MESIS :: Volume #3

#228: Cipher

elder sister is crying, while received Paper Towel (zhijin) that younger brother hands over, wipes the white muddy liquid of chest, is suppressing a mouth likely being wronged little girl, then plays the fool. So long as Qin Ze looks at her, she hypocritical wipes tears to sniff. 姐姐一边哭着,一边接过弟弟递来的纸巾,把胸口的白色浑浊液体擦去,憋着嘴像个受委屈的小女孩,然后装傻。只要秦泽一看她,她就假惺惺的抹眼泪抽鼻子。 elder sister played the small plans, Qin Ze sighed , going home to demand that facial cleansing milk or the scissors foot benefits made the compensation is. Although he has not found out the elder sister's depth, but the disposition has traced thoroughly, elder sister meets said repugnantly repugnant, while launches the both arms to hug the younger brother to kill to him. Said does not want, while opens the both legs...... the scissors foot to clamp him. 姐姐又耍小心机了,秦泽叹口气,罢了罢了,回家索要洗面奶或者剪刀脚福利做补偿便是。虽然他没摸清姐姐的深浅,但脾性早已摸透彻,姐姐会一边说讨厌讨厌,一边展开双臂给他一记抱弟杀。一边说不要不要,一边张开双腿......剪刀脚夹死他。 He opens the vehicle door, sneaks in the driving position, urging little red BMW to converge the billowing stream of vehicles. 他拉开车门,钻进驾驶位,驱使小红马汇入滚滚车流。 Receives the Su Yu's call on the way. 途中接到苏钰的电话。 Office address I found, in Gold Building of Pudong mall road. You pull out time to have a look, the satisfactory words, I make one repair immediately, purchase the Duke management thing.” Su Yu just Gold Building came out, drives to go to Huihong Building several kilometers away. “办公室地址我找好了,就在浦东商城路的中金大厦。你抽时间过来看看吧,满意的话,我立刻让人装修,购买公办事用品。”苏钰刚从中金大厦出来,开车前往几公里外的汇鸿大厦。 You look to handle.” Qin Ze brings the bluetooth earphone, irresponsible starting arm-flinging shopkeeper. “你看着办好咯。”秦泽带着蓝牙耳机,不负责的做起甩手掌柜 Snort, knows that shirks the responsibility.” Su Yu tender snort/hum, feeling that somewhat the girl rebukes. “哼,就知道推卸责任。”苏钰娇哼一声,有几分小女子嗔怪的感觉。 Right, when your 6 million forwarded to me.” Qin Ze said. “对了,你的六百万什么时候转给我。”秦泽说。 This is quite troublesome, later said.” “这个比较麻烦,以后再说吧。” time is money, pester and chirp, 6 million Qin Ze said ill-humoredly. 时间就是金钱呀,磨磨唧唧的,六百万我一天可以赚几十万。”秦泽没好气道 „The pin money of your woman is keeping thinking.” Su Yu faintly said. “你连女人的私房钱都这么惦记着。”苏钰幽幽道 How to feel my women were infected one type „the younger brother money were my money sickness? 怎么感觉我身边的女人都被传染了一种“弟弟的钱就是我的钱”的病? Rubbish,” Qin Ze scolded: I, Qin Ze, takes up a collection!” “别废话,”秦泽骂道:“我,秦泽,打钱!” Su Yu feels a heartfelt admiration immediately: Tomorrow will hit to you.” 苏钰立刻心悦诚服:“明天就打给你。” Pretty woman who why I know, no normal. Shaking cancer late stage Su Yu that Hua Tuo world is also unable to save the situation again, camouflages black belly big shot Wang Zijin of lady, and likes attire stupid, white, and sweet in front of younger brother, when refers to being uncertain on the pit you elder sister Qin Baobao. 啊,为什么我认识的漂亮女人,没一个正常的。华佗再世也无力回天的抖癌晚期苏钰,伪装成大家闺秀的腹黑大佬王子衿,以及喜欢在弟弟面前装傻白甜,指不定什么时候就坑你一下的姐姐秦宝宝 The life is so vexed, is quite senseless. 人生如此糟心,好无趣。 What matter also has?” “还有什么事?” „Being late you calls, gives you a pleasant surprise.” Su Yu is mystical. “晚点给你打电话,给你一个惊喜。”苏钰神神秘秘。 The Qin Baobao two small ears set upright. 秦宝宝两只小耳朵竖起来。 Ok, I and others your telephones.” “行,我等你电话。” The telephone conversation ended. 通话结束。 White Lotus Flower telephone?” 白莲花的电话?” Qin Ze gawked for several seconds, responded what elder sister said is Su Yu. 秦泽愣了几秒,才反应过来姐姐说的是苏钰 Un.” “嗯。” Qin Baobao curls the lip, side looks at the scenery that backs up to out of the window. 秦宝宝撇撇嘴,侧头望向窗外倒退的风景。 Although has seen both sides with her, but, but...... always felt that she is the mental illness.” “虽然和她才见过两面,但,但......总感觉她是个神经病。” Also to old bro said embarrassed frequently online rips to compel with her. 也不好意思跟老弟说经常和她在网上撕逼。 Good of appraisal, adds the essence to you.” “评价的不错,给你加精。” in addition...... what?” “加......什么?” elder sister suddenly very shocking tone. 姐姐忽然很震惊的语气。 in addition......” “加......” Qin Ze sees the elder sister's face from the rear view mirror, that is a how complex face, stares the eye of plump, the angry faint trace that the small mouth that opens slightly, and between the forehead contains is shy, fully expressed the poet to be concerned about country and people, wants the complex psychology that resisted also to welcome, and thinks that younger brother was broken the thoughts and feelings that the leg is actually not able to practice. 秦泽从后视镜看到姐姐的脸,那是一张多么复杂的脸,瞪得圆滚滚的眼睛,微微张开的小嘴,以及眉宇间蕴含的恼怒还有一丝丝羞涩,充分表达了诗人忧国忧民,欲拒还迎的复杂心理,以及想弟弟被打断腿却无法实践的思想感情。 Was elder sister crooked? 姐姐是不是想歪了? I thought that what she does look like?” Qin Ze shift topic. Avoids elder sister exploding, „a pet.” “我觉得她像什么?”秦泽转移话题。避免姐姐爆炸,“一种宠物。” Two.” Qin Baobao stated categorically. “二哈。”秦宝宝一口咬定。 „It is not right!” “不对!” Chihuahua.” “吉娃娃。” „It is not right, why you guess is the dog.” “不对,为什么你猜的全是狗。” Qin Baobao rolls the eyes: Because you are shouting daily the day dog.” 秦宝宝翻白眼:“因为你天天嚷嚷着日狗。” fuck me! The elder sister's mouth artillery was so when sharp. 卧槽姐姐的嘴炮何时如此犀利了。 Where studies? 哪里学来的? Is poodle.” Qin Ze said: You think, whose poodle does not catch resentment, Su Yu this, in the game looked who is not feeling well spurts anyone, not has scruples. Also I can blow her on your younger brother.” “是泰迪啦。”秦泽说:“你想,泰迪不是逮谁怼谁么,苏钰就这样,在游戏里看谁不爽就喷谁,毫无顾忌。也就你弟我能镇住她。” The Qin Ze expression is self-satisfied, has not actually seen elder sister black the face. 秦泽表情得意,却没看见姐姐黑了脸。 I thought that is two.” elder sister bickers intentionally. “我觉得就是二哈。”姐姐故意抬杠。 Two? 二哈? That is you! 那是你! However this saying he does not dare saying that if elder sister gives him to come in the bosom to hug the younger brother at the scene to kill, or seizes the life scissors scissors, will turn over. 不过这话他没敢说,万一姐姐当场给他来一下怀中抱弟杀,或者夺命剪刀剪,会翻车的。 Qin Baobao takes up the cell phone, turns on the chat software. 秦宝宝拿起手机,打开聊天软件。 I am a Little Little Bird, I made a mistake, I did not call you White Lotus Flower.” “@我是小小鸟,我错了,我再也不叫你白莲花了。” After several minutes, Su Yu sends in a tsundere expression: Even this, I must spurt you frequently.” 几分钟后,苏钰发来一个傲娇的表情:“就算是这样,我也要经常喷你。” Pei Nanman: Everyone is the friend well.” 裴南曼:“大家好好做朋友。” Wang Zijin: „To be many you.” 王子衿:“想多了你们。” Qin Baobao ah hā hā expression: Because you are Poodle Su, hā hā hā.” 秦宝宝啊哈哈”的表情:“因为你是苏泰迪,哈哈哈。” Wang Zijin: Funny expression.” 王子衿:“滑稽表情。” Su Yu: Day, your cheap person.” 苏钰:“日,你这个贱人。” Red Beans Think Fondly Of The Southern Countryside withdrew a news. 红豆思南国”撤回了一条消息。 Qin Baobao positive brushes the Qin Ze's negative impression in front of Su Yu: This is not I said that was my younger brother said that lā lā lā!” 秦宝宝积极的在苏钰面前刷秦泽的负面印象:“这可不是我说的哦,是我弟说的,啦啦啦!” Su Yu: „......” 苏钰:“......” Pei Nanman: Do not betray younger brother.” 裴南曼:“别出卖弟弟啊。” Wang Zijin has not spoken, the screenshot this news, decided to be used to threaten Qin Baobao quietly another day. 王子衿没说话,悄悄截图了这条消息,决定改天用来威胁秦宝宝 Goes home, Wang Zijin lies on the long sofa, forms a graceful body curve, has the earphone to pursue the play. 回到家,王子衿趴在长长的沙发上,形成一条曼妙的身体曲线,戴着耳机追剧。 Today is in the weekend, is at the end of the month. 今天是周末,也是月底。 The Wang Zijin resentment is enormous, previous time they go to Taiwan not to lead itself, this wedding has not led itself, although attended the wedding not to demand, after all without written invitation, but she some were always repelled the feelings outside elder sister and younger brother two people of the world, although the Qin Ze bottom very gently is very in private attentive to her, so long as elder sister on the scene, small rascal enters the Sage pattern immediately. 王子衿怨气极大,上次她俩去宝岛没带自己,这次婚礼还是没带自己,虽然参加婚礼强求不得,毕竟没请帖,可她总有被排斥在姐弟二人世界之外的感觉,尽管秦泽私下底对她很温柔很殷勤,但只要姐姐在场,小赤佬就立刻进入贤者模式。 Pitifully is marries the relations, the bridegroom and bridal two relations are very good, in the business has the communication. Sister Zijin, you me told before you were arranged the blind marriage to marry mutely, I have not believed that is not single Li.” Qin Ze sits side her. Talking incessantly: „The bride I looked, does not owe!” “可惜是联姻关系,新郎官和新娘两家关系很好,生意上颇有来往。子衿姐,以前你跟我说你被安排盲婚哑嫁,我还不信,不是单例呐。”秦泽坐在她身边。唠唠叨叨:“不过新娘子我看了,不亏!” Owed!” elder sister transmitted from the room, changed the lax casual attire, two legs were long and straight. “亏死了!”姐姐从房间传来,换了松垮的休闲装,两条腿又长又直。 „Do you do.” Wang Zijin sees her to throw into the washroom the formal clothes that buys newly, abandons such as our Lv. “你干嘛呢。”王子衿见她把新买的礼服丢进洗手间,弃如敝履。 Was tarnished, is unchaste.” Qin Baobao angrily said. “被玷污了,不纯洁了。”秦宝宝气道 Bewildered.” Wang Zijin pays no attention to her, then said to Qin Ze: „The love of falling in love, basically is face value controls, what likes is the face. Pursues by luck, if the character does not gather, finally will also separate. Therefore marriage that my most repugnant this entire life collects hardly.” “莫名其妙。”王子衿不理她,转而对秦泽说:“一见钟情的爱情,基本都是颜值控,喜欢的是脸。侥幸追到手,如果性格不合,最终也会分开的。所以我最反感这种生平硬凑的婚姻。” Is all right, the bridegroom is old driver, the method is unusual, all friction can end with Two-finger Zen.” Qin Ze said. “没事没事,新郎官是老司机,手段超凡,一切摩擦都能用二指禅终结。”秦泽道。 The Wang Zijin careful ponder, has not pondered over what/anything from the Qin Ze's words, but only thinks and tells her, this saying to be not right. 王子衿细细思考,没从秦泽的话里头琢磨出什么,但只觉又告诉她,这话不对劲。 Is I network old driver the path has not walked away, isn't able to comprehend the deep meaning? 是我“网络老司机”的道路还没走远,无法领会奥义? Qin Ze places on the cell phone the tea table, enters the room with the notebook, such little while time, the cell phone disappears. 秦泽把手机放在茶几上,进房间拿笔记本,就这么会儿功夫,手机不见了。 Hey, do not make, cell phone also me.” Qin Ze pushed elder sister on sofa. “喂,别闹,把手机还我。”秦泽推了推沙发上的姐姐 Why is I, can't be Wang Zijin?” Qin Baobao refuses to accept. “为什么是我,就不能是王子衿?”秦宝宝不服。 Sister Zijin does not have you is so weak.” Qin Ze helplessly said. 子衿姐才没你这么幼稚。”秦泽无奈道 You search, you search, looks at the cell phone.” Qin Baobao stands on the sofa, stretches out the arms, you dare to bump me, I......” “那你搜身啊,你搜啊,看有没有手机。”秦宝宝站在沙发上,张开双臂,“你敢碰我,我就......” I with the father said that you touch my chest.” Qin Ze rolls the eyes to vie to answer first. “我就和爸说你摸我胸。”秦泽翻白眼抢答。 You have traced.” The Wang Zijin squint is a blade. “那你摸过了吗。”王子衿斜眼就是一刀。 Qin Ze: „......” 秦泽:“......” A Qin Baobao eyeball revolution, smiling of thick thick thick, youngster yo, what you lose is Gold Baobao, is Silver Baobao?” 秦宝宝眼珠子一转,厚厚厚的笑,“少年呦,请问你丢的是金宝宝,还是银宝宝?” „It is not, grandfather, what I lose is Qin Baobao.” “都不是,老爷爷,我丢的是秦宝宝。” Youngster yo, you are really an honest child,” elder sister happy throws: Baobao (darling) turns over to you.” “少年呦,你真是个诚实的孩子,”姐姐开心的扑过来:“宝宝就归你啦。” In a twinkling, in stretches out a leg slantingly, in the Qin Baobao waist, the Achilles'heel was hit, elder sister withered at that time, softly to sofa. 说时迟那时快,斜地里伸出一条腿,点在秦宝宝腰部,命门被击中,姐姐当时就萎了,软到在沙发上。 „Do you do.” The Qin Baobao anger stares bosom friend. “你干嘛。”秦宝宝怒瞪闺蜜 The Wang Zijin whole face is guilty, the whole face is sincere: āi yōu, the foot cramped one after next.” 王子衿满脸愧疚,满脸真诚:“哎呦,脚抽筋了一下下。” Qin Baobao: „......” 秦宝宝:“......” Fights the technique her get to the dwelling that Wang Zijin blade hidden in smiles did not show one's self. 她get到王子衿笑里藏刀不显山露水的宅斗技了。 Gathers the advantage to invest limited company. 聚利投资有限公司 Li Linfeng comes out from the Director-General office, he just handed over the resignation. 李林峰总裁办公室出来,他刚把辞职报告递进去。 After adjusting Investment Banking Department, he put in disfavor thoroughly, one month, a form has not achieved. The business of his not too ripe investment bank, this industry was not booming in recent years, the income assumes cliff to fall suddenly. 调到投行部后,他彻底被打入冷宫,一个多月,一笔单子都没做到。他本来就不太熟投行的业务,这行业近年来又不景气,收入呈断崖式暴跌。 Li Linfeng has the veiled criticism to new Director-General, Su Hao management is good, the vocational level were many on the difference. 李林峰对新总裁颇有微词,苏昊管理方面还行,业务水平就差多了。 company about several investments, the use fund ten hundreds of millions, obtain benefits million. Simply is the investment company shame. 公司近几笔投资,动用资金十几亿,获益百万。简直是投资公司的耻辱。 Passed by the office district, Yang Jian helplessly said: „Can old boss, really walk?” 路过办公区,杨建无奈道:“老大,真要走?” old boss, do not walk, when can perhaps come back to lead us.” 老大,你别走啊,说不定什么时候能重新回来带我们。” New manager may enforce, we were used to it you who tease the ratio, do not adapt to such serious leadership.” “新来的经理可严肃了,我们习惯了逗比的你,不适应这么一本正经的领导。” Leadership, do not instigate that perhaps, when won a promotion?” “领导,别怂啊,说不定什么时候就升官了呢?” Li Linfeng sighed at heart , to promote? Does not exist. 李林峰心里叹口气,升官?不存在的。 Everyone is predestined friends says goodbye.” “大家有缘再见吧。” He waves toward the people, returns to the office to pack the thing. 他朝众人挥挥手,返回办公室收拾东西。 After the moment, the gate of office made a sound two. 片刻后,办公室的门响了两声。 Chen Guang pushes the door to come. 陈光推门进来。 Heard that you did resign?” “听说你辞职了?” Otherwise, mixes to guarantee a minimum the wages?” “不然呢,混保底工资?” Chen Guang smiled hē hē saying: I also resigned.” 陈光呵呵说:“我也辞职了。” Li Linfeng tidies up the goods the movement to stop, vision of doubts: Why this is, you also do not have to rub to get down, is not why dry.” 李林峰收拾物品的动作停止,疑惑的目光:“这是为什么,你又没撸下来,干嘛不干。” Fund examination catches to me every other day, mother female genitals, one pile of procedures must walk, sought this to seek that each time, the Imperial Envoy Group person completely played the rubber ball. This is the system disease, looked uncomfortable.” “资金审批三天两头给我卡住,妈了个巴子,一堆程序要走,每次求这个求那个,钦差团的人尽踢皮球。这就是体制化的弊病,看不爽了。” For this? Too willful.” Li Linfeng expressed that is incomprehensible: Your child just went to the elementary school, the privately established elementary school is expensive, you said that does not do is not dry, how to breast-feed a baby.” “就为了这个?太任性了吧。”李林峰表示不能理解:“你小孩刚上小学吧,私立小学多贵啊,你说不干就不干,怎么奶孩子。” My wife did not have the milk early,” Chen Guang said mysterious: What do you then have to plan?” “我老婆早没奶了,”陈光神秘兮兮道:“那你接下来有什么打算?” Li Linfeng is silent. 李林峰沉默。 Chen Guang said stealthily: Heavenly King Covers the Earthly Tiger.” 陈光鬼祟道:“天王盖地虎。” Li Linfeng hesitant: Kills Qin Baobao.” 李林峰犹豫一下:“打死秦宝宝。” Cipher to, slightly one silent, two people as if found organization, holds the palm reading to look at the tearful eyes. 暗号对上了,略一沉默,两个人仿佛找到了组织,执手相看泪眼。 „Did Chief Su also call you?” 苏总也给你打电话了?” You are also.” “想必你也是。” Follows Chief Su to mix enjoyably, she manages the aspect to be very fierce.” “还是跟着苏总混舒心,她管理方面很厉害。” Does not know that is credible, after all Chief Su coming out individual farming, without fund side support.” “就是不知道靠谱不靠谱,毕竟苏总出来单干,没有资金方支持。” Chief Su said that later introduced an old friend to us.” 苏总说待会给我们介绍一个老朋友。” hē hē, does not need to guess that knows is Qin Ze.” 呵呵,不用猜都知道是秦泽。” I also felt.” “我也觉得。” „A question, Chief Su and do Qin Baobao have a grudge?” “还有一个疑问,苏总秦宝宝有仇?” „......” “……”
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