MESIS :: Volume #1

#71: Plans boy

On Sunday, 10 : 00 am. 星期天,上午 10 点。 Qin Baobao carries hold/container hold/container to go home, in the hand is taking the shopping bag. The scene in living room made her stare staring, Qin Ze and Wang Zijin sits on the sofa abreast in row, two notebooks put in the tea table, mouse sound dá dá dá...... 秦宝宝拎着包包回家,手上提着购物袋。客厅里的场景让她愣了愣,秦泽王子衿并排坐在沙发上,两台笔记本搁在茶几,鼠标声哒哒哒...... Sister Zijin, your other running tower gets down, hit......” Qin Ze just said, helplessly said: Died.” 子衿姐,你别跑塔下去,会被打的......”秦泽刚说完,无奈道:“死了吧。” Wang Zijin purses the lips. 王子衿抿了抿嘴。 „, Do not snatch the soldier with me...... āi yōu, flashes before makes up the soldier?” “诶诶诶,你别和我抢兵......哎呦,闪现补兵?” You said cannot leak the soldier, that soldier you cannot bump into, I helped you make up.” “你说不能漏兵的呀,那个兵你碰不到,我就帮你补了。” Your this soldier makes up real luxurious.” “您这兵补的真奢侈。” Walked, returns to the city...... yeah? Do you stand in others base are motionless, do do?” “走了走了,回城......哎?你站在人家基地一动不动,干嘛?” I stand am returning to the blood!” “我站着回血呀!” „...... You happily good.” “......你高兴就好。” Qin Baobao looks around to look, two people are opening black. 秦宝宝探头探脑一看,两人在开黑。 Elder sister comes back.” Qin Baobao announced loudly, but younger brother and bosom friend have not responded her. “姐回来啦。”秦宝宝大声宣布,但弟弟闺蜜都没搭理她。 Hey.” Qin Baobao with emphasis. “喂。”秦宝宝加重语气。 Comes back.” Wang Zijin raised the head smiles, wholly absorbed continuation plays the game. “回来啦。”王子衿抬头一笑,专心致志的继续打游戏。 Qin Ze has not managed her simply. 秦泽干脆就没理她。 Zijin will you play the game? Sun hit the west side to come out.” 子衿你会玩游戏?太阳打西边出来了。” „Very fun.” “挺好玩的。” Then does not have the words for a long time. 然后长久无话。 Qin Baobao sits in one side, looks that bosom friend and younger brother maneuver among groups in the game, without the reason has one type son greatly mother disconsolateness. 秦宝宝坐在一边,看着闺蜜弟弟在游戏里纵横捭阖,没来由就有一种“儿大不由娘”的惆怅。 This position belonged her. 这位置原本属于她的。 A half hour, the game ended. 半个小时,游戏结束。 Naturally lost. 当然是输了。 Wang Zijin tired paralysis pouring on sofa, has not forgotten gossip: matchmake object how.” 王子衿累瘫了似的倒在沙发上,还不忘八卦一下:“相亲对象怎么样。” Not to mention, met asked that east asked the west, asked that I did what/anything worked, made several boyfriends, I said that has not made the boyfriend, he immediately eye with the wolf braving green light.” Sighing that the Qin Baobao tired sleep/felt does not love: On the difference had not said that must open room pā pā with me.” “别提了,一见面就问东问西,问我做什么工作的呀,交了几个男朋友啦,我说没交过男朋友,他顿时眼睛跟狼似的冒绿光。”秦宝宝累觉不爱的叹口气:“就差没说要跟我开房啪啪了。” Qin Ze sneers: This is young and promising that the mother said that is the moral behavior strong?” 秦泽冷笑一声:“这就是老妈说的年轻有为,人品坚挺?” Qin Baobao is loving, tenderly said: That is, entire day below men do not have our family/home A'Ze moral behavior to be strong.” 秦宝宝含情脉脉,娇声道:“那是,全天下的男人都没我们家阿泽人品坚挺。” Qin Ze hē hē. 秦泽呵呵一声。 Wang Zijin finds it hard to believe: Such person?” 王子衿觉得不可思议:“还有这样的人?” Qin Baobao curls the lip: „The 30 years old man, has money to have the car(riage) to have the deposit, succeeding in one's pursuit, mostly is at heart proud. Visits me to be young, thinks that I experience superficially, intentionally acting cool.” 秦宝宝撇嘴:“三十岁的男人,有钱有车有存款,事业有成,心里多半是骄傲的。看我年轻,以为我见识浅薄,存心装逼呗。” Did not say that these bad concerns, my mother what/anything is good, is selects the vision of man is too bad.” “不说这些糟心事,我妈什么都好,就是挑男人的眼光太差。” Qin Ze unemotional say/way: This saying I must record, issue the old gentleman hear.” 秦泽面无表情道:“这话我要录音,发给老爷子听。” Repugnant.” Qin Baobao is angry saying that moved butt, depends toward younger brother side, tender dī dī said: A'Ze, elder sister bought the new clothes for you.” “讨厌。”秦宝宝嗔道,挪了挪屁股,往弟弟身边靠,娇滴滴道:“阿泽,姐姐给你买了新衣服。” Safe/without matter does everything to please, non- deceitful is the robber.” “无事献殷勤,非奸即盗。” Where can,” Qin Baobao attentive pinches the shoulder to Qin Ze, self-examination: „ elder sister speaking incorrectly words, the elder sister apologized. Your Sir does not cross the villain, do not haggle over with “哪能呀,”秦宝宝殷勤的给秦泽捏肩膀,自我检讨:“姐姐说错话了,姐道歉。您大人不记小人过,不要和我一个小女子计较。” Qin Ze does not know whether to laugh or cry, that touches the self-respect at heart the disaffection and resentment, disappear and hits by this seductress/evil spirit, extinguishes invisible. 秦泽哭笑不得,心里那点触碰到自尊心的不满和怨念,被这妖精连消带打,消弭无形。 Qin Baobao all along is the woman of being adaptable to the situation. 秦宝宝一贯是能屈能伸的女人。 3 : 00 pm, stock market closing, is tepid except for the capital construction stock of that heavy warehouse throughout, two defense stocks and network stocks that he buys, various profit and loss, after mutually counter-balance, but also profit 10,000 are many. 下午 3 点,股市收盘,除了那支重仓的基建股始终不愠不火,他买的两支军工股和网络股,各种盈亏,相互抵消之后,还盈利一万多。 A week, the profit 10,000 soft younger sister coin on the stock market, before trading, Qin Ze never have such thoughts. 一个星期啊,在股市上盈利一万多软妹币,换了以前,秦泽想都不敢想。 Qin Ze does not have the plan to tell elder sister immediately, he has oneself plan, if known by Qin Baobao, by her „the younger brother thing is elder sister's the inertia thought that wants being unruly pit mostly his money, couple days ago also listened to her saying that recently had a liking for LV hold/container hold/container, 20,000 silver yuan. 秦泽没打算立即告诉姐姐,他有自己的计划,如果被秦宝宝知道,以她“弟弟的东西就是姐姐的”的惯性思维,多半要撒泼坑他钱,前几天还听她说,最近看上一只lv包包,两万大洋 Qin Ze wants to accumulate more capital, fishes one in future bull market ruthlessly, therefore these money have not been able to give the Qin Baobao flower. 秦泽想攒更多的资本,在未来的牛市里狠捞一笔,所以这些钱还不能给秦宝宝花。 On Monday, Star Skills Entertainment. 周一,星艺娱乐 Qin Baobao just arrived at company, manager Li Yanhong enters her office, said: Baobao (darling), Marketing Department Manager Liu looks for you.” 秦宝宝刚到公司,经纪人李艳红走进她办公室,道:“宝宝,营销部刘经理找你。” Any matter.” Qin Baobao asked. “什么事。”秦宝宝问。 „The matter of probably your several song copyrights, Manager Liu must ask you to talk.” Li Yanhong said in a low voice. “好像是你那几首歌曲版权的事,刘经理要找你谈话。”李艳红低声说。 Song copyright?” Qin Baobao this aspect a little grasps blindly, she is the rookie, entertainment company many routine she does not understand. “歌曲版权?”秦宝宝这方面有点抓瞎,她是新人,娱乐公司的很多套路她不懂。 Li Yanhong leads her to come to the Manager Liu office, knocks on a door, pushes. 李艳红带她来到刘经理办公室,敲了敲门,就推进去。 Manager Liu is a 50 middle-aged person, has big stomach intestinal fat that reaches middle-age unable to escape. 刘经理是个五十中年人,有着人到中年逃不过的大肚腩。 Little Qin, come.” Manager Liu smiles hē hē to call Qin Baobao two people to take a seat. 小秦,来啦。”刘经理呵呵招呼秦宝宝两人入座。 Qin Baobao said with a smile sweetly: Manager Liu.” 秦宝宝甜甜笑道:“刘经理。” Manager Liu looked at several. 刘经理不禁多看了几眼。 Little Qin recently sang in «Singer» there. I have the attention, the result is very good. Especially that several songs, each capital is the high-quality goods. company needs your such talent, the fresh blood, can grow strong unceasingly. Flowered many painstaking care training should be.” 小秦最近在《歌星》那里唱歌吧。我有关注,成绩很好。特别是那几首歌,每一首都是精品。公司就需要你这样的人才,新鲜血液,才能不断发展壮大。花多少心血培养都是应该的。” Qin Baobao smiles not to speak. 秦宝宝笑而不语。 The Manager Liu discard head close to brain said for quite a while, finally cuts into the subject: Asks you to come, for you at the matter of that several song net copyrights program sang, Little Qin, I know that you were an rookie, but here, I criticized you. company trains you, is expenditure many resources. As the company artist, must understand that returns company. You sell that several song net copyrights to the music top list that side secretly, the destruction well-mannered you knew. How you make company think how to see you? To the later rookie, plays very not good leading role.” 刘经理虚头巴脑说了半天,终于切入主题:“找你来,是为了你在节目里唱的那几首歌曲网络版权的事,小秦,我知道你是新人,但在这里,我批评你。公司培养你们,是花费不少资源的。做为公司的艺人,也要懂得回报公司。你把那几首歌曲网络版权私自出售给音乐风云榜那边,破坏规矩了你知道吗。你让公司怎么想,怎么看你?对以后的新人,起到了很不好的带头作用。” Qin Baobao was taught by him dumbfounded. 秦宝宝被他训的一愣一愣的。 The Li Yanhong forced smile said: Baobao (darling), how your matter me had not said that I must know, definitely must urge you.” 李艳红苦笑道:“宝宝,你这事怎么连我都没说啊,我要知道,肯定也得劝你。” Qin Baobao was more vacant: Any net copyright, I, I do not know.” 秦宝宝更茫然了:“什么网络版权,我,我不知道啊。” Li Yanhong fishes out the cell phone, selects music top list app, gives Qin Baobao to look: „, Your several songs, here has, Invisible Wings and Legend, distinguish Monthly Listings sixth, ninth. Fairy Tale day list second, Weekly Listings first, Monthly Listings fourth.” 李艳红摸出手机,点开“音乐风云榜”app,递给秦宝宝看:“喏,你的几首歌,这里都有,隐形的翅膀传奇,分别月榜第六,第九。童话日榜第二,周榜第一,月榜第四。” The Qin Baobao first response is the copyright is encroached, changes mind thinks, the opposite party is network music Taiheidai, how possibly the on the shelf does not have the song of copyright, only explanation, old bro copyright selling, but also concealed her, plans boy. 秦宝宝第一反应是自己版权被侵犯,转念一想,对方是网络音乐大平台,怎么可能上架没有版权的歌曲,唯一的解释,老弟把版权给卖了,还把她隐瞒了,心机boy。 Manager Liu, very sorry, the copyrights of these songs are not my. Therefore this matter has nothing to do with me.” 刘经理,很抱歉,这几首歌的版权不是我的。所以这件事与我无关。” Manager Liu beckons with the hand, has sold the copyright the song even, next time absolutely do not independently decide, the artist works with single-hearted devotion, other matter company will help operate. Is good because of the Departure Song copyright also, in the music top list has not seen it to come out.” 刘经理摆摆手,“已经出售版权的歌曲就算了,下次绝对不要自作主张,艺人专心工作,其他的事情公司会帮忙操作。好在离歌的版权还在吧,音乐风云榜上没见它出来。” During the speeches, he extracts a contract, you have a look, no issue signs.” 说话间,他抽出一份合同,“你看看,没问题就签个名。” Qin Baobao has not met, said scruple: This is......” 秦宝宝没接,迟疑道:“这是......” Manager Liu as if not too satisfied Qin Baobao's responded, naturally is the power of attorney, after this song, gives company to help you operate, the web platform that happen to cooperates intends, is willing to have 50,000 to buy the net copyright.” 刘经理似乎不太满意秦宝宝的反应,“自然是授权书,这首歌以后就交给公司帮你运作,正好有一家合作的网络平台有意向,愿意出五万买网络版权。” Qin Baobao opened to look at several, my goodness, this contract was not the net copyright is so simple, was all copyright authorizations. In other words, Qin Baobao signed this contract, Departure Song turned over to Star Skills company. 秦宝宝翻开看了几眼,好家伙,这份合同可不是网络版权那么简单,是所有版权授权。也就是说,秦宝宝签了这份合同,离歌就归星艺公司 Li Yanhong starts to speak but hesitates. 李艳红欲言又止。 Qin Baobao said with a smile: Manager Liu, the song copyright is really not my, one turns over to my younger brother on the copyright, I have no right to take responsibility.” 秦宝宝笑道:“刘经理,歌曲版权真不是我的,一应版权都归我弟弟所有,我无权做主。” Manager Liu solemnly said: Difficultly what this has, the matter of your a few words, your does younger brother also meet did not agree? Also, this also created income for him, since speaking of this, company also quest gave you, later the song copyright of your younger brother creation, you were responsible for communicating with him, are authorized to company. You are the company artist, the company benefit are your benefit.” 刘经理沉声道:“这有什么难的,你一句话的事情,你弟弟还会不同意?再说,这也是为他创收,既然说到这个,公司还有一个任务交给你,以后你弟弟创作的歌曲版权,你负责和他沟通,授权给公司。你是公司的艺人,公司的利益就是你的利益。” Qin Baobao hē hē, on the face the smiling face is at heart humble: Manager Liu, this contract, I signed uselessly, legally, I could not represent my younger brother. Or, do I first ask?” 秦宝宝心里呵呵,脸上笑容谦逊:“刘经理,这份合同,我签了没用,在法律上,我代表不了我弟弟。要不,我先问问?” Manager Liu impatient nod. 刘经理不耐烦的点点头。 Qin Baobao lowering the head edit file: Dies to the elder sister and ensure does not kill you( infuriated)” 秦宝宝低头编辑信息:“给姐死出来,保证不打死你(火冒三丈)” Qin Ze replies one panic-stricken expression. 秦泽回复一个“惊恐的表情”。 Qin Baobao: You sold the song copyright.” 秦宝宝:“你是不是把歌曲版权卖出去了。” Qin Ze: „......” 秦泽:“......” Qin Baobao round of knocks head expression: Sold many.” 秦宝宝发一个“敲脑袋”的表情:“卖了多少。” Qin Ze made excuses: Without many.” 秦泽支支吾吾:“没多少。” Qin Baobao anger: Is short with the elder sister feigns ignorance, said the proper business. company makes me sign song «Departure Song» all powers of attorney, and later the song, must be authorized the company operation. Only to the 50,000 block.” 秦宝宝怒了:“少跟姐打马虎眼,说正事。公司这边让我签歌曲《离歌》的所有授权书,并且以后你的歌曲,都要授权公司运作。只给五万块。” That side Qin Ze silent more than ten seconds, brief and to the point: Makes him go to the excrement.” 秦泽那边沉默了十几秒,言简意赅:“让他去屎。” Qin Baobao: Understood.” 秦宝宝:“懂了。” Turned off the phone screen, raises a professionalism smiling face: Manager Liu, excuse me, my younger brother also sold " Departure Song » net copyright. As for the copyright of later song, he said that will give priority to company.” 关了手机屏幕,扬起一个职业化笑容:“刘经理,不好意思,我弟弟把《离歌》的网络版权也卖出去了。至于以后歌曲的版权,他说会优先考虑公司。” She has not said definitely the words, kept the stair to both sides. 她没把话说死,给双方都留了台阶。 The Manager Liu expression is extremely disgruntled, has the indication getting angry faintly, the tone also follows to aggravate: „After later song, said, the next issue of program, you clipped on.” 刘经理表情极度不悦,隐隐有发怒的征兆,语气也跟着加重:“以后的歌曲以后再说,下一期节目,你就别上了。” Qin Baobao brow tip raised: Why.” 秦宝宝眉梢一挑:“为什么。” Truth said that company arranges you to participate in «Singer», occupies the position to Xu Lu, now her special edition preparation was similar, happen to needs «Singer» this platform promotion special edition, hits dozen of fame.” Manager Liu light say/way. “实话说吧,公司安排你参加《歌星》,是给徐璐占位置的,现在她专辑准备的差不多了,正好需要《歌星》这个平台推广专辑,打打名气。”刘经理淡淡道。 But I had not gotten down by PK, does not attend the program suddenly, how does the audience think? The program group that side will not agree.” Qin Baobao suppresses the anger. “可我并没有被pk下去,突然间不参加节目,观众怎么想?节目组那边也不会同意。”秦宝宝强忍怒气。 Manager Liu did not say patiently: „ Finds an excuse casually, is ill, in the family/home had an accident, but also teaches you with me?” 刘经理不耐烦道:“随便找个理由,身体不适,家里出事了,还用我教你?” Your motherf**ker in the family/home has an accident. tm才家里出事。 Qin Baobao beguiles the child cheek attractively, gets down gloomy, eye partly narrows the eyes, she really got angry, the company benefit is my benefit, this saying said real attractive bright and beautiful, I need company time, you where? Reaching an agreement arranges the composer for me, finally, Xu Lu gave cut off casually. old bro works wholeheartedly( the Qin Baobao brain to make up) writes the song to me, the old lady has not known when must endure over. Now thinks that the pit my song, has a dream. Qin Baobao even thinks, even if signed the authorized agreement a moment ago, then Manager Liu will propose makes her withdraw from the matter of program. Such eats the Chinese goldthread rhizome on the real mute, has bitter being able to say. 秦宝宝漂亮的狐媚子脸蛋,阴沉下去,眼儿半眯,她是真的怒了,公司利益就是我的利益,这话说的真光鲜亮丽,我需要公司的时候,你们在哪里?说好的为我安排作曲人,结果呢,徐璐随随便便就给截胡了去。要不是老弟呕心沥血(秦宝宝自行脑补)给我写歌,老娘还不知道要熬到什么时候出头。现在又想坑我的歌,做梦去吧。秦宝宝甚至想,就算刚才自己签了授权协议书,接下来刘经理还是会提出让她退出节目的事。那样就真的哑巴吃黄连,有苦说不出。 Manager Liu, my body good very much, in the family/home is also all right. Therefore I will not withdraw from the program.” A Qin Baobao expression under presents: Also, Manager Marketing Department company business, but I sign with the artist, my working arrangement, does not turn over to your Marketing Department manages.” 刘经理,我身体好的很,家里也没事。所以我不会退出节目。”秦宝宝连个表情都欠奉:“还有,营销部主管公司业务,但我是签约艺人,我的工作安排,不归你们营销部管。” Manager Liu racket table, angrily said: Your this saying what meaning, Qin Baobao, you did not have tenth superstar, inflated?” 刘经理拍拍桌子,怒道:“你这话什么意思,秦宝宝,你还没成大明星呢,就膨胀了?” Wording meaning.” Qin Baobao sets out, departure office that does not return. “字面意思。”秦宝宝起身,头也不回的离开办公室。 Li Yanhong pursued, complained: Baobao (darling), your temperament, was not I says you, had the edges and corners, can't be smoother? Not relating noisily is so stiff.” 李艳红追了出去,埋怨道:“宝宝,你这脾气,不是我说你啊,太有棱角了,就不能圆滑些?别把关系闹的那么僵。” The Qin Baobao stride proceeds: My this temperament, cannot change.” 秦宝宝大步往前走:“我就这脾气,改不了。” Lives in the footsteps suddenly, turns head to look to Li Yanhong: What's the matter, this Manager Liu what thing, does my working arrangement, want him to gesticulate?” 忽地顿住脚步,扭头看向李艳红:“怎么回事,这个刘经理什么东西,我的工作安排,要他指手画脚?” The matter of song copyright is excusable, but oneself are not the Marketing Department person, withdraws from the program, the wheel obtains him to overstep authority and get involved in another's affairs? 歌曲版权的事还情有可原,但自己又不是营销部的人,退不退出节目,轮得到他来越俎代庖? Strict, Li Yanhong is actually the Qin Baobao's boss, her working arrangement, must listen her. But Li Yanhong Qin Baobao the opportunity that regards as to change from bad to good, pulls out the lung from the heart. 严格来说,李艳红其实是秦宝宝的上司,她的工作安排,得听她的。但李艳红秦宝宝看做自己时来运转的机会,掏心掏肺。 Li Yanhong makes every effort to keep secret, glances right and left, said in a low voice: Returned to the office to say again.” 李艳红讳莫如深,左顾右盼一番,低声道:“回办公室再说。” Two people returned to the office, Li Yanhong to close, did not have the scruples, the speech was also loud: „The Xu Lu special edition must leave immediately, company invests the huge resources to help her propagandize, «Singer» is one of them, this program now is too hot. Originally company lets your temporary seam protector, brushes the face while convenient, later asks the opportunity to hold you. Hopeless you can arrive at this. Who knows......” 两人回到办公室,李艳红关上门,没了顾忌,说话也大声了:“徐璐专辑马上要出,公司投入大量资源帮她宣传,《歌星》就是其中之一,这个节目现在太火了。本来公司是让你暂时补位,顺便刷刷脸,以后找机会把你捧出来。没指望你能走到这一步的。谁知道......” Li Yanhong looks at the Qin Baobao's look, is just like the greedy person to see the moe moe small white rabbit, that drools with envy. 李艳红秦宝宝的眼神,好比饿狼看到萌萌小白兔,那个垂涎欲滴。 As the matter stands, you Xu Lu's road keeping off.” “这样一来,你就把徐璐的路给挡着了。” Qin Baobao understood immediately, the thief said: Xu Lu and this do Manager Liu have a leg?” 秦宝宝顿时明白了,贼兮兮道:“徐璐和这个刘经理有一腿?” My great-aunt, your vision missed is not.” Li Yanhong does not know whether to laugh or cry: „The Xu Lu good and evil is A-list celebrity, one of the company advertisements, Manager Liu must look at her complexion.” “我的姑奶奶,你这眼光就差了不是。”李艳红哭笑不得:“徐璐好歹是一线明星,公司招牌之一,刘经理都得看她脸色。” At this point, does not lower the sound voluntarily: Is Deputy Director-General Kang Shi'an, Xu Lu is his person. Originally removes you are the matter of a few words, but Director-General recognizes you very much, yesterday praised you on meeting: Qin Baobao has the A-list potential, rare talent, if the company artists can be so outstanding, our Star Skills runs out of the entrance to be just round the corner.” 说到这里,不自觉压低声音:“是副总裁康世安,徐璐是他的人。本来撤你是一句话的事情,可总裁很赏识你,昨天在会议上把你表扬了一番:秦宝宝一线的潜力,不可多得人才,如果公司的艺人都能这么优秀,我们星艺冲出国门指日可待。” I go...... 我去...... The Qin Baobao heart said, many thanks Sir Director-General lifts the love, girl have what skill and ability. 秦宝宝心说,多谢总裁大人抬爱,小女子何德何能
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