Wang Zijinis glad at homesalted fish, elder sister and younger brothertwoalsoindifferent, sheis not a guest, does not haveentertainmentviewinconsiderately. Gazes afterelder sister and younger brothertwoto leave, Wang Zijin's cell phone„dīng dōng”, information cue.王子衿乐得在家里当咸鱼,姐弟俩也无所谓,她又不是客人,不存在招待不周的说法。目送姐弟俩离开,王子衿的手机“叮咚”一下,信息提示。„Sister Zijin, how long can youtreatinShanghai?”
“子衿姐,你在沪市要待多久?”„In ancient times.”
“天荒地老。”„No, your will makemy brothernot have the faceto see the person.”
“别啊,你这样会让我哥没脸见人的。”Wang Zijincurls the lip: „Saidseems likemeisyour familyadopted future daughter-in-law.”王子衿撇撇嘴:“说的好像我是你家童养媳似的。”„adopted future daughter-in-lawelder sister, mydreamsince childhoodis you are mysister-in-law. Youandmy brotherownplumtoy horse, the innocence of childhood, isonepair of created by heaven and earth.”
“童养媳姐姐,我从小的梦想就是你做我嫂子。你和我哥亲梅竹马,两小无猜,是天造地设的一对。”Wang Zijinis notyounger sistersurpasses the younger sisterfellowto be very helplesstothis, „thisthingtastefulfate.”王子衿对这个不是妹妹胜似妹妹的家伙很无奈,“这种东西讲究缘分。”„Whenyoucome back, or do Igo toShanghaito look foryou?”
“你什么时候回来,要不我去沪市找你?”„Do not be noisy, whichday of family'sSirchanged the idea, naturallycame back.”
“别闹,哪天家里的大人改主意了,自然回来。”„Do not hug the bastardto come back.”
“你可别抱着崽子回来。”Wang Zijinshakes the head, smiles, without the reasonremembersQin Ze, the small rascalsuchobvioussuggestiondoes not get an ideacontinually, all dayknowselder sisterelder sister......王子衿摇头,笑了笑,没来由想起秦泽,小赤佬连这么明显的暗示都意会不到,整天就知道姐姐姐姐……little red BMWdrives into the highway, the service area15 km away stops, both sidesreach an agreementmeethere.小红马驶入高速路,十五服务区停下来,双方说好在这里碰头。
The service areavehiclesare many, choosein the person who the National Daygoes on a journeyto play, every yearare many.
服务区车辆很多,选择在国庆出行游玩的人,每年都很多。Probablya halfhour, Qin BaobaoseeswhiteAudito dependto come, the co-pilot positionglasscoasts, shows the smiling face of Chen Qinghong. The glass of back seatfollows close ondownhill, Zhang Yais finding out the head, wavingwith a smile.
The Chen Qinghongfacial featuresare delicate, the makingsare chilly, is somewhat similartoSu Yu, belongs to the chillyelegantly simpletypebeautiful woman. The Zhang Yadimplelike the flower, isthatattractivecharming.陈青虹五官清秀,气质清冷,与苏钰有几分相似,都属于清冷淡雅类型的美人。张雅笑靥如花,还是那么漂亮妩媚。Audiis the Chen QinghongboyfriendChu Fengprivate car, theycollected moneyto pay the downpayment, every monthmustalso3,000muchcar loans. Alsotwoyears.奥迪是陈青虹男朋友楚峰的座驾,俩人凑钱付了首付,每个月要还三千多的车贷。还两年。Qin Baobaoandtheyfire offgreeting, turns head, the whiningsoundwhinedangrily said: „Your Imperial Sovereign, servantdies of exhaustion, thisblood and sweatBMWyoucontrol.”秦宝宝和他们打完招呼,扭头,嗲声嗲气道:“皇上,臣妾累死啦,这辆汗血宝马你来驾驭。”Qin Zerolls the eyes: „Anymatterletsmydo for oneself, wants your cherished concubineto do.”秦泽翻白眼:“什么事都让朕亲力亲为,要你这个爱妃干嘛。”
A Qin Baobaoworddoes not driveat earliest convenience: „During the daytimeridesBMW, in the eveningridescherished concubine.”秦宝宝一言不合就开车:“白天骑宝马,晚上骑爱妃嘛。”„Yourmotherf**kerrollsto the father.”
“你tm给老子滚。”Qin Baobaois not loafpurely, mainlyexercises the younger brotherdriving skills, do not go on a journeysheto be the cart drivereach time.秦宝宝不是单纯偷懒,主要锻炼弟弟的车技,别每次出行都她来当车夫。RedsmallBMWfollowingwhiteAudileaves the service area, moves toHang Metro170 km away. FromShanghaitoHang Metro, an almosttwohours of distance, midnightgoes on a journey, but can also be quicker, but the presentis the journeypeak, vehicle speedmany100two, whirlwinddoes not come upagainquickly, moreoveris unsafe, every year the journeypeak of holiday, will haveseveraltraffic accidents, youcannotguaranteeeachdriverIQonline. The final word that high-speeddo not say should not be too many.
红色小宝马跟着白色奥迪离开服务区,驶向一百七十杭城。从沪市到杭城,差不多两个小时的路程,半夜出行,还能更快,但现在是出行高峰期,车速最多一百二,再快也飚不上去,而且不保险,每年节假日的出行高峰期,都会发生几起车祸,你不能保证每个司机智商都在线。高速别道的煞笔不要太多。Arrived the Hang Metrotraveling, Xihumustgo, for a lot ofyears, ithas become the Hang Metrotravelingname card and culturalsymbol. But the goal of thistravelingisThousand Islands Lake, has„the worldfirstbeautiful water”reputation. Worldislandsmostlakes.
到杭城旅游,西湖是一定要去的,千百年来,它已经成了杭城的旅游名片和文化符号。但这次旅游的目的是千岛湖,有着“天下第一秀水”的美誉。世界岛屿最多的湖泊。Qin ZeandQin Baobaojunior middle schoolthatmeeting, comingThousand Islands Laketo playonetime. The Qin Familyfamily circumstancesare rich, old gentlemanwill be the educator, the winter and summer vacationwill also leadpair of childrento come outto play.秦泽和秦宝宝初中那会,来千岛湖玩过一次。秦家家境殷实,老爷子又是教育工作者,寒暑假就会带一双儿女出来玩。
When arrives in the scenic area, isat noon, unsurprisingly, the touristare very many. Theylooked for a characteristicsrestaurant, the construction of whitewallblack tile, fills the Jiangnanwater townflavor.
The smallpassenger compartmenthas the window, visibles faintly the scenery of outsidebeautiful scenery.
The lunchis the localcharacteristicsfood, the Thousand Islands Lakefish head, thousandislandjadeturtle, the fish headsoup and peasant familytofuhot pot......, although the passenger compartmenthas the air conditioning, stillateto perspire.
午餐都是当地特色菜肴,千岛湖鱼头、千岛玉鳖、鱼头汤、农家豆腐煲......尽管包间有空调,仍然吃出一身汗。On the table the atmosphereis good, the womanchatted the woman, the manchatted the man.
餐桌上气氛不错,女人聊女人的,男人聊男人的。„If can actually stagger the holidayto play, will be more interesting.”Zhang YaboyfriendCheng Yisaid. Thousand Islands Lakeisheproposed that beforeaccompanied the customerto playonetime. Feelsheregood, wantsto lead the girlfriendto come outto travel.
“其实如果能错开节假日来玩,会更有意思。”张雅的男朋友程毅说。千岛湖是他提议的,以前陪客户来玩过一次。觉得这里不错,就想带女朋友出来旅游。„Whereusuallyhas free time?”Chu Fengsaid: „Ourhere, hastimeto stagger the holidayonBaobao (darling).”
“平时哪有空?”楚峰笑着说:“咱们这里,就宝宝有时间可以错开节假日吧。”Hisvisionfallson the tender and beautifulface that Qin Baobaosuitablehappyis angrysuitably, althoughhas extinguishedhas thoughttoherreading, butthisfaceseeseach time, inner worlduncheckedfloodmighty waves. Is once thinking the bossintroducedfordid not haveQin Baobao of boyfriend, now seems like failed, sinceshebecamesuperstar, his slightlyhadbossthensound out the difficulties and retreat to avoid defeat of net worth. Thatasset, cannot controlher.
他目光落在秦宝宝宜喜宜嗔的娇艳脸庞,尽管已经熄了对她的念想,但这张脸每次见到,心海就不可遏制的泛起波澜。曾经想着把上司介绍给始终没男朋友的秦宝宝,现在看来是黄了,自从她成为大明星,他那个小有身家的上司便知难而退。那点资产,驾驭不住她的。In the work of celebrity, does not haveholidaything, having the running scheduleis busy, norunning scheduleidles.明星的工作里,不存在节假日这东西,有档期就忙,没档期就闲。Qin Baobaoneither cold nor hot„un”, not, becausehewas the bosom friendboyfriendexposes the unnecessarydimple...... Chu Feng is also used to itin any case, knewso manyyears, sheto the manexcludingyounger brother, alwaystreated with indifference. SometimesChu Fengthinks,whatmanshelaterwill look for? Alsoorlosesgraduallyin the advantage and desireentertainment world.秦宝宝不冷不热的“嗯”一声,不因为他是闺蜜的男朋友而展露多余的笑靥......楚峰反正也习惯了,认识这么多年,她对除弟弟之外的男人,始终淡然处之。楚峰有时候就想,她以后会找什么样的男人?亦或者渐渐迷失在利与欲的娱乐圈。„Comes outto playwhile the holiday, laterperhapsdid not havetime.”Cheng Yiholds uponeglass of liquor, announced: „IandZhang Yamustbecome engagedat the end of the year.”
“趁着假日出来玩玩,以后或许就没时间了。”程毅举起一杯酒,宣布道:“我和张雅年底要订婚。”Theyfrom the acquaintancetoloving one another, fouryears, the engagementare the matters of successing when conditions are ripe, the peopleraise glassto hobnob, offer the blessing.
他俩从相识到相恋,已经有四年,订婚是水到渠成之事,众人举杯共饮,送上祝福。„Do youprepareto purchase homesat the end of the year?”Chen Qinghongasked.
“你们准备年底买房?”陈青虹问道。Sheknows that Zhang YaandCheng Yihave contributed moneyto purchase homes, whenaccumulatesdownpaymentenough, whenmarries. Two peopletry hardtogether, joint struggle.
她知道张雅和程毅一直攒钱买房子,什么时候攒够首付,什么时候结婚。两人共同努力,共同奋斗。Zhang Yasaid with a smilesweetly: „Cheng Yimade moneyin the stock marketrecently, smoothby the end of the yearwords, let alone the downpayment, money of marriagecansufficiently collect, butweplanto get marriednext yearagain, at the end of the yearfirstbecomes engaged.”张雅甜甜笑道:“程毅最近在股市赚了点钱,顺风顺水到年底的话,别说首付,结婚的钱都能凑够,不过我们准备明年再结婚,年底先订婚。”Chen Qinghongsaysimmediately: „Nowmanypeopleare speculating in the stock market, felt pickingmoney. ButIandA'Fengdo not understand, does not dareto bump.”陈青虹立刻道:“现在好多人都在炒股,感觉就是在捡钱。但我和阿峰都不太懂,不敢去碰。”In many eyes, the stock marketis notgood, the fact is also so, in the oldinvestorspreadsmanyclever saying: „Goes in a smile, is crying. bossgoes, works. The villagoes, thatched shedcoming outcity. Yao Minggoes, PanChangjiangcomes out.”
很多人眼里,股市绝非善地,事实也是如此,老股民里流传许许多多的顺口溜:“笑着进去,哭着出来。老板进去,打工出来。别墅进去,草棚出来市。姚明进去,潘长江出来。”Whyotherwhatever happens|10 milliontsukkomithisworldwill haveYao MingandPanChangjiang.千万别吐槽这个世界为什么会有姚明和潘长江。„Thatbestnot to bump, having plenty of such people that inbull marketis in arrears, majorityowesis pursuingblindlyriseswith the frequentshort line, the shopliftingenters, sellslowly. Means that newbieavoidslosing money, does long-line. Instock marketpull-upsituation, so long asis not the trash stock, canrise. Butgainsgainsfew.”Cheng Yispoke with confidence, looked, hehad the greatknowledgeandexperiencein the stocks speculationaspect.
The Chen Qinghonghesitantmoment, the toothbites, „Cheng Yi, oryouleadusto speculate in the stock market.”陈青虹犹豫片刻,牙齿一咬,“程毅,要不你带我们炒股吧。”Herfamilyis ordinary, boyfriendChu Fengslightlyhas the family property, butdefinitelycannot go to the situation of easepurchasing homes, house pricething, whobuyswhoknows. NowZhang YaandCheng Yiarrived in front ofherquickly, Chen Qinghongdid not have no wayexcited.
她家境一般,男朋友楚峰小有家底,但肯定达不到轻松买房的地步,房价这东西,谁买谁知道。现在张雅和程毅都快走到她面前了,陈青虹没法不心动。Cheng Yithinks, the nodsaid: „Good, to the trend of stock market, not have the possibility of dropping sharply. Howeverdo not throwtoo, otherwiseIwill have the pressure.”程毅想了想,点头道:“好,以目前股市的走势,不存在大跌的可能。不过你们也别投太多,不然我会有压力。”Chen QinghonglookstoChu Feng, the Chu Fenghesitationmoment: „Wethrow100,000.”陈青虹看向楚峰,楚峰沉吟片刻:“我们投十万吧。”100,000 was almost theirlimits.十万差不多是他们的极限了。Cheng Yisaid with a smile: „100,000, were manyInot to dareto leadyouto play.”程毅笑道:“十万可以,再多我就不敢带你们玩了。”Chu Fengproposes a toasttowardCheng Yi, if the commonfriend, hewill definitely not take the savings. ButtheyareFudangraduate, knew for manyyears, each othergirlfriendwasbosom friend, knew the whole story, relationalveryiron.楚峰朝程毅敬酒,若是一般的朋友,他肯定不会把积蓄都拿出来。但他们都是复旦毕业的,认识好些年了,彼此的女朋友更是闺蜜,知根知底,关系很铁。Cheng Yisaw that Qin Baobaoandyounger brothersnatch the fish headto eat, Qin Baobaolost, the fish headfalls into the Qin Zebowl, shesnatches the younger brotherbowlsimply, her younger brotheris also inexpensive, unexpectedlylowered the headto lickone. Qin Baobaois dyingto pinchyounger brotherat this time. OwnrareBefore a Crowd Shows One's Sagacity, shehad not paid attentionunexpectedly.程毅看到秦宝宝和弟弟抢鱼头吃,秦宝宝输了,鱼头落入秦泽碗里,她干脆去抢弟弟的碗,她那弟弟也贱,居然低头舔了一口。秦宝宝此时正死掐弟弟。自己难得人前显圣了一回,她竟没关注。„Baobao (darling), do youwantalsoto play?”Cheng Yimanualopeningwave of Before a Crowd Shows One's Sagacity, „considersto make a spending money, will be unlikelyto owe, moreoverIheard that the celebrityexpenses will be very big.”
“宝宝,你要不要也玩玩?”程毅手动开启一波人前显圣,“就当是赚点零花钱,不太可能会亏的,而且我听说明星开销都挺大的。”Qin Baobaosaid,doesn't use, Igavemyyounger brothermoney, heis also speculating in the stock market.秦宝宝说,不用不用,我把钱都给我弟了,他也在炒股。Qin Zelooked atheroneeyes, the heartsaid when mybride's pricedid becomeyourmoney?秦泽看她一眼,心说,我老婆本什么时候成了你的钱?„Does Qin Zealsospeculate in the stock market?”Cheng Yistares, „Iremember that youjustintern, beforehadhas speculated in the stock marketexperience? Althoughnow the stock marketquotationis very good, butsomepeoplemake money, somepeopleare definitely in arrears, youmustpay attentionespecially, cannotpursueblindlyrises, cannotbelieve the onlinerumor.”
“秦泽也炒股啊?”程毅一愣,“我记得你刚实习吧,以前有过炒股经验吗?虽说现在股市行情很好,可有人赚钱,肯定就有人在亏钱,你要格外注意,不能盲目追涨,不能听信网上谣言。”Chu Fengknits the brows, warned: „Withoutowingto hurryto remove, with the moneyrisk of your older sister, do not wantto studyto speculate in the stock market to look forCheng Yito consult, oris likeus, makinghimhelpgain.”楚峰皱眉,告诫道:“要是没亏就赶紧撤回来,别拿你姐的钱冒险,想学炒股可以找程毅请教,或者跟我们一样,让他帮忙赚点。”Zhang Yasaid ill-humoredly: „Wantsyouto talk too much, his fatherisEconomics Uniprofessor, worriesblindly.”张雅没好气道:“要你们多嘴,他爸是财大教授,瞎操心。”Chen Qinghongsaid: „Baobao (darling)youthrewmany.”陈青虹道:“宝宝你投了多少。”Qin Baobaosets uprightfourwhite and tenderfingers.秦宝宝竖四根白嫩指头。Chen Qinghongguessed: „40,000?”陈青虹猜测道:“四万?”Qin Baobaoshakes the head.秦宝宝摇摇头。Chen Qinghongis startled: „Do not tellme400,000.”陈青虹吃了一惊:“你别告诉我四十万。”Qin Baobaonods.秦宝宝点头。On the tablesucks in the cold air the sound.
餐桌上倒抽凉气的声音。„Made money?”Cheng Yiasked.
“赚钱了吗?”程毅问。„Gained.”Qin Zesaid with a smile.
“赚了点。”秦泽笑道。„How manygained?”Cheng Yiclosely examines.
“没多少。”Cheng Yisawhimnot saying that a faceIdid not believe the expression that youcanmake money.程毅见他不说,一脸我不信你能赚钱的表情。Chen Qinghongworries saying: „Baobao (darling), oryoumoneytoCheng Yi, Qin Ze'swords...... , to practice acquiring a skill, kepttens of thousandsenough, whenpaid tuition.”陈青虹担忧道:“宝宝,要不你还是把钱给程毅吧,秦泽的话......如果想练手,留个几万就够了,就当交学费。”Paying tuition of godmotherf**ker.
神tm的交学费。Chu Fengseconds the motion: „Thismethodis safe.”楚峰附议:“这个法子稳妥。”AlthoughQin Baobaousuallyalwaysdirtiesyounger brother, butin front of the bystander, sheisdid not look that younger brotherwas belittled, turned head saying: „Yourcell phone? Withtakes a look, Ialsowantto know that youmadehow muchmoney.”
尽管秦宝宝平日总埋汰弟弟,但外人面前,她是看不得自家弟弟被小觑的,扭头就说:“你手机呢?拿出来瞅瞅,我也想知道你赚了多少钱。”Qin Zewas not glad, shakes the headto sayconsiders as finished, nothingattractive.秦泽不乐意,摇头说算了,没什么好看。No oneis willingto look attoothers the bankcardbalance,but the security accountis more private, chooses, the deliverylist and profitvolume, is very privatethings.
没人愿意把银行卡余额给别人看,而证券账户更加私密,选股、交割单、盈利额,都是很私密的东西。„Yourcell phonebrings.”Qin Baobaomay, no matterso many, independently decidingtakes uphiscell phone, presses firmly between the fingers the thumb of younger brotherto presstoward the unlockingplace. Thenlands the account numberpassword. The Qin Ze'sbankcard and gameaccount number and chatsoftwareand even the securitiesaccount number, are the same, hisbirthday. Mostadds on„Qin Ze”infront the Pinyin.
“你手机拿来。”秦宝宝可不管这么多,自作主张的拿起他手机,捏住弟弟的拇指往解锁处一按。然后登陆账号密码。秦泽的银行卡、游戏账号、聊天软件乃至证券账号,都是一样的,他自己的生日。最多就在前面加上“秦泽”的拼音。Qin Baobaotries, reallyascended.秦宝宝一试,果然登进去了。
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