MESIS :: Volume #1

#70: poorly raise the male, richly support the female routine

A view, in older and younger brothers elder and younger sister, is most difficult to process by the relations of older brother and younger sister, Qin Ze does not know that this saying to be right, in any case he and Qin Baobao was together 20 for several years, the overall is harmonious. 有一种说法,兄弟姐妹中,以兄妹的关系最难处理,秦泽不知道这话对不对,反正他和秦宝宝相处了二十几年,总体还是蛮和谐的。 Makes younger brother must protect elder sister, has the conflict also to let elder sister, is driven beyond the limits of forbearance cannot endure again, this dozen of butt must hit butt. 弟弟的要保护姐姐,有冲突也要让着姐姐,忍无可忍就不需再忍,该打屁股还是要打屁股 This is experience that Qin Ze summarizes. 这是秦泽总结的经验 He does not pay unilaterally, Qin Baobao shows loving concern to younger brother very much, although always said: The younger brother thing is elder sister's, the elder sister's thing is younger brother. But, on after Qin Ze university, throughout the year clothing, computer and cell phone, all are the belt-bags that Qin Baobao pulls out. 他不是单方面付出,秦宝宝弟弟还是很关爱的,虽然总说:弟弟的东西就是姐姐的,姐姐的东西就是弟弟的。但,秦泽大学以后,一年四季的衣衫、电脑、手机,全是秦宝宝掏的腰包。 Therefore Qin Ze is unable to understand Li Donglai and his younger sister being together way. He is disinclined to closely examine, each family have the problem. 所以秦泽无法理解李东来和他妹妹的相处方式。他懒得去追问,家家有本难念的经。 Qin Ze sits in front of the computer, looked at the Li Donglai's fight record conveniently, 3 11 9 pitiful scores, takes up the table corner the high school busy book, reads careless, in a minute, sneers: „A 15 topic, making the mistake 11 said, I knew your result probably.” 秦泽坐在电脑前,顺手查看了李东来的战斗记录,三11九的悲惨战绩,又拿起桌角的高中作业本,漫不经心翻看,片刻,冷笑一声:“十五道题目,做错十一道,我大概知道你的成绩了。” Also referred to the computer: 3 kill the score that 11 die, made me know your IQ.” 又指了指电脑:“三杀11死的战绩,也让我知道你的智商了。” IQ your mother next door.” Li Donglai was touched in the heart the soft rib, like cat that only has a fit of bad temper, full spoiled-boy behavior. 智商你妈了隔壁。”李东来被触及心中软肋,像只炸毛的猫儿,十足的少爷脾气。 Qin Ze waves the arms about to pound on his forehead the busy book, the strength is unclear, a resounding. This fellow covers the forehead to look fierce. His belly also pains, before that left he too deep trauma, fights to become famous the insane and ruthless tiger calf in the school, at this time could not propose with the Qin Ze duel courage. 秦泽甩手就把作业本砸他脑门上,力道不清,一声脆响。这家伙捂着脑门龇牙咧嘴。他肚子还隐隐作痛,之前那一脚留给他太深的心理阴影,在学校里打架出了名疯、狠的虎犊子,此时提不出和秦泽单挑的勇气。 You under tidy up.” Qin Ze laughs at one: Took a stand, can study well.” “你就是欠收拾。”秦泽嗤笑一声:“表个态吧,能不能好好读书。” I, if said cannot, you also do punch me?” Li Donglai probed. “我要是说不能,你是不是还揍我?”李东来试探道 Punches.” Qin Ze is brief and to the point. “揍。”秦泽言简意赅。 Li Donglai thinks, a wise man does not fight against impossible odds, admitted defeat, „ I really do not study that brick, wants to make me study well, Ok, but you comply with 李东来想了想,好汉不吃眼前亏,服软了,“我真不是读书那块料,想让我好好读书,也可以,可你要得答应我一件事。” Qin Ze, „do you also want to bargain back and forth with me? Said that looks.” 秦泽呵一声,“你还想跟我讨价还价?说说看。” great hero, your skill is so fierce, has practiced the martial arts?” 大侠,你的身手这么厉害,是不是练过武术?” Is.” “算是。” Li Donglai the eye puts none immediately, curious and urgent questioning: Singing Spring or Taiji, the shape meaning is eight levels, the south school or the north school, excels at fist method or the leg method. Has to bring forth internal vigor, can the inch vigor skill.” 李东来登时眼放精光,好奇又迫切的追问:“咏春还是太极,形意还是八级,南派还是北派,擅长拳法还是腿法。有练出内劲吗,会不会寸劲技巧。” Qin Ze had a dumbfounded expression. 秦泽一脸懵逼 The Li Donglai eyes seem like a pair of big light bulb, blinks to wink to look forward to him. He somewhat distinguishes with the common wealthy family juniors, because has experienced something by chance, therefore yearned to martial arts mysterious knowledge extremely. 李东来双眼像是一对大灯泡,眨巴眨巴望着他。他跟一般的富家子弟有些区别,因为碰巧见识过一些东西,因此对武术这门神秘的学问极为向往。 Your novel looked,” Qin Ze really felt heavy that this chuuni youngster got sick. “你小说看多了吧,”秦泽真觉得这个中二少年病的不轻。 Li Donglai was anxious, „, your handle I do not trample fly, the average person may not have this strength, great hero, fights I to calculate half expert, who has the real skill, who is a flower trellis, fights I to be clear.” 李东来急了,“难道不是吗,你一脚把我踹飞,普通人可没这个力量,大侠,打架我算半个行家,谁有真本事,谁是花架子,一交手我就清楚。” Has studied wrestling arts, is far from what expert, naturally, hits your ten not to have the issue.” “学过一点格斗术,谈不上什么高手,当然,打你十个是没问题的。” Li Donglai struggles to crawl from the ground. loudly said: Teacher on, was done obeisance by the disciple.” 李东来挣扎着从地上爬起来。大声道:“师尊在上,受弟子一拜。” Qin Ze to heavy of thunder, rolls the eyes: First reaches an agreement, I cannot Subduing Dragons 18 Palms, Tathagata Divine Palm.” 秦泽给雷的不轻,翻白眼:“先说好,我可不会降龙十八掌,如来神掌。” Li Donglai scratches the head, hehe said with a smile: clear that reality and novel I can also carry.” 李东来挠挠头,嘿嘿笑道:“现实和小说我还能拎的清。” Although there are sister-in-law/little aunt to pay for the tutor fee/spent, but Li Donglai insisted that must be filial piety Qin Ze to the acknowledging as teacher ritual. Finally, Qin Ze collected this boy 800 block acknowledging as teacher fee/spent, the WeChat payment, according to Li Donglai, his one month of spending money on the 1,000 block, Qin Ze was startled at the scene big, by the Cartier SA luxury watch that the scale and Pei Nanman of this villa revealed that he can speculate that this boy family circumstances were not absolutely simple, such an eldest son, a 10,000 Yuan spending money, Qin Ze believed every month. 虽然有小姨支付家教费,但李东来坚持要给拜师礼孝敬秦泽。最后,秦泽收了这小子八百块的拜师费,当场微信支付,据李东来说,他一个月零花钱就一千块,秦泽吃惊不小,以这栋别墅的规模以及裴南曼无意间露出的卡地亚名表,他可以推测出这小子家境绝对不简单,这样一个大少爷,每个月一万元零花钱,秦泽都信。 Was the 1,000 Yuan too shabby. 一千元是不是太寒碜了。 mentor, I said real.” Li Donglai took an oath. 师傅,我说的都是真的。”李东来赌咒发誓。 Your younger sister's spending money, adds a zero in behind.” Qin Ze said. “你妹的零花钱,是不是在后面加个零。”秦泽道。 Li Donglai is dumbfounded: mentor really predicts with great accuracy.” 李东来目瞪口呆:“师傅果然料事如神。” A Qin Ze face is filled with grief: poorly raise the male, richly support the female routine, my family is also this.” 秦泽一脸悲怆道:“穷养男富养女套路,我家也是这样。” Two having same problem fellows look at each other, sadness, wishes one could to cry on each other's shoulders. 两个同病相怜的家伙相视一眼,悲从中来,恨不得抱头痛哭。 first day tutor, Qin Ze does not plan to raise to the plane of political principle immediately, pulls out the smoke in pocket, pulls out with Li Donglai one after another, chats to know the real situation. The computer is broadcasting last night «I am a Singer» variety show. 第一家教,秦泽不打算立刻上纲上线,掏出兜里的烟,与李东来一根接一根抽,聊天摸底。电脑播放着昨晚的《我是歌星》综艺节目。 Through the exchange, Qin Ze knows that downstairs that temperament also poor pretty student younger sister to call Pei Ziqi, knows why the own older brother and younger sister non- same surname, Li Donglai said oneself along with father surname, younger sister along with mother's surname. Pei Nanman is their sister-in-law/little aunt. As for the work of person of father's generation and sister-in-law/little aunt, Li Donglai to stops, Qin Ze has not closely examined. 通过交流,秦泽知道楼下那个脾气也不怎么好的漂亮学生妹叫裴子淇,也知道为何亲兄妹不同姓,李东来说自己随父姓,妹妹随母姓。裴南曼是他们的小姨。至于父辈和小姨的工作,李东来点到即止,秦泽也没追问。 However when through disdaining and anger of Li Donglai regarding father, and talks about mother low-spirited and sadness, Qin Ze peeps a spot to know the overall picture, Li Donglai and father's relations definitely are very bad, but that is not occupied by the together mother, passed away probably. 不过通过李东来谈起父亲时的不屑与愤怒,以及谈及母亲时的黯然与悲伤,秦泽窥一斑而知全豹,李东来和父亲的关系肯定是很恶劣的,而那个不住一起的母亲,大概是去世了。 Also might remarry. However could not convince, looked at the situation in room, obviously was constant here, even if the parents divorced, should the following father or the following mother, where had the truth that the following sister-in-law/little aunt lived. The reasonable explanation, mother passed away, relates with the father does not gather, therefore lives in the sister-in-law/little aunt home. 也有可能改嫁了。但是说不通,看房间的情况,明显是常住这里,哪怕父母离异,也应该跟着父亲或跟着母亲,哪有跟着小姨生活的道理。合理解释,母亲去世,与父亲关系不合,因此住在小姨家。 No wonder the older brother and younger sister two vicious tendencies are so big. 难怪兄妹俩戾气都这么大。 In the computer broadcasts Qin Baobao to loudly sing the Departure Song picture, Li Donglai follows unexpectedly snort/hum. 电脑里播着秦宝宝高唱离歌的画面,李东来竟然跟着哼起来。 Online renewal was too slow, I want to listen to this song each time, must access the net to watch the program.” Li Donglai complained. “网上更新太慢了,每次我想听这首歌,都得上网看节目。”李东来抱怨。 Qin Ze un: Several days later should renew the network resource.” 秦泽嗯了一声:“过几天应该会更新出网络资源。” He has been authorized to the music top list. Is supposing the next two days, the copyright royalty arrived at the account. 他已经授权给音乐风云榜了。估摸着明后天,版权费就到账了。 This is only restricted in the net copyright, other copyrights also in his hand. 这仅限于网络版权,其他版权还在他自己手上。 Li Donglai looks at the screen, the exclamation, the saliva: Mother, this woman is very pretty, the stature approved, really wants to rest her.” 李东来看着屏幕,惊叹,垂涎:“妈的,这女人贼漂亮,身材太赞了,真想睡她。” !” !” Clear resounding was truncated scalp. 清脆响亮的被削了一个头皮。 Li Donglai is holding the head, putting in great inconvenience is also vacant: mentor you hit me to do.” 李东来抱着头,委屈又茫然:“师傅你打我干嘛。” mentor hits the apprentice, needs the reason.” 师傅打徒弟,需要理由吗。” „......” “......” 12 : 00 pm, the Pei Ziqi roar transmits: Li Donglai, tutor, eats meal.” 十二,裴子淇的吼声传来:“李东来,家教,下来吃饭。” She does not know the Qin Ze's name, or from the start not on heart. 她不知道秦泽的名字,或者说压根没记在心上。 The villa is the villa, the kitchen is spacious, various types of kitchenwares have it all. Was too spacious, is short feeling that several divided family property. Was inferior that Qin Ze's that wrap/sets small house is warm. 别墅就是别墅,厨房宽敞整洁,各种厨具一应俱全。就是太空旷了,少了几分家的感觉。不如秦泽的那套小房子温馨。 The queen young married woman goes to the kitchen the meal that personally makes, Qin Ze does not feel honored. Because is not delicious. The food recipe is fair, the flavor is barely satisfactory, can only say can the entrance. Qin Ze is not accidental/surprised, can prepare food was good, the long pretty woman is not necessarily virtuous, in the family/home the seductress/evil spirit of source of trouble level, lived the 25 year, knows at most prepares food first puts the oil, the sugar and Yandu must taste an eloquence to distinguish clearly. Moreover, Wang Zijin is also the woman who will not prepare food. 女王少妇亲自下厨做的菜,秦泽却丝毫不觉得荣幸。因为不好吃。菜肴做法中规中矩,味道差强人意,只能说可以入口。秦泽对此不意外,能做菜就不错了,长的漂亮的女人不一定贤惠,家里就有一尊祸水级的妖精,活了二十五年,顶多知道做菜先放油,糖和盐都得尝一口才能分清。另外,王子衿也是个不会做菜的女人。 Why old gentleman said that too pretty woman is not suitable to be wife, really has a live example to suspend at home. 老爷子为什么说“太漂亮的女人不适合做媳妇”,委实是有个活例子摆在家里。 Finished eating the food, Qin Ze spends half an hour, wrote a densely packed planning document, Li Donglai studies certainly the science subjects, otherwise asked Qin Ze this social sciences student to make anything. 吃完饭,秦泽花了半个钟头,写一份密密麻麻的规划书,李东来当然是学理科的,不然请秦泽这个理科生做啥子。 No matter studies the wrestle is also good, improves the academic record, the content of this planning document, you go to the back attentively, does attentively. I am disinclined to urge you, has not reached my expected standard, I punch the person directly. Smeared me first to say front, you in province complained that did not teach to execute.” Qin Ze pats the planning document in front of Li Donglai: Road is walks, perhaps you have the good family circumstances, but the change defeat cotton wool essence, wants to become outstanding truly, is useless by others, depends on itself.” “不管是学格斗也好,提高学习成绩也罢,这份规划书的内容,你用心去背,用心去做。我懒得去督促你,没达到我预期的标准,我直接揍人。丑化我先说前头,省的你埋怨不教而诛。”秦泽把规划书拍在李东来面前:“路是自己走的,你或许有不错的家境,但改变不了败絮其中的本质,想真正出人头地,靠别人没用,靠自己。” Li Donglai as if one had found a treasure, like holding the martial study rare book holds the prospectus in the palm, not only above writes the plan of his academic record, the detailed exercise method of enhancing the physical ability. 李东来如获至宝,像捧武学秘籍那样把计划书捧在手心,上面不但写着他学习成绩的规划,还有提高体能的详细锻炼方法。 mentor, I thought that did these too foundation, have strikes the move of system enemy.” 师傅,我觉得吧,这些都太基础了,有没有一击制敌的招数。” Without the learned walks, is thinking running.” Qin Ze sneers, is in front of chuuni youngster, fights with the fists on the wall, thump the dull thumping sound, wall paint powder flaking, splits several slight cracks. “没学会走,就想着跑。”秦泽冷笑,然后当着中二少年的面,一拳打在墙上,“咚”的闷响,墙壁漆粉剥落,裂开几道细微的裂缝。 The Li Donglai opening mouth, was shocked. 李东来张大嘴巴,惊呆了。 „The powerful body and spirit has not made the foundation, you study many skilled people, is the weak chicken.” Qin Ze said lightly: Elders stressed innumerable, the foundation is reliable. Did not say casually.” “没有强大的体魄做根基,你学再多的把式,也是弱鸡。”秦泽淡淡道:“长辈们无数次强调,基础要牢固。不是随便说说的。” This looking cool...... Li Donglai knelt. 逼装的......李东来跪了。 Qin Ze rides the Pei Nanman car(riage) to go home, driving naturally is not queen, but is the queen driver. 秦泽裴南曼的车回家,开车的当然不是女王,而是女王的司机。 2 : 00 pm, Pei Nanman puts on office lady suit to go downstairs, she puts on is not pencil skirt, but is the pants. In the living room, Li Donglai holds the planning document to mumble, wholly-absorbed carrying. Pei Ziqi angrily said: Rolled to go upstairs to endorse, quarrels.” 下午 2 点,裴南曼穿着ol套装下楼,她穿的不是套裙,而是裤子。客厅里,李东来捧着规划书念念有词,专心的背着。裴子淇怒道:“滚上楼去背书,吵死了。” Li Donglai shows the whites of the eyes, dead girl, shut up.” 李东来翻了个白眼,“死丫头,闭嘴。” Pei Nanman walks, looks at anything.” 裴南曼走来,“看什么东西。” Arrogance that Li Donglai honest handing over in the past, restraining was insufferably arrogant: Sister-in-law/Little aunt, I later studies certainly well.” 李东来老老实实的递过去,收敛不可一世的气焰:“小姨,我以后一定好好学习。” Pei Nanman received the planning document, has not looked, says with a smile: „Did Sun hit the west side to come out?” 裴南曼接过规划书,没看,笑道:“太阳打西边出来了?” Pei Ziqi scoffs to say with a smile: He punched to fear.” 裴子淇嗤笑道:“他是给人揍怕了。” Li Donglai turns head, angrily said: Are many on your words.” 李东来扭头,怒道:“就你话多。” Pei Nanman said in a soft voice: What's the matter.” 裴南曼柔声道:“怎么回事。” Li Donglai stammering: I scolded the master...... Brother Qin several in room, was hit, is I most inexpensive.” 李东来期期艾艾:“我在房间里骂了师......秦哥几句,就被打了呗,是我自己最贱。” Un.” Pei Nanman nods, this looks down the planning document. The careless attitude makes older brother and younger sister two one stare. The sister-in-law/little aunt is doting parent, Li Donglai thorn head that becomes famous in the school, had not been dismissed obstinately, no matter that side the school, that side the guardian, the sister-in-law/little aunt can level. The been able to level flower also has their fathers, person who if the sister-in-law/little aunt has being able to level. “嗯。”裴南曼点点头,这才低头看起规划书。漫不经心的态度让兄妹俩一愣。小姨是护犊子的,李东来在学校出了名的刺头,愣是没被开除,不管学校那边,家长那边,小姨都能摆平。摆不平的花还有他们父亲,如果小姨有摆不平的人的话。 The form of planning document is very standard, four big steps. 规划书的格式很标准,四个大步骤。 One: Individual analysis 一:个体分析 Two: Environment appraisal 二:环境评估 Three: By stages plans 三:分期计划 Four: Appraisal adjustment 四:评估调整 A total of four pages. 总共四页。 The individual analysis of opening, makes Pei Nanman jump close. 开头的个体分析,就让裴南曼眉睫一跳。 Name: Li Donglai. 姓名:李东来 Sex: Male. 性别:男。 School: Fudan attached middle school. 学校:复旦附中。 Class and grade: High two 3 classes, social sciences student. 班级:高二三班,理科生 Wealthy family juniors, good-for-nothing that cannot withstand uses greatly. The academic record is bad, IQ is not high, the character is disagreeable. Has chuunibyou that this age generally has. Is infatuated in killing. Looking from various aspects, is a paralysis does not hold the mud of wall......” “一个富家子弟,一个不堪大用的废柴。学习成绩差,智商不高,性格乖戾。拥有这个年纪普遍存在的中二病。痴迷于打打杀杀。从各方面看,都是一瘫扶不上墙的烂泥......” Pei Nanman rare reveals the angry color, is selecting the eyebrow , to continue to look: „If not well-off family's, this whole life estimated that cannot have what skill. Naturally, later will not have the skill. Body only merit: Being adaptable to the situation. If this is the merit. In brief is disappointing to cannot the disappointing student, the object who teacher gives up. What is gratified, plastic. Having one share is stubborn. Guides, not necessarily cannot become a useful person.” 裴南曼罕见的露出恼怒之色,挑着眉,继续看下去:“如果不是家境富裕,这辈子估计不会有什么花头。当然,以后也不会有花头。身上唯一的优点:能屈能伸。如果这是优点的话。总之是个差劲到不能再差劲的学生,老师放弃的对象。欣慰的是,可塑性强。有一股子倔强偏执。加以引导,未必不能成器。” This is Qin Ze analyzes to the Li Donglai's character, is seemingly immaterial, relates to the countermeasure and following training program that he uses actually. 这是秦泽李东来的人物分析,看似无关紧要,实则关系到他采用的对策以及后续的训练计划。 Pei Nanman crossed this page, the environment appraisal: Lives with younger sister in the sister-in-law/little aunt family/home, older brother and younger sister relates( Donglai inharmoniously ; Ziqi, Purple Qi Comes from the East (Ziqi Donglai)?), The parent-child operator is inharmonious. Mother:? Mother's sister's husband:? Is afraid the sister-in-law/little aunt. no bad habits( temporarily not found). The family is well-off, father unknown, little mother's sister's husband unknown, possibly does not open security company is so simple in any case.” 裴南曼翻过这一页,环境评估:“和妹妹居住在小姨家,兄妹关系不睦(东来;子淇,紫气东来?),父子关系不睦。母亲:?姨父:?非常害怕小姨。无不良嗜好(暂时没发现)。家境优渥,父亲未知,小姨父未知,反正不可能只是开安保公司那么简单。” The environmental analysis is also very important, the poor child and rich child's training way is different, aspect does not need to be worried to spend at least in equipment. 环境分析也很重要,穷孩子和富孩子的培养方式是不一样的,至少在“设备”方面不用担心花钱。 She narrowed the eye, holds in high esteem to Qin Ze again, previously his good pen answered the examination paper smoothly, do not visit her to display indifferently, is actually very at heart shocking. 她不禁眯了眯眼,再次对秦泽刮目相看,先前他行笔流畅答完试卷,别看她表现淡然,心里其实很震惊。 Said that was long, said in short several hours, can see so many things, the power of observation surnamed Qin was obviously ordinary. older brother and younger sister relates inharmoniously, is afraid me, these are not strange. Stated categorically that the parent-child operator is inharmonious, this was fierce. What is fiercer is mother and uncle's two question marks. He observed what/anything to come, the Pei Nanman keen intuition told her, was not the simple question mark, but does not want to write plainly. 说长不长,说短不短的几个小时里,能看出这么多东西,姓秦的观察力可见一般。兄妹关系不睦,害怕我,这些都不奇怪。一口咬定父子关系不睦,这就厉害了。更厉害的是母亲和姨夫的两个问号。他观察出什么来了,裴南曼敏锐的直觉告诉她,绝不是简单的问号,只是不想写明。 The following by stages plan and appraisal adjustment are instead unimportant, Pei Nanman several end shortly. Gives back to Li Donglai the planning document, said with a smile: Your this home teacher is very fierce, you and Ziqi name, looked through to him.” 后面的分期计划和评估调整反而不重要了,裴南曼几眼看完。把规划书还给李东来,笑道:“你这个家教老师很厉害,你和子淇的名字,给他看破了。” Li Donglai scratches the head: Otherwise am I resigned to request him to be the master? The sister-in-law/little aunt, I can put in good effort, achieve the goal on planning document.” 李东来挠头:“要不然我甘心拜他为师?小姨,我会好好努力,完成规划书上的目标。” Pei Nanman un said: Process I did not care, only looks at the result.” 裴南曼嗯道:“过程我不关心,只看结果。” Touches his head, goes out. 摸了摸他的脑袋,出门。
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