MESIS :: Volume #2

#176: solution sign

At this time if had the bed, Qin Baobao wanted certainly veiled head to cry loudly. 这个时候如果有床,秦宝宝肯定要蒙头大哭一场。 Shows your bamboo slip me.” Qin Ze collects full of enthusiasm. “给我看看你的签。”秦泽兴致勃勃凑过来。 Nothing attractive.” Qin Baobao labelling closely entrains in the hand, silent several seconds, on the face raised the smiling face: A'Ze, did you ask the bamboo slip?” “没什么好看的。”秦宝宝把签条紧紧拽在手中,沉默了几秒,脸上重新扬起笑容:“阿泽,你求签吗?” I do not strive.” Qin Ze rejection. “我就不求了。”秦泽拒绝。 Qin Baobao is nipping the lip, said: Sought one,” 秦宝宝咬着唇,说:“求一个嘛,” Qin Ze is tenderhearted, then swung a bamboo slip. Signs the number: 103. Spent to sign the word, a bamboo slip that was vexed very much, with elder sister same was under even sign. 秦泽心软,便摇了一枚签。签号:壹佰零叁。花钱要了签言,很糟心的一枚签,和姐姐一样是下平签。 Always likes promising young spatially, at the present easily speaks on the regret rate/lead.” “年少总爱空许诺,而今应悔率轻言。” Qin Ze said, master this bamboo slip what/anything meaning, I cannot understand. 秦泽说,大师这签什么意思,我看不懂呐。 The fat monk shot a look at him, said easely: Show year, should not be undecided.” 胖和尚瞥了瞥他,悠然道:“骚年,不要三心二意啊。” Qin Ze stares, said: This saying what/anything meaning, was how undecided, my girlfriends do not have, thinks that the undecided qualifications do not have. Your this bamboo slip certainly, I do not refund. 秦泽一愣,说道:这话什么意思,怎么就三心二意了,我连女朋友都没有,想三心二意的资格都没有。你这签不准,我要退钱。 The fat monk disregarded automatically , to continue: Your bamboo slips are very interesting.” His finger point Qin Baobao, friends from childhood don't Xu asked: Your marriage affinity in the friends from childhood four characters, should be good to sign, but latter: How to waste the time how. Meant that this marriage affinity is not quite credible, in vain consumption time passage. Beautiful women, but also does not have the boyfriend.” 胖和尚自动无视,继续说:“你俩的签挺有意思的。”他指头点点秦宝宝,“青梅竹马莫须问:你的姻缘在青梅竹马四个字上,本该是好签,可后一句:怎奈何徒耗光阴。意思是说这段姻缘不太靠谱啊,白白耗费年华。美女,还没男朋友吧。” Should not shout the female donor, the appearance of monk not monk. Qin Ze thought. 不应该喊女施主么,和尚没个和尚的样子。秦泽心想。 Qin Baobao is nipping the lip, gently nod. 秦宝宝咬着唇,轻轻点头。 Always likes promising young spatially, at the present easily speaks on the regret rate/lead.” The fat monk said: This signs two solutions, respectively correspondence in the past and indication in the future. A previous solution: The young fellows you like promising spatially, disappoints the miss undecidedly. In the future for own being fickle regret. A latter solution: Easily do not promise, wants prudently again prudent, otherwise you will regret for your rash commitment.” “年少总爱空许诺,而今应悔率轻言。”胖和尚说:“此签有两种解法,分别对应过去和预示未来。前一种解法:小伙子你喜欢空许诺,三心二意辜负姑娘。将来会为自己的朝三暮四后悔。后一种解法:不要轻易许诺,要慎重再慎重,不然你会为自己的轻率承诺而后悔。” Always likes promising young spatially...... Qin Ze is looking at the elder sister's back, silent. 年少总爱空许诺......秦泽望着姐姐的背影,沉默不语。 This I this I.” Zhang Ya impatient kneeling on rush cushion, close your eyes, sways the bamboo tube containing lot for divination, falls a bamboo slip. “该我了该我了。”张雅迫不及待的跪在蒲团上,闭眼,摇晃签筒,摔出一枚签。 Is the first tone bamboo slip, signing said that her future enterprise marriage affinity will be very good, prosperous. 是枚上平签,签上说她将来事业姻缘都会很好,红红火火。 Zhang Ya beams with joy. 张雅眉开眼笑。 Chen Qinghong also asked a bamboo slip, similarly first tone, most favorable auspices. 陈青虹也求了一枚签,同样上平,大吉大利。 When several people tread the temple, the horizon setting sun, the weather is completely blue. 几人踏出寺庙时,天边落日已尽,天色青冥。 The hotel in the scenic area, the architecure of western-style style, is not urban district that type of tall building hotel, is more like the villa. Constructs near the lake, beautiful scenery. 酒店就在景区,欧式风格的建筑,不是市区那种高楼酒店,更像是别墅。临湖而建,风景秀丽。 When the registration moves, buys Qin Baobao that the admission ticket takes responsibility on oneself absent-minded absent-minded, unprecedented has not paid money on own initiative. 登记入住时,买门票大包大揽的秦宝宝恍惚失神,破天荒的没主动付钱。 Qin Ze pulls out the credit card to prepare to pay the room charge, although six person four room, possibly are some ordinary salariat one month of wage, but he does not mind to treat. 秦泽掏出信用卡准备支付房费,尽管六个人四间房,可能是一些普通工薪阶层一个月的薪水,但他并不介意请客。 Zhang Ya had not agreed, one side is charmingly angry is pushing Qin Ze, refreshed swipes the card to pay a bill. 张雅没同意,娇嗔着把秦泽推一边,爽快的刷卡付账。 It seems like her boyfriend really makes money. 看来她男朋友真的挣了点钱。 Six people gather round the small round table to have the dinner, the food was still the Thousand Islands Lake special, the flavor compared with good of noon restaurant, on price also expensive/noble several times. 六个人围着小圆桌吃晚饭,菜肴仍是千岛湖特色菜,味道比中午菜馆的好,价格也贵上几倍。 The resort hotel in scenic area, will have swimming pool, gym, cosmetology office, KTV and other places generally. Chen Qinghong proposed that eats the dinner k song, is treated by her and Chu Feng, Zhang Ya seconds the motion, Qin Baobao shakes the head, said that does not want to go. 景区的度假酒店,一般会有泳池、健身房、美容会所、ktv等场所。陈青虹提议吃晚饭k歌,由她和楚峰请客,张雅附议,秦宝宝则摇头,说不想去。 Zhang Ya is lively, likes playing, and has slight obsessive compulsive disorder, bosom friend does not want to go, she turned head to say to Qin Ze: That Qin Ze goes.” 张雅性格活泼,爱玩,并有轻微强迫症,闺蜜不想去,她扭头对秦泽说:“那秦泽去吧。” Has boyfriend time on the scene, Zhang Ya maintains the distance with Qin Ze, does not want to call A'Ze in secret, Qin Ze does not need to guess also knows, under the table that only teases own foot, definitely is her. 有男朋友在场的时候,张雅就和秦泽保持距离,不想私下里称呼“阿泽”,秦泽不用猜也知道,桌下那只挑逗自己的脚,肯定是她的。 This slut, added that during the daytime he pulls up the younger sister randomly, this little while reveals one's true colors immediately. 贱货,白天还说他乱撩妹,这会儿立刻原形毕露。 Qin Ze said that I do not go, and kicks aside her foot under the table. 秦泽说我不去,并在桌下一脚踢开她的脚丫子。 Qin Baobao frowns slightly, looks at his one eyes bitterly. 秦宝宝微微蹙眉,恨恨看他一眼。 Finished eating the food, Qin Baobao dawdles the food speaking of neighbor, the facial expression was somewhat depressed. 吃完饭,秦宝宝说到附近遛食,神情有些沮丧。 Qin Ze did not feel relieved that a elder sister person goes out, two people stroll in the lonesome and quiet hotel peripheral, walked the moment, the stream of people stream of vehicles are many gradually, lives it up. 秦泽不放心姐姐一个人出去,两人漫步在幽静的酒店周边,走了片刻,人流车流渐多,热闹起来。 Qin Ze side looks at elder sister, the eyelash that she pure white beautiful cheek, long curls upwards, the look is looking at the front, is slightly empty, worried. Which literary arts he could not master elder sister fine to be confused, the bewildered sentimentality, then wants to select a topic to chat helps elder sister row of sorrow find relief. But his words, in the Qin Baobao ear, are actually gua without limits chirp, especially her present mood is oppressed, the chest has depressed base. 秦泽侧头看姐姐,她素白美艳的侧脸,长而翘的睫毛,眼神望着前方,略显空洞,心事重重。他搞不懂姐姐哪根文艺精错乱了,莫名其妙的多愁善感,便想挑个话题聊聊帮姐姐排忧解闷。可他的话,在秦宝宝耳里,却是无止境的呱噪,尤其她现在心情憋闷,胸有郁垒。 „Are you bothersome, one side rolls.” Qin Baobao said loudly. “你烦不烦啊,滚一边去。”秦宝宝大声说。 Several going on a trip in a hurry passers-by, turn head in abundance look like. 几个行色匆匆的路人,纷纷扭头看来。 Qin Ze was shocked, he has not seen the elder sister so hot tempered time, today's elder sister seems like the hedgehog, raised up the sharp hard thorn toward him. 秦泽愣住了,他没见过姐姐如此暴躁的时刻,今天的姐姐像是刺猬,朝他竖起了尖锐的硬刺。 Mental illness.” Qin Ze turns head to walk. “神经病啊。”秦泽扭头就走。 A Qin Baobao words exit|to speak, regretted, just wants to admit mistakes with younger brother, but he has turned around to return toward the old route, walked decisive decides certainly. 秦宝宝话一出口,就后悔了,刚想跟弟弟认错,可他已经转身朝原路返回,走的果断又绝决。 Qin Baobao opens mouth to shout him, but the sound to the throat, turned into sobbing, she wipes tears, while the reversed direction walks. 秦宝宝张嘴想喊他,可声音到喉咙,变成了哽咽,她一边抹眼泪,一边反方向走。 Summer 7 : 30, the dim light of night has not camouflaged the light completely, but the street light has shone, all kinds constructions shine the light. 夏天的七点半,夜色还没有完全遮蔽光明,但路灯已经亮起,一座座各样的建筑亮起灯光。 Qin Baobao across two traffic lights, stops the tears, the weather is luckily dim, the pedestrian looked at most she floats the raised figure exquisite, but cannot see clearly her face. superstar Qin Baobao wipes tears matter facing the street, can definitely on the entertainment story headline. 秦宝宝穿过两个红绿灯,才止住眼泪,幸好天色朦胧,行人顶多看她玲珑浮凸的身段,而看不清她的脸。大明星秦宝宝当街抹眼泪这种事,肯定能上娱乐新闻头条吧。 On street vehicle like running water, luxury car of many seven figure, the pedestrian communicated in a hurry, is riding the young men and women who shared the bicycle howled. 街上车子如流水,其中不乏七位数的豪车,行人来往匆匆,骑着共享单车的年轻男女呼啸而过。 Qin Baobao shuttles back and forth in the stream of people, felt own come all alone. 秦宝宝穿梭在人流中,却觉得自己形单影只。 Why she cries she to know, but she has a fit of temper is not intends, today the mood was really passed bad, before does not want to go to face, does not think that the puzzled matter, was signed the article to bring back by a paper, then like violent storm, mountainous cry tsunami, out of control. 她为什么哭她自己知道,但她发脾气不是有意的,今天心情真是糟糕透了,以前很多不想去面对,不想去纠结的事情,被一纸签文勾起,然后如狂风暴雨,山呼海啸,一发不可收拾。 She loses the round of concubine temper, but Qin Ze is not willing to give, he walks does not yearn, also yes, having a fit of temper elder sister, it is necessary endless coaxing? It is not a girlfriend. 她只是发发小女人脾气罢了,可秦泽并不愿意迁就,他走的毫不留恋,也是,一个发脾气的姐姐,有必要没完没了的哄?又不是女朋友。 She such absent-minded is walking, has not noticed the front zebra crossing the green light to jump to flash several, shone the red light. 她就这么心不在焉的走着,也没注意到前方斑马线的绿灯跳闪几下,亮起了红灯。 Thinks the fresh breeze to caress the face suddenly, the light pricks the pupil, a black Mercedes-Benz front surface hits, along with slightly grating brake sound. Obviously the vehicle owner has not thought that has the passer- by acting recklessly to dare to run a red light, cross-over zebra crossing of no struggling. 忽觉劲风扑面,灯光刺入瞳孔,一辆黑色奔驰车迎面撞来,伴随着略微刺耳的刹车声。显然车主也没想到有不知死活的路人敢闯红灯,毫无挣扎的跨入斑马线。 In the Qin Baobao eye is only left over the dazzling light. 秦宝宝眼里只剩下刺眼的灯光。 Opposite of street Walder hotel, as the Thousand Islands Lake scenic area illustrious hotel, the rich merchant that coming to here to eat meal is continuous. 马路对面的“华尔德”酒店,做为千岛湖景区赫赫有名的酒店,来这儿吃饭的富商络绎不绝。 Three buildings, in the facing the street passenger compartment, Ma Family just spoke with confidence, is enlivening the atmosphere on table. 三楼,临街的包间里,马家甫侃侃而谈,活跃着餐桌上的气氛。 A table 6~7 individual, each one is the local honored and popular rich merchant. Left that Liu Hu, in the circle the person called him Tiger Cub, did the capital construction, charlatan family background, under hand older and younger brothers important goods. 一桌子六七个人,个个都是本地有头有脸的富商。左边那个刘虎,圈子里人叫他虎子,搞基建的,混子出身,手底下兄弟一大帮。 Right Chen Deming, the Hang Metro famous property developer, is own sworn enemy, but has completely abandoned past enmity now, forms a partnership to do business. 右边陈德明,杭城有名的房地产开发商,算是自己的死对头,但如今已经尽释前嫌,合伙做生意。 Man but who these people are less than opposite formal dress attendance, the appearance is ordinary, the brush cut, except for suit of that six figure, must uncover the highlight, probably is the makings that sinks to congeal steadily. Several 20 years market ups and downs, are very not difficult to foster. 但这些人都不及对面正装出席的男人,容貌普通,平头发型,除了那一身六位数的西装,非要揪出亮点,大概是稳重沉凝的气质。没有十几二十年的商场沉浮,很难养成。 Xu Yao, Zhe Province person. 许耀,浙省人。 This person of rise is very interesting, 20 several years ago generation of the nameless, the first barrel gold/metal of increasing the family fortunes is not gains, but is some Wenzhou rich merchant gives. That rich merchant is the Xu Yao father-in-law, Xu Yao that very vulgar routine, the phoenix male did not calculate very much vulgarly initially, does not know that what lucky bastard had a liking for by the wealthy family daughters, henceforth takes the post of CEO to get married white, rich, and beautiful, steps onto the life peak. Therefore in network is not the empty talk, has the one by one senior to set the example. 这人的崛起很有意思,二十几年前还是籍籍无名之辈,发家的第一桶金不是自己赚来,而是温州某个富商给的。那个富商是许耀的岳父,很俗很俗的套路,当初连凤凰男都不算的许耀,不知走了什么狗屎运被富家千金看上,从此出任ceo迎娶白富美,走上人生巅峰。所以说网络上的不是空话,是有一个个前辈做榜样的。 Can start from scratch to make on the person of 10 billion asset, are not many, except for steps on fortunately in the lucky fellow of reform tide, without the background does not have the words of power and influence, the capital of where coming makes so much money. 能白手起家挣到上百亿资产的人,并不多,除了有幸踩在改革浪潮的幸运儿,没背景没权势的话,哪来的资本挣那么多钱。 If depending on Xu Yao, pours also being insufficient to make Ma Family just so set off carefully, in the Zhejiang commercial circle child, Wen Shang extremely rich Legend color. 20~30 year ago Wenzhou is barren land, poor is their beginnings. But 20 year later, the nation and even the entire world, are not strange to Wen Shang this group. For example renowned real estate speculators. This point makes Wen Shang controversial, stamps one's foot the person who curses to be many, the person of admiring esteem are also many. Actually about house price topic, even without Wen Shang, will still have others to fry the house price, is the general trend. Who first seizes the opportunity. 如果光凭许耀自身,倒也不至于让马家甫如此小心陪衬,在浙商圈子里,温商极富传奇色彩。二三十年前的温州是一片贫瘠之地,贫穷是他们的起点。但二十年后,全国乃至全世界,都对温商这个团体不陌生。比如著名的炒房团。这一点让温商备受争议,跳脚大骂的人很多,敬佩推崇的人也不少。其实关于房价这个话题,即便没有温商,也会有别人把房价炒起来,属于大势所趋。谁先抓住商机而已。 Wen Shang likes sticking together, the household enterprise is their characteristics, in other place, enterprise bosses, for the loan is badly battered, but so long as the Wenzhou merchants make a phone call, can melt to the fund of letting the person being jealous of rapidly. 温商喜欢抱团,家族企业是他们的特色,在别的地方,企业老板们为了贷款焦头烂额,而温州商人只要打一个电话,就能迅速融到让人眼红的资金。 Xu Yao representative is not he, but is some even several Wen Shang groups. 许耀代表的不是他一个人,而是某个甚至某几个温商团体。 Ma Family just planned that makes a final decision at this dinner party with the agreement of Wen Shang power-and-power union, will prepare for the opportunity of next year middle ten days. The country will prepare to hold international summit in Hang Metro next year a time, that is the number innumerable opportunity, so long as can win several projects, white and shiny money running water inflow main house gate. As the local bully, Ma Family just does not lack the human relations, what he lacks is the fund, the real estate developer lacks the fund forever, moreover in the future will frequently cover a big project of area, needs fund astronomical figures. For certain reasons, is not good that side the bank loans. Wen Shang is the best alliance object, this city's rich merchant is not good, that is in the competitor who in a bowl snatches to eat. 马家甫打算在这次饭局上敲定与温商强强联合的约定,为明年中旬的商机做准备。国家明年准备在杭城召开一次国际峰会,那是数都数不清的商机啊,只要能拿下几个项目,白花花的银子就会流水般流入家门。做为地头蛇,马家甫不缺人脉关系,他缺的是资金,房地产商永远都缺资金,而且将来动辄涵盖一区的大项目,所需资金可谓天文数字。出于某些原因,不好在银行那边贷款。温商是最好的联盟对象,本城的富商就不行了,那是在一个碗里抢吃的竞争对手。
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