MESIS :: Volume #5

#487: Life-long Love

Following plot Supreme Treasure falls the cliff, saved three pirates accidentally. But Zixia Tang Monk and the others, was seized by Ox Demon King. This time, revealed the fierce fang with Ox Demon King that Princess Iron Fan broke off, no longer false gentle, forced the Zixia seven days later marriage, otherwise killed Tang Monk and her elder sister. 后续剧情至尊宝摔下悬崖,无意中救了三个江洋大盗。而紫霞唐僧等人,又被牛魔王抓走了。这一次,和铁扇公主决裂的牛魔王露出了狰狞的獠牙,不再虚伪温柔,强迫紫霞七天后结婚,不然就把唐僧和她姐姐杀死。 Zixia complies, why Qingxia asked her, she sat near the table, resting one's chin in one's hands, the look anticipation was also happy: My loved one is matchless hero, one day he will treadon seven-colored magic cloud also to marry me.” 紫霞一口就答应下来,青霞问她为何,她坐在桌边,托着腮,神色期待又美好:“我的意中人是盖世英雄,总有一天他会脚踏七彩祥云还娶我。” This performing skill explodes very much, under the candlelight, the elder sister's face mild jade such as, sparkles the shining pupil to be full of the anticipation, is soft. 这段演技很爆炸的,烛光下,姐姐的脸温润玉如,闪闪发亮的眸子饱含期待,柔情似水。 Puts in online, Zixia this is called vertical fiag. 搁在网上,紫霞这叫做立fiag。 Qin Baobao really attractive, I a little anticipated that you continued to act in a play.” 秦宝宝是真的漂亮,我有点期待你继续演戏了。” Yes, liked her more and more.” “是啊是啊,越来越喜欢她了。” Everywhere low sound of talking that transmits the audience. 四处传来观众的低语声。 The sound is very light, all relies on the Qin Ze informer is intelligent, this is he deliberately chooses to sit in one of the corner reasons. 声音很轻,全依赖于秦泽耳目聪敏,这是他刻意选择坐在角落的原因之一。 Feared that some audience look at elder sister pretty like the flower, blurted out lovably, thought this kind of words. 就怕有观众看姐姐貌美如花,脱口而出“可爱,想”这类话。 Qin Baobao pushes half cup of coffee to Qin Ze, elder sister could not drink.” 秦宝宝把半杯咖啡推给秦泽,“姐姐喝不下了。” Wang Zijin looked at her one eyes, pushes the Cola: Elder sister could not drink.” 王子衿瞄了她一眼,也把可乐推过来:“姐也喝不下了。” Qin Ze nods, drinks coffee, drinks Cola , indicating oneself are glad is elder sisters works. 秦泽点点头,喝一口咖啡,又喝一口可乐,表示自己很乐意为姐姐们效劳。 Look, the elder sister juice came. 看吧,姐汁来了。 Mother Qin: „” 秦妈:“” When mother's sudden heart is quite tired. 当妈的突然心好累。 Another side, Supreme Treasure leads three pirates to arrive at water curtain cave, the thieves think of gratefully his benevolence, was the friend with him. 另一边,至尊宝带着三个江洋大盗来到水帘洞,大盗们感念他的恩情,与他做了朋友。 I thought certainly of Jingjing.” “我一定是太想念晶晶了。” Yes, you faint called Jingjing to call the 98 time.” “是啊,你昏倒的时候叫晶晶叫了九十八次。” „, Jingjing is my wife.” “呵,晶晶是我娘子嘛。” Named Zixia, you called the 784 time.” “还有一个叫紫霞的,你叫了七百八十四次。” Ha?” “哈?” Knows obviously Zixia is female lead, but sees here, the audience somewhat was still surprised. Before then, is Zixia has carried a torch for Supreme Treasure, but Supreme Treasure to her, only then the use does not have the sentiment. 明明知道紫霞女主,但看到这里,观众仍然有几分意外。在这之前,一直是紫霞单恋至尊宝,而至尊宝对她只有利用没有感情。 Therefore the audience thought that Zixia is love-struck idiot, they simply had not noticed that Supreme Treasure displays to Zixia, even if little liking. 所以观众都觉得紫霞花痴,他们根本没有看到至尊宝紫霞表现出哪怕一点点的喜欢。 Then, Supreme Treasure met studying with a teacher Bai Jingjing in water curtain cave, 500 years later, the old sweetheart has a reunion. 接着,至尊宝在水帘洞中遇见了拜师学艺的白晶晶,五百,老情人重逢。 Supreme Treasure successfully moved Bai Jingjing, two people hold the wedding in water curtain cave. 至尊宝成功感动了白晶晶,两人在水帘洞举行婚礼。 Remote Ox Demon Palace, is also holding the wedding. 遥远的牛魔宫,同样在举行婚礼。 On the eve of the marriage, Supreme Treasure sat in water curtain cave is in a daze, is recalling and Zixia past. 结婚前夕,至尊宝坐在水帘洞中发呆,回忆着和紫霞的过去。 He spoke frankly that oneself has deceived Zixia again, but Zixia said, deceives deceives, like the moth, clear(ly) will know will be injured, will throw. 他坦言自己一直再骗紫霞,但紫霞说,骗就骗吧,就像飞蛾一样,明知道会受伤,还是会扑上去。 The moth is so silly! 飞蛾这么傻! Zixia thinks. 紫霞是这么认为的。 I the 500 year later passes through, to save Bai Jingjing, found her, marries her, makes up for the 500 year later had a deficit and regretted. 我从五百年后穿越过来,为的是拯救白晶晶,找到她,娶她,弥补五百年后的亏欠和遗憾。 Supreme Treasure thinks. 至尊宝是这么认为的。 Therefore he denied that oneself likes Zixia, he must like Bai Jingjing being good, like this he goes through many hardships done is meaningful. 所以他否认自己喜欢紫霞,他一定要喜欢白晶晶才行,这样他历尽艰辛所做的一切就有意义。 Loving one is to need the reason, he made so many for Bai Jingjing, therefore he loves Bai Jingjing. 爱一个是需要理由的,他为白晶晶做了这么多,所以他爱白晶晶 This is the reason. 这就是理由。 Zixia is only the person who he knows, before has deceived her, uses her, now is a little at heart guilty, after all she must marry Ox Demon King, marries person who does not like, that is all. 紫霞只是他认识的人,以前骗过她,利用她,现在心里有点内疚而已,毕竟她要嫁给牛魔王了嘛,嫁给不喜欢的人,仅此而已。 The screening hall is very peaceful, everyone looks at the big screen silently. 放映厅很安静,大家默默看着大荧幕。 Through plot, dialogue and recollection, intertwining of Supreme Treasure innermost feelings with vacant, in incisiveness that in front of the audience displays 通过剧情、对话、回忆,至尊宝内心的纠结和茫然,在观众面前表现的淋漓尽致 The wedding has not certainly formed, the bride travelled in the marriage on the same day, stays behind a letter/believes to Supreme Treasure. 婚礼当然没结成,新娘在结婚当天跑路了,给至尊宝留下一封信。 Bai Jingjing said, your conscience told me, the person who you most loved was not I, but was another daughter. 白晶晶说,你的良心告诉我,你最爱的人不是我,而是另外一个女儿。 Supreme Treasure can the deceit, but he has no way to deceive oneself conscience, but this truth was opened, he is unable to deceive oneself and others finally. 至尊宝可以自我欺骗,但他没法欺骗自己的良心,但这个真相被揭开,他终于无法自欺欺人了。 The letter/believes that Bai Jingjing stays behind made Supreme Treasure see the conscience, but Spring Thirteen Mother killed instantly, made him see the light suddenly. 白晶晶留下的信让至尊宝看到了良心,而春十三娘杀死的刹那,则让他顿悟。 Right, he is loving Zixia, that woman left behind drop of tears in him. 没错,他爱着紫霞,那个女人在他心里留下了一滴泪。 In the hole the ray shines, solemn attractive Guanyin — Bodhisattva of Compassion appears. 洞中光芒亮起,端庄漂亮的观音菩萨出现。 This is Zijin.” Mother Qin smiled. “这是子衿。”秦妈笑了。 Un, the aunt I am run extras.” Wang Zijin said, she pinched Qin Ze quietly. “嗯,阿姨我就是跑个龙套。”王子衿说,她悄悄掐了秦泽一把。 This is Wang Zijin forcefully to the play that oneself add. 这是王子衿强行给自己加的戏。 Sister Zijin through in secret and Qin Ze smooch the dirty deal, strove for extras of two plays for oneself. 子衿姐通过私下里和秦泽么么哒的肮脏交易,为自己争取到了两部戏的龙套 Five minutes of extras, satisfies a craving! 五分钟的龙套,过瘾! I must remind your one time again, after the tight band puts on, you are not a mortal, the society passion cannot moisten the least bit again, otherwise the tight band will more receive is tighter.” “我要再提醒你一次,紧箍戴上之后,你再也不是个凡人,人世间的情欲不能再沾半点,不然紧箍会越收越紧。” Understood.” “明白。” Finally, what did you have to say?” “最后,你还有什么想说的?” Once had a sincere love to be placed in my front, but I have not treasured, waited till lost is too late to regret, in this mortal world the most painful matter was this, if ascended the sky the opportunity comes again one time to me, I will say to that girl: I love you! If must add a deadline in this love, I hope that is the 10,000 year!” “曾经有份真挚的爱情摆在我的面前,可我没有珍惜,等到了失去才追悔莫及,尘世间最痛苦的事莫过于此,如果上天再给我机会重来一次,我会对那个女孩说:我爱你!如果非要在这段爱情上加一个期限,我希望是一万年!” Wears the applied band, has not really cut off this world, rather, does not wear the tight band, I cannot save you. 戴上紧箍,不是真的已经斩断凡尘,而是,不戴紧箍,我没能去救你。 The similar lines, the laughter rose from all directions before. 同样的台词,之前笑声四起。 But now, the audience do not feel funnily. 而现在,观众们已经不觉得好笑了。 This is a drama that is having the myth coat. 这是一部披着神话外衣的爱情剧。 Similarly, is a tragedy that is having the comedy coat. 同样,也是一部披着喜剧外衣的悲剧。 In the Ox Demon Palace wedding, Ox Demon King forced Zixia to bow to Heaven and Earth to get married with him, drank the nuptial cups. 牛魔宫的婚礼中,牛魔王强迫紫霞与他拜堂成亲,喝了交杯酒。 The beautiful women suffer disaster, waited for matchless hero to rescue. 美人遭难,就等着盖世英雄去救了。 Takes a look at this old routine! 瞧瞧这这老套路 „, Has done obeisance to appear in court, Zixia was the Ox Demon King woman.” “诶,已经拜过堂了,紫霞牛魔王的女人了。” Qin Ze heard to have a girl to say one behind in a low voice. 秦泽听见身后有个女孩低声说了一句。 Many people watch the movie, always nonchalant neglects some essential lines, they take seriously the plot, female protagonist suffer distress, male protagonist foot treads seven-colored magic cloud to enter the stage, grasps the golden cudgel sweeping demon, is touching, to affirmed finally the lover becomes the family member finally. 很多人看电影,总是不经意的忽略一些关键台词,他们更重视剧情,女主角受难,男主角脚踏七彩祥云出场,手持金箍棒扫荡邪魔,多感人,到最后肯定有情人终成眷属吧。 It is not more and more able to accept the age of tragedy result in this audience seriously, the commercialization to will only cater to the movie age of audience taste, later will definitely have the reverse, Sun Wukong will definitely not abandon Zixia. 在这个观众越来越无法接受悲剧结局的年代,商业化严重到只会迎合观众口味的电影年代,后期肯定会有反转,孙悟空肯定不会抛弃紫霞 But quick, was disappointed with the audience of this kind of thought. 但很快,怀着此类念头的观众失望了。 Sun Wukong not only does not rescue Zixia, various his even spoken languages shame Zixia, looks the expression that in the big screen Zixia puts in great inconvenience to and loses, Qin Baobao's fans loves dearly. 孙悟空非但不是救紫霞的,他甚至各种言语羞辱紫霞,看着大荧幕中紫霞委屈又失落的表情,秦宝宝的粉丝心疼不已。 Sun Wukong fights Ox Demon King this can be said as the entire movie most consuming the fund part, entire journey high energy special effects, the fighting scene is magnificent. 孙悟空大战牛魔王这一段可以说是整部电影最耗资金的一部分,全程高能特效,打斗场面壮观。 Manufactures through 3D special effects, each lens spent Qin Ze a lot of money. 通过3d特效制作出来,每一个镜头都花了秦泽不少的钱。 If no one has the rhythm, is only this special effects, sufficed to gain the reputation. 如果没有人带节奏,光是这特效,就够赚口碑了。 Also good.” old gentleman approved one. “还不错。”老爷子赞了一句。 Fights kills the deicide modern drama not to have interest Mother Qin to look with great interest. 对打打杀杀神话剧没兴趣的秦妈都看的津津有味。 The audience in screening hall resounds the 1~2 sound to exclaim in surprise from time to time, looked eyes cannot take it all. 放映厅的观众时而响起一两声惊叹,看的目不暇接。 15 minute of high energy special effects of comes to an end, Ox Demon King does not beat Great Sage, under has no way out, offers a sacrifice to the palm-leaf fan, will put in order the Ox Demon Palace fan to come up to Sun. 十五分钟的高能特效接近尾声,牛魔王不敌大圣,走投无路之下,祭出芭蕉扇,将整座牛魔宫扇到太阳上去。 Qin Ze has once thought goes to Sun the entire city fan, afterward found, such words of doing, a city and a palace, money of expenditure differed several times. 秦泽曾想过把整座城扇到太阳去,后来了解到,那样做的话,一座城和一座宫,花费的钱相差了好几倍。 When the Ox Demon King fork pricks the flash of Zixia body, screening hall low calls. 牛魔王的叉子刺入紫霞身体的一刹那,放映厅一片低呼声。 As if unbelievable, did female protagonist die unexpectedly? 似乎难以置信,女主角竟然死了? „Did female protagonist die?” 女主角死了吗?” Uh...... pulled, how female protagonist can die.” ……太扯了吧,女主角怎么能死。” Sun Wukong good unfeeling.” 孙悟空好绝情。” Behind can definitely resurrect, Sun Wukong meets the creating a disturbance hell.” “后面肯定能复活,孙悟空会打闹地府的。” On the big screen, Great Sage Who is Equal to Heaven is hugging Zixia, feels her life to pass rapidly. Just as she said that she is not Celestial, therefore the pain of difficult running away samsara. 大荧幕上,齐天大圣搂着紫霞,感受到她生命飞速流逝。正如她所说,她已不是神仙,因此难逃轮回之苦。 On his face a wood piece, the lens give him here the feature article. 他脸上木愣愣的一片,镜头在这里给他特写。 The wooden face, the audience actually looks in his deathly stillness pupil obviously, raises spontaneously a sorrow. 明明毫无表情的脸,观众却看着他死寂的瞳孔中,油然升起一股悲恸。 My loved one, is a matchless hero, some day he will step on the seven colors clouds to meet me, I guessed the opening, but I cannot guess correctly this result.” “我的意中人,是一个盖世英雄,有一天他会踩着七色的云彩里接我,我猜中了开头,可我猜不到这结局。” Great Sage Who is Equal to Heaven closely grips her hand, but head tight band more receives is tighter, more receives is tighter, two manpower separate gradually. 齐天大圣紧紧握住她的手,但头上的紧箍越收越紧,越收越紧,两人手渐渐分离。 The female of phoenix coronet cape or shawl worn by upper-class ladies in ancient times flutters with the wind, crashes into this world. 凤冠霞帔的女子随风飘走,坠入凡尘。 On the screen, Great Sage Who is Equal to Heaven covers the head, the pain is wanting crazily, face upwards the sorrowful cry. 荧幕上,齐天大圣捂着头,痛欲狂,仰天恸哭。 This feature article is for a half minute, Sun Wukong from expression wooden to weeping bitterly, the expression transforms is splendid. Does not face upward to angrily roar to express that like other movies sad crazy, he really cries, desperate calling out in grief. 这一段的特写长达半分钟,孙悟空从表情木然到痛哭,表情转换非常精彩。不像其他电影那样仰天怒吼一声来表示悲伤的疯狂,他是真的哭,一声声绝望的悲鸣。 Arrived causes the tight band suppression because of the temper tantrum finally, the Sun Wukong radical collapse, changing to an appearance is ugly, fang fierce apes and monkeys. 到最后因情绪失控导致紧箍镇压,孙悟空彻底崩溃,化作一只面目丑陋,獠牙狰狞的猿猴。 This is in the Qin Ze entire movie, that the performing skill most explodes. 这是秦泽整部电影里,演技最爆炸的一段。 At this time, in big screening hall quiet piece, without the laughter does not have tsukkomi, everyone silent is looking at the screen. 此时,偌大的放映厅里静悄悄一片,没有笑声没有吐槽,大家无声的望着荧幕。 Quick, Qin Ze hears that to accompany the boyfriend to look the girl who behind together movie is sobbing. Cannot hear the comfort of her boyfriend, Qin Ze to turn head to look, discovered the man is also red the eye socket, is afraid is seen by person, is stiff the body, pretends diligently unemotionally. 很快,秦泽听见身后那个陪男朋友一起看电影的女孩在抽泣。听不见她男友的安慰,秦泽扭头看去,发现男人也红着眼眶,害怕被身边的人看见,僵着身子,努力装作面无表情。 He detected that the Qin Ze's vision, it seems like, Qin Ze has returned to go. 他察觉到秦泽的目光,看来,秦泽已经转回头去。 In the screening hall, there is a sad atmosphere to fill the air. 放映厅里,有股悲伤的气氛在弥漫。 The movie had not ended , to continue to look. 电影还没结束,继续看下去。 After the moonlight treasure box flees, Sun Wukong wakes up to discover oneself in an inn, the masters and disciples four people passed by this place, eats while traveling to stay at an inn. 通过月光宝盒逃离后,孙悟空醒来发现自己在一家客栈,师徒四人路过此地,打尖住店。 Why will present here? Sun Wukong are not clear, when he wakes up already on road of learning from experienced people, when he asked the Zhu Bajie Ox Demon Palace matter, Zhu Bajie actually knew nothing about to say. 为什么会出现这里?孙悟空自己也不清楚,他醒来时已经在取经的路上,当他问起猪八戒牛魔宫的事情,猪八戒却茫然不知道。 He opens the door of inn, outside is sunny, if the pedestrian weaves. 他推开客栈的门,外面阳光灿烂,行人如织。 500 year ago all, about Zixia all, as if are only a dreamland. 五百年前的一切,关于紫霞的一切,似乎只是一场梦境。 The masters and disciples four people leave the inn, goes out of town, steps the road of heading west. 师徒四人离开客栈,出城,踏上西行之路。 Close to the city gate, seeing the front to gather round the people, raises head to look into the tower over a city gate. 临近城门,看见前方围着群众,仰头眺望城楼。 Wukong, has a look.” 悟空,去看看。” Yes.” “是。” On the tower over a city gate the men and women confront, female beautiful unparalleled, skirt sleeve flutters. The men are handsome, are holding treasured sword. 城楼上男女对峙,女子妖艳无双,裙袂翻飞。男人英俊挺拔,抱着一柄宝剑 It seems like I should not come.” “看来我不应该来。” Now knows, too late.” “现在才知道,太晚了。” I have the lover, we will not have the result, you ask me to leave.” “我已经有爱人了,我们不会有结果,你让我走吧。” Good, you can walk, but you must kiss my.” “好,你可以走,但你要亲我一下。” Under tower over a city gate common people booing. 城楼下百姓起哄声。 If you reject me, you will regret for a lifetime.” “如果你拒绝我,你会后悔一辈子。” Regretted that I do not meet after the wedding, can only meet by chance to hate strangely late, people are just the victims of fate.” “后悔我也不会亲,只能怪相逢恨晚,造化弄人。” The lens gave the female a feature article, her stubborn expression, touching look. 镜头给了女子一个特写,她倔强的表情,凄婉的眼神。 Under the tower over a city gate, Great Sage Who is Equal to Heaven stares crazily. 城楼下,齐天大圣痴痴凝望。 At this time, the musical sound hiked up. 这时,音乐声飘起。 Formerly, now, does not come in the past.” “从前,现在,过去了再不来。” Red, the fallen leaf, long buries in the dust.” “红红,落叶,长埋尘土内。” The music comes out, everyone goosebumps got up, that is worked up the mood by the singing sound. 音乐一出来,所有人鸡皮疙瘩都起来了,那是被歌声调动起来情绪。 The whole body uncontrolled hits to tremble. 浑身不受控制的打寒颤。 Starts to end always, has not changed changes.” “开始终结总是,没变改。” You of horizon drift, outside white clouds.” “天边的你漂泊,白云外。” Great Sage Who is Equal to Heaven blows the evil wind, the bending down man, he moves toward Zixia, probably passes through the long 500 year time. 齐天大圣刮起妖风,俯身男子,他走向“紫霞”,像是走过漫长的五百年时光。 Sea of bitterness, turns to like hating.” “苦海,翻起爱恨。” „In world, is difficult to evade the destiny.” “在世间,难逃避命运。” Two people hug and kiss on the tower over a city gate. 两人在城楼上拥吻。 The men and women support amid the applause of downstairs common people, but Great Sage Who is Equal to Heaven turns around resolutely, steps his road of heading west. Formerly and in the past, liked hating with the rival in love, henceforth threw behind. 男女在楼下百姓的掌声中相拥,而齐天大圣毅然转身,踏上他的西行之路。从前和过去,爱恨与情仇,从此抛在身后。 matchmake is unexpectedly unapproachable.” 相亲竟不可接近。” Or I should believe that is fate “或我应该相信是缘份” Sea of bitterness, turns to like hating.” “苦海,翻起爱恨。” „In world, is difficult to evade the destiny.” “在世间,难逃避命运。” Does not know that many of fine hair raise up, men and women who in the crazy staring movie hug and kiss. 不知道多少人汗毛竖起,痴痴凝视影片中拥吻的男女。 „The appearance of that person is quite strange.” “那个人的样子好怪。” I also saw, hiss ~ his probably dog.” “我也看到了,嘶~他好像一条狗诶。” His probably dog. 他好像一条狗。 The audience look at the Great Sage Who is Equal to Heaven back, they felt that oneself heart was gripped ruthlessly. 观众们看着齐天大圣的背影,他们感觉自己的心脏被狠狠扎了一下。 A very complex mood wells up, sad, vacant and disconsolate 一股很复杂的情绪涌起来,悲伤、茫然、惆怅 Qin Ze turned head, seeing elder sister to cry. 秦泽扭头,看见姐姐又哭了。 The movie ended, the light of screening hall shines. 电影结束了,放映厅的灯光亮起。 Dozens audience actually immerse in the ending, for a very long time is hard to extricate oneself. 几十名观众却沉浸在结尾中,久久难以自拔。
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