MESIS :: Volume #2

#187: Pounds the cell phone to pound the elder sister's secret

Is all right, we buy one again.” Qin Ze feels the cool night wind that the front surface is throwing, so comforts elder sister. “没事没事,我们再买一个。”秦泽感受着迎面扑来的清凉夜风,如此安慰姐姐 Qin Baobao clenches teeth saying: Buys new useful, is not original.” 秦宝宝咬牙道:“买新的有什么用,又不是原来的了。” Old does not go newly does not come.” “旧的不去新的不来。” This is not the new issue, that is, that is ....... Qin Baobao looks at younger brother, starting to speak but hesitating, the expression is very agitated. “这不是新不新的问题,那是,那是.......”秦宝宝看着弟弟,欲言又止,表情很烦躁。 Late autumn the season, is cool, she wears a thin coat, inside is the pink short sleeve, pleated mini skirt and woman canvas shoe. Several days later, if Qin Ze wants to appreciate the elder sister smooth big long leg, must wait for next year. However autumn has the autumn advantage, Qin Baobao changes the tight-fitting jeans, wraps the elastic beautiful leg of attractive curve is Qin Ze fall and winter two season few benefits. 深秋季节,天气凉爽,她穿着一件薄外套,里头是粉色短袖,百褶小短裙和女士帆布鞋。再过几天,秦泽要想欣赏姐姐光溜溜的大长腿,就要等待来年。不过秋天有秋天的好处,秦宝宝换上紧身牛仔裤,包裹出诱人曲线的弹性美腿是秦泽秋冬两季为数不多的福利。 Under the orange street light, Qin Ze is staring at the elder sister's elegant face, looked for several seconds, he fishes out the cell phone from the pocket suddenly, makes an effort to pound on the ground, the phone screen explodes broken. 橘黄色的路灯下,秦泽盯着姐姐的俏脸,看了几秒,他忽然从兜里摸出手机,用力砸在地上,手机屏幕爆碎。 Qin Baobao is dumbfounded. 秦宝宝目瞪口呆。 My also went bad, we buy one pair.” Qin Ze pinched the elder sister's small hand. “我的也坏了,咱们重新买一对。”秦泽捏了捏姐姐的小手。 In the Qin Baobao eye flashes through secretly rejoices, puts on airs saying: „Any pair, do not buy to be the same with you.” 秦宝宝眼中闪过暗喜,装模作样道:“什么一对,才不要和你买一样的。” Suddenly thought that all unhappiness and haze diverge. 忽然觉得心里所有的不快和阴霾散去。 She looked at the eye beyond more than ten meters to talk endlessly to speak Wang Zijin of telephone. drawing Qin Ze is running under the shade of roadside, the link lives in the waist of younger brother, the face by his chest, wū wū cries saying: Scared to death me a moment ago.” 她看了眼十几米外喋喋不休讲电话的王子衿。拉着秦泽跑进路边的树阴下,环住弟弟的腰,把脸靠在他胸口,呜呜哭道:“刚才吓死我了。” Qin Ze is rubbing the elder sister's head, said in a soft voice: All right.” 秦泽揉着姐姐的脑袋,柔声道:“没事。” Shouldn't scares to death Baobao (darling)? 不应该是吓死宝宝么? Turning that Qin Baobao does not depend on the body, sobbed: Do not find the clue make.” 秦宝宝不依的扭扭身子,哽咽道:“别摸头。” At this time also haggled over smiles to touch dog head? 这时候还计较“笑摸狗头”? Qin Ze has to change to caresses the elder sister's back lightly. 秦泽只好改为轻抚姐姐的背。 You will leave this next time.” The Qin Baobao nasal sound is strong. “你下次别这样了。”秦宝宝鼻音浓重。 What?” Qin Ze is vacant. “什么?”秦泽茫然。 Cell phone without , there would be no, do not fight them, they have the blade.” Qin Baobao said, whose forgot quite the same as is rigidity did not let go a moment ago. “手机没了就没了,你别跟他们动手,他们有刀的。”秦宝宝说,浑然忘了刚才是谁死性不松手。 I am very fierce, that growing vegetables chicken I can hit ten.” Qin Ze boasted, who bullied elder sister, I withered him.” “我很厉害的,那种菜鸡我能打十个。”秦泽吹牛道,“谁欺负姐姐,我就干死他。” Qin Baobao at heart one sweet, did: elder sister is unimportant, was bullied bullies.” 秦宝宝心里一甜,又作了:“姐姐又不重要,被欺负就欺负了。” „, I will be discrete next time.” “哦,那我下次谨慎点。” Hey!” Qin Baobao stamps the feet. “喂!”秦宝宝跺脚。 A'Ze is so fierce, elder sister must kiss reward fragrant.” Qin Baobao attracted the nose, lifts pupil that the tearful eyes dance. 阿泽这么厉害,姐姐要香吻奖励一下。”秦宝宝吸了吸鼻子,抬起泪眼婆娑的眸子。 Qin Ze looks down her one eyes, the complexion is strange, left......” 秦泽低头看她一眼,脸色怪异,“别了吧......” elder sister for a long time did not have reward very much you.” Qin Baobao stubborn say/way. 姐姐很久没奖励你了。”秦宝宝倔强道。 This truth, after Hang Metro comes back actually, their continuously fight a cold war. 这倒是真话,杭城回来后,她们一直打冷战 Saying, Qin Baobao pays no attention to the resistance of younger brother, stands on tiptoes the tip of the toe to kiss on his face fiercely. 说着,秦宝宝不理弟弟的抗拒,踮着脚尖在他脸上猛亲一下。 The Qin Ze grief, wipes off silently sticks the nasal mucus water on face. 秦泽哀莫大于心死,默默擦掉糊在脸上的鼻涕水。 The mother female genitals, you do not know oneself flowed the nasal mucus. 妈了个巴子,你不知道自己流鼻涕了吗。 Qin Baobao kisses/intimate to detect oneself cry is too fierce, flowed the nasal mucus, looks at the nasal mucus water on Qin Ze face, shut out saying: Really disgusting.” 秦宝宝亲完才察觉自己哭的太猛,流鼻涕了,看着秦泽脸上的鼻涕水,嫌弃道:“真恶心。” Entrains the younger brother short sleeve to wipe nasal mucus. 拽起弟弟的短袖揩一把鼻涕。 Qin Ze sets firm resolve, later crying of this woman time, many runs away far. 秦泽下定决心,以后这女人的哭的时候,有多远逃多远。 Wang Zijin makes the call, suddenly front the discovery disappears bosom friend and younger brother, looks in all directions at a loss, discovered that they hide in the shade. Slightly is running. 王子衿打完电话,忽然发现前面不见了闺蜜弟弟,茫然四顾,才发现他俩躲在树阴里。小跑着过来。 Qin Baobao rushes to draw younger brother to come out. 秦宝宝赶忙拉弟弟出来。 You hide the tree bottom to do, plays hide-and-seek?” Wang Zijin is angry to say. “你俩躲树底干嘛呢,捉迷藏啊?”王子衿嗔道。 Whose you make phone call.” Qin Ze changes the topic, bends the waist cell phone that picked up itself dead in battle. “你打谁电话呢。”秦泽岔开话题,弯腰捡起自己阵亡的手机。 Wang Zijin said that has not hit anyone. 王子衿说没打谁。 Your cell phone was bad.” She is staring at the cell phone in Qin Ze hand. “你的手机怎么也坏了。”她盯着秦泽手中的手机。 Visited it is not feeling well early, often halting card screen.” Qin Ze by afraid that she stares, cannot say that this cell phone and elder sister's were one pair, the elder sister cell phone died in battle, this principle of fellow how can there be living on dishonorably. “早看它不爽了,动不动就死机卡屏。”秦泽被她盯的心虚,总不能说这手机和姐姐的是一对,姐姐手机阵亡了,这家伙岂有苟活之理。 Zijin your cell phone uses to me, I access the net to buy have a look at the cell phone.” Qin Baobao impatient wants and younger brother changes the cell phone to oneself. 子衿你手机给我用用,我上网购看看手机。”秦宝宝迫不及待的想给自己和弟弟换手机。 I have a look.” Qin Ze fishes out her cell phone from the elder sister pocket, turns on the net to buy app. “我也看看。”秦泽姐姐兜里摸出她那只手机,打开网购app。 Wang Zijin has a look at bosom friend, has a look at Qin Ze, the heart said, I also want to fall the cell phone. 王子衿看看闺蜜,又看看秦泽,心说,我也想摔手机。 Qin Ze's cell phone is completely unusable, but the elder sister's cell phone actually changed a screen to be good, thought of this point, the Qin Ze facial expression was stiff, I special did a stupid thing. Is the Qin Baobao evils, is really beauties bring forth disasters. 秦泽的手机已经完全不能用,但姐姐的手机其实换个屏幕就好了,想到这一点,秦泽面部表情僵硬,我特么干了件傻事。都是秦宝宝害的,果然是红颜祸水 He buys the cell phone that in app seeks to admire in the net, looked quite a while had not found to like, looked at Qin Baobao again , was the same intertwined hesitant, it seems like elder sister also had decidophobia. 他在网购app里寻找心仪的手机,找半天没找到喜欢的,再看秦宝宝,也是同样的纠结犹豫,看来姐姐也有选择恐惧症 The Qin Ze click looks at the elder sister's expense record, the women like the net buying, clothes and hold/container hold/container, cosmetics and facial mask, and some home things. 秦泽点击查看姐姐的消费记录,女人都喜欢网购,衣服、包包、化妆品、面膜、以及一些居家用品。 At this time, the net bought app bringing the chat tool to flash. 这时,网购app自带的聊天工具闪了一下。 The Qin Ze subconscious point opens. 秦泽下意识点开。 The shop owners sent grievance expression: Dear, we comply to return to your 20 Yuan red envelope, seeking you to comment to delete the difference.” 店家发了个“委屈”的表情:“亲,我们答应返你一个二十红包,求你把差评删了吧。” Shop owner always such routine, to return many red envelope request customers to delete the difference to comment, but actually after you delete the difference to comment, will get angry does not acknowledge mistakes. 店家总是这样的套路,以返还多少红包要求客户删差评,但其实很多都在你删差评后,会翻脸不认帐。 Chatted the record to attract the Qin Ze's attention, he saw before Qin Baobao, content that replied: sexy lingerie is useless to him.” 聊天记录吸引了秦泽的注意,他看到秦宝宝之前回复的内容:“情趣内衣对他根本没用。” Qin Ze sinks at heart fiercely, although knows that peeps the elder sister's privacy is incorrect, but he is unable to control oneself finger, looks at the beforehand chat record. 秦泽心里猛地一沉,虽然知道偷窥姐姐的隐私是不对的,但他无法控制自己的手指,查看起之前的聊天记录。 Qin Baobao: Thing has bought, how long can receipt? Should better before my birthday delivers.” 秦宝宝:“东西已买,多久能到货?最好在我生日前送到。” This information is two months ago, but Qin Baobao buys, is that set of black sexy lingerie. 这条信息是两个多月前的,而秦宝宝买的,正是那套黑色的情趣内衣 Shop owners: Dear, the Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shanghai two days receipt, other areas want from three to five days.” 店家:“亲,江浙沪两天到货,其他地区要三至五天。” Qin Baobao: „Do men like this sexy lingerie?” 秦宝宝:“男人都喜欢这种情趣内衣?” Shop owners: Is kisses/intimate, our high praise are many, the men like.” 店家:“是的呢亲,我们好评很多的,男人都喜欢。” Qin Baobao: see-through, always felt that too exposed.” 秦宝宝:“半透明的,总感觉太暴露了。” Shop owners: Then suffices the seduction, the men cannot shoulder, dear, you felt relieved that puts on.” 店家:“这才够诱惑,男人都扛不住的,亲,你放心穿。” Qin Baobao: Thing arrived, the quality is good, very well looks.” 秦宝宝:“东西到了,质量还不错,挺好看的。” Shop owners: Remembers to high praise oh. 店家:“记得给好评哦。 In two days, Qin Baobao: Thing is not good, he looked had not responded, I felt by your pit.” 过了两天,秦宝宝:“东西一点都不好,他看了都没反应,我感觉被你坑了。” Shop owners: „???” 店家:“???” Qin Baobao: Difference comments!” 秦宝宝:“差评!” Shop owners: Dear, does not want.” 店家:“亲,不要啊。” He looked had not responded that ....... who looked?! 他看了都没反应.......谁看了?! Qin Ze felt that the heart was clutched ruthlessly, elder sister was in love? Two months ago started? Who the opposite party is, developed what situation, can put on sexy lingerie, was so good, oneself who that relations...... concealed the truth had not detected unexpectedly. 秦泽感觉心被狠狠揪了一把,姐姐谈恋爱了?两个多月前就开始了?对方是谁,发展到什么地步了,能穿情趣内衣,想必是那种关系......瞒的这么好,自己居然一点都没有察觉。 No wonder the birthday she put on sexy lingerie on that day. 难怪生日那天她穿着情趣内衣 elder sister found the boyfriend, matter that should be able to celebrate encouraging, the mother did not need to worry for her wedding, he can also relax...... why, but did not know, he was not happy, even was very angry. He refuses this matter to happen from the bottom of the heart. 姐姐找到男朋友,本该可喜可贺的事,老妈不用为她的婚事操心了,他也可以松口气了......但不知道为什么,他一点都不高兴,甚至很愤怒。他从心底拒绝这种事发生。 A'Ze, how do you look at this cell phone?” Qin Baobao found a model of admiring cell phone, in front of handing younger brother in high spirits. 阿泽,你看这部手机怎么样?”秦宝宝找到一款心仪的手机,兴冲冲的递到弟弟面前。 You like buying and that's the end.” Qin Ze shoves open elder sister's, the interest is waning. “你喜欢买就是了。”秦泽推开姐姐的手,意兴阑珊。 You did not like me buying doing.” Qin Baobao tenderly said. “你不喜欢我买了干嘛。”秦宝宝娇声道 You buy your, I buy my.” Qin Ze agitated beckoning with the hand, cell phone also you.” “你买你的,我买我的。”秦泽烦躁的摆摆手,“手机还你。” Qin Baobao stares, nips the lip, the grievance said: What's wrong, said the vitality/angry on the vitality/angry.” 秦宝宝一愣,咬了咬唇,委屈道:“怎了嘛,说生气就生气。” Qin Baobao pulls the arm of younger brother, was shoved open by him, is vacant and suffering, seeking help looks to Wang Zijin. The latter shrugs. 秦宝宝去挽弟弟的胳膊,被他推开,又茫然又委屈,求助的看向王子衿。后者耸耸肩。 Wang Zijin is speechless, I who this temperament sends am caught off guard. 王子衿无语,这脾气发的我措手不及。 Qin Baobao is pursing the lips to go home, younger brother paid no attention to him all the way, bewildered. She thinks, without detecting which oneself made the mistake, sticks his face nasal mucus? 秦宝宝撅着嘴回到家,一路上弟弟都不理他了,莫名其妙的。她想了想,没发觉自己哪儿做错了,难道是糊他一脸鼻涕? Qin Ze goes home, walks toward the room in low spirits, bang closes. 秦泽回了家,闷头就往房间走,“砰”一声关门。 Wang Zijin is confused, you how.” 王子衿一头雾水,“你们又怎么了。” Qin Baobao shakes the head, how I know, I am also very helpless. 秦宝宝摇摇头,我怎么知道,我也很无奈。 Clamps among you each time my whole body is uncomfortable, is the clinkering point good.” Wang Zijin sighed, goes to the room to hold the pajamas to enter the bathroom, prepared to take a bath to sleep. “每次夹在你们中间我就浑身不舒服,成熟点好不好。”王子衿叹口气,回房间抱起睡衣进浴室,准备洗澡睡觉。 Qin Baobao likes playing the temper to throw a tantrum, that is hopes that younger brother coaxes her, the women do it, but she does not want to see the younger brother vitality/angry, Qin Ze is angry she to be flustered each time. 秦宝宝喜欢耍性子闹脾气,那是希望弟弟哄她,女人都这么作,但她可不想看到弟弟生气,每次秦泽生气她都心慌。 A'Ze, drinks cup of milk to rest again, is helpful the sleep.” Qin Baobao carries one bowl of milk to enter the room to flatter younger brother. 阿泽,喝杯牛奶再睡,有助睡眠。”秦宝宝端着一碗牛奶进房间讨好弟弟 Qin Ze wears big underpants, grasps the quilt to cover the lower part, angrily said: Enters the room not to knock on a door?” 秦泽穿着条大裤衩,抓起被子盖住下半身,怒道:“进房间不敲门?” Elder sister made a mistake, the elder sister will knock on a door next time.” Qin Baobao places on the milk the nightstand, optional tone: A'Ze, elder sister is really attractive to that model of cell phone that you look, we buy.” “姐错了,姐下次敲门。”秦宝宝把牛奶放在床头柜上,随意的口吻:“阿泽,姐姐给你看的那款手机真漂亮,咱们买吧。” You buy, I do not buy.” Qin Ze should not be excessive. “你买吧,我不买。”秦泽别过头。 Also is this lacking savoir-faire. 又是这副死样。 Qin Baobao clenches teeth secretly, the heart said where the old lady made the mistake, I change is not good. 秦宝宝暗自咬牙,心说老娘哪里做错了,我改还不行吗。 Clever, do not make.” Qin Baobao uses the old tricks, by the face of past own younger brother, ruthlessly bo. “乖,别闹。”秦宝宝施展惯用伎俩,靠过去亲弟弟的脸,狠狠啵了一个。 Qin Ze is gorgeously motionless, is looking disdainfully elder sister, sneers saying: Kisses/Intimate other man is is so also refreshed?” 秦泽巍然不动,睥睨着姐姐,冷笑道:“亲别的男人是不是也这么爽快?” Your what/anything meaning.” Qin Baobao is staring him. “你什么意思。”秦宝宝瞪着他。 On mouth said that does not want the man not to want the man, actually wants at heart very much,” Qin Ze snorts contemptuously: „To ask the boyfriend saying that installs what attire.” “嘴上说不要男人不要男人,其实心里很想要吧,”秦泽嗤之以鼻:“想找男朋友就说出来呀,装什么装。” Qin Baobao wants to explain that but younger brother icy look stabbing pain she. 秦宝宝想解释的,但弟弟冷冰冰的眼神刺痛了她。 Heart good pain. 心好痛。 Your bastard.” Qin Baobao is red the eye socket to shout. “你混蛋。”秦宝宝红着眼眶喊道。 Go away.” Qin Ze said loudly. “滚开啦。”秦泽大声说。 elder sister sobbed to rush to the room. 姐姐哽咽着奔出房间。 1 : 00 am, Qin Ze tosses about unable to fall asleep. He hears the next room to twist the sound of hand, follows close on the gate of room to be opened, some people come in softly. 凌晨 1 点,秦泽翻来覆去睡不着。他听见隔壁房间拧把手的声音,紧跟着自己房间的门被打开,有人轻手轻脚进来。 Does not need to know that is Qin Baobao. 不用想都知道是秦宝宝 elder sister always likes playing this set, he bumped into many times. 姐姐总爱玩这套,他碰到好多次了。 A'Ze?” 阿泽?” The ear transmits the gentle summon. 耳边传来轻柔的呼唤。 Qin Ze was startled being startled, is not elder sister, is the Wang Zijin's sound. 秦泽怔了怔,不是姐姐,是王子衿的声音。 Does she enter my room to do? 她进我房间干嘛? Wang Zijin pushed him, A'Ze?” 王子衿又推了推他,“阿泽?” Perhaps mediates a quarrel, really bothersomely really bothersome! 许是来劝架的,真烦真烦! Qin Ze pretends to sleep, pays no attention to her. 秦泽假装睡觉,不理她。 An icy cold hand strokes his face, from cheeks to facial features, from bridge of the nose to lip. Then was the pleasantly warm lip pecked in his lip. 一只冰凉的手抚摸他的脸庞,从脸颊到眉眼,从鼻梁到嘴唇。然后是温软的唇瓣在他嘴唇啄了一下。 Qin Ze startled opening eyes. 秦泽惊的睁开眼。 four eyes met. 四目相对 The Wang Zijin whole body shakes. 王子衿浑身一抖。 fuck me! 卧槽 Sister Zijin......” Qin Ze wants to say what/anything, the words card in the throat, is quite awkward. 子衿姐......”秦泽想说点什么,话却卡在喉咙里,好尴尬。 A Wang Zijin face was gradually red, to the root of the ear, the chest fluctuates red fiercely several, said in a low voice: Forgot the matter to be good.” 王子衿一张脸渐渐红了,红到耳根,胸脯剧烈起伏几下,低声道:“忘了刚才的事好不好。” The unexpected happening, Qin Ze said well. 鬼使神差的,秦泽说了个“好”。 Wang Family little elder sister turns head to run. 王家小姐姐扭头就跑出去。 Good wants dead...... 好想死......
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