MESIS :: Volume #3

#225: In the bosom hugs the younger brother to kill

The thing that easy obtains, is not always treasured. 容易得到的东西,总是不被珍惜。 Qin Ze knows together the financial license expensively, even private placement. Although to Pei Nanman, possibly is the slight effort. This sentiment he must record. 秦泽才知道一块金融牌照有多贵,即便是私募的。虽然对裴南曼来说,可能是举手之劳。这份情他仍然要记着。 Qin Baobao was weeping and wailing initially makes celebrity, but after travelling by the flight travels between the strange city, she thought that was too tired. Now only wants to throw to the younger brother bosom, is weeping and wailing: old bro asked to support, yīng yīng yīng...... 秦宝宝当初哭着喊着做明星,但在搭乘航班往返陌生城市之后,她觉得太累了。现在只想扑到弟弟怀里,哭着喊着:老弟求包养,嘤嘤嘤...... She was the promotion was too quick, if used all might ten years eight years, will treasure the present fame and fortune well. 她就是升级太快了,要是摸爬滚打个十年八载,就会好好珍惜如今的名利。 elder sister said long before, later makes a result, must open the work room, when oneself boss. She has this ability, but is obstinate and argumentative the attribute of King, repeatedly delays. 姐姐很早以前就说,以后做出点成绩来,要开个工作室,自己当老板。她是有这能力的,但嘴强王者的属性,一拖再拖。 Qin Ze had also said that must open company handful of elder sister, but also struggles now is establishing the investment company initial steps. 秦泽也说过要开公司姐姐,但现在还挣扎在成立投资公司的起步阶段。 In the Wang Zijin's words: salted fish elder sister and younger brother, without problem! 王子衿的话说:咸鱼姐弟,没毛病! Handles Su Yu this masochist, Qin Ze receives father's call, making him go to a school, said that discussed the wind direction of recent stock market. 搞定苏钰这个抖m,秦泽接到老子的电话,让他去趟学校,说讨论一下最近股市的风向。 Understood, old gentleman is learning from him, is not good to state clearly. 懂了,老爷子在向他取经,又不好明说。 Wears what sunglasses, when oneself are superstar!” old gentleman sits in the office, first dirties the son. “戴什么墨镜,当自己是大明星吗!”老爷子坐在办公室,先埋汰一下儿子。 The little miss who keeps thinking about your son are many. 惦记你儿子的小姑娘很多的。 The Qin Ze heart said. 秦泽心说。 „, Went out wearing sunglasses with the elder sister every day, be used.” “哦,每天跟姐出门都戴墨镜,习惯了。” Slotted can spit toward elder sister heartily, but cannot spit toward the father, otherwise the old radish of spicy heart will pull out a giant Buddhist musical instrument suddenly, not only the son feared, trembling that the daughter also frightens. 有槽可以尽情朝姐姐吐,但不能朝老爸吐,否则辣心的老萝卜会突然间掏出一条巨大的法器,不但儿子怕,女儿也吓的瑟瑟发抖。 The feather duster may be fierce. 鸡毛掸子可厉害了。 Chatted six points from 3 : 00 pm, the weather dusk. 从下午 3 点聊到六点,天色擦黑。 old gentleman urges the son going home milk daughter well satisfied, your older sister was quickly hungry, hurries.” 老爷子心满意足的催儿子回家奶女儿,“你姐快饿了,赶紧回去吧。” Initially agreed the son and daughter lived, to let the son helped the milk daughter, wanted the milk to be good, plump and fair-complected of milk. 当初同意儿子和女儿住,就是为了让儿子帮忙奶女儿,要奶好,奶的白白胖胖。 Qin Ze gets to the entrance, then said: Father, mother called my elder sister yesterday, said that you made a lot of money, but was happy.” 秦泽走到门口,回头道:“爸,妈昨天跟我姐打电话,说你赚了不少钱,可开心了。” Qin Ze imitates the tone of mother: Your father may be fierce, a half month, turns one time family's deposit. Baobao (darling), you want the servant study study, selects the man to know that insightful cuts down.” 秦泽模仿老妈的语气:“你爸可厉害了,才半个多月呢,就把家里的存款翻一倍。宝宝啊,你要跟妈学学,挑男人要有眼光知道伐。” At that time, Qin Baobao looked at younger brother subconsciously. 当时,秦宝宝下意识看弟弟 Qin Ze tsukkomi said: Father, you steals from here.” 秦泽吐槽道:“爸,你就是从我这里偷师的吧。” Father's dignity could not maintain, old gentleman shamed into anger, really pulled out a giant Buddhist musical instrument, frightened Qin Ze turned head to run. 父亲的威严维持不住了,老爷子恼羞成怒,果然掏出一条巨大的法器,吓的秦泽扭头就跑。 Does grocery shopping in the mixed-use area, Qin Ze prepares daily milk elder sister, at this time, Sister Zijin should also come back. 在商住两用区买了菜,秦泽准备日常奶姐姐,这时候,子衿姐应该也回来了吧。 Really came back, on the living room couch sits well two elder sister, one on the left and other on the right, both hands hold the chest, the expression posture god synchronize. 果然回来了,客厅长沙发上端坐两位姐姐,一左一右,双手抱胸,表情姿势神同步。 Qin Ze carries the vegetable/dish to walk toward the kitchen: Sister Zijin haven't you watched the television unexpectedly? I first prepare food.” 秦泽拎着菜往厨房走:“子衿姐你竟然没看电视?我先去做菜。” Prepares food not anxiously.” “做菜不急。” Does not want to eat meal.” “不想吃饭。” elder sisters with one voice. 姐姐们异口同声。 Doesn't eat the vegetable/dish?” Qin Ze stares: Under me eats to you.” “不吃菜?”秦泽一愣:“那我下面给你们吃。” Qin Baobao cold expression: First came, has the words to say to you.” 秦宝宝冷着脸:“先过来,有话对你说。” Qin Ze puts on the vegetable/dish the table, vacant walks, will sit the sofa, butt is trampled a foot by elder sister. 秦泽把菜放桌上,茫然的走过去,正要坐沙发,屁股姐姐踹了一脚。 Wang Zijin calm extracts a plastic backless stool from the glass tea table, your position here.” 王子衿淡定的从玻璃茶几下抽出一张塑料板凳,“你的位置在这里。” In the family/home had small backless stool thing, the elder sisters style was so unexpectedly strange. 家里什么时候有小板凳这东西了,姐姐们画风竟如此诡异。 Qin Ze sits the small backless stool clever: Said that puts in order what make trouble out of nothing.” 秦泽乖坐小板凳:“说吧,整什么幺蛾子。” Installed real innocent, Wang Zijin sneers: Hasn't found out the elder sister's depth? Definitely has the matter.” 装的真无辜,王子衿冷笑一声:“没摸清自己姐姐的深浅?肯定有事咯。” How I may know the elder sister's depth. 我怎么可能会知道姐姐的深浅。 Qin Ze shock. 秦泽震惊。 Wang Zijin: Who Su Yu and are Sister Man?” 王子衿:“苏钰曼姐是谁?” Qin Baobao: Who allows you to apportion Su Yu's the stock.” 秦宝宝:“谁允许你把股份分给苏钰的。” Two women also with one voice, Wang Zijin said: I first asked, the matter of stock was late to say.” 两女人又异口同声,王子衿说:“我先问,股份的事晚点说。” Qin Baobao choice compromise, she in front of younger brother always hard, must not have Wang Zijin to share a common hatred, has met the style definitely to turn into this: 秦宝宝选择妥协,她在弟弟面前总是硬不起来,要没王子衿同仇敌忾,过会画风肯定会变成这样: A'Ze, forgave elder sister......” 阿泽,饶了姐姐吧……” pā pā pā......” 啪啪啪……” elder sister made a mistake...... wū wū......” 姐姐错了……呜呜……” pā pā pā......” 啪啪啪……” You know that bullies me.” “你就知道欺负我。” pā pā pā......” 啪啪啪……” Her butt must take a beating. 屁股又要挨揍。 Happen to stands erect the elder sister Weiguang shore image taking this opportunity, rather than pā pā object. 正好借这个机会竖立一下姐姐伟光岸形象,而不是啪啪对象。 Must establish the custom to small rascal. 要给小赤佬立规矩。 Asked that your words, who Su Yu and Sister Man are.” Wang Zijin is pointing at the small backless stool: Sat.” “问你话呢,苏钰曼姐是谁。”王子衿指着小板凳:“坐好了。” Qin Ze both hands place the knee, sits the small backless stool clever: One is my former boss, present partner. Another is my friend.” 秦泽双手放在膝盖,乖坐小板凳:“一个是我前任上司,现在的合伙人。另一个是我朋友。” Boss and are friend friends? Where has such skillful matter.” Wang Zijin does not believe. “上司和朋友是朋友?哪有这么巧的事。”王子衿不信。 This is the fate!” Qin Ze feeling. “这就是缘分呐!”秦泽感慨。 Un?” Wang Zijin vertical eyebrow. “嗯?”王子衿竖眉。 In any case is the pure friend relations, yes, you today also in a group. Did you also know?” “反正就是纯洁的朋友关系,对了,你们今天还在一个群里来着。你们也认识?” Wang Zijin squint Qin Baobao, ahem: Somebody to protect only child younger brother was not ganged up by beautiful slut, daily must rip several rounds, takes great pains.” 王子衿斜眼秦宝宝,哼哼:“某人为了保护独苗弟弟不被妖艳贱货勾搭,天天要撕上几回合,煞费苦心呐。” I go, is really Poodle Su is doing the matter. 我去,果然是苏泰迪在搞事情。 Small Waist plays the inexpensive skill, Qin Ze has to compel the number at heart very much. 小蛮腰耍贱的本事,秦泽心里很有逼数。 Really is only the pure friend relations.” Qin Ze finger/refers of day to vow. “真的只是纯洁的朋友关系。”秦泽指天为誓。 Pure?” “有多纯洁?” Like me and Sister Baobao pure.” Qin Ze does not forget to hold elder sister. “就像我和宝宝姐一样纯洁。”秦泽不忘捧一下自家姐姐 Wang Zijin sorrowful thinking, medicine pellet! 王子衿悲哀的想,药丸 Good, you asked that changed me to come.” Qin Baobao pushes bosom friend, is holding anger at heart, sat.” “好了好了,你问完了,换我来。”秦宝宝推推闺蜜,心里憋着火,“坐好了。” Qin Ze exhibits sits the small backless stool posture clever. 秦泽又摆出乖坐小板凳姿势。 Why can apportion Su Yu the stock?” elder sister drum cheek. “为什么要把股份分给苏钰?”姐姐鼓腮。 Because she is a talent.” “因为她是人才啊。” Bah, daily by my oppressive Spicy Chicken is a talent?” “呸,天天被我虐的辣鸡是人才?” Others are Study Abroad Sea Turtle, Management Studies Ph.D, Finance Department masters degree.” “人家是留洋海龟,管理学博士,金融系硕士。” Qin Baobao: ....... 秦宝宝:“.......” Wang Zijin: ....... 王子衿:“.......” Rare gets up in school record poverty stunts ambition. 罕见的在学历方面人穷志短起来。 That cannot apportion others the stock, 6 percent, you gain one hundred million, others resulted in 6 million in vain.” Qin Baobao angrily said. “那也不能把股份分给人家,百分之六呐,你赚一个亿,人家就白白得了六百万。”秦宝宝怒道 In fact, others comply to throw 6 million, I also thought that the stock gave few.” The Qin Ze booth lets go. “事实上,人家答应投六百万,我还觉得股份给少了呢。”秦泽摊摊手。 „, Your this black heart, but also dares to talk back.” Qin Baobao debated younger brother, changed to the foot to kick, trampling younger brother that the foot kept. “哇,你这个黑了心的,还敢顶嘴。”秦宝宝辩不过弟弟,改用脚踢,脚丫子不停的踹弟弟 elder sister begins, pulls back the original design the pattern instantaneously. The Qin Ze big Falling Stele Hand racket turns elder sister, brandishes palm of the hand pā pā pā to get up. 姐姐一动手,瞬间把模式拉回到原样。秦泽摔碑手拍翻姐姐,挥舞巴掌“啪啪啪”起来。 The image that Wang Zijin sorrowful thinking, the silly miss, just set upright, collapsed like this. 王子衿悲哀的想,傻姑娘,刚刚竖起来的形象,就这样坍塌了呀。 This whole life is doomed by younger brother to be eaten stubbornly. 这辈子注定要被弟弟吃的死死。 small rascal, you also dare to begin.” Qin Baobao suffered several to punch, air/Qi must cry. The both legs flutter the waist of younger brother, the finger poke his nostril. But by Qin Ze avoid. 小赤佬,你还敢动手。”秦宝宝挨了几下揍,气的要哭出来。双腿勾住弟弟的腰,手指戳他鼻孔。但被秦泽躲开 Saw with own eyes that must be hung to hit by younger brother, Qin Baobao when good luck comes the wits are sharpened, holds in the arms the younger brother nape of the neck suddenly, spells to go all-out his head to press toward the chest. 眼见又要被弟弟吊打,秦宝宝忽然福至心灵,搂住弟弟的脖颈,拼尽全力把他的脑袋往胸口一按。 Powerful Qin Ze was suddenly soft, releases. 气势如虹的秦泽忽然软了,一泄到底。 After several minutes, he starts to struggle, and makes the wū wū sound. 几分钟后,他开始挣扎,并且发出呜呜的声音。 Begs for mercy also uselessly, will not let off your.” Qin Baobao presses is more ruthless. “求饶也没用,不会放过你的。”秦宝宝按的更狠。 He must feel stifled, drops quickly.” Wang Zijin goes forward to pull open bosom friend, envies looks at her chest that the envy hates. “他要憋死了,快放手。”王子衿上前拉开闺蜜,羡慕嫉妒恨的看一眼她的胸口。 Qin Ze partly lies down in the sofa, the big mouth respite, is quite fearful, almost dies in the elder sister bosom. 秦泽半躺在沙发,大口喘息,好可怕,差点死在姐姐怀里。 Felt that the body pulled out spatially. 感觉身体被掏空。 Makes you not talk back.” Qin Baobao stares. “让你还顶嘴不。”秦宝宝瞪眼。 Does not dare, does not dare,” Qin Ze beckons with the hand: Later gives big shot to lower the head.” “不敢了,不敢了,”秦泽摆摆手:“以后都给大佬低头。” Wang Zijin again sorrowful thinking, pure friendship? 王子衿再一次悲哀的想,纯洁的友谊? medicine pellet. 药丸 two days later, on November 30. 两天后,11月30号。 The Star Skills Director-General wedding is held in five-star grand hotel abundantly again, Huang Yicong wrapped the entire hotel to take wedding. Guest of communication besides businessman celebrities, celebrity and capital of big shot entertainment world. 星艺总裁的婚礼在五星级大酒店盛重举行,黄易聪包下了整层酒店做为婚礼现场。来往的宾客除了商贾名流,还有娱乐圈的明星以及资本大佬 Qin Baobao net celeb younger brother steps into the hotel hand in hand. 秦宝宝携手网红弟弟踏入酒店。 Just passing through the gate, had to rub the lively reporter, pulled out the camera without delay, kā cā kā cā strikes with force toward two people. 刚进门口,就有蹭热闹的记者,二话不说掏出相机,咔擦咔擦朝两人猛拍。 Today's title some wrote, «shock! Star Skills Director-General wedding celebrity converges, actually invited his» 今天的标题有的写了,《震惊!星艺总裁的婚礼明星云集,竟然请来了他》 Not is right, the title is not very shocking, trades a «shock, the Director-General wedding presents his form unexpectedly, does he want to do 不对不对,标题不够震惊,换一个《震惊,总裁婚礼竟然出现他的身影,他想干什么?》 Qin Ze looked at the symbol of eye that fellow chest, draws elder sister to walk: Walks quickly walks quickly, this fellow is the uc person.” 秦泽看了眼那家伙胸口的标志,拉着姐姐就走:“快走快走,这家伙是uc的人。” „Isn't uc a browser?” elder sister is vacant. “uc不是浏览器么?”姐姐茫然。 No time explained that is not only the uc person, the range estimate or Shock Department, first go upstairs.” “没时间解释了,不但是uc的人,目测还是震惊部的,先上楼。”
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