MESIS :: Volume #2

#181: My younger brother is a cheap person

Qin Baobao sits in the spacious nanny van, under the body is the genuine leather massages the big seat, the panel of driving seat and on passenger seat is installing 32 cuns (2.5 cm) vehicle-borne television, under is the liquor bar and refrigerator. The disposition may be called luxurious, completely lining on her status. This nanny van is company rations her private car. 秦宝宝坐在宽敞的保姆车里,身下是真皮按摩大座椅,驾驶席和乘客席的分隔屏上安装着32寸车载电视,下方则是酒吧台和冰箱。配置堪称豪华,完全衬的上她的身份地位。这辆保姆车是公司配给她的座驾。 Li Yanhong is placed the drinking glass on the liquor bar, opens refrigerator to take out one bottle of champagne, gives itself and various Qin Baobao but actually one cups. 李艳红把玻璃杯摆在酒吧台上,打开冰箱取出一瓶香槟,给自己和秦宝宝各倒一杯。 She likes this nanny van very much, is passing from inside to outside luxuriously, no matter the sense real experience makes her satisfy. Before she never dares to expect that sat drink up spoke freely in such vehicle, but she achieves now, all stemmed from the side more attractive much the girl, right, Qin Baobao in Li Yanhong eye was a girl, although was old. But she is very clean. Deliberately does not manipulate strategically, is actually not simple-hearted stupid, white, and sweet. The polite and sane two valuable qualities can see on her. 她很喜欢这辆保姆车,从里到外都透着奢华,不管是感官还是真实体验都让她满意。以前她从不敢奢望坐在这样的车子里喝酒畅谈,但现在她做到了,一切都源于身边漂亮得无法无天的女孩,没错,李艳红眼里的秦宝宝是个女孩,虽然年纪大了点。可她很干净。不刻意勾心斗角,却也不是天真无邪的傻白甜。礼貌和理智两个可贵的品质都能在她身上看到。 Li Yanhong saw betrayed celebrity of body for the high-rank, and plausible is shouting: Wrong is not I am the world. 李艳红见多了为上位出卖身体的明星,并振振有词的嚷嚷着:错的不是我是世界。 Also sees to be oversensitive the chest to not exposed to others good jealous woman narrowly. 也见多了心胸狭隘见不得别人好的妒妇。 No matter these women the semblance is much enchanting, the heart is dirty. 这些女人不管外表多妖娆,心是脏的。 The person of remaining pure and incorruptible is always likable, this likes is not she helps itself make money, but is being intimate with from mind and yearned. 洁身自好的人总是讨人喜欢,这份喜欢不是她帮自己赚了钱,而是一种来自心灵的亲近和向往。 Baobao (darling), celebrated business develops finished perfectly.” She raises glass, the words just said, the cell phone made a sound, embarrassed, I answer a telephone.” 宝宝,庆祝商演完美结束。”她举杯,话刚说完,手机响了,“不好意思,我接个电话。” The Qin Baobao point opens the address book, several times want the younger brother call, bore, the brow tip is light, a face intertwines. 秦宝宝点开通讯录,几次想拨打弟弟电话,又忍住了,眉梢轻蹙,一脸纠结。 dīng dōng!” 叮咚!” Xu Yunhan sends in an information: Baobao (darling), the thigh also lacks the pendant not, asked the belt/bring.” 徐韵寒发来一条信息:“宝宝,大腿还缺挂件不,求带。” Qin Baobao is confused, returns to one question mark expression. 秦宝宝一头雾水,回一个“问号”表情。 Xu Yunhan: I also want to speculate in the stock market, ask the belt/bring.” 徐韵寒:“我也想炒股,求带。” Also is the stock, what's the matter. 又是股票,到底怎么回事。 I will not speculate in the stock market.” Qin Baobao reply. “我不会炒股呀。”秦宝宝回复。 Playing the fool, does not make you bring Sister Xu to speculate in the stock market, so long as you said one with your younger brother, directs Sister Xu, is deeply grateful.” “装傻是不是,又不是让你带徐姐炒股,你只要和你弟弟说一声,指点一下徐姐,感激不尽。” Qin Baobao sighed: What had? I just business developed to finish, the cell phone has closed down.” 秦宝宝叹了口气:“发生什么了?我刚刚商演结束,手机一直关机。” After the moment, Xu Yunhan sent several pictures to come. 片刻后,徐韵寒发了几张图片过来。 One is " Celebrity Gossip » high-definition screenshot, in the lens has the support blackboard together. Qin Baobao recognizes, is Room old bro that small blackboard, the above content she remembers, what can this represent? Qin Baobao doubts point second picture. 一张是《明星八卦》高清截图,镜头里有一块支架黑板。秦宝宝认得,是老弟那块小黑板,上面的内容她记得,不过这能代表什么?秦宝宝疑惑的点开第二张图片。 She understands immediately, this is the k line screenshot of some stock, most k graph fluctuating are gentle, interlocks red green, but in end domineering pull-up, first even/including eight brilliant red raising limits. 她立刻懂了,这是某支股票的k线截图,大部分的k线图起伏平缓,红绿交错,但在尾端强势拉升,一连八个红艳艳的涨停板。 The name of stock Black Ass Sciences. 股票的名字正是“黑驴科技”。 Your younger brother simply fierce to without friend, Baobao (darling), how your family trains his. Too inconceivable.” “你弟弟简直厉害到没朋友,宝宝,你家是怎么培养他的。太不可思议了。” Can lead me to speculate in the stock market together? I followed to eat a soup behind your younger brother to satisfy.” “能带我一起炒股吗?我跟在你弟弟后面喝口汤就满足了。” Online called him Stock God, I must have such younger brother to be good.” “网上都叫他股神呢,我要有这么个弟弟就好了。” Xu Yunhan talked endlessly, keeps saying. 徐韵寒喋喋不休,说个没完。 Qin Baobao curls the lip, good what good, black heart's maggot. 秦宝宝撇撇嘴,好什么好,一条黑了心的蛆 Your superstar cooks up what stock, does not lack this money.” “你一个大明星炒什么股,又不缺这点钱。” Xu Yunhan sends in a spitting blood expression: Who dislikes money to be many, said again this is not the change, cannot do well to withstand/top we a half year of income. With your younger brother that bull stock, I, if throws in dozens million, my one year did not need to work. Now circle discussed topic most speculates in the stock market, has to owe to gain, do you know, Xu Lu followed her adoptive father to speculate in the stock market, gained several million.” 徐韵寒发来一个吐血的表情:“谁嫌钱多的,再说这可不是小钱,搞不好顶我们半年的收入呢。就拿你弟弟那支牛股来说,我要是投个几十上百万,我一年都不用干活了。现在圈子里讨论话题最多的就是炒股,有亏有赚,你知不知道,徐璐跟着她干爹炒股,赚了几百万了。” Adoptive father?” “干爹?” Un, secret that some publicly raised fund executive, in the circle knows.” “嗯,某公募基金老总,圈子里都知道的秘密。” Qin Baobao rolls the eyes: „The woman of loose and fickle.” 秦宝宝翻白眼:“水性杨花的女人。” Xu Yunhan hā hā, shifts the topic, your younger brother is fierce.” 徐韵寒哈哈一声,转移话题,“不过还是你弟弟厉害。” Qin Baobao corner of the mouth raised, enters the information: That is, my younger brother......” 秦宝宝嘴角一挑,键入信息:“那是,我弟弟......” She responded fiercely, deleted these words, entered the information: Ok, I have free time to ask, making him give you to recommend several potential stocks.” 她猛地反应过来,删了这句话,重新键入信息:“行吧,我有空问问,让他给你推荐几支潜力股。” Qin Baobao opens Weibo, discovered that own Weibo explosion, that Weibo commentary only had several thousand most newly, the present is tens of thousands. Looked slightly, she knows the matter beginning to end. 秦宝宝打开微博,发现自己的微博爆炸,最新那条微博评论原本只有数千条,现在是几万条。稍稍看了一下,她顿知事情始末。 On the old bro blackboard writes Black Ass Sciences in the future the analysis and forecast of trend, can regard as a prediction post, then one month later the post fulfilled, Black Ass Sciences reaches the upper trading limit continuously for a week, even still like a crane among chickens in numerous bull stock, bull stock in bull stock. 老弟的黑板上写着黑驴科技未来走势的分析和预测,可以看成一张预言贴,然后一个月后帖子应验了,黑驴科技连续涨停一周,即使在众多牛股中也是鹤立鸡群,牛股中的牛股 Then old bro became Prediction Emperor. 然后老弟就成预言帝了。 No wonder! 难怪! No wonder the ceramic national is so attentive, is laughable she also to think that the dead fatty brain went bad, his brain may not have badly, instead astute. Suppose, Prediction Emperor the hand propagandizes own stock taking advantage of Qin Ze, will then have the innumerable eating melon people to follow to pursue buys, at the appointed time, let alone 3 million, 30 million continued. 难怪陶国民那么殷勤,可笑她还以为死胖子脑子坏了,他脑子可没坏,反而精明的很。试想,借秦泽预言帝”之手宣传自己的股票,那么会有数不清的吃瓜群众跟风追买,届时,别说三百万,三千万都不止了吧。 Meanwhile, she also understands that the Qin Ze rejection the reason, this matter too defeats the moral behavior, a good stock is not propagandizes absolutely, possibly from the beginning because of pursuing will rise to increase successively, but will not need too long time, because of the false bubble burst, how everyone to regard Qin Ze at the appointed time? Even she will be scolded. 同时,她也明白秦泽拒绝的理由,这种事太败人品,一支好股绝对不是宣传出来的,可能一开始会因追涨而节节攀升,但不需要太长时间,就会因为虚假的泡沫破裂,到时大家怎么看待秦泽?甚至连带她都会被骂吧。 Li Yanhong hangs up the telephone, sighed: „The present society, man money is a little easy to break faith, yeah.” 李艳红挂断电话,叹息道:“现在的社会啊,男人有点钱就容易变心,哎。” Qin Baobao spoke thoughtlessly to ask: What's wrong?” 秦宝宝随口问:“怎么了?” Li Yanhong helplessly said: My niece, she and husband sentiment does not gather, noisy must divorce, her mother makes my phone call to pour out. My niece and her husband are in love the marriage also four years of scene, normally the marital problem should emerge several years later, his husband does business this year makes money, originally good matter, but is because the belt-bag roused, the heart with was not law-abiding, dallied with the woman outside.” 李艳红无奈道:“我侄女呗,她和老公感情不合,闹的要离婚,她妈打我电话倾诉。我侄女和她老公谈恋爱到结婚也才四年光景,按说婚姻问题应该过几年才出现,他老公今年做生意赚了点钱,本来挺好的事,可就是因为腰包鼓了,心就跟着不安分,在外面玩女人。” Qin Baobao deep is so: Therefore the money of man wants the woman to manage.” 秦宝宝深以为然:“所以说男人的钱还是要女人管着。” This must look at the situation,” Li Yanhong adopts the stance of seasoned person, taught Qin Baobao: Some men like by the woman manages, but some people are the wild monkeys, the more strictness of manages, the rebound is bigger. But no matter is not good.” “这个就要看情况,”李艳红摆出过来人的姿态,教导秦宝宝:“有的男人就喜欢被女人管,但有的人是野猴子,管的越严,反弹越大。但不管又不行。” That what to do?” Qin Baobao sought for advice modestly. “那怎么办?”秦宝宝虚心求教。 Looks at woman own method, the love must insure, does not have the permanent invariable love.” One side Li Yanhong points at conveniently LV hold/container hold/container who Qin Baobao is losing, the example said: Only wraps like this, you just bought, treasure is not good, never leaves about casually, but now it to you already not that strong attraction. How then you can? The best way trades one again.” “看女人自己的手段咯,爱情是要保险的,不存在恒久不变的爱情。”李艳红指着秦宝宝随手丢一边的lv包包,举例道:“就像这只包,你刚买的时候,宝贝的不行,从来不随便乱放,可现在它对你来说已经没那么大的吸引力了。那么你会怎么样?最好的办法是再换一个。” In many male person eyes, the woman with the package, or the cell phone is the same, time long will lose the curiosity. This situation what to do? Because some women lack the security sense, starts to manage the economy of man. Some women study various skills, detains man. Also some are fiercer, being fastidious does not struggle is the struggle, retreats in order to advance.” “在很多男人眼里,女人和包,或者手机一样,时间久了会失去新鲜感。这种情况怎么办呢?有的女人因为缺乏安全感,开始管着男人的经济。有的女人则学习各种技巧,来挽留男人。还有的更厉害,讲究不争即为争,以退为进。” Qin Baobao visits her: Sister Li you talk clearly, I have not understood what is heard.” 秦宝宝愣愣看着她:“李姐你说清楚点,我没听明白。” You also do not have the boyfriend, studies this doing.” “你又没有男朋友,学这个干嘛。” Qin Baobao was anxious, āi yā, you said quickly and that's the end.” 秦宝宝急了,“哎呀,你快说就是了。” Running the economy is under the bad plan, studying the skill is the best plan, comfortable comfortable man. Retreating in order to advance, does not struggle to struggle is the best plan, attacks a city launches a psychological attack for below for on. But head unavoidable prairie, therefore best plan foot.” “掌管经济是下下策,学习技巧是上策,舒服自己又舒服男人。以退为进,以不争而争是上上策,攻城为下攻心为上。但头上难免一片草原,所以上策足矣。” Qin Baobao was more vacant, skill is what skill.” 秦宝宝更茫然了,“技巧是什么技巧。” Li Yanhong hehe smiles: „Hadn't you made the boyfriend before?” 李艳红嘿嘿笑:“你以前没交过男朋友?” Qin Baobao shakes the head. 秦宝宝摇头。 „, That may wasted the excellent youth.” “啧,那可真是浪费了大好青春。” The Qin Baobao breath such as obstructs, how to waste the time how...... 秦宝宝呼吸如窒,怎奈何徒耗光阴…… Naturally rolls the bed sheet skill.” Li Yanhong winks. “当然是滚床单技巧了。”李艳红挤眉弄眼。 Qin Baobao understood, spat one, the heart said: Old sorceress. 秦宝宝懂了,啐了一口,心说:老巫婆。 Except for rolling bed sheet, what means but also there is to control a man?” “除了滚床单,还有什么办法驾驭一个男人?” This issue perplexed Li Yanhong, doesn't roll the bed sheet to control the man? too young, too simple is not. 这个问题把李艳红难住了,不滚床单就想驾驭男人?图样图森破了不是。 That spends money, having money is easy to do.” Li Yanhong said. “那就用钱,有钱一切都好办。”李艳红说。 If he isn't short of money?” “如果他不缺钱呢?” That rolls the bed sheet.” “那就滚床单。” Good, this is an endless loop, Qin Baobao is somewhat discouraged. 好吧,这是个死循环,秦宝宝有些泄气。 Li Yanhong comforted: Baobao (darling), although company has contractual requirement you in three years unable to be in love, but this matter has the loopholes to exploit, is in love in secret also yes, so long as were not exposed by the media, company will turn a blind eye.” 李艳红安慰道:“宝宝,虽然公司有合约规定你三年内不能谈恋爱,但这种事不是没有空子可以钻,私底下谈恋爱也是可以的,只要不被媒体曝光,公司会睁一只眼闭一只眼。” Qin Baobao sighed, the heart said that actually not a matter of paper contract, feared that this bed sheet rolled, somebody must go to Germany. 秦宝宝叹口气,心说倒不是一纸合约的事,就怕这床单滚了,某人就要去一趟德国 After Thousand Islands Lake comes back, she and younger brother fought half a month cold war, has not basically spoken, previous time has this kind of matter, is she by the parental mixed doubles time. 千岛湖回来后,她和弟弟打了半个月的冷战,基本没说过话,上次发生这类事情,还是她被父母混合双打的时候。 Thinks that awkward, the unexpected happening said the words that should not speak, or do change into A'Ze you to eat the rouge on elder sister mouth more tactful? Bah bah, is not the tactful matter, should not say. 想起来就尴尬,鬼使神差的说了不该说的话,或者换成“阿泽你想吃姐姐嘴上的胭脂么”会更委婉一些?呸呸呸,根本就不是委婉不委婉的事,就不该说。 Was then good, the cold war does not know when must project on, the small rascal artificial temper, it is estimated that kills will not be initiative and good. 这下好了,冷战不知道要打到什么时候,小赤佬矫情的性子,估计打死也不会主动和自己和好的。 Qin Baobao faintly said: Sister Li, if there are man, before is always thinking occupies me to be cheap, but also coaxes me and he kisses. But one day, I suggested him to kiss on own initiative, he actually escaped, why?” 秦宝宝幽幽道:“李姐,如果有个男人,以前总想着占我便宜,还哄我和他亲嘴。可有一天,我主动暗示他亲嘴,他却逃跑,为什么?” „Hasn't he understood your suggestion?” Li Yanhong asked. “他没懂你的暗示?”李艳红问。 His one cheap person,” Qin Baobao clenches jaws: He understands.” “他就一贱人,”秦宝宝咬牙切齿:“他懂的。” „A that possibility, this man broke faith. He likes other woman, naturally is not willing to be intimate with you.” Li Yanhong analyzed. “那就有一种可能,这个男人变心了。他喜欢上别的女人,当然就不愿意跟你亲热。”李艳红分析道 The Qin Baobao complexion changes, supports was asking: Wasn't he will not have that interest at that time?” 秦宝宝脸色微变,强撑着问:“就不会是他当时没那个兴致?” Li Yanhong is good to say with a smile: Men are the lower part animal, having the small advantage does not occupy is the fool. Does not break faith, turns over a new leaf to be the monk difficultly inadequately?” 李艳红好笑道:“男人都是下半身动物,有便宜不占是傻子。不是变心,难不成洗心革面做和尚?” Looks the scenery that out of the window is backing up rapidly, Qin Baobao sighs. 望着窗外飞速倒退的风景,秦宝宝叹息一声。 Perhaps really turns over a new leaf...... 也许真的是洗心革面…… Ding......” “叮……” Information cue, those who send the information is in the family/home that pig. 信息提示,发信息的是家里那头猪。 I think, bride's price gives elder sister to manage safely. This is my securities account number, the password you know. However I must speculate in the stock market, the elder sister you may whatever happens|10 million not go to take.” “我想了想,老婆本还是交给姐姐管着稳妥。这是我证券账号,密码你知道的。不过我还要炒股,姐你可千万别去取出来啊。” In the heart the haze was dispersed by the sunlight suddenly, Qin Baobao looked earnestly several, takes down the account number, she closely grips the cell phone, looked like gripped the treasure. 心中阴霾忽然被阳光驱散,秦宝宝认认真真看了几遍,记下账号,她紧紧握住手机,像握住了宝贝。
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