MESIS :: Volume #2

#182: Ideal

Stir that small blackboard that capital spending plan causes, is Qin Ze is unexpected. The created consequence is his fame rises suddenly, any time is more noticeable. No matter the 《For Qin Baobao》 piano piece video, or " I am a Singer » final, is less this time. Taking advantage of upsurge that all the people speculate in the stock market, he was presented by the netizen to hang to explode the day Stock God, one some people leave a message under his Weibo all day, salted fish that tens of thousands of shouted nicely done requested itself to lead them to speculate in the stock market, naturally majority is creating a disturbance, surrounds to pay homage to Prediction Emperor. 小黑板那份投资计划引起的轰动,是秦泽始料未及的。造成的后果就是他名气暴涨,比任何一次都要受人瞩目。不管是《致秦宝宝》钢琴曲视频,亦或《我是歌星》总决赛,都不及这次。借着全民炒股的热潮,他被网友奉为吊炸天的股神,一整天都有人在他微博下方留言,成千上万喊666咸鱼要求自己带他们炒股,当然大部分是在起哄,来围观膜拜一下预言帝 Actually majority really eats the melon people to join in the fun, he calculates the public figure by chance reluctantly, has successful elder sister. The Internet users are not strange to him, if the average person, only feared that most is sigh with emotion several, shouted several nicely done. 其实大部分真的只是吃瓜群众凑热闹而已,碰巧他勉强算公众人物,有个大红大紫的姐姐。网民对他不陌生,如果是普通人,只怕最多感慨几声,喊几声666 The three draft animals of 303 dormitories, Brother Qin, are weeping and wailing want to push the stock to them. Said that buys stock that he recommended, can step onto the life peak. Some not too ripe university schoolmate, sends a telegram to Qin Ze, but he has not met. In numerous telephones, answered the Li Donglai's telephone, the calf opened the mouth to murmur: I a grass, Brother Qin did you have this skill? What did not say that first accepts my knee. 303宿舍的三个牲口,一口一句秦哥,哭着喊着要自己给他们推股。说买了他推荐的股,就能走上人生巅峰。还有一些不太熟的大学同学,也纷纷致电秦泽,但他没接。众多电话里,就接了李东来的电话,小犊子开口就囔囔:我了个草,秦哥你还有这手本事?什么都不说了,先收下我的膝盖。 Helpless Qin Ze said, you knew, aren't you do not pay attention to the entertainment world? 秦泽无奈说,你怎么都知道了,你不是不关注娱乐圈吗? Li Donglai said, I do not pay attention to the entertainment world, but I pay attention to your elder sister. 李东来说,我是不关注娱乐圈,但我关注你姐姐啊。 Qin Ze said: Un? 秦泽说:嗯? Li Donglai changed a statement hastily, said that I mainly paid attention to Brother Qin, Sister Qin was love the house and its crow pays attention. 李东来连忙改口,说我主要关注秦哥,秦姐爱屋及乌才关注。 This fellow does not request to recommend the stock, he calls to shout several nicely done purely, poured out to own respect. As for speculating in the stock market he is instead indifferent, has the local tyrant sister-in-law/little aunt, never lacks spending money type of thing. 这家伙不是要求推荐股,他纯粹打电话过来喊几声666,倾诉一下对自己的崇拜之情。至于炒股他反而无所谓,有个土豪小姨,从来不缺零花钱这种东西。 In the university same class group a piece discusses, since «Singer», same class schoolmate knows that his elder sister is Qin Baobao, but the school teachers and students know that Qin Baobao younger brother is Qin Ze, our Economics Uni. 大学同班群里一片热议,自从《歌星》之后,同班同学都知道他姐姐秦宝宝,而全校师生都知道秦宝宝弟弟秦泽,我们财大的。 Qin Ze, leading me to speculate in the stock market. Qin Ze 秦泽,带我炒股啊。@秦泽 Careless riches and honor do not forget, before our intern, reaches an agreement. Qin Ze “苟富贵勿相忘,咱们实习前说好的。@秦泽 Unbelievable, Qin Ze goes to school the result is the same, how to become Stock God suddenly.” “难以置信,秦泽上学的时候成绩一般般,怎么突然就成股神了。” Snort, when he goes to school we have not known that he will write the song.” “哼,他上学时我们还不知道他会写歌呢。” Was too fierce, does not know that he gained many.” “太厉害了,不知道他赚了多少。” I say whoever happens to come that now Qin Ze is my university schoolmate, but also motherf**ker no one believes.” “我现在逢人就说秦泽是我大学同学,还tm没人相信。” Class head in group cropped up the speech: Knowledge is the wealth, Qin Ze is a very good example. The temporary result could not represent in the future, compared him to choose bull stock, I favored his analysis and speculation. The foundation analysis, Technical Analysis and outside analysis, he achieves incisively, this is many people cannot accomplish. Even if like not bull market, I believe that he can also make money in the stock market.” 群里的班主任冒头说话了:“知识就是财富,秦泽是一个很好的例子。一时的成绩代表不了未来,相比起他选到牛股,我更看好他的分析和推测。基础分析、技术分析、场外分析,他都做到淋漓尽致,这点是很多人都办不到的。哪怕就像不是牛市,我相信他也能在股市里赚到钱。” Older, what/anything let alone, this chicken soup I first did for the respect.” “老班,什么都别说了,这口鸡汤我先干为敬。” everyone, gets out of bed the poisonous chicken soup that quickly eats older cooks personally.” “@所有人,快起床喝老班亲手熬的毒鸡汤。” Cries, I eat the older poisonous chicken soup to grow up in the three years.” “哇一声哭出来,我这三年喝着老班的毒鸡汤长大。” The students hee hee hā hā, teased. 学生们嘻嘻哈哈,调侃起来。 Class head sends in an expression that wipes the perspiration: You, oh!” 主任发来一个抹汗的表情:“你们啊,唉!” Qin Ze joined in the fun to send funnily expression, everyone did this bowl of poisonous chicken soup.” 秦泽凑热闹发了“滑稽”表情,“大家干了这碗毒鸡汤。” As soon as he comes out, in the group exploded. 他一出来,群里炸了。 big shot you came out finally, in a big hurry, pushes the stock quickly.” 大佬你终于出来了,快快,快推股。” Qin Ze, I am redundant, the careless riches and honor do not forget.” 秦泽,我再重复一遍,苟富贵勿相忘。” Qin Ze I do not want you to push the stock, I want our elder sister's portrait photo, sends quickly sends quickly.” 秦泽我不要你推股,我要咱姐姐的写真照,快发快发。” Portrait according to + 1” “写真照” Portrait according to + 2” “写真照” Portrait according to + 3” “写真照” Such crooked building, schoolmates started to discuss Qin Baobao, was the male student was basically discussing, joked Qin Ze your elder sister did have the boyfriend, if no introduced that to me how, how some words traded one, words consideration many that does not want to trade how. The joke discussed, Qin Ze does not care. Sent several stocks conveniently. 就这么歪楼了,同学们开始讨论起秦宝宝,基本都是男生在讨论,开玩笑说秦泽姐姐有没有男朋友,没有的话介绍给我怎么样,有的话换一个怎么样,不想换的话考虑多一个怎么样。玩笑之谈,秦泽也不在意。顺手发了几支股票。 These stocks have the potential, suggested the median line, held half a month at least. Half a month later, you looked that situation decided to sell.” “这几支股都有潜力,建议中线,最少持半个月。半个月之后,你们看情况自己决定卖不卖。” In group loudly. 群里轰然。 Class head: Frightened I hurry full Cang.” 主任:“吓的我赶紧满仓。” Older nicely done “老班666 Hurries to buy, hurries to buy.” “赶紧买,赶紧买。” hā hā hā!” 哈哈哈!” Qin Ze becomes Stock God next day, he expects the company colleague to respond that will be very big, just stepped into the office, Yang Jian winks mystifyingly: Great God, asked to lead little moe to speculate in the stock market newly, makes one's own way to depend entirely on you.” 秦泽成为股神第二天,他料到公司同事反应会很大,刚踏入办公室,杨建阴阳怪气挤眉弄眼:“大神,求带小萌新炒股,发家致富全靠你。” to hold the Qin Ze thigh. 扑过来要抱秦泽大腿。 Qin Ze rolls the eyes: Go away!” 秦泽翻白眼:“滚!” Other office colleagues also join in the fun, tease want Qin Ze to lead them to speculate in the stock market. Some are crack a joke, some really have this idea. Proceeds to push more than ten years, the investment company staff and securities company staff is forbidden to speculate in the stock market. Now still does not permit, but without strict of that former manages. One cannot speculate in the stock market, but can make the family member speculate in the stock market, before was the family member cannot speculate in the stock market. That little while listing company are few, securities company and investment company can contact many straight tips, if leaves alone, the market will become the amassing money tools of certain groups, does not help the stock market healthy development. 办公室其他同事也凑热闹,调侃要秦泽带他们炒股。有些是开玩笑,有些是真有这个想法。往前推个十几年,投资公司的员工和证券公司员工被禁止炒股。现在仍然不允许,但没以前管的那么严格。自身不能炒股,但可以让家人炒股,以前是家人也不能炒股的。那会儿上市公司少,证券公司投资公司能接触到很多内幕消息,如果放任不管,市场就会成为某些团体的敛财工具,不利于股市健康发展。 Li Linfeng is glowing with health, every day is hanging the smiling face, no matter what who saw that his mood is joyful. How can not be joyful, company gains in the stock investment greatly gains especially, but he delivers the rich performance at the same time, but can also completely unfold the aspiration, Su Yu is original in the management wrist/skill, is willing to release authority to various section manager hand/subordinate. 李林峰红光满面,每天挂着笑脸,任谁都看出他心情愉悦。怎么能不愉悦,公司在股票投资上大赚特赚,而他创造丰富业绩的同时,还能尽展抱负,苏钰在管理方面手腕独到,愿意放权给手下的各部门经理 Li Linfeng paces company, the racket the Qin Ze's shoulder: Boy, you know how many your month deducting a percentage does have?” 李林峰踱步进公司,拍拍秦泽的肩膀:“小子,你知道你这个月的提成有多少吗?” He lifts a hand. 他抬起一只手。 Yang Jian guessed: 50,000!” 杨建猜测道:“五万!” Li Linfeng nods: This is only current deducting a percentage, Black Ass Sciences, if continues to turn bullish, your deducting a percentage must double.” 李林峰点点头:“这只是目前的提成,黑驴科技如果持续走牛,你的提成还要翻一番。” Qin Ze said with a smile: old boss, fine rain.” 秦泽笑道:“老大,毛毛雨而已。” Li Linfeng does not like suspending the dignified boss, is very in secret amiable, Qin Ze and he is together harmoniously, has been able to exchange drafts the deep meaning coolly. 李林峰是个不喜欢摆威严的上司,私下里很随和,秦泽和他相处融洽,已经能面不改色的交流“草拟吗”的奥义。 Yang Jian spits blood: acting cool does not install you.” 杨建吐血:“装逼是装不过你。” Li Linfeng rolls the eyes. 李林峰翻白眼。 Finished eating the lunch, Qin Ze lies in the desk writes the planning chart, thinks suddenly some people approached, turn head to look, unexpectedly was famous cold beautiful woman Su Yu. Her vision falls in the Qin Ze's prospectus, the chilly face exposes wipes the smiling face: What writes?” 吃完中饭,秦泽趴在办公桌写计划表,忽觉有人靠近,扭头一看,竟是大名鼎鼎的冷美人苏钰。她目光落在秦泽的计划书上,清冷的脸庞展露一抹笑容:“写什么呢?” No.” Close prospectus that Qin Ze maintains composure. “没什么。”秦泽不动声色的合上计划书。 That comes to Su Yu nods, turns around to go out of the office, OL pencil skirt wraps the buttocks that is very curling upwards, turned is full of flavor. “那来一趟我办公室,有话跟你说。”苏钰点点头,转身走出办公室,ol套裙包裹着挺翘的臀,扭的韵味十足。 Yang Jian gives the thumbs-up toward Qin Ze. 杨建秦泽竖起大拇指。 Su Yu rare has not sat behind her desk, but is Qin Ze sits on the entertaining a guest sofa, and gave Qin Ze to make one cup of black tea personally. Let Qin Ze a little feel extremely flattered. 苏钰罕见的没有坐在她的办公桌后面,而是和秦泽坐在待客沙发上,并亲自给秦泽泡了一杯红茶。让秦泽有点受宠若惊。 To be honest I act according to your prospectus establishment investment plan, has completed the plan that the loss and even complete wipe-out.” Su Yu said. “说实话我根据你的那份计划书成立投资项目,已经做好亏损乃至血本无归的打算。”苏钰道。 Qin Ze only have the smiling face to right, cannot say, thanks Director-General to lift the love, small have what skill and ability. 秦泽唯有笑脸以对,总不能说,谢谢总裁抬爱,小的何德何能 Nanman favors you very much, I am love the house and its crow. This project can have such good result, is purely blessing in disguise.” Su Yu sipped a black tea, the posture is very graceful, yesterday's Nanman looked for me, said that wants to make you independently manage section.” 南曼很看好你,我算是爱屋及乌吧。这份项目能有这么好的成绩,纯属意外之喜。”苏钰抿了口红茶,姿势很优雅,“昨天南曼找我,说想让你单独管理一个部门。” Qin Ze is startled: Is inappropriate.” 秦泽吃了一惊:“不合适吧。” Su Yu nods: Therefore I flatly refused.” 苏钰点头:“所以我一口拒绝了。” Qin Ze: „......” 秦泽:“......” I thought that arranges to be appropriate in the vice-manager position you, what view do you have?” Su Yu asked. “不过我觉得把你安排在副经理的位置应该合适,你自己有什么看法?”苏钰问。 Su Yu has a custom, the dynamic scheduling of any staff member, likes speaking face-to-face with the litigant, once looked for Li Linfeng to talk over thoroughly like her, later Li Linfeng has a new look to her. 苏钰有个习惯,任何职员的工作调度,都喜欢和当事人面谈一番,就像她曾经找李林峰深谈,之后李林峰对她改观。 The Qin Ze hesitant moment, „can I be the Chief Su assistant?” 秦泽犹豫片刻,“我能做苏总的助理吗?” Su Yu brow tip raised. 苏钰眉梢一挑 My assistant needs to prepare all kinds of documents for me, for example the company financial statement, the market survey, the statement, the project compiles wait/etc..” Su Yu said with a smile: Makes me guess, is because you have asked me to want the company important document to have the relations in the near future, these things that Qin Ze, you look are not a clerk should look that you do want to do?” “我的助理需要为我准备各种各样的文件,比如公司的财务报表,市场调研,业绩报表,项目汇总等等。”苏钰笑吟吟道:“让我猜猜,是因为你近期一直找我要公司重要文件有关系,秦泽,你看的这些东西都不是一个业务员该看的,你想干什么?” Qin Ze does not want to reply that her issue, gave the beautiful woman simply Director-General cheek, pretends to look at wall the screen on hanging. Six liquid crystal screens are hanging in the desk directly opposite, bulk lots trend that two are demonstrating the stock market and stock, another four are the stock detailed trends, his Black Ass Sciences is its one, opening reaches the upper trading limit directly. 秦泽不想回答她的问题,干脆给了美女总裁一个侧脸,假装看墙壁上的悬挂的屏幕。六台液晶屏幕悬挂在办公桌正对面,两台显示着股市和期货的大盘走势,另外四台则是个股的详细走势,他的黑驴科技就是其一,开盘直接涨停。 Under background that the stock market generally turns bullish, so long as does not have the dusk to incur, basically can gain, especially this year this stock market, threatening, has indication that greatly breaks the bull market record. In the words of many colleague, lies down can also make money. Therefore compares the stock market, Qin Ze likes looking at the wind and cloud change of futures market. 股市普遍走牛的背景下,只要不出昏招,基本都能赚,尤其今年这次股市,来势汹汹,大有破牛市记录的征兆。用很多圈内人的话说,就是躺着也能赚钱。因此相比股市,秦泽更喜欢看期货市场的风云变化。 The abundance of idle capital, not only rose the stock market, the futures market also divided one cup of thick soup. But quite turbulent thrilling, without the stock market is steady. 闲散资金的充裕,不但拉涨了股市,期货市场同样分了一杯羹。只不过比较动荡惊险,没有股市稳。 The five minutes of trend chart of some precious metal attracted the Qin Ze's attention, one spatial offensive and defensive war that may be called the thrilling stimulation, some opening people divide ten prices, each price hung the 1,000 many lists, but some only one hour of people take everything, later the dead end gets the winning side gradually, although the multi-thread has the resistance occasionally, but the card selling pressure is too strong, the price finally starts to fall slowly. Ceases all activities in every way temporarily, does not know that is the preparation gives up, is the fermentation next wave of offensive. 某贵金属的五分钟走势图吸引了秦泽的注意力,一场堪称惊险刺激的多空攻守战,开盘就有人分十个价位,每个价位都挂了一千多手单,但是仅一个小时就有人照单全收,随后空头渐渐占据上风,多头虽然偶有反抗,但是盘面抛压太强,价格终于开始缓缓下跌。多方暂时偃旗息鼓,不知是准备放弃,还是酝酿下一波攻势。 Su Yu called his absent-minded appearance, the brow tip one pressed, no one liked itself speaking, was disregarded. 苏钰叫他心不在焉的模样,眉梢一蹙,谁都不喜欢自己说话的时候,被人无视。 „Do you have the research to the stock?” “你对期货有研究?” Un.” Qin Ze said. “嗯。”秦泽道。 His study finance, the stock stock naturally must understand, Qin Ze one month ago is started to transfer the stock by the stock, after knocking the skill knocks Stock God, stock lot also by knowing one method you will know all. 他一个学金融的,股票期货当然要懂,秦泽从一个月前开始由股票转期货,磕技能磕到“股神”后,期货的很多东西也一通百通。 He later wants to establish oneself investment company, the business scope is impossible only to be restricted in the stock investment. How long bull market can cow, who not say certainly. Only by speculating in the stock market, he also mixes a well-off life, after all the bear market makes money very rarely , there is nothing to do with the technology, big background so. 他以后想成立一家自己的投资公司,业务范围不可能仅限于股票投资。牛市能牛多久,谁都说不准。光靠炒股,他也就混个小康生活,毕竟熊市捞钱很难得,与技术无关,大背景如此。 That precious metal is invests 2 to deal, makes the dead end.” Su Yu said: How do you feel?” “那支贵金属是投资二部在操盘,做空头。”苏钰道:“你觉得怎么样?” Card is a little turbulent, but the dead end is in the upper hand at present.” Qin Ze expresses the opinion: But best not to prolong contact, the idle capital flows to the market, the futures market will also profit, the multi-thread is the general trend.” “盘面有点动荡,但目前空头占了上风。”秦泽发表意见:“但最好别恋战,闲散资金流向市场,期货市场也会受益,多头是大势所趋。” Two people are talking, the trend reappears the turbulence. 两人交谈着,走势再现动荡。
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