MESIS :: Volume #2

#184: elder sister and younger brother two manipulating strategically

Qin Ze was promoted, although the official appointment document has not issued, not public. But the Su Yu good and evil is general manager, manages entire company, the words that she said that were basically relative to are settled. 秦泽升职了,虽然正式的任命文件没有下达,也没有公开。但苏钰好歹是总经理,统管整个公司,她说出来的话,基本就相对于板上钉钉。 Do not arrive at the position of assistant, making Qin Ze be somewhat a pity, moreover mention again and again, as if also lets Su Yu produced getting ther first the misunderstanding. Qin Ze thinks, anything has the dual character, has not become assistant Director-General to be no doubt disappointed, but the Investment Department old boss position is also good, means that he can transfer the huge fund, practices acquiring a skill with others' money is also the good choice. An investment of company, with a person's investment, the difference is very big. 没要到助手的职位,让秦泽有些可惜,而且一而再再而三的提及,似乎还让苏钰产生了“近水楼台先得月”的误会。秦泽想,任何事都有两面性,没成为总裁助理固然失望,但投资部老大的位置也不错,意味着他能调用巨额资金,拿别人的钱练练手也是不错的选择。一个公司的投资,和一个人的投资,差别很大。 Today made a sumptuous dinner to two elder sister, elder sisters hypocritical congratulation made Qin Ze very annoyed. unmarried young woman that Wang Zijin, the rich and powerful family mansion came out even after all. But Qin Baobao what's the matter, elder sister of others family/home must know younger brother to win promotion and get rich, does grinning with ear to ear that definitely smiles, hold younger brother on one to kiss reward...... elder sister of others family/home to personally younger brother fragrant......? 今天给两个姐姐做了一份丰盛的晚餐,姐姐们假惺惺的恭喜让秦泽非常恼火。王子衿就算了,毕竟豪门大宅出来的闺女。可秦宝宝是怎么回事,别人家的姐姐要知道弟弟升官发财,肯定笑的合不拢嘴,抱着弟弟就一顿香吻奖励......别人家的姐姐应该会亲弟弟......吧? Qin Baobao finished eating the food impatiently holds the notebook, starting, the landing game, invited Small Waist, one set of flow was adept. Nearby Qin Ze rolls the eyes, his some time watched the frigid showdown that elder sister and Small Waist ripped to compel, was why the bright Sister Bai elder sister so plays infatuated. This is looks for the pleasant sensation of oppressive person in the game. 秦宝宝吃完饭迫不及待的捧出笔记本,开机、登陆游戏、邀请“小蛮腰”,一套流程非常娴熟。旁边的秦泽直翻白眼,他某次观看了姐姐小蛮腰撕逼的惨烈对决,算是明白姐姐为何如此痴迷游戏。这是在游戏里寻找虐人的快感。 Those who most make him admire is Small Waist loses steadily, the toughness of fighting on despite repeated setbacks, is bringing forth the Qin Baobao landing game, she affirmed that had waited there for some time. Two people 8 : 00 rip every day ajar, are more attractive than the soap opera of golden files. 最让他钦佩的是小蛮腰屡战屡败,屡败屡战的韧性,逢着秦宝宝登陆游戏,她肯定已经等候多时。两人每天八点半开撕,比黄金档的电视剧都好看。 The Qin Baobao twenty minutes victories in a row three games, and spent ten minutes and Small Waist hit a wave of mouth stick, carried the teacup to drink one, the whole face enjoys: Refreshing.” 秦宝宝二十分钟三局,并花十分钟小蛮腰打了一波嘴杖,端起茶杯喝一口,满脸享受:“神清气爽。” You are interesting.” Qin Ze is speechless. “你有意思吗。”秦泽无语。 Wants you to manage.” Qin Baobao stares. “要你管。”秦宝宝瞪眼儿。 Qin Baobao touches him to place the cell phone on table, fingerprint.” 秦宝宝摸起他放在桌上的手机,“指纹。” Qin Ze has not set the password, only then the fingerprint can untie the cell phone lock. 秦泽没设密码,只有指纹能解开手机锁。 His thumb presses. 他大拇指一按。 The Qin Baobao skilled opening stocks speculation software, registers the account password, feeling pleased examination Qin Ze harvests today, eye pupil becomes the crescent moon curved, today gains many, elder sister oral reward one time.” 秦宝宝熟练的打开炒股软件,登录账户密码,喜滋滋的察看秦泽今日收获,眼眸儿弯成月牙,“今天赚的蛮多嘛,姐姐口头奖励一次。” This is being greedy for money elder sister, so long as really the little darling hands over bride's price, can deal with her temperament with ease. 这是个贪财的姐姐,果然只要乖乖交出老婆本,就能轻松应付她的脾气。 Qin Ze remembers the bamboo slip that the secret mountain temple asked: Always likes promising young spatially, at the present easily speaks on the regret rate/lead. He does not believe the religion, but thought that these two words are reasonable. 秦泽想起密山寺求的签:“年少总爱空许诺,而今应悔率轻言”。他不信宗教,但觉得这两句话有道理。 Do not think that you can easily control the elder sister, the elder sister is looked that your admitting mistakes attitude forgives you good.” Qin Baobao sees through the younger brother thoughts. “别以为你能轻易掌控姐,姐是看你认错态度良好才原谅你。”秦宝宝看穿弟弟的心思。 Qin Ze looks at a elder sister swollen chest, should be again and again: „ elder sister is not the woman who 秦泽瞄一眼姐姐鼓胀胀的胸,连连应是:“姐姐不是我一只手能掌握的女人。” Qin Baobao snort/hum one, first is self-satisfied, immediately despises saying: Instigated is like the bear.” 秦宝宝哼一声,先是得意,随即又鄙视道:“怂的跟熊一样。” Sees younger brother not to speak, her angrily said: Waste!” 弟弟不说话,她气道:“废物!” Wang Zijin raised the head from the soap opera finally, is angry saying: Talked nonsense.” 王子衿终于从电视剧里抬起头,嗔道:“瞎说。” Qin Baobao anger: I teach younger brother, has your what/anything matter.” 秦宝宝怒了:“我教训弟弟,有你什么事。” I......” the Wang Zijin heart said, I special had nothing to say in reply unexpectedly. “我......”王子衿心说,我特么竟无言以对。 Qin Baobao taunted again: Bear.” 秦宝宝再嘲讽:“熊。” She also is matter vitality/angry of that day, Qin Baobao all along is the woman of bearing a grudge. 她还在为那天的事生气,秦宝宝一贯是记仇的女人。 Knows when to stop.” Qin Ze pushed elder sister. “适可而止。”秦泽推了推姐姐 Qin Baobao returns the favor immediately, a foot pedal in the chest of younger brother, what a pity no strength, shouted to shout: You are the bear, slightly slightly......” 秦宝宝立刻还以颜色,一脚蹬在弟弟的胸口,可惜没什么力道,嚷嚷道:“你就是熊,略略略......” Qin Ze got angry, throws off elder sister without delay in the sofa, my big bear must teach your fat tiger today well.” 秦泽怒了,二话不说把姐姐掀翻在沙发,“我大熊今天要好好教训你胖虎。” Zijin, he must hit me.” Qin Baobao summoned bosom friend. 子衿,他又要打我。”秦宝宝呼唤闺蜜 Wang Zijin instead relaxes, this is the correct way that their elder sister and younger brother two open, she a little cannot bear some time ago looks at each other speechless the atmosphere. 王子衿反而松了口气,这才是他们姐弟俩打开的正确方式,她有点受不了前段时间“相顾无言”的气氛。 bosom friend does not help, does not advise, Qin Baobao is difficult to run away is hit the butt destiny, but Qin Ze lifts half, gave up unexpectedly. 闺蜜不帮忙,不劝阻,秦宝宝难逃被打屁股的命运,可秦泽手举到一半,竟然放弃了。 Qin Baobao is not according to the circumstances wonderful, does to shout: Bear.” 秦宝宝见机不妙,作死喊道:“熊。” !” Qin Ze a slap shouted on the outstanding buttocks of elder sister plump, about various dozen. !”秦泽一巴掌呼在姐姐圆滚滚的翘臀上,左右各打一下。 Some Wang Zijin energy asked finally they did anything in Hang Metro, comes back on fight a cold war, seeming to cut off elder sister and younger brother relations. A elder sister and younger brother two veto, said who would imagine is all right. Wang Zijin said that believes you to be strange, was most repugnant your elder sister and younger brother two to hide to speak intimate conversation, next time do not let me work as the airphone. Snort! 王子衿终于有底气问他们在杭城干了些什么,一回来就打冷战,好似要断绝姐弟关系似的。岂料姐弟俩一口否决,说没事。王子衿说信你们才怪,最讨厌你们姐弟俩躲起来说悄悄话,下次别让我当传话筒。哼! Wang Zijin said, A'Ze the birthday, what gift did want at the end of the month? 王子衿说,阿泽月底生日了,想要什么礼物? Qin Baobao peculiarly said: Girlfriend.” 秦宝宝阴阳怪气道:“女朋友。” Qin Ze said that do not manage her, Sister Zijin delivers what gift me to like. 秦泽说别理她,子衿姐送什么礼物我都喜欢。 Wang Zijin said, we window-shop, sees what/anything to buy what/anything. 王子衿说,那我们去逛街吧,看到什么买什么。 Qin Baobao said, does not want, the birthday on that day I and A'Ze must go to Disney to play. 秦宝宝说,才不要,生日那天我和阿泽要去迪士尼玩。 Wang Zijin said, I also go. 王子衿说,那我也去。 The Qin Baobao rejection, said that do not go to work, in the evening came back to eat the cake to be good. 秦宝宝拒绝,说你不是要上班吗,晚上回来吃蛋糕就好了。 Wang Zijin thought that hey, this dead brocon. 王子衿心想,嘿,这死弟控 Qin Baobao chews beef to do, the thigh puts on the tea table, the body is lying down, she places the chest front entire bag of beef dry/does, wants to eat that. beef does in her chest creakies, Qin Ze really feared that it will slide. 秦宝宝嚼着牛肉干,大腿搁在茶几上,身子躺着,她把整袋牛肉干放在自己胸前,想吃了就那一块。牛肉干在她胸口摇摇欲坠,秦泽真怕它会滑下来。 Wang Zijin sits opposite she leans, looked at the eye her inner thigh, reminded: Baobao (darling), your spring scenery released for the first time.” 王子衿坐在她侧对面,看了眼她的大腿根部,提醒道:“宝宝,你春光乍泄了。” What Qin Baobao puts on is pleated mini skirt, is the skirt that Qin Ze most likes, because he can appreciate elder sister not to put on the silk stockings smooth big long leg like this. 秦宝宝穿的是百褶小短裙,也是秦泽最喜欢的裙子,因为这样他可以欣赏姐姐不穿丝袜光溜溜的大长腿。 Qin Baobao does not fear, in any case at home, no man looks.” 秦宝宝一点都不怵,“反正在家里,又没男人看。” Wang Zijin looked at Qin Ze. 王子衿瞄了眼秦泽 Perhaps younger brother is not a man.” Qin Ze explained for oneself like this. “也许弟弟不算男人。”秦泽这样为自己解释。 Goes to bathroom while Wang Zijin, Qin Ze does intentionally said with ease: company has not experienced anything.” 趁着王子衿上厕所,秦泽故作轻松道:“公司没遇到什么事吧。” No, for these days was busy, I in company, cannot have anything.” Qin Baobao said ill-humoredly. “没有,这几天忙死了,我都不在公司,能有什么事。”秦宝宝没好气道 Mother also is really, a while ago does grocery shopping has not brought the umbrella, drenched rain, caught cold. Qin Ze said. “妈也真是的,前阵子买菜没带伞,淋了场雨,都感冒了。”秦泽说。 How I do not know.” Qin Baobao looks to younger brother. “我怎么不知道。”秦宝宝看向弟弟 You did not do the advertisement.” Qin Ze said careless: Last month she went to the Hongqiao also heavy rain, came back also to catch cold.” “你不拍广告去了。”秦泽漫不经心道:“上个月她去虹桥也淋雨了,回来也感冒。” She not......” Qin Baobao voice: „Did she go to Hongqiao last month?” “她不......”秦宝宝话音一顿:“她上个月去虹桥了?” The computer homepage picture jumps, springs a trash advertisement website, some famous message circulation: Opening a blade, three seconds become the local tyrant.” 电脑网页画面一跳,弹出一个垃圾广告网站,某著名广告词循环:“开局一把刀,三秒成土豪。” elder sister and younger brother two have not gone to respond the advertisement. 姐弟俩没去搭理广告。 Qin Ze is staring at the elder sister's eye: Went, in fuck recorded has written, you have not looked.” 秦泽盯着姐姐的眼睛:“去了啊,我日记里写过,你没看吗。” Qin Baobao is calm in time of danger: Your diary? I have not definitely looked.” 秦宝宝临危不乱:“你的日记?那我肯定没看过呀。” Qin Ze „”. 秦泽“哦”了一声。 You have not looked at fuck to record the itself, you also dare kiss, elder sister your thought is really dangerous. 你没看我日记本,那你还敢索吻,姐姐你思想真危险。 „, This like you, does not look at my diary unexpectedly.” Qin Ze said. “哦,这不像你啊,居然不看我的日记。”秦泽说。 āi yā, you were so big, elder sister must respect your privacy.” The Qin Baobao racket the head of younger brother, confuses younger brother by the gentle long elder sister's image. Actually thinks at heart, small rascal completely understood me. 哎呀,你都这么大了,姐姐要尊重你的隐私吗。”秦宝宝拍拍弟弟的脑袋,以温柔长姐的形象来迷惑弟弟。心里却想,小赤佬把我看透了。 Qin Ze nods, elder sister knows well, the peeping diary must be the big deal.” 秦泽点点头,“姐姐知道就好,偷看日记本是要出大事的。” He spoke, is observing the elder sister's look, attempted to see similar flustered expression, what a pity no, the elder sister attractive cheek was vacant and innocent, juicy pupil flashes. 他说话的时候,观察着姐姐的神色,企图看到类似慌张的表情,可惜没有,姐姐漂亮的脸蛋又茫然又无辜,水灵眸子扑闪扑闪。 He thinks, if elder sister discovered that diary secret, knows oneself are not old gentleman one's own, by her glass heart, must certainly erupt. Does not have the truth to endure, or she is also like oneself, does not dare saying that is the fear family torn to pieces? kiss of that day, was the glass was brokenhearted, looked for the security sense oneself here? 他想,如果姐姐发现日记本的秘密,知道自己不是老爷子亲生的,以她的玻璃心,肯定要爆发出来的。没道理忍着,或者她也跟自己一样,不敢说出来,害怕家庭支离破碎?那天的索吻,是玻璃心碎了,在自己这里寻找安全感? Qin Baobao disdains saying: Peeps your diary, can be what big deal. Official document that you write?” 秦宝宝不屑道:“偷看你日记本而已,能出什么大事。你写的红头文件啊?” Replied that the way conforms to the Qin Baobao consistent temperament very much. 回答方式很符合秦宝宝一贯的脾气。 When Wang Zijin comes out from the restroom, elder sister and younger brother two, in opening a blade under sound effect background, completes a fierce combat, undercurrent turbulent manipulating strategically, temporarily tie. 王子衿从厕所出来时,姐弟俩在“开局一把刀”的声效背景下,完成一场刀光剑影,暗流汹涌的勾心斗角,暂时平局。 Qin Baobao was drawn by bosom friend is returning to the room to sleep, she holds the notebook, turns head in the entrance, touches with the younger brother vision, each other feels to have an unexplained thing to spread in the heart. 秦宝宝闺蜜拉着回房睡觉,她捧着笔记本,在门口回头,与弟弟目光一触,彼此都感受到有股说不清道不明的东西在心底蔓延。 Some matters, you did not say, but I know. 有些事,你不说,但我知道。 Some matters, I did not say, but you know. 有些事,我不说,但你知道。 However we chose silent. 然而我们都选择了沉默。
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