MESIS :: Volume #1

#69: Looks at one another two to tire of

Sister-in-law/Little aunt, you have a look at him, such person, can give me, when tutor?” “小姨,你看看他,就这样的人,能给我当家教吗?” The school spoiled children in Li Donglai eye must the cautious cautious high number examination paper, not only go easily and freely in this fellow hand, flies up to the eaves and walls simply, from beginning to end useless the scratch paper, the entire journey has done mental arithmetic, presenting the choice question tosses the coin to be quicker than him. 李东来眼中的学校骄子们都得小心翼翼如履薄冰的高数卷子,在这家伙手中岂止是如履平地,简直飞檐走壁,从头到尾没用过草稿纸,全程心算,做选择题比他抛硬币还要快。 Pei Nanman smiles. 裴南曼笑了笑。 The student younger sister interest lacks re-focuses 学生妹兴致缺缺的把注意力转移到电视上,她失去兴趣了。 Qin Ze advances in front of the examination paper Li Donglai, changes to curl, the college entrance examination simulates the examination paper, generally has the answer.” 秦泽把卷子推到李东来面前,“改卷吧,高考模拟试卷,一般都有答案。” Li Donglai stares, the subconsciousness said: How you know that is the college entrance examination simulates the examination paper.” 李东来一愣,下意识道:“你怎么知道是高考模拟试卷。” This examination paper is their school teacher leaves, the simulation last year math college entrance examination difficulty, practiced acquiring a skill to the students, generally will send to the reference answer and examination paper the student hand together. 这份试卷是他们学校老师自己出的,模拟去年的数学高考难度,给学生们练手,一般会把参考答案和试卷一起发到学生手上。 Students this time also looked at Qin Ze one. 学生们这时也看了秦泽一眼。 Qin Ze referred to the examination paper: „The Fudan attached middle school, my high school also reads here.” 秦泽指了指试卷:“复旦附中,我高中也是读这里的。” Old routine, the elder brother is a seasoned person. 套路了,哥是过来人。 Pei Nanman hearing this, raising the head, the smiling face is light: Originally alumnus.” 裴南曼闻言,抬起头,笑容淡淡:“原来还是校友。” Li Donglai rolls the eyes, scoffs to say with a smile: How that has not tested into Fudan, the result is not good, runs Economics Uni to go dingily.” 李东来翻白眼,嗤笑道:“那怎么没考上复旦,成绩不行,灰溜溜跑财大去。” The Qin Ze smiling face is stiff immediately. 秦泽笑容顿时僵硬。 Mentioned this past event, was far from absolutely happily. The Qin Ze elementary school, junior middle school and high school, kindergarten, is elder sister reads together. With spirit that allow me to start first and makes up for a lack of natural talent by hard work, the elementary school goes to the junior middle school, the junior middle school goes to the high school, under old gentleman instructs earnestly, keeps up with the elder sister's footsteps reluctantly, may arrive at the college entrance examination, Qin Ze discovered that aptitude stupid real non-solution, making up for a lack of natural talent by hard work is also relatively speaking, can make up again clumsily, has no way to make up Study Tyrant him. 说起这桩旧事,绝对谈不上愉快。秦泽小学、初中、高中,就连幼儿园,都是和姐姐一起读的。以笨鸟先飞和勤能补拙的精神,小学升初中,初中升高中,在老爷子耳提面命之下,勉强跟上姐姐的脚步,可到了高考,秦泽发现资质愚笨真的无解,勤能补拙也是相对而言,再能补拙,也没法把他补成学霸 Qin Ze gets angry: „Do waste that many words do, are called you to the answer to the answer.” 秦泽黑着脸:“废那么多话干嘛,叫你对答案就对答案。” Economics Uni how, Economics Uni is not the average person can on. 财大怎么了,财大也不是一般人能上的。 His tone said no on polite, even shows the faint threat. 他语气说不上客气,甚至透出隐隐的威胁。 Li Donglai stares. 李东来一愣。 The student younger sister brow tip raises. 学生妹眉梢一扬。 Pei Nanman said gently: Donglai, answer to one pair.” 裴南曼轻轻道:“东来,把答案对一对。” Li Donglai wants to say several again, saw Pei Nanman to speak, the head shrank, runs up to the building to take the reference answer. 李东来想再说几句,见裴南曼发话了,脑袋一缩,跑上楼去拿参考答案。 In the living room, Li Donglai holds the examination paper, holds the answer single-handedly. The vision saunters in the examination paper and reference answer back and forth. 客厅里,李东来一手捧着试卷,一手捧答案。目光在试卷和参考答案上来回转悠。 Choice question...... entire right. 选择题......全对。 Fills up the topic...... not to have the problem. 填空题......没毛病。 The solution answer...... fuck me, explaining the process is more detailed than the reference answer. 解答题......卧槽,解答过程比参考答案还详细。 Uh! The Li Donglai eyes circle stares, opened the mouth. Long time has not spoken. 李东来双眼圆瞪,不禁张大了嘴巴。半晌没说话。 Pei Nanman looks at his expression, in the heart understands clearly, gives a calm smile, looks down the document. 裴南曼看他表情,心中了然,淡然一笑,低头看起文件。 The student younger sister vision and vision on the difference, did not say patiently: Silly, examination paper how, several points?” 学生妹眼界、眼光就差了,不耐烦道:“傻愣愣的,试卷怎么样,几分?” Li Donglai swallows the saliva, said difficultly: 150 points?” 李东来咽了咽唾沫,艰难道:“150分?” Mental illness.” The student younger sister turns the small supercilious look, looked shitheaded looks at Li Donglai, snatches to seize the examination paper and answer, personally comparison. “神经病。”学生妹翻小白眼,看脑残似的看李东来,劈手夺过试卷和答案,亲自对照。 Uh...... in several minutes of process, she first stares slightly, then small mouth unconscious slightly, from slight to obvious, damn expression solidification on face. ......几分钟的过程里,她先是微微瞪眼,然后小嘴不自觉微张,由细微到明显,“见了鬼”的表情凝固在脸上。 Is small, the sister-in-law/little aunt...... makes him also tutor the schoolwork to me.” The student younger sister was shocked. “小,小姨......让他也给我辅导功课吧。”学生妹震惊了。 The whole piece examination paper, she cannot pick up the least bit problem, even if the gold content is highest, the request severest solution answer, was still perfect. 整张试卷,她挑不出半点毛病,哪怕含金量最高,要求最严苛的解答题,仍完美无缺。 What monster is this? Has such computing power? 这是什么怪物?有这样的计算能力? Pei Nanman shakes the head: You summer vacation must study piano, do not divert attention.” 裴南曼摇头:“你暑假要学钢琴,别分心。” You do not want to study Taekwondo, Little Qin have practiced the wrestle, you can learn from him.” Pei Nanman said. “你不是想学跆拳道,小秦练过格斗,你可以跟他学。”裴南曼道。 Li Donglai opens the eye, said surprised: Sister-in-law/Little aunt, you really agreed that I do practice Taekwondo?” 李东来睁大眼睛,吃惊道:“小姨,你真同意我练跆拳道啊?” Premise is your academic record promotes.” Pei Nanman looked at the watch, said: I go out to buy to order food, Donglai, you bring Little Qin to go to the room. The lunch stays here to eat.” “前提是你学习成绩提升上来。”裴南曼看了看表,道:“我出去买点菜,东来,你带小秦去房间。午饭留在这里吃吧。” Last was to Qin Ze said that definitely the sentence was not the interrogative sentence. The domineering of queen beautiful woman does not lie in the high-profile imposing manner, her voice is chilly and gentle, but she said that what/anything is what/anything, this is the true domineering. 最后一句是对秦泽说的,肯定句不是疑问句。女王美人的强势不在于张扬的气势,她声音清冷、温柔,但她说什么就是什么,这才是真正的强势。 Qin Ze notices the table in her wrist/skill, the women of Cartier SA show, the table body of rose gold, mounts a 18 diamond, the alligator skin wrist belt/bring, in 2007 goes on the market, limited edition. At that time selling price 1 million US dollars, so many years passed, rose in value much. 秦泽注意到她手腕上的表,卡地亚的女士表,玫瑰金的表身,镶嵌十八颗钻石,鳄鱼皮腕带,2007年上市,限量版。当时售价100万美元,这么多年过去,增值了不少。 Normally, by the Qin Ze's marketplace status, should not know such magnificent and expensive luxury watch, but once had time, Qin Baobao longs for a value not poor luxury watch very much, bought several magazines to go home to look, wants to select the watch that admired together for oneself. elder sister has a liking for this luxury watch that reaches the first place, what a pity was too expensive being able to afford. Qin Ze in elder sister's talks incessantly, knew existence of this female luxury watch. 按说,以秦泽的市井身份,不该知道这样华贵的名表,但曾经有段时间,秦宝宝很渴望有一块价值不菲的名表,就买了几本杂志回家看,想为自己挑一块心仪的手表。姐姐一眼就看上这块登上榜首的名表,可惜太贵了买不起。秦泽姐姐的唠叨中,知道了这块女性名表的存在。 Afterward, Qin Baobao thousand selected ten thousand to select, selected a 5,000 Yuan watch...... 后来,秦宝宝千挑万挑,挑了一块五千元的手表...... The woman of never expected that queen or family harmony, after she goes out, Qin Ze follows the chuuni youngster to go upstairs, Room Li Donglai's in west side last, unsurprisingly, no matter the area repairs, ends to explode the Qin Ze's small room. 没想到女王还是宜室宜家的女人,她出门后,秦泽跟着中二少年上楼,李东来的在西边最后一间,不出意外,不管是面积还是装修,都完爆秦泽的小房间。 After passing through the gate, swept one, by the double bed of wall, the opposite is the closet, the window previous desk, on the desk has the desk lamp and desktop computer, one pack of textbooks, a black pottery teacup. The room is clean, the bedhead does not have suspicious Paper Towel (zhijin). 进门后扫了一眼,靠墙的一张双人床,对面是衣柜,窗前一张书桌,书桌上有台灯、台式电脑,一叠课本,一只黑陶茶杯。房间还算干净,床头也没有可疑的纸巾 Qin Ze has to the Li Donglai character at heart approximate judged, is not otaku, is far from loves cleanly, but is not sloppy, the screen of computer is shining, the picture frames at the scene that lol finished, the crystal explodes, two bright red: Failure. 秦泽心里对李东来性格有大致判断,不是宅男,谈不上爱干净,但不邋遢,电脑的屏幕亮着,画面定格在lol结束的场景,水晶爆炸,两个鲜红的:失败。 Likes playing the game. 爱玩游戏。 The corner has the dumb bells, spring-grip dumbbells and carrying a heavy load sandbag, is the fitness male? 墙角有哑铃、握力器、负重沙袋,还是个健身型男? Looks at what/anything to look.” Li Donglai stared Qin Ze one, even more appears the vicious tendencies to be grave, is bossy: Closed the gate.” “看什么看。”李东来瞪了秦泽一眼,愈发显得戾气深重,颐指气使:“把门关了。” After Qin Ze closes the door, he also said: First talks clearly with you, later, you teach you, I play my. Money that should take you take, but do not put on the airs of teacher to me. Do not peep my sister-in-law/little aunt, other saying something to smooth things over my younger sister, you, if the little darling is obedient, I did not mind that you are an eyesore before me. If thinking my sister-in-law/little aunt there calumniates somebody to superiors, brushes the favorable impression, looked that I do not kill you.” 秦泽关上门后,他又道:“先和你说清楚,以后,你教你的,我玩我的。该拿的钱你拿,但别给我摆老师架子。别偷看我小姨,别搭讪我妹,你要是乖乖听话,我不介意你在我面前碍眼。要是想着去我小姨那里打小报告,刷好感,看我不弄死你。” End, sneered saying: father has seen home teacher, the tutor work are more than you have done.” 末了,冷笑道:“老子见过的家教老师,比你做过的家教工作都多。” The junior middle school and high school, in the family/home to him asked several home teacher, Li Donglai not to have the capital of rejection, but he had his countermeasure, male tutor did not give the complexion, the female teacher was slightly good, said that what hear of what/anything, the left ear entered the right ear to leave in any case, time was long, home teacher also gave up, was disinclined to urge his paralysis not to hold the mud of wall, everyone well water not interfering with river water. 初中和高中,家里给他请了好几个家教老师,李东来没有拒绝的资本,但他有他的对策,男家教不给好脸色,女教师稍稍好点,说什么听什么,反正左耳进右耳出,时间久了,家教老师也就放弃了,懒得督促他这瘫扶不上墙的烂泥,大家井水不犯河水。 A Qin Ze bow step proceeds, brandishes the right arm, enjoyed this rampant youngster a slap straightforwardly. 秦泽一个弓步往前,抡起右臂,直截了当的赏了这个嚣张的少年一巴掌 ! ”! The slap in the face is rudely, Li Donglai flinging staggered, was ignorant. 耳光势大力沉,李东来给甩了个踉跄,懵了。 Your motherf**ker.” After responding, his violent anger, flew to trample counter-attacks Qin Ze. “你tm的。”反应过来后,他暴怒,一个飞踹回击秦泽 Qin Ze rapid such as lightning kicks a foot, latter sends first, center the abdomen of this fellow, little said that also has a 120 jin (0.5 kg) fellow, tramples directly flies, hits in the gate, the rolling up body, is covering the belly, the eyes are completely the capillaries. 秦泽迅如闪电的踢出一脚,后发先至,正中这家伙的腹部,少说也有一百二十斤的家伙,直接踹飞,哐一声撞在门上,蜷缩身体,捂着肚子,双眼尽是血丝。 On your temperament, has not killed, in the explanation family/home the background is big.” Qin Ze sneers. “就你这脾气,没给人打死,说明家里背景不小。”秦泽冷笑一声。 Has wanted to hit you. 早就想打你了。 Mentioned fights, Qin Ze was is not a vegetarian, junior middle school high school time, he was the thorn head in teacher eye, but he fought is not the reason, reason on Qin Baobao. Qin Baobao is just like an attraction debauched person the tender and beautiful rose, always has the difference that the earth overlord in school and drifts along to live to gang up with her. 说起打架,秦泽可不是吃素的,初中高中的时候,他是老师眼里的刺头,不过他打架不是自身原因,原因在秦宝宝身上。秦宝宝好比一株吸引狂蜂浪蝶的娇艳玫瑰,总有学校的土霸王和混日子的差生勾搭她。 Qin Ze became elder sister's Shield inevitably, on the junior middle school, was just being compelled and starts not to have the weight 3 rd charlatan to fight, black and blue is the affirmation. On high school, military force value when production costs rise, prices rise too, but by the widowed enemy numerous, still won loses few. 秦泽不可避免的成了姐姐的挡箭牌,刚上初中,就被逼着和下手没轻重的初三混子打架,鼻青脸肿是肯定的。上了高中,武力值水涨船高,但以寡敌众,仍然赢多输少。 A old gentleman that serious person, has not said his half a word at this matter, the parents not only did not blame him, instead praised the son to be reliable. Protects elder sister and picks a quarrel fight two matters. 老爷子那么严肃的一个人,也没有在这件事上说过他半句,父母非但不责怪他,反而夸儿子可靠。保护姐姐和寻衅打架两回事。 On the university situation is improved, first, unpromising Qin Ze cannot test into Fudan, university student is sane, no longer is the middle-school student who the brain one disregards hotly. Harasses the female student to dismiss, perhaps must be involved in a lawsuit. 大学情况才好转,一来,没出息的秦泽没能考上复旦,二来,大学生理智成熟,不再是脑子一热不管不顾的中学生。骚扰女生是要开除的,没准还要吃官司。 beauties bring forth disasters! 红颜祸水 Qin Ze attended the junior middle school to comprehend. 秦泽读初中就领悟了。 Li Donglai is the mental insufficiently mature middle-school student obviously, Qin Ze did not mind that punches conveniently, at the worst this tutor does not want. He has not beaten severely the meaning of don't hit a person when he's down, that foot, sufficed this fellow to lie down a moment ago in the morning. Hits again, on internal injury. 李东来显然属于心智不够成熟的中学生,秦泽不介意顺手揍一顿,大不了这份家教不要。他没有痛打落水狗的意思,刚才那一脚,够这家伙躺地上半天。再打,就内伤了。 At this time, the gate opened. 这时,门开了。 The name was called the Ziqi student younger sister to look around, obviously heard the sound, went upstairs examination. Finds to lie down near the gate, grumbling Li Donglai, stares immediately. 名字叫子淇的学生妹探头探脑,显然听见动静,上楼查看情况。瞧见躺在门边,大吐苦水的李东来,顿时一愣。 In Qin Ze thinks when she must send a punitive expedition, young girl pū chī smiles, quite somewhat schadenfreude: Yo, was hit?” 就在秦泽以为她要兴师问罪时,少女噗嗤一笑,颇有几分幸灾乐祸:“呦,被打啦?” Li Donglai is gasping for breath: Minds own business.” 李东来喘着气:“少管闲事。” Young girl zé zé said: You were not known as that the school duel king, does fight all over same level does not have the rival?” 少女啧啧道:“你不是号称学校单挑王嘛,打遍同级无敌手吗?” Li Donglai angrily said: „Is father not as skillful as others, wants you to manage?” 李东来怒道:“老子技不如人,要你管?” The young girl supercilious look, very despicable hitting a person when he is down, kicked his foot, said to Qin Ze: handsome fellow, you continue, he under tidies up, do not hit the dead beating remnantly on the line.” 少女白眼,很卑劣的落井下石,踢了他一脚,又对秦泽道:“帅哥,你继续,他就是欠收拾,别打死打残就行。” The head shrank, closes. 脑袋一缩,关门走了。 the next moment, she folded, reminded: Other hit the face, was seen by my sister-in-law/little aunt, you end the calf.” 下一刻,她又折了回来,提醒道:“别打脸啊,被我小姨看到,你就完犊子啦。” Qin Ze blinks, what situation. 秦泽眨眨眼,什么个情况。 „Is she your younger sister?” “她是你妹?” Closes your trifling thing.” Li Donglai scolded one: ***. “关你屁事。”李东来骂了一声:***。 Qin Ze without delay, another kicks on this fellow butt, the sore his face twitches, begged for mercy: Real man, do not hit, do not hit, I took. She is Own younger sister.” 秦泽二话不说,又一脚踢在这家伙屁股上,疼的他脸抽搐,求饶道:“好汉,别打,别打,我服了。她是我妹。亲妹妹。” Has such own younger sister?” Qin Ze shock. “有这样的亲妹妹?”秦泽震惊了。 „...... The non- cross-eye, looks at one another two to tire of since childhood.” Li Donglai puts on a long face: Do not hit.” “......从小就不对眼,相看两厌。”李东来哭丧着脸:“别打了。” Hurting of real his mother, this fellow started to be very ruthless. 真他娘的疼,这家伙下手忒狠了。
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