MESIS :: Volume #1

#72: Your number one enemy has gotten online

Scale bigger company, the factional struggle is fiercer, where puts this. Before Qin Baobao, foreign capital company that takes office, that is internal fight is like a raging fire, the same office, at least has the members of three factions. Therefore she does not have too big depressed base at heart, was unalarmed by strange sights. Trades broker company, can she work as the extra mundane idler? Is impossible. 规模越大的公司,派系斗争越厉害,搁在哪里都这样。秦宝宝以前就职的外资公司,那才是内斗如火如荼,同一个办公室,至少有三个派系的成员。所以她也没太大的心里郁垒,见怪不怪了。难道换一家经纪公司,她就能当个世外闲人?不可能的。 Star Skills Entertainment. 星艺娱乐 Deputy Director-General office. 副总裁办公室。 Manager Liu knocked the door of office, inside broadcasts the voice of man: Comes.” 刘经理敲了敲办公室的门,里面传来男人的声音:“进来。” This is a luxurious office, is filling the fragrance of cologne and cigar, after spacious phoebe zhennan desk, occupies the four meters high antique curio cabinet of entire wall, places the books, porcelain and bronze artware. 这是一间奢华的办公室,弥漫着古龙水和雪茄的香味,宽大的楠木办公桌后,占据整面墙的四米高的博古架,摆放书本、瓷器、青铜艺术品。 The passing through the gate opposite, is the giant window, is very suitable to overlook the scenery. The sunlight by the glass, according to the stressless genuine leather sofa that produces in Italy. 进门的对面,是巨大的落地窗,很适合俯瞰风景。阳光透过玻璃,照在意大利产的stressless真皮沙发。 Star Skills Entertainment Deputy Director-General Kang Shi'an sits on the office chair, is reading a document, raised the head to take a look at Manager Liu, without speech. 星艺娱乐副总裁康世安坐在办公椅上,在看一份文件,抬头瞅了眼刘经理,没说话。 Manager Liu respectful sound said: Chief Kang, Qin Baobao has not complied.” 刘经理恭声道:“康总,秦宝宝没答应。” Kang Shi'an 35, has regular facial features this year, naturally, like his man of this age, the makings attracted the female compared with the appearance, the man crossed 30, so long as was not wallowing in degeneration unsuccessfully, will condense named tone somewhat thing. 康世安今年三十五,五官端正,当然,像他这个年纪的男人,气质比外貌更吸引女性,男人过了三十,只要不是自甘堕落的碌碌无为,多多少少都会凝聚出一种叫做“气韵”的东西。 40 reaches the peak, therefore often said: Man 41 flower. 四十达到巅峰,所以常说:男人四十一枝花。 Kang Shi'an is young, sits the Deputy Director-General throne, is outstanding except for own ability and wrist/skill, a good father, is one of the Star Skills Entertainment shareholders. 康世安年纪轻轻,坐上副总裁的宝座,除了自身能力、手腕出众,还有个好老子,是星艺娱乐的股东之一。 Kang Shi'an selfish reads the document, said lightly: Knew.” 康世安自顾自的看着文件,淡淡道:“知道了。” Manager Liu knows oneself should walk, he is reports the situation, this matter is Kang Shi'an makes him manage. 刘经理知道自己该走了,他就是过来报告一下情况,这件事就是康世安让他办的。 The gate of office closes, the quiet office, resounds the wū wū sound of woman. 办公室的门重新关上,静悄悄的办公室,响起女人的呜呜声。 Kang Shi'an extends the hand to the desk, probably gripped what/anything, then the body very moves slightly, the scope is big gradually, heavy roars lowly, spurting heartily comes out thinly. Meanwhile, woman retches and cough sound transmits from the table bottom. 康世安把手伸到办公桌下,像是握住了什么,然后身体轻微挺动,幅度渐大,沉沉低吼一声,尽情的喷薄出来。同时,女人的干呕声和咳嗽声从桌底传来。 After the moment, an attire fashion, the makeup allows the fine tall woman to drill, throws to the trash can near, puts out liquid that the mouth cannot be described. 片刻后,一个衣着时尚,妆容精致的高挑女人钻出来,扑到垃圾桶边,吐出嘴里不可描述的液体。 Kang Shi'an pulled out several papers to give her. 康世安抽了几张纸递给她。 The women wipe the clean mouth, after rinsing mouth, complained: „Can you next time light, hit sore throat.” 女人擦干净嘴,漱口之后,埋怨道:“你下次能不能轻点,撞的喉咙痛。” If that were exposed a moment ago online, will certainly stir the controversy, because this woman is Xu Lu. 如果刚才那一幕被曝光到网上,必将引起轩然大波,因为这个女人是徐璐 Xu Lu 30 years old, after hight school, has not read university this year, was excavated by the talent scout at age 20, started her acting career. As an artist, she is without doubt successful, struggles for ten years, achieves both fame and fortune. Accordingly, she also paid the huge price, the work reason, has not made the boyfriend by the present, is the Kang Shi'an sweetheart. 徐璐今年三十岁,高中毕业后,没念大学,二十被星探发掘,开始了她的演艺事业。做为一个艺人,她无疑是成功的,奋斗十年,名利双收。相应的,她也付出了巨大的代价,工作原因,到现在也没交男朋友,是康世安的情人。 In the entertainment world, this was too common. Has not accompanied has rested female celebrity not to dare to say does not have, but is few. Her Xu Lu does not have the background not to have the capital, doesn't depend on the body by what? Xu Lu felt own ten years of struggle professions, can write an inspiring novel. 在娱乐圈,这太常见了。没陪睡过的女明星不敢说没有,但屈指可数。她徐璐没背景没资本,不靠身体靠什么?徐璐觉得自己十年的奋斗生涯,都可以写一部可歌可泣的小说。 Therefore she cannot have a liking for Qin Baobao this rookie from the bottom of the heart. 所以她从心底看不上秦宝宝这种新人。 World settles, I want on " Singer » program, you kick out Qin Baobao.” Xu Lu sits on the Kang Shi'an thigh, both hands link lives in his neck. “世安,我要上《歌星》的节目,你把秦宝宝踢出去。”徐璐坐在康世安大腿上,双手环住他的脖子。 Kang Shi'an said: You, when I haven't tried? On yesterday's meeting surnamed Huang proposed me otherwise.” 康世安道:“你当我没试过?姓黄的昨天会议上把我提议给否了。” Xu Lu acts like a spoiled brat saying: I do not manage.” 徐璐撒娇道:“我不管。” Kang Shi'an said with a smile: Relax, he cannot suppress me. The chief engineers of program group are my schoolmate, I call to ask him personally. In the afternoon gives you news.” 康世安笑道:“放心,他压不住我。节目组的总策划人是我同学,我亲自打电话拜托他。下午给你消息。” Xu Lu blooms charmingly, the smile of concubine: In the evening do I come your family?” 徐璐绽放出妩媚的,小女人的微笑:“晚上我来你家?” No, my wife travelled on official business, for these days you left contact with me on own initiative.” “别,我老婆出差回来了,这几天你别主动联系我。” Xu Lu protested turned the buttocks. 徐璐抗议的扭了扭臀。 Kang Shi'an said with a smile: Show hoof, does not feed you today, I turn over to the authorities the grain in the evening.” 康世安笑道:“骚蹄子,今天就不喂你了,我晚上交公粮。” Out of the window sunlight is blazing, the central air hū hū transportation cold air/Qi, Kang Shi'an is hugging Xu Lu, touches her thigh single-handedly, the train of thought is fluttering far. He suppresses Qin Baobao intentionally, not only helps Xu Lu. In the circle some big shot has said that the entertainment world is his family/home back garden, attractive female star, only then wants to rest, can't rest. This saying to be aggressive, Kang Shi'an deep is so. 窗外阳光炽烈,中央空调呼呼输送冷气,康世安一手搂着徐璐,一手抚摸着她大腿,思绪飘远。他存心打压秦宝宝,并不只是帮助徐璐而已。圈子里某位大佬说过,娱乐圈就是他家后花园,漂亮女星,只有想不想睡,没有能不能睡。这话霸气,康世安深以为然。 Qin Baobao is a he picking woman, woman who he wants to rest. Kang Shi'an fully realized that could not eat the hot tofu impatiently, wants to conquer a woman, first conquered her heart. First polishes the edges and corners. The dashing spirit of fearless young people, the force can play the reaction. For example Xu Lu, she entered company in the past time, is a pure small flower, betrays the physical body the matter is not dry/does. Kang Shi'an has the patience very much, maintains composure to hold her, carries in the clouds her, falls again high. This fell, threw down and broke all her acting with constraint and fantasies. 秦宝宝是他一眼相中的女人,他想睡的女人。康世安深知心急吃不了热豆腐,想征服一个女人,先征服她的心。首先打磨掉棱角。初生牛犊不怕虎,强迫会起到反作用。比如徐璐,当年她进公司的时候,也是一朵纯洁的小花儿,出卖肉体的事死活不干。康世安很有耐心,不动声色捧着她,把她捧上云端,再高高摔下来。这一摔,摔碎了她所有的矜持和幻想。 Kang Shi'an proposed again when must rest her, Xu Lu without delay, removes completely itself the light to deliver on the bed. 康世安再提出要睡她时,徐璐二话不说,把自己脱光光送床上。 This takes off/escapes, took off/escaped for five years. 这一脱,就脱了五年。 At this time is different in those days, before Kang Shi'an no longer is, dragon Jinghu the fierce young people, Qin Baobao is also more splendid than Xu Lu, he does not want to seek something big with foresight, wants as soon as possible the Qin Baobao control in the hand. 今时不同往日,康世安不再是以前龙精虎猛的年轻人,秦宝宝也比徐璐更出色,他不想放长线钓大鱼,想尽快把秦宝宝掌控在手里。 4 : 00 pm. 下午 4 点。 Qin Baobao pulls out the key to twist off the door, the both feet kicks the high-heeled shoes, hold/container Baowang the sofa throws, like a threatening female tiger, lowering the head to glance over some listing company financial statement Qin Ze falling down. 秦宝宝掏钥匙拧开房门,双脚踢掉高跟鞋,包包往沙发一扔,像一只气势汹汹的雌虎,就把低头浏览某上市公司财务报表的秦泽给扑倒。 Money, where money went, hands over money not to kill.” Qin Baobao seizes the Qin Ze's neck, said wickedly: Otherwise pulling out shoots jj 100 to spread.” “银子呢,银子哪去了,交出银子不杀。”秦宝宝掐住秦泽的脖子,恶狠狠道:“否则拉出去弹jj一百遍。” Qin Ze straightens up, riding in nearly to fall, the outstanding buttocks that elder sister jolts throw high, a pleasant breast swings, hurries to let go to support the sofa. He seizes the chance to turn over/to stand up, turns the passive situation into initiative, to make the monster elder sister according to the sofa, both hands stir to twist in the back. Disdains to sneer: Self-confidence that Qin Baobao, where you come.” 秦泽一挺腰,把骑在身上的姐姐颠的险些摔下去,翘臀高高抛起,一阵赏心悦目的乳摇,慌忙松手扶住沙发。他趁机翻身,化被动为主动,将作妖的姐姐按在沙发上,双手搅拧在背。不屑冷笑:“秦宝宝,你哪来的自信。” Qin Baobao cannot struggle, the cheek of air/Qi becomes flushed, condemned: Your black the thing of heart, the elder sister waited you to pull out the lung from the heart, you remain silent to get rich at the back of me. Very is not the thing.” 秦宝宝挣扎不得,气的脸蛋涨红,谴责道:“你个黑了心的东西,姐待你掏心掏肺,你背着我闷声发大财。忒不是东西。” Qin Ze bah said: I sell my song, closes your trifling thing.” 秦泽呸道:“我卖我自己的歌,关你屁事。” No matter,” Qin Baobao acts shamelessly: You are heartless and cruel, ungrateful. The name of elder sister by Party criticizes you.” “不管,”秦宝宝耍无赖:“你狼心狗肺,忘恩负义。姐以党的名义批判你。” Qin Ze tsukkomi said: I mixed am only the Communist Youth Leaque member, the name of party cannot criticize me for a lifetime.” 秦泽吐槽道:“我混了一辈子都只是共青团员,党的名义批判不了我。” Qin Baobao probed: How many?” 秦宝宝试探道:“多少?” Three song 300,000, because your fame rises sharply, «Departure Song» copyright royalty when production costs rise, prices rise too, sold 150,000. Altogether 450,000.” “三首歌三十万,由于你名气大涨,《离歌》的版权费水涨船高,卖了十五万。总共四十五万。” Four, 450,000......” in the Qin Baobao eye as if has huā lā la red banknote to fly, swallows the saliva, said with joy: A'Ze, I must buy the package.” “四,四十五万......”秦宝宝眼睛里仿佛有哗啦啦的红色纸币飞过,吞了吞口水,喜滋滋道:“阿泽,我要买包。” I must change the computer.” “我要换电脑。” Cell phone must trade.” “手机也要换了。” This weekend we buy several clothes.” “这周末咱们去买几件衣服。” āi yā, my small BMW must maintain probably.” 哎呀,我的小宝马好像也要保养了。” Makes the elder sister think, what good tomorrow will eat, the five-star buffet? Does day expect? Seafood?” “让姐想想,明天吃什么好,五星级自助餐?日料?海鲜?” The Qin Ze squint, a few words destroy the elder sister's fond dream: Was embarrassed, money my completely investment stock market.” 秦泽斜眼,一句话打碎姐姐的美梦:“不好意思了,钱我全部投资股市。” Look solidification that Qin Baobao flies upwards. 秦宝宝飞扬的神色凝固。 Supplement that Qin Ze is without turning a hair: Moreover the bedding bag lived.” 秦泽面不改色的补充:“而且被套住了。” A Qin Baobao innermost feelings 10,000 violent strikes. 秦宝宝内心一万点暴击。 After the moment, Wang Zijin came out from the room, referred to behind, lowered the voice: She? Enters the room, veiled head cries loudly.” 片刻后,王子衿从房间出来,指了指身后,压低嗓音:“她怎么了?一进房间,蒙头就大哭一场。” Qin Ze said lightly: Do not manage her, crying to be good.” 秦泽淡淡道:“别理她,哭完就好了。” Knows the elder sister to be better the younger brother, Qin Baobao's forgetting was big, said that the point of pleasant to hear was free and easy, was not of pleasant to hear, that was mindless. More than half hours, the elder sister's sound conveys from the room, murmured: A'Ze, my number one enemy got online.” 知姐莫若弟,秦宝宝的忘性大,说好听点是洒脱,不好听点,那是没心没肺。半个多钟头,姐姐的声音从房间里传来,囔囔道:“阿泽,我的头号大敌上线了。” Qin Ze stares: Spoke the logical expression.” 秦泽一愣:“说人话。” Qin Baobao is grasping the cell phone, anxious flurried runs, Xu Lu will be next time «I am a Singer» honored guest, she sent Weibo.” 秦宝宝握着手机,急慌慌的跑出来,“徐璐是下期《我是歌星》嘉宾,她发微博了。” Qin Ze visits her, startled: Then.” 秦泽看着她,愕然:“然后呢。” blockhead.” elder sister spring the finger of scallion resists his forehead, makes an effort to push. 榆木脑袋。”姐姐春葱似的手指抵住他额头,用力一推。 My position is her, you know.” elder sister air/Qi chirp chirp say/way: Previous time writes the song to me teacher, was gives her cut off. She has what idea, I have not known. To look that I was eliminated, then replaces my position smoothly. Now the company high level has two opinions, side wants to remove me, the strength holds Xu Lu. Another side is supports me to continue.” “我的位置本来是她的,你知道吧。”姐姐气啾啾道:“上次给我写歌的老师,就是给她截胡了去。她打什么主意,我还不知道呀。想看我被淘汰呗,然后顺利接替我位置。现在公司高层有两个意见,一边是想把我撤下来,力捧徐璐。另一边是支持我继续走下去。” Qin Ze touches the chin, in any case your high-quality song, is not the Star Skills Entertainment resources, does not spend a money, holds to work as the red singer you, then uses you greatly making money, Star Skills is glad to see him succeed. Therefore supports your person more. But this, are not related with this matter even probably.” 秦泽摸了摸下巴,“反正你的精品歌,都不是星艺娱乐的资源,不花一点钱,就把你捧成当红歌星,然后利用你大把赚钱,星艺乐见其成。因此支持你的人更多。可就算这样,好像与这件事没关系吧。” Qin Baobao clenches jaws: Elder sister is that stoical person. I have a grudge to revenge resentful seeking vengeance, the elder sister must get down her PK.” 秦宝宝咬牙切齿:“姐是那种忍辱负重的人么。我有仇报仇有怨报怨,姐要把她pk下去。” Qin Ze startled say/way: You endure humiliation I not to know, but I know that your brain affirms the show to tease, is Xu Lu is A-list celebrity good, where you come self-confident is eliminated her, Qin Baobao you won several, the self-confidence inflation.” 秦泽惊道:“你是不是忍辱负重我不知道,但我知道你脑子肯定秀逗,徐璐一线明星好不好,你哪来的自信把她淘汰出局,秦宝宝你是不是赢了几场,自信心膨胀了。” I am Little Immortal Fairy.” Qin Baobao wriggles the waist. “我是小仙女。”秦宝宝扭扭腰。 The syrup is self-confident. 蜜汁自信。 Qin Ze pulls out the cell phone, opens Weibo. 秦泽掏出手机,打开微博 Xu Lu sent Weibo: Received the invitation of «Singer» program group, anticipates an show/unfolds singing voice very much in this platform, with several teacher exchanges, studies and PK. Talked too much one, I had the Teacher Gongming new song to come, un, everyone was familiar, the ancient customs song, wanted to support.” 徐璐发了一条微博:“收到了《歌手》节目组的邀请函,很期待在这个平台上一展歌喉,与几位老师交流、学习、pk。多嘴说一句,我是带着恭明老师的新歌而来,嗯,大家都熟悉的,古风歌曲,希望支持。” Photo: «I am a Singer» program group invitation. 配图:《我是歌星》节目组邀请函。 Weibo below commentary, reaches hundreds of thousands much. 微博下方评论,多达十几万。 Astonishing reply, this is A-list celebrity, Weibo pays attention to more than 10 million, naturally, inside not necessarily is her fans. The zombie powder definitely occupied a large part. 惊人的回复量,这就是一线明星,微博关注一千多万,当然,里面不一定都是她的粉丝。僵尸粉肯定占了很大一部分。 A-list celebrity and small celebrity disparity, to very direct-viewing data: Qin Baobao's Weibo fans: 480,000. Xu Lu's Weibo fans: 10.9 million. 一线明星和小明星的差距,给个很直观的数据:秦宝宝的微博粉丝:48万。徐璐的微博粉丝:1090万。 Partner, Xu Gongming new song?” “哇偶,徐恭明的新歌?” «Prosperous times Smoke cloud» is the classics that being hard of ancient customs song exceeds, is Xu Gongming the work of peak.” “《盛世烟云》是古风歌曲的难以超越的经典,也是徐恭明的巅峰之作。” Teacher Gongming had time quietly, was good.” 恭明老师沉寂有段时间了,行不行啊。” Yes, many year of high-quality goods, have not expressed concern.” “是啊,很多年没出精品了,表示担心。” Ten years sharpen a sword, I believe that Xu Gongming can set new high again.” “十年磨一剑,我相信徐恭明能再创新高。” Played real big, asking Xu Lu to participate.” “玩的真大,请徐璐参赛。” Xu Lu is one of the Star Skills advertisements, popular cannot dispute, but sang......” 徐璐星艺招牌之一,人气没的说,但唱歌嘛......” lip-sync degenerate, trash.” 假唱的败类,垃圾。” In building said what/anything, does not like rolling.” “楼上的说什么,不喜欢滚。” „A woman who achieves dead.” “一个作到死的女人。” Manages good that she sang, I was Xu Lu shitheaded fan, supported unconditionally.” “管她唱的好不好,我是徐璐脑残粉,无条件支持。” A-list celebrity came, Heavenly King also? The program group is the rhythm that goes against heaven's will.” 一线明星都来了,天王还会远吗?节目组是逆天的节奏啊。” I in Shanghai, I must buy the admission ticket.” “我在沪市,我要去买门票。” Qin Ze discovers a very awkward matter, is Xu Lu's is awkward, her popular is high right, but is in itself controversial celebrity, likes her person being many, dislikes her person is also many. This is not contradictory, entertainment world controversial big success were too many. The Xu Lu's reputation is not good, she made a debut by the singer before, afterward blew out the lip-sync gate, popular drops sharply, then fights in the film and television, opened enterprise second spring. 秦泽发现一个很尴尬的事情,是徐璐的尴尬,她人气高没错,但本身是个受争议的明星,喜欢她的人很多,讨厌她的人也不少。这个并不矛盾,娱乐圈备受争议的大咖太多了。徐璐的名声并不好,她以前是以歌手出道,后来爆出假唱门,人气大跌,遂转战影视,开启了事业第二春。 In other words, although she has A-list celebrity popular, but not necessarily has the A-list celebrity support level. In fact, many A-list celebrity, without corresponding support level, why? Because popular can fry. Some female celebrity close right up against the negative report to rush to B-list, you can say that her support level does have the B-list celebrity level? 换句话说,她虽然有一线明星人气,但未必有一线明星的支持率。实际上,很多一线明星,都没有相应的支持率,为什么?因为人气是可以炒出来的。有的女明星靠着负面新闻冲到二线,你能说她的支持率有二线明星的水平吗? Do not look at Xu Lu Weibo fans is Qin Baobao's 20 several times, but, some people pay attention to her, to be black she. Some people pay attention to her, pure broken is because likes celebrity. 别看徐璐微博粉丝秦宝宝的二十几倍,可是,有人关注她,是为了黑她。有人关注她,纯碎是因为喜欢明星 To celebrity, in 100 fans, ten iron rods were good, other, some are the rational powders, some are the black powders, some are the deathly stiff powders, some are the soy sauce powders. 明星来说,一百粉丝里面,有十个铁杆就不错了,其余,有的是理性粉,有的是黑粉,有的是僵死粉,有的是酱油粉。 Qin Baobao has her advantage, does not have the negative scandal, likes her person very being basically pure, likes her singing sound, likes her song, likes her...... the big chest big long leg. 秦宝宝有她的优势,没有负面绯闻,喜欢她的人基本很纯粹,喜欢她的歌声,喜欢她的歌曲,喜欢她的......大胸大长腿。 Said, Qin Baobao also really had the hope. 讲真,秦宝宝还真不是没有希望。 7 : 00 pm, made the dinner to two elder sister, Qin Ze went out took a taxi, directly soared the Queen Pei villa. 晚上 7 点,给两位姐姐做了晚餐,秦泽出门打了辆的士,直奔女王裴的别墅。 He gives Pei Nanman to telephone beforehand, queen said oneself are not at home, making him optional, later does not need to telephone to inform beforehand. tutor time can decide by Qin Ze, communicates well with Li Donglai on the line. 他事先给裴南曼打了电话,女王说自己不在家,让他随意,以后不需要事先打电话通知。家教时间可以由秦泽自己定,与李东来沟通好就行。 This is when meaning of arm-flinging shopkeeper. 这是当甩手掌柜的意思。 Just like Pei Nanman said: How the process, did not care, only looks at the result. 正如裴南曼自己说的:过程怎样,不关心,只看结果。 7:40, the taxi to the villa area, Li Donglai stood in the community entrance, raises the head the hope. 七点四十,出租车到了别墅区,李东来站在小区门口,翘首企盼。 mentor, I helped you make a keycard, you later came on the line directly, province went out to meet each time.” He gives a Qin Ze white card. 师傅,我帮你弄了一张门禁卡,你以后直接来就行,省的每次出门来接。”他递给秦泽一张白色的卡。 Strictness of very property management, the vehicles pass through, the stream of people came and goes out, wants the keycard. The miscellaneous personnel, cannot enter this community. 物业管理的很严,车辆通行,人流出入,都要门禁卡。闲杂人等,进不了这小区。 The Li Donglai's result mess, is in the class and grade to set the base for a long time, the Qin Ze's plan is to reduce practices again, there is no construction without destruction. 李东来的成绩一团糟,长期处于班级垫底,秦泽的计划是砍掉重练,不破不立。 At the Qin Ze's level, teaches high school Study Dreg, has more than enough to spare. Obtains Qin Ze completes the schoolwork after the commitment of instruction peerless martial arts, Li Donglai changes the unconventional love free rigidity, studies assiduously earnestly, studies painstakingly. The game does not play, the song does not listen, occasionally sees Qin Ze to watch " Singer » program on the computer, flows the first-class saliva toward the Qin Baobao's figure. 秦泽的水平,教一个高中学渣,还是绰绰有余。得到秦泽完成功课就传授绝世武功的承诺后,李东来一改放荡不羁爱自由的死性,埋头苦读,苦心专研。游戏也不玩了,歌也不听了,偶尔看见秦泽在电脑上看《歌星》节目,朝着秦宝宝的身段流一流口水。 9 : 30 pm, Qin Ze completes the tutor work, Li Donglai delivers the teacher the Sir to go downstairs today. 晚上 9 点半,秦泽完成今日家教工作,李东来送师尊大人下楼。 The living room, Li Donglai's vivid sister is telephoning, rubbish with me, your father does not have the relations that side the television station, makes the scene admission ticket to me, if cannot achieve, elder and younger sister do not do.” 客厅,李东来的水灵妹子正打电话,“你别跟我废话,你老爸不是在电视台那边有关系吗,给我弄张现场门票,要是做不到,姐妹也别做了。” That must, I be Xu Lu's fans, the idol mounts the stage to sing, how can not support.” “那必须的,我是徐璐的粉丝,偶像登台唱歌,怎么能不捧场。” What, do you like Qin Baobao? The seductress looks repugnantly, chest big is unscientific, obviously fills in the aerosil.” “什么,你喜欢秦宝宝?那狐狸精看着就讨厌,胸大的不科学,明显是填硅胶了。” How sang, cannot change the essence of her seductress, took a look at her long appearance, was not cancels the person seductress. Li Donglai that idiot, visits her to be mouth-watering each time.” “唱歌好又怎样,改变不了她狐狸精的本质,瞧瞧她长的模样,不就是勾人狐狸精嘛。李东来那蠢货,每次看着她流口水。” Pei Ziqi lies down on the sofa, both hands build in the glass tea table, two slender slender leg overlaps. 裴子淇躺在沙发上,双手搭在玻璃茶几,两条纤细修长的腿交叠。 If must grade to this student younger sister, Qin Ze hits eight points, several years later, will have the aptitude to promote nine points of Goddess. Now she is too shy, but the young girl has the advantage of young girl, the waist slender such as pulls out the wicker of shoot newly, almond eyes that the delicate oval face, the hair's length only to ears, the wave ripples. 如果非要给这个学生妹打分,秦泽打八分,过几年,有资质晋升九分女神。现在她还太青涩,不过少女有少女的好处,腰肢纤细如新抽嫩芽的柳条,清秀的瓜子脸,齐耳短发,水波荡漾的杏眼儿。 Li Donglai listened to her words, laughs at one, in any case by black be used to it, being led Qin Ze to walk directly outward. 李东来听了她的话,嗤笑一声,反正被黑习惯了,领着秦泽径直往外走。 When arrives at the community entrance, Maserati is driving into the community slowly. 到小区门口时,一辆玛莎拉蒂正缓缓驶入小区。 Qin Ze looks at two, this thing value not poor, being in the sedan is biggest on that a series. The slender engine room covers the arc to be swift and fierce, the shark that probably the strip leaps the water surface, against peeped at the glass to block looked to inside line of sight. 秦泽不禁多看两眼,这东西价值不菲,属于轿车里最高大上那一系列。修长的机舱盖弧线凌厉,像是条跃出水面的鲨鱼,防窥视玻璃阻断了看向里面的视线。 In the past Qin Ze saw this kind of luxury car, the association/will at heart unstated criticism, inside surely is some potbellied uncle, is carrying as pretty as a flower younger sister. 以往秦泽看到这类名车,总会心里腹诽,里头定是某个大腹便便大叔,载着如花似玉妹子。 At this time, the glass fell, in the driving position, was not the potbellied uncle, but was makings tranquil outstandingly beautiful queen. 这时,车窗降下来,驾驶位上的,不是大腹便便的大叔,而是气质恬静的绝色女王 Dame Queen wears a work place coverall today, was short of a gentleness of family harmony, were many three points of capable swift and fierce qi field. 女王大人今天穿一身职场套装,少了一份宜室宜家的温婉,多了三分干练凌厉的气场 Went back?” The Pei Nanman show/unfolds face smiles. “回去了?”裴南曼展颜一笑。 Returned.” Qin Ze said. “回了。”秦泽道。 I deliver you.” Pei Nanman said in a soft voice. “我送你吧。”裴南曼轻声说。 Qin Ze hesitant, opens the door to worm one's way into. He does not want to ride the queen bandwagon actually, with this qi field powerful woman together, he always thought dull has the constriction. 秦泽犹豫一下,开门钻了进去。他其实不想搭女王的顺风车,与这气场强大的女人呆一起,他总觉得有压迫感。 This originates from the disparity of life experience and social story. 这来源于人生经历、社会阅历的差距。 But she has to explore, charm that wants to be intimate with. 可她有股让人想探索,想亲近的魅力。
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