MESIS :: Volume #2

#190: paper tiger

After the liquor, spits the true words the view with the scientific theory to elaborate that the alcohol meets the motherfucker cerebral cortex, weakens the brain process information the ability, the words that before does not dare to speak, blurted out very much easily, to put it bluntly is the words brain. Qin Ze have the example, he responded fortunately at that time promptly, the narrow squeak has not turned over. Naturally, being dead drunk is not good, spits is not the truth, but is the nonsense. 酒后吐真言的说法是可以用科学理论来阐述的,酒精会麻痹大脑皮层,削弱大脑处理信息的能力,以前不敢说的话,很容易就脱口而出,说白了就是话不过脑。秦泽自己就有例子,还好他当时及时反应过来,好险才没翻车。当然,烂醉如泥就不行了,吐出来的不是真话,而是鬼话。 The Huang Yicong cheeks are red, the eyeball proliferates the blood threads, in their short time killed more than ten bottles of beer, the middle went to three restrooms. Qin Ze are sober, but also a little smokes, has not gone to strange elder sister is goes to bathroom, had a child. 黄易聪脸颊通红,眼球遍布血丝,他们短时间内干掉了十几瓶啤酒,中间去过三次厕所。秦泽自己还算清醒,但也有点微熏,以至于没去奇怪姐姐到底是上厕所去了,还是生孩子去了。 Your older sister that is really attractive,” Huang Yicong gives the thumbs-up: Cheek attractive is not unusual, this year plastic surgery female celebrity stresses one in a big way, your older sister type of products imported intact is rare. Rarest is that figure, zé zé zé , how does your family raise her? This secret must tell me. The chest can drink papaya milk greatly, butt curls upwards to be difficult.” “你姐那是真的漂亮,”黄易聪竖起大拇指:“脸蛋漂亮不稀奇,这年头整容的女明星一抓一大把,你姐这种原装货还是蛮少见的。最难得是那身段,啧啧啧,诶,你们家怎么养她的?这个秘诀一定要告诉我。胸大可以喝木瓜牛奶,屁股翘可就难啦。” Qin Ze happily smiles: Is all right many leaves of several palms of the hand, your elder sister will also curl upwards......!” 秦泽得意一笑:“没事多扇几巴掌,你姐姐也会这么翘......呸!” His pā pā fan the two palms of the hand, the heart said that I have not been drunk, spoke what nonsense. 啪啪扇了自己两巴掌,心说我还没醉,说什么胡话。 You have not answered me the issue.” Qin Ze carries the beer bottle. “你还没回答我问题呢。”秦泽拎起啤酒瓶。 oh oh, I do not like eating near the nest the grass, if your elder sister has a liking for me, I want the development very much,” the Huang Yicong regret said: I must get married next month, can only mediate your elder sister to be predestined friends unqualified. old bro you must come my wedding when the time comes.” 哦哦,我不喜欢吃窝边草,如果你姐姐看上我,我还是很愿意发展发展的,”黄易聪遗憾说:“不过我下个月要结婚了,只能说和你姐姐有缘无分呐。老弟到时候你一定要来我的婚礼。” Looked that his face does to the reason is shallow the sigh with emotion appearance, probably Qin Baobao really has only one in mind to him. 看他一脸“奈何缘浅”的感慨模样,好像秦宝宝真对他情有独钟似的。 You do not covet my elder sister beauty, you take care of her to do, do not tell me you to have a heart that shows solicitude for the staff.” Qin Ze puts down the beer bottle silently, asked that oneself hundred could not rip to ride the doubts of elder sister. “你不觊觎我姐美色,你这么照顾她干嘛,别告诉我你有一颗体恤职工的心。”秦泽默默放下啤酒瓶,问出了自己百撕不得骑姐的疑惑。 I am asked,” Huang Yicong hit the liquor belch. “我是受人之托,”黄易聪打了个酒嗝。 Is asked to?” Qin Ze was startled being startled, pursues asks: By whose request?” “受人之托?”秦泽怔了怔,追问道:“受谁之托?” „The person of Shanghai Radio and TV Bureau, we make this line, frequently has to do with the person of radio and TV, after your older sister enters my Star Skills, radio and TV that side person called to say me. Let my many illuminations.” Huang Yicong hehe said: Your family relationship network is so big, Qin Baobao mixes the entertainment world to be appropriate, does not need to be worried about the everything in disorder unspoken rule.” 沪市广电局的人,我们做这行的,经常和广电的人打交道,你姐入我星艺后,广电那边的人就打电话跟我说过了。让我多多光照。”黄易聪嘿嘿道:“你家关系网这么大,秦宝宝混娱乐圈再合适不过,不用担心乱七八糟的潜规则。” Qin Ze by dumbfounded that he does fool, the Shanghai Radio and TV Bureau? My mother housewife, my father broken university professor, good, Economics Uni professor is truly fierce, has the personal connection to have the bank note, but Radio and TV Bureau and my family eight poles cannot project on one, others section gate guard can not give the Economics Uni professor face, discussed what personal connection? 秦泽被他唬的一愣一愣,沪市广电局?我老妈一个家庭主妇,我老爸一个破大学教授,好吧,财大教授确实厉害,有人脉有票子,但广电局和我家八个杆子都打不到一处去,人家部门一个门卫都可以不给财大教授面子,谈何人脉? Is Wang Zijin? 难道是王子衿 Wang Zijin said oneself and in the family/home had a falling out, but she eventually is the Wang Family daughter of first wife, her father operates so many years in Shanghai, won a promotion Capital City to go, but Shanghai relationship network definitely also. 王子衿说自己和家里闹翻了,但她终究是王家嫡女,她老爸在沪市经营这么多年,升官回京城去了,但沪市的关系网肯定还在。 A Wang Family little elder sister telephone, gives the solution the issue that I did have a headache about? What meaning I try hard also to have, can't acting cool the words in front of elder sister, what meaning I struggle also to have? Might as well go home to make salted fish to be good. 王家小姐姐一个电话,就把我头疼的问题给解决了?那我努力还有什么意思,不能在姐姐面前装逼的话,我奋斗还有什么意思?不如回家做咸鱼好了。 Thinks of here, he pulls out the cell phone subconsciously, actually touched spatial. Recalls suddenly, the cell phone fell on No. 7 passenger compartment, then remembered suddenly, your mother, I came here nearly a half hour, elder sister was lives the monkey to go, lived the monkey. Goes to bathroom to take a half hour? Su Yu dried in the sun by me in the passenger compartment is so long, kills my heart to have. 想到这里,他下意识去掏手机,却摸了个空。恍然记起,手机落在七号包间了,然后又恍然想起,尼玛,我来这里快半个小时了,姐姐是生猴子去了,还是生猴子去了。上个厕所要半个多小时吗?苏钰被我晾在包间这么久,杀我的心都有了吧。 Chief Huang, I first walked,” the Qin Ze racket the shoulder of Director-General, said happily: I hate you, you gave my one, when reason of salted fish.” 黄总,我先走了,”秦泽拍拍总裁的肩膀,开心的说:“我恨你,你又给来了我一个当咸鱼的理由。” He said goodbye to Huang Yicong, first went to the restroom to release the spatial urinary bladder, the reddening all over the face return passenger compartment. 他告别黄易聪,先去厕所泄空膀胱,满脸通红的返回包间。 No. 7 passenger compartment no one, the service person pushing a cart dining car has tidied up the tableware, sees, the surprise inquired: Mister, what matter but also there is?” 七号包间早已没人,服务员推车餐车收拾碗筷,见到进来,诧异询问:“先生,还有什么事吗?” In passenger compartment that woman?” “包间里那位女士呢?” Paid up to leave.” “结账离开了。” The expected matter, only feared that he impression in Su Yu heart suffered a disastrous decline. 意料之中的事情了,只怕他在苏钰心中的印象一落千丈了。 Qin Ze said that his cell phone fell the passenger compartment, but the service person shook the head in abundance, expressed that has not seen. 秦泽说他手机落包间了,但服务员纷纷摇头,表示没看见。 Did Su Yu take away my cell phone? Thought I have left, considers as finished, tomorrow will ask her to and that's the end. 苏钰把我手机拿走了?是觉得我已经离开了么,算了算了,明天找她要就是了。 ...... ...... Qin Baobao returns to the passenger compartment, had a scare by the present scene. The table cup board in confusion, the spatial beer bottle exhibits along the table edge, the vegetable/dish also eats was similar. 秦宝宝返回包间,被眼前的景象吓了一跳。餐桌杯盘狼藉,空啤酒瓶沿着餐桌边缘摆开,菜也吃的差不多了。 Reddening all over the face that Huang Yicong drinks, is drinking the strong tea that the service person makes to sober up at this time. 黄易聪喝的满脸通红,此时正喝服务员泡的浓茶解酒。 What situation? A person can also drink such? Qin Baobao wells up to the apology word of mouth swallows back. Quick she discovered that the situation is not right, some people have come, because of her tableware. 什么情况?一个人也能喝的这么嗨?秦宝宝涌到嘴边的道歉词又咽了回去。很快她就发现情况不对,有人来过了,因为她的碗筷被人动过。 Any person is not so tasteful, others have eaten the chopsticks also use...... 什么人这么不讲究,别人吃过的筷子也用…… Your younger brother has come.” Huang Yicong said, he does not seem like like the appearance of getting drunk, look dim, but is not blurred. Explained that he is sober. “你弟弟来过了。”黄易聪说,他看起来一点也不像喝醉的模样,眼神略带朦胧,但不迷离。说明他是清醒的。 Your younger brother may really be able to drink, almost drank to lie me.” Huang Yicong said with a smile. “你弟弟可真能喝啊,差点把我喝趴了。”黄易聪笑道。 I said how this small rascal quite a while does not come back, originally here slid to get money. 我说这小赤佬怎么半天不回来,原来溜这边打秋风来了。 He has not spoken any strange words to you.” Qin Baobao anxious asking, was mad after by him cries, their cold war to the present, small rascal does not know that lost what temper, normally the Hang Metro matter had passed, should not have the sequela to be right again. “他没跟你说什么奇怪的话吧。”秦宝宝紧张的问,被他气哭后,他们冷战到现在,小赤佬不知道发了什么神经,按说杭城的事已经过去了,不应该再有后遗症才对。 Huang Yicong beckons with the hand: Your younger brother is very interesting, I think that he can be an eccentric artist or hipster what/anything, has not thought completely not.” 黄易聪摆摆手:“你弟弟很有趣,我本以为他会是个脾气古怪的艺术家或者文青什么的,没想到完全不是嘛。” What did you and he discuss?” “您和他谈了什么?” Chats the Shanghai beforehand red-light district casually, on your family that side......” Huang Yicong sees the Qin Baobao complexion one black, lives busily, hā hā, he cares about you very much, asked why I take care of you. Wraps my words to come specially, actually endured not to say actually, drew me to drink quite a while opened the mouth to probe.” “随便聊了聊沪市以前的红灯区,就你们家那边的……”黄易聪秦宝宝脸色一黑,忙顿住,哈哈一声,“他很关心你,问我为什么这么照顾你。专门套我话来的,却硬是忍着不说,拉着我喝了半天才开口试探。” Huang Yicong gives the thumbs-up: Understood that with man who the liquor leads the way, in the future will have prospects.” 黄易聪竖起大拇指:“懂得用酒开路的男人,将来都会有出息。” Why did he ask?” “他为什么这么问?” Feared that I conspire to you,” Huang Yicong said with a smile: Before has told you, is the people of Radio and TV Bureau has notified me. My original words told him.” “怕我对你图谋不轨呗,”黄易聪笑道:“之前跟你说过了,是广电局的人跟我打过招呼。我原话告诉他了。” One hear of I do not have the idea to you, he felt at ease immediately, just walked shortly.” “一听我对你没想法,他立马安心了,刚走没多久。” „Does he really come for this?” The Qin Baobao corners of the mouth turn upwards. “他真为这个来的?”秦宝宝嘴角翘起。 That also has the false.” Huang Yicong said: Your younger brother cares about you very much, the beer bottle carried. So long as I said that „ thinks, his comes one round toward my forehead. ” “那还有假。”黄易聪说:“你弟弟很关心你嘛,啤酒瓶都拎起来了。只要我说一个“想”,他准往我脑门来一发。” The Qin Ze's petty action he watches, looks through does not divulge. 秦泽的小动作他都看在眼里,看破不说破而已。 Chief Huang, do you need to look for the generation to harness? Do I help your approximately one?” The Qin Baobao corners of the mouth smiling face spreads, although wants to catch up with younger brother immediately, but the boss here, is not good to abandon him to leave. 黄总,你需要找代驾吗?我帮你约一个?”秦宝宝嘴角笑容扩散,虽然很想立马追上弟弟,但上司还在这儿,不好撇下他走人。 Huang Yicong narrows the eye: Why don't you deliver me to go back?” 黄易聪眯眼:“为什么你不送我回去?” My younger brother drank so many liquor, I must deliver him to go home.” Qin Baobao natural tone. “我弟弟喝了这么多酒,我要送他回家。”秦宝宝理所应当的语气。 This reason I took...... Huang Yicong to sigh: You first walk, I make the driver meet the person later, must sit one to sober up.” 这理由我服了……黄易聪叹了口气:“你先走吧,我待会让司机过来接人,现在要坐一会醒醒酒。” Qin Baobao said Chief Huang to say goodbye, is stepping on the high-heeled shoes tread tread. 秦宝宝黄总再见,踩着高跟鞋蹬蹬蹬走了。 Qin Ze stands in the roadside, looks that taxis roll by, majority sits the guest, some small empty car(riage)s look but not see Qin Ze, since there is a some taking taxi software, the empty car(riage) did not manage the passer-by, you must see the taxi that beckoned not to stop fiercely, possibly sped along meeting the road of person. 秦泽站在路边,看着一辆辆出租车驶过,大部分都坐着客人了,小部分空车则对秦泽视而不见,自从有了某打车软件,空车就不怎么理路人了,你要看见猛招手不停车的出租车,可能就是飞驰在接人的路上。 The cell phone did not have, he has no way to make the car(riage). 手机没了,他也没法约车。 Red small BMW drives fast, stops in the roadside, the car window drops, first attracts his is the brown high-heeled shoes of copilot position, then the elder sister graceful physique and charming cheek appear in the Qin Ze line of sight. 一辆红色小宝马飞快驶来,停在路边,车窗玻璃下降,首先吸引他的是副驾驶位的棕色高跟鞋,然后姐姐曼妙的身姿以及娇媚的脸蛋出现在秦泽视线中。 handsome fellow, makes.” 帅哥,约吗。” Can pā pā?” Qin Ze ships out the sexual harasser appearance. “能啪啪吗?”秦泽装出色狼模样。 Can,” elder sister throw charming eyes toward her, how wants on how .” “能,”姐姐朝她抛媚眼,“想怎么就怎么。” Qin Ze sincere say/way: That is not good, I am not that casual person.” 秦泽正色道:“那不行,我不是那么随便的人。” He also wants to tease several with elder sister, Qin Baobao scolds: small rascal rolls, you rubbish to be many, here cannot stop, thinks that elder sister was deducted points?” 他还想和姐姐调侃几句,秦宝宝骂道:“小赤佬滚上来,就你废话多,这里不能停车,想姐姐被扣分么?” Qin Ze instigated immediately, opens the vehicle door, first low, gets in the car(riage), takes advantage of opportunity holds the co-pilot position high-heeled shoes in the bosom. 秦泽当即怂了,拉开车门,头一低,钻进车里,顺势把副驾位的高跟鞋捧在怀里。 So many years, everything went on a journey, he acts to help the shoes child of elder sister handful of high-heeled shoes. 这么多年了,凡是出行,他都充当帮姐姐捧高跟鞋的鞋童。 little red BMW starts, flees speedily to the distant place. 小红马发动,一溜烟窜向远方。 The Qin Baobao visual front, the corners of the mouth shoulder: „Does handsome fellow, which go to? Jinmao and global central building.” 秦宝宝目视前方,嘴角挑起:“帅哥,去哪儿?金茂、环球还是中心大厦。” Qin Ze side stares at elder sister, looks lip angle that she turns upwards, brow tip of flying upwards, eyes graceful pupil, he can know the elder sister joyful feelings through these details. 秦泽侧头凝视姐姐,看她翘起的唇角,飞扬的眉梢,秋波盈盈的眸子,通过这些细节他能感受到姐姐愉悦的心情。 Goes home to sleep.” Qin Ze rolls the eyes. “回家睡觉。”秦泽翻白眼。 Normally elder sister should to own icy cold be, during the cold war, elder sister looks at him like looking at salted fish, can be good younger brother absolutely not. 按说姐姐应该对自己冷冷冰冰才是,冷战期间,姐姐看他就像看咸鱼,断不能是好弟弟 How haven't you walked, eat meal to eat the restroom to live the monkey?” “你怎么还没走,吃饭吃到厕所生猴子了?” Qin Baobao bah, who lives the monkey, your? The elder sister was sees your White Lotus Flower boss.” 秦宝宝呸一声,“谁生猴子,你的吗?姐是去见你那个白莲花上司去了。” White Lotus Flower?” Qin Ze is stunned: With her blind bì bì, I do not have nothing with her. The White Lotus Flower what/anything meaning, do not take the nickname randomly.” 白莲花?”秦泽愕然:“你别跟她瞎哔哔啊,我跟她没什么的。还有白莲花什么意思,别乱取绰号。” White Lotus Flower and Blue Lotus Flower are not good word, the former is the Holy Mother prostitute, the latter is not concerned about face. 白莲花碧莲花都不是好词儿,前者是圣母婊,后者是不要脸。 Qin Baobao cheek red, it seems like oneself are at heart notorious in younger brother. 秦宝宝脸蛋红了一下,看来自己在弟弟心里已经臭名昭著了。 Also without saying what/anything, chats casually.” Qin Baobao afraid say/way. “也没说什么,就是随便聊聊而已。”秦宝宝心虚道。 Chats casually?” The Qin Ze whole face I believe your me am not your younger brother expression. “只是随便聊聊?”秦泽满脸“我信你我就不是你弟弟”的表情。 I know that she was your boss I can also say what/anything......” Qin Baobao lived suddenly. “我都知道她是你上司了我还能说什么......”秦宝宝忽地顿住。 If she isn't my boss?” Qin Ze closely examines. “如果她不是我上司呢?”秦泽追问。 āi yā are you bothersome, tramples you to get down again wordy.” 哎呀你烦不烦啊,再啰嗦踹你下去。” „, Such graceful younger brother are you also willing to trample?” “哇,这么帅的弟弟你也舍得踹?” My also expert rips small rascal.” Qin Baobao clenches teeth. “我还能手撕小赤佬呢。”秦宝宝咬牙。 Qin Ze starts to speak but hesitates, he wants to apologize, on that day no cause nor reason was ominous she, because wants to understand something, he instigated, he wants to avoid, did not mention. 秦泽欲言又止,他想道歉来着,那天无缘无故凶她,但因为想明白了某件事,他就怂了,他想回避过去,不去提及。 Host quick apology.” system came one suddenly. 宿主快道歉。”系统冷不丁来了一句。 Mmp, do you join in the fun, get the hell out.” “mmp,你凑什么热闹,滚蛋去。” Ding, to elder sister Qin Baobao say that sincerely soundsorry, success reward 5 points, the failure deducts 100 points. ” “叮,请向姐姐秦宝宝诚挚的说声“对不起”,成功奖励五点积分,失败扣除100点积分。” My my my I...... I go.” “我我我我......我去。” You do not use, you open the mouth on the line.” “你不用去,你开口就行。” Why success reward 5 points, the failure actually buckles 100 points, I refuse to accept.” Qin Ze is dumbfounded. “为什么成功奖励五点积分,失败却扣100点,我不服。”秦泽目瞪口呆。 This is desire at heart Host.” “这是宿主的心里欲求。” Bah, I do not have desire at heart this perverted. Do not fling the pot to me.” “呸,我才没这种变态的心里欲求。你别把锅甩给我。” You have,” the system's sound is very steady: quest originates from the psychological desire of Host, Host your intestines regret was blue, you long for that said the sound to sorry to elder sister, anxious wants to comfort elder sister, but you are artificial.” “你有,”系统的声音很稳:“任务来源于宿主的心理欲求,宿主你肠子都悔青了,你渴望向姐姐说声对不起,急切的想安抚姐姐,但你就是矫情。” God motherf**ker is artificial, 5 points can exchange anything.” “神tm矫情,五点积分能兑换什么东西。” Five cents can go shopping.” system asked back. “5分钱能买什么东西。”系统反问。 This is also good, has system to me under the stair. 这样也好,有系统给我台阶下。 Qin Ze coughs, pretends careless is looking at out of the window, elder sister, sorry.” 秦泽咳嗽一声,装作漫不经心的望着窗外,“姐,对不起。” Qin Baobao gawked staring, turns head to ask: What sorry.” 秦宝宝愣了愣,扭头问:“什么对不起。” Qin Ze had not replied, he communicates in the mind and system: „Hasn't quest completed?” 秦泽没回答,他在脑海里与系统沟通:“任务没完成?” Host do not neglectsincerely two characters. ” system said. 宿主别忽略“诚挚”两个字。”系统说。 Elder sister, falls the cell phone that late......” Qin Ze to say gently: Sorry.” “姐,摔手机那晚......”秦泽轻轻道:“对不起。” Qin Baobao is sipping the lip, said lightly: elder sister is in any case unimportant, you want to scold scold, never with having scruples my idea.” 秦宝宝抿着唇,淡淡道:“反正姐姐又不重要,你想骂就骂,从来不用顾忌我的想法。” Sorry.” Qin Ze said, his voice is very light, the expression is very optional, but the tone is especially serious, I should not speak these excessive words to you.” “对不起。”秦泽说,他声音很轻,表情很随意,但语气格外沉重,“我不该对你说那些过分的话。” The Qin Baobao visual front, did not speak, the eye socket was moist. 秦宝宝目视前方,不说话,眼眶湿润。 Some people always like playing the temper to throw a tantrum, but she is paper tiger. 有些人总爱耍性子闹脾气,但她是纸老虎 Some people seemingly give in amiably, the words character character that but he said touches somebody's sore spot. 有些人看似随和迁就,但他说的话字字扎心。 A'Ze, before you, elder sister is only paper tiger. 阿泽,在你面前,姐姐只是纸老虎
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