MESIS :: Volume #3

#224: One group of kids

In the family/home more than ten kilometers away, the Qin Baobao nest watches the television on the sofa, in the living room is turning on the air conditioning, she puts on the short sleeve, short to the thigh root shorts, two slender thighs build in the glass tea table, slender white and tender. On the abdomen is putting a grape. 十几公里外的家里,秦宝宝窝在沙发上看电视,客厅里开着空调,她穿短袖、短到大腿根的短裤,两条修长大腿搭在玻璃茶几,修长白嫩。小肚子上搁着一盘葡萄。 Watches the television, while eats grapes, is enjoying the good afternoon time, but also is at home comfortable in the nest, vainly hopes for and salted fish two chooses words, Qin Baobao to feel oneself will choose, when salted fish. No wonder so many female celebrity will marry into the rich and powerful family, because marries a rich husband, can calm and free from worldly affairs, when salted fish. 一边看电视,一边吃葡萄,享受着美好的下午时光,还在窝在家里舒服,梦想和咸鱼二选一的话,秦宝宝觉得自己会选择当咸鱼。难怪那么多女明星会嫁入豪门,因为嫁个有钱老公,就可以安安心心咸鱼啦。 Today in family/home on her and Qin Ze, Wang Zijin cruel fate goes to work, but this week her does not have the circular, because must attend the Star Skills Director-General wedding the day after tomorrow, postponed all circulars. Some time ago, old bro was summoned by a telephone, takes the company registration material, enthusiastic going out. 今天家里就她和秦泽两人,王子衿苦命的上班去,而她这星期没通告,因为后天要参加星艺总裁的婚礼,把所有通告都延期了。不久前,老弟被一个电话召唤走,拿着公司注册资料,兴匆匆的出门。 old bro this salted fish, is thinking turned over/stood up, oneself were the rich and powerful family wives...... is not right, rich and powerful family elder sister's hopes, entered one step. 老弟这条咸鱼,也想着翻身了呐,自己做豪门太太......不对,豪门姐姐的希望,又进了一步。 dīng dōng!” 叮咚!” The cell phone made a sound, has the information cue. 手机响了一下,有信息提示。 The Qin Baobao vision receives from the television, took up the cell phone to look at one, immediately ate the dead child's expression. 秦宝宝目光从电视上收回来,拿起手机看了一眼,顿时吃了死孩子的表情。 Also is that White Lotus Flower! 又是那朵白莲花 After that surface base, she and White Lotus Flower the good friend, then the nightmare came. White Lotus Flower created to chat the group, drew her, regularly spurted one: Dead Spicy Chicken and lowly person and dead calf and threw Jiezi and elementary student to gather the big Jiangnan northern cursing at people slang, really does not know where this fellow came such rich vocabulary. 那次面基之后,她和白莲花加了好友,然后噩梦来了。白莲花创了个聊群,把她拉到里面,隔三差五的喷一句:“死辣鸡”、“小贱人”、“死犊子”、“扑街仔”、“小学生”汇聚了大江南北的骂人俚语,真不知道这家伙哪来这么丰富的词汇量。 Hits game Qin Baobao to be an expert, cursing at people was not the Su Yu's opponent. The glossary that elder sister curses at people, tosses about two: small rascal and black heart's maggot. 打游戏秦宝宝在行,骂人就不是苏钰的对手了。姐姐骂人的词汇,翻来覆去就两个:“小赤佬”、“黑了心的蛆”。 Scolded is scolding, not only did not have the lethality, but also became pet name, even Wang Zijin jumped once for a while: small rascal! 骂着骂着,非但没了杀伤力,还成了“爱称”,连王子衿都时不时蹦出一句:小赤佬 Su Yu is different, before she knows Qin Ze, is single-handedly, verbal battle group of heroes( Keyboard Hero) female man. The diligent self-torture mouth artillery, accumulates the vocabulary, can with a half hour of not weak leeward big shot of Qin Ze to spurting. 苏钰不一样,她认识秦泽前,都是单枪匹马,舌战群侠(键盘侠)的女汉子。孜孜不倦的苦修嘴炮,累积词汇量,是能和秦泽对喷半小时不弱下风的大佬 Qin Baobao especially is bothersome she, but elder sister is also the temper of being stronger, others spurt her, how can there be to recognize the truth that instigates, two people hold the cell phone to spurting. 秦宝宝格外烦她,但姐姐也是要强的性子,别人喷她,岂有认怂的道理,两人捧着手机对喷。 The finger slides, turns on the software. 手指一滑,打开软件。 Picture two words, Qin Baobao has a fit of bad temper at the scene. 一张图片两句话,秦宝宝当场炸毛。 „Is small rascal sees your?” 小赤佬是去见你的?” Su Yu thought good long while, confirmed what small rascal should say is Qin Ze. 苏钰想了好半天,才确认小赤佬应该说的是秦泽吧。 How is, later I am this company Director-General.” Complacent expression. “是又怎么样,以后我就是这家公司总裁。”洋洋得意的表情。 Director-General your younger sister, this is my company, I did not agree.” The Qin Baobao willow eyebrows are but actually vertical, you do not have your company , this black heart's maggot, even this must snatch with me.” 总裁你妹哦,这是我的公司,我不同意。”秦宝宝柳眉倒竖,“你不是有自己的公司吗,哇,这个黑了心的蛆,连这个都要和我抢。” Black heart...... maggot? 黑了心的......蛆? Su Yu forehead heavy line: You are the maggot, your entire family is the maggot.” 苏钰额头黑线:“你才是蛆,你全家都是蛆。” Qin Baobao: You are not the maggot, you are White Lotus Flower, your entire family is White Lotus Flower.” 秦宝宝:“你不是蛆,你是白莲花,你全家都是白莲花。” You are Blue Lotus Flower.” “那你就是碧莲花。” White Lotus Flower.” 白莲花。” Compared with lotus flower “比莲花” ...... ...... Dog do not call the pattern that and dog do not instigate to maintain for several minutes, the Qin Baobao miraculous glow flashed suddenly, hā hā laughs three: Ok, Director-General on Director-General, I am the company shareholder, you later work to me on the little darling.” “狗别叫”和狗别怂的模式维持了好几分钟,秦宝宝忽然灵光一闪,哈哈大笑三声:“可以,总裁总裁吧,我是公司股东,你以后就乖乖给我打工。” Laughable, my won't IQ be able to consider this minor matter?” Su Yu laughs, sending one you are mental handicap picture: You occupy 3 percent, I occupy stock 6 percent, entire many one time, who gives who works?” “可笑,难道我的智商会考虑不到这种小事?”苏钰嗤笑,发一个“你是智障”的图片:“你占股百分之三,我占股份百分之六,整整多一倍,谁给谁打工?” I do not believe me not to believe.” “我不信我不信。” hē hē, asks that your family younger brother knew.” 呵呵,问问你家弟弟就知道了。” I did not ask that I did not ask.” Clenching jaws of Qin Baobao air/Qi. “我不问我不问。”秦宝宝气的咬牙切齿。 Su Yu: hē hē.” 苏钰:“呵呵。” Sends one to you look comprehend the picture. 发一张“给你一个眼神自己领悟”的图片。 Qin Baobao has not spoken some little time, after the moment : 秦宝宝好一会没说话,片刻后: Female Clothing Bigshot invitation Qīngqīng Zijīn joins the group to chat. 女装大佬”邀请“青青子衿”加入群聊。 Qin Baobao: Zijin, helping me spurt her.” 秦宝宝:“子衿,帮我喷她。” Wang Zijin: What situation?( The expression of question)” 王子衿:“什么情况?(疑问的表情)” Qin Baobao: Spurts her quickly and that's the end.” 秦宝宝:“快喷她就是了。” Wang Zijin: I will not curse at people!” 王子衿:“我不会骂人呀!” Qin Baobao: hē hē, do not install.” 秦宝宝:“呵呵,别装。” Wang Zijin: „......” 王子衿:“......” Qin Baobao: This White Lotus Flower deceives the Qin Ze company stock, but also comes here to bluff and bluster, I can endure, can you endure?” 秦宝宝:“这朵白莲花秦泽公司的股份,还来我这里耀武扬威,我可以忍,你能忍?” Wang Zijin thinks why I cannot endure, company is your elder sister and younger brother two. 王子衿想,我为什么不能忍,公司是你们姐弟俩的吧。 Qin Baobao sprinkles Blackwater: She also gangs up with Qin Ze, flirts with the eyes, makes eyes, harbors evil intentions.” 秦宝宝泼黑水:“她还勾搭秦泽,眉来眼去,暗送秋波,居心叵测。” This cannot endure, Wang Zijin: This woman you also with her bì bì what/anything, the direct blacklisted, warned Qin Ze, related again, breaks the leg.” 这个不能忍,王子衿:“这种女人你还和她哔哔什么,直接拉黑,警告秦泽,再联系,打断腿。” Su Yu: I how, you are. Blue Lotus Flower 2 nd? Dead Spicy Chicken.” 苏钰:“我怎么了,你又是谁。碧莲花二号?死辣鸡。” Wang Zijin round of big shot disdains with weak chicken speech the picture, beautiful slut does not need to pay attention, handles arrival and departure the address, I prepared the camera, heard that recently tore to pieces the clothes to be very popular facing the street.” 王子衿发一张“大佬不屑和弱鸡说话”的图片,“妖艳贱货没必要理会,直接发地址吧,我准备好相机了,听说最近当街撕烂衣服很流行的。” I am a Little Little Bird. Other bì bì, has the type of sharing map.” “@我是小小鸟。别哔哔,有种共享地图。” Is this woman so strong? Fears. 哇,这女人这么强势?怕怕的。 Su Yu hurries to look for the ally. 苏钰赶紧找盟友。 I am a Little Little Bird invitation Red Beans Think Fondly Of The Southern Countryside joins the group to chat. 我是小小鸟”邀请“红豆思南国”加入群聊。 Su Yu: Red Beans Think Fondly Of The Southern Countryside, Sister Man, these two women bully me.” 苏钰:“@红豆思南国,曼姐,这两个女人欺负我。” Pei Nanman: „???” 裴南曼:“???” Su Yu: They threaten me, must tear to pieces my clothes facing the street.” 苏钰:“她们威胁我,要当街撕烂我衣服。” Pei Nanman: I send the bodyguard to protect you, two are?” 裴南曼:“我派保镖保护你,两位是?” Su Yu: Qin Baobao, nameless female A.” 苏钰:“秦宝宝,无名女a。” Wang Zijin: „......” 王子衿:“......” Qin Baobao: Is short with my bì bì these, we said the proper business, the stock what's the matter, why you take the stock, gives back to me, considers you to cheat carefully illegally.” 秦宝宝:“少跟我哔哔这些,咱们说正事,股份是怎么回事,你凭什么拿股份,还给我,小心告你非法诈骗。” Su Yu: I depending on the stock that the skill takes, why must.” 苏钰:“我凭本事拿的股份,为什么要还。” Pei Nanman: I am a Little Little Bird, therefore you are not willing to help me work, is thinking Qin Ze at heart?” 裴南曼:“@我是小小鸟,所以你不肯帮我做事,是心里想着秦泽咯?” Su Yu: You where?( Expression that air/Qi cries)” 苏钰:“你哪边的?(气哭的表情)” Qin Baobao: Wanting bluish green lotus is good, skill where you come, on bed?” 秦宝宝:“要点碧莲行不行,你哪来的本事,床上的?” Su Yu as the qualified sprayer, the facial skin is always thick: How is, you bite me.” 苏钰作为合格的喷子,脸皮向来厚:“是又怎样,你来咬我啊。” Wang Zijin: I do not nip you, my fan dies you.” 王子衿:“我不咬你,我扇死你。” Su Yu disregards her automatically, your dead brocon, is to irritate you.” 苏钰自动无视她,“你个死弟控,就是要气死你。” Qin Baobao abandons something as beyond redemption: My brocon how, my brocon, wanted you to manage, piss off.” 秦宝宝破罐子破摔:“我弟控怎么了,我就弟控,要你管,滚犊子。” Wang Zijin: „, You acknowledged finally.” 王子衿:“哇,你终于承认了。” Pei Nanman: Fearful!” 裴南曼:“可怕!” Su Yu: perverted.” 苏钰:“变态。” Qin Baobao: „......” 秦宝宝:“......” Pei Nanman: Ok, do not quarrel. You first contact with Qin Ze, here quarrelled not to have the significance, wasted time.” 裴南曼:“行了,别吵了。你们先和秦泽联系一下吧,在这里吵架没意义,浪费时间。” Qin Baobao: hē hē, a word does not pretend to be mature at earliest convenience.” 秦宝宝:“呵呵,一言不合就装成熟。” Su Yu: „It is not good, I must spurt her.” 苏钰:“不行,我一定要喷死她。” Pei Nanman does not speak, was still away from the saliva that the screen spurted to scatter by them, ripped being heavily engaged. 裴南曼不说话了,仍由她们在隔着屏幕喷的唾沫四溅,撕的不可开交。 After a while. 过了一会儿。 Red Beans Think Fondly Of The Southern Countryside invitation Qin Ze joins to chat the group. 红豆思南国”邀请“秦泽”加入聊群。 Qin Ze: „, Everyone, Sister Pei is good.” 秦泽:“诶,大家都在啊,裴姐好。” Pei Nanman: Let alone the words, see a play peacefully.” 裴南曼:“别说话,安静看戏。” Instant time, in group a silence. 时间,群里一片寂静。 Su Yu: „Do you do, inviting him to do.” 苏钰:“你干什么呢,邀请他干嘛。” Qin Baobao: „, This female will of the people are quite black.” 秦宝宝:“哇,这女人心好黑。” Wang Zijin: cannot afford to offend cannot afford to offend.” 王子衿:“惹不起惹不起。” Qīngqīng Zijīn withdrew from the group to chat. 青青子衿”退出了群聊。 Female Clothing Bigshot withdrew from the group to chat. 女装大佬”退出了群聊。 I am a Little Little Bird withdrew from the group to chat. 我是小小鸟”退出了群聊。 Qin Ze: excuse me? Any situation, how walked.” 秦泽:“excuseme?什么情况,怎么都走了。” Pei Nanman: Was all right, one group of kids.” 裴南曼:“没事了,一群小屁孩。”
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