MESIS :: Volume #5

#486: First showing

Inside and outside two movie town from the parents family/home, wears the elder sister and younger brother of duckbill cap and mask two, and Wang Zijin, is accompanying the parental going in movie theater, bought the ticket, Qin Ze gives elder sister to buy one cup of coffee, Sister Zijin one cup of Cola, a parents two bottles of mineral water. 距离爸妈家两里外的影视城,戴着鸭舌帽和口罩的姐弟俩,以及王子衿,陪着父母进去电影院,买完票,秦泽又给姐姐买了一杯咖啡,子衿姐一杯可乐,爸妈两瓶矿泉水。 How don't you drink?” elder sister is carrying the coffee, wears the mask. “你怎么不喝?”姐姐端着咖啡,戴着口罩。 I am not thirsty.” Qin Ze said. “我不渴。”秦泽道。 He estimated, the elder sister coffee most drinks half, will lose to him, Sister Zijin likewise. 他估计,姐姐咖啡最多喝一半,就会丢给他,子衿姐同理。 Therefore so long as he drank the elder sister juice to be good. 所以他只要喝姐汁就好了。 The whole families sit in the rest area, waits for the movie to start, ten minutes. 一家人坐在休息区,等着电影开始,还有十分钟 The 《A Chinese Odyssey》 topic is too high in the online heat degree, old gentleman listened to the colleague to talk over in the office for these days daily, attended class also has the student to raise hand to ask occasionally bold: Teacher Qin, Qin Ze has the confidence in the Second Part counterattack box office. 《大话西游》的话题在网上热度太高,老爷子这几天在办公室天天听同事念叨,上课偶尔还有学生胆大包天举手发问:秦老师,秦泽有信心在第二部逆袭票房吗。 Mother Qin is also this, the aunts when with community chats, the aunt topic will always pull to A Chinese Odyssey on, said that your family son owed a lot of money, does A Chinese Odyssey really invest many hundreds of millions? 秦妈也是这样,和小区的大妈们唠嗑时,大妈话题总是会扯到大话西游上,说你家儿子亏了不少钱吧,大话西游真的投资好几亿? Now A Chinese Odyssey 2 screens, old gentleman calls to summon the children to go home, said that has a look together. 现在大话西游2上映,老爷子打电话召唤儿女回家,说一起去看看。 Naturally does not have the issue, although A Chinese Odyssey is throwing over the drama of myth theme, but the article is very pure, male female protagonist does not have the bed scene, kisses the play continually only then ending that. 当然没问题啊,大话西游虽然是披着神话题材的爱情剧,但通篇都很纯洁的,男女主角没床戏,连吻戏都只有结尾那一幕。 Although the ending is he and elder sister's kisses the play, but Qin Ze, so long as used a pretext is the substitute person on the line. 虽然结尾是他和姐姐的吻戏,但秦泽只要推说是替身就行了。 After ten minutes, checking enters the stadium. 十分钟后,检票入场。 Qin Ze chose by the position of corner, lets itself as far as possible and elder sister is not so noticeable. 秦泽选了个靠角落的位置,尽量让自己和姐姐不那么引人注目。 The taking a seat rate/lead has not imagined is so high, is only filled with half of seats probably. 入座率没有想象中的那么高,大概只坐满一半席位。 Such person?” Qin Baobao is pursing the lips, the complexion is unwilling. “就这么点人吗?”秦宝宝撅着嘴,脸色不甘。 This is the first showing, if the first day taking a seat rate/lead is not full, that explained that this movie supported such. Naturally also has the late counterattack, but the present fact, making elder sister very depressed. 这是首映啊,如果第一天入座率都不爆满,那说明这部电影撑死了就那样了。当然也有后期逆袭的,可眼前的事实,让姐姐很沮丧。 „Affected by the public opinion, in without the means that has had a mind to prepare.” Qin Ze is saying, sits side elder sister. “受到舆论影响,没办法,早就有心里准备了。”秦泽说着,坐在姐姐身边。 The side first looks, the elder sister's chest scale is really big, regards as the range to lean horizontally to become peak, the height respectively is far and near different. 侧头一看,姐姐的胸脯规模真的是大,横看成岭侧成峰,远近高低各不同。 Turns head to look at the chest of Sister Zijin again, wanted to say also rests, wants saying that also rested. 再扭头看子衿姐的胸脯,欲说还休,欲说还休。 B Grade big shot calculated well, but with D Grade, was precisely D Grade peak elder sister compares, missed much. b级大佬算不错了,但和d级,且是d级巅峰的姐姐比,差了不少。 Reveals the sharp sharp corner/horn as for that only poodle little responsibility, wants the language tears first to flow. 至于那只泰迪小荷才露尖尖角,欲语泪先流。 „, Looked that this we go to the next door to look at «Subduing Demons Record».” “诶,看完这场咱们就去隔壁看《降魔录》吧。” Un, if film does not have the meaning, we looked that half walk.” “嗯,如果片子没意思,咱们看一半就走。” actually does not think, but I am the Qin Baobao's dying loyal powder, her movie must support.” “其实不想来看,但我是秦宝宝的死忠粉,她的电影一定要捧场。” Qin Baobao sang well resulted, made what movie, has had several successful movies, she fell unable to pull out in inside, put the cart before the horse.” 秦宝宝好好唱歌就得了,拍什么电影,有过几部成功的电影,她就陷在里面拔不出来了,本末倒置。” Qin Ze is also, writes his song is not good well? calm and free from worldly affairs is the actor, must be the screenwriter, invests hundreds of millions this unable to receive continually.” 秦泽也是,好好写他的歌不行?或者安安心心当演员,非要当编剧,投资几亿连本都收不回来。” Floating, the A Chinese Odyssey box office, should give him a heavy slap in the face. Also on our these fans handful of him, you looked, this taking a seat rate/lead.” “飘了呗,不过大话西游的票房,应该会给他一个沉重的耳光。也就咱们这些粉丝捧他了,你看,就这点入座率。” Front several gay guy chirp chat. 前排几个基佬叽叽喳喳的聊天。 The movie started. 电影开始了。 The movie beginning, in a beautiful scenery village, outside the village, there is an inn. 电影开场,在一片山清水秀的村庄,村庄外,有一家客栈。 Zixia that Qin Baobao acts, an ancient costume enters the stage, satisfactory . Is pulling a small donkey, before arriving at the inn gate, raises the charming oval face: Yuelai Inn!” 秦宝宝扮演的紫霞,一身古装出场,美美哒。牵着一匹小毛驴,走到客栈门前,扬起娇媚的瓜子脸:“悦来客栈!” Immediately had two to receive the reins of small donkey to pull slightly, Qin Baobao entered the inn, saw the aged storekeeper in the oil lamp, the oil lamp not wick, but old storekeeper actually suddenly unceasingly. 当即有小二接过小毛驴的缰绳牵走,秦宝宝进入客栈,看见老迈的掌柜在点油灯,油灯并无灯芯,但老掌柜却恍然不绝。 Zixia corner of the mouth raised, the smiling face is gorgeous: Storekeeper, your cannot ignite, only then oil, without wick.” 紫霞嘴角一挑,笑容艳丽:“掌柜的,你这样是点不着的,只有油,没灯芯诶。” Sighing of storekeeper: Was reasonable, however Tathāgata Buddha Ancestor the wick of your presence that lamp did not have, where bought?” 掌柜的叹气:“有道理,但是如来佛祖的座前那盏灯的灯芯没了,哪里买?” Voice side drop, several streams light/only shoot from the inn, presses up to Zixia Fairy Maiden. 话音方落,几道流光从客栈四面射来,直逼紫霞仙子 Zixia Fairy Maiden avoids, the sawdust that the place that stood explodes flies horizontally, in the lens, the dust and sawdust are especially lifelike, solely is special effects of this lens, does very is good. 紫霞仙子避开,原先站立的地方炸的木屑横飞,镜头中,粉尘和木屑格外逼真,单单是这一个镜头的特效,就做的非常好。 In the inn several people appear the true body. 客栈里几个人现出真身。 The Zixia sword refers to the people, teased: Yo, is Erlang Shen and Four Great Heavenly Kings.” 紫霞剑指众人,调侃道:“呦,原来是二郎神四大天王。” Zixia, you and your elder sister is Tathāgata Buddha Ancestor your presence, entangles in the same place wick, you not only descend to earth secretly, but also the person told everywhere, if who can draw out your Ziqing Treasured Sword, you marry anyone. Ignores simply superstitiously, treason and heresy.” 紫霞,你和你姐姐原本是如来佛祖座前,缠在一起的灯芯,你不但私自下凡,还到处跟人说如果谁能拔出你的紫青宝剑,你就嫁给谁。简直罔顾天条,大逆不道。” These words, selected the female protagonist background and true body. 这句话,点出了女主角的背景、真身。 The audience look with great interest. 观众们看的津津有味。 Suddenly discovered, Second Part also looks good, this opening, special effects is good, the story is good, the lines are not awkward, performing skill online. 突然发现,第二部还蛮好看的,就这个开头,特效好,故事不错,台词不尴尬,演技在线。 „Is script you writes? The wick turned into the monster even, yesterday I looked at the movie criticism, this Zixia and did Great Sage Who is Equal to Heaven fall in love?” old gentleman a little dumbfounded. “剧本是你写的?灯芯变成妖怪就算了,昨天我看影评,这个紫霞齐天大圣相爱了?”老爷子有点懵逼 He watches the quite rigorous movie generally, or inference, or literary arts, or humanistic mood. These special effects pieces, what Diamond Dog, what spider man, what avenger crazed demon he does not look. 他一般都是看比较严谨的电影,或推理、或文艺、或人文情怀。那些特效片,什么金刚狗,什么蜘蛛人,什么复仇者狂魔他都不看。 Also is the script that the son writes, subconscious brings the vision that finds fault the criticism regards. 又是儿子写的剧本,下意识的带着挑刺批评的目光看待。 God modern drama wants what logic.” Qin Ze tsukkomi. “神话剧要什么逻辑吗。”秦泽吐槽 Myth is also good, the science fiction is also good, cannot leave the logic.” old gentleman said. “神话也好,科幻也好,都离不开逻辑。”老爷子道。 Qin Ze whispered: Homogeneous mutual attraction, world highest good. The different kind fall in love, is more exciting.” 秦泽嘀咕道:“同性相吸,天地至理。异类相爱,更加刺激。” What did you say?” “你说什么?” Without saying what/anything, I recited poetry.” “没说什么啊,我就念诗而已。” What poem?” “什么诗?” Qin Ze whispered: Youngster does not know to worry the taste, falls in love with a building, falls in love with a building. The elder sister fine reputation called a building, wanted to say also rests, wants saying that also rested. The iron pestle opens flowering shrubs, the spring silent pities the rivulet.” 秦泽嘀咕:“少年不识愁滋味,爱上层楼,爱上层楼。姐姐芳名叫层楼,欲说还休,欲说还休。铁杵撑开花丛处,泉眼无声惜细流。” old gentleman knits the brows: whispering said what/anything.” 老爷子皱眉:“嘀嘀咕咕说什么。” The movie continues. 电影继续。 Zixia Fairy Maiden met Supreme Treasure in Five Phases Mountain, burns his sole, gave him three moles. Also was at this time, Supreme Treasure looked at magical mirror which reveals the true form, seen no longer was he, but was a monkey monster. 紫霞仙子五行山遇到了至尊宝,无意间烧伤他的脚底,给了他三颗痣。也是这个时候,至尊宝看了眼照妖镜,看到的不再是他自己,而是一只猴妖。 He knows that oneself was Sun Wukong.” “他知道自己是孙悟空了。” In the dense movie theater, there is a miss loudly called one. 黑压压的电影院里,有个姑娘高声叫了一句。 As the plot progresses, Supreme Treasure draws out Ziqing Treasured Sword accidentally, he and Zixia started the love of connecting the 500 year hates the dispute. 随着剧情进展,至尊宝无意中拔出紫青宝剑,他和紫霞开始了串联五百年的爱恨纠葛。 But at this time, in Supreme Treasure, always felt like that Bai Jingjing is his love, does not pay attention to the Zixia favorable impression. 但此时,在至尊宝心里,始终觉得白晶晶才是他的挚爱,对紫霞的好感不予理睬。 Zixia disappointed, leaves alone. 紫霞失望之下,独自离开。 Afterward, single person of Supreme Treasure met by chance reincarnation Tang Monk, met Ox Demon King, Ox Demon King of this little while with the Sun Wukong quarrel, because of the reason of moonlight treasure box, Supreme Treasure has not passed through the 500 year ago. 后来,独身一人的至尊宝偶遇了转世的唐僧,又遇到了牛魔王,这会儿的牛魔王并没有和孙悟空反目,因为月光宝盒的原因,至尊宝穿越到了五百年前。 In logical, the A Chinese Odyssey that Qin Ze pats, must be clearer than the original works. 在逻辑方面,秦泽拍的这部大话西游,比原著要更清晰一些。 Ox Demon King holds Tang Monk, was happy, the preparation when holds the wedding to eat the Tang Monk meat, he not only invited Sun Wukong to eat the Tang Monk meat together, but also married Sun Wukong younger sister. 牛魔王抓住唐僧,非常高兴,准备在举办婚礼的时候吃唐僧肉,他非但邀请孙悟空一起吃唐僧肉,还把妹妹嫁给孙悟空 Quite attractive, which celebrity is this?” “好漂亮,这是哪个明星?” fuck me, super big beautiful woman.” 卧槽,超级大美女。” Has not seen her, is the rookie?” “没见过她啊,是新人?” Audience whoa. 观众惊叹声。 „Does Su Yu develop?” old gentleman smiles hē hē to say. 苏钰演的?”老爷子呵呵道。 Smiles facing the movie, old gentleman that does not smile, showed the smiling face rarely. 面对影片笑点,丝毫不笑的老爷子,难得露出了笑容。 Un, this bridal clothes are very pretty, matches with you.” old gentleman said with a smile. “嗯,这身嫁衣很漂亮,和你蛮配的。”老爷子笑道。 Possibly in old gentleman at heart, Su Yu is his daughter-in-law. 可能在老爷子心里,苏钰已经是他儿媳妇了。 Wang Zijin hidden bitterness looked at old gentleman. 王子衿幽怨的看了眼老爷子 Qin Baobao stared the father, refuted: I feel do not match, with seductress.” 秦宝宝瞪了瞪父亲,反驳道:“我觉得不搭配,跟个狐狸精似的。” In the big screen, the Zixia Ox Demon King Xiangxiang Supreme Treasure four people stand. 大荧幕中,紫霞牛魔王香香至尊宝四个人站在一起。 I oppose this wedding.” Some monsters said. “我反对这门婚事。”有妖怪说。 Said that what/anything said what/anything said what/anything,” Supreme Treasure angrily said: Others a perfect match inborn pair, does the wheel obtain your monster to oppose?” “说什么说什么说什么,”至尊宝怒道:“人家郎才女貌天生一对,轮得到你这个妖怪反对?” old gentleman looks immediately to the daughter, although is not willing to acknowledge, but contrasts, Su Yu is lonely, the daughter is tender and beautiful, his daughter obviously beguiles the child. 老爷子顿时看向女儿,虽然不愿意承认,但对比一下,苏钰冷清漂亮,女儿娇艳妖娆,他女儿明显才是狐媚子吧。 At this time, Princess Iron Fan caught up from afar, same time, Supreme Treasure and Zixia reunion, in small courtyard. 这时,铁扇公主千里迢迢赶过来,同一时间,至尊宝紫霞重逢,在小院子里。 You are proceeding half-step, I gave to kill you.” “你在往前半步,我就把你给杀了。” You should do that I should also die.” “你应该这么做,我也应该死。” „The sincere love were once placed in front of me, I have not treasured, when I lose, I rude awakening, the society most painful matter is this. If the heaven can come opportunity to me again a time, I will say three characters to that girl: I love you!” “曾经有一份真挚的爱情摆在我面前,我没有珍惜,等我失去的时候,我才后悔莫及,人世间最痛苦的事莫过于此。如果上天能给我一个再来一次的机会,我会对那个女孩说三个字:我爱你!” If must fall in love with a deadline in this, I hope that is the 10,000 year!” “如果非要在这份爱上加个期限,我希望是一万年!” Then, Supreme Treasure pulled up Zixia, the retrieval beautiful woman heart, and flickered she to help itself obtain the moonlight treasure box. 就这样,至尊宝撩到了紫霞,重获美人芳心,并忽悠她帮忙自己得到月光宝盒。 With the sentiment to deep Zixia Fairy Maiden, was sold gave back to the population money. 用情至深的紫霞仙子,被人卖了还给人数钱。 This a little exaggerate, therefore in theater laughter. 这段有点浮夸,所以影院里一片笑声。 The Qin Ze heart said, smiles, I also smiled initially, wants to see the ending, these words can also let coming out that you smile. 秦泽心说,笑吧,我当初也笑了,希望看到结尾,这段话还能让你们笑的出来。 Truly no logic.” Mother Qin is depressed to say. “确实没什么逻辑。”秦妈闷闷道。 This plot makes her very uncomfortable. 这段剧情让她很不舒服。 Supreme Treasure and Zixia in others eyes, but in her eye, inside is her son and daughter, saw that the son in a few words the happiness that the daughter coaxes, is very at heart chatty. 别人眼里的至尊宝紫霞,但她眼里,里头是她儿子和女儿,见到儿子三言两语把女儿哄的甜蜜蜜,心里别提多腻歪。 Where does not have the logic, others cannot reach an agreement, mother you cannot reach an agreement.” Qin Baobao swung mother's arm, pitiful being angry said. “哪里没逻辑嘛,别人说不好,妈你也说不好。”秦宝宝摇了摇母亲的手臂,可怜巴巴的嗔道。 During the speeches, the theater is low laughter. 说话间,影院又是一片低低的笑声。 That was Supreme Treasure is speaking intimate conversation with Princess Iron Fan. 那是至尊宝在和铁扇公主说悄悄话。 I thought that First Part time, Ox Demon King said that Sun Wukong enticed the sister-in-law, hā hā hā.” “我想起来了,第一部的时候,牛魔王孙悟空勾引大嫂,哈哈哈。” Brain hole was too big, I who this turned curved was caught off guard.” “脑洞太大了吧,这弯拐的我措手不及。” In the evening two, Supreme Treasure wants tryst Princess Iron Fan, but seizes by Monk Sha and Zhu Bajie, rescues Tang Monk. 晚上二更,至尊宝要私会铁扇公主,但被沙僧猪八戒逮住,去救唐僧 This and first edition is different, inside increased the thrilling exciting theme, in addition magnificent special effects, Monk Sha and Zhu Bajie brought weak Supreme Treasure to overcome the excessive heavy difficulty to see Tang Monk finally. 这段又和原版不同,里面添加了惊险刺激的题材,加上华丽的特效,沙僧猪八戒终于带着鶸至尊宝闯过重重难关见到了唐僧 Arrives here, the plot arrived at a high tide finally. 到这里,剧情终于到了一个小高潮。 Masters and disciples several people escape the failure, by the Ox Demon King older brother and younger sister obstruction. 师徒几人逃跑失败,被牛魔王兄妹阻截。 Entire journey high energy special effects, the fighting movement is intense. 全程高能特效,打斗动作激烈华丽。 The audience look with great interest. 观众看的津津有味。 Because Xiangxiang the reason of moving soul big method, Qingxia and Supreme Treasure soul exchange. 因为香香的移魂大法的原因,青霞至尊宝灵魂互换。 You will not shut out me.” Zhu Bajie is attractive and charming. “你不会嫌弃我吧。”猪八戒深情款款。 Naturally will not vomit ~ “当然不会呕~ You shut out me obviously, good, since then severs completely.” “你明明就是嫌弃我,好,从此一刀两断。” You give me to select time, I spat spit on be used.” “你给我点时间,我吐啊吐就习惯了。” The screening hall laughter is unceasing. 放映厅笑声不断。
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