MESIS :: Volume #2

#185: Did Director-General fall the mouse?

9 : 00 am five ten points, meet also to have ten minutes from the high level, Su Hao goes into the younger sister Su Yu's office angrily. 早上 9 点五十分,距离高层开会还有十分钟,苏昊怒气冲冲闯入妹妹苏钰的办公室。 Do not be anxious, later interviews time introduced oneself, was familiar with everyone, relax, not some people mystifying.” Su Yu is briefing personally with Qin Ze, sees half blood elder brother to rush, frowns saying: „Does Vice-chief Su, what matter have?” “你别紧张,待会面试的时候自我介绍一下,和大家熟悉熟悉,放心,不会有人阴阳怪气的。”苏钰正与秦泽面授机宜,见同父异母的哥哥闯进来,蹙眉道:“苏副总,有什么事吗?” Su Hao has not thought that Qin Ze in the office, a lot of sharp expressions has not spat eventually, beckons with the hand: You first go out.” 苏昊也没想到秦泽在办公室,一肚子锋锐言辞终究没吐出来,摆摆手:“你先出去。” Qin Ze looks to Su Yu, the latter nods, he then leaves the office. 秦泽看向苏钰,后者点点头,他便离开办公室。 „Do you do? Investment Department general manager?” Su Hao angry quirk: First did not say that company simply does not have this position, you appoint arbitrarily, didn't greet?” “你干什么?投资部总经理?”苏昊恼火道:“先不说公司根本没这个职位,你擅自任命,不打声招呼?” The anger of Su Yu to elder brother does not care at all, said lightly: Greeted? company all high-level positions are I appoint, I do not remember that must notify whom.” 苏钰哥哥的怒火毫不在意,淡淡道:“打招呼?公司的所有中高层职位都是我任命的,我不记得要跟谁打招呼。” That is before, now I am deputy general manager.” Su Hao angrily said: I will not agree with this laughable appointment.” “那是以前,现在我是副总经理。”苏昊怒道:“我不会同意这可笑的任命。” Su Yu laughs at one, is staring at Su Hao: „Does the decision of general manager, when need the deputy general manager agreement?” 苏钰嗤笑一声,盯着苏昊:“总经理的决定,什么时候需要副总经理同意?” Su Hao sneers, „ you want to make Wu Zetian to be inadequate, does not need me to agree, so long as 苏昊冷笑,“你想做武则天不成,是不需要我同意,但只要我一个电话,你就得跟爸去解释。” Su Yu narrows the eye, the vision falls on half blood big bro, in the impression this man will as if only look for over the father, in childhood so, still the dog cannot change to eat the excrement now. Said that he was the waste was excessive, after all can two systematic that divided company to handle, the ability was a little. But said that he is the soft egg, is worthy of the reputation. 苏钰眯起眼,目光落在同父异母的大哥身上,印象中这个男人似乎只会找父亲出头,小时候如此,如今依然狗改不了吃屎。说他是废物过分了,毕竟能把两家分公司打理的井井有条,能力是有点的。但说他是软蛋,名副其实。 A while ago he does in a big way the belly of secretary in company, then kicks aside, that wholeheartedly wants to marry into the young women of rich and powerful family in company noisy being heavily engaged. This matter passes on to the family/home, her sister-in-law also had a fit of bad temper, makes must divorce. Finally is the father helps his precious son scratch butt. 前阵子他在公司秘书的肚子搞大,然后一脚踢开,那个一心想嫁入豪门的年轻女人就在公司闹的不可开交。这件事传到家里,她嫂子也炸毛了,闹着要离婚。最后是父亲帮他的宝贝儿子擦屁股 How the rich and powerful man plays, living woman who so long as you control, in the family/home the red flag not but actually outside colored flag floating is not, this year in the head helmet a little man of money can also quiet and contentedly, be very rare. May not have the skill also to play blindly, was the final word. 有钱有势的男人怎么玩都可以,只要你驾驭的住女人,家里红旗不倒外面彩旗飘飘不是不可以,这年头兜里有点钱的男人还能安安分分,很少见了。可没本事还瞎玩的,就是煞笔了。 Su Yu looked at the watch, sets out toward managing outside company walks, scrapes past when with Su Hao, said lightly: Might as well calls the father, in any case you happily good.” 苏钰看了看表,起身往办公司外走,与苏昊擦身而过时,淡淡道:“不妨给老爸打个电话,反正你开心就好。” Su Hao looks at the younger sister physique beautiful back, clenching jaws of air/Qi. 苏昊看着妹妹体态婀娜的背影,气的咬牙切齿。 Room meeting. 会议 Su Yu sits in first, the right hand first position is Deputy Director-General Su Hao, the left hand first position is Qin Ze, does not have the qualifications young rookie. 苏钰坐在首位,右手第一位是副总裁苏昊,左手第一位是秦泽,一个年纪轻轻毫无资历可言的新人。 The official appointment notice has not issued, but the senior management knew, therefore had this meeting. The meeting content did not discuss what/anything, but was Su Yu unilaterally announced that appointed Qin Ze is Investment Department three sections general manager. 正式的任命通知没有下达,但中高层管理都知道了,所以才有了这次会议会议内容并非讨论什么,而是苏钰单方面宣布任命秦泽投资部三部门总经理 Gathers the advantage investment to be established short, the position is also simple, currently speaking, the equality in status of various section manager, above manager are general manager Su Yu, now are many deputy general manager Su Hao. Again then soon many Investment Department general manager. Although Qin Ze by all means three Investment Department, but is the company three hands of being worthy of the reputation. 聚利投资成立之间短暂,职位也简单,目前来说,各部门经理的地位平等,经理之上是总经理苏钰,现在多了一位副总经理苏昊。再然后又即将多一位投资部总经理。虽然秦泽只管三个投资部门,但已是名副其实的公司三把手。 This young three hands, always feel uncomforting. Therefore the atmosphere of Room meeting is somewhat strange, silent is passing discontentedly, manager looked that filled carefully examining to the Qin Ze's vision. After all was being pressed by such young kid, everyone does not have the face. 这个年轻的三把手,总觉得让人不舒服。因此会议的气氛有些诡异,沉默中透着不满,经理们看向秦泽的目光充满了审视。毕竟被这么年轻的小屁孩压着,大家都没面子。 Su Yu faint smile looked at Qin Ze, attempts to see an anxiety from his face, but this fellow calm expected stemming from her. Thinks and feels normal, his even national variety show mounts the stage has sung the person, at present this scene, in his eyes perhaps is only the small scale. 苏钰似笑非笑的看了一眼秦泽,企图从他脸上看到一丝紧张,但这家伙的淡定出于她预料。想想又觉得正常,他可是连全国性综艺节目都登台献唱过的人,眼前这点场面,在他眼里也许只是小打小闹。 This meeting, informs everyone one, today starting from, Qin Ze is Investment Department general manager.” The Su Yu vision has swept the people: Later everyone works together as colleagues, mutual wearing, forgave mutually.” “这次开会,通知大家一声,今天开始,秦泽就是投资部门总经理。”苏钰目光扫过众人:“以后大家共事,互相磨合,互相体谅。” Li Linfeng is unemotional, Chen Guang starts to speak but hesitates, but another Investment Department manager Yao Kang Zhoumei. 李林峰面无表情,陈光欲言又止,而另一位投资部经理姚康皱眉。 Chief Su, I thought that this appointment needs to be prudent.” Su Hao said: Investment Department is company key profit section, general manager this position is very important, I think who should to have the qualifications sits this position. Indeed, our is private company, not observance of senority, but company, should have the system that unable to lack, the appointment of any duty should have its custom.” 苏总,我觉得这个任命需要慎重。”苏昊说:“投资部门公司重点盈利部门,总经理这个职位很重要,我认为应该让更有资历的人坐这个位置。的确,咱们这是私营公司,不论资排辈,但一个公司,该有的制度不能缺,任何职务的任命都应该有它的规矩。” He does not have to deny Qin Ze directly, changed a tactful view. 他没直接否定秦泽,换了个委婉的说法。 Then spoke on the by personal history, the Black Ass Sciences project as we all know, the income was 100 percent, moreover this was not the end point. At present this stock support reaches the upper trading limit, the opportunity of continually buying up does not have. How long it can rise, no one knows. If one month, two months, how many income is? Naturally, 2 million income, even if the percentage hundred profits, regarding everyone present, are still only the small amounts. But if at that time he were not the ordinary staff, the fund of investment was 20 million, and even more, how many were that income?” “那就以履历说话,黑驴科技的项目大家都知道,收益是百分之百,而且这不是终点。目前这支股支持涨停,连买入的机会都没有。它能涨多久,没人知道。如果是一个月,两个月,收益又是多少?当然,两百万的收益,即便是百分百的利润,对于在座的各位而言,也只是小数额。但如果当时他不是普通员工呢,投入的资金是两千万,甚至更多,那收益又是多少?” Su Hao knits the brows: We first assumed, if this is only the luck? Under the stock market irritable background, electing the bull stock lucky fellow is too many.” 苏昊皱眉道:“我们先假设,如果这只是运气呢?在股市火爆的背景下,选到牛股的幸运儿太多了。” If you have read his prospectus, you will not have this feelings.” Su Yu said: In fact, his ability is not limited to this. This point believes that Manager Chen will also approve my view.” “如果你看过他的计划书,你就不会有此感想。”苏钰说:“事实上,他的能力远不止于此。这一点相信陈经理也会认同我的说法。” Room meeting, everyone's vision goes to Chen Guang. 会议,所有人的目光都投向陈光 Chen Guang stares, thought how this pulled to me on, Chief Su did you want me to display to tell the story extemporaneously? 陈光一愣,心想,这怎么扯到我身上了,苏总你是要我即兴发挥讲故事吗? He is speechless for a while, vacant. 他一时无言,茫然不已。 Su Yu said: Yesterday the dealing instruction of stock was his opinion.” 苏钰道:“昨天期货的操盘指示是他的意见。” Chen Guang has profound respect, looks to Qin Ze. The latter smiles toward him. 陈光肃然起敬,看向秦泽。后者朝他笑了笑。 Chen Guang said: Such being the case, I have no opinion.” 陈光道:“既然如此,那我没任何意见。” Last night after going home, he analyzed the operational order that Su Yu is issuing repeatedly, analyzed her grasping of judgment and starting time to the situation, no matter which aspect by far in him. 昨晚回家后,他一遍遍分析着苏钰下达的操作指令,分析她对局势的判断和入手时机的掌握,不管哪方面都远胜于他。 Li Linfeng said: I do not have the opinion.” 李林峰道:“我也没意见。” In several people present, except for Su Yu, probably only then he knows that Qin Ze has the multi- tigers. 在座的几人里,除了苏钰,大概只有他知道秦泽有多虎。 Su Hao interrogated: What yesterday had?” 苏昊质问道:“昨天发生了什么?” Others are also curious. 其他人同样好奇。 Chen Guang said: „The Shanghai silver that 6023 yesterday our section shorted, had Zhuang Jia to enter the stage to enter the stadium to do the matter, wants then the idle capital abundant to draw it rises, at that time the price by drawing to the 12 day average above, the private investor was followed to buy to rise directly, I want to leave to draw back, but Chief Su made my phone call......” 陈光道:“昨天我们部门做空的沪银6023,有庄家出场入场搞事情,想接着闲散资金充沛把它拉涨,当时价格直接被拉到十二天均线之上,散户跟风买涨,我本来想抽身而退,但苏总打我电话......” Chen Guang mentioned yesterday's matter, delighted, in the spoken language not minced matter the sentiment of admiring, he has not thought that secret evil behind-the-scenes manipulator can be Qin Ze. 陈光说起昨天的事,眉飞色舞,言语中毫不掩饰佩服之情,他没想到“幕后黑手”会是秦泽 The looks of several manager surprise looked at Qin Ze, the heart said that this boy really had many skills, no wonder Chief Su was pleasing he. 几位经理诧异的眼神看秦泽,心说这小子确实有两把刷子,难怪苏总中意他。 Su Hao could not find the rebuttal the words, remains silent. Other section manager standing and remaining aloof from the thing of no immediate concern to oneself, Investment Department general manager cannot manage on them in any case. 苏昊找不到反驳的话,保持沉默。其他部门经理事不关己高高挂起,反正投资部总经理管不到他们头上。 Although some twists and turns, but Su Yu truly fulfilled her commitment, Qin Ze holds the post to invest the appointments of three general manager too is not in a big way hindered, the only hindrance is Su Hao, company that but this fellow hoodwinks the public in younger sister cannot raise the storm. 虽然有些许波折,但苏钰确实兑现了她的承诺,秦泽担任投资三部总经理的任命没受太大阻碍,唯一阻碍是苏昊,不过这家伙在妹妹一手遮天的公司掀不起风浪。 After meeting finished, the Qin Ze's appointment notice real-time issues in the company internal communication group. 会议结束后,秦泽的任命通知实时发布到公司内部的通讯群里。 This notice makes most staff be caught off guard, they about Qin Ze's knew that also stays in net celeb Qin Baobao younger brother in this kind of impression, suddenly became general manager that commands Investment Department, company three hands. For a while in an uproar. 这个通知让大部分员工措手不及,他们对秦泽的认识还停留在“网红”“秦宝宝弟弟”这类印象上,冷不丁的成了统领投资部总经理,公司三把手。一时哗然。 How did Qin Ze become Investment Department general manager? What situation?” 秦泽怎么成了投资部总经理?什么情况?” I go, was too inconceivable, haven't I had a dream?” “我去,太不可思议了吧,我没做梦?” He enters the duty one month, how to become general manager.” “他入职才一个多月,怎么就成总经理了。” Really acts unreasonably, is he so young, has work experience? Our investment company is not the entertainment world, writing several can be successful.” “真是乱来,他这么年轻,有工作经验吗?咱们投资公司可不是娱乐圈,写几首就能大红大紫。” I faint, therefore our private investment company, in the system have very big flaw, like public investment company that I held an office before, ten years eight years have not thought that when general manager, has a dream. Also must you make the result to be good.” “我晕,所以说咱们这种私营的投资公司,制度上有很大缺陷,像我以前任职的公募公司,没个十年八年想当总经理,做梦。还得你做出成绩才行。” Similar talking in whispers appears in each office, the staff did not understand that the thought of company high-level powerful and unconstrained style, in their eyes, appoints trainee, when general manager, big of slippery world checks simply. 类似的窃窃私语出现在各个办公室,员工们不理解公司高层天马行空的思维,在他们眼里,任命一个实习生总经理,简直滑天下之大稽。 Same time, Li Linfeng office. After breaking up, he drew Qin Ze to enter oneself office, on the tea tray was making the black tea, filled the classical flavor the sandal wood tea tray, the corner is carving heaven error three characters. 同一时间,李林峰办公室。散会后他拉着秦泽进了自己办公室,茶盘上煮着红茶,充满古典韵味的檀木茶盘,边角刻着“上天阙”三个字。 30,000 buys, a few years ago cooked up the sky-high price the sandal wood, now is not valuable, hands over words that sold, must hit half booklet probably.” The tea boiled, the Li Linfeng incline teapot, the scarlet red water current, brings the thorough white steam together, poured into the bone China teacup, „my was asks somebody to order, in the market did not have second certainly.” 三万买的,前些年炒成天价的檀木,现在不值钱了,转手卖的话,大概要打半折。”茶煮好了,李林峰倾斜茶壶,一道深红色水流,带着绵密的白色蒸汽,注入骨瓷茶杯,“不过我这是托人订制的,市面上绝没有第二款。” Qin Ze said with a smile: Extremely evil bourgeoise principle.” 秦泽笑道:“万恶的小资主义。” Actually, the tea is tastier than the coffee, no matter taste or nutritional value.” “其实吧,茶比咖啡好喝,不管是口感还是营养价值。” Qin Ze attacks: angered youth thought.” 秦泽又抨击:“愤青思想。” Li Linfeng stares: You must under my hand staff, I truncate you.” 李林峰瞪眼:“你要还是我手底下的员工,我削死你。” Qin Ze smiles, carries the teacup to sip one, rich tea aroma ample lips and teeth. On getting up to drink tea, Wang Zijin is an expert. Pays out wages first month to buy together the tea tray, then each month wages must spend over a thousand to buy the tea leaves. Especially the cherishing green tea, rather than generally by the black tea that the girl craves. Qin Ze thinks, her stomach is not good, drinks tea to drink mostly. 秦泽笑了笑,端起茶杯抿一口,浓郁的茶香盈满唇齿。论起喝茶,王子衿是行家。发工资的第一个月就买回家一块茶盘,然后每个月的工资都要花上千块买茶叶。尤其钟爱绿茶,而不是普遍受女孩子热衷的红茶。秦泽就想,她胃不好,多半是喝茶喝出来的。 „The Chief Su boldness truly makes me broaden the outlook, although knows that your boy has the ability, may move to locate, no matter I look like her to do.” Li Linfeng zé zé said. 苏总的魄力确实让我大开眼界,虽然知道你小子有能耐,可易地而处,我就不管像她那么干。”李林峰啧啧道。 Possibly is she stays in the foreign country several years later, the thought is different.” Qin Ze shrugs. “可能是她在外国待过几年,思想不一样吧。”秦泽耸耸肩。 You know that Chief Su has studied abroad?” Li Linfeng stares. “你知道苏总留过洋?”李林峰一愣。 Listened to a friend to say.” “听个朋友说的。” Li Linfeng takes a look at him up and down, said curiously: Qin Ze, can't you really be rich second generation?” 李林峰上下打量他,好奇道:“秦泽,你不会真是富二代吧?” Qin Ze rolls the eyes. 秦泽翻白眼。 „Does leadership, what then have to plan? Please instruct.” Li Linfeng teased. “领导,接下来有什么打算?请指示。”李林峰调侃道。 Muddles along.” Qin Ze said. “得过且过。”秦泽说。 I can guarantee, now company is discussing everywhere your matter, many eyes are staring, did not say a new broom sweeps clean, hurries first to burn.” Li Linfeng said. “我敢保证,现在公司到处都在议论你的事,多少眼睛盯着,不都说新官上任三把火吗,赶紧先烧一把。”李林峰说。 I went back to write the prospectus to say again, to the meals and snacks, the veteran comrade, ate meal together?” “等我回去写好计划书再说吧,到饭点了,老同志,一起吃饭?” Two people leave the office, passed by the Su Yu office entrance, hearing the assistant saying: Chief Su, how you fell the mouse.” 两人离开办公室,路过苏钰办公室门口,听见助理说:“苏总,您怎么又摔鼠标了。” Lets slip, trades to me again newly.” “失手,再给我换个新的。” The assistant opens the door, meets two people, dug pursing the lips. 助理开门出来,碰见两人,撅了噘嘴。 Qin Ze will not forget when she interviewed initially creates obstacles for own matter, stared saying: pester and chirp, changes the mouse to Chief Su quickly.” 秦泽不会忘记她当初面试时刁难自己的事儿,瞪眼说:“磨磨唧唧,快给苏总换鼠标去。” The assistant returns stares his one eyes. 助理回瞪他一眼。 Qin Ze asks her to demand that frequently various types of documents, two people do not relate badly. Goes out of a distance, Qin Ze gossiped: Your family led not to seem like first time to change the mouse, I bumped into three times.” 秦泽经常找她索要各种文件,两人关系不差。走出一段距离,秦泽八卦道:“你家领导好像不是第一次换鼠标了吧,我都碰到三次了。” Li Linfeng said curiously: I have bumped into one time.” 李林峰好奇道:“我也碰到过一次。” The assistant pours down to sob: Far more than three times, are one day one time.” 助理泫然欲泣:“何止三次,是一天一次。” What's the matter?” “怎么回事?” Does not know that each time is I not, when falls, but I have time a sound that hears her office mouse dá dá dá,” assistant lowers the sound: Possibly plays the game.” “不知道呀,每次都是我不在的时候摔的,不过我有次听见她办公室鼠标哒哒哒的响,”助理压低声音:“可能是玩游戏。” Li Linfeng and Qin Ze looked fool looks at her, the assistant said: Really. I heard in any case, plays to play I is not indefinite.” 李林峰秦泽看傻子似的看她,助理说:“真的。反正我听到了,是不是玩游戏我也不确定。” Qin Ze thinks, plays falling mouse that the game can also be mad? This woman looks lonely, originally the temperament explodes. 秦泽就想,玩游戏也能气的摔鼠标?这女人看着冷冷清清,原来脾气这么爆。
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