MESIS :: Volume #2

#186: Pickpockets

After at nightfall Shanghai, thousand lamp ten thousand, the colored light is brilliant. This is the city that will not sleep, no matter is late, you can see the round trip vehicles in a hurry on the street, and some 24 hours of operations shops. 入夜后的沪市,千灯万盏,霓灯绚烂。这是一个不会睡觉的城市,不管再晚,你都能在街上看到来去匆匆的车辆,以及一些24小时经营的店铺。 Is separated by a street with the community, the open style apartment, the pattern of mixed-use makes this place crowded, is lively. Especially after the nearby starts to build roads, is even more disorderly, good and bad people mixed up. Before Qin Ze did grocery shopping is here buys, but was not Shuguo Supermarket, but was some roadside young stall keepers, here almost did not have the management to visit, only needed to spend with the property to hit to call can legitimate set up a stall . Moreover the vegetable/dish that sold was fresher than the supermarket. 与小区相隔一条街,有一片开放式公寓,商住两用的模式让这片地方人来人往,非常热闹。尤其附近开始修路之后,越发杂乱,鱼龙混杂。以前秦泽买菜都是这儿买的,但不是蔬果超市,而是路边一些小摊贩,这里几乎没有城管光顾,只需要花点钱和物业打好招呼就能“合法”摆摊,而且卖的菜比超市里更新鲜。 Qin Baobao and Wang Zijin carry one bag of vegetables/dishes and between-meal snack respectively, across the open style apartment, walks in own community direction. 秦宝宝王子衿各自拎一袋菜和零食,穿过开放式公寓,往自家小区方向走。 I felt that my chicken son bought dear,” Qin Baobao complained: Your non- counter-offer? Only these two bags of things, spent the elder sister several hundred.” “我感觉我的小鸡崽买贵了,”秦宝宝抱怨道:“你怎么不还价?光这两袋东西,花了姐好几百。” Wang Zijin is not convinced: Your how non- counter-offer.” 王子衿不服气:“你怎么不还价。” I cannot open the mouth.” “我开不了口。” I am also.” “我也是。” Qin Baobao said: Although felt to buy dear, what I selected was the freshest chicken son and mushroom, wants to eat the A'Ze chicken impatiently.” 秦宝宝道:“虽然感觉买贵了,但我挑的是最新鲜的鸡崽和蘑菇,迫不及待想吃阿泽的鸡了。” Un?” Wang Zijin thought that this saying to be not right, comes one slantingly. “嗯?”王子衿觉得这话不对劲,斜来一眼。 Chicken that A'Ze makes.” Qin Baobao changed a statement. 阿泽做的鸡。”秦宝宝改口。 Under normal conditions, they cried for food to wait to serve a meal by all means well, but Qin Ze closes oneself in the room today writes the prospectus, decided that the dinner point went, receives two elder sister consistent vetoes. Therefore both sides draw back respectively one step, goes out by them does grocery shopping. 通常情况下,她俩只管嗷嗷待哺等着开饭就好,但今天秦泽把自己关在房间里写计划书,决定晚饭点外卖,受到两个姐姐一致否决。于是双方各退一步,由她俩出门买菜。 Thing was heavy, came out to help elder sister raise quickly.” Qin Baobao fishes out the cell phone to summon younger brother. “东西重死了,快出来帮姐姐提一下。”秦宝宝摸出手机呼唤弟弟 The Qin Ze second returns: Gave up any idea.” 秦泽秒回:“休想。” „Doesn't small rascal come out?” Wang Zijin collects to look. 小赤佬不出来?”王子衿凑过来看。 The Qin Baobao squint looks at her: small rascal?” 秦宝宝斜眼看她:“小赤佬?” Wang Zijin similar squint: Was brought by you freely spoken.” 王子衿同样斜眼:“被你带顺口了。” The night of the end of October, the cool breeze is intermittent. 十月底的夜,凉风阵阵。 Qin Baobao said suddenly: Told you secretly a secret, Qin Ze likes you.” 秦宝宝忽然道:“偷偷告诉你一个秘密,秦泽喜欢你。” The Wang Zijin countenance curls upwards, glimpses the bosom friend faint smile fiercely the look, sincere say/way: I also told you a secret, Qin Ze like you.” 王子衿嘴脸一翘,猛地瞥见闺蜜似笑非笑的眼神,正色道:“我也告诉你一个秘密,秦泽喜欢你。” The Qin Baobao complexion flashes through flurriedly, is calm: I am his elder sister, younger brother like elder sister am not very normal. Cracked a joke a moment ago.” 秦宝宝脸色闪过慌乱,镇定道:“我是他姐姐,弟弟喜欢姐姐不是很正常嘛。刚才是开玩笑。” Wang Zijin shrugs: I also crack a joke.” 王子衿耸耸肩:“我也是开玩笑。” Two plans tables look at each other one, is a face indifferent look. 俩心机表对视一眼,都是一脸淡然神色。 Right, I was promoted.” Wang Zijin said suddenly. “对了,我升职了。”王子衿忽然说。 Is promoted?” Qin Baobao is stunned: You enter the duty three months, rising is so quick?” “升职?”秦宝宝愕然:“你入职才三个月,升这么快?” Work place principle, does much listens to few speeches much. The gate practices, not corrupt does not occupy does not save the selfishness. So long as achieves these points, what difficult is promoted has? Naturally, the premise is the hammering must be hard.” Wang Zijin said. “职场法则,多做多听少说话。公门修行,不贪不占不存私心。只要做到这几点,升职有什么难?当然,前提是打铁还得自身硬。”王子衿说。 Your this saying my father has also said.” “你这话我爸也说过。” „The Qin Uncle foundation of basic skills is deep, rare rare.” 秦叔叔功底深厚,难得难得。” Smelly is not concerned about face.” Qin Baobao pinches the Wang Zijin's oval face, but by latter avoid. “臭不要脸。”秦宝宝去捏王子衿的鹅蛋脸,但被后者躲开 My grandfather told me.” “我爷爷跟我说的啦。” That tonight's vegetable/dish you treat, quick Alipay transfers money to me.” “那今晚的菜你请客,快支付宝转钱给我。” Alipay gives you how much money, my WeChat gives ten times.” Wang Zijin plays the stem, but Qin Baobao does not understand. Must change into Qin Ze, will return to one: My Baifubao has ten times again.” 支付宝给你多少钱,我微信给十倍。”王子衿玩梗,但秦宝宝不懂。要换成秦泽,就会回一句:“我百付宝再出十倍。” They across the open style apartment, the front are pitch-dark, only then several power not big light bulbs illuminate the ruins road, during the daytime here kuāng kuāng kuāng the noise, the workers rest now, appearing is peaceful and chaotic. 她俩穿过开放式公寓,前方黑漆漆的,只有几盏功率不大的灯泡照亮废墟般的公路,白天这里“哐哐哐”的吵闹,现在工人们休息了,显得又安静又混乱。 Careful, do not guess that in the pit falls down.” Qin Baobao saw that by sewer that several rubble stone head sizes get up. “小心点,别猜坑里掉下去。”秦宝宝看到被几块石头围起来的下水道。 She puts out a hand to wrap/sets of in the pocket to touch the cell phone outward, actually touched spatial. 她伸手往外套兜里摸手机,却摸了个空。 Qin Baobao terrified one startled, the subconsciousness turns head, seeing a person's shadow half step to depart behind. 秦宝宝悚然一惊,下意识扭头,看见身后一个人影快步离去。 The cell phone was stolen!? 手机被偷了!? This thought flashes through in Qin Baobao at heart, her instinct catches up with that walking fast form, catches the opposite party arm, shouted: Cell phone also me.” 这个念头在秦宝宝心里闪过,她本能的追上那个疾走的身影,一把拽住对方手臂,喝道:“把手机还我。” The opposite party have a scare obviously, has not thought that will be discovered, has not thought this woman to/clashes to catch him unexpectedly. 对方显然也吓了一跳,没想到会被发现,更没想到这女人竟然冲上来拽住他。 Who took your cell phone.” He turned head to say loudly, simultaneously brandished the arm to try to cast off Qin Baobao. “谁拿你手机了。”他扭头大声说,同时挥舞手臂试图甩开秦宝宝 But Qin Baobao is tough his arm not to put, she saw clearly the face of opposite party, fills the foreign land characteristics face, the eyebrow bone of standing tall and erect, eye socket that gets sucked into, rough dark skin. Looks very young, 秦宝宝死拽着他的胳膊不放,她看清了对方的脸,一张充满异域特色的脸,高耸的眉骨,深陷的眼眶,粗糙黝黑的皮肤。看着非常年轻, „Did you just in me behind, where you turn around to have?” Qin Baobao looks angrily and fiercely, she one guessed correctly the opposite party follows own goal, touches the cell phone from her pocket, then leaves. “你刚刚就在我身后,你转身有哪里?”秦宝宝横眉立目,她一下就猜到了对方跟随自己的目的,从她衣兜里神不知鬼不觉摸走手机,然后离开。 Who stole your cell phone, dropped.” The young pickpocket started anxiously, because the surrounding person directed, although here person of few, but was only relatively speaking. “谁偷你手机了,放手。”年轻的扒手开始紧张了,因为周围的人指指点点,虽然这边人少,但只是相对而言。 Qin Baobao dies to clutch him not to put, in a complete mess of tiger. 秦宝宝死揪他不放,虎的一塌糊涂。 Your also my cell phone.” She touches the pocket of pickpocket, has not traced to the expected cell phone, instead touches to one long and narrow, hard thing. “你还我手机。”她去摸扒手的口袋,没摸到意料之中的手机,反而摸到一个狭长的,坚硬的东西。 folding knife?! 折叠刀?! A Qin Baobao cavity anger cooled suddenly, remembers some of Shanghai to rob the event recently, because the victim pestered continuous, took the blade to wipe the neck by the criminal of acting out of desperation. 秦宝宝一腔怒火忽地冷却,想起最近沪市发生的某件抢劫事件,受害者因为纠缠不休,被狗急跳墙的犯罪分子拿刀抹了脖子。 Rubbish with her, hurries.” Some distant place people drank one. “别跟她废话,赶紧走。”远处有人喝了一声。 This obviously is gang committing a crime, a person begins, another person acts as lookout, at this time, saw to attract many attention, that person also with becoming alarmed, the pickpocket was the same on this and killer, round trip like wind, cannot excessively pester absolutely. 这明显是团伙作案,一人动手,另一人望风,此时,见吸引了不少注意力,那人也跟着慌了,扒手就该和杀手一样,来去如风,绝对不能过多纠缠。 The young pickpocket anxious color is heavier, on the face is faintly fierce. 年轻扒手焦虑之色更重,脸上隐隐狰狞。 Qin Baobao no longer aggressive, actually stubborn is not willing to let go, is nipping the lip, with tears, stubbornly and said suffering: Also my cell phone.” 秦宝宝不复刚才的凶悍,却倔强的不肯松手,咬着唇,含着泪,倔强又委屈的说:“还我手机。” She does not want to lose that cell phone, when her first time sends the wages and younger brother buys together, some not foreign sign uniform design, but is the domestic cell phone, an expensive not best-selling cell phone, on the show case was actually suspending two at that time, black powder, does not have other again. Qin Baobao liked. She and younger brother, similar design, same ting. 她不想失去那只手机,她第一次发工资时和弟弟一起买的,绝不是某外国牌子清一色的款式,而是国产手机,一部价格昂贵却并不畅销的手机,当时玻璃柜台上就摆着两台,一黑一粉,再无其他。秦宝宝一眼就喜欢上了。她和弟弟一人一部,同样的款式,同样的铃声。 In the two years Qin Ze has not changed the cell phone, even if he now is very rich. 这两年来秦泽从没换过手机,哪怕他现在很有钱了。 Qin Baobao is not willing to trade, trading name brand hold/container hold/container who she can be fickle, trades various types of luxury goods, but only this cell phone never thought of replacement. 秦宝宝也不愿意换,她可以喜新厌旧的换名牌包包,换各种奢侈品,但惟独这部手机从来没有过更换的念头。 In the young pickpocket eyes the ominous light flashes, steels one's heart, the hand puts in the pocket to pull out the thing. 年轻扒手眼中凶光一闪,心一横,手伸进兜里掏东西。 Qin Baobao frightens in the future will draw back two steps. 秦宝宝吓的往后退了两步。 Takes the cell phone to roll.” Wang Zijin keeps off in front of bosom friend, is staring him stubbornly. This woman reveals the color of violent anger for the first time, somewhat is unexpectedly dignified. “拿着手机滚。”王子衿挡在闺蜜面前,死死瞪着他。这女人首次流露出暴怒之色,竟有几分威严。 The young pickpocket relaxes, turns head to run. 年轻扒手松了口气,扭头就跑。 Qin Baobao looks at the pickpocket more and more far back, crying that does not make every effort to succeed very much. 秦宝宝看着扒手越来越远的背影,很不争气的哭了。 Wang Zijin is hugging her, is patting the shoulder comfort: Good, a cell phone, violates what stubborn.” 王子衿搂着她,拍着肩膀安慰:“好了好了,一部手机而已,犯什么犟。” But......” Qin Baobao wipes tears, just about to speaks, the corner of the eye glimpses the fist big limestone to howl from the top of the head together, bang!” A dull thumping sound, along with the hum/snort of pickpocket, the cement blocks and person simultaneously falls on the ground. “可是......”秦宝宝抹一把泪,刚要说话,眼角瞥见一块拳头大的水泥石从头顶呼啸而过,“嘭!”一声闷响,伴随着扒手的哼声,水泥块和人齐齐摔在地上。 Stone that drops from the clouds together. 一块从天而降的石头。 Several in simultaneously, her see Qin Ze to scrape past with, the strip running away wild horse jumps out likely , but a foot pedal the pickpocket who flies just to crawl. 几在同时,她看见秦泽与自己擦身而过,像条脱缰的野马般窜出,一脚蹬飞刚爬起来的而扒手。 Qin Baobao can ignore the pleasant surprise that younger brother appears, pointed at the front to call out: Also has one......” 秦宝宝顾不上弟弟横空出世的惊喜,指着前方叫道:“还有一个还有一个......” She saw another pickpocket to throw the life-saving, in the pocket pulled out the shining jackknife. 她看见另一个扒手扑过来救人,兜里掏出了明晃晃的折刀。 The Qin Baobao face frightened white, at this time cell phone what/anything is unimportant, nothing was more important than younger brother. The Wang Zijin complexion also changed. 秦宝宝脸都吓白了,这时候手机什么的都不重要了,没什么比弟弟更重要。王子衿脸色也变了。 The middle-aged man who Qin Ze clenches teeth to make a determined effort to throw coldly shortly, in his hand is grasping a jackknife, the blade edge declivity, can sentence him to prepare to hold in advance own belly. Qin Ze and other fellows throw near, right hand towering to the next racket, pats to the middle-aged man exactly grasps the wrist/skill of blade, then a slap falls on his face, is not clear, but is the depressed sound. His palm that pulls out sends to hurt. 秦泽冷眼瞅着咬牙发狠扑过来的中年男人,他手里握着一把折刀,刀锋下斜,可以预判到他准备捅自己的肚子。秦泽等这家伙扑近,右手突兀的向下一拍,恰好拍到中年男人握刀的手腕,然后一巴掌摔在他脸上,并不清脆,而是沉闷的响声。抽的他手掌都发疼。 The huge strength makes the middle-aged man not have staggering of strength to hit back to tumble, in the hand the jackknife falls, the field of vision becomes dark, fuzzy piece. 巨大的力道让中年男人毫无还手之力的趔趄跌倒,手中折刀滑落,视野发黑,模糊一片。 A Qin Ze move of KO opponent, did not feel relieved, goes forward to trample a foot toward the belly on ruthlessly, the trampled that fellow covers the belly to retch, the eyeball braves the blood threads. Followed a set pattern to trample another fellow, this pulled out the cell phone to call to report to the police. 秦泽一招ko对手,仍不放心,上前又往肚子上狠踹一脚,踹的那家伙捂着肚子干呕,眼球冒血丝。如法炮制踹了另一个家伙,这才掏出手机打电话报警。 The corner of the eye glimpses elder sister and Wang Zijin runs over flustered, beckons with the hand, making them not approach. 眼角瞥见姐姐王子衿慌慌张张跑过来,摆摆手,让她们别靠近。 elder sister is very obedient, immediately stops, tearful looks at Qin Ze. 姐姐很听话,立刻停下来,泪眼汪汪的看秦泽 Wang Zijin looks at Qin Ze, in the pupil the extraordinary splendor is rippling. 王子衿望着秦泽,眸子里异彩荡漾。 The quick police vehicle started, beat two pickpockets, carried off the Qin Ze three people casually, making them go to Police Station to make the record. 很快警车开过来了,把两扒手拷走,随便带走秦泽三人,让他们去派出所做笔录。 Police Station. 派出所 „...... I touch to the cell phone disappear, immediately turns head, discovered his anxious hasty wants to run away, before he followed in me behind, should be on the way, how to turn around suddenly, my cell phone the process is definitely described by...... Qin Baobao that he stole away, police's patient doing record. “......我摸到手机不见了,立刻就回头,发现他急忙忙的想逃走,之前他跟在我身后,应该是顺路的,怎么突然间就掉头走了,我手机肯定是被他偷走的......”秦宝宝把过程描述一遍,警察耐心的做笔录。 I look for them, is away from the street to see them to have the dispute, I overran...... Qin Ze to make the record in another side at that time. “我下来找她们,隔着街看到他们起争执,我当时就冲过去了......”秦泽在另一边做笔录。 The police knit the brows: Your what situation has not done to understand, comes up to hit the person?” 警察皱了皱眉:“你什么情况都没搞明白,上去就打人?” Generally this situation, does not play the hooligan steals the thing.” The Qin Ze heart said, I manage him to send anything, who bullies my elder sister my resentment dead he. “一般这种情况,不是耍流氓就是偷东西。”秦泽心说,我管他发什么事,谁欺负我姐姐我就怼死他。 The cell phone was truly stolen, touched in the pocket of young pickpocket, apprehended both the thief and stolen goods. 手机确实是被偷的,在年轻扒手的兜里摸到了,人赃并获。 To the young police who Qin Baobao makes the record, unexpectedly her fans, listening to him saying that indignant, these two fellows were habitual criminal, they had the case history in the police station. Next time will experience this matter, whatever happens|10 million do not bump with them hardly, afterward reported to the police, gave our police to process the matter.” 秦宝宝做笔录的年轻警察,居然还是她的粉丝,听他说完,气愤不已,“这两家伙是惯犯了,他们在警察局有案底。下次遇到这种事,千万别和他们硬碰,事后报警,把事情交给我们警察处理。” Said goodbye to police comrade, three people left Police Station. 告别警察同志,三人离开派出所 On the road of going home, Qin Baobao is pursing the lips, the whole face is unhappy. Because her cell phone was injured by falling down, screen crack. 回家的路上,秦宝宝撅着嘴,满脸不开心。因为她的手机还是摔坏了,屏幕龟裂。 Qin Ze is holding her hand, then looked at the eye to fall behind a distance Wang Zijin, she said that must telephone, did not seem to want to make them hear the phone content. 秦泽牵着她的手,回头看了眼落后一段距离的王子衿,她说要打个电话,似乎不想让他们听到电话内容。
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