MESIS :: Volume #3

#226: Quick Shooter

Do not walk is so quick, rubbing the sensitometry is also good, we come to here for this.” Qin Baobao unwilling was pulled to proceed by younger brother. “别走这么快,蹭蹭曝光度也好呀,咱们来这里就为了这个。”秦宝宝不情不愿的被弟弟牵着往前走。 Do not tease, other reporter can rub, the uc reporter you have recede far, their small arrange very terrifyingly.” Qin Ze said. “你别逗,别的记者可以蹭,uc的记者你有多远走多远,他们的小编很恐怖的。”秦泽说。 What's wrong?” “怎么了?” Daily some netizens shout are wanting uc slightly to arrange, but they still strong lives now.” Qin Ze is drawing elder sister: Walks quickly walks, the woman who lacks the mind quickly.” “天天有网友嚷嚷着要uc小编,但他们依然坚挺的活到现在。”秦泽拉着姐姐:“快走快走,缺心眼的娘们。” Lacking mind woman...... 缺心眼娘们...... Qin Baobao shoots a squint toward younger brother, „do you want to taste the elder sister's new skill?” 秦宝宝弟弟射过去一个斜眼,“你又想尝尝姐姐的新技能了?” Qin Ze looks at a elder sister's chest, pretends to tremble: Doesn't dare.” 秦泽不禁瞄一眼姐姐的胸,假装瑟瑟发抖:“不敢不敢。” Qin Baobao proud throwing out the chest. 秦宝宝骄傲的挺挺胸。 After Life-seizing Scissor Legs, she unlocking new skill, but always felt appearance that owes. 夺命剪刀脚后,她又解锁了新技能,但是总感觉好亏的样子。 Going upstairs was good, passes the road junction to have the security that two act as to welcome guests, the suit leather shoes, keeps off the reporter outside entirely. The reporters who do not lose heart are lifting the camera, aims at elder sister and younger brother two form kā cā kā cā. 上楼就好了,通道口有两个充当迎宾的安保,西装革履,把记者统统挡在外面。不死心的记者们举着相机,对准姐弟俩的身影咔擦咔擦 Qin Baobao pulls out the family member who thick red envelope gives the entrance. 秦宝宝掏出厚厚的红包递给入口处的家属。 elder sister thought that this does business at a loss the business, does not know when can pay a man back in his own coin, heart very stopper. 姐姐觉得这是赔本买卖,也不知什么时候能礼尚往来,心很塞。 The wedding has not formally started, but the great hall has gathered completely the person, several relatives welcomed elder sister and younger brother two to go. 婚礼还没有正式开始,但大堂已经聚满了人,几个亲属迎着姐弟俩进去。 Qin Baobao is too dazzling, attracted the attention of people all of a sudden, she wears a light blue long skirt today, is conservative, non- strapless non- strapless, on the neck wears a diamond necklace, the ear pendant sparkles to shine. 秦宝宝委实太耀眼,一下子就吸引了众人的关注,她今天穿了件浅蓝色的长裙,偏保守,不露肩不露背,颈上戴一条钻石项链,耳坠闪闪发亮。 The skirt that couple days ago bought newly, elder sister settled on white gorgeous formal clothes, beautiful that type, Qin Ze shocking, while urged elder sister not to do, she put on that pencil skirt to enter the wedding conference site, it is estimated that the master of ceremonies met the admitting mistakes person, shouted one: Our brides entered the stadium, everyone welcome!” 前几天新买的裙子,本来姐姐看中一条白色的华美礼服,艳光四射那种,秦泽一边惊艳,一边劝姐姐别作死,她穿那套裙子走进婚礼会场,估计司仪会认错人,大喊一声:“我们的新娘入场了,大家欢迎!” That Qin Baobao can hit gg for her acting career. 秦宝宝可以为她的演艺生涯打gg。 What the first wave collects is the singer, the leg and foot is especially agile. 第一波凑上来的是歌星,腿脚格外利索。 Teacher Qin, you come!” 秦老师,你来啦!” Teacher Qin is good.” 秦老师好。” āi yōu, Teacher Qin also came.” 哎呦,秦老师也来了啊。” Qin Baobao just raised a smiling face, sees the singers indifferently regardless oneself, gives younger brother the shining smiling face. 秦宝宝刚扬起一个笑脸,就看见歌星们冷漠的撇开自己,把灿灿笑容递给身边的弟弟 She has to maintain a stiff smiling face, lining side being a focus of public attention younger brother. 她只好维持一个僵硬的笑容,衬在万众瞩目的弟弟身边。 The rich merchant celebrities follow closely, but. 富商名流们紧随而至。 The Qin Baobao smiling face enlivens immediately, some rich merchants she knew, does business has developed, has done the advertisement. Some did not know, but depending on own popularity, can definitely exchange greetings, perhaps chatted several to handle a form. 秦宝宝笑容立刻活跃起来,有些富商她认识,做过商演,拍过广告。有些不认识,但凭自己的知名度,肯定会来寒暄一番,没准聊几句就能搞定一笔单子。 Teacher Qin, has heard so much about you.” 秦老师,久仰大名啊。” „Did Teacher Qin, recently have is speculating in the stock market?” 秦老师,最近有在炒股吗?” Teacher Qin, you in Taiwan said that one month gains 100 million ? I speculate in the stock market also quite have the attainment, do we have free time to exchange?” 秦老师,你在宝岛说一个月赚一亿,是真的吗?我炒股也颇有心得,咱们有空交流交流?” Teacher Qin......” 秦老师......” The rich merchants disregard Qin Baobao collectively. 富商们集体无视秦宝宝 The deep evil intention surrounds Qin Baobao all round. 深深的恶意将秦宝宝团团包围。 elder sister and younger brother two strolled at wedding, Qin Baobao discovered besides Xu Yunhan several Star Skills relations also good artists, unexpectedly no one first time initiative and she greeted, celebrities mostly went to Qin Ze, the rich merchants all went to Qin Ze. 姐弟俩在婚礼现场逛了一圈,秦宝宝发现除了徐韵寒几个星艺关系还不错的艺人,竟没人第一时间的主动和她打招呼,明星们大多冲着秦泽去的,富商们全部冲着秦泽去的。 Some indicated that must with the Qin Ze exchange stocks speculation attainment, some expressed that so long as Qin Ze holds in Weibo or the public platform the company stock, will be deeply grateful, and delivers the generous reward. 有的表示要和秦泽交流炒股心得,有的表示只要秦泽微博或者公开平台捧一下自己公司的股,将感激不尽,并送上丰厚的报酬。 Music World First Quick Shooter and Stock God two gleaming halo according to younger brother, bright blind Baobao's eye. 歌坛第一快枪手”和“股神”两个亮闪闪的光环照在弟弟头上,亮瞎宝宝的眼。 Soon, the bridegroom came out, such as many things around a center. The focus transferred instantaneously, the bridegroom along wedding, crossed all guests, accepts everyone's congratulation, the friend who meets the relational comparison iron, stops to chat several. 不多时,新郎官出来了,如众星捧月。焦点瞬间转了过去,新郎官沿着婚礼现场,把所有宾客都过了一遍,接受大家的恭喜,遇到关系比较铁的朋友,就停下来聊几句。 However has not seen the bride, the wedding has not started, therefore the bridegroom and bride propose a toast in behind. 不过没看到新娘,婚礼还没开始,所以新郎和新娘敬酒在后面。 How to see the bride?” Qin Ze glances right and left. “怎么没看到新娘?”秦泽左顾右盼。 „Before wedding has not started, the bride cannot come out...... seems like has this custom.” Qin Baobao indefinite tone. “婚礼没开始前,新娘不能出来吧......似乎是有这个习俗。”秦宝宝不确定的语气。 As if?” “似乎?” āi yā, I have not married, how I know.” elder sister said. 哎呀,我又没结过婚,我怎么知道嘛。”姐姐说。 Finally, Huang Yicong arrived at the Qin Ze elder sister and younger brother two this table, in congratulation of one pack of sounds, Huang Yicong racket Qin Ze's shoulder: Yo, the youngster, I also feared that you do not come.” 终于,黄易聪来到了秦泽姐弟俩这一桌,一叠声的恭喜中,黄易聪拍拍秦泽的肩膀:“呦,少年,我还怕你不来呢。” Sir Director-General favors Qin Ze very much, where will have the ability bright person to arrive at to be respected, but Huang Yicong will appreciate Qin Ze, will be because some first time people can with him speak freely that Shanghai prostitute reform history, making one have a type of liquor to meet friend thousand cups of few feelings very much. 总裁大人很青睐秦泽,有能力有才华的人走到哪里都会受人尊敬,但黄易聪欣赏秦泽,是因为头一次有人能和他畅谈沪市大宝剑改革史,让人很有种酒逢知己千杯少的感觉。 Qin Baobao in his eyes, is only a potential staff, acting with constraint was good to the smiling face, today's Qin Baobao is especially attractive, but he is a bridegroom, everyone can appreciate Qin Baobao's face value and stature, he actually wants hold to live, eye is a him. 秦宝宝在他眼里,只是一个有潜力的员工,矜持的给个笑容就好了,今天的秦宝宝格外漂亮,可他是新郎官,所有人都能欣赏秦宝宝的颜值和身材,他却一定要hold住,一双双眼睛盯着他呢。 „Hasn't bride come out?” Qin Ze asked. “新娘子没出来?”秦泽问。 Bride in the room, must send red envelope to come out later, perhaps will have what make trouble out of nothing, may trouble.” Huang Yicong pulls a chair to sit: Here has the picture, shows you.” “新娘子在房间里,待会还要发红包请出来呢,或许还会有什么幺蛾子,可麻烦了。”黄易聪拉过一条椅子坐下来:“我这里有照片,给你看看。” He opens the cell phone photo album, to Qin Ze looked wedding photo that oneself and bride makes. 他打开手机相册,给秦泽看自己和新娘拍的婚纱照。 The bride is very pretty, moreover after the beautiful face, Fairy Maiden, is face especially seems to be tender, situated in the high-school student and university student, seeming like small. 新娘子很漂亮,而且经过美颜,仿佛仙子,可是格外的脸嫩,介于高中生和大学生之间,看起来似乎比自己还小。 „, The bride is newly big.” Qin Ze shocking asking. “新,新娘才多大啊。”秦泽震惊的问。 This year big three, originally wants to wait for her to graduate the marriage, but both elders thought that marries as soon as possible quite well.” Huang Yicong said low voice: Entered the grave of marriage early. May not have the means that the new maternal home and my family are the family friendship of many generations, the temperament character are also good, I depended on the parents to marry.” “今年大三,本来想等她毕业结婚的,但双方长辈都觉得尽早结婚比较好。”黄易聪小声说:“早早的进了婚姻的坟墓。可没办法,新娘家和我家是世交,脾气性格又不错,我就依着父母娶了。” A Huang Yicong face reads female innumerable, looks through the calm of common custom. 黄易聪一脸阅女无数,看破世俗的淡定。 I am also good to have this family friendship of many generations. 我也好想有这种世交。 Qin Ze also said low voice: „Does brother you like loli?” 秦泽也小声说:“老哥你喜欢萝莉啊?” In view of the fact that Chief Huang cuts intrinsic of show man, he spoke to have no worry. 鉴于黄总裁骚汉子的内在,他说话没什么顾虑。 This year is not very popular lolicon, my old age, elder siscon had no market.” Huang Yicong shot a look at Qin Baobao, teased: You are very actually potential.” “这年头不是很流行萝莉控么,我这把年纪了,姐控没什么市场。”黄易聪瞥了眼秦宝宝,打趣道:“你倒是很有潜力的。” The Qin Ze vigilance, what Sir Director-General knows? Do I silence a witness of crime now also with enough time? 秦泽警觉起来,总裁大人是知道些什么吗?我现在杀人灭口还来得及吗? Huang Yicong discovered that Qin Ze's look bewildered killing intentions overflows. 黄易聪发现秦泽的眼神莫名其妙的杀机四溢。 What words did I speak incorrectly? 我说错什么话了吗? Right, a additional good friend, sent your something.” Huang Yicong said. “对了,加个好友,发你些东西。”黄易聪说。 Two people sweep the yard to add the good friend. 两人扫码加好友。 Huang Yicong sent a big string benefits to Qin Ze, Qin Ze concentrates the eyes looked, stares wide-eyed, that was the address of one by one office, was found in the Shanghai major regions, and manager contact method, end also had the Huang Yicong individual review. 黄易聪秦泽发了一大串福利,秦泽凝目一看,瞪大眼睛,那是一个个会所的地址,遍布沪市各大区域,以及经理的联系方式,末尾还有黄易聪的个人点评。 Qin Ze sad thinking, oneself cut in Chief Huang at heart, is a capital letter old driver. 秦泽悲伤的想,自己在黄总裁心里,就是一个大写的“老司机”吧。 Office is a little high-end, the expense is expensive, but by your economic capacity, does not have the issue ready ready, goes, is the good places.” Huang Yicong lowers the sound: Brother I did not have the opportunity, it is estimated that did not have that energy. Is well-known for a long time office not to go, recently struck hard, is really regrettable. The brother helped you come here.” “会所有点高端,消费昂贵,但以你的经济能力,妥妥没问题,去吧,都是好地方。”黄易聪压低声音:“老哥我是没机会了,估计也没那精力了。还有一些闻名已久的会所没去过,最近严打么,甚是遗憾。老哥就帮你到这里了。” I go, big shot you are enlightened to pass on me to finish the body skill forcefully, I am obstinate and argumentative the King, actually little moe is new, 108 posture my heart does not have had smallpox and hence be immune ripe. 我去,大佬您强行醍醐灌顶传我毕身功力啊,我就一嘴强王者,其实还是小萌新,一百零八种姿势我心熟身不熟。 Qin Ze excited holds the cell phone, as if the third-class swordsman in Jianghu holds the lonely nine sword rare books. 秦泽激动的捧着手机,仿佛江湖中的三流剑客捧着孤独九剑秘籍。 Qin Baobao sets upright the ear to listen secretly boss and younger brother whispers in somebody's ear, what a pity has not heard what/anything, thought, they have met, this vice- friend difficult homing appearance what's the matter. 秦宝宝竖着耳朵偷听老板弟弟咬耳朵,可惜没听到什么,心想,他俩才见过一面吧,这副知己难寻的模样是怎么回事。 At this time, the relatives and friends groups stood in the distant place, beckoned toward Huang Yicong fiercely, summoning him to pass. 这时,亲友团们站在远处,朝黄易聪猛招手,呼唤他过去。 Some famous Host sound conveys: First please have our brides.” 某著名主持人的声音传来:“先请出我们的新娘。” The wedding has the master of ceremonies team of specialty, but Host gave entertainment world famous Host. 婚礼有专业的司仪团队,不过主持人让给了娱乐圈著名的主持人 One crowd of person huā lā la gushing out conference site, along the long corridor, moves toward the end the suite. Bride in inside. 一群人哗啦啦的涌出会场,沿着长长的廊道,走向尽头的套房。新娘子就在里头。 The photography personnel following crowd walks. 拍摄人员跟着人群走。 Qin Baobao sets out excitedly: Walks, we watch the fun.” 秦宝宝兴奋起身:“走走,我们去瞧瞧热闹。” Outside the suite, Huang Yicong is gorgeously motionless, is responsible for knocking on a door by the best man: Opens the door, took the bride to come.” 套房外,黄易聪巍然不动,由伴郎负责敲门:“开门开门,接新娘子来了。” Knocks for quite a while, no one should. 敲半天,没人应。 Opens the door, sent red envelope.” The best man shouted. “开门开门,发红包了。”伴郎大喊。 No one responded. 还是没人响应。 The Qin Ze brain made up such picture: Opens the door opens the door, you have the skill...... 秦泽脑补了这样的画面:开门啊开门啊,你有本事...... Good demonic nature. 好魔性。 How many does red envelope have?” 红包有多少?” Finally, in the room broadcasts the clear sound. 终于,房间里传来清脆的声音。 First opens the door gives red envelope again.” Several best men shouted. “先开门再给红包。”几个伴郎喊。 The gate opened, but there is a security chain, only reveals a seam. 门打开了,但有防盗链,只露出一条缝。 To red envelope, gave opened the door again.” Several white and tender hands extend. “给红包,给了再开门。”几只白嫩嫩的手伸出来。 Raises the best man of basket to start to send red envelope. 提着篮子的伴郎就开始发红包 Can open the door.” “可以开门了吧。” „It is not good, in your basket also has red envelope, does not give not to open the door.” The room girls said. “不行,你篮子里还有红包,不给完不开门。”屋子里的女孩们说。 Hey, this crowd of small silly girl.” Huang Yicong said ill-humoredly: Sends, gives them.” “嘿,这群小丫头片子。”黄易聪没好气道:“发吧,都给她们。” The red envelope round in basket, the girls hee hee hā hā said: A while.” 篮子里的红包发完,女孩们嘻嘻哈哈的说:“等会儿。” In the pocket holds the thick red envelope girl to open the door to everyone with a smile, other girls actually disappear. 兜里揣着厚厚红包的女孩笑吟吟的给大家开门,其他女孩却不见了。 Person?” “人呢?” In inside, you continues, I first remove.” The girl said grinningly. “在里面呢,你们继续,我先撤。”女孩笑嘻嘻说。 This suite had the bedroom to have the living room, the total area 40~50 square meter, the bridegrooms entered the living room, inside also had a leafed door. 这套房有卧室有客厅,总面积四五十平米,新郎们进了客厅,里面还有一扇门。 fuck me! 卧槽 The people are scared. 众人傻眼。 Then is opens the door opens the door the shout. 然后又是一阵“开门啊开门啊”的呼喊声。 To red envelope, does not give does not open the door.” Girls' voice makes a sound. “给红包,不给不开门。”女孩们的声音又响起来。 „.” The Huang Yicong big hand wields. “给给给。”黄易聪大手一挥。 The best man of handbasket was scared: red envelope did not have.” 提篮子的伴郎傻眼了:“红包没了呀。” No matter, does not have red envelope not to open the door in any case.” Girls' voice conveys. “不管,反正没红包不开门。”女孩们的声音传来。 Huang Yicong trench air/Qi very much, will make the best men prepare new red envelope, his relative pulled his sleeve, the tone of expecting too much: Opening the door is not you plays like this, cannot compromise constantly, otherwise they will request to be only getting higher and higher.” 黄易聪壕气的很,正要让伴郎们准备新红包,他的亲属扯了扯他袖子,恨铁不成钢的语气:“开门不是你这样玩的,不能一味的妥协,不然她们要求只会越来越高。” Huang Yicong thinks, is reasonable, is then uncompromising, insisted makes the best man knock on a door, shouts loudly: Opens the door opens the door......” 黄易聪一想,有道理,便不妥协,坚持让伴郎敲门,高呼:“开门呀开门呀......” Surrounded guests hā hā laughs, some are lifting the cell phone racket, some cheered on for the best man. 围观的宾客们哈哈大笑,有的举着手机拍,有的为伴郎呐喊助威。 both sides refused to budge, the bride who in the room, puts on the nuptial dress sits on the bed, the appearance was beautiful, said: Good, Yan Zi | Swallow, opens the door.” 双方僵持了一阵,屋子里,穿着婚纱的新娘坐在床上,容貌姣好,说:“好了好了,燕子,开门吧。” Yan Zi | Swallow is stopping up the gate, expects too much saying: āi yā, cannot open the door quickly, „ must come not to know to treasure easily, understands. ” 燕子堵着门,恨铁不成钢道:“哎呀,不能这么快开门,“得来容易”不知道珍惜,懂么。” Small elder and younger sister echo. 姐妹们纷纷附和。 Bridal helplessly said: Quarrelled.” 新娘无奈道:“可是吵死了。” Yan Zi | Swallow thinks, that we draw back one step, making them sing.” 燕子想了想,“那咱们退一步,让他们唱歌。” Sang, making the bridegroom sing.” “唱歌好,让新郎官唱歌。” Sang was not of pleasant to hear, did not open the door.” “唱的不好听,就不开门。” The girls discussed, was away from the gate to shout: Does not send red envelope, that sang.” 女孩们商量完,隔着门大喊:“不发红包可以,那就唱歌。” Three songs, first head: «Loves Your Forever», second head: «My Lover», third said later.” “三首歌,第一首:《永远爱你》,第二首:《我的爱人》,第三首待会说。” The Huang Yicong heart said, sang not to have the issue, I hugged the younger sisters are singing the life loudly the time, you had not been born. 黄易聪心说,唱歌没问题啊,我搂着妹子们放声歌唱人生的时候,你们还没出生呢。 The lens focus on Huang Yicong, the real man opens the throat to be howling, the least bit does not breathe out. 镜头聚焦在黄易聪身上,真汉子开嗓就嚎起来,半点不嘘。 Sang, third song?” “唱完了,第三首歌呢?” Said a bit faster, do not delay time.” “快点说,别耽误时间。” Opens the door opens the door......” “开门啊开门啊......” Best men's voice. 伴郎们的声音。 In the room transmits the girls next instruction: „The third most important original, about the love, cannot sing blindly, wants the original, must cry our brides with emotion is good.” 房间里传来女孩们下一个指令:“第三首要原创,关于爱情的,不能瞎唱,一定要原创,要把我们新娘感动落泪才行。” fuck me! 卧槽 Huang Yicong and best men, have 10,000 to draft at heart dash. 黄易聪和伴郎们,心里有一万头草拟吗飞奔而过。 The original of where coming, doesn't this create obstacles for the person? 哪来的原创啊,这不是刁难人么? Went too far, messes around.” Huang Yicong relative disgruntled say/way. “太过分了,瞎闹。”黄易聪的亲戚不悦道。 This crowd of foolish girl points compel the number not to have. 这群黄毛丫头一点逼数都没有。 Outside so many celebrity, so many musicians, definitely have the original, did not sing does not open the door.” The girls shouted. “外面那么多明星,那么多音乐人,肯定有原创的吧,不唱不开门。”女孩们喊。 fuck me! 卧槽 The singers and music people are also one piece draft dash, where comes so many originals, who has the original to use in this place. 歌手和音乐人们心里也是一片草拟吗飞奔而过,哪来这么多原创,有原创谁用在这地方。 Handbasket that best man said ill-humoredly: Original request was too high, who is so fierce, such short time gives you to think that a song comes out, Quick Shooter?” 提篮子那个伴郎没好气道:“原创要求太高了,谁这么厉害啊,这么短的时间给你想首歌出来,快枪手么?” hā hā hā!” 哈哈哈!” Guests hā hā laughs, Qin Ze also follows hā hā to laugh. 宾客们哈哈大笑,秦泽也跟着哈哈大笑。 Well, Quick Shooter?! 咦,快枪手?! The Huang Yicong fierce response, turns head to look in the future, finally made him search the Qin Ze's form. 黄易聪猛的反应过来,扭头就往后看,终于让他搜索到了秦泽的身影。 The laughter stops suddenly, responded quick guests get. 哄笑声戛然而止,反应快的宾客们get到了。 Quick Shooter! 快枪手 The Qin Ze smiling face is stiff immediately on the face, bunches of vision turn to him, lens locks him, seemed saying: Look looks, Quick Shooter here. 秦泽笑容顿时僵在脸上,一簇簇目光转向他,镜头一声将他锁定,仿佛在说:看呐看呐,快枪手在这里。 mmp! mmp!
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