MESIS :: Volume #1

#66: Sang loudly one

The Qin Baobao's magnetic delightful sound conveys: 秦宝宝的富有磁性的悦耳声音传来: From the beginning I only believe what is great is the sentiment.” “一开始我只相信伟大的是感情。” Finally my weak what sees clearly to be intrepid is the destiny.” “最后我无力的看清强悍的是命运。” You choose,” “你还是选择回去,” His stabbing pain your heart you are not but willing to awaken.” “他刺痛你的心但你不肯觉醒。” You said that loves the itself is the dreamland.” “你说爱本就是梦境。” I can only return you with the happiness that you borrow.” “跟你借的幸福我只能还你。” The affable and sad music, in this moment, raises in vain. 舒缓、悲伤的音乐,在这一刻,徒然拔高。 Immerses the audience in low and deep music, the whole body shakes, the whole face is surprised. 沉浸在低沉音乐中的观众,浑身一震,满脸惊讶。 Qin Baobao deeply inspires, loudly sang fiercely: „To remain cannot remain is loneliest.” 秦宝宝深吸一口气,猛地高唱:“想留不能留才最寂寞。” Had not said that gentle only remains Departure Song.” “没说完温柔只剩离歌。” Brokenhearted previous second forcibly is supporting silent.” “心碎前一秒用力的相拥着沉默。” Delivers you with the heartbeat bitter Departure Song.” “用心跳送你辛酸离歌。” At this moment, everyone was scared, sang to Qin Baobao stupidly. 这一刻,所有人都傻眼了,给秦宝宝唱傻了。 This, is this rock and roll? Love song rock and roll? 这,这是摇滚?情歌摇滚? Li Xuegang is dumbfounded. 李学刚傻眼。 The Huang Yuteng brow jumps. 黄宇腾眉头一跳。 Hong Jingyao is dumbfounded. 洪敬尧目瞪口呆。 Li Rongxing expression most exaggerate, is staring, is opening mouth, shocked the expression. 李荣兴表情最浮夸,瞪着眼,张着嘴,惊呆了的表情。 Chen Xiaotong responded exaggeratingly, fierce shot from the sofa. 陈小彤反应夸张,猛的从沙发上弹起来。 After short tranquility, the barrage was crazy. 短暂的平静后,弹幕疯狂了。 „This this...... rock and roll?” “这这这这......摇滚?” fuck me, Qin Baobao must go against heaven's will.” 卧槽,秦宝宝要逆天啊。” Rock and roll, is the rock and roll, how may be the love song, fully did not conform to the love song the rhythm, the clothing/taking.” “摇滚,是摇滚,可怎么是情歌啊,完全不符合情歌的节奏,服了。” Fierce my big-breasted sister, some of your many originals, some of your many high-quality goods.” “厉害了我的大胸妹,你到底有多少原创,你到底有多少精品。” This is the high-quality goods in high-quality goods, how possibly, she how so many original high-quality goods.” “这是精品中的精品,怎么可能呢,她怎么会有这么多的原创精品。” Heavens, can the love song also sing like this? Can the rock and roll also sing like this?” 天呐,情歌还可以这样唱?摇滚还可以这样唱?” Originally the love song is sad, is happy, can annotate with the explosive music?” “原来情歌不一定要悲伤,不一定要甜蜜,也可以用劲爆音乐来诠释?” Then the musical world must vibrate, vibrates absolutely, founds the rock and roll love song the beginning.” “这下乐坛要震动了,绝对震动,开创摇滚情歌的先河。” nicely done, everyone brushes with me.” 666,大家跟我刷起来。” Then is full screen nicely done, probably only then this, can divulge the audience excited and shocks. 然后是满屏的666,好像只有这样,才能宣泄观众心里的激动和震撼。 Originally the love is willful.” “原来爱是种任性。” Should not too consider.” “不该太多考虑。” „Isn't love intelligent.” “爱没有聪不聪明。” Only then wants.” “只有愿不愿意。” You choose “你还是选择回去” Qin Baobao continues to sing, her entire journey has not opened eyes, frowns slightly, the emotion invests. 秦宝宝继续唱着,她全程都没睁眼,微微蹙眉,情感投入。 The audience hold the breath with rapt attention, immerses in the explosive rock and roll, immerses, helpless with sad emotion. 观众们屏息凝神,沉浸在劲爆的摇滚音乐中,沉浸在无奈和悲伤的情感中。 Qin Baobao shouts oneself hoarse: „ His stabbing pain your heart, but you are not willing to awaken...... „ 秦宝宝声嘶力竭:“他刺痛你的心,但你不肯觉醒......“ You said that loves the itself is the dreamland.” “你说爱本就是梦境。” I can only return you with the happiness that you borrow.” “跟你借的幸福我只能还你。” „To remain cannot remain is loneliest.” “想留不能留才最寂寞。” Had not said that gentle only remains Departure Song.” “没说完温柔只剩离歌。” Does not pay attention to audience's response, does not pay attention to the voting that will soon face, she completely immerses in oneself song, in the mind recalls the Qin Ze's words: Imagining you are a being lovelorn woman, person who you most love, person who you most cannot give, un, he abandoned you. 不理会观众的反应,不理会即将面对的投票,她完全沉浸在自己的歌曲中,脑海中回忆起秦泽的话:想象你是一个失恋的女人,你最爱的人,你最割舍不下的人,嗯,他把你抛弃了。 Qin Baobao said, you do like Wang Zijin? 秦宝宝就说,你喜欢王子衿 Qin Ze stares: Fortunately. 秦泽一愣:还好吧。 What this singing is helpless, the person who I love, does not love me. 这首歌唱的是无奈,我爱的人,不爱我。 The pain despairs, might as well drop, sings loudly «Departure Song». 痛苦绝望,不如放手,高歌一首《离歌》。 Brokenhearted previous second.” “心碎前一秒。” Effort is supporting silent.” “用力的相拥着沉默。” Delivers you with the heartbeat bitter Departure Song.” “用心跳送你辛酸离歌。” „To remain cannot remain is loneliest.” “想留不能留才最寂寞。” Had not said that gentle only remains Departure Song.” “没说完温柔只剩离歌。” You want to pursue her. 你想追求她是嘛。 Yes. 是的。 No matter variant pronunciation, no matter sound hoarse, Qin Baobao sang bends the waist, in her mind is reverberating Qin Ze's these words. 不管破音,不管声音嘶哑,秦宝宝唱弯了腰,她脑海里回荡着秦泽的这句话。 Brokenhearted previous second.” “心碎前一秒。” Effort is supporting silent.” “用力的相拥着沉默。” Delivers you with the heartbeat bitter Departure Song.” “用心跳送你辛酸离歌。” Cannot see to hear Departure Song permanently.” “看不见永久听见离歌。” In the music subsides slowly, until silent. 音乐中缓缓平息,直至无声。 In light that interweaves gently, the Qin Baobao deep breath, bows slightly. 柔和交织的灯光中,秦宝宝深深呼吸,微微鞠躬。 After the moment, the applause erupted, before being by far, any time, by far Liu Xuegang, by far Li Rongxing, by far Chen Xiaotong. 片刻后,掌声爆发了,远胜之前任何一次,远胜刘学刚,远胜李荣兴,远胜陈小彤 Everyone, sets out. 所有人,同时起身。 The scene ebullition, various sounds interweave, scream, applause, to cry out and shout...... some people of exciting dancing with joy, some people are bursting into tears to yell, some people are considering only shouting, vented exciting mood at heart. 场面沸腾,各种声音交织,尖叫、掌声、呐喊、嘶吼......有人兴奋的手舞足蹈,有人流着泪大叫,有人只顾着嘶吼,发泄心里的激动的情绪。 Rock and roll. 一首摇滚。 A love song. 一首情歌。 Departure Song. 一首离歌 The backstage, Huang Yuteng does not know whether to laugh or cry: Really, each issue shocks to me.” 后台,黄宇腾哭笑不得:“真的,她每一期都给我震撼。” He slightly panic-stricken, after this issue, what degree this miss can popular rise to? Thinks of here, he turns head to look to Li Rongxing, it is estimated that was only worse than Li Rongxing plans. The first three high-quality songs, making the Qin Baobao reputation rise up, then this Departure Song, establishes her today truly in the status of musical world: new generation female singer. 他心里微微惊恐,这期之后,这姑娘人气得涨到什么程度?想到这儿,他扭头看向李荣兴,估计只比李荣兴差一筹了。前三首精品歌曲,让秦宝宝名声鹊起,那么今天这首离歌,真正奠定了她在乐坛的地位:新生代女歌手。 Publication of Departure Song, draws the attention of everyone, especially the rock and roll singer. Originally the love song can sing like this, the rock and roll can sing like this. 离歌的问世,让人眼前一亮,尤其摇滚界的歌手。原来情歌可以这样唱,摇滚可以这样唱。 Hong Jingyao muttered: I want to know, who the composer of this song is, the writing words person is.” 洪敬尧喃喃道:“我更想知道,这首歌的作曲人是谁,作词人是谁。” His saying caused Chen Xiaotong and the others the curiosity, discussed in a low voice. 他这话引起了陈小彤等人的好奇心,低声讨论。 No one can guess, now has two views: First, the song that Qin Baobao sang was his younger brother writes ; Second, Star Skills company holds her in the strength. 谁都猜不出来,现在有两种说法:一,秦宝宝唱的歌是他弟弟写的;二,星艺公司在力捧她。 Both views have the paradox, first suspected, in the world does not have the singer who the one breath suppresses four high-quality goods, does not have. An inspiration of person is limited, several and in more than ten songs, can have high-quality goods to calculate well. Some singers, special edition many high-quality goods, but that is not a composer writes. 两种说法都存在悖论,第一猜想,世界上不存在一口气憋出四首精品的歌手,一个都没有。一个人的灵感有限,几首、十几首歌里面,能出一首精品算不错的了。有些歌星,一张专辑好多首精品,但那都不是一个作曲人写的。 second suspected, Star Skills company have no reason not to have the resources strength to hold an rookie, everyone is a colleague, knows that this line of customs, no entertainment company this. Four high-quality songs, look at this rhythm, issue , the price is too big. Only if your background really big not side. 第二猜想,星艺公司没理由也没资源力捧一个新人,大家都是圈内人,知道这行的规矩,没有一个娱乐公司会这样做。四首精品歌呀,看这节奏,一期一首,代价太大。除非你背景真的大的没边。 Does Qin Baobao have the big background person? 秦宝宝是有大背景的人吗? The people think. 众人浮想联翩。 The singers were guessing, the audience was also guessing, barrage not only not peaceful, instead gets stronger and stronger: 歌手们在猜测,观众也在猜测,弹幕非但没有安静,反而愈演愈烈: Qin Baobao what/anything background.” 秦宝宝什么来头啊。” fuck me, appears, four go against heaven's will the song.” 卧槽,横空出世,四首逆天歌。” This is completely unscientific.” “这完全不科学。” „Does Star Skills Entertainment hold her? Is she daughter of chairman?” 星艺娱乐这么捧她?她是董事长的女儿?” Do not tease, the Star Skills chairman did not believe Qin, the sweetheart was similar.” “别逗,星艺的董事长又不信秦,情人差不多。” Range estimate, the Qin Baobao both legs are slender, close up seamlessly, the maiden without doubt, should not be the mistress of rich and powerful people.” “目测,秦宝宝双腿修长笔直,合拢无缝,处女无疑,应该不是富豪们的二奶。” This is not that is not, that what's the matter, is really her younger brother writes?” “这也不是那也不是,那到底是怎么回事,真是她弟弟写的啊?” Uh, perhaps yes.” ,也许是吧。” Her younger brother Weibo: Standing in the Distance, Watching the Passing Childhood. Do not thank me, I called Lei Feng.” “她弟弟微博:站在远处看童年。别谢我,我叫雷锋。” Which Great God checks the Qin Baobao's background? The large sum of money thanked.” “哪位大神查一查秦宝宝的背景?重金答谢。” The vote came out quickly. 投票结果很快出来了。 Qin Baobao: 255 tickets. 秦宝宝:255票。 Li Xuegang: 245 tickets. 李学刚:245票。 This result makes all people be startled, indeed, Qin Baobao's Departure Song shocks very much, but who is Li Xuegang? Rock and Roll Heavenly King, he is musical world big success, Huang Yuteng does not dare saying that wins him steadily. May finally be, although is only ten tickets, but Li Xuegang indeed lost. 这个结果让所有人大吃一惊,诚然,秦宝宝的离歌很震撼,但李学刚是谁?摇滚天王啊,他是乐坛大咖啊,黄宇腾也不敢说稳胜他。可结果是,虽然只是十票,但李学刚的的确确是输了。 This was awkward. 这就尴尬了。 Rock and roll big success loses to the musical world rookie, is the disastrous defeat and steamroll. 摇滚大咖输给乐坛新人,还是惨败、碾压。 The audience of voting, generally harbors such idea: Li Xuegang fans are in any case many, I do not throw, others will throw. 投票的观众们,大抵是怀着这样的想法:反正李学刚粉丝多,我不投,别人会投。 Therefore they chose «Departure Song». 于是他们选择了《离歌》。 They were given by this song shockingly. 他们被这首歌给惊艳了。 A Li Xuegang face, thorough was black, almost cannot keep the image. 李学刚一张脸,彻底黑了,几乎保持不住形象。 The face lost in a big way. 脸丢大了。 Let rock and roll big success feel sad. 让摇滚大咖情何以堪。 Qin Ze stretches oneself, puts out the one breath: Finished, Sister Zijin, I must sleep, you?” 秦泽伸了伸懒腰,吐出一口气:“结束了,子衿姐,我要睡觉了,你呢?” The following program, is unimportant. 后面的节目,已经不重要。 Wang Zijin smiled faintly: You rest, I watch the meeting again, is not sleepy.” 王子衿浅笑:“你睡吧,我再看会,不困。” She visual Qin Ze is entering the room, closes the door, turns head, raps the keyboard in the input: Scraps Picking Hero. 她目视着秦泽走进房间,关上门,一扭头,敲击键盘噼里啦输入:接盘侠 After the moment, Wang Zijin covers the belly, hā hā is laughing. Also feared that was discovered by Qin Ze, hurries to cover the mouth, the smiled belly twitched. 片刻后,王子衿捂着肚子,哈哈大笑。又怕被秦泽发现,赶紧捂住嘴巴,笑的肚子都抽搐了。 No wonder he is angry. 难怪他这么生气。 Originally Scraps Picking Hero is this meaning. 原来接盘侠是这个意思。
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