MESIS :: Volume #5

#489: Box office reputation double harvest

next day that A Chinese Odyssey screens, online appeared flattered the opinion of movie. 大话西游上映的第二天,网上出现了许多吹捧电影的言论。 «This year Most touching Movie», «Unexpected Result», «Different Great Sage Who is Equal to Heaven» wait/etc., various app and computer homepage, crazy push article and news. 《本年度最感人电影》、《意想不到的结局》、《不一样的齐天大圣》等等,各种app、电脑网页,疯狂的推送文章和新闻。 But in the well-known movie criticism website, " A Chinese Odyssey 2 » movie criticism, reaches as high as 9.0, «A Chinese Odyssey 1» grading also from 5.8 rises to 7.5. 而在知名影评网站,《大话西游2》的影评,高达9.0,连带着《大话西游1》的评分也从5.8升到7.5。 Long comments also well, the commentary is also good, to praise this movie, the complaint movie is moving people to tears, deceived oneself several jin (0.5 kg) tears. 长评也好,短评也好,都在赞这部电影,控诉电影催人泪下,骗了自己好几斤眼泪。 The heat degree came up suddenly. 热度忽然就上来了。 And has Tianfang internet merc that spends to hire, there is A Chinese Odyssey fans. 其中有天方花钱雇的水军,也有大话西游本身的粉丝 Many people didn't dumbfounded, say the rotten piece? Did not say that doesn't have the highlight except for special effects? 不少群众都懵逼了,不是说烂片吗?不是说除了特效毫无亮点吗? Overnight, after A Chinese Odyssey 2 screens, all wind directions changed. 一夜之间,大话西游2上映后,一切风向都变了。 Is internet merc?” “是水军吗?” Definitely is internet merc, your mother, saw everywhere some people are flattering A Chinese Odyssey, Qin Ze spent how much money to hire internet merc, too much local tyrant.” “肯定是水军啊,尼玛,到处都看到有人在吹捧大话西游,秦泽花了多少钱雇水军啊,太特么土豪了吧。” „, Hiring internet merc is useful, the quality is bad, internet merc again many also on the abundant time heat degree, screens when with First Part, drums up support. Look, the wind direction must change several days later.” “切,雇水军有什么用,质量差,水军再多也就博一段时间的热度,和第一部上映时一样,造势而已。看着吧,过几天风向又要变了。” Could not accept the sudden reputation transformation, some netizens' subconscious responses, thought absolutely A Chinese Odyssey is hiring internet merc to brush the reputation. 接受不了突如其来的口碑转变,绝对部分网友的下意识反应,觉得大话西游又在雇水军刷口碑了。 Shortly, write off A Chinese Odyssey internet merc online to scurry about, Weibo and forum, posted saying that everywhere A Chinese Odyssey 2 was really rotten, was unattractive, with First Part same was the rotten piece. And also very shameless evil intention brushes grading of low movie criticism website. 没多久,唱衰大话西游水军又在网上上蹿下跳,微博、论坛、到处发帖说大话西游2真烂,不好看,和第一部一样是烂片。并且还很无耻的恶意刷低影评网站的评分。 „The Sovereign Dynasty film and television iron core does not make us feel better.” Qin Baobao is angry, elegant face such as cover cold frost. 皇朝影视铁了心不让我们好过。”秦宝宝怒气冲冲,俏脸如罩寒霜。 Side her, Qin Ze makes the tea, the complexion is calm, boiling the tea technique is not slowly vigorous. 她身边,秦泽煮茶,脸色从容,煮茶手法徐徐不疾。 What big tail wolf do you install?” Qin Baobao knife hand cuts the younger brother head, destroys person of high skill image that he built. “你装什么大尾巴狼?”秦宝宝手刀弟弟脑瓜,破坏了他营造出来的高人形象。 The plain-looking assistant corners of the mouth curled upwards outstanding, bears has not smiled. 相貌平平的助理嘴角翘了翘,忍住没笑。 Sister Zijin said that making the tea can the disciplining disposition, four arts, but I not, therefore can only make the tea. You think, summoned the subordinate, or with the customer discussed business time, we inserted in the office burn a joss stick, made the tea in the curling cigarette, had to compel the standard.” Qin Ze said. 子衿姐说,煮茶可以磨练心性,琴棋书画也可以,但我都不会,所以只能煮茶。你想,召见下属,或者和客户谈生意的时候,咱们在办公室插一炷香,在袅袅香烟中煮茶,多有逼格。”秦泽说。 That has small rascal that compels the standard, you thought that we can make internet merc counter-attack?” elder sister is showing the whites of the eyes. “那有逼格的小赤佬,你觉得我们要不要让水军反击?”姐姐翻着白眼。 No need, previous internet merc is black we, an online opinion piece but actually, but is now different, you also saw, the netizen who very our movie is countless, will increase slowly. The quality decides all, the truly good movie, smearing ink is useless, the market is examines the commodity the best sharp weapon.” Qin Ze pours into the bone China cup the red tea fluid, the vapor is continuous: Tastes.” “不必,上次水军黑我们,网上言论一片倒,但现在不同,你自己也看到了,挺咱们电影的网友不计其数,而且会慢慢增加。质量决定一切,真正好的电影,抹黑是没用的,市场才是检验商品的最佳利器。”秦泽把红色的茶液注入骨瓷杯,蒸气绵绵:“尝尝。” Tastes your big-headed ghost, I have drunk up two cups.” Qin Baobao another knife hand. “尝你个大头鬼,我已经喝完两杯了。”秦宝宝又一记手刀 Qin Baobao that yesterday had a fit of temper had died, today's was elder sister that and younger brother flirted with one another. 昨天发脾气的秦宝宝已经死了,今天的又是和弟弟打情骂俏的姐姐 Qin Ze raised the head, looked at plain-looking assistant one eyes, the tone was light: Told the marketing department, got online new song 《Life-long Love》.” 秦泽抬头,看了相貌平平的助理一眼,语气平淡:“告诉市场部,上线新歌《一生所爱》。” The plain-looking assistant nods, withdraws from the office. 相貌平平的助理点点头,退出办公室。 Just like Qin Ze said, the market is examines the product quality the sharp weapon, rather than low level internet merc smearing ink can cover. 正如秦泽所说,市场才是检验产品质量的利器,而非低级的水军抹黑可以掩盖。 A Chinese Odyssey after several days of fermentation, has the irresistible trend gradually, the box office rises suddenly, the reputation rises suddenly. 大话西游经过几天的发酵后,渐渐有势不可挡的趋势,票房暴涨,口碑暴涨。 First in online sees various fragment editing unceasingly, the article flatters, the post flattered, then, in the discovery music top list, a new song killed the first place suddenly, the name is: A «Institute Love» A Chinese Odyssey theme song. 先是在网上不断看到各种片段剪辑,文章吹捧,帖子吹捧,然后,突然间就发现音乐风云榜上,一首新歌杀上榜首,名字叫做:《一声所爱》大话西游主题曲。 A heat degree of movie how, the theme song is the important reference standard. 一部电影的热度怎么样,主题曲是重要的参考标准。 First how regardless of the movie, the music domain, the Qin Ze product must be the high-quality goods, this is everyone's consensus. 先不论电影怎样,音乐领域,秦泽出品必属精品,这是所有人的共识。 The music commentary has several hundred new increases every day. 音乐评论每天都有几百条的新增量。 This song my single circulated for several days, listens to be able in each time the stamp the tears point.” “这歌我单曲循环了好几天,每次听都能戳中泪点。” Was too exaggerating, pleasant to hear was of pleasant to hear, but is not so exaggerating, how to comment everywhere is the tears tears point, I have not felt.” “太夸张了吧,好听是好听,可也没这么夸张了,怎么评论到处都是泪点泪点的,我没感觉啊。” You have not looked at A Chinese Odyssey, have had a look to know, I cried in the movie theater directly.” “你是没看过大话西游吧,去看看就知道了,我直接在电影院哭了。” The click is getting higher and higher, the box office is getting higher and higher. 点击越来越高,票房越来越高。 Merely one week, the A Chinese Odyssey 2 box office was first. 仅仅一个星期,大话西游2的票房就稳居第一 The true reputation and box office large explosion, one week later, a video in online spreads crazily. 真正的口碑和票房大爆炸,是在一个星期后,一段视频在网上疯狂流传。 The video with the cell phone photography, in some screening hall, the lens first frames on the big screen, Supreme Treasure and Zixia Fairy Maiden hugs in the tower over a city gate, back that Great Sage Who is Equal to Heaven goes far away alone, background music: Life-long Love. 视频是用手机拍摄,在某放映厅里,镜头先是定格在大荧幕上,至尊宝紫霞仙子在城楼拥抱,齐天大圣独自远去的背影,背景音乐:一生所爱 A lens revolution, in the auditorium, a woman lies on the seat wails. 镜头一转,观众席上,一个女人趴在座椅上嚎啕大哭。 The weeping sound is rending, sad and shrill. 哭声撕心裂肺,凄厉之极。 After several minutes, really cannot control, the security of movie theater comes to support by the arm her. 几分钟后,实在是控制不住,电影院的保安进来把她搀扶走。 This video got angry in the net, the A Chinese Odyssey heat degree was being advanced the peak. 这段视频在网上火了,连带着大话西游的热度被推到巅峰。 fuck me, did the tears collapse this are?” 卧槽,泪崩了这是?” nicely done, my result moves people to tears in other words, previous I cry to shoot piano that in 《If I Become A Memory》 Qin Ze time.” 666,我就是说这结局催人泪下吧,上一次我哭是在《如果我变成回忆》秦泽钢琴那一段。” 《A Chinese Odyssey》 military might, Qin Ze military might.” 《大话西游》威武,秦泽威武。” Psychological balance were many, originally continued I alone to cry, crying was more miserable. hā hā hā.” “心理平衡多了,原来不止我一个人哭了,还有哭的更惨的。哈哈哈。” Having is so exaggerating, I have a look.” “有没有这么夸张啊,我去看看。” I have bought a ticket, tonight looks with the boyfriend.” “我已经买票了,今晚就和男朋友去看。” This plot, if had the MV edition to be good, I definitely looked daily. The theme song is worth hearing a hundred times.” “这段剧情要是有mv版本就好了,我肯定天天看。主题曲百听不厌。” The video got angry in the net, the commentary are innumerable. 视频在网上火了,评论无数。 The office, Qin Baobao looks at the video with the cell phone, stares dumbfounded: Was too exaggerating.” 办公室,秦宝宝用手机看视频,瞠目结舌:“太夸张了吧。” Zixia that Qin Baobao develop, the complete substitution role, does not have to wailing sadly. 秦宝宝自己演的紫霞,完全代入角色,都没悲伤到嚎啕大哭。 Was this touched that younger sister's soft wound? 这是触动了那位妹子心里的柔软的伤口了吗? „It is not exaggerating, how to cook up the heat degree?” The Qin Ze end teacup, to slide one. “不夸张,怎么炒热度?”秦泽端茶杯,呲溜一声。 Today is he in the day that Tianfang goes to work, in a week, three days in Bao-Ze, a day in Tianfang, a day in Amethyst. 今天又是他在天方上班的日子,一个星期里,三天在宝泽,一天在天方,一天在紫晶 My harem is numerous, clone weak. 朕后宫众多,分身乏术。 Qin Baobao and Wang Zijin are viewless, because Qin Ze's specialized after all that side Bao-Ze. 秦宝宝王子衿都对此毫无意见,因为秦泽的专业毕竟在宝泽那边。 If they know that Qin Ze and Su Yu dirty pā pā transaction, must certainly sharpen the knife to poodle. 她们要是知道秦泽苏钰肮脏的啪啪交易,肯定要磨刀霍霍向泰迪 What do you mean?” Qin Baobao stares. “什么意思?”秦宝宝一愣。 That is a childcare.” Qin Ze said. “那是托儿。”秦泽道。 Qin Baobao is suddenly enlighted, said that how possibly some people of mood so lose control, is not the dead parents, under big crowd of people the tears collapse, this unlucky child. 秦宝宝恍然大悟,就说嘛,怎么可能有人情绪如此失控,又不是死爸妈,大庭广众之下泪崩,这得多倒霉的孩子啊。 internet merc is what/anything, the cyber war the halting network, this low level marketing approach, a fresh idea does not have forever.” Qin Ze favorite say/way. 水军算什么,网络战争也就永远止步网络,这种低级的营销模式,一点新意都没有。”秦泽得意道。 Qin Baobao coordination kisses/intimate one on his face. 秦宝宝配合的在他脸上亲一口。 «A Chinese Odyssey 2» screens for two weeks later, the box office has broken through 2 billion. Under the ripple effect, " A Chinese Odyssey 1 » box office also starts from the dispirited condition pull-up, the box office achieves billion. 大话西游2》上映两个星期后,票房已经突破二十亿。连锁效应下,《大话西游1》的票房也从萎靡不振的状态开始拉升,票房达到十亿 arrangement rate of two movies in 50 percent above , before Second Part has not screened, A Chinese Odyssey arrangement rate only has 15 percent. 两部电影的排片率都在百分之五十以上,要知道,第二部没上映之前,大话西游排片率只有百分之十五 This means that in movie theater each 100 field movie, more than 50% are 《A Chinese Odyssey》, and this proportion is still rising upward, not only same time domestic-made movie pressed being able to gain ground, the Hollywood big piece is incapable of revolting. 这意味着,电影院每一百场电影里,有一半以上是《大话西游》,并且这个比例还在往上升,不但同期的国产电影被压的抬不起头,就连好莱坞大片都无力反抗。 Domestic-made arranges first «Subduing Demons Record» as for the beforehand box office, has fallen 5 percent, a day perhaps on the 1~2 field, even is lower. 至于之前票房国产排第一的《降魔录》,已经降到百分之五,一天没准就一两场,甚至更低。 The A Chinese Odyssey penetrating fire in a stove, the actor of movie is also following successfully, Qin Baobao present fame and sale price, even if these have taken several Film Empress Film Emperor big success, must lower her three points. 大话西游彻底火了,连带着影片的演员也跟着大红大紫,秦宝宝现在的名气和身价,就算那些拿过几届影后影帝大咖,都要低她三分。 By the solid performing skill, the Li Wei sale price rises suddenly, has to advance into the A-list trend faintly, this is the time issue, perhaps before A Chinese Odyssey take off shelves, she can advance into the true A-list movie star. 凭借扎实的演技,李薇身价暴涨,隐隐有跻身一线的趋势,这是时间问题,没准大话西游下架之前,她就能跻身真正的一线影星。 This has made the acting career for many years the tiny step not enter, young married woman who even starts to slide, excited is almost moved to tears. 这让演艺事业多年来寸步未进,甚至开始下滑的少妇,激动的差点热泪盈眶。 In this being fickle entertainment world, the sale price and age are in reverse proportion, is bigger, the sale price falls is quicker. Thinks that the B-list movie star is the limit, has not thought that can also make further progress go a step further. 在这个喜新厌旧的娱乐圈,身价和年纪是成反比的,年纪越大,身价掉的越快。原以为二线影星已经是极限,没想到还可以百尺竿头更进一步。 Li Wei thought more and more changes job Tianfang is this whole life wisest choice, now, it is estimated that the Qin Ze check the finger, she wants the offering to volunteer pillow mat. 李薇越来越觉得跳槽天方是这辈子最明智的选择,现在,估计秦泽勾勾指头,她就愿意自荐枕席。 In addition, what the harvest is biggest is rookie Feng Rui, she becomes the hot nova, the exclusive post had, exclusive fans also had, Weibo attention rises suddenly. 此外,收获最大的是新人枫瑞,她一跃成为炙手可热的新星,专属贴吧有了,专属粉丝也有了,微博关注量暴涨。 She became the model of instant fame, once again told the entertainment world rookie, so long as made a good work, thinks that red was not the difficult matter. 她成了一夜成名的典范,又一次告诉娱乐圈新人,只要出一部好作品,想红不是难事。 How can rub to a good work? Very simple, so long as ganging up Qin Ze were good, no matter you want to take the film and television route, is the singer route, so long as gangs up with Qin Ze. 怎样才能蹭到一部好作品?很简单,只要勾搭上秦泽就好了,不管你是想走影视路线,还是歌星路线,只要勾搭秦泽 Is such simple. 就是这么简单。 In rookie who the Tianfang reserve artist rolls, passes on, said that Feng Rui ganged up with Qin Ze, slept with him, therefore had the day of raising one's head. 天方后备艺人团的新人里,就是这么传的,说枫瑞勾搭上了秦泽,陪他睡觉,所以才有了出头之日。 Otherwise has no way to explain that her rookie, why can obtain such important role? 不然没法解释啊,她一个新人,凭什么能得到这么重要的角色? Has not accompanied to rest, right, accompanies to rest. 还不是陪睡的,对,陪睡。 Really dirty py transaction. 真是肮脏的py交易啊。 Was known as outward invests 500 million big piece «Subduing Demons Record», scenery two weeks later, encountered very uncomfortable place. 对外号称投资五亿的大片《降魔录》,风光两礼拜后,遭遇了很尴尬的境地。 Sovereign Dynasty Entertainment. 皇朝娱乐 „Do we want no longer to buy internet merc?” film director of Subduing Demons Record dramatic team, found the leadership of marketing department, the whole face is unwilling. “咱们要不再花点钱买水军?”降魔录剧组的导演,找到市场部的领导,满脸不甘。 This momentum, cannot block.” The marketing department leaders shake the head, sigh. “这势头,挡不住的。”市场部领导摇头,叹气。 We walk the relations, making arrangement rate propose.” film director clenches teeth to say. “那咱们走走关系,让排片率提一提。”导演咬牙道。 We first present arrangement rate, is that side the movie theater makes to make concessions, in wants to raise upward, must fall A Chinese Odyssey arrangement rate, A Chinese Odyssey can make money, why do others fall arrangement rate? Are the relations good, can catch up make money importantly? Moreover, we relate in Shanghai are good, had/left Shanghai, whose bird we? Shanghai arrangement rate, raises merely similarly.” The leaders shake the head. “咱们先现在的排片率,已经是电影院那边做出退让了,在想往上提,就得降大话西游排片率,大话西游能赚钱,人家凭什么降排片率?关系再好,赶得上赚钱重要?而且,咱们关系在沪市还行,出了沪市,谁鸟咱们?仅仅沪市排片率,提不提都差不多。”领导摇头。 film director knows certainly that this truth, arrangement rate came according to the market demand, but he is unwilling. 导演当然知道这个道理,排片率是根据市场需求来了,可他不甘心啊。 He is not that type starts own party in entertainment world very popular big film director, attaches under the Sovereign Dynasty film and television, the obtained resources and oneself performance ability emulate. 他不是那种自立门户在娱乐圈很吃得开的大导演,依附在皇朝影视旗下,所得的资源和本人的业绩能力看齐。 This film invests much, is known as five outward hundred million, actually 300 million, invested does not calculate few. 这部片子投资不少,对外号称五个亿,其实就三亿,投资不算少了。 But the on the shelf for half a month, «Subduing Demons Record» box office five hundred million, all are reason that because is under the A Chinese Odyssey impact. 可上架半个月,《降魔录》的票房五个亿,一切都是因为受到大话西游冲击的原因。 This wave really owed. 这波是真的亏了。 Can hardly absolve as film director him, later company prepares for showing the new piece, first chooses him very much difficultly again. 做为导演的他难辞其咎,以后公司筹拍新片,很难再优先选择他。 „The company fund also no longer supported to buy internet merc with here, the movie of another investment will open next month . Moreover, the company two singers, held the concert, sent the special edition, must start to get ready ahead of time. Did not chat with you, my here busy.” The leaders point to the door. 公司资金也不再支持买水军用在这里了,另一部投资的电影下个月上映,另外,公司两个歌手,一个开演唱会,一个发专辑,都得提前开始准备了。不和你聊了,我这边忙。”领导下逐客令。
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