MESIS :: Volume #1

#73: Reaches an agreement to make each other angel

On the road of return trip, both sides are silent. 回程的路上,双方沉默。 Pei Nanman did not speak, Qin Ze not driving opens the mouth. 裴南曼不说话,秦泽就不主动开口。 In the car(riage) is playing the affable music, unexpectedly was Qin Baobao's 《Fairy Tale》, the music top list cleared the download function, a song dollar. 车里放着舒缓的音乐,居然是秦宝宝的《童话》,音乐风云榜开通了下载功能,一首歌一块钱。 Arrived from the wife and children zone time, Maserati slows down the vehicle speed quickly, the Pei Nanman smiling face is shocking: Qin Ze, this skill, where studies.” 快到自家小区时,玛莎拉蒂放缓车速,裴南曼笑容惊艳:“秦泽,这一身本事,哪学的呀。” Practices blindly.” Qin Ze said. “瞎练的。”秦泽说。 Believes me to turn around you throws Huangpu River to go.” Pei Nanman threatens gently, queen is queen, said that the aggressive statement graceful bearing ripples. “信不信我掉头把你扔黄浦江去。”裴南曼轻轻威胁,女王就是女王,说狠话都那么风韵荡漾。 Studies several years later wrestling arts, before our family/home small area, has the boxer of wrestle family background.” Qin Ze half real , half fake excuse. “学过几年格斗术,我们家小区以前有个格斗出身的拳手。”秦泽半真半假的说辞。 Then teaches Sister Pei.” The Pei Nanman voice is gentle, has the thick sh voice. “回头教教裴姐好不啦。”裴南曼嗓音轻柔,带着浓浓的sh口音。 Qin Ze always feels today's Queen Pei especially yao qi. 秦泽总觉得今天的裴女王格外妖气 Sister Pei do not joke with me.” Qin Ze forced smile. 裴姐你别跟我开玩笑。”秦泽苦笑。 When Pei Nanman un, Maserati stopped in the community entrance, Qin Ze opens the vehicle door, she suddenly said: I checked your details, ordinary, but is very interesting, your elder sister Qin Baobao is the singer who makes a debut newly, heard the song that she sang was you writes.” 裴南曼“嗯”了一声,玛莎蒂拉停在小区门口,秦泽拉开车门时,她忽然说:“我查了查你的底细,普普通通,不过挺有意思的,你姐姐秦宝宝是个新出道的歌手,听说她唱的歌都是你写的。” Qin Ze closed/pass the vehicle door, narrows the eye saying: Sister Pei, makes tutor, does not need.” 秦泽关了车门,眯眼道:“裴姐,做份家教而已,没必要吧。” Sees the appearance of his bitter in suffering and deep in hatred, Pei Nanman seems to think very interesting, giggle smiles. That called charming and sultry, beautiful. 见他苦大仇深的模样,裴南曼似乎觉得很有意思,咯咯直笑。那叫一个风情万种,艳光四射。 Pei Nanman has turned around, head one crooked: You are Donglai's mentor, I am the sister-in-law/little aunt, shouldn't check you?” 裴南曼转过身,脑袋一歪:“你可是东来的师傅,我做小姨的,不该查一查你?” Her movement, added a pretty few effeminacy. 她这个动作,平添了一股娇俏少女气。 Qin Ze clenches jaws: Is you wants to check me, in the back my ancestor 18 for leafing through?” 秦泽咬牙切齿:“是你自己想查我吧,是不是背地里把我祖宗十八代给翻了个遍?” Pei Nanman plaintive sigh: But cannot find out your master to have what gate.” 裴南曼哀怨叹息:“可就是查不出你师出何门。” Qin Ze angrily said: Fart master gate, my several wrestles.” 秦泽气道:“屁的师门,我就会几手格斗而已。” Even queen displays the young girl occasionally smart-alecky and small charming, Qin Ze is still critical situation. 就算女王偶尔表现出少女的俏皮和小妩媚,秦泽也如临大敌。 In the vehicle the atmosphere is silent. 车子里气氛沉默下来。 Pei Nanman said lightly: Hasn't rolled, wants me to ask you to get out?” 裴南曼淡淡道:“还不滚,要我请你下车?” Qin Ze without delay, opened the vehicle door to flee. Runs speedily beyond more than ten meters, turns around to wave, vanishes in the darkness. 秦泽二话不说,推开车门窜了出去。一溜烟跑出十几米外,转身挥挥手,消失在黑暗里。 For several days, Xu Lu allies " Singer » news with the new song blots out the sky, the major portals, Internet platform, a day at least pushes over three news, changes the method to write an article. 一连几天,徐璐携新歌加盟《歌星》的新闻铺天盖地,各大门户网站,网络媒体平台,一天至少推送三篇以上的新闻,变着法子写文章。 «Xu Gongming New song Is forthcoming» 徐恭明新歌即将问世》 «Xu Lu fights the musical world again: The singer program or will become step of her ascending to heaven» 徐璐再战乐坛:歌星节目或将成为她登天之阶》 «Ancient customs Song first Person, Again Fights Jianghu» 《古风歌曲第一人,再战江湖 «After Prosperous times Smoke cloud, Whether Xu Gongming Can create Again Magnificent» 《继盛世烟云之后,徐恭明能否再创辉煌》 «Explodes! The Xu Lu many years train hard the art or technique of singing, only to return to musical world» 《爆!徐璐多年苦练唱功,只为重返乐坛》 «Xu Lu Alliance I am a Singer, Program Will welcome First A-list big success» 徐璐加盟“我是歌星”,节目将迎来首位一线大咖 uc: «This Song, Huang Yuteng Cannot sing, Chen Xiaotong Cannot sing, Qin Baobao Cannot sing, She Sang just like Sounds of nature» uc:《这首歌,黄宇腾唱不出来,陈小彤唱不出来,秦宝宝唱不出来,她却唱的宛如天籁》 The online commentary is irritable, has different opinions, but cannot support flattering of media to drum up support, on the black moles mouth scolded, very anticipated at heart. The A-list celebrity alliance program, comes with the new song, was once ancient customs song master Xu Gongming work. 网上评论火爆,褒贬不一,但架不住媒体的吹捧造势,黑子们嘴上骂,心里还挺期待。一线明星加盟节目,携新歌而来,还是曾经的古风歌曲大师徐恭明作品。 time, the Xu Lu's crest of wave has covered Huang Yuteng, Li Rongxing, Liu Xuegang and Chen Xiaotong instantaneously, not to mention Qin Baobao. 时间,徐璐的风头瞬间盖过黄宇腾李荣兴刘学刚陈小彤,更别提秦宝宝 The «Singer» program group, initiates the voting in the official site, the current period is most likely the honored guest who eliminates. 《歌星》节目组,在官网发起投票,本期最有可能淘汰的嘉宾。 Xu Lu: 300 tickets. 徐璐:300票。 Liu Xuegang: 4250 tickets. 刘学刚:4250票。 Huang Yuteng: 4330 tickets. 黄宇腾:4330票。 Li Rongxing: 6806 tickets. 李荣兴:6806票。 Chen Xiaotong: 8003 tickets. 陈小彤:8003票。 Qin Baobao: 12470 tickets. 秦宝宝:12470票。 Votes below commentary area: 投票下方的评论区: stupid fan in this!” 卤粉在此!” stupid fan + 1” 卤粉 „+ 2” “” „+ 3” “” „+ 4, downstairs maintain the formation.” “,楼下保持队形。” ........... ........... „+ 10086” “” My family Lulu military might, comes first.” “我家璐璐威武,高居榜首。” That is, Xu Lu A-list, popular is higher than Huang Yuteng Li Rongxing Liu Xuegang.” “那是,徐璐毕竟一线,人气黄宇腾李荣兴刘学刚都要高。” Large sum of money prayed for a son......, asked the ticket, who can get so far as the scene ticket? I must support my idol.” “重金求子......呸,求票,谁能弄到现场票?我要去支持我偶像。” Reads the news with, originally does not watch the variety show, but Xu Lu is my Goddess, this issue of «I am a Singer» not fault-tolerant, no, later must watch, Xu Lu allies this program, who is her opponent?” “看新闻跟过来的,本来不看综艺节目,但徐璐是我女神,这期《我是歌星》不容错过,不,以后都要收看,徐璐加盟这个节目,谁是她对手?” popular is high, does not represent to sing. The musical world status, did not say that Huang Yuteng and Liu Xuegang, Li Rongxing flings her 18 street.” 人气高,不代表唱歌好。乐坛地位,不说黄宇腾刘学刚,李荣兴都甩她十八条街。” Opening opening, bets the Xu Lu lip-sync buckle 1.” “开盘啦开盘啦,赌徐璐假唱的扣一。” , is Qin Baobao sets the base, this miss is quite miserable.” “噗,又是秦宝宝垫底,这姑娘好惨。” My Goddess has thought of as worthless, is strong throughout.” “我的女神一直被人看扁,却始终坚挺着。” Why my Goddess sets the base, previous Liu Xuegang by her ok good.” “凭什么我女神垫底,上次刘学刚都被她ok了好不好。” „The previous time is accidental/surprised, «Departure Song» is too shocking, who can think that the rock and roll can also sing like this. But can this golden tune one not be possible again , to come a Departure Song level again the original golden tune? You feel the possibility.” “上次是意外,《离歌》太惊艳,谁能想到摇滚还可以这样唱。但这种金曲可一不可再,哦,再来一首离歌水平的原创金曲?你觉得可能吗。” Rational that in building said that although oneself drool very much the big-breasted sister big long leg, but, once Qin Baobao loses the original advantage, or the original song was inferior that beforehand several, her support level falls suddenly absolutely. This is the drawback that the rookie makes a debut, her fans are too few.” “楼上说的有理,虽然本人很垂涎大胸妹的大长腿,但,一旦秦宝宝失去原创优势,或者原创歌曲不如之前几首,那她的支持率绝对暴跌。这是新人出道的弊端,她的粉丝太少。” „The eyes of audience are sharp, the next issue of honored guest has determined is Xu Lu, then makes us analyze the aspect, participating honored guest: Xu Lu, Huang Yuteng and Liu Xuegang Chen Xiaotong and Li Rongxing, and Qin Baobao. The program progresses now, the honored guest is not the red singer, was once Heavenly Queen, Xu Lu is A-list celebrity. It is not Li Zongde that type in mainland reputation singer not obviously, is not Xue Mei such crude person singer, does Qin Baobao defeat the above these honored guests hopefully? Almost impossible.” “观众的眼睛都是雪亮的,下一期的嘉宾已经确定是徐璐,那么让我们分析局面,参赛嘉宾:徐璐黄宇腾刘学刚陈小彤李荣兴,以及秦宝宝。节目进展到现在,嘉宾不是当红歌手,就是曾经的天后,徐璐更是一线明星。不是李宗德那种在大陆名声不显的歌手,也不是雪玫这样半吊子歌手,秦宝宝有希望战胜上面这几位嘉宾吗?几乎不可能呀。” This analysis placard comes out, the netizens mostly approve, some people retransmitted this post in Weibo, and @QinBaobao. 这条分析帖出来,网友们大多赞同,有人在微博转发了这条帖子,并且@秦宝宝 hā hā hā, @QinBaobao goes.” 哈哈哈,@秦宝宝去。” big-breasted sister cried saying: That everything in fairy tales is lies ....... already.” 大胸妹哭着说:童话里都是骗人的.......已@。” You were excessive, already.” “你们过分了啊,已@。” Person does not open firmly, really excessively...... already.” “人坚不拆,真过分......已@。” Aggravates the situation, I like, already.” “火上浇油,我喜欢,已@。” Touched somebody's sore spot Old Iron, already.” “扎心了老铁,已@。” The netizens laugh, lest the world is chaotic, mixes a foot, the repeater comments, then @QinBaobao. 网友爆笑,唯恐天下乱,纷纷搀和一脚,转发评论,然后@秦宝宝 elder sister shouts and wrangles in the room: „...... A'Ze, everyone looks down upon me.” 姐姐在房间里大呼小叫:“......阿泽,大家都看不起我。” Qin Ze separates the spatial frontline propaganda in the living room: Without the matter of means that how long you to make a debut, how long others make a debut.” 秦泽在客厅隔空喊话:“没办法的事情,你才出道多久,人家出道多久。” The audience teased Qin Baobao as if became daily. 观众调侃秦宝宝似乎成了日常。 Qin Baobao puts on a long face to run the room, pretends to wipe tears, A'Ze, if can buy only LV hold/container hold/container for the elder sister, elder sister believes oneself can full blood resurrect immediately.” 秦宝宝哭丧着脸跑出房间,假装抹眼泪,“阿泽,要是能给姐买只lv包包,姐姐相信自己立刻能满血复活。” You give me piss off.” Qin Ze feels sad for their misfortunes sighing of gets angry him not to struggle. “你给我滚犊子。”秦泽哀其不幸怒其不争的叹了一口气。 Qin Baobao said pitifully: Good excessively, the elder sister really feels a future darkness. yīng yīng yīng......” 秦宝宝可怜巴巴道:“好过分,姐是真感觉前途一片黑暗。嘤嘤嘤......” Rolls rolling, do not disturb me to look at the plate.” Qin Ze was mentally and physically exhausted for these days, must give dual attention to the elder sister's acting career, while fights in stock market trembling with fear, does not dare to be negligent, because you never know, perhaps next day opening reaches the limit down that stock, is your. “滚滚滚,别打扰我看盘。”秦泽这几天心力交瘁,一边要兼顾姐姐的演艺事业,一边在股市战战兢兢打拼,丝毫不敢大意,因为你永远不会知道,也许第二天开盘就跌停那只股,就是你的。 Qin Baobao wants to collect peeping profit and loss, by Qin Ze one according to the forehead, was overthrown on the sofa. Being angry elder sister is catching Qin Ze in a powder fist, feared that he counter-attacks the retaliation, fires off runs. 秦宝宝想凑过来偷看盈亏情况,被秦泽一按脑门,推翻在沙发上。生气的姐姐逮着秦泽噼里啦一顿粉拳,怕他反击报复,打完就跑。 Went to the room, Qin Baobao is still indignant, photographs surreptitiously the Qin Ze's picture, sent Weibo: Reaches an agreement to make each other angel, do I in online abyss of suffering, you feel all right to speculate in the stock market? Standing in the Distance, Watching the Passing Childhood 回了房间,秦宝宝兀自愤愤不平,偷拍秦泽的照片,发了条微博:说好做彼此的天使,我在网上水深火热,你好意思炒股?@站在远处看童年 Is joined to Qin Ze to sit in the living room watches the picture of computer, but hit the mosaic his face. 配上秦泽坐在客厅看电脑的图片,不过把他的脸打了马赛克。 Pays attention to the Qin Baobao's person to have nearly 300,000, looks at Goddess round of Weibo, the spirit shakes. Looks again, fuck me, younger brother in legend appeared. 关注秦宝宝的人有三十几万,一看女神微博,精神一震。再一看,卧槽,传说中的弟弟出现了。 one by one hit the chicken blood probably, is especially inspired. 一个个好像打了鸡血,格外振奋。 ahhhhh...... younger brother in legend?” 啊啊啊......传说中的弟弟?” Why hits the mosaic?” “为什么打马赛克?” „If the art, please do not hit the mosaic. If the pornography, please don't on hairnet.” “如果是艺术,请别打马赛克。如果是色情,请别发网上。” Baobao (darling) long is so attractive, younger brother certainly is big handsome fellow. I did not have the boyfriend, the intersection toward.” 宝宝长的这么漂亮,弟弟一定是枚大帅哥。我还没男朋友,求交往。” I hate the mosaic.” “我恨马赛克。” ....... elder sister does not have the stock to be important, an innermost feelings 10,000 violent strikes.” “噗.......姐姐没股票重要,内心一万点暴击。” Song song.” “约歌约歌。” Talented gold medal composer, I expressed very curiously, which Great God disappeared the mosaic?” “才华横溢的金牌作曲人,我表示很好奇,哪位大神把马赛克消了?” big-breasted sister, pushes to keep off the arrow younger brother.” 大胸妹可以的,把弟弟推出来挡箭。” We help big-breasted sister he, cooks up your younger sister's stock, writes the song quickly. Standing in the Distance, Watching the Passing Childhood “我们帮大胸妹@他,炒你妹的股,快去写歌。@站在远处看童年 Cooks up your younger sister's stock, writes the song quickly. Standing in the Distance, Watching the Passing Childhood “炒你妹的股,快去写歌。@站在远处看童年 Cooks up your older sister's stock, writes the song quickly. Standing in the Distance, Watching the Passing Childhood “炒你姐的股,快去写歌。@站在远处看童年 Cooks up your big chest elder sister's stock, writes the song quickly. Standing in the Distance, Watching the Passing Childhood “炒你大胸姐的股,快去写歌。@站在远处看童年 Cooks up your big long leg elder sister's stock, writes the song quickly. Standing in the Distance, Watching the Passing Childhood “炒你大长腿姐的股,快去写歌。@站在远处看童年 ............ ............ Qin Ze gawked staring, cell phone dīng dīng dōng dōng kept ringing, with looked, several hundred Weibo news prompts, were his person. He is not willing to be involved in the entertainment world, the paid attention taste does not feel better, the pressure is too big, no one likes, when the panda was surrounded. Many celebrity indicate to take great pains, where arrives at to have paparazzi to photograph surreptitiously, falls a tumble to be said getting married violent by not good media, the disagreement/not with husband wife pulls the arm, was questioned the change of marital status. Breaks wind must expose. 秦泽愣了愣,手机叮叮咚咚响个不停,拿起来一看,几百条微博消息提示,都是@他的人。他是不太愿意卷入娱乐圈的,被人关注的滋味不好受,压力太大,没人喜欢当大熊猫被人围观。很多明星都表示不厌其烦,走到哪里都有狗仔偷拍,摔一跤会被无良媒体说成家暴,不和老公老婆挽胳膊,就被质疑婚变。就连放个屁都要曝光一下。 However, since is celebrity, is the public figure, this is the price. 不过,既然是明星,是公众人物,这就是代价。 He looks up to Room elder sister, the room gate has not closed, Qin Baobao is stealthy, the cautious observation living room sound, bumps into his vision, afraid retracting head. 他抬头看向姐姐,房间门没关,秦宝宝鬼鬼祟祟,小心翼翼的观察客厅动静,撞见他目光,心虚的缩回头。 Qin Ze takes up the cell phone, sent jumped Weibo: Life and Death Ignores, refused to accept to do, I had a ancient customs song. @QinBaobao 秦泽拿起手机,发了一跳微博:生死看淡,不服就干,我有一首古风歌曲。@秦宝宝 I go, big tone, is this must compete with Xu Lu?” “我去,好大的口气,这是要和徐璐打擂台?” Ancient customs song? Real false? Will your what song write?” “古风歌曲?真的假的?你什么歌都会写?” I do not believe me not to believe me not to believe.” “我不信我不信我不信。” Even if will write the ancient customs song, does not have the Xu Gongming crucial moment, that is the senior composer.” “就算会写古风歌,也没徐恭明的火候,那是资深作曲人。” „Did the senior composer of nonsense, you in writing Departure Song, Fairy Tale, Legend and in front of the Invisible Wings composer say senior?” “狗屁的资深作曲人,你在写出离歌童话传奇隐形翅膀作曲人面前说资深?” Other day he sent Weibo: Life and Death Ignores refuses to accept to do. Then Departure Song was born.” “上回他发微博:生死看淡不服就干。然后离歌就出世了。” nicely done 666 Uh ....... this is gives the Qin Baobao move again black, too did not understand the entertainment world rule.” .......这是再给秦宝宝招黑啊,太不懂娱乐圈规则了。” This pit elder sister's younger brother.” “这坑姐的弟弟。” Waits for Xu Lu fans to explode Weibo.” “坐等徐璐粉丝微博。” Goes to Qin Baobao Weibo to surround quickly.” “快去秦宝宝微博围观。” Life and Death Ignores, refuses to accept to do...... to rub to rub faithful player, appraises.” 生死看淡,不服就干......撸啊撸忠实玩家,鉴定完毕。” The room, Qin Baobao lies on the bed, looks at Weibo, the smiling face is bright. 房间,秦宝宝躺在床上,看着微博,笑容灿烂。 Star Skills Entertainment, practice room. 星艺娱乐,练习室。 Xu Lu finishes the song, immediately has the assistant to hand over one bottle of water, she twisted off rumble filled one, was somewhat tired. The new song troubles , because the singer is completely strange to it, sang several everybody to be able, good that sang, was difficult. Wearing in that must keep, familiar. Does not forget the word not to or get out of tune is basic, hears the melody, can sing the word section of correspondence, that is true finishing an apprenticeship. 徐璐练完歌,立刻就有助理递过来一瓶水,她拧开咕噜噜灌了一口,有些累了。新歌之所以麻烦,是因为歌手对它完全陌生,唱几句谁都会,唱的好,就难了。要不停的磨合,熟悉。不忘词不走调是基本,听到旋律,就能唱出对应的词段,那才是真正的出师。 Online echo how?” Xu Lu asked. “网上反响怎么样?”徐璐问道。 company has been buying the news for you,” assistant smiling face whole face: Echo naturally is very good, many people anticipated that on you program sang. The heat degree was enough, then, looks at your performance.” 公司一直在给您买新闻,”助理笑容满脸:“反响自然是很好的,很多人都期待您上节目唱歌呢。热度足够了,接下来,就看您的表现。” How you feel my song.” Xu Lu also asked that the mood of very long like this not having been swayed by personal gains and losses. “你觉得我这首歌怎么样。”徐璐又问,很久没有这样患得患失的心情。 This song is a Teacher Gongming three years of painstaking care, is the song of your special edition, the quality naturally does not have the issue.” The assistant hurries to flatter. “这首歌是恭明老师三年的心血,也是您专辑的主打歌曲,品质当然没问题。”助理赶紧吹捧。 Xu Lu then satisfies nods, company spent very big resources to arrange the special edition for her, the song was Xu Gongming ancient customs song «Ink Painting», high-quality song, although was less than the golden tune, but, was the golden tune so easy born? Very rare. Therefore Xu Lu to this time allies «Singer», is it may be said that smug. Her film and television route has the bottleneck, only then makes the breakthrough in singer, achieves make further progress to go a step further hopefully. She 30 years old, in the future, will only have become worse and worse, the entertainment world forever is the world of young people. 徐璐这才满意点头,公司花了很大的资源为她筹备专辑,主打歌曲是徐恭明的古风歌《水墨丹青》,精品歌曲,虽然不及金曲,不过,金曲是那么容易出世的?已经很难得了。所以徐璐对这次加盟《歌星》,可谓踌躇满志。她的影视路线遭遇瓶颈,只有在歌手方面做突破,才有希望达到百尺竿头更进一步。她已经三十岁了,往后,只会每况愈下,娱乐圈永远是年轻人的天下。 Previous generation celebrity, how many there are able to play protagonist? 上一代明星,有几个能出演主角 The assistant is playing the cell phone, suddenly pū chī smiles: Sister Xu, you looked at the online that voting, Qin Baobao set the base, this group of netizens were really funny, but also she.” 助理玩着手机,忽然噗嗤一笑:“徐姐,您看网上那个投票,秦宝宝又垫底了,这群网友真逗,还@她去了。” Xu Lu hē hē smiles: Do not manage her, looked when she can smile.” 徐璐呵呵一笑:“别理她,看她能笑到何时。”
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