MESIS :: Volume #2

#177: Brushing past

Qin Baobao small waist one tight, was lived by an arm band, the whole person will be entrained ruthlessly in the future, then bangs into a solid chest, in the familiar smell is mixing with the perspiration taste and light tobacco taste. Comforts her chaotic mood instantaneously. 秦宝宝小腰一紧,被一只手臂箍住,整个人被狠狠往后拽,然后撞入一个结实的胸膛,熟悉的气味中夹杂着汗味和淡淡的烟草味。瞬间安抚住她混乱的情绪。 Grass, looks road, wants to damage others to go deadly.” The vehicle owners shake down the glass, shouted abuse, back cold sweat. Although the vehicle just got up fast shortly, hits the non- deceased person, but this year feared that touches the porcelain, or gives you to come an amputation the paralysis what/anything, eats you for a lifetime. “艹,看不看路的,想死祸害别人去。”车主摇下车窗,破口大骂,后背一层冷汗。尽管车子刚起速不久,撞不死人,但这年头就怕碰瓷的,或者给你来一个截肢啊瘫痪啊什么的,吃你一辈子。 Is sorry, then I scolded her.” Apology of Qin Ze one pack of sounds. “抱歉抱歉,回头我骂她。”秦泽一叠声的道歉。 The vehicle also thinks that is scolding several, but the rear vehicles made a sound several loudspeakers, urged that he hurries, other bì bì. The start vehicle that therefore was foul-mouthed, ran far. 车子还想在骂几声,但后方车辆响了几声喇叭,催促他赶紧走,别哔哔。于是骂骂咧咧的启动车子,跑远了。 Qin Baobao both hands support the chest of younger brother to want him to shove open, by his holding down back of the head, younger brother was said: First no, the nearby people look.” 秦宝宝双手撑着弟弟的胸膛想把他推开,却被他按住后脑勺,弟弟说:“先别,边上人都看着呢。” elder sister does not have wearing sunglasses now, if were recognized, eats the first response of melon people definitely with the cell phone photograph, or encircles to sign, in view of the fact that elder sister now the mood is very bad, Qin Ze does not think the multi- causing trouble end. 姐姐现在没戴墨镜,万一被认出来,吃瓜群众的第一反应肯定是拿手机拍照,或者围过来要签名,鉴于姐姐现在心情很糟糕,秦泽不想多生事端。 They support in the bustling zebra crossing crossroad, like a pair of ordinary lover. 他俩在熙熙攘攘的斑马线路口相拥,像一对普通的情侣。 The Qin Baobao forehead resists the chest of younger brother, is smelling his flavor, feels the calm heartbeat, gradually wet eye socket. 秦宝宝额头抵住弟弟的胸膛,嗅着他的味道,感受到沉稳的心跳,渐渐湿了眼眶。 Do not fear that do not fear.” Qin Ze is patting the elder sister's back, detected water stain that own chest yin opens. “别怕别怕。”秦泽拍着姐姐的背,察觉到自己胸口氤开的水渍。 Does not make you roll, comes back to do.” Qin Baobao wū wū cries, vents grievance at heart: Made me die considering as finished.” “不是让你滚吗,回来干嘛。”秦宝宝呜呜大哭,发泄心里的委屈:“让我死了算了。” This vehicle speed, hits the non- deceased person, at highest amputation.” “这点车速,撞不死人吧,顶多高位截肢。” „...... You also talk back.” Qin Baobao cries. “哇......你还顶嘴。”秦宝宝大哭。 Such attractive little elder sister died was a pity that” Qin Ze is roaring elder sister: I will also want in the future, when wife's younger brother receives red envelope.” “这么漂亮的小姐姐死了多可惜啊,”秦泽哄着姐姐:“我将来还要当小舅子红包呢。” Who would imagine these words, making the elder sister's tears such as the flood raise certainly, out of control. 岂料这句话,让姐姐的泪水如洪水绝提,一发不可收拾。 Was not a pity, lives in any case does not have the meaning.” Qin Baobao wū wū wū said: I must break ties with you.” “一点都不可惜,反正活着没意思。”秦宝宝呜呜呜道:“我要和你绝交。” Heard the person who is survived will lose the temper, Qin Ze forgives very much, said following the elder sister's words: Okay, breaks ties, how you want to hand over good.” 听说大难不死的人都会发一下神经,秦泽很谅解,顺着姐姐的话说:“好好,绝交,你想怎么交都行。” Qin Baobao cried the period of time, sobbed: You come back to do, did not walk.” 秦宝宝哭了一阵子,哽咽道:“你回来干嘛,不是走了吗。” Is unfamiliar with the people and place, can I also really drop out you not to do? You turn head to walk, I follow in behind.” Qin Ze pulls out one package of Paper Towel (zhijin), covers on the elder sister face, thought, goes back to take a bath to change the clothes immediately, is the nasal mucus is the tears, all rubbed on me. “人生地不熟的,我还能真抛下你不管?你扭头一走,我就在后面跟上。”秦泽掏出一包纸巾,盖在姐姐脸上,心想,回去立刻就洗澡换衣服,又是鼻涕又是泪,全擦我身上了。 Also calculates your a little conscience.” Qin Baobao useless Paper Towel (zhijin), raises the younger brother short sleeve skirt-width, when the cleaning rag soaks the nasal mucus to scratch equally in the younger brother chest. “还算你有点良心。”秦宝宝没用纸巾,掀起弟弟的短袖下摆,当抹布一样把一泡鼻涕擦在弟弟胸口。 Qin Baobao cries, the mood was much better, did not suspend the complexion to look to younger brother. 秦宝宝哭完,心情好多了,也不摆脸色给弟弟看了。 In the passenger compartment, Ma Family just looks forward to the future, speaks freely about the brilliance prospect of power-and-power union. Several other people echo several occasionally, then raises glass to drink to heart's content. 包间里,马家甫展望未来,畅谈强强联合的光辉前景。其他几人偶尔附和几句,然后举杯畅饮。 Xu Yao is listening patiently, from time to time expresses the personal view, can always obtain several people of flattering, applauds loudly. 许耀耐心听着,时而发表个人看法,总能得到几人的吹捧,大声叫好。 This kind treats with courtesy is bored, on everyone mouth said that drink up eats meal does not discuss the official business, is actually the official business. He ups and downs for ten several years in the market, has been used to it, the form must walk. He can sit here, is naturally willing to cooperate, otherwise who will run Hang Metro to waste time far away. To certain people, time is money, the least bit right. 这类应酬最是无聊,大家嘴上说喝酒吃饭不谈公事,其实话里话外都是公事。他在商海沉浮十数载,早已习惯了,形式还是要走的。他能坐在这里,自然是愿意合作的,否则谁会大老远跑杭城来浪费时间。对某些人而言,时间就是金钱,半点都没错。 Truly what must discuss is not the cooperation, this everyone has had a tacit understanding, the goal of this dinner party is actually about the interest distribution, Ma Family just very old youtiao, talked at random, waited for first to open the mouth. 真正要谈的并不是合作,这点大家已经心照不宣,这场饭局的目的其实是关于利益分配,马家甫很老油条,东拉西扯的,就等着自己先开口。 During is bored to death, he glances toward out of the window, dim light of night heavy, the vehicle gathers in the rivers, the pedestrian or walks fast earnestly, or goes hand in hand. The young lover of zebra crossing crossroad also pair of hug, gathers all living things hundred condition charts. 百无聊赖之中,他往窗外一瞥,夜色沉沉,车子汇聚成河流,行人或埋头疾走,或结伴而行。斑马线路口还有一对拥抱的小情侣,汇聚成一幅众生百态图。 Wait, young lover...... 等等,小情侣...... My eyeglasses!” He told toward the assistant, because the sound is anxious and excited, unconscious belt/bring several points drink the sound. “我的眼镜!”他朝助手吩咐,声音因为焦虑和激动,不自觉的带几分喝音。 Xu Yao has the slight nearsightedness, usually does not wear the eyeglasses, only then looked when document and with computer will put on. But does not hinder him to detect that quite looks familiar to the lover, looking familiar to make him fearful and apprehensive. 许耀有轻微近视,平时不戴眼镜,只有看文件和用电脑时才会戴上。但不妨碍他发觉那对情侣颇为眼熟,眼熟到让他心惊肉跳。 Brother Rong !” The assistants gawked staring, carries the briefcase to fish out the black frame gold thread eye of boss to hand over from the hand, simultaneously looks to out of the window. Does not know anything, making the cultivating vital energy time such as fire innocent boss excited. 荣哥,给!”助手愣了愣,从手中拎着的公文包摸出老板的黑框金丝眼睛递过去,同时望向窗外。不知道什么东西,让养气功夫如火纯情的老板如此激动。 Xu Yao puts on the eyeglasses, looks out from the window, well, on the face was difficult to cover disappointedly. Misread? 许耀戴上眼镜,从落地窗往外看,咦了一声,脸上难掩失望。看错了? But at this time, then loosened to the lover each other, he saw clearly, finally saw clearly their appearance. 可这时,那对情侣松开了彼此,他看清了,终于看清了他们的模样。 I must say good bye now,” Xu Yao sets out from the seat in a panic, drops out this in a hurry, leaves the passenger compartment with stride, gone out flash, he by walking fast to be changed to slightly runs, again to running. “失陪一下,”许耀仓惶从座位起身,匆匆抛下这一句,大步离开包间,出门的一刹那,他由疾走改为小跑,再到奔跑。 In the passenger compartment, one group of sale price not low successful people look at each other in blank dismay, cannot find out the mind. 包间里,一群身价不低的成功人士面面相觑,摸不清头脑。 Xu Yao travels by the elevator to go downstairs, three buildings to a distance of building, he thought that long such as in 20,000 long journey, ding a resounding, the elevator door opens, Xu Yao dashes about wildly the hotel. When he runs the hotel, has disappeared that to the form of lover, he looks in all directions at a loss, they do not know where vanishes. 许耀搭乘电梯下楼,三楼到一楼的距离,他却觉得漫长如两万里长征,“叮”一声脆响,电梯门打开,许耀狂奔出酒店。当他跑出酒店时,已经不见了那对情侣的身影,他茫然四顾,他们不知消失在何方。 Warm-blooded little cooling in heart, excitement only disappointed. Several years later, he finally saw that child who makes him learn a lesson. Actually just like appearing briefly, vanishes in the boundless huge crowd finally. 心中的热血一点点冷却,激动的心情只余失望。时隔多年,他终于见到那个让他引以为憾的孩子。却宛如昙花一现,最终消失在茫茫人海。 He seemed like in the past such, squatting was silent in the roadside is smoking cigarette. 他像是当年那样,蹲在路边沉默着抽一根烟。 Elder sister, sorry! 姐,对不起! When returns to the hotel, Qin Baobao receives the Zhang Ya call, said that they had sung, later goes to the swimming pool swimming. 返回酒店时,秦宝宝接到张雅的电话,说他们已经唱完歌了,待会去泳池游泳。 This time Qin Baobao eye socket is red, because of the day hot reason, perspires, hair on the temples sticks in the cheeks. Some elder sister very meanings move, but rejected. 此时的秦宝宝眼眶还是红的,因为天热的缘故,出了一身汗,鬓发粘在脸颊。姐姐很有些意动,但拒绝了。 Qin Ze said on wondering, you do not like swimming, how to go? 秦泽就纳闷的说,你不是喜欢游泳么,怎么不去? Qin Baobao bah, angrily said: „Do you want to make others look at elder sister to put on the appearance of sexy swim suit?” 秦宝宝呸一声,怒道:“你想让别人看姐姐穿性感泳装的模样?” Qin Ze will not be brought in the ditch by her, refuted: Swim suit also has conservatively, must put on that sexy, is not has one's heart in right place.” 秦泽可不会被她带沟里,反驳道:“泳装也有保守的,非要穿那么性感,是自身心术不正吧。” Qin Baobao had nothing to say in reply, said: Heard that the domestic swimming pool urea generally exceeds the allowed figure, you want to swim at the same time, drinks others' urine?” 秦宝宝无言以对,又道:“听说国内泳池尿素普遍超标,你想游泳的同时,喝一口别人的尿?” motherfucker, was disgusting I.” Qin Ze hits the Achilles'heel instantaneously: I do not go.” 麻痹,恶心死我了。”秦泽瞬间击中命门:“那我也不去。” He also wants to appreciate the younger sisters to put on the graceful physique of swim suit, especially Zhang Ya and Chen Qinghong, they are the quality good beautiful women. 他还想去欣赏妹子们穿泳装的曼妙身姿的,尤其张雅陈青虹,她们都是品质不错的美人。 elder sister kept on proclaiming did not swim, what wondering, she entrained Qin Ze to go to the natatorium to select one set of swimsuit, the pure white, was not the pleating skirt and camisole that type of conservative swimsuit, the swimming trunks both sides is of rope department. She also insists on Qin Ze paying money, takes the opportunity to butcher a younger brother blade. 姐姐口口声声说不去游泳,纳闷的是,她非拽着秦泽去游泳馆挑了一套泳衣,纯白色的,不是褶子裙和吊带衫那种保守泳衣,泳裤两侧是绳系的那种。她还硬要秦泽付钱,借机宰弟弟一刀。 Zhang Ya several tours to about 9 : 00 pm, go to the room to take a bath, then runs the fleeing gate, first knocks the Qin Ze's gate, draws him to beat open Room Qin Baobao's again, said that must play the murder game, the playing cards prepares. 张雅几个游到晚上 9 点左右,回房间洗了个澡,然后跑来窜门,先是把秦泽的门敲开,拉着他再敲开秦宝宝的,说要玩杀人游戏,扑克牌都准备好了。 The game place chooses Room Qin Baobao's, Qin Ze is not willing to play, Zhang Ya is drawing him hardly, smiled saying that had you, Baobao (darling) this trump card abandoned half. 游戏地点就选择秦宝宝的,秦泽不太愿意玩,张雅硬拉着他,笑眯眯说,有你在,宝宝这张王牌就废了一半。 Before bosom friend meeting time, Qin Baobao liked taking younger brother and bosom friends fools around together, the murder game often played actually, IQ always steamroll several bosom friend that elder sister was a cut above others, so long as Qin Ze on the scene, Qin Baobao killed him specially, was absurd. What as long as first dying is Qin Ze, murderer absolutely Qin Baobao right. 以前闺蜜聚会的时候,秦宝宝喜欢带上弟弟闺蜜们厮混,杀人游戏倒是常玩,姐姐高人一等的智商总是碾压几个闺蜜,但只要秦泽在场,秦宝宝就专杀他,毫无道理可言。但凡第一个死的是秦泽,凶手绝对秦宝宝没错。 Afterward elder sister discovered younger brother had to gang up with the Zhang Ya thought that rarely led him to go out with bosom friend to play again. 后来姐姐发现弟弟有勾搭张雅的念头,就很少再带他出去和闺蜜玩了。 Six people play the murder game, the population enough, this game important person many are not quite interesting, the person little also some people of few methods, the killer and police respectively one, pulls out the sign decision. A host, remaining three people. 六个人玩杀人游戏,人数不太够,这种游戏要人多才有意思,人少也有人少的玩法,杀手和警察各一名,抽牌决定。一个主持,剩下三个群众。 Just as expected, as long as Qin Baobao is a killer, kills Qin Ze certainly. Done Qin Ze is very depressed, our mother's fresh own elder sister and younger brother, where comes that big enmity, this game had no way to play. 果然不出所料,但凡秦宝宝是杀手,准杀秦泽。搞的秦泽很郁闷,咱们一个妈生的亲姐弟,哪来那么大仇,这游戏没法玩了。 So long as elder sister is not a killer, Qin Ze can show the true technology, he quite likes playing this kind of longan class game, in the past wallowed the three countries to kill, can play a night to be full of energy. He works as the killer, can always kill people in invisible, the thought idea such as the antelope hangs the corner/horn, not only many times have deceived Zhang Ya Chen Qinghong several Fudan outstanding students, Qin Baobao falls. 只要姐姐不是杀手,秦泽就能展现真正的技术,他比较爱玩这类益智类游戏,当年沉迷三国杀,能玩一个通宵都精神抖擞。他当杀手的时候,总能杀人于无形,思维想法如羚羊挂角,很多次不但骗过张雅陈青虹几个复旦高材生,就连秦宝宝都栽跟头。 As for police role, he does not like, compares the police who meets to make up the artisan role, the killer who he likes having one's wish, whom wants to kill to kill anyone. However Qin Ze rarely kills elder sister, will make Zhang Ya several people act according to mutual love, mutual death very much easily principle, speculates. 至于警察这个角色,他不太喜欢,相比逢补匠角色的警察,他更喜欢随心所欲的杀手,想杀谁就杀谁。不过秦泽很少杀姐姐,很容易会让张雅几个人根据“相爱相杀”法则,推测出来。 The game plays the 11 point, Chen Qinghong takes the lead unable to support, the eye hides fights. Supported by hard and stubborn effort for a half hour, proposed that must return to the room to sleep. During the daytime everyone plays Thousand Islands Lake, everyone is a little exhausted, then the conclusion game returned to the room to sleep. 游戏玩到十一点,陈青虹率先撑不住,眼皮子直打架。硬撑了半个小时,提出要回房睡觉了。白天大家游玩千岛湖,大家都有点疲惫,便结束游戏回房睡觉。 Qin Ze leaves Room elder sister, turns on the air conditioning, brushes the forum and post, vigor extraordinary good, considering that will return to Shanghai tomorrow morning, the preparation turns off a light to sleep. 秦泽离开姐姐,打开空调,刷了刷论坛、贴吧,精神头出奇的好,考虑到明天早上返沪,准备关灯睡觉。 At this time, resounded the knock. 这时,响起了敲门声。 The knock is very light, appears the person who knocks on a door covertly. 敲门声很轻,显得敲门的人偷偷摸摸的。
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