MESIS :: Volume #5

#485: The father, you listens to me to explain

Sovereign Dynasty Entertainment?” Qin Ze stares. 皇朝娱乐?”秦泽一愣。 Yes, the news is reliable.” Mo Yu said. “是的,消息可靠。”墨俞道。 The Qin Ze ponder, suddenly, is not later strange, Sovereign Dynasty Entertainment investment «Subduing Demons Record» and 《A Chinese Odyssey》 screens same time, the first showing first day was pressed by 《A Chinese Odyssey》 in the crotch. 秦泽沉思,随后恍然,不奇怪,皇朝娱乐投资的《降魔录》和《大话西游》同期上映,首映第一天就被《大话西游》压在胯下。 Since the 《A Chinese Odyssey》 plot is common, is imperfect, but under Qin Ze also talked big box office 3 billion, naturally must hit a person when he is down, seizes the chance to trip somebody up. 既然《大话西游》剧情一般,不够理想,而秦泽又夸下票房三十亿的海口,当然要落井下石,趁机使绊子了。 Sovereign Dynasty Entertainment?” Qin Baobao is angry, sneers saying: Subduing Demons Record slightly is also better than the rotten piece, A'Ze, we same can buy internet merc smearing ink they.” 皇朝娱乐?”秦宝宝大怒,冷笑道:“降魔录也就比烂片稍微好点,阿泽,我们一样可以买水军抹黑他们。” Key is low-key that very others propagandize, without our high-sounding talk, is ten money special effects, is box office 3 billion. Even our smearing ink, the effect does not have their smearing ink we to be good. This is called to set up to make dead flag.” Qin Ze said. “关键是人家宣传的很低调,没咱们高调,又是十块钱特效,又是票房三十亿。就算咱们抹黑,效果也没他们抹黑咱们好。这就叫做立了个作死flag。”秦泽道。 Who makes you brag the boasting.” Qin Baobao complained. “谁让你瞎吹牛皮。”秦宝宝抱怨。 Liberal arts hang poorly, the science subjects dead dwelling, we remained a boasting hobby.” Qin Ze sighed. “文科穷吊,理科死宅,咱就剩点吹牛皮的爱好了。”秦泽叹道。 Qin Baobao also follows to sigh: I send Weibo to propagandize, although will be taunted by the black moles.” 秦宝宝也跟着叹口气:“我发微博宣传一下吧,虽然会被黑子们嘲讽。” Qin Ze feels grateful: Thanks elder sister, each successful younger brother behind, has elder sister.” 秦泽感激道:“谢谢姐姐,每个成功的弟弟身后,都有一个姐姐。” Qin Baobao is happy: You're welcome, behind each successful elder sister, has younger brother.” 秦宝宝开心道:“别客气,每个成功的姐姐后面,都有一个弟弟。” Mo Yu: „” 墨俞:“” The mental illness, does the business blow especially mutually? 特么神经病啊,商业互吹? That, Chief Qin, I first went out to work.” Mo Yu choice dog belt/bring. “那,秦总,我先出去干活了。”墨俞选择狗带。 Worried leaves the Director-General office, let alone the public opinion is noisy, Tianfang was also discussing that the A Chinese Odyssey topic, said this company investment failure, the investment failure is indifferent, Tianfang old be used. 心事重重的离开总裁办公室,别说外界舆论沸沸扬扬,天方内部也在谈大话西游的话题,都说这次公司投资失败,投资失败无所谓,天方老习惯了。 The key is Chief Qin boasts extravagantly before the media, the hit the face pā pā sound, making the company staff also follow awkwardly. 关键是秦总在媒体面前夸了海口,打脸啪啪响,让公司员工也跟着尴尬不已。 But the staff of dramatic team, is extremely depressed, is especially hot compared to the 《If I Become A Memory》 fire of working as a volunteer nature, but the expenditure huge fund, the time-consuming two months, 《A Chinese Odyssey》 of fee/spent completely painstaking care photography actually threw the street. 而剧组的工作人员,则万分沮丧,相对于玩票性质的《如果我变成回忆》大火特火,而花费巨额资金,耗时两个月,费尽心血拍摄的《大话西游》却扑街了。 Two months, the entire dramatic team is very laborious, everyone places the great expectations on the movie. 两个月来,整个剧组都很辛苦,大伙对电影寄予厚望。 After Mo Yu leaves, Qin Baobao continues to watch the piece, licked lollipop, Qin Ze looked for the A4 paper, then these days box office sum total, after estimating Second Part screened, within can one month, make the box office achieve 6 billion, right, was not 3 billion, 3 billion was the monolithic box office. 墨俞离开后,秦宝宝继续看片,舔棒棒糖,秦泽找了张a4纸,这下这几天的票房总和,估算第二部上映后,一个月之内,能不能让票房达到六十亿,没错,不是三十亿,三十亿是单片票房。 If two film total box office 3 billion, that does have what difficulty? 如果是两部片子的总票房三十亿,那有何难度? Considers as finished, fruitless. 算了一阵,无果。 Can be the important reference value the First Part movie box office, because had the rhythm, is included within the rotten piece ranks, the box office plummets, this trend does not change, in the future even arrangement rate must fall, without arrangement rate, how ticket office. 原本可以做为重要参考值的第一部电影票房,因为被带节奏,划入烂片行列,票房直线下降,这种趋势不改变,往后连排片率都要降,没排片率,怎么卖票房。 This with writing not to have the recommendation to be the same, for example Selling Reports that unlucky egg, other author website in addition app recommendation, more than ten recommendations, his on the shelf latter recommendation does not have, is Song typeface 18 adds black overstriking simply the tragedy. 这就和写没推荐一样,比如卖报的那个倒霉蛋,别的作者网站加app推荐,有十几个推荐,他上架后一次推荐都没有,简直就是宋体十八号加黑加粗的悲剧。 Therefore Qin Ze is not quite good to estimate the box office situation. 因此秦泽不太好估计票房情况。 What are you writing?” Qin Baobao casts a sidelong glance, glanced oneself name. “你在写什么?”秦宝宝瞟了一眼,无意间瞟到了自己名字。 No.” Qin Ze folded the paper. “没什么。”秦泽把纸折了。 Shows me.” Qin Baobao puts out a hand to snatch. “给我看看。”秦宝宝伸手去抢。 Qin Ze avoids, admits the shredder destruction the paper. 秦泽避开,把纸放进碎纸机销毁。 Bored, wrote the first poem conveniently: 无聊之下,随手写了首诗: Goes everywhere elder sister “上天入地上姐姐 Next piece standing-by wet Paper Towel (zhijin) “下片常备湿纸巾 Sharpens the knife to wife “磨刀霍霍向人妻” Day and night rubs gun battle poodle “日夜磨枪战泰迪 Also is not considered as the poem, explodes not without reason, level error, not too tasteful and elegant. 也不算是诗,有感而发,水平差了点,不太雅韵。 This poem definitely cannot make elder sister see, otherwise the office will turn into the chest to kill the case. 这种诗肯定不能让姐姐看到,不然办公室会变成胸杀案。 Stealthy,” Qin Baobao is angry his eyes, then throws the brain after this matter, asked: Wants resentment Sovereign Dynasty? Our also smearing ink they.” “鬼鬼祟祟,”秦宝宝嗔他一眼,转而把这事抛脑后,问道:“要不要怼皇朝?咱们也抹黑他们吧。” Did not say a moment ago, the significance that does this is not big, Sovereign Dynasty...... hē hē, can only say that has a lot of time for that.” Qin Ze shrugs. “刚才不是说了吗,这样做的意义不大,皇朝……呵呵,只能说来日方长。”秦泽耸耸肩。 First, the function of small book is not being so. Today, such and some plots against my one time, the organic perineum goes back. Yesterday, such and some delivered me 1 million, next time will have the project first to him. Three days ago, such and some delivered me small honey, special sleek/moist, then helped him cover the contrary content. 先记着吧,小本本的作用不就是如此。今天,某某某暗算我一次,有机会阴回去。昨天,某某某送了我一百万,下次有项目优先给他。大前天,某某某送了我一个小蜜,特别润,回头帮他把违规的内容遮挡一下。 Qin Ze cell phone dīng dōng, sends in an information. 秦泽手机叮咚一声,发来一条信息。 old gentleman: Tonight and Baobao (darling) comes back to eat meal.” 老爷子:“今晚和宝宝回来吃饭。” old gentleman should attend class, or has the matter on hand, he rarely sends the message. 老爷子应该在上课,或者手头有事,他很少发短信。 Qin Ze: Father, the whole family had not just eaten meal.” 秦泽:“爸,不是刚一家人吃过饭吗。” The elder sister birthday just celebrated. 姐姐刚过。 old gentleman: „In your uncle and cousin must come home in the evening, asks you to discuss a matter.” 老爷子:“你大伯和堂哥晚上要来家里,找你们谈点事。” Qin Ze: Asking for money.” 秦泽:“要钱是吗。” old gentleman: How to speak, your cousin wants to do business, asks you to borrow a money.” 老爷子:“怎么说话的,你堂哥想做生意,找你借点钱。” Qin Ze: Knew, in 2 million ok.” 秦泽:“知道了,两百万之内都ok。” Actually the uncle is not the biological uncle, is the old gentleman's male cousin, in three generations, Qin Ze on two paternal aunts. Has words to be called one's family and relatives can ride on one's coattails to success, a person, so long as is not the autocrat, after being developed, must deal with various relatives. 其实大伯不是亲大伯,是老爷子的堂兄,三代之内的,秦泽就两个姑姑而已。有句话叫做一人得道鸡犬升天,一个人,只要不是独夫,发达之后,总要应付各种亲戚。 The Qin Ze's character, is not that very alone person, eats slightly to owe does not care, oneself made money, did not mind that makes the relative follow to profit at someone's expense. 秦泽的性格,不是那种很独的人,吃点小亏不在乎,自己赚钱了,不介意让亲戚跟着沾光。 Naturally, you work as the money tree is not definitely good me, discretion Qin Ze can grasp. 当然,你把我当摇钱树肯定不行,其中分寸秦泽自己能把握。 old gentleman: You want to eat what/anything, I make your mother buy.” 老爷子:“你想吃点什么,我让你妈去买。” Qin Ze: I always at will, you are not do not know.” 秦泽:“我向来随意,你又不是不知道。” old gentleman: Asked that Baobao (darling) likes eating what/anything.” 老爷子:“问一下宝宝爱吃什么。” old gentleman will not cook food, therefore usually likes eating what vegetable/dish about the daughter is quite fuzzy, like Qin Ze, every day do not deal with the elder sister's mouth. 老爷子不会烧菜,所以对女儿平时爱吃什么菜比较模糊,不像秦泽,每天要应付姐姐的嘴。 Qin Ze: Chicken( harmony) close to.” 秦泽:“鸡(和谐)巴。” Sends, fierce response. 发完,猛的反应过来。 Qin Ze: „” 秦泽:“” Qin Ze: Is the reason of input method, **, makes mother buy ** Covers face 秦泽:“是输入法的原因,**,就让妈妈买**【捂脸】” Qin Ze: Father?” 秦泽:“爸?” Qin Ze: Father, you listens to me to explain.” 秦泽:“爸,你听我解释。” But old gentleman did not respond to him for a very long time. 老爷子久久不回应他。 I scratch, the father sovereign you must listen to me to explain that the son feudal official is not intentional. 我擦,父皇你一定要听我解释啊,儿臣不是故意的啊。 Qin Baobao: „???” 秦宝宝:“???” She blinks, curious looks at younger brother, suddenly, A'Ze pulled out to empty like the body 她眨了眨眼,好奇的看着弟弟,突然之间,阿泽就像身体被掏空了一样 4 : 00 pm, the first showing release conference ended. 下午 4 点,首映发布会结束。 That night, had various types to flatter the article and public opinion online to appear, fermentation. 当天晚上,就有各种吹捧文章、舆论在网上出现,发酵。 Previously in a Weibo round of movie criticism, definitely 《A Chinese Odyssey》 special skill, but big success of tsukkomi plot, receives red envelope in the evening, sent long Weibo. 先前在微博发影评,肯定《大话西游》特技,但吐槽剧情的大咖,当晚收了红包后,又发了一篇长微博 This afternoon, attended " A Chinese Odyssey 2 » first showing release conference, looks at Second Part, finally understands why Qin Ze must almost also issue two movies, because does not have Second Part 《A Chinese Odyssey》 is incomplete, is incomplete, is empty talk. I still did not insist that beforehand viewpoint, 《A Chinese Odyssey》 First Part is very ordinary, the plot is pale, looked, makes people insipid. But now I must supplement, this has the reason, its function is Second Part prepares the ground, believes me, looks at Second Part, you will have a new look to this movie. After the First Part upholstery, the Second Part plot obviously had the qualitative leap, Qin Baobao and Qin Ze's performing skill impeccable as always. Second Part special effects similarly online. The ending is very splendid, is splendid, until I sit in front of the computer write this movie criticism, in the mind is still tasting the final result, makes people think deeply, result of providing much food for thought. And that first piece postlude, yes, is a new song, the new song of Qin Ze original.” “今天下午,参加了《大话西游2》的首映发布会,看完第二部,终于明白为什么秦泽要把两部电影几乎同时发布,因为没有第二部《大话西游》是不完整的,是残缺的,是言之无物的。我依然坚持不之前的观点,《大话西游》第一部是真的很一般,剧情苍白,看完之后让人索然无味。但现在我要补充,这是有原因的,它的作用都是在为第二部做铺垫,相信我,看完第二部,你会对这部电影改观。经过第一部的铺垫后,第二部剧情明显有了质的飞跃,秦宝宝秦泽的演技一如既往的无可挑剔。第二部特效同样在线。结尾很精彩,非常精彩,直到我坐在电脑前写这篇影评,脑海中依然回味着最后的结局,一个发人深思,回味无穷的结局。以及那首片尾曲,是的,又是一首新歌,秦泽原创的新歌。” The network Jianghu status is not low, fans are innumerable, in addition is " A Chinese Odyssey 2 » movie criticism, many audience wait, hopes that can see the specific information about Second Part from his here. 网络江湖地位不低,粉丝无数,加上又是《大话西游2》的影评,很多观众翘首以盼,希望能从他这里看到关于第二部的具体信息。 The commentary weight faction, really loves the powder: Second Part also supports, so long as is the Qin Baobao's movie, I support.” 评论分两派,真爱粉:“第二部也支持,只要是秦宝宝的电影,我都支持。” Then, will Second Part very be splendid? I said that Qin Baobao enters the stage for several minutes, where has such female protagonist?” “这么说来,第二部会很精彩咯?我就说嘛,秦宝宝才出场几分钟而已,哪有这样的女主角?” Ticket has bought, waits to screen the day after tomorrow looks.” “票已经买了,等后天上映就去看。” What ending is, can the play pass?” “结尾到底是什么,能剧透一下吗?” Black powder: Forget it, looked that knows what Second Part was, killed does not look.” 黑粉:“得了吧,看一部就知道第二部是什么样了,打死不看。” Said that how much money collected others? Tianfang Films and Television started to wash, what a pity the First Part too trash, washing is not white.” “说吧,收了人家多少钱?天方影视开始洗地了,可惜第一部太垃圾,洗不白了。” „A rotten piece, insulted Great Sage Who is Equal to Heaven in my mind, no, Great Sage Who is Equal to Heaven bought a soy sauce, is throwing over the vulgar play of Journey to the West coat radically.” “一部烂片,侮辱了我心目中的齐天大圣,不,齐天大圣就打了个酱油,根本就是披着西游记外衣的低俗剧。” Qin Ze do not write the script, what trash, in vain waste such good special effects.” 秦泽还是别写剧本了,都什么垃圾,白白浪费这么好的特效。” Trash, does not look, now is to draw cash the management, the sincerity movie criticism could not find.” “垃圾,不看,现在都是拿钱办事,连个真心影评都找不到。” Nonsense, film premiere has the relations to go , the film premiere essence is to flatter the movie, has the advertisement to know.” “废话,首映式有关系才能进去,首映式的本质就是吹捧电影,打广告知道吗。” Middle-of-the-roaders: Qin Ze's new song? Anticipation.” 中间派:“秦泽的新歌?期待。” Does not want to look, when the network resource had then looks.” “不想看,等网络资源有了再看。” Eats the melon people to register.” “吃瓜群众报到。” Public opinion that next day, pulls with great difficulty, turns into lopsided write off. 第二天,好不容易拉扯回来的舆论,又变成一面倒的唱衰。 The major app push information, taunted write off A Chinese Odyssey Second Part, various smearing ink, the article wrote rationally, said that A Chinese Odyssey this movie, invested several hundreds of millions, finally the film quality, were more than ten Yuan special effects the domestic-made rotten play. Qin Ze first time is the screenwriter, fell down Pacific Ocean. 各大app推送资讯,冷嘲热讽的唱衰大话西游第二部,各种抹黑,文章写的头头是道,说大话西游这部电影,投资数亿,结果片子质量,比国产烂剧就多了十元特效而已。秦泽第一次当编剧,扑倒太平洋去了。 Although some fans argued, has internet merc to flatter, but trashes opinion agreeing without consultation people gloomy, after all in this year, Qin Ze is too quick, envies the person who the envy that the entertainment world flees hates to be boundless. 尽管有粉丝辩解,有水军吹捧,但唱衰言论暗合人们内心阴暗,毕竟这一年来,秦泽在娱乐圈窜的太快,羡慕嫉妒恨的人茫茫多。 Everyone is glad to hit a person when he is down. 大家都乐得落井下石。 Screens also two days from «A Chinese Odyssey 2», online about its mouth artillery everywhere is, although the sprayer is hateful, but also helped A Chinese Odyssey accumulate many heat degree and topics imperceptibly. 距离《大话西游2》上映还有两天,网上关于它的嘴炮到处都是,喷子虽然可恶,但无形中也帮大话西游积累了不少的热度和话题。 On this day, «A Chinese Odyssey 2» screens. 这天,《大话西游2》上映。
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