MESIS :: Volume #2

#188: Two pairs of people

Although elder sister night assault own example are not many, but has several times. Has not thought that Sister Zijin also likes playing this set. 姐姐夜袭自己的例子虽然不多,但还是有几次的。万万没想到子衿姐也喜欢玩这套。 Likes saying boldly, I will not reject you. 喜欢就大胆说出来吗,我又不会拒绝你。 Qin Ze thought, Sister Zijin to oneself have the favorable impression, oneself usually make her to watch the movie, presses the street, this kind of book studies including „the youth pain of” never looking. 秦泽心想,子衿姐对自己是有好感的吧,自己平时约她看电影,压马路,连从来不看的“青春的痛”这类书都研究了。 At this time system had/left quest again, I immediately on confess. 这时候系统再出个任务,我立刻就表白 system? 诶,系统呢? system system...... comes out quickly, sends quest quickly.” Qin Ze sees Wang Zijin to turn head to walk, anxious shouting. 系统系统……快出来,快发任务。”秦泽王子衿扭头就走,焦急的喊。 Loses heart, without quest.” system said. “死心吧,没任务。”系统说。 How not to have quest, I desire to be intense now.” “怎么就没任务了,我现在欲求可强烈了。” What quest you want, ding, please also succeed to Wang Zijin confess, such quest? You thought that artificial female hipster will accept your confess?” “你想要什么任务,叮,请向王子衿表白并且成功,这样的任务?你觉得矫情的女文青会接受你的表白吗?” Does not need to succeed, so long as you issued that confess quest is good, my confess one good, then why profit-centered must succeed.” “没必要成功吧,你只要发布表白任务就好啦,我表白一下就好啦,何必那么功利非要成功。” Where did you tell me this quest goal? Delivering a minute of topic is the matter of mental handicap system talent.” “那你告诉我这个任务的目的在哪里?送分题是智障系统才干的事。” How you know that I am impossible to succeed, I refuse to accept.” “你怎么知道我不可能成功,我不服。” Kisses can succeed? Your elder sister always kisses/intimate you, your confess gives a try.” “亲个嘴就能成功?那你姐姐老是亲你,你表白试试看。” I......” “我……” Wang Zijin runs the room, closes. 王子衿跑出房间,“”一声关门。 I sleep.” Qin Ze pulls up the quilt to deceive the head. “我还是睡觉吧。”秦泽拉起被子蒙住脑袋。 low force system wants your what to use. low逼系统要你何用。 .................. ……………… Heard that you did lift Qin Ze to the general manager position?” “听说你把秦泽抬到总经理位置了?” In a refined passenger compartment, Pei Nanman pours tea to bosom friend. The appearance that they just took a bath, wears the bathrobe, black hair tall Wan. Had just done Su Yu that pushed the oil by rattan chair, narrowed the eyes to focus, like only lazy cat. 一个雅致的包间里,裴南曼给身边的闺蜜倒茶。他们都刚洗完澡的样子,穿着浴袍,青丝高挽。刚做过推油的苏钰靠在藤椅上,眯着眼,像只慵懒的猫儿。 At the end of October, the bright sunlight shines from the window, she fine peerless cheek catches a Jinxia, carried the black tea to drink one, the nod said: Un, managing the section aspect is full rookies, but performance valiant in a complete mess.” 十月底,灿烂的阳光从落地窗照射进来,她精致绝伦的脸蛋染上一层金霞,端起红茶饮了一口,点头道:“嗯,管理部门方面是个十足的菜鸟,但业绩方面彪悍的一塌糊涂。” Holds the post of Investment Department general manager from Qin Ze, already over the past week. 距离秦泽担任投资部总经理,已经过去一个多星期。 Although said that but her look is light, not startled is unhappy. 尽管这么说,但她神色平平淡淡,不惊不喜。 Really does not know except for hitting the game and work, but also there is anything to make you pay attention.” Pei Nanman shakes the head. “真不知道除了打游戏和工作,还有什么能让你关注的。”裴南曼摇头。 Has fun.” Su Yu bared teeth, shows the little girl smiling face. “乐在其中。”苏钰呲牙,露出小女孩般的笑容。 Plays a game of game while convenient to spurting for a half hour?” Pei Nanman is good to say with a smile. “打一局游戏顺便和人对喷半小时?”裴南曼好笑道。 Does not curse at people to hit what/anything to play,” Su Yu said lightly: Curses at people I to have the feeling.” “不骂人打什么游戏,”苏钰淡淡道:“骂人我才有存在感。” Pei Nanman visits her, sighed. Many knows that selects her family's matter, everything in disorder, but which family/home problem, she is not same, the nephew niece is not willing to go home to the present. 裴南曼看着她,叹了口气。多少知道点她家里的事,乱七八糟的,不过谁家没本难念的经,她自己不也一样,侄子侄女到现在都不肯回家。 Your ex-husband also in Shanghai?” “你那个前夫还在沪市吗?” Was punched by me, went back.” Pei Nanman said, her family/home, is not her incessantly. “被我揍了一顿,回去了。”裴南曼说,她家不止一本经,还有一本已经不属于她的经。 A great man does not dwellon things of the past, your ex-husband is but actually interesting, has only one in mind to your then grass.” “好马不吃回头草,你前夫倒有意思,对你这颗回头草情有独钟。” Did not say that this good, I and he have not related.” “不说这个好吧,我和他早就没关系了。” Two people are silent, or looks at out of the window scenery, either lowers the head tea. 两人沉默着,或看窗外风景,或低头饮茶。 Su Yu said suddenly: I made Qin Ze to eat meal in the evening.” 苏钰忽然道:“我晚上约了秦泽吃饭。” As if only then the Qin Ze's matter, lets the Pei Nanman production point interest slightly, said with a smile: Eats meal alone?” 似乎只有秦泽的事,才稍稍让裴南曼产生点兴趣,笑道:“单独吃饭?” Right, is my boss's salute to the subordinate.” Su Yu is drinking tea, remembers the incident, curls the lip saying: This boy is not law-abiding, has time to ask me to want the confidential paper, the customer material, the financial statement, the market survey and organization to appraise ..... felt that my company was found out by him quickly. Nanman, you said that this boy does hit the wicked scheme that starts own party?” “对的,算是我这个上司对下属的慰问。”苏钰喝着茶,想起一事,撇嘴道:“这小子可不安分,一有时间就找我要机密文件,客户资料、财务报表、市场调研、机构评估.....感觉我公司快被他摸清了。南曼,你说这小子是不是打自立门户的鬼主意?” What's wrong, wants to catch up with from the general manager position him?” “怎么,想把他从总经理位置赶下去?” That does not use,” Su Yu said: I considered that gives him to select the stock, retains him. I am study the management and macroeconomic, the good scaled height of burst to occupy the emperor of throne. Without the brave general of breaking through enemy lines, I do not handle. You had said that when money accumulates to the certain amount, made money loses the significance. The capitalists never create, only needs to spend to have countless people to create for them.” “那倒不用,”苏钰说:“我考虑给他点股份,把他留住。我是学管理和宏观经济的,就好比高居王座的皇帝。没有了冲锋陷阵的猛将,我也玩不转。你说过当钱累积到一定数量,挣钱就失去意义了。资本家从来不创造,只需要花点钱就有无数人替他们去创造。” You determined can control is occupied by him?” Pei Nanman faint smile. “你确定能驾驭的住他?”裴南曼似笑非笑。 Su Yu thinks carefully, shakes the head to sigh: Probably is a little difficult, this fellow amiably is seemingly good to speak, actually most does not listen to the words, he had the opinion, even made me feel obstinately.” 苏钰仔细想了想,摇头叹气:“好像有点难,这家伙看似随和好说话,其实最听不进话,他太有主见了,甚至让我感觉刚愎自用。” Tomorrow evening will come out to sit again?” “明天晚上再出来坐坐?” That is not good, in the evening I must meet with the netizen.” Su Yu flatly refuses. “那不行,晚上我要见网友。”苏钰一口拒绝。 Meets with the netizen?” Pei Nanman gave the shock. “见网友?”裴南曼给震惊了。 This words should not be Pei Ziqi and kid of Li Donglai that age say? Her 27 big miss, studies abroad Ph.D, investment company general manager, actually will say the words that is so out of sorts. However this bosom friend bits off occasionally, making an out of the ordinary matter but is actually not impossible. 这种话不应该是裴子淇李东来那个年纪的小屁孩说的么?她一个二十七大姑娘,留洋博士,投资公司总经理,竟然会说出如此违和的话。不过她这个闺蜜偶尔神经兮兮的,做出点出格事倒也不是不可能。 Meets with what netizen, your be more careful, do not play overdone...... considers as finished, tomorrow I will find several people to follow in secret you.” Pei Nanman frowns. “见什么网友,你注意点,别玩过火......算了,明天我找几个人暗中跟着你。”裴南曼蹙眉。 Is all right, I see friend in a game.” “没事的啦,我见一个游戏里的朋友。” „The friend in game......” Pei Nanman bends down to search her forehead, brain burnt out inadequately, was what/anything makes you get up the thought of meeting with the netizen.” “游戏里的朋友......”裴南曼俯身去探她的额头,“脑子烧坏了不成,是什么让你起了见网友的念头。” Su Yu avoid her hand, the grievance said: He said that I dig out the foot guy, I am not convinced, quarrels with him. Then he proposed must meet, otherwise did not lead me to play the game.” 苏钰躲开她的手,委屈道:“他说我是抠脚大汉,我不服气,和他吵了一架。然后他提出要见面,不然就不带我打游戏。” If accompanies you to play the game, this person you can look for a big pile.” Pei Nanman said: My nephew plays the game to meet female player, excited called, gave the gift to deliver the mount.” “如果只是陪你打游戏,这种人你可以找一大堆。”裴南曼说:“我侄儿玩游戏一遇到女玩家,兴奋的嗷嗷叫,又送礼物又送坐骑的。” But I in the person with game will not open the video and voice, I said that I am a girl, the person of truly important goods said that must lead me to play the game, but they will call me to open the voice, I did not agree. They think me male.” Su Yu said that „, but he is different, he does not believe me female, but I asked the belt/bring each time, he will give a ride me.” “可我不会和游戏里的人开视频和语音,我说我是女孩,确实有一大帮的人表示要带我玩游戏,但他们会叫我开语音,我不同意。他们就以为我是男的。”苏钰说,“但他不一样,他也不相信我是女的,可每次我求带,他都会捎上我。” Moreover he often scolded me.” Su Yu said with a smile. “而且他经常骂我。”苏钰笑道。 Often scolded me ....... 经常骂我....... The nervous words listen in the Pei Nanman aural acuity, is not funny, she listens to a lot of bitter. 神经质的话听在裴南曼耳力,一点都不好笑,她听出一肚子的辛酸。 In the evening I make Qin Ze to eat meal in hundred guest gardens, do you come?” “晚上我约秦泽在百客园吃饭,你来吗?” Pei Nanman shakes the head: In the evening has the matter.” 裴南曼摇头:“晚上有事。” Star Skills Entertainment. 星艺娱乐 Director-General office. 总裁办公室。 After spacious phoebe zhennan desk, on the genuine leather office chair, Huang Yicong lights cigarette, the both feet builds on the table, is narrowing the eyes, is enjoying leisurely and carefree afternoon tea time. 宽大的楠木办公桌后,真皮办公椅上,黄易聪点燃一根烟,双脚搭在桌上,眯着双眼,享受着悠闲的下午茶时间 The office reverberates the gentle magnetic voice, in the sound box is broadcasting the Qin Baobao's special edition. 办公室回荡着柔媚磁性的嗓音,音箱里播着秦宝宝的专辑。 Star Skills Director-General this he sat the quick five years the position in a hierarchy, by board of directors direct commission. But throughout carries out Director-General with Kang Shi'an that he does not cope with, as the saying goes is Deputy Director-General. 星艺总裁这把交椅他坐了快五年,由董事会直接任命。而始终和他不对付的康世安是执行总裁,俗话说就是副总裁 Actually he and Kang Shi'an do not have the enmity, before taking over control of Star Skills, he does not know such character. Those who have enmity is their fathers, the Star Skills Entertainment major stockholder. 其实他和康世安没仇,接管星艺之前,他都不认识这么号人物。有过节的是他俩的老爸,星艺娱乐的大股东。 Some great person has said that the reasonable factional struggle , to promote a group progressive power. 某位大人物说过,合理的派系斗争,是推动一个团体进步的动力。 dōng dōng dōng......” knocking on a door sound several. 咚咚咚……”敲门声响了几下。 secretary of tall sex appeal walks, places on a contract the desk: Chief Huang, the representing contract of remarkable jewelry.” 高挑性感的秘书走进来,把一份合同放在办公桌上:“黄总,卓越珠宝的代言合同。” Huang Yicong cigarette butt according to extinguishing in Hermès ceramics ash-tray, takes up the contract to flip at will. 黄易聪把烟蒂按灭在爱马仕陶瓷烟灰缸里,拿起合同随意翻了翻。 Xu Lu and Yang Xu manager has looked for my several times, wants this contract.” Female secretary said: Chief Huang, you thought that is good to whom?” 徐璐杨旭经纪人来找过我几次,想要这份合同。”女秘书说:“黄总,您觉得给谁好?” executive and Huang Yicong of remarkable jewelry have chased that anything's pal together, this contract is striking one's chest gives to him, said that name old bro of spokesman you fill in casually, so long as above B-list, the brother I recognize, naturally, male does not want. 卓越珠宝的老总黄易聪是一起嫖过那啥的铁哥们,这份合同拍着胸脯就送给他了,说代言人的名字老弟你随便填,只要二线以上,老哥我都认,当然,男的不要。 Huang Yicong throws toward the table on the contract: To Qin Baobao.” 黄易聪把合同往桌上一丢:“给秦宝宝。” Really so...... secretary thinks. 果然如此……秘书想。 Jianghu was widely known, Qin Baobao is the canary that Chief Huang raises, how otherwise so to look, but by her the understanding Chief Huang, these hearsay is incredible. Chief Huang no doubt is dissolute uninhibited old driver, is actually a evildoer does not harm hisneighbors has moral integrity old driver. Otherwise will not look but not see own suggestion in every possible way. 江湖盛传,秦宝宝黄总豢养的金丝雀,不然何以如此照顾,但以她对黄总的了解,那些传闻不足为信。黄总固然是浪荡不羁的老司机,却是个兔子不吃窝边草的有节操老司机。不然也不会对自己的百般暗示视而不见。 Has matter secretary to do, but is all right does not do secretary. 有事秘书干,但没事坚决不干秘书 Huang Yicong stops by calling secretary, said: Helps my approximately one Qin Baobao while convenient, in the evening eats meal......, decides in Baiheyuan, I like there local cuisine.” 黄易聪喊住秘书,道:“顺便帮我约一下秦宝宝,晚上吃个饭……嗯,就定在百合园吧,我喜欢那里的本帮菜。” The secretary fine face reveals the stunned color, is not Director-General does not eat near the nest the grass, is my beauty mediocre into the Director-General discernment? 秘书精致的脸庞露出错愕之色,难道不是总裁不吃窝边草,是我姿色平庸不入总裁法眼? Then the servants asked to be excused...... 那么奴婢告退了…… secretary leaves with the depressed mood. 秘书怀着沮丧的心情离开。 Huihong Building underground parking storehouse. 汇鸿大厦地下停车库。 Qin Ze closes right up against red color Ferrari, in the fingers holds appreciatively the Zippo petroleum cigarette lighter, the clear renovation sound is continuous. 秦泽靠着一辆大红色法拉利,手指间把玩zippo煤油打火机,清脆的翻盖声连绵不绝。 The present is 7 : 00 pm, six points getting off work peaks have passed, the basement is spacious, he and other Su Yu, this morning beautiful woman Director-General knocks the gate of his office especially, said Qin Ze, in the evening eats meal together. 现在是晚上 7 点,六点的下班高峰期已过,地下室空旷安静,他在等苏钰,今早美女总裁特地敲开他办公室的门,说秦泽,晚上一起吃饭。 So naked invitation, can translate this: Does Qin Ze, make? 如此赤裸裸的邀请,也可以翻译成这样:秦泽,约吗? dá dá dá......” in silent air reverberates the clear high-heeled shoes sound, the Su Yu tall form exits from the corner, the white shirt grips and pencil skirt of knee, the yellowish pink silk stockings, the black high-heeled shoes, has not dyed all black beautiful hair rocks along with the step. 哒哒哒......”寂静的空气中回荡起清脆的高跟鞋声,苏钰高挑的身影从拐角转出,白衬衫扎在及膝的套裙里,肉色丝袜,黑色高跟鞋,一头不曾染色的纯黑秀发随步伐晃动。 Su Yu pulls out the electronic key from the package package, drop, a Ferrari resounding, indicating lamp twinkle. 苏钰从包包里掏出电子钥匙,“滴”,法拉利一声脆响,指示灯闪烁。 Qin Ze opens the vehicle door toward the back seat drill, if not specially good friend relations, best not to sit the copilot position. But Su Yu said, „front sits.” 秦泽拉开车门往后座钻,如果不是特别好的朋友关系,最好别坐副驾驶位。但苏钰说,“坐前面来吧。” The vehicle drives out of the underground parking storehouse, converges the billowing stream of vehicles. 车子驶出地下停车库,汇入滚滚车流。 The curtain of night pulls open, the sky presents the strange mauve, that is the phenomenon that the light of cloudy day heavy/thick cloud layer reflection ground forms. 夜幕拉开,天空呈现诡异的绛红色,那是阴天厚重的云层反射地面的灯光形成的异象。 Su Yu sees the front green light to transfer the red light, Ferrari decelerates, stops before the zebra crossing, these days was quite busy, this food should issue in your appointment notice invited on that day.” 苏钰望见前方绿灯转红灯,法拉利减速,停在斑马线前,“这几天比较忙,这顿饭本该在你的任命通知下发那天请的。” Chief Su should not be impolite, actually the cafeteria ate one to be good.” 苏总别客气,其实食堂吃一顿就好了。” Su Yu shakes the head: Other manager I asked them to eat meal in hundred guest gardens, you were general manager, how can eat in the cafeteria.” 苏钰摇头:“其他经理我都是在百客园请他们吃饭的,你是总经理,怎么能在食堂吃。” Qin Ze: „......” 秦泽:“……” Originally is conscientious in discharging official duties, but also thinks that this meal food came from the appreciation of beautiful woman Director-General. 原来只是公事公办,还以为这餐饭来自于美女总裁的欣赏。 Tonight does not go home to eat meal, Qin Ze and elder sisters greeted, tells them me not to come back the milk tonight you, cherished concubines ate various going respectively. 今晚不回家吃饭,秦泽得和姐姐们打声招呼,告诉她们今晚寡人不回来奶你们了,爱妃们各吃各的去吧。 He gives Wang Zijin and various elder sister round of information, elder sister that side expected liking a stone dropped into the sea, the Wang Zijin second returns actually, funny face. Then is the main text: How you did not go home to eat meal, was the honest confession, your elder sister and younger brother two carries me to have the feast outside?” Comes a funny face again. 他给王子衿姐姐各发一条信息,姐姐那边意料之中的石沉大海,王子衿倒是秒回,一个“滑稽”脸。然后才是正文:“怎么你也不回家吃饭了,老实交代,是不是你们姐弟俩背着我在外面吃大餐?”再来一个滑稽脸。 At this time should not match anger expression, in Sister Zijin your expression package, only then funny? 这时候不应该配“怒火”的表情么,子衿姐你的表情包里只有“滑稽”吗? Qin Ze enters the information: boss please eat meal, doesn't Qin Baobao go home to eat meal?” 秦泽键入信息:“老板请吃饭,秦宝宝也不回家吃饭?” Un.” Wang Zijin returns to him: I select to go.” “嗯呐。”王子衿回他:“那我点外卖好啦。” On that day kissed the event after secretly, how many days Wang Zijin was shy, but this miss was more candid than Qin Baobao, or was the face thick-skinned? In brief now can exchange no psychological hindrance with Qin Ze normally. Where looks like elder sister, every other day bears a grudge with him. The small temperament plays flies, to younger brother this, will get married ..... the future not to get married in the future. 那天偷吻事件后,王子衿害羞了几天,但这姑娘比秦宝宝磊落,或者说脸皮厚?总之现在能和秦泽正常交流无心理阻碍。哪像姐姐,三天两头跟他怄气。小脾气耍的飞起,对弟弟都这样,将来嫁人.....将来还是别嫁人了。 Hundred guest gardens in one do not calculate that lively Dongming Road, the nearby has not attracted the market of customer, is also far from the pedestrian street. 百客园在一条不算繁华的东明路,附近没有吸引顾客的商场,离步行街也远。 This shop in many people from other place eyes unknown, but the older generation Shanghai person should know, some years, the time parents of my elementary school often led me to eat the local cuisine, has eaten on university, then went abroad to study, after returning to homeland had the opportunity to eat.” Su Yu stops the car(riage) near the restaurant, moves toward the restaurant with Qin Ze shoulder to shoulder. “这家店在很多外地人眼里名不经传,但老一辈沪市人应该知道,有些年头了,我小学的时候爸妈经常带我来吃本帮菜,一直吃到上大学,然后出国留学,直到回国后才有机会来吃。”苏钰在餐馆附近停好车,与秦泽并肩走向餐馆。 The restaurant in two buildings, a building is the food center. 餐馆在二楼,一楼是食品城。 Baobao (darling), the local cuisine of this hundred guest gardens is very typical, had you eaten before?” 宝宝,这家百客园的本帮菜很地道,你以前来吃过没?” A voice of man conveys. 一个男人的声音传来。 No, my family does not like the sweets.” “没呢,我家都不喜欢甜食。” A gentle sound resounds. 一个柔媚的声音响起。 Two the men and women of walking side-by-side in hundred guest garden entrance meets, are dumbfounded. 两对并肩而行的男女在百客园门口相遇,大眼瞪小眼。 The Qin Ze vision sweeps this to the people, the man had not known, over 30, puts on despicable airs. The women were too familiar, although she wears the sunglasses and service cap, but she, even if turns into grey Qin Ze to know. 秦泽目光扫过这对狗男女,男人不认识,三十出头,人模狗样。女人就太熟悉了,尽管她戴着墨镜和大檐帽,但她就算化成灰秦泽都认识。 The vision under Qin Baobao sunglasses is sharp, has swept at present this to the people, young man black heart's maggot. His is setting off not beautiful slut, height slightly are only short, but in the female without doubt is tall. Facial features fine in a complete mess , the elegantly simple makings, the chilly manner, good to drag in the cool breeze White Lotus Flower. 秦宝宝墨镜下的目光犀利无比,扫过眼前这对狗男女,年轻男人正是自家黑了心的蛆。他身边陪衬着一位不妖艳的贱货,身高只比自己略矮,但在女子中无疑是高挑的。五官精致的一塌糊涂,淡雅的气质,清冷的神态,好一朵摇曳在凉风中的“白莲花”。 In the Qin Baobao heart gives birth to this female not to eliminate, must to become big contract warning sign. 秦宝宝心中生出“此女不除,必成大患”的警兆 Very tacit, elder sister and younger brother two chose disregarded the opposite party. During the vision connection, seems the electric arc to flash through. 很默契的,姐弟俩选择了无视对方。目光交汇之间,似有电弧闪过。 After that is late, they have not become reconciled, but very tacit bought the same model of cell phone. 那晚之后,他俩并没有和好,但很默契的买了同一款手机。
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