MESIS :: Volume #1

#67: Let his hoodlum

next day, the website news reported. 第二天,网上新闻争相报道。 Shock of «rock and roll: Departure Song» 《摇滚界的震撼:离歌 «I am a Singer has the high-quality song again: Qin Baobao you must go against heaven's will» 我是歌星再出精品歌曲:秦宝宝你这是要逆天吗》 «Departure Song Is published, Or Will become Rock and roll To open Work of Faction» 离歌问世,或将成为摇滚界开派之作》 «Li Xuegang Total defeat, Disastrous Up-and-comer's Hand» 李学刚折戟沉沙,惨败新人之手》 «Music world Wizard, Whose Departure Song Author Is» 《音乐界鬼才,离歌作者是谁》 «Year fiery glossary: Qin Baobao younger brother» 《年度火热词汇:秦宝宝弟弟 uc: «Li Xuegang Listened to Bursting into tears, Audience Listened Silent» uc:《李学刚听了流泪,观众听了沉默》 8 : 30 am, Qin Ze stands before the toilet, urinates, while and elder sister telephone conversation. 早上 8 点半,秦泽站在马桶前,一边尿尿,一边和姐姐通话。 Expected me to be hot early, has not thought such hot, the news push of cell phone dīng dīng dōng dōng, all was «I am a Singer», my name. Scared to death Baobao (darling).” “早料到我要火了,没想到这么火,手机叮叮咚咚的新闻推送,全是《我是歌星》,还有我名字呢。吓死宝宝了。” The Qin Baobao's sound presses very lowly, stealthy. 秦宝宝的声音压得很低,鬼鬼祟祟的。 Mother?” Qin Ze asked. “妈呢?”秦泽问。 Is making the breakfast, I hide in the washroom to the phone call that you make. The father reads the newspaper in the living room.” “在做早餐,我躲到洗手间给你打的电话。爸在客厅看报纸。” They have not discovered what/anything.” Qin Ze unconscious pulling down sound. “他们没发现什么吧。”秦泽不自觉的压低声音。 No.” Qin Baobao said in a low voice: I family's network cable cutting, the parents ensure cannot access the net.” “没有。”秦宝宝小声道:“我把家里的网线给剪了,爸妈保证上不了网。” Qin Baobao and he has had a discussion, summarizes the parents to know the truth three channels: Networks, televisions and relatives and friends. 秦宝宝和他有过一番讨论,总结出父母知晓真相的三个渠道:网络、电视、亲友。 In the cell phone of parents does not have news app, the cell phone channel to remove, mother will not like accessing the net, old gentleman accesses the net to look at the financial news and stock actually frequently. Although he is uninteresting about the entertainment world, but product placement is now ubiquitous, the financial network will have the advertisement news. Therefore Qin Baobao cut network cable, ceases this hidden danger. 二老的手机里没有新闻app,手机渠道排除,母亲不会也不爱上网,老爷子倒是经常上网看财经新闻、股票。虽然他本人对娱乐圈毫无兴趣,但现在广告植入无处不在,财经网也会有广告新闻。所以秦宝宝去剪了网线,杜绝这一隐患。 The biggest difficult problem is relatives and friends, the parents do not pay attention to the entertainment world, the friends and relatives always some people pay attention, at the present of information large explosion, the daughter becomes the superstar parents actually to know nothing, is impossible. 最大的难题是“亲友”,父母不关注娱乐圈,亲戚朋友总有人关注吧,在信息大爆炸的现在,女儿成大明星父母却一无所知,不可能。 „The several peers of relative's house I had greeted, they will not say, as for parents' friend, I have not grasped.” Qin Baobao cautious speech. “亲戚家的几个同辈我都打过招呼了,他们不会去说,至于爸妈的朋友,我就没把握了。”秦宝宝小心翼翼的说着话。 Concealed the truth for a while, has hidden the truth from first. This is sooner or later matter, you must prepare for at heart.” The Qin Ze comfort, „the only hope, is you can become a useful adult, at the appointed time, fait accompli, old gentleman opposed again, you fall on his face with the bill ruthlessly.” “瞒的过一时,瞒不过一世。这是迟早的事情,你要做好心里准备。”秦泽安慰,“唯一的希望,就是你能成材,届时,木已成舟,老爷子再反对,你就用钞票狠狠摔他脸上。” Bah, do you dislike me to assign/life are too long?” The Qin Baobao brain made up that picture, funny giggle smiles. “呸,你嫌我命太长?”秦宝宝脑补了那个画面,逗的咯咯直笑。 Qin Ze remembers the incident suddenly, the calm face said: Qin Baobao, Scraps Picking Hero is what meaning.” 秦泽忽然想起一事,沉着脸说:“秦宝宝,接盘侠是什么意思。” „?” The Qin Baobao tone is vacant. “啊?”秦宝宝语气茫然。 You recall, was Sister Zijin had said words that what/anything should not speak.” Qin Ze gloomy said. “你回忆一下,是不是和子衿姐说过什么不该说的话。”秦泽阴测测道。 Does not know completely you are saying what/anything.” Qin Baobao plays the fool, and ended the topic rapidly: āi yā, the mother asked me to have the breakfast, did not say that bye-bye ~ “完全不知道你在说什么。”秦宝宝装傻,并迅速结束话题:“哎呀,老妈叫我吃早饭,不说了,拜拜~ wèi wèi......” 喂喂......” Qin Ze fed two, the cell phone transmitted the blind sound, she hung. 秦泽喂了两声,手机传来盲音,她挂了。 Qin Baobao hangs up the telephone, long puts out the one breath, at once nips the silver tooth, panting with rage sends an information to Wang Zijin: Wang Zijin, you can, I say that Qin Ze was the Scraps Picking Hero matter you also tells him. Our revolutionary friendship, the sentiments of our elder and younger sister, you are waiting to me, if I am punched by him tonight, do not want to feel better.” 秦宝宝挂断电话,长长吐出一口气,旋即咬了咬银牙,气呼呼的给王子衿发去一段信息:“王子衿,你可以的,我说秦泽接盘侠的事情你也告诉他了。咱们的革命友谊呢,咱们的姐妹之情呢,你给我等着,要是今晚我被他揍了,你也别想好过。” Wang Zijin sends in one question expression: Baobao (darling) you said what/anything, I cannot understand.” 王子衿发来一个“疑问”的表情:“宝宝你说什么呢,我听不懂。” Do not play the fool.” The Qin Baobao reply raises table expression. “别装傻。”秦宝宝回复“掀桌”的表情。 „Are you elder sister you also fear him?” Wang Zijin surprised expression reply. “你是姐姐你还怕他?”王子衿“惊讶”的表情回复。 Qin Baobao hē hē reply: He according to will hit butt on the sofa me, after the high school, I have not won him.” 秦宝宝呵呵”回复:“他会把我按在沙发上打屁股,高中以后,我就没打赢过他。” Wang Zijin sent one father to frighten the small fish that does fell the cat expression. 王子衿发了一个“老子吓的小鱼干都掉了”的猫表情。 This elder sister and younger brother two...... 姐弟俩...... The Qin Baobao reply knocks head expression. 秦宝宝回复“敲脑袋”的表情。 Wang Zijin: Who made you speak his malicious remarks, Scraps Picking Hero was the derogatory term. Is the man will be angry.” 王子衿:“谁让你说他坏话,接盘侠是贬义词。是男人都会生气。” Her online. 她网上查了。 Therefore I only you told that I you, when bosom friend, you actually betray me.” “所以我只跟你说咯,我把你当闺蜜,你却出卖我。” „The key point of issue is, had you to say own younger brother.” Wang Zijin helplessly said: Good good, I made a mistake, I did not know the meaning of Scraps Picking Hero before.” “问题的重点是,有你这么说自己弟弟的吗。”王子衿无奈道:“好啦好啦,我错了,我之前不知道接盘侠的意思。” Qin Ze must punch my words, you must prevent.” 秦泽要揍我的话,你得阻止。” Qin Baobao most fears to take a beating. 秦宝宝最怕挨揍。 Good.” “好吧。” On table, Qin Baobao delighted chatted with bosom friend, her side sits Mother Qin, the opposite sits head of the family. 餐桌上,秦宝宝眉飞色舞的与闺蜜聊天,她身边坐着秦妈,对面坐着一家之主 The old gentleman finger knocks the desktop, reproved: Eating meal time, do not play the cell phone.” 老爷子指头敲敲桌面,训斥道:“吃饭的时候,别玩手机。” Qin Baobao curls the lip, one side the little darling puts the cell phone. 秦宝宝撇撇嘴,乖乖把手机放一边。 The mother said with a smile: How A'Ze does not come back.” 老妈笑道:“阿泽怎么不回来。” Qin Baobao ate hot gruel, swallows, is dealing with mother's inquiry: My high school schoolmate comes there me to play, Qin Ze remains is accompanying her.” 秦宝宝喝了一口热粥,咽下,应付着母亲的询问:“我高中同学来我那儿玩,秦泽留着陪她。” The mother came the interest: Male female.” 老妈来了兴趣:“男的女的。” Female, my bosom friend, long may be attractive.” Qin Baobao narrows the eyes to focus to smile, A'Ze sees others, could not walk.” “女的,我闺蜜,长的可漂亮了。”秦宝宝眯着眼笑,“阿泽一见人家,都走不动路了。” Mother Qin, somewhat was unexpectedly disappointed. 秦妈哦了一声,居然有几分失望。 A old gentleman brow wrinkle: Be not always thinking Toad lusting after a Swan's flesh, the too pretty woman not necessarily suits is the wife.” 老爷子眉头一皱:“别老想着癞蛤蟆吃天鹅肉,太漂亮的女人也不一定适合做媳妇。” Qin Baobao acts like a spoiled brat saying: Mother, you sees the father he......” 秦宝宝撒娇道:“妈,你看爸他......” The mother are discontented saying: Your this saying what meaning , isn't my daughter pretty? She did not marry.” 老妈不满道:“你这话什么意思,哦,我女儿不漂亮?她是不是就嫁不出去了。” old gentleman is at a loss for words. 老爷子语塞。 The too pretty woman feared that the son cannot control, therefore old gentleman does not like the too beautiful woman, but, in the family/home has beautiful source of trouble unmarried young woman. 太漂亮的女人怕儿子驾驭不住,所以老爷子不喜欢太妖艳的女人,但,家里有一个妖艳的祸水闺女 Baobao (darling), mother said to you, tonight the matchmake object is very outstanding, is a distant relative of mother good friend, the family background is pure, the moral behavior is also good, mother may satisfy, you cannot as before, symbolic sees one side others, said that looks does not glance. Your 25, towed again, really became the 30 years old unmarried woman.” 宝宝啊,妈给你说,今晚相亲的对象很优秀,是妈一个好朋友的远方亲戚,家世清白,人品也好,妈可满意了,你可不能像以前一样,象征性的见人家一面,就说看不上眼。你都二十五了,再拖下去,真成了三十岁的老姑娘。” The Qin Baobao heart said, my university graduates for both years, how was the unmarried woman. 秦宝宝心说,我大学毕业两年都不到,怎么就是老姑娘了。 Knew mother, do not talk incessantly, your son different does not have the girlfriend.” “知道了妈,你别唠叨啦,你儿子不一样没女朋友嘛。” Your this child, cannot listen to the words of elder well. Arranges your life-long important matter, mother has the thoughts to look for the wife to Qin Ze. You in province...... the precedence maintained between seniors and juniors, elder sister have not married, did younger brother first get married and begin a career on the contrary?” Mother Qin teaches the daughter diligently , had not said suddenly: Right, how that Wang Zijin, will bring in the family/home to come to see another day.” “你这孩子,就不能好好听一听长辈的话。把你的终生大事安排好,妈才有心思给秦泽找媳妇。省的你们......长幼有序嘛,姐姐都没嫁出去,弟弟反倒先成家立业了?”秦妈孜孜不倦的教诲女儿,未了,忽然道:“对了,那个王子衿怎么样啊,改天带家里来看看。” Qin Baobao is bewildered. 秦宝宝一脸茫然。 You did not say that A'Ze likes others.” “你不是说阿泽喜欢人家嘛。” The Qin Baobao brow trembles gently, quickly beckons with the hand: Hi, I said casually, Zijin her vision may be high, cannot have a liking for your son. You left worry blindly. Qin Ze makes him light/only mix.” 秦宝宝眉头轻轻一颤,急忙摆手:“嗨,我就随便说说,子衿她眼界可高了,看不上你儿子的。您别瞎操心了。秦泽就让他光混着吧。” Silent old gentleman has said suddenly: Baobao (darling), I asked you. What did A'Ze make recently at home?” 一直沉默不语的老爷子忽然道:“宝宝,我问你。阿泽最近在家里都做些什么?” All day dwelling at home.” Qin Baobao is careless. “整天宅在家里呗。”秦宝宝漫不经心。 old gentleman pounds on the table, angrily said: Spoke to be able well, asked that your what/anything you said what/anything, scuffled, the attitude of where studying.” 老爷子一拍桌子,怒道:“好好说话会不会,问你什么你就说什么,敷衍了事,哪里学来的态度。” Qin Baobao has a scare, she always fears old gentleman very much. Putting on a long face: Father, I goes to work every day, how to know that he is doing. In the evening looked at home he accesses the net to look at the stock frequently, does not know that fiddles with anything.” 秦宝宝吓了一跳,她向来很怵老爷子。哭丧着脸:“爸,我每天上班,怎么知道他在干什么呀。晚上在家里看他经常上网看股票,也不知道捣鼓些什么。” Stock?” old gentleman brow raised: He had to say what/anything.” “股票?”老爷子眉头一挑:“他有说什么嘛。” Qin Baobao bites the chopsticks, on the eye top board is looking upwards, recalls: „...... Did not say that the stock market must soar...... he to in the stock market salvage one...... to say cannot light/only look the father you are swollen-headed, he must make money, is inferior...... probably these you.” 秦宝宝咬着筷子,眼睛朝天花板上看,回忆道:“唔......说股市要飞涨了......他要在股市里打捞一笔......说不能光看着老爹你得瑟,他也要赚大钱,把你比下去......大概就这些吧。” Old Gentleman Qin corners of the mouth twitched, the stock market truly must soar, but the common person could not have looked, can see this, is the professional or the senior investor. Qin Ze actually looked, old gentleman was gratified and pleasantly surprised. 秦老爷子嘴角抽了抽,股市确实要飞涨了,不过寻常人还看不出来,能看出这点的,都是专业人士或者资深股民。秦泽却看出来了,老爷子又欣慰又惊喜。 Also asked: He has to study Russian.” 又问:“他有学俄语吗。” Qin Baobao pū chī smiles: His English mess, but also Russian......” was stared one by old gentleman ruthlessly, said cleverly: I have not visited him to study.” 秦宝宝噗嗤一笑:“他英语都一团糟,还俄语......”被老爷子狠狠瞪了一眼,乖巧道:“我没看他学过。” old gentleman is frowning to hesitate, asked again: Has book that looks at the expertise?” 老爷子皱着眉头沉吟,再问:“有看专业知识的书吗?” Has probably, in thick several big this swayed living rooms, but has not seen him to cross.” “大概有吧,厚厚几大本摆客厅里,不过没见他翻过。” Another side, Qin Ze proposed that today watches the movie, but this time he studied clever, before winning the Wang Zijin approval, he did not buy the movie ticket absolutely. 另一边,秦泽提出今天去看电影,不过这次他学乖了,征得王子衿同意之前,他绝对不买电影票。 Wang Zijin in Shanghai few being better friends, she is very idle in the weekend, thinks, complies with the Qin Ze's appointment to invite. 王子衿沪市没几个要好的朋友,她周末很闲,想了想,就答应秦泽的约会邀请。 The Qin Ze pulling out cell phone in high spirits buys the movie ticket, to Wang Zijin looks the movie that the near future will show, will ask her opinion. 秦泽兴冲冲的掏出手机买电影票,把近期上映的电影给王子衿看,询问她的意见。 Suddenly, his cell phone made a sound, comes the electricity strangely. 忽然,他的手机响了,陌生来电。 Hey, hello/you good.” “喂,你好。” Qin Ze?” 秦泽?” The sound of telephone that head is chilly. 电话那头的声音清冷悦耳。 Qin Ze stares, the sound is a little familiar-sounding, where cannot remember has listened. 秦泽一愣,声音有点耳熟,想不起在哪儿听过。 Is I, you are.” “是我,你是哪位。” Pei Nanman.” 裴南曼。” Opposite party straightforward from report name. 对方直截了当的自报姓名。 Slightly a recollection, he recalls immediately near Waitan has made a mishap ripe female young married woman. 略一回忆,他立刻记起在外滩边闹过一场乌龙的熟女少妇。 Sister Pei, hello/you good.” 裴姐,你好。” Pei Nanman said lightly: Consideration how.” 裴南曼淡淡道:“考虑的怎么样。” Qin Ze responded: Sorry, I do not prepare to enter the duty your security company.” 秦泽回应:“抱歉,我不准备入职你的安保公司。” Pei Nanman un, did not seem accidental/surprised, said: Found the work?” 裴南曼“嗯”了一声,似乎不意外,道:“找到工作了吗?” No.” “没有。” Discussed a matter with you.” “和你商量个事。” You said.” “你说。” In my family has a child, is quite upset, the academic record is not very ideal, asking tutor is also useless, the temper is wild, all day causes trouble in the school, summer vacation also murmured that considers study Taekwondo, assaulting and wrestle......” “我家里有个小孩,比较闹心,学习成绩很不理想,请家教也没什么用,性子野,整天在学校惹事生非,暑假了又囔囔着想学跆拳道、搏击、格斗……” But I have not made tutor experience.” Qin Ze understood, „, moreover under Sister Pei your hand...... talent so many, teaching several hard skilled people are not simple.” “可我没有做家教经验。”秦泽懂了,“而且裴姐你手底下……人才这么多,教几手硬把式还不简单。” After all opens security company. 毕竟是开保安公司的。 Outstanding student who Economics Uni graduates, is social sciences student, was enough. I and his father have had the agreement, this matter my person is not good to act. Happen to your is skillful, can teach him to study, can give what is desired.” The Pei Nanman sound is gentle, has soft immerse and intellectuality that the young married woman is in sole possession of: „A week guarantees ten hours of teaching time, one hour I give you 100 Yuan. A summer vacation.” 财大毕业的高材生,又是理科生,足够了。我和他父亲有过约定,这件事我的人不好出面。正好你身手还不错,又能教他学习,又能投其所好。”裴南曼声音轻柔,有着少妇独有的软濡和知性:“一个星期保证十个小时的授课时间,一个小时我给你100元。一个暑假。” Although Qin Ze does not know that Daoist School of Thought teaches the charging criterion of market, but does mental arithmetic, one month probably about 4000, such tutor charge has, but definitely is not his university student should have the salary that. 秦泽虽然不知道家教市场的收费标准,但心算一下,一个月大概4000左右,这样的家教收费不是没有,但肯定不是他一个大学生该有的薪酬待遇。 Can't come?” “来不来?” Qin Ze can always move lowly, the military might can child: Good.” 秦泽向来是贫贱能移,威武能屈的孩子:“好。” 300,000 throws the stock market, in short time will not use, the elder sister's basic salary could not count on, in the family/home the finance dries up the period of time, making part-time job is also good. 三十万投股市,短时间内不会使用,姐姐的底薪又指望不上,家里财政枯竭好一阵子,做个兼职也不错。 Gives me the address, I make one meet you.” “给我地址,我让人来接你。” Does not use, you give me the address, I look.” “不用了,还是你给我地址,我找过来吧。” I have the matter at noon, without time wait/etc. you, I makes the driver meet you.” “我中午有事,没时间等你,我让司机过来接你。” The queen young married woman said, hangs up the telephone. 女王少妇说完,挂断电话。 This is a vigorous and resolute woman, does not know whether obstinately. Qin Ze is sighing with emotion, edits the message, sends the address. 这是个雷厉风行的女人呐,就是不知道是否刚愎自用。秦泽感慨着,编辑短信,把地址发过去。 Whose telephone?” Wang Zijin curious asking. “谁的电话?”王子衿好奇的问。
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