MESIS :: Volume #2

#183: Assistants

Chen Guang is invests 2 manager, Shandong University Finance Department graduates, for 8 years the Shanghai development, carries to sink to carry in this international finance to float for nearly ten years. Experiences the zero crossing 102 years of dreary stock disaster. Also experiences the zero crossing seven years to set a record high big bull market. What is most adept is the futures market, before into the duty gathers the advantage investment, he in a private company assignment, manages is also the stock invests this. His operation in the futures market, walks the slant to be well-known with the sword. The style that but the thought of powerful and unconstrained style and takes risks, making the former master have a headache very much, therefore under the butt position is unable to proceed to move again. 陈光是投资二部的经理,山东大学金融系毕业,零八年来沪市发展,在这座国际金融之都载沉载浮近十年。见识过零一零二年惨淡的股灾。也见识过零七年创历史新高的大牛市。最拿手的还是期货市场,在入职聚利投资之前,他在一家私募公司任职,管的也是期货投资这一块。他在期货市场的操作,以剑走偏锋闻名。但天马行空的思维和铤而走险的风格,让前东家很是头疼,所以屁股底下的位置始终无法再往前挪一挪。 The stock stimulates compared with the stock market forever, the earnest money system, the limit that supplements the earnest money system and due levels forcefully, can enable you to get huge windfall wealth, will probably make you shortly penniless. Spends money to play the heartbeat, except for the unrestrained gambling, is less exciting than the stock. the t + 0 system also makes the stock have many operation space, tests a level of strategist. 期货永远比股市刺激,保证金制、追加保证金制和到期强行平仓的限制,可以使你一夜暴富,也可能使你顷刻间一贫如洗。用钱玩心跳,除了豪赌,没有比期货更刺激的。t+0制度也让期货有更多的操作空间,非常考验一个操盘手的水准。 The stock is eats the person not to spit the giant beast of bone, the stock is, in Chen Guang knows, the stock is instead more far-fetched than the stock, former's information channel is more transparent, but latter's information channel moisture content is very big, financial statement that for example generally counterfeits. 期货是吃人不吐骨头的巨兽,股票何尝不是,在陈光认识里,股票反而比期货更加不靠谱,前者的信息渠道更透明,而后者的信息渠道水分很大,比如普遍作假的财务报表。 His casting a sidelong glance desk opposite the liquid crystal screen of hanging, the complexion changes color suddenly. 他瞟了一眼办公桌对面悬挂的液晶屏幕,脸色忽然变色。 old boss, the situation changes, the multi-thread was too savage, swamps into so many funds all of a sudden, has returned pulls out to the price average nearby. How to process? Buddy several do not act bashful certainly.” Of Little Li three strategists run into the office. 老大,情况有变,多头太凶残了,一下子涌入这么多资金,已经回抽到均价线附近了。怎么处理?哥们几个拿捏不准。”三个操盘手之一的小李冲进办公室。 Chen Guang is staring on the liquid crystal screen stubbornly the trend chart of keep changing, the card first is little Yang shakes, is following close on the crop three lands, can select the Technical Analysis people to know this is salted fish turns over full happiness and prosperity, significant good. Therefore attracts the private investor to follow, the turnover rapidly expanded. 陈光死死盯着液晶屏幕上不停变化的走势图,盘面先是小阳震荡,紧跟着收成三根阳线,会点技术分析的人都知道这是咸鱼翻身的“三阳开泰”,重大利好啊。于是引来散户跟风,成交量迅速扩大。 Chen Guang thought that time is racing with oneself, he must make what/anything, at present the price pulls out to the average, once breaks through the 12 day average, the investor mentality will definitely have the momentous change, when the time comes said what/anything late. 陈光觉得时间在和自己赛跑,他必须做点什么,目前价格抽到均线附近,一旦突破十二天均线,投资者心态肯定会发生巨大变化,到时候说什么都晚了。 Some of our shipping space also how many?” Chen Guang asked one fiercely, “我们仓位还有多少?”陈光猛地问了一句, 8,500.” Strategist Little Li said. 八千五百手。”操盘手小李说。 At this time, the turnover expanded again, the price broke through the 12 day average directly. 这时,成交量再次扩大,价格直接冲破十二天均线。 Informs the No.1 to 6 account, immediately retreats in turn, do not prolong contact.” Chen Guang takes the bull by the horns. “通知一到六号账户,马上分批撤退,不要恋战。”陈光当机立断。 Through that perfect full happiness and prosperity trend, he confirmed that definitely has the banker to operate secretly, the technique said old. Chen Guang not with the thoughts that the opposite party gambles, because the fund differs from the beginning greatly. 通过那完美的三阳开泰走势,他确认肯定有庄家幕后操作,手法非常老道。陈光没有和对方博弈的心思,因为从一开始资金就相差巨大。 Director-General office. 总裁办公室。 Su Yu the black tea, the vision has been sweeping the Qin Ze's wholly absorbed face, asked: You feel both sides to dispute, does the multi-thread win the dead end to win?” 苏钰品着红茶,目光扫过秦泽的专心致志的脸,问道:“你觉得双方较量,多头赢还是空头赢?” Lopsided situation, the multi-thread is threatening, if the dead end can stand firm calmly for several minutes, perhaps the situation has the transformation, feared fleeing to the wilderness that they frighten, automatically gives up the base.” The Qin Ze pupil flashes through the wisdom the light. “一面倒的局势,多头来势汹汹啊,如果空头能心平气和稳住几分钟,局势或许有转变,就怕他们吓的落荒而逃,自动放弃根据地。”秦泽眸子闪过睿智的光。 Su Yu hesitates saying: Has confidence?” 苏钰沉吟道:“有把握吗?” She majors in the macroeconomic, is more like sits quietly the military strategist role that the supreme headquarters map out strategic plans in an army tent, is she releases authority to various section manager important reasons. 她主修宏观经济,更像是稳坐大本营运筹帷幄的军师角色,也是她放权给各部门经理的重要原因。 Qin Ze nods. 秦泽点点头。 Su Yu puts down the teacup, in the Qin Ze stunned vision, before setting out arrives at the desk, grasps the plane. 苏钰放下茶杯,在秦泽愕然的目光中,起身走到办公桌前,抓起座机。 The plane on Chen Guang desk made a sound, he looked at one, the discovery is the number of Director-General office, immediately stresses answering. The chilly delightful sound is straightforward: Without levelling, keeps several minutes.” 陈光办公桌上的座机响了,他瞄了一眼,发现是总裁办公室的号码,立刻抓起来接听。清冷悦耳的声音直截了当:“如果没有平仓,就留几分钟。” Chen Guang gawked staring, looks to the rising trend crazy trend chart, said hesitant: „The fund that Chief Su, we invest are many.” 陈光愣了愣,看向涨势疯狂的走势图,犹豫道:“苏总,我们投入的资金不少。” Owed did not calculate your performance.” Su Yu said: Telephone do not hang.” “亏了不算你业绩。”苏钰说:“电话别挂。” Good.” “那好吧。” Chen Guang stops by calling strategist Little Wang: Waits again.” 陈光喊住操盘手小王:“再等等。” Little Wang said at a loss: old boss, this also waits for what/anything , us lost is big.” 小王茫然道:“老大,这还等什么啊,在不出来,我们损失就大了。” Chen Guang mouth, the holding down microphone, „the request of Chief Su, did you make me reject?” 陈光嘴巴努了努,按住话筒,“苏总的要求,你让我拒绝?” Little Wang both curious and puzzled said: Chief Su never inquired about the concrete operations, today how.” 小王又好奇又不解道:“苏总从来不过问具体操作,今天怎么了。” How I know.” “我怎么知道。” Passed the 4~5 minute, but also is continuing pull-up, the turnover soared, temporarily could not see the trend that must drop, Chen Guang jumped jumping stingily ruthlessly. 过了四五分钟,还在继续拉升,成交量飞涨,暂时看不出要下降的趋势,陈光心狠狠跳了跳。 A Little Wang face lost loving dearly and intertwining of several million, touches own ears and cheeks, shouts to shout: old boss, ended the calf, right now wants to draw back unable to draw back.” 小王一脸输了几百万的心疼和纠结,抓耳挠腮,嚷嚷道:“老大,完犊子了,这下子想退都退不出来了。” Chen Guang just wants to speak, suddenly heard the microphone to hear the dū dū sound, Chief Su makes the telephone call. He immediately one cold, did she give up? 陈光刚想说话,忽然听见话筒传来嘟嘟声,苏总挂电话了。他心里顿时一凛,她放弃了? Then his cell phone resounds, Su Yu's number. 接着他的手机响起,苏钰的号码。 Chief Su?!” Chen Guang wiped the perspiration, does not know that this woman does what/anything, although she said does not take on the responsibility with oneself, but that is several million funds, oneself hurry up perspiration for her. 苏总?!”陈光抹了把汗,不知道这女人搞什么,尽管她说了不用自己担责,但那可是几百万的资金,自己都替她急出一头汗。 Su Yu senseless reported six numbers, said: Instruction strategist, all accounts, divides these six prices to hang the spatial list, 20 takes turn to 30 each time.” 苏钰没头没脑的报了六个数字,说:“吩咐操盘手,所有账户,分这六个价位挂空单,每次二十手到三十手交替。” Chen Guang dashes about wildly to run out of the office, arrives invests 2 staff offices, is bellowing repeatedly the Su Yu's words one side. 陈光狂奔冲出办公室,来到投资二部的员工办公室,大吼着把苏钰的话重复一边。 The surface such as several strategists of dying embers go into action immediately. 面如死灰的几个操盘手立刻行动起来。 Really, circles greatly starts to increase only. 果然,大盘空单开始增加。 At this time, Su Yu gave orders again, she reported three numbers, which three accounts was casual, according to requesting to hang the list.” 这时,苏钰再次发号施令,她报了三个数字,“随便哪三个账户,按照要求挂多单。” old boss, you looked that you looked ..... Little Wang excited is pointing at the screen. 老大,你看你看.....”小王兴奋的指着屏幕。 In the screen, on the hatching just received, the bulk lots knockdown price started to gap slightly, continuously downward, at this time typical abandoned baby shape. Falls a shape emergence, then has the trend of everybody hits you when you are down, the dead end starts to catch up. After all the dead end continues they, others, gambling is not gambling one-on-one, but gathers the heroes in nation. 屏幕中,上阴线刚收完,大盘成交价格开始小幅跳空,一直向下,这时典型的弃婴形态。下跌形态一出现,便出现墙倒众人推的趋势,空头开始发力。毕竟空头不止他们,还有其他人,博弈不是单对单的博弈,而是汇聚全国的英雄好汉。 The bulk lots start to drop. 大盘开始回落。 The people long put out the one breath, Chen Guang also felt that oneself heart restores to beat normally, but he was excited immediately: Chief Su, you are really awesome. This sentenced and operation in advance is really fierce, hung just right of multi- single Hekong single time switch over.” 众人长长吐出一口气,陈光也感到自己的心脏恢复正常跳动,但随即他兴奋了:“苏总,你太厉害了。这份预判和操作真是太厉害了,挂多单和空单的时机切换的恰到好处。” Chen Guang felt before , belittled beautiful woman Director-General, the skill that only exposed a moment ago, ends to explode him absolutely. 陈光觉得以前小觑了美女总裁,单是刚才展露的身手,绝对完爆他。 Su Yu said lightly: Has nothing to do with me.” 苏钰却淡淡道:“与我无关。” Chen Guang is stunned, the telephone transmits the blind sound, she hung. 陈光愕然,电话传来盲音,她挂了。 Director-General office. 总裁办公室。 Su Yu puts down the telephone, turns head to look that to Qin Ze that judges tea easely, this fellow feels her vision, towards oneself cracks into a smile, the tooth is white. 苏钰搁下电话,扭头看向悠然品茶的秦泽,这家伙感受到她目光,朝自己咧嘴一笑,牙齿洁白。 Although is not convinced very much, but Nanman looks at the vision of person compared with my.” Su Yu forced smile. “虽然很不服气,但南曼看人的眼光比我准。”苏钰苦笑。 Su Yu remembers one suddenly, so long as online appears, is banned immediately, latter half a word meets the wind and cloud then to melt the dragon. Initially when hears him, does not believe that the twenty minutes perfect score fires off a college entrance examination math examination paper the valiant fact, so long as on the day of the interview personally sees. Undeniably, indeed makes her be startled. First time has the frustration on IQ, second time at the game. 苏钰忽然想起一句只要在网上出现,就会被立刻禁掉的话,后半句是一遇风云便化龙。初闻他时,并不相信二十分钟满分打完一份高考数学卷子的彪悍事迹,只要面试那天亲眼所见。不可否认,的确让她大吃一惊。头一次在智商上产生挫败感,第二次是在游戏上。 If the matter of examination paper is shows talent for the first time, then Black Ass Sciences project then amazes the world with a single brilliant feat, achieves well-known entire company achievement. And today makes her feel that the shocking consciousness and deals the technology, although this young people are not seemingly immature, no one has made one belittle. 如果试卷的事算是崭露头角,那么“黑驴科技”项目便是一鸣惊人,达到“闻名全公司”的成就。以及今天让她都感觉惊艳的意识和操盘技术,这个年轻人虽然不是看似稚嫩,却已经无人让人小觑。 Right that Pei Nanman said that with him, will have the pleasant surprise. 裴南曼说的对,用好他,会有惊喜。 Because she understands me compared with you.” Qin Ze does not know oneself rub the rise in beautiful woman Director-General appraisal at heart, otherwise wants surely self-satisfied. He shows the superior level in the stock market and stock, tries hard except for oneself, system's help. Although this system is salted fish. “因为她比你更了解我。”秦泽不知道自己在美女总裁心里的评价蹭蹭上涨,否则定要得意一番。他之所以在股市和期货展现高超水准,除了自身努力,还有系统的帮助。虽然这个系统是条咸鱼 company besides Investment Department three section, other business section, each business section is equal, has jurisdiction by me directly, although I release authority as far as possible, but also created the huge work load inevitably. I prepare to set up a Investment Department general manager position, helping me manage three Investment Department.” Su Yu said: You are the best candidate.” 公司除了投资部三个部门,还有其他业务部门,每个业务部门都是平等的,由我直接管辖,虽然我尽量放权,但也不可避免造成了巨大的工作量。我准备设一个投资部总经理的职位,帮我管理三个投资部门。”苏钰说:“你是最好的人选。” Is the meaning of Sister Pei?” Qin Ze is astonished however. “是裴姐的意思吗?”秦泽讶然。 No, is my meaning. Nanman may not have time to respond my small scale company.” Su Yu curls the lip. “不,是我的意思。南曼可没时间搭理我这种小打小闹的公司。”苏钰撇撇嘴。 You do not need to worry that what qualifications issue, gathering the advantage is not a state-owned enterprise, not tasteful qualifications. The principle of private enterprise is on those who are able, under non- those who are able. You have this ability.” Su Yu said. “你不需要担心什么资历问题,聚利不是国企,不讲究资历。民营企业的原则是能者上,不能者下。你有这个能力。”苏钰道。 Compares, I anticipate to be your assistant.” Qin Ze said. “相比起来,我更期待做你的助手。”秦泽说。 Su Yu is angry saying: Not thinks about it.” 苏钰嗔道:“想都别想。”
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