MESIS :: Volume #2

#179: Stock God ( 1 )

Qin Ze discovered, comes back from Hang Metro, elder sister did not speak to him. Some matters also make Wang Zijin convey a message, Wang Family little elder sister worked as one week of airphone, vacant. 秦泽发现,自杭城回来,姐姐就不跟他讲话了。有事也让王子衿传话,王家小姐姐当了一个星期的传话筒,茫然不已。 Has not accompanied you to swim arrives finally, never expected that you are such elder sister. 不就是没陪你游到最后么,没想到你是这样的姐姐 National Day after finishing, starts the total darkness the going to work rhythm, online wails vast, it seems like at home, when salted fish, is the widespread desire of national. This world is really brutal, most people link, when the qualifications of salted fish do not have. 国庆结束后,重新开始暗无天日的上班节奏,网上哀嚎遍野,看来在家当咸鱼,是国民的普遍欲求。这个世界真残酷,大部分人连当咸鱼的资格都没有。 In mid October, the weather transfers gradually coolly. 十月中旬,天色渐渐转凉。 elder sister did not speak to him, but was much better, two people vision interlocked occasionally, she can snort/hum, express oneself disdaining to younger brother in turn. Outside community rumble noisy, the government must cultivate/repair a elevated road that here it is said connects Yan'an. The construction workers beat open the ground, tamps down a firm foundation. Creating the journey is not very convenient, and good and bad people mixed up, were many many strange faces. 姐姐还是不跟他说话,不过好多了,两人目光偶尔交错的时候,她会哼一声,依次来表达自己对弟弟的不屑。小区外“轰隆隆”吵闹的很,据说政府要在这边修一条连接延安的高架路。建筑工人们把地面敲开,重新夯实地基。造成出行很不方便,且鱼龙混杂,多了很多陌生面孔。 The Qin Baobao's running schedule are gradually many, frequently wants flying outside area, the three or two talent to come back. The enterprise is getting better and better, should rejoice be right, but Qin Baobao somewhat is instead despondent, Qin Ze regards has not left the children of family/home to be unaccustomed to the climate, time long naturally can be familiar with. 秦宝宝的档期渐渐多起来,常常要飞外地,三两天才回来。事业越来越好,本该高兴才对,但秦宝宝反而有些抑郁,秦泽当成是没离过家的孩子水土不服,时间久了自然会习惯。 In the past few days, the stock market appeared falls, the bulk lots fell percent two, the prosperous stock market turned into the prairie instantaneously, dozens stocks reached the limit down. 前些天,股市出现下跌,大盘跌百分之二,红红火火的股市瞬间变成大草原,数十只股跌停。 The private investors frightened the urine, finally recalled once by the fear that the stock market controlled, shame that and hard-earned money locked. Let alone the private investor, has a weak foundation financial company to have a scare, in abundance sell. Dozens years of old investor hold live, drinks tea, while looks stock zé zé zé that oneself reach the limit down. 散户吓尿了,终于记起了曾经被股市支配的恐惧,以及血汗钱套牢的耻辱。别说散户,就连一些底子薄的金融公司都吓了一跳,纷纷减仓。只有几十年的老股民hold住,一边喝茶,一边看着自己跌停的股票啧啧啧 The bull market main key had basically determined, according to experience discussed that the middle falls to rise is very normal, but the general trend is the rise, therefore does not need to be startled. Fiercer, through national policy, SRC and other news, peeps a spot to see the overall picture, confident. 牛市的基调基本已经确定,根据经验之谈,中间跌涨很正常,但大趋势是上升的,所以不必惊慌。更厉害的,则通过国家政策、证监会等消息,窥一斑见全豹,胸有成竹。 Naturally also has the crude person sound to keep, for example gathers to benefit company Deputy Director-General Su Hao. 当然也有半吊子响不停的,比如聚利公司副总裁苏昊 This is current quarter company Investment Department all projects compiles,” Su Hao points at the projecting apparatus to project the material on theater curtain, said melodious: I proposed that profit superficial project, the half-dead project, and losing money project reduces entirely. Fund centralized in blue chip stock.” “这是本季度公司投资部所有的项目汇总,”苏昊指着投影仪投射在幕布上的资料,抑扬顿挫道:“我提议把利润浅薄的项目,半死不活的项目,以及亏本项目统统砍掉。把资金集中在蓝筹股上。” Ambition that a new broom sweeps clean, in addition seizes power, promoting Su Hao in gathering the advantage jumps to jump. As a result of stock market huge good, his company gives vice-chief to handle, National Day after finishing, gathering the advantage goes to work. 新官上任三把火,再加上夺权的野心,推动着苏昊在聚利上蹦下跳。由于股市的巨大利好,他自己公司交给副总打理,国庆结束后,一直在聚利这边上班。 Su Yu sits the left first place, the playing cell phone of being bored to death, hearing this, raised the head saying: You have reduced three projects, the investment is not you plays.” 苏钰坐左首位,百无聊赖的玩手机,闻言,抬头道:“你已经砍掉了三个项目,投资可不是你这么玩的。” What is the goal of investment?” Su Hao snorts contemptuously to younger sister, gains two characters, so long as can see the project of income is the good project, last week the stock market fell into turmoil, how many did company lose money?” “投资的目的是什么?”苏昊妹妹嗤之以鼻,“盈利两个字,只要看得到收益的项目才是好项目,上周股市动荡,公司亏损了多少?” He raises up three fingers, entire 3 million, yes, the bulk lots truly rose a point, but you can guarantee next week, next next week, can drop sharply again? At present only then the blue chip stock trend is stable, we should invest the fund in the risk small place.” 他竖起三根手指,“整整三百万,是,大盘确实涨回来了一点,但你能保证下周,下下周,会不会再次大跌?目前只有蓝筹股走势稳定,咱们就应该把资金投在风险小的地方。” Various section manager absent-minded appearances. 部门经理们心不在焉的模样。 Su Hao deeply inspires, switches over the projecting apparatus, the picture presents an investment plan. The home page adds black overstriking four large characters: Black Ass Sciences 苏昊深吸一口气,切换投影仪,画面出现一份投资项目。首页加黑加粗的四个大字:“黑驴科技 Especially this stock,” Su Hao said: I do not know where you invest its significance, one month, the 2 million fund lost money 200,000, last week reached the limit down directly, on the same day shrank 200,000 again. I have carefully studied this stock, can see from the k graph is only the trash stock. Li Linfeng, this project is you applies, how you said.” “尤其这只股,”苏昊说:“我不知道你们投资它的意义在哪里,一个月,两百万资金亏损了二十万,上周直接跌停,当天再缩水二十万。我仔细研究过这只股,单从k线图就能看出是支垃圾股。李林峰,这个项目是你申请的,你怎么说。” Su Hao directs the spearhead at Li Linfeng. 苏昊把矛头指向李林峰 Vice-chief Su, this project is I applies, but said that the trash stock is too early.” Li Linfeng is very calm, in fact, the k graph as one of the reference standards, actually cannot regard the important indicator it.” 苏副总,这个项目是我申请的,但说垃圾股还为时过早。”李林峰很淡定,“事实上,k线图做为参考标准之一,却不能把它当成重要指标。” Touches old youtiao that crawls to sway back and forth as the stock market, Li Linfeng looks down upon not to have the layman to be aware, Su Hao that likes gesticulating. Looked that the k graph is not useful, this rash fellow plays the stock market, sooner or later the eaten bone does not remain, the big family property must waste all one's money. 身为股市中摸爬打滚的老油条,李林峰看不起没有外行人自觉,偏偏喜欢指手画脚的苏昊。看k线图有个屁用,这种二愣子玩股市,迟早被人吃的骨头都不剩,再大的家底也要败光。 Su Yu claps, is disinclined to listen to Su Hao bì bì, votes, agreed that the Vice-chief Su opinion, lifts starts.” 苏钰拍拍手,懒得听苏昊哔哔,“投个票,同意苏副总意见的,举一下手。” The Vice-chief Su three characters, making the Su Hao a little egg hurt. His vision has swept the meeting hall, wants to have the support of manager, some people will also turn badly. But, not. 苏副总三个字,让苏昊有点蛋疼。他目光扫过会议厅,希望得到经理们的支持,最不济也会有人投靠吧。可是,并没有。 manager look at each other in blank dismay, some people choose silent, some are absent-minded, some look around simply, pretends to look at the scenery of distant place. 经理们面面相觑,有的人选择沉默,有的心不在焉,有的干脆东张西望,假装看远处的风景。 Su Hao is somewhat depressed, this batch of backbones are her younger sister subordinate flunky, initially when formed investment company, he snorts contemptuously, is waiting joke that looks at younger sister, because the stock market was low at that time, looking into the distance, performing is the prairie. 苏昊有些沮丧,这批骨干都是她妹妹麾下的马仔,当初组建投资公司时,他嗤之以鼻,等着看妹妹的笑话,因为那时股市低迷,放眼望去,尽是草原。 Short a half year, the stock market blows the spring breeze, the bulk lots from 1500 pull-up to 3200. The bull market signal has spread over the nation, now on the avenue casual asks personally: Recently stock market how? 短短半年,股市刮起春风,大盘从1500拉升至3200。牛市的信号已然传遍全国,现在大街上随便拉个人问:最近股市怎样? They will give the thumbs-up, said: Person silly money are many, comes quickly! 他们都会竖起大拇指,说:人傻钱多,快来! Su Hao he is handling under father group two family company, the food and clothing. Some time, he sees the younger sister fax to the father gathering benefits the investment company quarter result report form, the profit volume is his ten times. 苏昊他打理着父亲集团旗下的两家子公司,食品和服装。某次,他看见妹妹传真给父亲的聚利投资公司的季度财务报表,盈利额是他的十倍。 Su Hao could not sit still, originally does investment company make money? Can spatial glove white wolf play? Was more laborious than him operates the enterprise to have the future more. 苏昊坐不住了,原来投资公司这么赚钱?空手套白狼可以这么玩?比他辛辛苦苦经营事业有前途多了。 The extremely evil capitalist market, you withdraw, let me! 万恶的资本主义市场,你们都退后,让我来! Su Hao hopeful seized power. 苏昊满怀壮志的夺权来了。 Once again the awkward silence, Su Hao convened meeting for these days three times, without a doubt, shiny-looking useless commander cannot have everyone's support. Their situation were clear, but he wants to have a look at the person to surrender oneself, only needs to raise hand simply this signal on the line. However, it seems like he had not belittled the controlling person wrist/skill of younger sister. 又一次冷场,苏昊这几天召开三次会议,毫无疑问,光杆司令得不到大家的支持。自己的处境自己清楚,但他想看看有没有人投诚自己,只需要简单的举手这个信号就行。然而并没有,看来他小觑了妹妹的驭人手腕。 The way of meeting tiger's head ending ended. 会议虎头结尾的方式结束。 No one has thought that the day before Vice-chief Su also key criticism on meeting Black Ass Sciences project, after next day opens in the afternoon, is less than ten minutes, this stock domineering pull-up, reaches the upper trading limit directly, pā pā sound that hit the face hits. 谁都没想到,苏副总前一天还在会议上重点批评的“黑驴科技”项目,第二天下午开盘后不到十分钟,这支股强势拉升,直接涨停,打脸打的啪啪响。 This has not calculated, the third day the fourth day's fifth day, Black Ass Sciences reaches the upper trading limit reaches the upper trading limit again, domineering in a complete mess, is in today limit-up list. Market price each four Yuan, each six Yuan, were still growing continually. 这还不算,第三天第四天第五天,“黑驴科技”涨停再涨停,强势的一塌糊涂,登上“今日”涨停榜。原本市价每股四元,每股六元,仍在持续增长。 So domineering bull stock, attracts the attention of the financial institution and private investor, but was unable to hold to buy up at this time, every day opens reaches the upper trading limit. 如此强势的牛股,引来金融机构和散户的关注,但此时已经无法持仓买入,每天开盘就是涨停。 Entire in October/ten months, the hottest topic is the stock market, news broadcast, the Internet users discusses, piece teased. 整个十月,最火的话题都是股市,新闻播报,网民热议,段子手纷纷调侃。 Many marvel news appear, for example some information news said: In the second half of this year, a stock market situation excellence, the bulk lots broken mountain pass, sweeps the sinking sickness continually. The irritability of capital market indicates the recovery and shuffle of national economy. Some high-school student the spending money investment stock market, gained 20,000 for half a month unexpectedly, can be as good as parental three months of wages, the stock market brought the giant investment market to everyone......” 很多奇葩的新闻出现,比如某资讯新闻说:“今年下半年,股市形势一片大好,大盘连破关隘,一扫沉疴。资本市场的火爆预示着国家经济的复苏和洗牌。某高中生把零花钱投入股市,半个月竟然赚了两万,抵得上父母三个月的工资,股市给大家带来了巨大的投资市场……” Who believes whose fool. 谁信谁傻子。 This kind of news is everywhere, certain people or certain organizations in the hype stock market, urged that many admission, buys the news to flatter itself like celebrity. 此类新闻比比皆是,某些人或者某些机构在炒作股市,呼吁更多的人入场,就像明星买新闻吹捧自己一样。 Also sees the stock market from one side irritably. 也从侧面看出股市有多火爆。 Stock related forum and post extremely busy, everyone is discussing, this said oneself made how much money, that also said that he made how much money, some heaved a sigh the stock that yesterday just threw reached the upper trading limit, if can take one day to be good. 股票相关论坛和贴吧热闹非凡,大家都在谈论,这个说自己赚了多少钱,那个又说他赚了多少钱,该有的唉声叹气说昨天刚抛的股涨停了,要是能多拿一天就好了。 Some people post the post to attack these to show off: «Compared with miserable? come come come, whom having a look at to be miserable» 有人发帖子抨击这些炫耀的:《比惨是吗?来来来,看看谁惨》 Post content: Your these sell miserably, actually makes money, shouted probably complete wipe-out, I dare saying that no one was more miserable than me. Black Ass Sciences knows that reaches the upper trading limit continuously for a week, savage undertaking board bull stock in a complete mess. I am the stock that last year new stock requisitioning bought up, at that time reached the upper trading limit continuously for two days, then started to fall. Originally I want to sell, although a little does not give up, but always lives compared with the bedding bag, moreover words that at that time sold out, I was...... am many financial networks and stock forums that gained, said that this stock how was how good, had the prospect, I had not sold at that time, moreover it truly rose afterward time, I later invested tens of thousands one after another, then......, in a while, had not then suffered a disastrous decline , to continue to reach the limit down for three days, complete wipe-out. I have not been cruel enough to shear the meat, continuously bedding bag.” 帖子内容:“你们这些卖惨的,其实都赚了钱吧,却喊的好像血本无归似的,我敢说,没人比我更惨。黑驴科技知道吧,就是连续涨停一个多星期,凶残的一塌糊涂的创业板牛股。我是去年新股申购买入的这只股,当时连续涨停两天,然后开始下跌。本来我是想卖的,虽然有点不舍得,但总比被套住好,而且那时候卖掉的话,我是赚的……可是好多财经网、股票论坛,都说这支股怎样怎样好,多么有前景,我当时就没卖,而且它后来确实涨了一段时间,我之后又陆陆续续投入几万,然后……没有然后了,没过多久,一落千丈,持续跌停三天,血本无归。我没忍心割肉,一直被套着。” Netizen reply: fuck me, you come acting cool.” 网友回复:“卧槽,你才是来装逼的吧。” Was flamboyant big, the poster got rich.” “牛逼大了,楼主发财了。” Poster steps onto the life peak henceforth, envies the envy to hate, to ask the belt/bring.” “楼主从此走上人生巅峰,羡慕嫉妒恨,求带。” Poster held on to your hat, delivers you to come up.” “楼主坐稳了,送你上去。” Urinates the non- wall, holds you. Too skirt fuck me.” “尿尿不扶墙,就扶你。太屌了卧槽。” This stock does not know when evidently must reach the upper trading limit, hangs to explode the day the rhythm.” “这支股看样子不知道要涨停到何时,吊炸天的节奏。” How many does poster own stocks?” “楼主持股多少?” Poster reply: 100.” 楼主回复:“100手。” „A 100 stock, 100 is the 10,000 stock, how many prices the poster buys each?” “一手一百股,一百手就是一万股,楼主买的时候每股多少价?” nicely done 666 fuck me, shakes the essence.” 卧槽,震精。” Envied to buy Black Ass Sciences big shot.” “羡慕买了黑驴科技大佬。” Poster wā wā cries saying: You later did this finish? Did I do to say oneself were miserable, the issue was, first day that it reached the upper trading limit, I thought that this stock returned to warmer weather finally, weeps, gave to sell out it. You do not know that it rotten, the bulk lots rose so many, has not drawn it rises. I must certainly throw, who knows that on that day it reached the upper trading limit directly, after I eject is less than one hour.” 楼主哇哇大哭道:“你们以后这样就结束了?那我干嘛说自己惨,问题是,它涨停的第一天,我看这支股终于回暖,喜极而泣,把它给卖掉了。你们不知道它有多烂,大盘涨了这么多,都没把它拉涨。我肯定要抛啊,可谁知道那天它直接涨停了,就在我抛出后不到一小时。” In order to prove oneself have not lied, his screenshot own delivery list, attracted the netizen to pity and ridicule specially. 为了证明自己没有说谎,他特意截图了自己的交割单,引来网友怜悯和嘲笑。 Turned over, is caught off guard.” “翻车了,措手不及。” Smiled to spurt, the saliva splashed a screen.” “笑喷了,口水溅一屏幕。” This is really a sad stock market, hā hā hā.” “这真是个悲伤的股市,哈哈哈。” „Does poster, the wife make to divorce?” “楼主,老婆闹离婚没?” Poster, the heart of dying had.” “楼主,死的心都有了吧。” Sought the poster trauma area.” “求楼主心理阴影面积。” Poster, said , the stock news cannot believe that was the things that the capitalist deceived people, generally must instead listening, the information news say that dividend was good, which you threw. Said that which stock difference, you buy up decisively.” “楼主,讲真,股票新闻不能信的,都是资本家骗人的东西,一般都要反着听,资讯新闻说那只股利好,你就抛哪只。说哪只股差,你就果断买入。” routine of capitalist is immeasurably deep, little moe trembles newly.” “资本家的套路深不可测,小萌新瑟瑟发抖。” At this time, some people replied in the post: One crowd of trash, the old man has completely understood all.” 这时,有人在帖子里回复:“一群渣渣,老夫早已看透一切。” The photo is a support blackboard, above wrote all over the densely packed character, the fundamental analysis, Technical Analysis and financial statement statement analysis, and unified various types of information news, all information collect a few words: Suggested heavy warehouse Black Ass Sciences. 配图是一个支架黑板,上面写满了密密麻麻的字,基本分析、技术分析、财报报表分析,并结合了各种资讯新闻,所有信息汇集成一句话:“建议重仓黑驴科技”。
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