MESIS :: Volume #2

#178: Swimming

Before Qin Ze, hears the hotel, in the evening will have the big health service to telephone, the female voice that whined: Mister, needs to massage the service......” 秦泽以前听说住酒店,晚上会有大保健服务打电话,嗲嗲的女声:“先生,需要按摩服务吗……” If you said that need, that evening has the younger sister to let you hehehe. It is said can also discuss that the price...... these were he listen to old driver in forum to say. 如果你说“需要”,那晚上就有妹子让你“嘿嘿嘿”。据说还可以谈价格……这些是他听论坛里的老司机说的。 A pattern, is the situation that Qin Ze encounters, does not telephone to knock on a door directly. Can telephone, generally and hotel has the illegibile ambiguous relations. But the latter, belongs the business pioneer who chops Jing Zhanji, chops is dividing, divided Qin Ze here to come. 还有一种模式,就是秦泽遇到的情况,不打电话直接敲门。能打电话过来的,一般都和酒店有不清不楚暧昧关系。而后者,属于劈荆斩棘的业务开拓者,劈着劈着,就劈到秦泽这里来了。 A while quite anticipates to live in the hotel, may not have the opportunity, elder sister to manage tightly, he wants the night non- home to return, earth-shaking that elder sister will make. 有一阵子颇为期待住酒店,可一直没机会,姐姐管得紧,他要夜不归宿,姐姐就会闹的天翻地覆。 Tonight in the guest room the telephone is very peaceful, the female voice that has not whined sends a telegram to him, unexpectedly knocks on a door unexpectedly directly. 今晚客房里电话很安静,并没有嗲嗲的女声致电他,不料竟直接敲门。 Qin Ze plans to pay no attention to her, out of the door younger sister received the cold reception, naturally meets sound out the difficulties and retreat to avoid defeat. 秦泽打算不理她,门外妹子受了冷遇,自然会知难而退 The opposite party makes the determination of business to be exceptionally firm who would imagine, the knock has to plant does not reach making an all-out effort that the goal does not give up. When Qin Ze prepares opens the door to spurt an opposite party salt soft drink, out of the door broadcasts the careful sound: small rascal opens the door quickly, elder sister leads you to go out to play......” 岂料对方做业务的决心异常坚定,敲门声有种不达目的绝不罢休的狠劲。正当秦泽准备开门喷对方一口盐汽水时,门外传来细细的声音:“小赤佬快开门,姐姐带你出去玩……” This big healthcare sound is so familiar, bah, goes to especially big healthcare, this is the elder sister's sound. 这大保健声音如此熟悉,呸,去特么的大保健,这是自家姐姐的声音。 Qin Ze lifts the quilt, wears the cotton slipper, the summit runs to open the door. 秦泽掀开被子,穿上棉拖鞋,屁颠颠跑去开门。 elder sister stands in out of the door, white practicing moral culture/slim fit shows solicitude, light gray pleated mini skirt, the 1.72 m tall stature is slim and graceful. Like White Lotus Flower that late at night blooms...... Uh, this does not seem like good word. 姐姐站在门外,白色的修身体恤,浅灰色百褶小短裙,一米七二高挑身材亭亭玉立。像一朵深夜绽放的白莲花……,这似乎不是个好词儿。 Knows that must live in one in Hang Metro, their respective belts clothing of one set of relations. 知道要在杭城住一宿,他们各自带了一套关系的衣衫。 Does, big does not sleep in the evening.” Qin Ze said. “干嘛呢,大晚上不睡觉。”秦泽说。 The Qin Baobao juicy pupil flashes, the vision has swept the younger brother vigorous body, he only wears box shorts at this time, is slender, the chest muscles is symmetrical, the abdominal muscles highlight, obviously is not exaggerating. 秦宝宝水灵眸子闪动,目光扫过弟弟矫健的身躯,他此时仅穿一条四角裤,身材颀长,胸肌匀称,腹肌凸显,却又不显夸张。 Her vision shoots a look at to the one side: Wears the clothes quickly, we go out to play.” 她目光瞥向一旁:“快穿衣服,咱们出去玩。” Qin Ze puts out a hand to search the elder sister bright and clean forehead, does the greater part of the night go out to play? Doesn't the brain really have Watt? 秦泽就伸手探姐姐光洁额头,大半夜出去玩?脑子真的没瓦特? Gives you one minute, exposes the clothes quickly.” Qin Baobao the younger brother advancement room, oneself also goes, turn around to close the door. “给你一分钟,快点穿衣服。”秦宝宝弟弟推进房间,自己也进去,反身关门。 Qin Ze exchanges clean showing solicitude , after that was wiped nasal mucus shows solicitude for him to scrub by elder sister simply, exposes to the sun in the room, tomorrow will be competent, meets one's fate with resignation. 秦泽换上干净的体恤,那件被姐姐抹鼻涕的体恤他简单搓洗后晒在房间里,明天能不能干,听天由命。 Qin Baobao draws younger brother to rush to the hotel, time is the evening's 23 : 45 point, hotel reception desk lies on the table naps, they answer the door across the feeling, cool night wind front surface. The hotel constructs near the lake, far away from street. 秦宝宝拉着弟弟奔出酒店,时间是晚上23:45分,酒店前台趴在桌上打盹,他们穿过感应门,清凉的夜风迎面。酒店临湖而建,远离街道。 Qin Ze was being drawn by elder sister, shuttles back and forth in the treeshady lane, the light is far away gradually, arrives at secluded place. 秦泽姐姐拉着,穿梭在林荫小道,身后的灯光渐渐远离,来到一处僻静之地。 You lead me to come to here to do.” Qin Ze looks to the jet black lake surface, in the night wind the rippling ripple. “你带我来这里干嘛。”秦泽望向漆黑湖面,夜风中荡漾波纹。 Jet black lake, profound night, elder sister of enchanting source of trouble. Qin Ze remembers «Lotus pond Moonlight» inexplicably, absolutely is not some divine song, but is the lotus pond moonlight on junior middle school textbook, the content is unclear, but in the impression that quiet, gentle and dim ideal condition actually recorded many years. 漆黑的湖,幽深的夜,妖娆祸水的姐姐秦泽莫名想起《荷塘月色》,绝对不是某神曲,而是初中课本上的荷塘月色,内容已经记不清,但印象中那股静谧、柔和、朦胧的意境却记了很多年。 Qin Baobao stands animated in the lakeside, glances full, did not reply younger brother, but glanced right and left, periphery determined no one, the delicate hands in waist side, pleated mini skirt fell following the compact thigh. 秦宝宝俏生生立在湖边,眼波盈盈,不回答弟弟,而是左顾右盼,确定周围无人,纤手在腰侧一拉,百褶小短裙顺着紧致大腿滑落。 wèi wèi, do you do, a word does not take off the pants at earliest convenience. 喂喂,你干嘛,一言不合就脱裤子。 The Qin Ze vision shines. 秦泽目光发亮。 Swimming!” “游泳咯!” Qin Baobao takes off the short sleeve again, a warm fragrant soft jade exposes in front of younger brother. Pure white, tall, floats exquisite raised. 秦宝宝再脱去短袖,一具温香软玉展露在弟弟面前。素白、高挑、玲珑浮凸。 She wears that set of white swim suit. 她穿着那套白色泳装。 Qin Ze stares at elder sister to walk the figure of catwalk show, relaxing, originally is only the swimming...... 秦泽凝视姐姐可以走t台秀的身段,松了口气,原来只是游泳…… This set of swim suit not only fashion and sex appeal, the swimming trunks knot design, lets the man has to pull the impulsion especially. 这套泳装既时尚又性感,尤其泳裤绳结设计,让男人心生“扯下来”的冲动。 Qin Baobao stretches out the foot to try the water temperature, turns head, said with joy: Cool.” 秦宝宝伸出脚试水温,扭头,喜滋滋道:“蛮凉快的。” She steps into the lake cautiously, tried to find out toward the lake. 她小心翼翼踏入湖,深一脚浅一脚往湖中摸索。 Looking from Qin Ze this angle, removes elder sister after pleated skirt, the back scenery is infinite, slender Small Waist, the snow white exquisite back, the swimming trunks are wrapping especially buttocks, the shape, the line is more attractive. 秦泽这个角度看,褪去百褶裙后的姐姐,背影风光无限,纤细小蛮腰,雪白细腻的背,尤其泳裤包裹着的臀部,形状,线条都更加诱人。 Qin Baobao more walks is deeper, the lake water blocked the limitless happy scenery, 秦宝宝越走越深,湖水挡住了无限美好的风光, The moonlight is gloomy, the lake surface ripple ripples, Qin Baobao stands and the waist deep lake, turns head to look, tenderly said: A'Ze, is quick.” 月色暗淡,湖面波纹荡漾,秦宝宝站在及腰深的湖中,扭头回望,娇声道:“阿泽,快下来。” Qin Ze likes swimming, but he has a big trauma to wild swimming pool, always thought that pitch-dark under water is hiding anything, will entrain your foot secretly. 秦泽喜欢游泳,但他对“野生泳池”有不小的心理阴影,总觉得黑漆漆的水底藏着什么东西,会偷偷拽你的脚。 The trauma from the childhood, the Mother Qin native place in the Jiangnan water town elegant rural area, there has the golden yellow rice ear, has the orange of filled branch, has the wave light clear reservoir and open country fish pond. 心理阴影来自童年,秦妈的老家在江南水乡的秀美农村,那里有金黄的稻穗,有挂满枝头的橘子,有波光粼粼的水库和野外鱼塘。 Midsummer, partner full mountain of his following countryside scurries about, can in water Kulipao one day, thirsty run Kaden to steal only the watermelon, throws it in the water, from boiling hot to cool. In the evening can also fish the eel, catches the frog. 仲夏,他跟着乡下的伙伴满山乱窜,可以在水库里泡一天,渴了就跑瓜田里偷只西瓜,把它丢在水里,从滚烫到清凉。晚上还可以钓黄鳝,逮田鸡。 What a pity Qin Ze has not met to hold the youngster of steel fork, there does not have cha. 可惜秦泽没遇到持着钢叉的少年,那里也没有猹。 The children swim dangerously in the open country, the aunt in countryside then frightened Qin Ze saying that in the water had the water monkey, under water will hold child's foot to tow to be drown to death. 小孩子在野外凫水最危险,乡下的阿姨便吓唬秦泽说水里有水猴子,会抓住孩子的脚拖水底淹死。 Qin Ze frightening heavy, with under the little friends reservoir, is each time with trepidation, although has not met the so-called water monkey, but the shadow of childhood always remains at heart. 秦泽给吓的不轻,每次与小伙伴们下水库,都提心吊胆,尽管从来没遇见所谓的水猴子,但童年的阴影始终留在心里。 Gets down.” elder sister beckons to summon, is just like in the water the beautiful demoness, entices the substitute person to launch. “下来啊。”姐姐招手呼唤,恰似水中美艳女鬼,勾引替身下水。 Came.” “来了来了。” Qin Ze takes off the pants short sleeve, only box shorts, the plump jumps down the water. 秦泽脱掉裤子短袖,只余一条四角裤,扑通一声跳下水。 The lake water is icy cold, refreshing, enters after autumn, although during the daytime hot does not want, but the day and night temperature difference is big. Qin Ze is feeling the cool feeling of pore contraction, splashes water to pat on his face. 湖水冰凉,沁人心脾,入秋后,尽管白天热的不要不要,但昼夜温差较大。秦泽感受着毛孔收缩的凉意,一泼水拍在他脸上。 Snort.” Qin Baobao stands in not far away, tender snort/hum, the look of provocation looks at him, is smart-alecky and self-satisfied. “哼。”秦宝宝站在不远处,娇哼一首,挑衅的神色看他,俏皮又得意。 The Qin Ze angry counter-attack, the both arms seem the windmill to brandish, push out a water splash. Qin Baobao returns the favor immediately, but her water splash submerges quickly under the younger brother savage offensive, elder sister does not have the strength to hit back, wū wū wū said: Did not play with you.” 秦泽愤然反击,双臂好似风车抡动,泼出一波波水花。秦宝宝立刻还以颜色,但她那点水花很快淹没在弟弟凶残的攻势下,姐姐毫无还手之力,呜呜呜道:“不跟你玩了。” Likely random walk of strip salted fish. 像条咸鱼似的游走。 Qin Baobao cheerful roaming drag, sneaks in the water from time to time, like an elusive outstandingly beautiful mermaid. 秦宝宝欢快的游曳,时而潜入水中,像一条空灵绝色的美人鱼。 Qin Ze swims in shore not far away alone, the breaststroke butterfly stroke dog-paddle tried. Really roaming Hucai is happy, small swimming pool insufficiently I stretch oneself. 秦泽独自在岸边不远处凫水,蛙泳蝶泳狗刨都试了个遍。果然游湖才痛快,小小泳池不够我伸懒腰。 Actually he sees ocean waves thousand area units Thousand Islands Lake during the daytime, has the impulsion that jumps to have a good swim. Considering the image and rule, does not dare to be put into action the idea. 其实他白天见到碧波千顷的千岛湖,就有跳下去畅游的冲动。考虑到形象和规则,不敢把想法付诸行动。 elder sister will play. 还是姐姐会玩。 Thinking, Qin Ze is setting out to look around, discovers Qin Baobao to be increasingly estranged, he always wanders in the shore, the water depth only arrives at the chest. But elder sister has swum to 20~30 meters away. 这么想着,秦泽直起身张望,发现秦宝宝渐行渐远,他始终在岸边徘徊,水深只到胸口。而姐姐已经游至二三十 Hey, do not swim is too far.” Qin Ze shouted. “喂,别游太远。”秦泽喊。 Knows that knows.” Moment of elder sister the wave in the water, the round trip delimited, wandered abroad to tow in Qin Ze more than ten meters, her physical quality good scary. “知道啦知道啦。”姐姐在水里浪了片刻,往回划,在秦泽十几米外游曳,她的身体素质好的吓人。 Although the open country swimming pool is broad, but a little makes Qin Ze very uncomfortable, steps on under water silt that is lying softly, making slight mysophobia him very anxious. Really the fish and bear's paws cannot have both. 野外泳池虽然广阔,但有一点让秦泽很不舒服,踩着软趴趴的水底淤泥,让有轻微洁癖的他很揪心。果然鱼和熊掌不可兼得。 Is sighing, suddenly hears elder sister's to scream. 正感叹着,忽然听见姐姐的尖叫。 Qin Ze terrified one startled, turns head to look, Qin Baobao struggles in the water, as if has anything in underwater to draw her, kicked several, sinks to the water, vanishes does not see. 秦泽悚然一惊,扭头望去,秦宝宝在水中挣扎,似乎有什么东西在水下拉她,扑腾了几下,沉入水里,消失不见。 The ripples spread, the water surface returns quickly tranquilly. 涟漪扩散,水面很快重归平静。 The Qin Ze whole body pore explodes, the heart seemed grasped firmly by the invisible big hand. 秦泽浑身毛孔炸起,心脏仿佛被无形大手攥住。 Qin Baobao!” 秦宝宝!” His digs in the water, swims away toward the distant place. The fear is exploding at heart, is not the frightened water monkey, let alone the water monkey, in the water is hiding the transformer and abnormity even, Qin Ze must fight with the fists to explode them. 他一头扎入水中,朝着远方游去。恐惧在心里爆炸,不是恐惧水猴子,别说水猴子,就算水里藏着变形金刚和异形,秦泽都要一拳打爆它们。 He is afraid elder sister to have a good and evil, he will lament lifetime. 他是害怕姐姐有个好歹,他会悔恨一生。 The waist as if tied down by whom, makes an effort to entrain toward the water in him, unexpected Qin Ze drank several water, flies into a rage. 腰似乎被谁缠住了,用力把他往水里拽,猝不及防的秦泽喝了几口水,勃然大怒。 An elusive beautiful mermaid surfaces, follows the euphonious tender laughter. 一条空灵绝美的美人鱼浮出水面,伴随银铃般的娇笑声。 Qin Baobao stroked bangs, points at wā wā to spit the lake water Qin Ze, mindless chortling. 秦宝宝捋了捋刘海,指着“哇哇”吐湖水的秦泽,没心没肺的咯咯笑。 Grass!” “草!” Qin Ze chokes to death her heart to have, presses toward the elder sister forehead, overthrows her in the water, furious: Your does motherf**ker believe me to pull out you.” 秦泽掐死她的心都有,往姐姐脑门一按,一把将她推翻在水里,怒不可遏:“你tm信不信我抽死你。” Qin Baobao limps to set out in the water, has not lost one's temper, instead jumps for joy, pupil luminous astonishment. 秦宝宝在水中蹒跚起身,没动怒,反而有一丝雀跃,眸光亮的惊人。 Sees elder sister this appearance, Qin Ze gets angry, works to hit. 姐姐这幅模样,秦泽更怒,做事欲打。 Qin Baobao corner of the mouth raised, jumps into the Qin Ze bosom suddenly, the both legs flutters his waist, is hugging his nape of the neck gentle, the voice shouted one: small rascal......” 秦宝宝嘴角一挑,突然扑入秦泽怀里,双腿勾住他的腰,搂着他的脖颈,嗓音柔媚的喊了一声:“小赤佬......” This seductress/evil spirit...... 这妖精...... Qin Ze felt that a cavity anger was put off by elder sister, his angle, can only see the elder sister's eye, the mouth and nose by 36 D blocking, the elder sister's pupil covers dim water vapor probably. 秦泽感觉一腔怒火被姐姐扑灭,他这个角度,只能看见姐姐的眼睛,嘴和鼻就被36d给挡住了,姐姐的眸子像是蒙上一层朦胧水汽。 Gets down!” He is putting on a serious face. “下来!”他板着脸。 No!” Effort that even more Qin Baobao both legs cancel, the elder sister's leg vigor he has attempted. “不!”秦宝宝双腿勾的愈发用力,姐姐的腿劲他是尝试过的。 My foot pulled out, you hugged me to come ashore.” Qin Baobao lies. “我脚抽经了,你抱我上岸。”秦宝宝撒谎。 You are not normal today.” Qin Ze wonders to say. “你今天不正常。”秦泽纳闷道。 elder sister asks one after next bamboo slip today.” Qin Baobao said. 姐姐今天求了个下下签。”秦宝宝说。 You do not look to me.” “你又不给我看。” Signed said that elder sister this whole life could not marry, what to do, A'Ze.” Qin Baobao glances staring, probably is anticipating what/anything. “签上说姐姐这辈子都嫁不出了,怎么办,阿泽。”秦宝宝眼波凝视,像是在期待什么。 Cannot marry not to marry, me am not short of money.” “嫁不出就嫁不出去,咱家又不缺钱。” This is not the right key.” Qin Baobao wriggles the waist. “这不是正确答案。”秦宝宝扭扭腰。 The night wind is cool, the lake water is cooler, they maintain such posture, places in the lake. 夜风清凉,湖水更凉,他们保持这样的姿势,身处湖中。 small rascal......” elder sister also called one, the sound is suppler is thinner, nearly twittering. 小赤佬......”姐姐又叫了一声,声音更柔更细,近乎呢喃。 Qin Ze thought that elder sister was about to lose control, regardless the head, a little does not dare to look at each other with her. 秦泽觉得姐姐快失控了,撇开头,有点不敢和她对视。 elder sister shouted, quite a while has not spoken, has a subtle atmosphere to ferment. 姐姐喊完,半天没说话,有股微妙的气氛在酝酿。 ....... elder sister wants to study to kiss the play.” The Qin Baobao pure white face catches wipes bright red. “.......姐姐想学吻戏。”秦宝宝素白的脸庞染上一抹嫣红。 Qin Ze is silent, he did not speak, Qin Baobao does not dare to speak, in the pupil of bright as crystals had has the anticipation anxiously. 秦泽默然,他不说话,秦宝宝也不敢说话,亮晶晶的眸子里有紧张有期待。 Good long while, he spoke finally, āi yā, this water is quite cool, feeling belly pain. The elder sister you are first swimming, I return to the hotel to have diarrhea.” 好半天,他终于说话了,“哎呀,这水好凉,感觉肚子痛了。姐你先游着,我回酒店拉肚子。” Qin Baobao stares, responded without enough time, was put aside by younger brother, passes falls into the water. 秦宝宝一愣,来不及反应,就被弟弟丢开,噗通掉入水中。 Qin Ze puts aside elder sister, puffs and blows to run toward the ashore. 秦泽丢开姐姐,吭哧吭哧往岸上跑。 I am not Drama College graduate, learns to kiss the play from me? Mental illness! 我又不是戏剧学院毕业,跟我学吻戏?神经病! Qin Baobao looks at the back that younger brother is running away in a panic, screamed: Qin Ze, your useless thing.” 秦宝宝望着弟弟仓惶逃窜的背影,尖叫道:“秦泽,你这个没用的东西。”
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