MESIS :: Volume #2

#189: My elder sister's long thief is juicy

The entry food center that Su Yu does not look askance, on two buildings while the escalator, Qin Ze follows side her. Qin Baobao and that man fall behind several levels of steps. 苏钰目不斜视的进入食品城,乘电动扶梯上二楼,秦泽跟在她身边。秦宝宝和那个男人则落后几级阶梯。 Qin Baobao is staring the younger brother back ruthlessly, must kill him with the look. Huang Yicong has looked at Qin Ze on the television actually, but no impression, Sir Director-General the day principle ten thousand chicken, where will record a strange man, the vision of Sir Director-General sticks in the Su Yu attractive buttocks curve. 秦宝宝狠狠瞪着弟弟的背影,要用眼神杀死他。黄易聪倒是在电视上看过秦泽,不过没什么印象了,总裁大人日理万“鸡”,哪会去记一个陌生男人,总裁大人的目光粘在苏钰诱人的臀部曲线上。 zé zé, this woman quality excellent. 啧啧,这女人品质绝佳。 Hundred guest garden halls, or long linearity, or square shape placing of Black Crystal glass table rule, full house, the guests talked loudly, the taste good food, before enjoying for day to finish satisfaction. The service people hold the dinner plate to come and go. 百客园大厅,一张张或长条形,或方形的黑晶玻璃桌规律的摆放,座无虚席,客人们放声交谈,品味美食,享受着一天结束前的惬意。服务员捧着餐盘来来往往。 The side just enters, the welcome approach of entrance, said with a smile: Four same places? Has subscribed the position,” 方甫进入,门口的迎宾员迎上来,笑道:“四位一起的吗?有订过位置吗,” Su Yu shakes the head, said gently: Two, scheduled No. 7 passenger compartment.” 苏钰摇头,轻轻道:“两位,预定七号包间。” Please come with me!” The waitress smiling face is impregnable. “请跟我来!”女服务员笑容无懈可击。 At this time, Qin Ze heard behind man to speak with another service person: Subscribed the 12 passenger compartment.” 这时,秦泽听见身后的男人与另一位服务员说话:“订了十二号包间。” Hundred guest garden Qin Ze have not come to eat, Shanghai is so big, even if he is a native, impossible to eat all famous restaurants. The local cuisine taste is sweet, the commonly used cooking is primarily red-roast, simmers, sugar, is close to Suzhou that side taste. Because of the Mother Qin reason, Mother Qin is the Zhe Province person, that side person prepares food does not like putting the sugar, Qin Ze and Qin Baobao were been since childhood big by the Mother Qin milk, continuously to the local cuisine of sweet taste non-inductive. 百客园秦泽没来吃过,沪市这么大,哪怕他是本地人,也不可能把所有出名的餐馆都吃个遍。本帮菜口味偏甜,常用的烹饪方法以红烧、煨、糖为主,与苏州那边的口味接近。因为秦妈的缘故,秦妈浙省人,那边的人做菜不喜欢放糖,秦泽秦宝宝从小被秦妈奶大,一直对偏甜口味的本帮菜无感。 This week of income of I looked, you as if do not excel at the short line.” Su Yu greeted the service person to serve food, according to menu that she liked. Originally she gives Qin Ze the menu, but Qin Ze said at will. “这周的收益我看了,你似乎不太擅长短线。”苏钰招呼服务员上菜,按照她喜欢的菜单来。本来她把菜单交给秦泽,但秦泽说随意。 My father said that my overall perception is very good, but is easy the careless mistake in the detail. This is called the important matter to be discrete, the minor matter is optional.” Qin Ze drinks the cassia tora seeds tea that the restaurant is offering free of charge. “我爸说我大局观很好,但在细节上容易出纰漏。这叫做大事谨慎,小事随意。”秦泽喝着餐馆免费赠送的决明子茶。 Average returns in 85 percent, if not go to the blind operation short line, your report card will be interesting. Since the short line is not good, how not to avoid.” The Su Yu sitting posture is solemn, the smiling face is graceful. “平均收益在百分之八十五,如果不去盲目的操作短线,你的成绩单会更好看。既然短线不行,怎么不避开。”苏钰坐姿端庄,笑容优雅。 Does not experience the failure, how to summarize experience?” “不经历失败,怎么总结经验?” Qin Ze's replied that made the Su Yu smiling face stiff, in this boy words did the meaning, bring to practice acquiring a skill the company fund? Practices acquiring a skill practices acquiring a skill, so long as is gains as a whole, is precisely the high return, some school expense considered company to his benefits. 秦泽的回答让苏钰笑容僵了僵,这小子话中之意,是把公司的资金拿来练手?练手就练手吧,只要总体上是盈利的,且是高额回报,些许“学费”就当是公司给他的福利了。 Su Yu has the interest of chat rarely, discussed many stock markets, stocks and trust credit and other with Qin Ze the businesses, hopes for that hears subordinate top brave general to direct the encouraging writing of landscape, does to the top brave general to seem like the interest is waning, did not speak thoughtlessly to be perfunctory, was in a daze simply, ignored to her issue. Su Yu that the done temper lives simply has to raise the impulsion of table very much. 苏钰难得有聊天的兴致,与秦泽谈论了许多股市、期货以及信托信贷等方面的业务,希冀听到麾下头号猛将指点江山的激扬文字,奈何头号猛将似乎意兴阑珊,不是随口敷衍,就是干脆发呆,对她的问题置之不理。搞的性子淡泊的苏钰很有掀桌子的冲动。 Beautiful woman Director-General is very pleasant, but Qin Ze's thoughts actually not here, in own black heart's maggot there. younger brother is the maggot, elder sister wants to come also the difficult running away pattern in any case. He thought that oneself was away from the truth to be very near, sexy lingerie, the mysterious boyfriend, ate meal with the strange man...... 美女总裁很赏心悦目,但秦泽的心思却不在这里,在自家黑了心的蛆那里。反正弟弟是蛆,姐姐想来也难逃窠臼。他觉得自己距离真相很近了,情趣内衣,神秘男友,和陌生男人吃饭...... Qin Ze gets more mad, more wants more unable to control the strength in within the body turbulent great antiquity, wishes one could move of divine sword governing thunder true art to divide dead elder sister. 秦泽越想越气,越想越控制不住体内汹涌的洪荒之力,恨不得一招神剑御雷真诀劈死姐姐 Qin Baobao had said obviously does not look for the boyfriend, then obviously resists the mother to arrange matchmake. Who would imagine not making a sound ganged up with high-quality handsome fellow outside. The mother may endure, the younger brother cannot endure. 秦宝宝明明说过不找男朋友的,明明那么抗拒老妈安排相亲的。岂料不声不响的在外面勾搭了一个优质帅哥。妈可忍,弟不可忍。 I must stir yellow them. 我一定要搅黄他们。 She stirred yellow my girlfriend in any case, I must retaliate! 反正她曾经搅黄过我的女朋友,我要报复! Thinking, Qin Ze cannot be repressing the strength of great antiquity is ready to make trouble. Sets out saying: Chief Su, I go to bathroom.” 这么想着,秦泽就按捺不住蠢蠢欲动的洪荒之力了。起身道:“苏总,我上个厕所。” Su Yu nods, eats own vegetable/dish. 苏钰点点头,吃自己的菜。 Qin Ze goes out, seeks for the passenger compartment around the arc aisle, the structure of restaurant is the frame of semicircle, the middle is the big restaurant, the ordinary guest eats meal here, the edge of semicircle is a passenger compartment, there are ten small passenger compartments, among five large packages. 秦泽出了门,绕着弧形走道寻找包间,餐馆的构造是半圆形的框架,中间是大餐厅,普通客人在这里吃饭,半圆的边缘是包间,有十个小包间,五个大包间。 12 passenger compartment...... 十二号包间...... Qin Ze transferred, finally found. 秦泽转了一圈,终于找到了。 The gate of passenger compartment knocked several, was shoved open. 包间的门敲了几下,然后被推开。 Su Yu thought, the man does urinate is so quick? Goes out passing through the gate also less than one minute. Catches the eye to look, is actually not Qin Ze, but is a figure is hot, selects woman who dyes the maroon curly hair, she has a beautiful oval face, the eye is big and bright, actually long and narrow, is that classification woman needs to draw the effect that the eye shadow can show. The skin fair young and fresh-looking, looks about the fresh splendor, in addition, she has a pair of woman to envy 36 D that the envy hates. The signboard beguiles the child face, signboard 36 D. 苏钰心想,男人尿尿都这么快?出门进门也就一分钟不到。抬眼看去,却不是秦泽,而是一个身段火辣,挑染栗色卷发的女人,她有一张妖艳的瓜子脸,眼睛又大又亮,却略带狭长,是那种别的女人需要画眼影才能展现出来的效果。皮肤白皙水嫩,顾盼生辉,除此之外,她有一对女人羡慕嫉妒恨的36d。招牌狐媚子脸,招牌36d。 Su Yu recognized her, Qin Baobao, new promote female singer, successful Otaku Goddess. 苏钰认出她了,秦宝宝,新晋女歌星,大红大紫的宅男女神 Qin Ze's blood related elder sister. 秦泽的亲姐姐 She sizes up Qin Baobao's simultaneously, Qin Baobao is also taking a look at her, spiritual energy pupil rotation, Qin Ze?” 她打量秦宝宝的同时,秦宝宝也在打量她,灵气眸子转动,“秦泽呢?” Su Yu said: He went to bathroom, Qin Baobao...... you how here.” 苏钰道:“他上厕所去了,秦宝宝......你怎么在这里。” Qin Baobao charming smiling face: I look for my younger brother, asks him to go home.” 秦宝宝娇媚笑容:“我来找我弟弟呀,找他回家。” Her not surprised this woman will know himself, since recognizes Qin Ze, then decides however also knows oneself are Qin Ze's elder sister, because she is the public figure. 她倒不惊讶这女人会认识自己,既然认得秦泽,那么定然也知道自己是秦泽的姐姐,因为她是公众人物。 Goes home? 回家? Su Yu brow tip raised, although the Qin Baobao smiling face is charming, but depending on the female slender sensitive nerve, she can feel Qin Baobao seems the hostility, if not having. 苏钰眉梢挑了挑,尽管秦宝宝笑容妩媚,但凭女子纤细敏感的神经,她能感受到秦宝宝似有若无的敌意。 Interesting! 有意思了! Su Yu said with a smile: Finished eating goes back again, I make the service person add the tableware.” 苏钰笑道:“吃完再回去吧,我让服务员加碗筷。” Qin Baobao has not rejected, that sitting posture, that smiling face, that called one solemnly graceful impregnable. 秦宝宝没拒绝,那坐姿,那笑容,那叫一个端庄优雅无懈可击。 How younger sister said.” Qin Baobao asked. 妹妹怎么称呼。”秦宝宝问。 younger sister? Old ladies 27, compared with your also greatly two -year-old, who is younger sister. 妹妹?老娘都二十七了,比你还大两岁,谁是妹妹啊。 Su Yu said lightly: Su Yu!” 苏钰淡淡道:“苏钰!” Su Yu exhibits the office special-purpose poker face, the instant time Director-General dignity fills the air, the constriction increases doubled and re-doubled. 苏钰摆出办公室专用的扑克脸,霎时间总裁的威严弥漫开来,压迫感成倍增加。 The Qin Baobao brow tip raises, thought that this woman very not so clear but still feel it's awesome. 秦宝宝眉梢扬起,心想,这女人很不明觉厉 What Miss Su and my family is A'Ze relates?” Asked these words time, Qin Baobao glances staring, bright astonishment. 苏小姐和我家阿泽是什么关系?”问出这句话的时候,秦宝宝眼波凝视,亮的惊人。 Su Yu is somewhat funny, this saying listens a little is not how right, even the tone somewhat is aggressive, like beating the guardian of affectionate couple resembles. Su Yu did not answer, carried the teacup to make the judging tea shape. Why does not know, she looked that this woman is not feeling well, perhaps is a simple and elegant woman to a beautiful woman is not pleasing to the eyes. Perhaps is the hostility that the opposite party then exposes from the beginning. 苏钰有些好笑,这话听着怎么有点不对劲,连语气都有些咄咄逼人,像棒打鸳鸯的家长似的。苏钰不答,端起茶杯做出品茶状。不知道为什么,她看这个女人不爽,也许是一个素雅女人对一个妖艳女人的不顺眼。也许是对方一开始便展露的敌意。 If she knows every day kills by mistreatment own Female Clothing Bigshot is this at present, it is estimated that must raise table honorable person PK. 如果她知道每天虐杀自己的“女装大佬”就是眼前这位,估计要掀桌子真人pk了。 Oh, my younger brother, always does not make one be free from worry.” Qin Baobao oh the sound sighed angrily said: That in family/home the girlfriend awaits eagerly he went back, he eats meal with others outside does not greet. With the Miss Su such attractive great beauty, you said that if his girlfriend knew, refers to misunderstanding that uncertain must have cries two three to hang oneself noisily. You said not.” “唉,我这个弟弟啊,总是不让人省心的。”秦宝宝唉声叹气道:“家里女朋友望眼欲穿的等他回去,他在外面和别人吃饭也不打声招呼。还是和苏小姐这么漂亮的大美人,你说如果他女朋友知道了,指不定又要闹出一哭二闹三上吊的误会。你说是不。” Qin Baobao looks but not see to soft nail that Su Yu reveals, she comes to here with this White Lotus Flower do not compete to be the most unusual, her goal only has one: Does the matter. 秦宝宝苏钰亮出的软钉子视而不见,她来这里可不是要和这朵白莲花争奇斗艳的,她的目的只有一个:搞事情。 She is disinclined to manipulate strategically with outside beautiful slut, style always simple violence, it is fortunate that Qin Ze is not, otherwise hugs the arm to shout one: The husband, you provokes beautiful slut outside. Then light comes light walking, ten steps kill a person of thousand li (500 km) not to keep the line. 她才懒得和外面的妖艳贱货勾心斗角,行事风格向来简单暴力,得亏秦泽不在,否则搂着胳膊喊一声:老公,你又在外面招惹妖艳贱货。然后轻飘飘的来轻飘飘的走,十步杀一人千里不留行。 If the opposite party knows himself, trades lines: old bro, your girlfriend looks for you good long while, how to telephone not to meet, along with elder sister goes home quickly. 如果对方认识自己,就换一个台词:老弟,你女朋友找你好半天啦,怎么打电话也不接,快随姐姐回家。 That girlfriend naturally is not Wang Zijin, wants to result in beautiful. 那个女朋友当然不是王子衿,想得美。 No. 12 passenger compartment. 12号包间。 Compares mystifying and undercurrent of No. 7 passenger compartment is turbulent, here atmosphere is entirely different, two men are exchanging toasts, have a friendly chat over a cup of wine. 相比起七号包间的阴阳怪气和暗流汹涌,这边的气氛截然不同,两个男人在推杯换盏,把酒言欢。 Qin Ze has not made the service person add the tableware, he lets on the service person two cases of beer, carries the elder sister's tableware on big stuttering meat big mouth drink up, blows flamboyant with Star Skills Director-General. 秦泽没让服务员加碗筷,他让服务员上两箱的啤酒,端起姐姐的碗筷就大口吃肉大口喝酒,与星艺总裁吹牛逼。 Qin Ze comes up empty-handed, when he comes in elder sister went to bathroom, he in passenger compartment and other elder sister. 秦泽扑了个空,他进来时姐姐上厕所去了,他就在包间里等姐姐 Chief Huang will come the matter very much, knows that he is Qin Baobao's younger brother, held his hand saying that older and younger brothers, had heard so much about you to like thunder reverberating in one's ears, my Huang Yicong, Star Skills Entertainment Director-General. 黄总很会来事,知道他是秦宝宝的弟弟,拉着他的手说,兄弟啊,久仰大名如雷贯耳,鄙人黄易聪,星艺娱乐总裁 The Qin Ze heart said, originally you are make me hundred not rip to ride elder sister's Star Skills Director-General. 秦泽心说,原来你就是让我百撕不得骑姐的星艺总裁啊。 By Qin Ze's IQ, detects immediately the situation is not right, before elder sister buys sexy lingerie is the birthday, that little while she is some general manager secretary of 500 company. Obviously impossible cross time and Huang Yicong gang up. 秦泽的智商,立刻察觉到情况不对,姐姐情趣内衣是生日之前,那会儿她还是某五百公司总经理秘书。显然不可能跨时间黄易聪勾搭。 Must say that predecessor general manager does have the suspicion, Qin Ze can surely not have, that was the old gentleman age old man, elder sister this moral integrity had. 要说前任总经理有没有嫌疑,秦泽可以肯定没有,那都是老爷子般岁数的老男人了,姐姐这点节操还是有的。 It is not Star Skills Director-General, is not the former boss, the birthday did she put 不是星艺总裁,不是前任上司,生日那天她穿给谁看? He looked had not responded...... 他看了没反应…… Looked had not responded...... 看了没反应…… Had not responded...... 没反应…… Looked at elder sister to wear the underwear, can some opportunities see the elder sister underwear daily, as if...... probably............ insignificant me?! 看了姐姐穿内衣的,能天天有机会看到姐姐内衣的,似乎……好像……正是……区区在下?! You how?” Huang Yicong asked. “你怎么了?”黄易聪问。 No,” Qin Ze eyes delay, spoke the sentence rotten words: growth was no-good, felt that must collapse.” “没什么,”秦泽双眼呆滞,说了句烂话:“发育不好,感觉要崩。” He should think that early, but that situation he has no way keeps calm, thinks Qin Baobao has the man outside, he is confused, the head short-circuits, why oneself do not know. 他早该想到的,可那种情况他没法保持冷静,一想到秦宝宝在外面有男人,他就心烦意乱,脑袋短路,自己也不知道为什么。 This Chief Huang looks after to elder sister in every possible way, makes her to come out to eat meal, looked harbors evil intentions, cannot treat it lightly. 黄总姐姐百般照顾,又约她出来吃饭,一看就是居心叵测,不能掉以轻心。 They drank several bottles of beer, lets loose, bustling that chatted gradually. 他们喝了几瓶啤酒,渐渐放开,聊的热火朝天。 Two specialties are unsuitable the thing that the man, as if can pull only had the woman, Huang Yicong was old driver, spoke freely that Shanghai in the ten years big healthcare reform history, proliferated Hongkou that from the past red-light district, chats big time that until now the entertainment office spread to blossom. That may really be purple the innumerable grapes, black a place auricularia auricula, one generation of up-and-comers change the early man. 两个专业“不对口”的男人,似乎能扯的东西只有女人了,黄易聪老司机,畅谈沪市这十年来大保健改革史,从当年红灯区遍布的虹口,聊到如今娱乐会所遍及开花的大时代。那可真是紫了无数葡萄,黑了一地木耳,一代新人换旧人啊。 Qin Ze raised glass saying that Chief Huang, you really did right by your surname, I respected old driver one cup. 秦泽举杯说,黄总,您真对得起您的姓,我敬老司机一杯。 The Huang Yicong straightforward say/way, which day of old driver leads you to play, the boy must experience the love affair to grow into the man. 黄易聪豪爽道,哪天老司机带你玩玩,男孩子要经历风月才能成长为男人嘛。 Being red in the face that they drink, the feeling of being drunk smokes, has the liquor to meet friend thousand cups of few feelings very much. 他俩喝的面红耳赤,醉意熏熏,很有酒逢知己千杯少的感觉。 Qin Ze hugs the shoulder of Huang Yicong, hā hā was saying, Chief Huang, you are solemn Star Skills Director-General, why outside to go to seek and enjoy nature in the spring, entire Star Skills is your harem. 秦泽搂着黄易聪的肩膀,哈哈笑着说,黄总,您是堂堂星艺总裁,何必去外面寻花问柳,整个星艺都是你的后宫呐。 Chief Huang beckons with the hand, said drunkenly: Words did not say, evildoer does not harm hisneighbors, eats to be pregnant the grass, matter is not easy to do. older and younger brothers, the brother teaches you some personal experience, the wild flower that what wife onee-san, might as well spend, you cannot believe that the words of woman, the woman said that what/anything does not want, explained that her what/anything wants. prostitute is good, takes off the pants on, raises the pants to walk, without extra worries, the words coarse principle is not coarse.” 黄总摆摆手,醉醺醺道:“话不是这么说,兔子不吃窝边草,把草吃大肚子,事情就不好办了。兄弟啊,老哥教你一些私人经验,什么人妻啊御姐啊,都不如花钱的野花,你不能相信女人的话,女人说什么都不要,说明她什么都想要。大宝剑好啊,脱裤子就上,提裤子就走,没有后顾之忧,话糙理不糙。” Qin Ze said: Brother is steady, I respect brother one cup, but the Star Skills beautiful woman is floating about like clouds, so long as you seize the fox, annoying a show is also cost-effective.” 秦泽说:“老哥稳,我敬老哥一杯,不过星艺美女如云,只要你逮住狐狸,惹一身骚也是划算的。” Huang Yicong blushes to resemble Duke Guan, said is also, our Star Skills has really not lacked the beautiful woman.” 黄易聪脸红似关公,“说的也是,我们星艺还真不缺美女的。” Qin Ze holds in the arms his neck suddenly, winks: How you see my elder sister, wave big butt curls upwards, the long thief is juicy, thinks on her?” 秦泽忽然搂住他的脖子,挤眉弄眼:“你看我姐怎么样,波大屁股翘,长的贼水灵,有没有想上她?”
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