MESIS :: Volume #3

#227: In the bosom hugs the younger brother to kill the decoding law

When Qin Ze Music World First Quick Shooter achieving being a focus of public attention achievement, he was once pleased with oneself, partly feels sad happily half facing teasing of netizen. 秦泽歌坛第一快枪手”达到“万众瞩目”成就的时候,他一度沾沾自喜,面对网友的调侃半心酸半得意。 But when mentioned Quick Shooter, everyone first time looked, this response made Qin Ze unacceptable. Is far more than unacceptable, to touch somebody's sore spot simply. elder sister feels the guests strange vision, holds the good deed I on first, the principle on misdemeanor younger brother, silently toward retroceding one step, touched somebody's sore spot again. 可当提到快枪手,大家第一时间把目光投向自己,这个反应让秦泽不能接受。何止不能接受,简直扎心。姐姐感受到宾客们诡异的目光,秉着好事我先上,坏事弟弟上的原则,默默朝后退了一步,再次扎心。 Receives your vision, I am a child. 收一收你们的目光啊,我还是个孩子。 hā hā hā, old bro comes, knows that asked you to come is the correct choice.” The Huang Yicong big laughter attracted the people attention, he said: My reputation to your First Quick Shooter is very confident. Underwent the glory of test, the least bit did not mix the moisture content.” 哈哈哈,老弟过来,就知道请你来是正确的选择。”黄易聪的大笑声吸引了众人注意,他说:“我对你第一快枪手的名声是很有信心的。经受了考验的荣耀,半点不掺水分。” The guests throw deeply to have the same feeling look and not so clear but still feel it's awesome look. 宾客们又投来深有同感的眼神和不明觉厉的眼神。 Qin Ze was very easy to completely understand the thing in their look: 秦泽很容易就看透了他们眼神里的东西: Yo, Quick Shooter, favors your oh. “呦,快枪手,看好你哦。 Quick Shooter quality levers.” 快枪手质量杠杠的。” Can witness Quick Shooter Before a Crowd Shows One's Sagacity.” “又能目睹快枪手人前显圣了。” Quick Shooter nicely done.” 快枪手666。” As famous Quick Shooter, I am bearing and age incompatible pressure every day. 作为一个闻名遐迩的快枪手,我每天承受着与年龄不符的压力。 Ding! Before a Crowd Shows One's Sagacity ( 10 / 15 ), please pull out the original work immediately, helping the bridegroom knock bride's gate.” system also mixes a foot: Please appropriate acting cool.” “叮!人前显圣,请立刻掏出原创作品,帮新郎官敲开新娘的门。”系统也来掺一脚:“请适当装逼。” Qin Ze said calmly: This situation, I am impossible to have the psychological desire, I do not have such perverted.” 秦泽冷静的说:“这种情况,我不可能会有心理欲求,我没这么变态。” You change not perverted, goes home to ask that your elder sister knew.” “你变不变态,回家问问你姐姐就知道了。” system you changed, you were not that I knew send quest good system silently.” 系统你变了,你再也不是我认识的那个默默发任务的好系统了。” This whole life do I also take off this title hopefully? Online, anxiously! 请问这辈子我还有希望摘下这个称号么?在线等,急! Qin Ze holds by to bind thoroughly the heart, moves toward beckons fiercely, Chief Huang of smiled final word cuts likely. 秦泽捧着被扎透的心,走向猛招手,笑的像个煞笔的黄总裁。 Huang Yicong is hugging the Qin Ze's neck: old bro, by you, then gave you elder sister to add the chicken leg.” 黄易聪搂着秦泽的脖子:“老弟,靠你了,回头给你姐姐加鸡腿。” Qin Ze goes to one slantingly, the additional your younger sister's chicken leg, she is not an actor. 秦泽斜去一眼,加你妹的鸡腿,她又不是演员。 This is your wedding, my not good acting cool.” He said low voice. “这是你的婚礼,我不好装逼吧。”他小声说。 Man not does acting cool, how gang up really?” Huang Yicong said low voice: I entered the grave, did not care about these, was casual you to install.” “男人不装逼,怎么勾搭到真的?”黄易聪小声说:“我都进坟墓了,不在意这些,随便你装。” In show the dialogue of show air/Qi! 骚里骚气的对话! If changed the narrow point bridegroom, will not make Qin Ze snatch the crest of wave at the wedding absolutely, but Director-General is occupation old driver, old driver has rolled the innumerable bed sheets, turns around the innumerable curves, has swayed the innumerable beds, early to mind like still water. 若换了狭隘点的新郎,绝对不会让秦泽在婚礼上抢自己风头,但总裁是职业老司机,老司机滚过无数床单,拐过无数弯道,摇晃过无数床榻,早以心如止水。 Outside the crowd, wears the fellow of eyeglasses to take the small camera, excited is patting. The chest is hanging the sign: uc 人群外,戴眼镜的家伙拿着小型摄像机,兴奋的拍着。胸口挂着牌子:uc He real? Such short does time write the song?” “他真的行吗?这么短时间写出歌来?” Who knows that only then gives the wrong name, has not called the wrong nickname, Quick Shooter affirms quickly and that's the end.” “谁知道呢,只有取错的名字,没有叫错的外号,快枪手肯定很快就是了。” You said that I felt relieved, the feeling is very safe.” “你这么说我就放心了,感觉很稳妥。” Proper......” “妥了妥了……” Qin Ze is hesitating, well what sang? In system mall one pile of songs are dazzling, have the decidophobia Qin Ze very egg to hurt. 秦泽沉吟着,唱什么好呢?系统商城里一堆的歌让人眼花缭乱,有选择恐惧症秦泽非常蛋疼。 Or has sung with elder sister does the song deceive? It is not good, does not have the Before a Crowd Shows One's Sagacity style. 要不拿姐姐唱过的歌糊弄一下?不行,太没人前显圣的格调。 How if I did sing «Bid good-bye Joyful» can? 如果我唱《分手快乐》会怎么样? The Qin Ze brain pulled out, thought that can be killed at the scene? 秦泽脑子抽了一下,心想会不会被当场打死? Qin Ze closes one's eyes, he is hesitating.” 秦泽闭着眼睛,他在沉吟。” I have counted the seconds, records the Quick Shooter speed.” “我已经读秒了,记录一下快枪手的速度。” He opened eyes, unbelievable, such short did time have the result?” “他睁眼了,难以置信,这么短的时间就有结果了么?” The guests discussed low voice. 宾客们小声议论。 Qin Ze clears throat, without accompaniment, without dubbing in music, sonorous singing: He is your bridegroom,” 秦泽清了清嗓子,没有伴奏,没有配乐,清唱:“他将是你的新郎,” From now henceforth he is your lifetime partner.” “从今以后他就是你一生的伴。” His all will be close to you.” “他的一切都将和你紧密相关。” Luck and calamity must with working as.” “福和祸都要同当。” She is your bride.” “她将是你的新娘。” She is others entrusts attentively in your hand.” “她是别人用心托付在你手上。” You must double the attendance to treat with your one.” “你要用你一声加倍照顾对待。” Painstakingly or happy must share.” “苦或喜都要同享。” Certainly is the special fate, can walk to turn into the family member.” “一定是特别的缘分,才可以一路走来变成了家人。” ............ ………… From the beginning has not felt too of pleasant to hear, but level online, until certainly is the special fate, can walk to turn into whole family, this as if there is effect of adding the finishing touch, raised the compelling standard of entire song instantaneously. 一开始没觉得太好听,但水平在线,直到“一定是特别的缘分,才可以一路走来变成了一家人”,这句似乎有点睛之效,瞬间把整首歌的逼格抬高了。 Chews the lyrics again carefully, unexpectedly so appropriate, builds for wedding two simply. 再细细嘴嚼歌词,居然如此的贴切,简直是为婚礼两声打造的。 This, is this Music World First Quick Shooter strength? 这,这就是歌坛第一快枪手的实力么? The people were shocked. 众人震惊了。 Accidental/Surprised of pleasant to hear, this thigh must hug.” Some singer said low voice. “意外的好听耶,这个大腿一定要抱。”某歌星小声说。 „Is this Qin Ze's strength? Quick desperate, lost below.” Some renowned music producer said. “这就是秦泽的实力么?快的让人绝望,是在下输了。”某著名音乐制作人说。 oh my god , was too quick, I have not responded, he had finished.” Some female guest is shocked. 天了噜,真的太快了,我还没反应过来,他已经结束了。”某女宾客震惊。 I counted to cross, 20 second, 20 second a song. Too quick!” Some male guest not so clear but still feel it's awesome said. “我数过了,二十秒,二十秒一首歌。太快了!”某男宾客不明觉厉的说。 pā pā pā!” 啪啪啪!” The applause resounded, everyone enthusiastically applauds. 掌声响起了,大家热烈鼓掌。 Worthily is Quick Shooter, lives up to reputation, knelt to big shot. 不愧是快枪手,名不虚传,给大佬跪了。 Qin Ze listens to the applause to hike up, the surrounding person with paying homage to the big shot look looks at him, thinks that at heart is crisp. 秦泽听着掌声飘起,周围的人用膜拜大佬的眼神看他,想想心里还是蛮爽的。 At this time, his corner of the eye glanced the chest to hang the reporter of uc sign, a face strange smiling face received the camera, well satisfied turned around to leave. 这时,他眼角瞟到胸口挂着uc牌的记者,一脸诡异笑容的收起相机,心满意足的转身离开。 ballsack, how this person mixes. 球都麻袋,这人是怎么混进来的。 The security, had the suspicious person to mix, seized him quickly!! 保安保安,有可疑人物混进来了,快逮住他!! Ended the calf, the tomorrow's news definitely is: Shock! Wedding, he replaces the bridegroom to do this matter unexpectedly!! 完犊子了,明天的新闻肯定是:震惊!婚礼现场,他竟然代替新郎做这种事!! : Music World First Quick Shooter dazzles the technique in the presence of everyone, the man looked silent, the woman looked at bursting into tears. 或者:歌坛第一快枪手当众炫技,男人看了沉默,女人看了流泪。 This whole life could not pick this title!! 这辈子都摘不下这个称号了吧!! Qin Ze sad thinking. 秦泽悲伤的想。 Good wants to come a movement that looks at the day. 好想来一个望天的动作。 Opens the door opens the door!” The best man is knocking on the gate. “开门呀开门呀!”伴郎敲打着门。 Inside house, Yan Zi | Swallow several bridesmaid had a dumbfounded expression. 房子里头,燕子几个伴娘一脸懵逼 Really is the original? I first access the net to search for the lyrics.” “真的是原创?我先上网搜搜歌词。” Did not need to search, has not heard, what outside sang was Qin Ze.” “不用搜了,没听到么,外头唱歌的是秦泽。” Qin Ze?” 秦泽?” Qin Baobao younger brother, Music World First Quick Shooter, hasn't this listened?” 秦宝宝弟弟呀,歌坛第一快枪手,这都没听过?” āi yōu I go, this was also too quick.” 哎呦我去,这也太快了吧。” Qin Ze in out of the door, twitched corners of the mouth, go away, making me break open the gate that this group of young prostitutes pound. 秦泽在门外,抽了抽嘴角,滚开,让我来砸开这群小婊砸的门。 The bridesmaids are willing to bet to concede, opened the door, the instance of opening the door, several girl hidden bitterness glances Qin Ze. 伴娘们愿赌服输,打开了门,开门的瞬间,几个女孩幽怨的瞟一眼秦泽 Qin Baobao patted a moment ago that with the cell phone, now Weibo sent the video: old bro nicely done 秦宝宝用手机拍下刚才那一幕,现在微博发了视频:“老弟666 fans comes, pleasantly surprised reply: „, Did younger brother have the recent work?” 粉丝闻风而来,惊喜的回复:“哇,弟弟又出新作了?” Baobao (darling) was happiest elder sister, never with worry for the good song.” 宝宝是最幸福的姐姐了,从来不用为好歌发愁。” Has such younger brother to be really good, Baobao (darling) is really happy.” “有这样的弟弟真好,宝宝真幸福。” Naturally, there is to let her repugnant beautiful slut reply: 当然,也有让她讨厌的妖艳贱货回复: Was fierce, my husband.” “厉害了,我的老公。” younger brother smooch , younger brother is my.” 弟弟么么哒,弟弟是我的。” Nonsense, younger brother is my, your flock of debauched people go away.” “胡说,弟弟是我的,你们这群狂蜂浪蝶滚开。” Qin Baobao is my elder sister, hehehe.” 秦宝宝是我姐,嘿嘿嘿。” She withdraws from Weibo, sends to the video the chat group. 她退出微博,把视频发到聊天群里。 Wang Zijin first replies: A'Ze is really fierce, stick .” 王子衿最先回复:“阿泽真厉害,棒棒哒。” Su Yu: Flaunting Young Brother Crazed Demon, hē hē.” 苏钰:“炫弟狂魔,呵呵。” Pei Nanman: You want to say that younger brother is fiercest?” 裴南曼:“你是想说弟弟最厉害么?” The Qin Baobao corners of the mouth turn upwards: White Lotus Flower shuts up, the static onlooking was good, today is happy, does not want to educate you.” 秦宝宝嘴角翘起:“白莲花闭嘴,静静旁观就好了,今天心情好,不想教育你。” Su Yu round of funny face: Who educates who?” 苏钰发一个“滑稽脸”:“谁教育谁?” Just said, funny face was brushed the screen by Wang Zijin's. Wang Zijin typing: Fights the chart.” 刚说完,就被王子衿的“滑稽”脸刷屏。王子衿打字:“来斗图啊。” Su Yu disdains saying: Silly 苏钰不屑道:“傻的” Pei Nanman: Do not quarrel, quarrelled I to draw back the group again.” 裴南曼:“别吵了,再吵我退群了。” Qin Baobao: You draw back.” 秦宝宝:“那你退吧。” On that day after the battle of words, Su Yu created a group, drew Qin Baobao to enter the group to compare notes the mouth artillery, Qin Baobao does not beat, draws Wang Zijin to lead a cheer, Su Yu drew Pei Nanman. 那天骂战后,苏钰又创了个群,拉秦宝宝进群切磋嘴炮,秦宝宝不敌,拉王子衿助阵,苏钰又把裴南曼拉了进来。 Once again circulates. 又一次循环。 Red Beans Think Fondly Of The Southern Countryside invitation Qin Ze joins the group to chat. 红豆思南国”邀请“秦泽”加入群聊。 Qin Baobao: You come this set.” 秦宝宝:“你又来这套。” Su Yu: You sufficed, we are not noisy.” 苏钰:“你够了,我们不吵。” Wang Zijin: can't afford to offend can't afford to offend.” 王子衿:“rbqrbq。” Pei Nanman hē hē said: „It is not noisy well, jokes with you, my hand hits.” 裴南曼呵呵道:“不吵最好,跟你们开个玩笑而已,我手打的。” Qin Baobao: „......” 秦宝宝:“......” Wang Zijin: „......” 王子衿:“......” Su Yu: „......” 苏钰:“......” Qin Ze collects the head: You are looking at what/anything, the complexion is not a little right.” 秦泽把脑袋凑过来:“你在看什么,脸色有点不对劲。” Qin Baobao turns around lightly, does not give younger brother to peep the opportunity of frequency, makes black heart's maggot fast five characters, withdraws from the chat software. 秦宝宝翩然转身,不给弟弟窥频的机会,飞快打出“黑了心的蛆”五个字,退出聊天软件。 little elder brother, we returns to the seat, the wedding must start.” elder sister is pulling the arm of younger brother. 小哥哥,咱们回座位吧,婚礼要开始了。”姐姐挽着弟弟的胳膊。 little elder brother is you calls?” Qin Ze did not say happily. 小哥哥是你叫的吗?”秦泽不高兴的说。 Qin Baobao is crooked the head to think: Quick Shooter elder brother, we walk.” 秦宝宝歪着脑袋想了想:“快枪手哥哥,咱们走吧。” The mother female genitals, the situation was not right, must according to perform acupuncture on the ground her surely. 妈了个巴子,要不是场合不对,定要把她按在地上扎针。 The bridegroom pulls walking of bride to enter the wedding conference site, a wedding of pair of rookie begins officially. 新郎牵着新娘的走进入婚礼会场,一对新人的婚礼正式拉开序幕。 The later matter and Qin Ze are little significance, his low key especially, drink up eats the meat, looks that the guests mounted the stage to play the program, Qin Baobao also mount the stage to sing one, elder sister went into action, detonate the audience, by the gentle voice and good face value, brought the splendid program for the honored guests. 之后的事和秦泽没多大关系,他格外的低调,喝酒吃肉,看着宾客们上台玩节目,秦宝宝也上台献唱了一首,姐姐出马,引爆全场,凭借柔媚的嗓音和不俗的颜值,为嘉宾们带来精彩的节目。 Low-key good, had better be able downplay own existence, the fellow who if which did not enlarge ones vision at this time dares to go forward to call one: Yo Quick Shooter. 低调好,最好能淡化自己的存在,倘若这时候哪个不开眼的家伙敢上前招呼一声:呦快枪手 Qin Ze planned that makes him know what is the blood splashes five steps. 秦泽就打算让他知道什么叫血溅五步。 After the wedding ended, elder sister and younger brother two accompany. 婚礼结束后,姐弟俩结伴起来。 Two people drove the dispute for whom, because they drink, although has not been drunk, did not calculate to be drunk to harness, but if was seized by policeman, the charge that the liquor harnessed could not escape. 两人为谁开车起了争执,因为他们都喝了酒,虽然没醉,不算醉驾,可要是被警察叔叔逮住,酒驾的罪名逃不掉。 elder sister is superstar, participates the wedding must certainly treat with courtesy, small rascal you drink, is not distracted.” Qin Baobao cheek slightly red: You drive.” 姐姐大明星,参加婚礼肯定要应酬的啦,小赤佬你喝什么酒,不走心。”秦宝宝脸蛋微红:“你来开车。” Really funny, is do many I who you treat with courtesy treat with courtesy many? I am beside a bridegroom, most noted person.” Qin Ze very rigid toward back seat: You come.” “真好笑,是你应酬的多还是我应酬多?我是新郎之外,最受瞩目的人。”秦泽很死性的往后座一趟:“你来开。” Is it possible that my new unique skill is to eat without working?” “莫非我的新绝招是吃干饭的?” Chinese zither ( po ) Chinese zither ( bu ) round of ( ji ) shakes ( dai ) “瑟(po)瑟(bu)发(ji)抖(dai)” small rascal looks to incur.” A elder sister tiger throws, presses on younger brother, displays in the bosom to hug the younger brother to kill the unique skill. 小赤佬看招。”姐姐一个虎扑,压在弟弟身上,施展怀中抱弟杀绝技。 ...... 啊...... Qin Ze felt that little soul in body is trembling. 秦泽感觉身体里的小灵魂在颤栗。 The familiar touch, the familiar bosom, is the fragrance a little irritates the nose. 熟悉的触感,熟悉的怀抱,就是香味有点刺鼻。 elder sister attended the wedding, the spurted perfume quantity is usual several times. The short distance contact, the Qin Ze nose is somewhat uncomfortable, the nasal cavity itches, he hit to tremble in the elder sister bosom! 姐姐参加婚礼,喷的香水量是平时的数倍。近距离接触,秦泽鼻子有些难受,鼻腔发痒,他在姐姐怀里打了个哆嗦! Achoos! 阿嚏! Makes the sneeze ruthlessly. 狠狠打出喷嚏。 Soaks the nasal mucus water to moisten in the elder sister chest, leaves behind the bulk wet mark on the magnificent formal clothes. 一泡鼻涕水沾在姐姐胸口,在华丽的礼服上留下大块湿痕。 Qin Ze shoves open elder sister that the body becomes stiff, bends down to extract two Paper Towel (zhijin), leisure wipe nose. 秦泽推开身子发僵的姐姐,俯身抽出两张纸巾,慢条斯理的擦拭鼻子。 This wave does not owe.” He said. “这波不亏。”他说。 elder sister cries: I owed.” 姐姐哇一声哭出来:“我亏死了。”
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