Huang Yuteng moves toward the center along the long trapezoidal stage, the top of the head light disintegrates the innumerable light beams, riotous chaotic dance, gathers, hits on him. Today's clothes is a little unusual, the 70s bell-bottomed trousers, the old mannish print shirt, the hairstyle is also that age separately. 黄宇腾沿着长长的梯形台走向中央,头顶灯光散碎成无数光束,缤纷乱舞,又重新汇聚,打在他身上。今天的穿着打扮有点奇特,七十年代的喇叭裤,老气的印花衬衫,发型也是那个年代的偏分头。 This appearance a little meaning...... 这打扮有点意思...... The musical sound resounds, the audience shuts up voluntarily, keeps quiet. 音乐声响起,观众自觉闭嘴,保持安静。 My hometown is getting more and more young.” “我的家乡越来越年轻。” Old, only then father's face.” “苍老的,只有父亲的脸庞。” I look at the strange hometown earnestly,” “我认真的看陌生的家乡,” „It is not I remembers the appearance.” “不是我记忆中的模样。” „The years of passing were flushed rub all change.” “流逝的岁月被冲磨一切都变了。” I look like from the distant place, passed by here guest “我就像是从远方来,路过这里的客人” A 70s ballad, what said is the story of prodigal son and hometown, when is young prodigal son who fights for outside, several years later returns to the hometown, the father was old, the hometown changes with each new day, could not find the past shadow again. The song is brimming with thick moved and disconsolateness. Huang Yuteng increased the popular element, revised the melodies of original tune several mistakes. 一首七十年代的民谣,说的是浪子与故乡的故事,年轻时在外打拼的浪子,时隔多年返回故乡,父亲老了,家乡日新月异,再找不到当年的影子。曲子洋溢着浓浓的伤感与惆怅。黄宇腾添加了流行元素,修改了原曲几处失误的调子。 Brand-new building sets up under the sunlight arrogantly.” “崭新的楼房傲立阳光下。” Under foot collapsing old walls.” “脚下一面面坍塌的旧墙。” Colored easy unable to chew the flavor greasily.” “彩色的容易腻嚼不出味道。” Black and white stay of recollection in young.” “回忆的黑白停留在年少。” Like these obsolete actually classical old narrative movies.” “像那些过时却经典的老故事片。” Once again sees that clock.” “又一次看到那座时钟。” I know oneself quickly to family/home.” “我就知道自己快到家了。” Gale whirls away the leaf to lose the soul to the spring.” “大风卷走叶子把灵魂丢给春天。” This is the hometown that I must revert finally.” “这是我最终要归回的家乡。” The young people have listened to this song are not many, only felt song both sad and disconsolate, inexplicable feeling sad, cannot help immersing, in the prodigal son turns over to the disturbance and township the compassion. But, some old people, red eye socket. This is the songs of their age, the moods of their age. Some many people, to strive for success to leave the hometown, struggles for more than ten dozens years outside area, some people were submerged in the time tide, some people becoming outstanding stand in the wave crest. 年轻人听过这首歌的不多,只觉得歌曲既悲伤又惆怅,莫名的让人心酸,忍不住要沉浸在浪子归乡的忐忑和思念之情中。但,年纪大的一些人,红了眼眶。这是他们那个年代的歌,他们那个年代的情怀。有多少人,为了拼搏离开故乡,在外地奋斗十几数十年,有的人被淹没在时代浪潮里,有的人出人头地站在潮头。 The failure is also good, succeeds, when they bring or feel sad low-spirited or successful joyful, returns to the hometown, circumstances changing with the time, the hometown has not been the past appearance. 失败也好,成功也罢,当他们带着或是心酸黯然或是成功喜悦,回到故乡,时过境迁,故乡早已不是当年的模样。 The children meet are not acquainted. 儿童相见不相识。 The reorganization of Huang Yuteng, is without doubt successful. 黄宇腾的改编,无疑是成功的。 He touched the hearts of many. 他打动了很多人的心。 The music stopped, the applause rises from all directions. 音乐停了,掌声四起。 Huang Yuteng bows slightly, leaves the stage. 黄宇腾微微鞠躬,离开舞台。 The custom of program group, the singer cannot after singing or sings garner votes, is the well-known singer, your a few words, might affect the choice of audience. 节目组的规矩,歌手不能在演唱前或演唱后拉票,都是知名歌手,很可能你的一句话,会影响观众的选择。 Many audience have not listened to this song, at this time, exciting discussion. 很多观众都没听过这首歌,此时,兴奋的议论。 This what/anything song, had not listened before.” “这什么歌啊,以前都没听过。” Very old song, I had listened in childhood, but sang is not so of pleasant to hear.” “很老的歌了,我小时候听过,不过原唱没这么好听。” That is, who Founder Huang is, musical world big success.” “那是,黄教主是什么人,乐坛大咖。” And other online resources come out, I must download.” “等网上资源出来,我一定要下载。” Of pleasant to hear, the quality after reorganization, close to the high-quality goods......, was not the high-quality song.” “好听的,改编后的质量,接近精品了吧......不,就是精品歌。” Dammit, felt that fell unable to come out, I missed homeland.” 妈蛋,感觉陷进去出不来了,我想家了。” I had not gone home to celebrate the Spring Festival last year, suddenly wants to go home, these years, the hometown changes is very big. Was is a little strange.” “我去年没回家过春节,忽然想回家了,这些年,家乡变化很大。是有点让人陌生了。” Stage, Yin Jia high sound said: Invited next singer Chen Xiaotong.” 舞台,尹佳高声道:“请下一位歌手陈小彤。” The surrounding light was suddenly black, the circular lamp shines in together is stage center's, there station middle aged but still attractive Chen Xiaotong, once Heavenly Queen. Chen Xiaotong young time , is to make a sound the dāng dāng beautiful woman, time in the past, the corner of the eye were many close wrinkles, the stature was plentiful. But the charm was still very big, controls the fatal temptation strength to the ripe woman. 周围灯光忽然黑了,一道圆形灯照射在舞台中央,那里站着徐娘半老的陈小彤,曾经的天后陈小彤年轻的时候,也是响当当的美人儿,时间过去,眼角多了细密鱼尾纹,身材丰腴。但魅力仍旧很大,对熟妇控有致命诱惑力。 Facts showed, the ripe woman controls the quantity to be many. 事实证明,熟妇控数量不少。 What Chen Xiaotong sang was a Cantonese song, the voice was exquisite, the aura was vigorous. However, the Huang Yuteng pearls and jade before, her song cannot surpass the competitor. 陈小彤唱的是一首粤语歌,嗓音优美,气息浑厚。然而,黄宇腾珠玉在前,她的歌没能超越竞争对手。 Votes quickly, Huang Yuteng to lead the 60 ticket result, defeats Chen Xiaotong. 很快投票出来,黄宇腾以领先六十票的成绩,战胜陈小彤 Chen Xiaotong enters Resurrection Match. 陈小彤进入复活赛 Group second singer, from choosing song and display degree, was inferior that Group first is shocking. 第二歌手,从选歌和发挥程度而言,都不如第一惊艳。 Li Rongxing cannot the counterattack sing adept rock and roll Liu Xuegang, enters Resurrection Match. 李荣兴没能逆袭唱拿手摇滚的刘学刚,进入复活赛 Group third, Xu Lu vs Qin Baobao. 第三,徐璐vs秦宝宝 This issue of highlight singer arrived, with new song. 这期的亮点歌手登场了,携新歌而来。 Xu Lu's fans is excited, reviews Qin Baobao's fans, then anxious look over the face. 徐璐的粉丝兴奋不已,反观秦宝宝的粉丝,则愁容满面。 Qin Baobao almost does not have the odds of success. 秦宝宝几乎没有胜算。
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