MESIS :: Volume #1

#87: What is German Orthopedic Surgery (sis and bro caught in the act)?

Online discusses spiritedly, the heat degree is irritable. 网上议论纷纷,热度火爆。 Look, is the copyright photo, really Qin Baobao's younger brother? You look at the signature, is truly surnamed Qin.” “看,版权照,真的是秦宝宝的弟弟?你们看署名,确实姓秦。” „The Qin Baobao's song, real is motherf**ker her younger brother writes? The online these composers not possibly did not say. But the name is truly surnamed Qin. In the world does not have the matter of coincidence that.” “难道秦宝宝的歌,真tm是她弟弟写的?网上那些作曲人不是说不可能嘛。可名字确实姓秦啊。世上没那么巧合的事情。” Uh, I wrongly accused my Goddess probably.” ,我好像错怪我的女神了。” Fart, several pictures can explain what/anything, perhaps is Photoshop.” “放屁,几张照片能说明什么,没准是ps呢。” „, Right.” “诶,对了。” Hangs big appraisal, is the picture Photoshop.” “吊大的鉴定一下,照片是不是ps。” Photoshop, Qin Baobao is definitely washing.” “肯定ps啊,秦宝宝在洗地。” Then, Qin Baobao renews Weibo again, sent a video. 然后,秦宝宝再次更新微博,发了一段视频。 I go, flamboyant.” “我去,牛逼。” Cell phone software can spring such piano piece of pleasant to hear. Very fierce.” “手机软件能弹出这么好听的钢琴曲。很厉害嘛。” «Radiant Goddess», I went to school in the past, the school loudspeaker broadcasts this song daily. I gave the brainwashing.” “《光明女神》,当年我上学的时候,学校喇叭天天播这首曲子。我都给洗脑了。” Too motherf**ker 6, online had with hand aircraft-missile piano, but shot this, but also was really rare.” “太tm六了啊,网上不是没有用手机弹钢琴的,但弹成这样的,还真少见。” Professional standard.” “专业水准。” It seems like really some people of smearing ink Qin Baobao.” “看来是真的有人抹黑秦宝宝。” Why can hit the mosaic? We must look at the honorable person.” “为什么要打马赛克?我们要看真人。” „The finger of little elder brother is quite slender, little elder brother makes me have a look at your appearance quickly.” 小哥哥的手指好修长,小哥哥快让我看看你的样子。” This younger brother is flamboyant, I also want one.” “这弟弟牛逼,我也想要一个。” wèi wèi, ball first piano how, does not represent the song is his original. My female younger cousin high two, piano eight levels.” 喂喂,弹首钢琴怎么了,也不代表歌曲是他原创的吧。我表妹高二,钢琴八级。” Stupidly forked is not, your younger sister that was the amateur eight levels, this at least was the specialized eight levels. Having no way ratio. Because I have also studied piano.” “傻叉了不是,你妹妹那是业余八级,这起码是专业八级。没法比。因为我也学过钢琴。” What's the big deal, can only explain good of piano ball.” “那又怎么样,只能说明钢琴弹的好。” Be not misled, these specialized singers, the piano level is the specialized level, but they, still said even does not have the ability in a month of time, continual creation so many high-quality songs. Qin Baobao is misleading you.” “你们别被误导了,那些专业歌手,钢琴水平都是专业级的,可就算他们,也表示没能力在一个多月的时间,连续创作这么多优质歌曲。秦宝宝是在误导你们。” At this time, second first piano piece made a sound, and Qin Ze's told, 这时,第二钢琴曲响起来,以及秦泽的自述, Original? Real false?” “原创?真的假的?” Cracks a joke, creates piano piece, chatted?” “开什么玩笑,创作钢琴曲,说笑的吧?” Boasted, this and wrote the popular song is not a matter.” “吹牛吧,这和写流行歌不是一回事。” At first, but also some people expressed the question. But quick no one spoke, person who any hear this piano piece, no matter cannot understand piano, no matter likes piano, completely startled dumbfoundedness. In front of the computer, before the cell phone, with astonishment opened the mouth. Even if not understand piano, the basic appreciation level also has. Previous «Radiant Goddess» makes a comparison, is good is bad, clear. 起先,还有人表示质疑。但很快没人说话了,凡是听完这支钢琴曲的人,不管懂不懂钢琴,不管喜不喜欢钢琴,全部惊的目瞪口呆。在电脑前,在手机前,惊愕的张大了嘴。哪怕不懂钢琴,基本的欣赏水平也是有的。况且还有前一首《光明女神》做对比,是好是坏,一目了然。 The contrast result is quite frightened, this piano piece, Qin Baobao younger brother said that the original piano piece, unexpectedly, unexpectedly, compared with world's top ten classics «Radiant Goddess», has the trend that faint wins to plan. 对比结果极为惊悚,这首钢琴曲,秦宝宝弟弟自称原创的钢琴曲,竟然,居然,比世界十大名曲的《光明女神》,有隐隐胜出一筹的趋势。 This was terrifying. 这就恐怖了。 That is the world's top ten classics. 那是世界十大名曲啊。 Is endures the test, world approval famous piano piece. 是经受考验,世界认同的著名钢琴曲啊。 Perhaps is we do not have the connoisseurship, likes the popular music like us, does not like piano piece, but this cannot represent the popular music to be higher than piano piece. 或许是我们没有鉴赏能力,就像我们喜欢流行音乐,不喜欢钢琴曲,但这不能代表流行音乐高于钢琴曲 Therefore some people retransmitted this Weibo, China sound association 于是有人转发了这条微博,@中国音协 Specialized person listens quickly, this piano piece how, oh my god , felt that must go against heaven's will. China sound association “专业的人快来听听,这首钢琴曲怎么样,天了噜,感觉要逆天。@中国音协 nicely done, was the time shows the true technology. China sound association 666,是时候展现真正的技术了。@中国音协 How I felt that compared with «Radiant Goddess» also high-quality, certainly is my misconception. China sound association “我怎么感觉比《光明女神》还高质量,一定是我的错觉。@中国音协 Unearths a talent to you, while convenient weak asked one: Compared with Ten Great Piano Pieces how? China sound association “给你们挖掘出一个人才,顺便弱弱的问一句:比十大钢琴曲如何?@中国音协 ...... ...... This Weibo mounts Weibo to search for in a formidable manner hotly, keyword: Qin Baobao younger brother and world Ten Great Piano Pieces. 这条微博以不可阻挡之势登上微博热搜,关键词:秦宝宝弟弟、世界十大钢琴曲 It looks like a meteorite to pound into network great lake, creating the spray are innumerable. Many do not pay attention to the Qin Baobao's person, selects the topic, watches the video. Then one by one startled is a Celestial. 它像一颗陨石砸入网络这个大湖,激起浪花无数。许多不关注秦宝宝的人,纷纷点开话题,观看视频。然后一个个惊为天人。 But no one has thought that 7 : 00 pm, Chinese sound association officer spoke. 可谁都没想到,晚上 7 点,中国音协的官微发话了。 Responded to netizens' summon. The video we looked, piano piece listened, the association convenes two-hour long meeting immediately time. Announced the meeting result: piano masters indicated that frightened the urine. Informs one while convenient: The association wants to invite you to play piano piece on the spot time, we need a clearer work. Because, International Piano Competition holds in October/ten months. Right, the decision was you. Standing in the Distance, Watching the Passing Childhood “回应一下网友们的召唤。视频我们看了,钢琴曲听了,协会立刻召开一次长达两小时的长会议。公布会议结果:钢琴大师们纷纷表示吓尿了。顺便通知一声:协会想邀请您现场弹奏一次钢琴曲,我们需要更清晰的作品。因为,国际钢琴比赛在十月举行。没错,就决定是你了。@站在远处看童年 Music Association Weibo writes is very humorous, fully adapts to the network soil. 音乐协会微博写的很诙谐,充分适应网络土壤。 Does piano master frighten the urine not to know, the netizens frightened the urine in any case. 钢琴大师吓不吓尿不知道,反正网友们都吓尿了。 fuck me, I have not looked.” 卧槽,我没看过吧。” International Piano Competition? Meant that can go to battle on behalf of the country?” 国际钢琴比赛?意思是说要代表国家出战吗?” Talked nonsense on behalf of the country, you think Olympic Games.” “代表国家就扯淡了,你以为奥运会呐。” I think that you are only good piano piece, you told me you to participate in International Piano Contest.” “我以为你只是首不错的钢琴曲,你却告诉我你要参加国际钢琴大赛。” āi yōu I go, International Piano Competition?!” 哎呦我去,国际钢琴比赛?!” 6 arrive does not have the friend.” “六到没朋友。” Kneeling.” “给跪了。” Qin Baobao her younger brother is hot.” 秦宝宝弟弟要火啊。” sound association Weibo, as if stirs the excrement stick, stirred the network muddily. This matter quick noisy talk of the town, sound association, International Piano Competition, Qin Baobao younger brother. Matter accompanies the rich person because of Qin Baobao, was actually covered rapidly, no one manages the authenticity that Qin Baobao accompanies the rich person again, or is impossible. Has younger brother that such entrains crazily very dazzles to hold in the mouth, but also needs to accompany the rich person? 音协微博,仿佛一根搅屎棍,把网络都搅浑了。这件事很快闹的满城风雨,音协啊,国际钢琴比赛啊,秦宝宝弟弟啊。事情因秦宝宝伴大款而起,却被迅速覆盖,再没有人管秦宝宝伴大款的真实性,或者说,已经不可能了啊。有这么个狂拽酷炫叼的弟弟,还需要伴大款? Qin Ze Weibo became the sweetie pie instantaneously, some people create a disturbance, some people surround, some people hear rumor, joins in the fun. 秦泽微博瞬间成了香饽饽,有人起哄,有人围观,有人听到风声,过来凑热闹。 „Isn't this really the Qin Baobao trumpet?” “这真不是秦宝宝小号啊?” Nonsense, others sound association sent to invite, participated in International Piano Competition of October.” “废话,人家音协都发邀请了,参加十月份的国际钢琴比赛。” Fights for the country? Suddenly on big.” “为国家而战吗?突然间就高大上了。” Fights for the country? Exaggerating, you think Olympic Games,” “为国家而战?夸张了,你以为奥运会啊,” What had? I look to search for hotly. Does Qin Baobao really have younger brother? sound association is what ghost, Ten Great Piano Pieces is what ghost.” “发生了什么?我是看热搜过来的。秦宝宝真的有弟弟啊?音协是什么鬼,十大钢琴曲又是什么鬼。” In building go online to look slowly.” “楼上自己去网上慢慢找吧。” younger brother, you returns to words, sound association invited you to attend the international piano match.” 弟弟,你回个话啊,音协邀请你参加国际钢琴赛。” younger brother, fast gives as required by rule elder sister to look.” 弟弟,快爆照给姐姐看。” āi yōu, good to look at his appearance/portrait. Qin Baobao is so attractive, her younger brother is definitely pretty good. Happen to the elder sister was lovelorn.” 哎呦,好想看他真容。秦宝宝这么漂亮,她弟弟肯定不赖啊。正好姐失恋了。” Most likes being able to shoot the piano man, Graceful!” “最喜欢会弹钢琴的男人,帅!” „The invitation of sound association, how do you see? Standing in the Distance, Watching the Passing Childhood 音协的邀请,你怎么看?@站在远处看童年 Is the man happily, participates. Standing in the Distance, Watching the Passing Childhood “是男人痛快点,参加不参加。@站在远处看童年 Wins glory for the country arrived. Standing in the Distance, Watching the Passing Childhood “为国家争光的时候到了。@站在远处看童年 Great God, accepts my knee.” 大神,收下我的膝盖。” old bro, the brother-in-law finds the clue make, Standing in the Distance, Watching the Passing Childhood, attended the piano match while convenient not.” 老弟,姐夫摸摸头,顺便@站在远处看童年,参加钢琴赛不。” In the commentary a creating a disturbance sound, Qin Ze cell phone dīng dīng dōng dōng has not listened. He has to close the Weibo notice, responded to the netizen while convenient, sound association. 评论里一片起哄的声音,秦泽手机叮叮咚咚就没听过。他不得不关闭微博通知,顺便回应了网友,音协 Recently must help Qin Baobao write the song, the matter of international piano match, " I am a Singer » program ended said again, spoke thoughtlessly to ask one: Does the participating prize have money to take? Does not have money not to go, rich consideration.” “最近要帮秦宝宝写歌,国际钢琴赛的事,《我是歌星》节目结束再说吧,随口问一句:参赛获奖有钱拿吗?没钱不去,有钱考虑。” The netizens smiled to spurt, did not say that asks casually, your mother, without money didn't go? Gathered you to fall the square hole in the center child in? 网友们笑喷了,不是说随便问问嘛,尼玛,没钱不去?合着你掉钱眼子里了? , this wave does not owe.” “噗,这波不亏。” Gathers International Piano Competition not to have your older sister's program to be important?” “合着国际钢琴比赛还没你姐的节目重要啊?” This younger brother really loves. @QinBaobao “这弟弟是真爱。@秦宝宝 Such younger brother please give me to come one dozen. Is talented, favors elder sister, Heavens, if handsome fellow, that were perfect.” “这样的弟弟请给我来一打好嘛。才华横溢,又宠姐姐,天呐,要是个帅哥,那就完美了。” Shortly, sound association Weibo reply: You yo. Thinks that contacted with us.” 不久后,音协微博回复:“等你呦。想好了联系我们。” Qin Ze laughs in spite of trying not, this officer also very moe, as the network is developed, many related section registered the officer in Weibo, because is the web platform, the speech definitely cannot officially too be too old-fashioned, receives the netizen unanimous good marks. 秦泽失笑,这官微还挺萌的,随着网络发达,很多有关部门都在微博注册了官微,因为是网络平台,发言肯定不能太正式太古板,受到网友一致好评。 So-called gap moe. 所谓的反差萌 In the room, Qin Baobao confused lying down on the bed, tosses about, the bunk makes with pigsty. From time to time has a look at the cell phone, pays attention to latest trend. From time to time stares at the ceiling to be in a daze. Today she and Qin Ze crossed, touches bottom line that cannot touch. Make her very in a terrified way very anxiously very awkward. 房间里,秦宝宝心烦意乱的躺在床上,翻来覆去,床铺弄的跟猪窝似的。时而看看手机,关注一下最新动向。时而盯着天花板发呆。今天她和秦泽都过界了,触碰了不能触碰的底线。让她很惶恐很不安很尴尬。 How later to be together, how passes on to cultivate the behavior, is known by the father, pair of children must kill while still alive. 以后怎么相处啊,传出去怎么做人啊,被老爹知道,一双儿女都得活活打死。 Quite bothersome quite bothersome. 好烦啊好烦啊。 At this time, cell phone dīng dōng made a sound several, the Weibo prompt had the recent news. 这时,手机叮咚响了几下,微博提示有新消息。 The Qin Baobao unlocking screen, selects Weibo. 秦宝宝解锁屏幕,点开微博 Is one group of joining in the fun netizens in she: 是一群凑热闹的网友在@她: This younger brother really loves. @QinBaobao “这弟弟是真爱。@秦宝宝 I go, have such younger brother, I pledged yourself. @QinBaobao “我去,有这样的弟弟,我就以身相许了。@秦宝宝 Your younger brother is really good to you, writes the song to you, takes great pains to help you clarify. @QinBaobao “你弟弟对你真不错,又给你写歌,又煞费苦心帮你澄清。@秦宝宝 „It is not right big-breasted sister, your younger brother hugs your waist blatantly, in the Weibo show love, will not be German Orthopedic Surgery (sis and bro caught in the act). @QinBaobao “不对劲啊大奶妹,你弟弟公然搂你的腰,又在微博秀恩爱,不会是德国骨科吧。@秦宝宝 The Qin Baobao probably secretive secret was shaken, subconscious afraid, is nervous. Deletes this news to prompt rapidly. 秦宝宝像是不可告人的秘密被人抖出来,下意识的心虚,表情紧张。迅速删除这段消息提示。 What is German Orthopedic Surgery (sis and bro caught in the act)? 德国骨科是什么?
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