MESIS :: Volume #1

#68: Should I who coordinate you to perform actually look but not see

„A friend...... she makes me give family's children to make tutor, is very high, I who the wage opens do not have the reason of rejection.” Qin Ze shrugs. “一个朋友的......她让我给家里的小孩做家教,薪水开的很高,我没有拒绝的理由。”秦泽耸耸肩。 oh. Wang Zijin curls the lip quietly, at once the smiling face is gentle: You go, in my staying family/home also good, I do not like going out in any case, un, female otaku.” 哦。王子衿悄悄撇嘴,旋即笑容温婉:“那你去吧,我自己呆家里也挺好,反正我不太喜欢出门,嗯,宅女。” Speaking of tutor, is the aging past event that has saying that Qin Baobao on just university that meeting, but also does not have 36 D, worked as many years of Study Tyrant elder sister, summer arises suddenly the feeling, said oneself must experience the life, the creation wealth. Then seeks a tutor work, the pay that the opposite party opens is considerable. Remembers that is the elder sister first time work, in the evening eats meal, the elder sister only proud pullets, announced likely this matter. 说到家教,又是一桩不得不说的陈年旧事,秦宝宝刚上大学那会,还没有36d,当了多年学霸姐姐,暑期突发感慨,说自己要体验生活,创造财富。遂寻一家教工作,对方开的薪酬非常可观。记得那是姐姐第一次“工作”,晚上吃饭的时候,姐姐像只骄傲的小母鸡,把这件事宣布出来。 old gentleman gives birth for the first time happily, said that Baobao (darling) is intelligent, has prospects. 老爷子开怀欣慰,说宝宝就是聪明,有出息。 Mother Qin is moved to tears, said that our Baobao (darling) since childhood clever, I am proud. 秦妈热泪盈眶,说我们宝宝从小就伶俐,我要自豪。 Then the old couples squint saw the mediocre son. 然后老两口斜眼看了看平庸的儿子。 Now wants to come, that is two funny elder brother. 如今想来,那就是两张“滑稽哥”。 Qin Ze such as was struck by lightning, the immature mind leaves behind the huge injury that is unable to erase, a 10,000 violent strikes. Following stock version displacing, tutor becomes his second obsession. But mixes by Qin Ze reluctantly and ruled lines the posture of person, this whole life does not refer to some people asking him to make tutor. How long is good slightly self-satisfied has not maintained because of elder sister's, some day, the male lead person of having ulterior motives, is not at home while the wife daughter, proposed that must support Qin Baobao. 秦泽如遭雷击,幼小的心灵留下无法抹除的巨大伤害,一万点暴击。继股票版“取而代之”,家教成为他心里第二执念。但以秦泽勉强混在及格线的中人之姿,这辈子都指不上有人找他做家教。好在姐姐的小得意没维持多久,某日,醉翁之意不在酒的男主人,趁老婆女儿不在家,提出要包养秦宝宝 Originally the opposite party does not have a liking for the elder sister's result, but had a liking for her C cup and big long leg. 原来对方不是看上姐姐的成绩,而是看上了她的c罩杯和大长腿。 A Qin Baobao first work aborts, does not dare to tell the parents this matter, can only complain with younger brother, hides in the younger brother bedding yīng yīng yīng. 秦宝宝第一次工作就这么胎死腹中,不敢把这件事告诉父母,只能跟弟弟诉苦,躲在弟弟被窝里嘤嘤嘤 Several years later, the opportunity experiences tutor unexpectedly. 时隔多年,居然还有机会体验一下家教 This is also good, on the intern period does not know that looks for what/anything to work, old gentleman asked that can also say righteously: I am imparting knowledge and educating people. 这样也好,恰逢实习期不知道找什么工作,老爷子问起来,也能理直气壮的说:我在教书育人。 Cannot say: Works what/anything, is the heresies, speculating in the stock market is the kingly way. 总不能说:工作什么的,都是旁门左道,炒股才是王道。 That old gentleman affirmed that a slap shouted him. 老爷子肯定一巴掌呼死他。 After a half hour, some people relate Qin Ze, said him in the community entrance. 半个多小时后,有人联系秦泽,说他在小区门口。 Qin Ze said goodbye to Wang Zijin, to the community entrance, saw the roadside to stop brand-new Audi A8, the driver was a tall and strong middle-aged person, serious in speech and manner, pulled out the cell phone to dial the Qin Ze's number, after hearing the cell phone ring tone, then went out of the car(riage), opened the vehicle door: Mr. Qin, I meet you.” 秦泽告别王子衿,到了小区门口,一眼就看见路边停着崭新的奥迪a8,司机是个魁梧的中年人,不苟言笑,掏出手机拨打秦泽的号码,听见手机铃声后,便走出车,拉开车门:“秦先生,我来接你。” Qin Ze nods, sits boards. 秦泽点头,坐上车。 Audi A8 across the cbd area, toward the Xuhui bound carriageway, 10 : 00 am, stops in a villa area. The local tyrant community of inch gold/metal small patch of land. 奥迪a8穿过cbd区,往徐汇方向行驶,早上 10 点,停在一个别墅区。寸金寸土的土豪小区啊。 The driver drives into the community, stops before some villa front door, Mr. Qin .” 司机驶入小区,停在某座别墅大门前,“秦先生,到了。” Afterward he telephones, quick, in the villa runs to be the middle-aged aunt of nanny, opens the door. 随后他打了个电话,很快,别墅里跑出一个应该是保姆的中年大妈,开门。 Qin Ze enters the iron skill front door at the same time, swept one, extremely exclaimed in surprise, alone villa, in addition first backyard area, above 200 square meter, even there is 300 draws. Also is such section, value not poor. Qin Ze remembers the beginning of this year, that side Songjiang villa, some fried 10 million. At present this, conservative estimate, below 30 million above 50 million. 秦泽走进铁艺大门的同时,扫了一眼,万分惊叹,独栋别墅,加上前后院的占地面积,两百平米以上,甚至有三百。又是这样的地段,价值不菲。秦泽记得今年初,松江那边的别墅,有的都炒到一千万了。眼前这栋,保守估计,三千万以上五千万以下。 However is not a new home, looks at the outward appearance, some ages, want to come the house price to be insufficient the present so to go against heaven's will in the past. 不过并非新房,看外观,有些年代了,想来当年房价不至于如今这般逆天。 Two leaves of brown paint solid wood front doors open wide, Qin Ze with the nanny approaches the villa, the vault gorgeous crystal chandelier, the design complicated to step on the sense of reality extremely good rug, could not see that the sign but felt the value not poor furniture, and arranges in the living room center two rows of cream color sofas, is telling Qin Ze, is only the repair of living room, it is estimated that wraps the 80 Pingfangzi on value Qin Baobao that. 两扇棕漆实木大门敞开,秦泽随着保姆走近别墅,穹顶华美的水晶吊灯,图案繁复踩上去质感极佳的地毯,看不出牌子但感觉价值不菲的家具,以及摆置在客厅中心两排乳白色沙发,都在告诉着秦泽,光是客厅的装修,估计就值秦宝宝那套八十平房子。 Opens security company, some really so much money? 一个开安保公司的,真有这么多银子? The living room sits two beautiful women, one big is small, what is big is young married woman Pei Nanman, the one who is small is the pretty student younger sister, 3 rd or the age of high school, short hair, attractive. 客厅坐着两个美人,一大一小,大的是少妇裴南曼,小的是个俏丽的学生妹,初三或者高中的年纪,短发,漂亮。 Said that is mother and daughter, two female appearances are somewhat similar, but the age does not seem coordinated. Pei Nanman is looking, at most 30. She sits in the sofa, reads a document on knee. The student younger sister's lazy closing right up against sofa, she is watching the television, on the face the expression is light, is bored to death. 说是母女也可以,两女外貌有几分相似,但似乎年龄不对等。裴南曼瞧着,顶多三十。她坐在沙发,翻看膝盖上的一份文件。学生妹慵懒的靠着沙发,她在看电视,脸上表情淡淡,百无聊赖。 Qin Ze, come.” Pei Nanman smile. 秦泽,来啦。”裴南曼微笑。 Sister Pei, I have not done the work of tutor.” Qin Ze lays cards on the table. 裴姐,我没做过家教的工作。”秦泽摊牌。 Pei Nanman said in a soft voice: All right, must have the first time. My this tutor is not good to do, the child of rebel period makes one have a headache.” 裴南曼柔声道:“没事,总得有第一次。我这份家教也不好做,叛逆期的孩子让人头疼。” The sound is gentle, has one type immovability, slowly however has imposing manner. 声音温柔,自有一种“不动如山,徐徐而起”的气势。 Ziqi, do not watch the television, returns to the room to do the homework.” Pei Nanman looks to the body side student younger sister. 子淇,别看电视了,回房写作业。”裴南曼看向身侧的学生妹。 Qin Ze said with a smile: Hello, I called Qin Ze, this summer vacation, I was your home teacher. Advises much.” 秦泽笑道:“你好,我叫秦泽,这个暑假,我是你的家教老师。多多指教。” The student younger sister shot a look at Qin Ze, turns a supercilious look fiercely: Mental illness.” 学生妹瞥了眼秦泽,猛翻一个白眼:“神经病。” This was awkward. 这就尴尬了。 The Qin Ze heart said, I have not shaken hand luckily, otherwise is more awkward. 秦泽心说,幸好我没握手,不然就更尴尬。 Pei Nanman said with a smile: Qin Ze, your tutor object is not she. Ziqi, calls Donglai to go downstairs.” 裴南曼笑道:“秦泽,你的家教对象不是她。子淇,去叫东来下楼。” The student younger sister stiff small back, talked over the telephone by the roar, murmured: Li Donglai, your home teacher comes, goes.” 学生妹挺直小腰杆,通话靠吼,囔囔道:“李东来,你的家教老师来啦,快滚下来。” Probably five minutes, a 17~18 youngster walks from the staircase, puts on casual shorts, the lax T-shirt, steps on the person character to tow, the appearance belongs to that small handsome, before Qin Ze is the same. Nowadays has no way to compare, system bestowed plastic surgery gift parcel, Qin Ze is School Grass Grade handsome fellow. 大概五分钟,一个十七八少年从楼梯走下来,穿着休闲短裤,松松垮垮的t恤,踩着人字拖,长相属于那种小帅,跟秦泽以前一样。现如今是没法比了,系统赠送“整容”礼包,秦泽已经是校草级帅哥 The hair steadily is not short, in the foreheads has one share unruly air/Qi. 头发不长不短,眉宇间有一股子桀骜之气。 Looks is the thorn head. 看着就是个刺头。 Pei Nanman said: Donglai, later he is your home teacher, Qin Ze.” 裴南曼道:“东来,以后他就是你的家教老师,秦泽。” Li Donglai casts a sidelong glance slantingly, obviously has no favorable impression to Qin Ze, said ill-humoredly: Your.” 李东来斜睨,显然对秦泽没什么好感,没好气道:“你哪的。” The student younger sister added: Asked that your which school graduates.” 学生妹补充道:“问你哪个学校毕业的。” Economics Uni, intern, has not graduated this year.” Qin Ze is whispering at heart, this wages are really not good to take, the tutor object seems like the issue youngster. It is not easy getting along with. 财大,今年实习,还没毕业。”秦泽心里嘀咕着,这份工资果然不是好拿的,家教对象似乎是个问题少年。不好相处呐。 Li Donglai discontented say/way: Sister-in-law/Little aunt, your previous time to home teacher that I invited, was Fudan, wasn't useless? Looks for the Economics Uni student, was inferior that did not invite tutor.” 李东来不满道:“小姨,你上次给我请的家教老师,还是复旦的呢,还不是没用?找个财大的学生,不如不请家教呢。” Low voice whisper: Summer vacation, played time is with great difficulty insufficient, but also invited tutor.” 小声嘀咕:“好不容易暑假,玩的时间都不够,还请家教。” Pei Nanman smiles saying: „Do you have the opinion?” 裴南曼笑眯眯道:“你有意见?” Li Donglai keeps silent immediately. 李东来立即噤声。 Thinks, did not think willing, is emboldening: „His student, can teach me what/anything, I am not a junior high pupil, I must test him.” 想了想,仍觉不甘心,壮着胆:“他一个学生,能教我什么,我又不是初中生,我要测试他。” Ji Nanman said: Ok.” 南曼道:“行。” Li Donglai stared Qin Ze one: You are waiting.” Turns around to run back in the building. 李东来瞪了秦泽一眼:“你等着。”转身跑回楼上。 Shortly, takes a simulation examination paper to pound on the tea table, said wickedly: „The 45 minute, you must be able to take over 120 points, I agreed that you make my tutor.” 没多久,拿着一份模拟考卷砸在茶几上,恶狠狠道:“四十五分钟,你要能拿120分以上,我就同意你做我家教。” Qin Ze does not know whether to laugh or cry, turns head to look to Pei Nanman, the attractive lawless young married woman smiling face is light, looks but not see. 秦泽哭笑不得,扭头看向裴南曼,漂亮的无法无天的少妇笑容淡淡,视而不见。 He remembers the Music base audition song suddenly, a word that listens to: Should I who coordinate you to perform actually look but not see...... 他忽然想起音乐库里试听歌曲,听来的一句词:该配合你演出的我却视而不见...... The student younger sister takes a look at Qin Ze, toward Li Donglai hē hē one: How you did not say that with perfect score, the 45 minute, Li Donglai, you may really be able to do. The sister-in-law/little aunt, he does not want tutor.” 学生妹瞅了瞅秦泽,朝李东来呵呵一声:“你怎么不说拿满分呢,四十五分钟,李东来,你可真能作。小姨,他就是不想要家教。” Qin Ze looks at her two eyes unavoidably, this is beyond little girl of cold internal heat. 秦泽不免多看她两眼,这是个外冷内热的妞儿。 You shut up.” Li Donglai stared her one eyes, two ages differ not the big youngster young girl, looks at one another two to tire, simultaneously snort/hum. “你闭嘴。”李东来瞪了她一眼,两个年纪相差不大的少年少女,相看两厌,齐齐哼了一声。 45 minute? Over 120 points? 四十五分钟?120分以上? When I am the topic young expert. 当我是做题小能手啊。 Mental illness. 神经病。 Really is the child of rebel period. Good wants to hit him. 果然是叛逆期的孩子。好想打他。 Sister Pei, excuse me, this tutor......” he wants saying that this tutor works I not to do, but at this moment, in mind: Ding!” 裴姐,不好意思,这家教......”他想说这份家教工作我不做了,可就在这时,脑海里久违的一声:“叮!” „Before the person, sage ( 5 / 15 ), please complete this examination paper in 45 minutes, and obtains over 120 result, the success reward points 90 points, the failure deducts corresponding points.” “人前先圣,请四十五完成这份试卷,并获得120以上的成绩,成功奖励积分90点,失败扣除相应积分。” Qin Ze gawked staring: system, I use the moral integrity to pledge, this time does not have acting cool to desire.” 秦泽愣了愣:“系统,我用节操发誓,这次没装逼欲求。” You have.” “你有。” Really no.” “真没有。” You have.” “你有。” Your motherf**ker is unfair to me.” “你tm冤枉我。” Host, system according to your brain wave and heartbeat speed speculated whether you have the acting cool desire, said that you have you to have.” 宿主,系统是根据你的脑电波、心跳速度来推测你是否有装逼欲求,说你有你就有。” I refuse to accept.” “我不服。” system did not respond him. 系统不搭理他了。 Good I took, exchange advanced mathematics proficient, needed many points.” “好吧我服了,请问兑换高等数学精通,需要多少积分。” The system second returns: primary 50 points, intermediate 100 points, advanced 150 points.” 系统秒回:“初级50点,中级100点,高级150点。” Again, achieves for over 120 points, I must exchange primary or intermediate.” “再请问,做到120分以上,我要兑换初级还是中级。” primary is a little dangerous, intermediate is enough.” 初级有点悬,中级足以。” your mother, I also owed 10 points.” 尼玛,我还亏了十点。” Host can choose to give up.” 宿主可以选择放弃。” Puts......” Qin Ze not to feel suddenly right, quest that system gives is unreasonable, if so, the normal person will give up quest, then quest also does have the significance of triggering? In the heart the desire is one of the trigger conditions, but is not complete. quest of pointless, system will not prompt quest. “放......”秦泽忽然觉得不对劲,系统给的任务不合理,如果是这样,正常人都会放弃任务,那么任务还有触发的意义吗?心中欲求是触发条件之一,但不是全部。没有意义的任务,系统是不会提示任务的。 In the mind the miraculous glow flashes: Again, exchanges this examination paper the right key, needs many points.” 脑海中灵光一闪:“再次请问,兑换这张试卷的正确答案,需要多少积分。” 15 points.” “15点。” Luckily the father is quick-witted, otherwise by your routine.” Qin Ze said with joy: Exchange.” “幸亏老子机智,否则被你套路。”秦泽喜滋滋道:“兑换。” Being in a daze, are you good.” The student younger sister is putting on a serious face, urged Qin Ze. “发什么呆,你行不行啊。”学生妹板着脸,催促秦泽 Really is a fool, the direct rejection was not good. Does the pestle do there. 真是个傻瓜,直接拒绝不就好了。杵在那里干嘛。 Li Donglai disdains sneers two, he thought that at present this young fellow recognizes at the worst instigates. 李东来不屑的冷笑两声,他觉得眼前这个比自己大不了几岁的家伙认怂了。 Pei Nanman sees Qin Ze to be unable to back down, finally no longer watches critically, sends the ladder to him: Considered the joke a moment ago, home teacher that I invited, he did not have the qualifications to reject.” 裴南曼秦泽骑虎难下,终于不再冷眼旁观,给他送来梯子:“刚才就当是玩笑,我请的家教老师,他还没资格拒绝。” Qin Ze did not respond to her, towed the examination paper to oneself in front, with beginning a stroke did. 秦泽不回应她,把试卷拖到自己面前,拿起笔就做。 Should I who coordinate you to perform actually look but not see. 该配合你演出的我却视而不见。 Then, this family three people, saw life's unforgettable one. 然后,这家子三口人,看到了毕生难忘的一幕。 Eight choice questions, use for one minute. Qin Ze first looks at the topic, then looks at the answer, hesitates for 2-3 seconds, the answer. 八道选择题,用时一分钟。秦泽先看题,再看答案,沉吟2-3秒,答题。 Later is to fill up the topic, same as irresistible force, easily accomplished. Looks at the topic not over ten seconds, rapid answer. 之后是填空题,同样的势如破竹,摧枯拉朽。看题不超过十秒,迅速答题。 Li Donglai stares dumbfounded, later sneers, this is nothing? Wins favor by ostentation? Abandons something as beyond redemption? 李东来瞠目结舌,随后冷笑,这算什么?哗众取宠?破罐子破摔? Where has you to answer like this,” student younger sister despises saying: Cannot do unable to do, flaunts the hero.” “哪有你这样答题的,”学生妹鄙夷道:“做不来就做不来,逞英雄。” Li Donglai smiles hē hē saying: Hero changes the black bear.” 李东来呵呵道:“英雄变狗熊。” Pei Nanman knits the brows. 裴南曼不禁皱眉。 At this time, Qin Ze has achieved the solution answer. The speed is finally slow. But still made people unable to feel slightly the sincerity, so-called is slow , because the solution answer is not the abcd choice question, does not want a filling up topic of answer. It needs to elaborate the explanation process in detail. Reason that said that Qin Ze does not have the sincerity, because he wields the pen as before such as flies, has not stopped and pondered. 这个时候,秦泽已经做到解答题。速度终于慢下来。但仍然让人感觉不到丝毫诚意,所谓的慢下来,是因为解答题不是abcd的选择题,也不是只要一个答案的填空题。它需要详细阐述解答过程。之所以说秦泽没诚意,因为他依旧运笔如飞,没有丝毫停顿、沉思。 12 solutions answer, use the 15 minute. 12道解答题,用时十五分钟。 Whole piece examination paper, twenty minutes. 整张卷子,二十分钟不到。 Qin Ze puts to start writing, deeply spits the breath, ok.” 秦泽搁下笔,深深吐息,“好了。”
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