MESIS :: Volume #2

#191: Puts my pigeon, is what Great God

8 : 30 returns to the home, Qin Baobao stops small BMW in the underground parking storehouse, hugs the arm of younger brother to enter the elevator. She hugs the posture of arm to have tasteful very much, the double bracelet lives in the Qin Ze entire arm, avoids his arm and own chest touches. 八点半返家,秦宝宝在地下停车库停好小宝马,搂着弟弟的胳膊走进电梯。她搂胳膊的姿势很有讲究,双臂环住秦泽整条胳膊,避免他的手臂和自己的胸触碰。 Qin Baobao snort/hum the song, the step is lively. 秦宝宝哼着歌,步履轻快。 You snort/hum what song.” Qin Ze gets angry. “你哼什么歌。”秦泽黑着脸。 I have small younger brother I never to ride.” Qin Baobao sang simply, jumped: Some day I am prompted by a sudden impulse to ride am going to the market, in my hand takes the small leather whip to pull out his butt......” “我有一个小弟弟我从来也不骑。”秦宝宝索性唱出来,蹦蹦跳跳:“有一天我心血来潮骑着去赶集,我手里拿着小皮鞭抽他的屁股......” Qin Baobao pā pā two palms of the hand hit on Qin Ze butt. 秦宝宝啪啪”两巴掌打在秦泽屁股上。 Pulls out his butt.” “抽他的屁股。” Also is the pā pā two palms of the hand. 又是啪啪两巴掌。 Pulls out his butt.” “抽他的屁股。” This time does not wait for elder sister to brandish the palm of the hand, Qin Ze first step, move of big Falling Stele Hand pats elder sister in the cage wall. 这一次不等姐姐抡起巴掌,秦泽抢先一步,一招大摔碑手姐姐拍在轿厢壁。 elder sister beguiles the child face to raise the hidden bitterness tragic expression, did not speak, is staring at him on the water used tearful pupil. 姐姐狐媚子脸扬起幽怨凄楚的表情,不说话,就用水汪汪的眸子盯着他。 Qin Ze helplessly said: I made a mistake I to be wrong.” 秦泽无奈道:“我错了我错了。” The Qin Baobao nimble and resourceful pupil rotation, acts like a spoiled brat saying: You carry me to go home.” 秦宝宝灵动的眸子转动,撒娇道:“那你背我回家。” Qin Ze bends the waist, elder sister jumps fiercely, jumps up his back, the cage rocks, giggle said with a smile: Small donkey.” 秦泽弯腰,姐姐猛一跳,跳上他的背,轿厢晃动,咯咯笑道:“小毛驴出发。” Waves two slap Qin Ze butt. 挥手两巴掌扇秦泽屁股 The elevator door opens, Qin Ze jumps out the cage at the back of elder sister, stops in own entrance: Gets down, I open the door.” 电梯门打开,秦泽背着姐姐窜出轿厢,停在自家门口:“下来,我开门。” No,” Qin Baobao pull out the key to open the door: You carry me to go.” “不,”秦宝宝自己掏钥匙开门:“你背我进去。” When the gate opens, Qin Baobao shouts intentionally: Small donkey to/clashes.” 门打开时,秦宝宝故意嚷嚷:“小毛驴冲啊。” The living room sofa, Wang Zijin is slanting elder sister and younger brother that is going home shortly two, the attractive oval face is unemotional. 客厅沙发,王子衿斜着眼看回家的姐弟俩,漂亮鹅蛋脸面无表情。 Zijin we come back.” Qin Baobao jumps down from younger brother, changes the cotton fabric shoes, said loudly: Beet is not really delicious, next time we will eat the beef steak.” 子衿我们回来啦。”秦宝宝弟弟身上跳下来,换上棉布鞋,大声说:“甜菜果然不好吃,下次我们吃牛排。” Qin Ze does not want is too many, nods: Un.” 秦泽没想太多,点点头:“嗯。” He also thought that the beets of hundred guest gardens are not tasty. 他也觉得百客园的甜菜不对胃口。 Wang Zijin unemotional setting out, the unemotional entering room, falls visits. 王子衿面无表情的起身,面无表情的走进房间,“”一声摔上门。 What's wrong?” Qin Ze stares. “怎么了?”秦泽一愣。 Qin Baobao does intentionally naively, does not know.” 秦宝宝故作天真,“不知道呀。” Next day, gathers to benefit company. 次日,聚利公司 Today's meeting arrived here, everyone dispersed.” Qin Ze pushes a document to Chen Guang: Manager Chen, the concrete investment plan, I write in the document, you go back to digest, starts the work as soon as possible.” “今天的会议就到这里,大家散了吧。”秦泽把一份文件推给陈光:“陈经理,具体的投资规划,我写在文件里,你回去消化一下,尽快展开工作。” Investment Department three manager set out to leave. 投资部三个经理起身离开。 In small Room meeting, Qin Ze by the office chair, in the point cigarette, exhales light smoke. 会议里,秦泽靠在办公椅上,点上一根烟,呼出一口青烟。 He held the post of Investment Department general manager already one week, the resolute doing project, such has not been eager for quick success and immediate gain, in fact, a fund application of investment company needs to pass through the tedious flow, he was not Su Yu, can give the final word, that was the Director-General power. 他担任投资部总经理已经一个星期了,并没有大刀阔斧的做项目,那样太急功近利,事实上,一家投资公司的资金申请需要经过繁琐的流程,他又不是苏钰,可以一锤定音,那是总裁的权力。 Except for reducing the stock section two trash projects, and tiny change of several stock investments, other are all invariable. Today this meeting, what discussion is the next quarter investment plan. 除了砍掉期货部门的两个垃圾项目,以及某几个股票投资的细小变化,其他一律不变。今天这个会议,讨论的是下季度的投资规划。 The biggest harvest found out the investment company operational procedure, time-consuming expends effort appraises except the market survey and organization that investment company and individual operation, the maximum difference is the work load. 最大的收获是摸清了投资公司的操作流程,除开耗时耗力的市场调研和机构评估,投资公司和个人操作,最大的不同就是工作量。 A person only needs to operate an account on the line, but the investment company account quantity are many, a project possibly has several even more than ten account concurrent operations, this needs existence of strategist. 一个人只需要操作好一个账户就行,而投资公司的账户数量很多,一个项目可能就有几个甚至十几个账户同时操作,这就需要操盘手的存在。 At noon made Yang Jian to eat meal together, this bastard child not wanted not to strive, complied actually not wanted just this proverb, no matter in front of Su Hao, were in front of Li Linfeng, and even present fish leaps over the dragon's gate, he is neither arrogant nor servile. Should crack a joke, should disregard to continue to disregard. 中午约了杨建一起吃饭,这龟孙子无欲无求,倒是应了“无欲则刚”这句老话,不管在苏昊面前,还是李林峰面前,乃至如今鱼跃龙门的自己,他都不卑不亢。该开玩笑开玩笑,该无视继续无视。 Finished eating the food to return to company, he felt absent-minded, oneself as if forgot something. 吃完饭返回公司,他恍惚觉得,自己似乎忘记了某件事。 However the work is busy, he is disinclined to ponder, takes a document to sound the gate of Su Yu office, quite a while no one should. 不过工作忙,他懒得细想,拿着一份文件敲响苏钰办公室的门,半天没人应。 The small office in next door, the assistant listens to come out following the sound, Chief Su in company, Chief Qin time does not come later again.” 隔壁的小办公室,助理听循声出来,“苏总不在公司,秦总晚些时间再来吧。” Later is late.” Qin Ze looked at elder sister to buy for his wrist watch, 2 : 00 pm. “晚些是多晚。”秦泽看了看姐姐买给他的腕表,下午 2 点。 „Before the lunch, goes out, has not come back.” The assistant said. “午饭前出去的,还没回来。”助理说。 Did.” “干什么去了。” „, How I know, I am the work assistant, is not the life assistant.” The female assistant purses the lips. “哇,我怎么知道,我是工作助理,不是生活助理。”女助理撅嘴。 Some cafe more than ten kilometers away. 十几公里外的某咖啡屋。 Su Yu sits is approaching the position of front door, this customer who is easy she to observe to pass through the gate, the men and women, all forms, which can be Great God? 苏钰坐在靠近大门的位置,这样更容易她观察进门的顾客,男男女女,形形色色,哪个会是大神 Although understands Great God should male, but does not rule out the female possibility, is just like Great God to suspect that she is digs out the foot guy to be the same. 虽然理解中大神应该是男的,但不排除女性可能,就好比大神怀疑她是抠脚大汉一样。 If male, is graceful? Is high? Wears the young fatty of black frame eyeglasses, or sunlight charming big boy? 如果是男的,帅不帅?高不高?是戴着黑框眼镜的小胖子,或是阳光帅气的大男孩? Su Yu has not met with the netizen, unprecedented has a faint trace anticipation and anxiety. 苏钰从没见过网友,破天荒的有一丝丝期待和紧张。 In the air is floating the coffee bean slightly bitter fragrance, plays the affable music. 空气中漂浮着咖啡豆微苦的香味,播放舒缓的音乐。 Su Yu wait/etc., waited, waits till 2 : 00 pm from 12 : 00 pm, has crossed time that they agreed. 苏钰等啊等,等啊等,从十二等到下午 2 点,早就过了他们约定的时间 Puts the cell phone humming sound the vibration on table, phone call that the assistant makes. 搁在桌上的手机嗡嗡震动,助理打来的电话。 Chief Su, did you finish?” 苏总,您忙完了吗?” Any matter.” Su Yu frowns, the tone is not quite good. “什么事。”苏钰蹙眉,语气不太好。 Chief Qin has the matter to look for you, said that an important document needs you to sign the authorization.” 秦总有事找你,说有份重要文件需要您签字批准。” Makes him wait.” “让他等着。” Vice-chief Su is also looking for you.” 苏副总也在找您。” Makes him wait.” “让他等着。” Good, good!” The Chief Su tone is not right, the assistant tactful hanging up telephone. “好,好吧!”苏总语气不对劲,助理识趣的挂断电话。 Su Yu is nipping the lip, faintly said: „It does not mean what he says, but also puts my pigeon, is what Great God.” 苏钰咬着唇,幽幽道:“说话不算话,还放我鸽子,算什么大神。” ........... ........... Qin Ze sits in the exclusive office, is staring to the six large screens of office, above is the stock and stock bulk lots trend, stock that and he selects. Cell phone dīng dīng dōng dōng keeps ringing, that is the Li Linfeng section chat group, this fellows before several minutes starts bì bì bì, does not have the sign that the half a point cools to the present momentum. 秦泽坐在自己专属办公室,盯着正对办公室的六块大屏幕,上面是股票和期货的大盘走势,以及他精选的个股。手机叮叮咚咚响个不停,那是李林峰部门的聊天群,这帮家伙从几分钟前就开始哔哔哔,到现在势头没有半分冷却的迹象。 Goes to work does not work earnestly, knows to catch a fish by hand, was endless? 上班不认真工作,就知道摸鱼,没完没了了? He selects the chat group, preparing to make the staff peaceful, actually discovered the matter that they discussed was very interesting. 他点开聊天群,准备让员工们安静,却发现他们讨论的事情挺有趣的。 The thread of conversation is Yang Jian shoulders, he shared Weibo to search for hotly, on the same day headline: 话头是杨建挑起的,他分享了一条微博热搜,当日头条: Department of Education office about issuing in 2017 national elementary school English popularization notice 教育部办公厅关于下达2017年全国小学英语普及通知” The content is Department of Education the elementary school third grade will roughly start to study the stipulation of English, changes to the first grade study English letter, the second grade starts to study the relevant provision of English. 内容大致是教育部将原本小学三年级开始学习英语的规定,改成一年级学英语字母,二年级开始学英语的相关规定。 „Does the first grade start to study the English letter? The child of first grade not necessarily studies the Chinese Language Pinyin entire.” “一年级开始学英语字母?一年级的孩子连中文拼音都未必学全吧。” My child will go to the elementary school next year, now the letter recognizes not entire, how to study English, do not confuse when the time comes, half jin (0.5 kg) Baliang that English Mandarin studies.” “我孩子明年上小学了,现在字母都认不全,怎么学英语啊,别到时候混淆了,英语国语都学的半斤八两。” This Department of Education is not acts unreasonably, several years later will be kindergarten must study English? English is so good, banned Mandarin simply.” “这教育部不是乱来嘛,过几年是不是幼儿园也得学英语了?英语这么好,干脆把国语取缔了吧。” These are an official doesn't have the child?” “那些当官的难道没孩子吗?” On my child the second grade, usually studied quest to be very heavy, this, this added English again, his result definitely could not follow.” “我小孩上二年级,平时学习任务已经很重了,这,这再加一门英语,他成绩肯定跟不上。” Qin Ze curls the lip, thought that present child really tragedy. He attended the elementary school time, the sixth-grade also scholarship letter back word, to the junior middle school, system's taught English. Worry-free that the childhood plays, reviews the present child, studied thing everything in disorder. The education must as early as possible this thought is right, may also probably consider the feeling and acceptance of child. Online always some people shout: The people are compel, without the pressure , there would be no power. 秦泽撇撇嘴,心想,现在的孩子真特么悲剧。他读小学的时候,六年级也才学字母背单词而已,到了初中,才系统的教导英语。童年玩的无忧无虑,反观如今的孩子,学的东西乱七八糟。教育要趁早这个思想是对的,可也要考虑孩子的感受和接受能力。网上总有人嚷嚷:人都是逼出来的,没有压力就没有动力。 Actually neglected a key aspect, the resistant to compression ability of person is different, the adult pressure must collapse mostly, let alone child? 却忽略了一个关键因素,人的抗压能力是不一样的,成年人压力大都要崩溃,何况小孩? Everyone compels to succeed, where in that society comes so many defeat dogs. 每个人逼一下就能成功,那社会上哪来这么多败狗。 However this matter are not related with him, he also does not have the child, his wife do not have shadow. Also is not right, perhaps his wife now on miserable studies in the English misery faced with the elementary school. 不过这事儿跟他没关系,他又没孩子,他媳妇都没影儿呢。也不对,也许他媳妇现在就悲催的面临小学学习英语的苦难中。 The education and livelihood of the people forever are in the society the most popular topic, but also wants by far entertainment celebrity news. 教育和民生永远是社会上最热门的话题,还要远胜娱乐明星的新闻。 Every year in June, the news of nation will be tested the college entrance examination to brush the screen by, the piece receives. The pension the social security, is the attention capacity for alcohol. Many people will not pay attention to the entertainment world, or is not big to the entertainment world perception, but will pay attention to a college entrance examination and livelihood problem absolutely. 每年的六月,全国的新闻都会被中考高考刷屏,段子收一波波的。还有养老金啊社保啊,都是关注度海量。很多人不会关注娱乐圈,或者对娱乐圈感性不大,但绝对会关注一下高考和民生问题。 Notice that Department of Education issues, in online insane biography. 教育部下发的通知,在网上疯传。 Netizens in abundance tsukkomi Department of Education. 网友们纷纷吐槽教育部 „The present child really compels, not to have the childhood painstakingly.” “现在的孩子真苦逼,毫无童年可言。” Thank mother, let my early birth 20 year.” “感谢妈妈,让我早出生二十年。” Bureau of Education this wave operates nicely done, this does, I hit the game always by the elementary student pit, was the work are too few.” 教育局这波操作666,就该这么干,我打游戏老是被小学生坑,还是作业太少了。” Performed to speak some sarcastic remarks, did not say that a English earlier study was better, in fact, the initiation stage, was not suitable to study over two types languages, especially letter, same letter, two different pronunciation. Will make the child confuse the language.” “尽说些风凉话,不是说英语越早学越好,事实上,启蒙阶段,不适合学两种以上的语言,尤其字母,一样的字母,两种不同的发音。会让孩子混淆语言的。” Uh, Bureau of Education, since issues this notice, should investigate.” ,教育局既然下发这种通知,应该做过调查的吧。” Hi, do not believe them, this mishap matter were too many.” “嗨,别太相信他们,这种乌龙事太多了。” What the response is most intense is these parents, they have the child, has the right to speak in this aspect. 反应最激烈的是那些父母,他们有孩子,在这方面有发言权。 What does, why can the second grade additionally build English? A year of child cannot reach an agreement the standard spoken Chinese, just studied to write to be good.” “搞什么啊,为什么二年级要增设英语?一年的孩子连普通话都不太会说好嘛,刚学写字好不好。” My child will attend the elementary school next year, was really worried for him, the child cannot be too tired.” “我孩子明年读小学,真为他担心,孩子不能太累的。” Really took the domestic education, the work of kindergarten teacher arrangement sufficed marvel, endured kindergarten with great difficulty quickly, did you say and start to study English? My child recognizes Chinese Language not entire, the standard spoken Chinese said that is not quite agile. Studies English? mmp.” “真服了国内的教育了,幼儿园老师布置的作业就够奇葩了,好不容易快熬过幼儿园,你说又开始学英语了?我孩子连中文都认不全,普通话都说不太利索。学英语?mmp的。” kindergarten work how marvel?” 幼儿园作业怎么奇葩了?” I told that you I meet, manual kind: Pinches the angry bird. Art class: Draws a Chinese painting. Raising class: Raises silkworms Baobao (darling). The mother female genitals, my child can pinch the angry bird, I also make him read what kindergarten. My child must be able to draw the Chinese painting, I special return what kindergarten. What most marvel is silkworm Baobao (darling), that thing my wife saw the scream, the father also feared.” “我就跟你说说我遇到的,手工类:捏愤怒的小鸟。艺术类:画一幅国画。饲养类:养蚕宝宝。妈了个巴子,我小孩能捏出愤怒的小鸟,我还让他读什么幼儿园。我小孩要能画国画,我特么还上什么幼儿园。最奇葩的是蚕宝宝,那东西我媳妇见了尖叫,老子也怕。” The online piece discusses, the tsukkomi person does not count the fetching, Department of Education is very calm. 网上一片热议,吐槽的人不计取数,教育部却很淡定。 Actually many educators come out are old boss speak, the table is loyal. 倒是很多教育工作者出来为老大说话,表忠心。 For example some famous big V, once was the educator, afterward mixed the entertainment world, because appraised some literary famous work to become famous. 比如某著名大v,曾经是教育工作者,后来混娱乐圈,因为品评某文学名著出名。 About online some „, because the child will confuse Mandarin and English too young view, is completely nonsensical talk. Before the elementary school did not popularize English, age that because the tea-flavored boiled egg could not eat, the quality of nationals was low, studies what English. The child is too worry-free not necessarily is the good deed, the education must work from the baby. You do not compel them, they know all day long plays blindly. ” “关于网上一些“因为孩子年纪太小会混淆国语英语”的说法,完全是无稽之谈。以前小学不普及英语,因为茶叶蛋都吃不起的年代,国民素质低下,学什么英语。孩子太无忧无虑不见得是好事,教育要从娃娃抓起。你不逼他们,他们成天就知道瞎玩。” Then many educator and entertainment world friend retransmits his Weibo, and give a like. 然后很多教育工作者以及娱乐圈友人转发他的微博,并点赞 God special cannot eat the age of tea-flavored boiled egg, human in several years IQ macroevolution that probably said.” “神特么吃不起茶叶蛋的年代,说的好像人类在十几年间智商大进化似的。” „Is your meaning more than ten 20 years ago we are the retarded, present child IQ large explosion?” “你的意思是十几二十年前的我们是弱智,现在的孩子智商大爆炸咯?” My this poor-quality national is really unfair to oh. “我这个素质低下的国民真对不起哦。 Some entertainment world celebrity retransmitted this Weibo, actually does not approve him, but is „a face is panic-stricken: Frightened I hurry to improve the quality.” 娱乐圈某明星转发了这条微博,却不是赞他,而是“一脸惊恐”:“吓的我赶紧去提高素质。” Then several celebrity retransmit, I who frighten hurry to improve the quality.” 接着又有几位明星转发,“吓的我赶紧去提高素质。” That big V is not convinced, argued with the netizen: Learns English to have prospects in the future, when can't Chinese Language study? Said that exaggerating, lies down can learn. Chinese Language you have not thought is so important, university most specialties do not have the language class, but majority actually must study English, English is sufficiently more important than Chinese Language.” 那位大v不服气,与网友争辩:“学好英语将来才有出息,中文什么时候不能学?说句夸张的,躺着都能学会。中文没你们认为的那么重要,大学大部分专业都没有语文课,而大部分却必须学英语,足以英语中文重要。” Your two hammers, appraise.” “你个二锤子,鉴定完毕。” Do not kneel, kneels too for a long time unable to stand.” “别跪了,跪太久会站不起来的。” Another cent, Chinese Language is broad and profound, you said that Chinese Language is inferior to English?” “又一个美分,中文博大精深,你说中文不如英语?” Kneels to lick your foreign father, do not make money in our country.” “去跪舔你的外国爸爸吧,别在我们国家捞钱了。” Thanks to you before or teacher, said unexpectedly Chinese Language is unimportant.” “亏你以前还是老师,居然说中文不重要。” The netizens exploded, scolded under his Weibo crazily. The online sprayer are many, angered youth are more. 网友炸了,在他微博下方狂骂。网上喷子多,愤青更多。 Many professionals voice: As the international common language, the English importance no one can deny. Hopes the general netizens can be more sane patriotically.” 很多专业人士发声:“做为国际通用语言,英语的重要性谁都不能否认。希望广大网友爱国能理智些。” Spoke with the data directly, took English to have more than ten as the country of native language in the world, with official language had 20 several. But takes Chinese Language as mother language, only then our country. Which is the lighter and which is the heavier, clear. Naturally, I did not mean that Chinese Language is unimportant.” “直接用数据说话,全世界以英语为母语的国家有十几个,以官方语的有二十几个。而以中文为母语的,只有咱们国家。孰轻孰重,一目了然。当然,我并不是说中文不重要。” The event rapidly rises to high of Chinese Language and under English the division, has rational party, has angry youth party. 事件迅速上升到中文英语的高下之分,有理智党,有愤青党
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