Qin Zethought,youletmyBefore a Crowd Shows One's Sagacityforcefully, is really blood related elder sister.秦泽心想,你这是强行让我人前显圣,真是亲姐姐。
After Qin Baobaolandingaccount number, swept a profit and loss, corner of the mouth raised: „, Makes money.”秦宝宝登陆账号后,扫了一眼盈亏,嘴角一挑:“喏,是赚了点钱。”Shegivesseveralpeopleto look the cell phone. Chen Qinghongfirstreceived, the eyelooks, opened the mouth. SitshernearbyZhang Yato collectto look,similarlyis dumbfounded, sillycountedzero, sevenfigures!
她把手机递给几人看。陈青虹先接过,眼睛一瞄,不禁张大了嘴。坐她边上的张雅凑过来一看,同样目瞪口呆,傻兮兮的数了数零,七位数!Chu Fengsees the expressions of twowomen, curiousbent downto look atone. Immediatelydumbfounded. Thisnumber of wordsattackedabsolutelyhim, what did sevenfiguresrepresent? In the richpersoneyes, thismoneyis not worth mentioning, is actually manyyoung people, unattainablenumber. Even ifheisFudangraduates, wages that can onemonthtakesten thousandblocks, deducts the house rentandvariouswater and electricitycoalexpenses, the lifeexpenditure, how many remaining?楚峰见两女人的表情,也好奇的俯身过来看了一眼。顿时呆住了。这个字数绝对把他打击到了,七位数代表什么?在富人眼里,这点钱不值一提,却是很多年轻人,可望不可即的数字。哪怕他是复旦毕业,一个月拿着万把块的工资,扣除房租、水电煤各种费用,生活开支,能剩下多少?2.28 million, how long can hesave to bethisnumber? Without the contrast, there would be no injury, Qin Zejustintern, madeso much money in the stock market. Butheis still pleased with oneselfforeach monthseveral thousanddeducting a percentage.两百二十八万,他要存多久才能达到这个数目?没有对比就没有伤害,秦泽刚实习,就在股市里捞了这么多钱。而他还在为每个月几千块的提成沾沾自喜。What the injuryis biggestisCheng Yi, hewas complacenta moment ago, shows off himselfto make moneyin the stock market, your mother, was the sidepokingGreat God?
伤害最大的还是程毅,刚才他还得意洋洋,炫耀自己在股市赚了钱,尼玛,原来身边杵着一尊大神?„Baobao (darling)youthrewincessantly400,000.”Cheng Yiwillingdid not say, 400,000itself, profit1.8 million? Howpossibly!
“宝宝你投了不止四十万吧。”程毅不甘心道,四十万的本,盈利一百八十万?怎么可能!„On400,000,”Qin Baobaoserene: „Actuallymakes moneynot to matter, mainlypractices acquiring a skilltohim, Ido not care aboutthismoney.”
“就四十万,”秦宝宝云淡风轻:“其实赚不赚钱都无所谓,主要是给他练手,我又不在乎这点钱。”Ido not care aboutthismoney......
The Qin Zeheartsaid,elder sisteriselder sister, the Before a Crowd Shows One's Sagacitytimeis really highI, as soon asplans, the little brotheradmires.秦泽心说,姐姐果然是姐姐,人前显圣的功夫高我一筹,小弟佩服。Cheng Yidoes not believe,wantsto look at the Qin Ze'stransactionrecord, butQin Zehas put out a handto bring back the cell phone, holdsin the pocket, said: „Igo outto smoke.”程毅不相信,想去看秦泽的交易记录,但秦泽已经伸手拿回了手机,揣兜里,说:“我出去抽支烟。”Zhang Yaimmediatelywith: „Igo to bathroom.”张雅立刻跟了出去:“我上个厕所。”Qin Zeis nippingcigarette, seesZhang Yato follow after behind, understands, givesherone, „hasn't abstained?”秦泽咬着一根烟,见张雅跟在身后,心领神会,递给她一根,“还没戒?”„Myhigh schoolandfirst loveboyfriendbid good-byelearns, at that timewas especially pure, holds a hand, felt, suffering extreme distress when hedoes not marry, bids good-byecries, the studentfamily/homesmokesto drown sorrow.”Zhang YaseesQin Zeto collect the cigarette lighter, shelowers the headto suck the brightcigarette butt, „the appearance of presentfirst lovealmost forgot, the custom of smokinginsteadcould not swear off.”
“我高中和初恋男友分手的时候学会的,那时候特纯真,拉个手,就觉得以后非他不嫁,分手时哭的死去活来,学人家抽烟消愁。”张雅见秦泽凑来打火机,她低头吮亮烟头,“现在初恋的样子都快忘了,抽烟的习惯反而戒不掉。”„Littlepulls out, the girldoes not smokewell.”Qin Zesaid.
“还是少抽点,女孩子抽烟不好。”秦泽说。„Urges to go faster,”Zhang Yasaid ill-humoredly: „Manage lessI, youare notmyboyfriend.”
“去去去,”张雅没好气道:“少管我,你又不是我男朋友。”„Yourboyfriendininside, orIshouted that hedoes come out?”
“你男朋友就在里面,要不我喊他出来?”Zhang Yakicked a Qin Zefoot.张雅踢了秦泽一脚。„At the end of the yearIbecame engaged, can't youcome?”Zhang Yais staring athiseye.
“年底我订婚了,你来不来?”张雅凝视着他的眼睛。„Congratulated.”Qin Zesaid with a smile.
“恭喜了。”秦泽笑道。„You must grasp,”Zhang Yahesitant: „Found the girlfriend?”
“你也得抓紧哦,”张雅犹豫一下:“找到女朋友了吗?”„No, withoutface valuealsodoes not havemoney, whois willingto marryme.”Qin Zeis perfunctoryto say.
“没呢,又没颜值又没钱,谁愿意嫁我。”秦泽敷衍道。„Talked nonsense, youleadcompared withmyboyfriendsnow.” The Zhang Yaeyeis bright.
“瞎说,你现在比我男朋友都帅了。”张雅眼睛明亮。„Oryouconsider as finishedwithme.”Qin Zeputs out the light smoketowardher.
“要不你跟我算了。”秦泽朝她吐出青烟。Rare, sheis not angrydoes not get angry, in the tonesomewhatis unexpectedly disconsolate: „Imustbecome engaged, are youleavepull uprandomlygood.”
难得的,她不嗔不怒,语气中竟还有几分惆怅:“我都要订婚了,你别乱撩好不好。”SeesQin Zenot to speak, shesaid: „Could not find, doesn't wantto look?”
见秦泽不说话,她道:“是找不到,还是不想找?”Qin Zestares, silent, smokingone after another. Pulls outonequickly, heselects the secondrootagain, Zhang Yaputs out a handto pick, losesconveniently, „after Ibecome engaged, stops smoking, youalsoabstained, Baobao (darling)had toldmeseveraltimes, saidyouwere not clever, was not obedient, is not willingto stop smoking. Smokingtois unhealthy, givesyou an advice.”秦泽一愣,沉默,一口又一口的抽烟。很快抽完一根,他再点第二根,张雅伸手摘下来,随手一丢,“我订婚后就戒烟,你也戒了吧,宝宝跟我说过好几次了,说你不乖,不听话,不肯戒烟。抽烟对身体不好,给你个忠告。”„Ialsogiveyou an advice.”Qin Zeholds appreciatively the cigarette lighter, the visiontakes backfrom the distant placebeautiful sceneryscenery, „amongfriendsdo not involvewithmoneytoo, helping the personspeculate in the stock marketis the most rottendecision, owedgained, had the idea. Another, the stock markettrendis very clear, bull marketright, but when the cowarrives, was difficultto say. The method of judgment was very complex, saidyouwere not clear, Isaidone, wheneveryonethought that speculates in the stock marketcanmake money, ittocrashingis not far. Toldyourboyfriend, do not fallis too deep, could not pull outcarefully.”
“那我也给你个忠告。”秦泽把玩打火机,目光从远处山清水秀的风景收回,“朋友之间别和钱牵扯太多,帮人炒股是最烂的决定,亏了赚了,都有想法的。再一个,股市走势很明朗,牛市没错,但牛到什么时候,难说的。判断的方法很多很复杂,说了你也不明白,我就说一个,当所有人都觉得炒股能赚钱的时候,它离崩盘就不远了。告诉你男朋友,别陷太深,小心拔不出来。”Zhang Yarubbed the attractiveoval face, „can youpull out?”张雅揉了揉漂亮的鹅蛋脸,“你能拔出来吗?”Qin Zelooked athersomewhere, hehesaid: „Haven't Igone, whatpull out?”秦泽瞄了瞄她某处,嘿嘿道:“我都没进去,拔什么?”Zhang Yaair/Qiknockshishead, „alsothoughta moment agoyouwere maturely steady, reveals one's true colorsimmediately.”张雅气的敲他脑袋一下,“刚才还觉得你成熟稳重了,立马原形毕露。”Travels by boat the tourin the Thousand Islands Lakeindividual touristis the fixed line, in the islandstaystimeusuallyon the scenic areafreetour guideby the shipto decide. Has the adcthreepleasure boatroutesto choosefor the tourist, Qin Baobaosaid that wantsto look at the monkey, therefore the gangchose a line. Travels by the most expensiveluxuriouspleasure boat.
在千岛湖散客坐船游览是固定线路的,岛上停留时间通常由船上景区免费导游来定。有adc三条游船路线供游客选择,秦宝宝说想去看猴子,于是一伙人选择了a线。搭乘最贵的豪华游船。All the way, the tour guideintroducedThousand Islands Laketoeveryone, wassomerepeatsa lot ofintroductionwords, the peacockislandis well-knownby the peacock, Longshandaowas famousbecause ofHai Rui, the secret mountainislandhad the ancient templeto inherit, the purifying the mindislandmayenjoy the interest of sika deer, the sweet-scented osmanthusislandresults infragrance of hearsQin the spleen, hikedMeipeak, butobserved the islands, as far as the eye can seefield of vision, numerousmountainJiexiao......
一路上,导游给大家介绍千岛湖,都是些重复千百遍的介绍词,孔雀岛以孔雀闻名,龙山岛因海瑞著称,密山岛有古寺传承,清心岛可赏花鹿之趣,桂花岛得闻沁脾之香,登梅峰而观群岛,极目视野,众山皆小……When the early fall, is hot, the lake surfacewave lightis clear, the neatwindfront surfacesways.
时值初秋,天气炎热,湖面波光粼粼,清爽的风迎面吹拂。Qin Baobaowasagainsttans, puts onpale-yellowBohemian dress, the lake breezedepressedherskirt, appeared the slenderboth legsoutline.秦宝宝为防晒黑,穿了浅黄色波西米亚长裙,湖风压下她的裙子,显出修长的双腿轮廓。
The firststationis most suitableto climb upto embrace the sceneryYellow Mountain Tip, herehas the rope way, canmake the cable cardirect linksummit. On season, a large number, arrangedquitelongtowas one's turnthem.第一站是最适合登高揽景的黄山尖,这里有索道,可以做缆车直达山顶。旅游旺季,人数众多,排了好长对才轮到他们。elder sister and younger brothertwohaveperhapshigh, the cable carrisesslowly, is getting higher and higher, bringingslightrocking, Qin Baobaoto cast a sidelong glancedownward, the nape of the neckcrawls the carefulgoosebumps, gripped the hand of younger brotherquietly. The bodybyQin Ze, wants the head by the younger brothershoulder, butQin ZeseesZhang Yato lookin the one side, feltoneselfandinelder sister'smanneroutsidepersoneyesimproper, shoves open the elder sisterhead, has not madeherdepend.姐弟俩都有恐高,缆车缓缓上升,越来越高,带着轻微的晃动,秦宝宝往下瞟了一眼,脖颈爬起细细的鸡皮疙瘩,悄悄握住了弟弟的手。身体挨着秦泽,本想把脑袋靠在弟弟肩膀,但秦泽见张雅在一旁看着,觉得自己和姐姐的举止在外人眼里不妥,就把姐姐脑袋推开,没让她靠。Looks into the distanceto look at the Thousand Islands LakesceneryinYellow Mountain Tipto be excellent, the ascending a height to get a broad viewsummit, overlooksto the northwest, the 90manyislandsget a panoramic view, such asstrings of pearlssprinkin the lake surface. It is saidcanarrangeto become„world belong to all”fourcharacters. Butmosttourists can only seeone„Duke”character, othermust the brainmake up.
在黄山尖眺览千岛湖风景是极好的,登临山巅,向西北俯瞰,九十多个岛屿尽收眼底,如一串串珍珠撒落在湖面。据说可以排成“天下为公”四个字。但绝大多数游客只能看见一个“公”字,其他的需自行脑补。Zhang YaandChen Qinghongdraw the boyfriendto disperse, looks at the sceneryrespectively.张雅和陈青虹拉着男友散开,各自观景。Qin Zeandelder sisterarrive at the glasshangingstageto look at the scenery, Thousand Islands Lakeclearbluish greenTou, the islandsspread all over. The top of the headsunlightis flaming, butthere is a galeto caress the face, is unconsciously dry and hot.秦泽和姐姐来到玻璃悬空台观景,千岛湖澄澈碧透,岛屿星罗棋布。头顶阳光炽盛,但有强风扑面,不觉燥热。Standson the hangingstage, the under footbeautiful scenery, Qin Baobaohandsomerevolving, the skirtfrontflies upwards, sends outbell the laughing sound, transferredseveral, thenthrows into the younger brotherbosom. Having a dizzy spellwantsto vomit.
The touristlooks askanceall around.
周遭游客纷纷侧目。Qin Zeremembers a genteelpoem: Youstandon the bridgelook at the scenery, looked the person who scenerylooks atyouin the building. The bright moonlightdecoratedyourwindow, youdecoratedothers'dream.秦泽想起一首文绉绉的诗:你站在桥上看风景,看风景的人在楼上看你。明月装饰了你的窗子,你装饰了别人的梦。Incertainmale comradeeyes, sheis the most beautifulscenery.
在某些男同志眼里,她才是最美的风景。Qin Ze the elder sister'sfaceaccording to the bosom, does not makemorepeoplepay attention toheras far as possible, so as to avoid being recognized. Althoughshewears the service cap and sunglasses.秦泽把姐姐的脸按在怀里,尽量不让更多的人关注她,免得被认出来。尽管她戴着大檐帽和墨镜。Thenisgoes by boat the sweet-scented osmanthusisland, is the monkeyisland, beforeQin Zecomesdifferently, the monkeyislandchanged the place. The originalmonkeyislandno longeropening to the outside world, the monkeysshifttoherecome.
然后是乘船到桂花岛,也就是猴岛,和秦泽以前来不一样,猴岛换地方了。原先的猴岛不再对外开放,猴子们都转移到这里来。Onegroup of peoplestrollin the scenic area, finds at everywheremonkeyin groups, the tanwool, the pinkface, touches own ears and cheeks, jet blackeyeballturning roundis taking a look at the tourist. The monkeyisfrees-rang, is not shy.
一群人漫步在景区,随处可见成群结队的猴子,黄褐色的毛,粉红色的脸,抓耳挠腮,漆黑的眼珠滴溜溜的打量着游客。猴子是散养的,不怕人。Herepersonwas obviously short, the environmentis good, butactuallyhas nothingfun, has a look at the monkey, Qin Baobaoto buyonebag of biscuitsfull of enthusiasm, wantsto feed the monkey.
这儿人明显少了许多,环境不错,但其实没什么好玩的,就是看看猴子,秦宝宝兴致勃勃买了一袋饼干,想喂猴子。film directorwarned the touristloudly: „Ineveryonehandwithnot eating, do not pull out the thingtoward the package , the monkeycancometo snatch. To feed the words of monkey, wereturn to the deckto feedagain.”导演大声告诫游客:“大家手里别拿吃的,也别往包里掏东西,猴子会过来抢的。想喂猴子的话,咱们回甲板上再喂。”Qin Baobaohasto extinguish the thought that having a relishlooks at the monkey.秦宝宝只好熄了念头,饶有兴致的看猴子。„, Youlooked that monkeydoes not look likelikeQin Ze, stupid.”Sheis pointing at a not far awaybeing in a dazelittle monkeysuddenly, grinningaskedZhang Ya.
“诶,你看那只猴子像不像秦泽,呆头呆脑的。”她忽然指着不远处一只发愣的小猴子,笑嘻嘻的问身边的张雅。„Like, equallyis silly.”Zhang Yacovers the mouth.
俩女人咯咯直笑。Qin Zehas not expressed the opinion, actuallythatlittle monkeyseestwofemale„monkey”to point at itself, the dissoluteridicule, verycleverfurious, towardQin BaobaoandZhang Yabared teeth, „squeak” a scream, buttturns upwards, the four limbswere well-grounded, threaten.秦泽还没发表意见,倒是那只小猴子见两个雌“猴子”指着自己,放肆嘲笑,很通灵性的怒不可遏,朝秦宝宝和张雅呲牙,“吱”一声尖叫,屁股翘起,四肢着地,气势汹汹冲了过来。
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