MESIS :: Volume #5

#488: Coaxing

Leaves on the road in screening hall, Qin Ze and Qin Baobao wears properly duckbill cap and mask, lower the head slightly, the disagreement/not with passer-by looks at each other. 离开放映厅的路上,秦泽秦宝宝戴好鸭舌帽和口罩,微微低头,不和路人对视。 Disagreement passer-by looking at each other is the proper approach, you must with the passer-by to one, perhaps be recognized, after all catches up at the first showing supports, is fans. 不和路人对视是正确做法,你要和路人对一眼,没准就被认出来了,毕竟赶在首映来捧场的,都是粉丝 Puts in 90s, this approach is also very dangerous. 搁在九十年代,这种做法也很危险。 On Qin Ze junior middle school time, in the school compares the bludger who jumps, stance swaggering, you, if looks at others several eyes, opposite party ominous asked you: What do you take a look at?” 秦泽上初中的时候,学校里比较跳的混混,大摇大摆的姿态,你要是多看人家几眼,对方就会凶巴巴的问你:“你瞅啥?” At this time, best to lower the head, did not speak. 这种时候,最好是低头,不说话。 If returns to one: How takes a look at you.” 要是回一句:“瞅你咋的。” Put at that time, declared war. 搁在那时,就是宣战了。 When Qin Ze on just junior middle school has encountered this situation, afterward did not have, because he is elder sister fights frequently, made the reputation to come, the bludger does not dare to shout a question he. 秦泽刚上初中时遇到过这种情况,后来就没了,因为他经常为姐姐打架,打出名声来了,混混也就不敢这么喝问他。 How you cried, glass heart.” Qin Ze lowers the sound, said in the elder sister ear bank. “你怎么又哭了,玻璃心。”秦泽压低声音,在姐姐耳畔道。 film premiere time has cried one time, that little while makeup melted, good elder sister usually does not put on make-up. 首映式的时候就哭过一次,那会儿妆都化了,还好姐姐平时不化妆。 Wants you to manage.” Qin Baobao twisted in his back of the hand. “要你管。”秦宝宝在他手背拧了一下。 All the way, the audience of breaking up discussed A Chinese Odyssey chaotically. 一路上,散场的观众七嘴八舌的议论起大话西游 „Very attractive, I cried.” “很好看啊,我都哭了。” This is I have watched the most affected movie this year, before then, is 《If I Become A Memory》 that Qin Baobao they shoot.” “这是我今年看过最感动的电影,在此之前,是秦宝宝他们拍的《如果我变成回忆》。” You said what result that male is Supreme Treasure.” “你说结局那个男的是至尊宝吧。” „It is not, should be only looks like.” “不是,应该只是长的像。” I thought that this result is complete, Supreme Treasure and Zixia in the same place, Sun Wukong learn from experienced people. Is the most attractive his back, making me a little sad.” “我觉得这个结局圆满,至尊宝紫霞在一起,孙悟空去取经。就是最好看他的背影,让我有点难过。” Online one crowd of sprayers said that 《A Chinese Odyssey》 is the rotten piece, I felt that it is hot. Can Journey to the West also pat like this?” “网上一群喷子说《大话西游》是烂片,我感觉它要火。西游记也可以这样拍?” What did ending that song call?” “结尾那首歌叫什么?” It can be predicted that several days, the A Chinese Odyssey reputation will have risen suddenly. 可以预见,过不了几天,大话西游的口碑会暴涨。 When the time comes, entire net meeting discussed this movie, was not these days smearing ink questioned, but acclaimed and flatters. 到时候,全网都会议论这部电影,不是这几天的抹黑质疑,而是赞叹和吹捧。 Right, flattered. 对,就是吹捧。 Qin Ze has prepared 3,000 internet merc. 秦泽已经准备好三千水军了。 When goes downstairs, Wang Zijin draws Qin Ze to run to buy egg tart, Qin Baobao and parents sneaks in the vehicle. 下楼时,王子衿拉着秦泽跑去买蛋挞,秦宝宝和爸妈钻进车子。 Comes ten egg tart.” Wang Zijin said toward the service person. “来十个蛋挞。”王子衿朝服务员说道。 Qin Ze paid a bill, received paper bag that the service person handed over. 秦泽付账,接过服务员递过来的纸袋子。 Wang Zijin searched the head to select selecting in the bag, grasped egg tart, bit on the mouth, another hand is pulling Qin Ze, went out. 王子衿探脑袋在袋子里挑了挑,抓出一只蛋挞,咬在嘴上,另一只手挽着秦泽,出门。 The night wind is cool, blows her volume to send. 夜风凉爽,吹起她的额发。 Wang Zijin height 1.65 m, to the Qin Ze's shoulder, this height proportion is most perfect. 王子衿身高一米六五,堪堪到秦泽的肩膀,这个身高比例是最完美的。 The golden height proportion of male and female friend, she is pulling the Qin Ze's shoulder in addition, how to see is a pair of lover. 男女朋友的黄金身高比例,加上她又挽着秦泽的肩膀,怎么看都是一对情侣。 „Was belly hungry?” “肚子饿了?” Un.” Wang Zijin biting to take in egg tart of mouth, frowning, was too sweet, is not delicious. A'Ze, ah~ “嗯。”王子衿把咬在嘴里的蛋挞拿下来,蹙眉,“太甜了,不好吃。阿泽,啊~ She biting half of egg tart handed the Qin Ze mouth. 她把咬了一半的蛋挞递到秦泽嘴边。 Helpless Qin Ze opens mouth, besides the elder sister juice, the thing that elder sisters cannot eat up, he must be responsible for solving occasionally. 秦泽无奈张嘴,除了姐汁外,姐姐们吃不下的东西,他偶尔要负责解决。 This, in old gentleman and Mother Qin by roadside vehicle watches. 这一幕,被路边车子里的老爷子秦妈看在眼里。 Mother Qin beams with joy: I said that A'Ze and Zijin match very much, takes a look, builds.” 秦妈眉开眼笑:“我就说阿泽子衿很配吧,瞧瞧,多搭啊。” They saw, Qin Baobao also saw certainly, she pressed brow, feels is depressed at heart, uncomfortable. 他们看到了,秦宝宝当然也看到了,她蹙了蹙眉头,感觉心里发堵,难受的很。 Builds what/anything to build, mother you will open eyes to talk nonsense.” Qin Baobao said loudly. “搭什么搭,妈你就会睁眼说瞎话。”秦宝宝大声说。 How to speak with your mother.” old gentleman stares a daughter, then turns the head to pay no attention, argued with the wife: I thought that Su Yu matches.” “怎么和你妈说话的。”老爷子瞪一眼女儿,便转头不理,与老婆争辩:“我觉得苏钰更配。” With your big-headed ghost.” Qin Baobao resentment. “配你个大头鬼。”秦宝宝又怼了一句。 old gentleman sees the daughter startled. 老爷子愕然的看着女儿。 Unbelievable, unmarried young woman that oneself love, dares to speak such words to him unexpectedly. 难以置信,自己疼爱的闺女,竟然敢对他说这样的话。 Father, I and Su Yu relate not well.” Qin Baobao realized oneself are rude, awkward explanation. “爸,我和苏钰关系不好。”秦宝宝意识到自己失态,尴尬的解释一句。 I listened to A'Ze saying that played a game also to hit to get angry, you were superstar, can the bearing greatly. You have a look at A'Ze, this time changes in a big way, Su Yu, having the talent is able, a person haunches company. Has a look at you again, just the same as always, does not have the elder sister's appearance all day long, does not have the appearance of Sir.” old gentleman reproved daughter one. “我都听阿泽说了,打个游戏也能打出火来,你都是大明星了,气量能不能大点。你看看阿泽,这段时间变化多大,还有苏钰,有才华有能力,一个人撑起一个公司。再看看你,还是老样子,成天没个姐姐的样子,没个大人的样子。”老爷子训斥女儿一通。 Good, Su Yu this caret did not have the person who more than ten cast aside, is more important than this daughter. 好嘛,苏钰这种八字还没十几撇的人,已经比她这个女儿还重要了。 Sees mother again, eyeful is the appreciation is looking at Wang Zijin. 再看母亲,满眼都是欣赏的望着王子衿 Qin Baobao felt oneself were abandoned, parents' heart her here, younger brother should not be ganged up by Room-entering Wolf. 秦宝宝觉得自己被抛弃了,爸妈的心不在她这里了,弟弟也要被入室狼勾搭走了。 Watches the movie, nervous that she stopped up, Supreme Treasure and Zixia result makes her particularly uncomfortable. Because in the movie, two roles are she and Qin Ze develop. Now hears parents these words, was more uncomfortable. 看完电影,她心里本来就堵的慌,至尊宝紫霞的结局让她分外难受。因为电影里,两个角色是她和秦泽演的。现在又听到爸妈这番话,就更难受了。 Qin Baobao eye socket one red, nose acid, the pea-sized teardrops roll, shoots a look at hastily to the glass. 秦宝宝眼圈一红,鼻子一酸,豆大的泪珠就滚下去,连忙把头瞥向车窗。 Qin Ze and Wang Zijin walk, when close to vehicle, Wang Zijin loosens the hand quietly. 秦泽王子衿走过来,靠近车子时,王子衿悄悄松开手。 Movie you have looked at 2-3, but also cries, as for?” Qin Ze sees the elder sister eye socket to be red, tsukkomi said. “电影你看过2-3遍了,还哭鼻子,至于吗?”秦泽姐姐眼眶红红的,吐槽道。 Closes your what/anything matter.” Qin Baobao bellows, like female leopard that only gets angry. “关你什么事。”秦宝宝大吼一声,像只发怒的雌豹。 Qin Ze stares. 秦泽一愣。 elder sister rarely so gets angry toward him, even if air/Qi at heart again, she also wipes tears on oneself, cries to complain him, rather than bellows to yell like this. 姐姐很少朝他这般发火,哪怕心里再气,她也就自己抹眼泪,哭着控诉他,而不是这样大吼大叫。 Qin Ze weakly said: I did not say that the line, went home.” 秦泽弱弱道:“我不说行了吧,回家回家。” Mother Qin has a look at the daughter, has a look at the son, a brow wrinkle. 秦妈看看女儿,又看看儿子,眉头一皱。 First sends home the parents, Qin Ze driving brings elder sisters to go back, extraordinary, Qin Baobao has not sat the copilot position, a person of spiteful as sits in the back seat. 先把父母送回家,秦泽开车带着姐姐们回去,出奇的,秦宝宝没坐副驾驶位,赌气似的一个人坐在后座。 On the road, in the car(riage) the atmosphere a little sinks austere. 路上,车内气氛有点沉肃。 Although Wang Zijin does not know that bosom friend makes what temperament, but can feel that she depressed and agitated mood, Wang Zijin clever and exquisite clever and exquisite person, has not pulled up the topic on own initiative. 王子衿虽然不知道闺蜜闹什么脾气,但能感觉到她沮丧又烦躁的情绪,王子衿鬼精鬼精的人儿,没主动撩话题。 Qin Ze dumbfounded, but a little compels the number at heart slightly, should be a moment ago in the shop entrance and affectionate of too Sister Zijin performance, making elder sister at heart not happy. 秦泽懵逼,但心里稍微有点逼数,应该是刚才在店门口和子衿姐表现的太亲昵,让姐姐心里不高兴了。 This time, elder sister's responded that was a little big. 只是这一次,姐姐的反应有点大了。 Goes home, Qin Ze enters the password, pulls out the key, opens the door. 回到家,秦泽键入密码,掏出钥匙,开门。 He behind, carries hold/container hold/container elder sister to lower the head to play the cell phone, Wang Zijin also lowers the head to play the cell phone. 他身后,拎着包包的姐姐低头玩手机,王子衿也低头玩手机。 Three people of lines, the atmosphere is not quite right. 三人行,气氛不太对。 Enters the room, takes a bath and washes respectively. 进屋,各自洗澡、洗漱。 Qin Ze waited for a half hour in the room, without the elder sister's knock, the mountain does not come me, my immediately mountain. 秦泽在房间里等了半小时,没等来姐姐的敲门声,山不来就我,我便就山。 Therefore he covertly enters Room elder sister, Qin Baobao has not rested, by the bed, under the desk lamp of bedhead, flips through the book. 于是他偷摸进姐姐,秦宝宝没睡,靠在床上,在床头的台灯下,翻书。 You come to do.” “你进来干嘛。” Naturally has not given the complexion. 当然是没给好脸色。 Qin Ze thrusts out the face to raise the quilt to go to bed, was trampled by her. 秦泽腆着脸掀被子上床,被她一脚踹下去。 elder sister does not make me go to bed, that is hard on. 姐姐不让我上床,那就硬上。 After suffered several feet again, Qin Ze got up the elder sister's bed finally. 再又挨了几脚后,秦泽终于上了姐姐的床。 What's wrong? Looked that the movie comes back you to put on a serious face.” Qin Ze and elder sister depend to sit in the bedhead together. “怎么了?看电影回来你就板着脸。”秦泽姐姐一起靠坐在床头。 All right.” Reading that Qin Baobao is bored to death. “没事。”秦宝宝百无聊赖的看着书。 Book that she reads not only not like romance, like the literature, the title page is not fluttering the background of oriental cherry, one string of sandal wood rosaries. 她看的书既不像言情,又不像文学,封面是飘着樱花的背景,一串檀木念珠。 This type of moaning without being ill book, should be Wang Zijin's, elder sister occasionally taking advantage of coming to see. 这种无病呻吟的书,应该是王子衿的,姐姐偶尔会借来看看。 Is all right, puts on a serious face looked to me, looks to Sister Zijin.” Qin Ze said in a soft voice: Where did I annoy you to be angry?” “没事个屁嘞,板着个脸给我看,给子衿姐看。”秦泽柔声道:“我又哪里惹你生气了?” No, you are so good, am I angry,” Qin Baobao peculiarly said: Everyone said that I can become famous, by younger brother, attaches in younger brother blood sucking insect, knocks the bone to attract the marrow, a itself point with does not have.” “没有,你这么好,我生什么气,”秦宝宝阴阳怪气道:“大家都说我能成名,都是靠弟弟的,是依附在弟弟身上的吸血虫,敲骨吸髓,本身一点用都没有。” Qin Ze scratches the head: This is not the fact.” 秦泽挠挠头:“这不是事实吗。” Qin Baobao one second of broken merit, grasps the book to pound the Qin Ze's head, called out: How Qin Ze don't you die?” 秦宝宝一秒破功,抓起书砸秦泽的脑袋,叫道:“秦泽你怎么不去死?” Venting to be good, feared that stuffy at heart, is easy to create the internal injury. 发泄出来就好了,就怕闷在心里,容易造成内伤。 In any case I am black heart's maggot, why dead.” Qin Ze resists, while talks back. “反正我是黑了心的蛆,干嘛去死。”秦泽一边招架,一边顶嘴。 You roll you to roll.” The Qin Baobao long leg tramples him in the bedding fiercely. “你滚你滚。”秦宝宝长腿在被窝里猛踹他。 Qin Ze lay down toward the bed on, rolled several, enough, insufficiently I rolled again.” 秦泽往床上一躺,滚了几圈,“够了没,不够我再滚一滚。” The bed is very big, suffices 3~4 to rest personally, some are space makes him roll by various postures. 床很大,够三四个人睡的,有的是空间让他以各种姿势滚。 The Qin Baobao corners of the mouth curled upwards outstanding, bears rapidly, rolls the eyes. 秦宝宝嘴角翘了翘,迅速忍住,翻白眼。 Then was easy to do, Qin Ze coaxed elder sister is more than ten years of old craftsmanship, no difficulty. 接下来就好办了,秦泽姐姐是十几年的老手艺了,没什么难度。 A series of sugar-coated bullet bombardment, elder sister is not angry, although on the corners of the mouth doesn't believe that exaggerate exaggerate, the corner of the eye brow tip is actually rippling the happy mood. 一连串的糖衣炮弹轰击,姐姐就不生气了,尽管嘴角上不信不信,浮夸浮夸,眼角眉梢却荡漾着开心的情绪。 „One side flashes, the elder sister must sleep.” Qin Baobao said. “闪一边去,姐要睡觉了。”秦宝宝道。 Qin Ze and elder sister suffer is very near. 秦泽姐姐挨的很近。 „, Good night.” Qin Ze raises the quilt to leave. “哦,晚安。”秦泽掀被子走人。 „, Do you do.” Qin Baobao knits the brows. “诶,你干嘛。”秦宝宝皱眉。 I go back to sleep.” Qin Ze looks at her at a loss. “我回去睡觉啊。”秦泽茫然看她。 „One side I make you dodge.” Qin Baobao roused the cheek help/gang, stares. “我让你闪一边去。”秦宝宝鼓了鼓腮帮,瞪眼。 oh. Qin Ze was more vacant, my did not walk, several meanings. 哦。秦泽更茫然了,我这不是走了吗,几个意思啊。 „One side I make you dodge.” Qin Baobao with emphasis, somewhat clenches jaws. “我让你闪一边。”秦宝宝加重语气,有些咬牙切齿。 Qin Ze thinks: I have not studied to flash before, or do I open to sprint?” 秦泽想了想:“我没学闪现,要不我开个疾跑?” Qin Baobao grasps the book to pound, screamed: You roll to me.” 秦宝宝抓起书就砸过来,尖叫:“你给我滚。” Qin Ze numb slip rolling person. 秦泽麻溜的滚人。 Leaves Room elder sister's, does not go to the room, he was soundless to open the door, entered Room Wang Zijin's. 离开姐姐的,不回自己房间,他蹑手蹑脚开门,进了王子衿的 Wang Zijin is gripping the hair, by the bedhead, the cell phone places on the belly, looks down the movie. 王子衿扎着头发,靠在床头,手机放在肚皮上,低头看电影。 Old was lovable. 老可爱了。 Sister Zijin patted position happily. 子衿姐开心的拍了拍身边的位置。 Qin Ze seizes greedily, hugs her first to gnaw crazily. 秦泽一个饿虎扑羊,抱着她先一顿狂啃。 Wang Zijin makes an effort to shove open him, breathes tenderly: Your older sister how?” 王子衿使劲推开他,娇喘:“你姐怎么啦?” Threw a tantrum.” Qin Ze said: In view of you, you do not mind.” “闹脾气了呗。”秦泽道:“不是针对你,你别介意。” Why is that?” “那是为什么?” Qin Ze stares, right, why? 秦泽一愣,对啊,为什么? I, I forgot to ask “我,我忘记问了” Wang Zijin: „” 王子衿:“” First time felt, Qin Ze works is far-fetched. 头一次觉得,秦泽做事也不靠谱。 In fact, elder sister is angry does not need the reason, or Qin Ze never cares about the reason. Usually so long as the elder sister vitality/angry, Qin Ze one coaxes without delay, why as for is angry, manages him why. 事实上,姐姐生气是不需要理由的,或者说,秦泽从来不在乎理由。通常只要姐姐生气,秦泽二话不说一顿哄,至于为什么生气,管他为什么呢。 Wants your what to use?” Wang Zijin small hand pā pā hits his arm. “要你何用?”王子衿小手啪啪打他手臂。 Qin Ze: „” 秦泽:“” I do not clamp in elder sisters, I clamp between mother and wife. 我不是夹在姐姐们之间,我是夹在妈妈和媳妇之间。 Matter that without elder sister pents up anger bewilderedly, he should lie on the bed now sound asleep. 如果没有姐姐莫名其妙生闷气的事,他现在该躺在床上呼呼大睡 But elder sister was angry suddenly, does not give the Wang Zijin good complexion all the way. 姐姐突然就生气了,一路上都不给王子衿好脸色。 But his Ocean King Ze as the elder sister's lubricant, two coax, in such family/home harmonious friendly affection atmosphere. 而他海泽王身为姐姐的润滑剂,就得两头哄,这样家里和谐友爱的气氛。 Sister Zijin, do not look, we sleep.” Qin Ze hugs Wang Zijin in the bosom. 子衿姐,别看了,咱们睡觉吧。”秦泽王子衿搂在怀里。 Un.” Wang Zijin turned off the phone screen. “嗯。”王子衿关了手机屏幕。 Uh can you draw back the software?” Qin Ze said. 你能不能把软件退出去?”秦泽说。 Wang Zijin: „??” 王子衿:“??” obsessive compulsive disorder, looks that you turn off the screen not to turn off the software, I am quite uncomfortable.” A Qin Ze face constipation expression. 强迫症,看着你关屏幕不关软件,我好难受。”秦泽一脸便秘的表情。 Wang Zijin: „” 王子衿:“” Wang Zijin lightens the phone screen, withdraws from the software entirely, Qin Ze discovered that she never draws back the software unexpectedly, drew back more than ten. 王子衿重新点亮手机屏幕,把软件通通退出,秦泽发现她竟然从来不退软件,足足退了十几个。 When Wang Zijin closed/pass cell phone app, Qin Ze suddenly feels refreshing. 王子衿把手机app关了,秦泽顿觉神清气爽。 Qin Ze and Wang Zijin were very long are not intimate, is smelling on her the faint body fragrance, he is kissing Wang Zijin carefully, from forehead to corner of the eye, from cheeks to the soft fragrant lip. Slowly downward, fiery lip in snow white nape of the neck exploration. 秦泽王子衿很久没亲热了,嗅着她身上幽幽的体香,他细细的吻着王子衿,从额头到眼角,从脸颊到柔软香唇。慢慢往下,火热的唇在雪白的脖颈探索。 The dozen minutes, the Wang Zijin respite sound is getting bigger and bigger, the sentiment moves gradually, the fair flesh catches intoxicant dark red. 十几分钟,王子衿喘息声越来越大,渐渐情动,白皙的肌肤染上一层醉人的殷红。 Sends the sentiment to stop ritual matter, Ocean King Ze is not dry, turns over/stands up to press on Wang Zijin: Sister Zijin, does the ricefield eel have dried fish hungrily?” 发乎情止乎礼这种事,海泽王可不干,翻身压在王子衿身上:“子衿姐,鳝饿有鲍吗?” Wang Zijin charming eyes like the silk, shakes the head. 王子衿媚眼如丝,摇摇头。 We have seen the guardian.” Qin Ze said. “我们都见过家长了。”秦泽说。 Kings wants to be in love is afraid by day Zijin, said shyly: Perhaps I also arrange.” 王・想谈恋爱又害怕被日・子衿,羞涩的说:“我还没准备好。” Qin Ze: time that you prepare may be really long.” 秦泽:“你准备的时间可真长。” Wang Zijin bites the lip, both hands is pushing in his chest, is exceptionally firm. 王子衿咬着唇,双手推在他胸口,异常坚定。 Qin Ze said: Or this, you change a mentality, is not I rests you, is you rests me, can this good?” 秦泽说:“要不这样,你换个思路,不是我睡你,是你睡我,这样会不会好一点?” He suspected that what psychological disease Sister Zijin does have? 他怀疑子衿姐是不是有什么心理疾病? Wang Zijin throws shy charming eyes, the eyelash shivers gently. 王子衿抛来一个青涩的媚眼,睫毛轻轻颤抖。 „After we became engaged , said that.” “等我们订婚后再说,好吗。” Sends the sentiment to stop ritual matter, Ocean King Ze is not dry, but Salted Fish Ze will do. 发乎情止乎礼这种事,海泽王不干,但咸鱼泽会干。 Sleeps.” Qin Ze gets down from her, holds the tender and soft body in the bosom. “睡觉睡觉。”秦泽从她身上下来,把娇软的身躯抱在怀里。 Although enjoys with Wang Zijin very much campus love, but always limits to embracing, he also wants to promote the plot occasionally. 虽然很享受和王子衿“校园恋爱”,但老是局限于搂搂抱抱,他偶尔也想推动一下剧情。 Engagement this matter feels quite remotely, but some Qin Ze premonitions, will not be long, even does not become engaged, he still felt how long the current balance could not maintain. 订婚这种事感觉好遥远,但秦泽有种预感,不会太久的,就算不订婚,他也感觉目前的平衡维持不了多久。 This is a sixth sense of man. 这是一个男人的第六感。
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