MESIS :: Volume #2

#163: Psychological desire

Excuse me, cannot achieve.” After Qin Ze shock, declined the beautiful woman Director-General bold idea. “不好意思,做不到。”秦泽震惊之后,回绝了美女总裁大胆的想法。 Su Yu and Pei Nanman look at each other one, a former face wicked interest smiling face, the latter rebukes. 苏钰裴南曼对视一眼,前者一脸恶趣味笑容,后者则嗔怪。 Pei Nanman said gently: She jokes with you.” 裴南曼轻轻说:“她跟你开玩笑。” Su Yu smiles. 苏钰一笑而过。 She is naturally impossible to make work place rookies deal the 5 million fund the project, without plays, the big family property must waste all one's money. She tries Qin Ze, looks at him to make what response. Excited readily agreeing, that definitely is the heart the exaggerate character that the day is higher, but also needs to whet for several years. Qin Ze rejection without hesitation, instead satisfies her. 她自然不可能让一个职场菜鸟操盘五百万资金的项目,没这么玩的,再大的家底也要败光。她就是试一试秦泽,看他作何反应。激动的一口答应,那肯定是心比天高的浮夸性格,还需要多磨砺几年。秦泽毫不犹豫的拒绝,反而让她挺满意。 The Qin Ze heart said that really pit I. 秦泽心说,果然坑我。 When leaves the restaurant, two women take the lead, Qin Ze is observing their buttocks behind, is really butt of these two women turns is especially charming and sultry. The Pei Nanman buttocks curve must be more plentiful, turning to be naturally more attractive. Su Yu's small 1st, wins is very curling upwards. Looking right and left, as if elder sister's butt is more attractive, Qin Ze waves to give itself two palms of the hand. 离开餐馆时,两女人走在前面,秦泽在身后观察她俩的臀,委实是这两女人的屁股扭的格外风情万种。裴南曼的臀部曲线要更丰腴,扭起来自然更诱人。苏钰的小了一号,胜在挺翘。左看右看,似乎还是姐姐的屁股更诱人,秦泽挥手给自己两巴掌。 Pei Nanman turns head to ask: You how.” 裴南曼扭头问:“你怎么了。” Su Yu looks at him curiously. 苏钰好奇看他。 Qin Ze unemotional say/way: „To know do oneself have the medicine to rescue.” 秦泽面无表情道:“想知道自己有没有药救。” Pei Nanman cannot understand in his words the profound meaning, is not puzzled , to continue to proceed. 裴南曼听不懂他话中深意,不纠结,继续往前走。 Su Yu shoots a look at his one eyes with a smile. 苏钰则笑吟吟瞥他一眼。 The parking space about hundred meters, the berth near restaurant was full, in the A-list city, berth forever precious as gold. Can afford the person of car(riage) is too many, is bad, like elder sister, the contributing money downpayment buys the car(riage). 停车位在百米开外,餐馆附近的车位停满了,在一线城市,车位永远金贵。买得起车的人太多,再不济,像姐姐那样,攒点钱首付买车。 Qin Ze thinks suddenly asked system, system, why had not promulgated quest a moment ago, was I desires has not attained a designated standard?” 秦泽忽然想起来问系统,“系统,刚才为什么没颁布任务,是我心里欲求没达标吗?” system responded: What do you want to install to compel?” 系统回应:“你又想装什么逼?” Qin Ze snorts contemptuously, bullshit, can the matter of cultural worker, call acting cool? Called Before a Crowd Shows One's Sagacity.” 秦泽嗤之以鼻,“屁话,文化人的事,能叫装逼吗?叫人前显圣。” system said: Do not tease, others said that cracks a joke. How promulgated quest, others do not make you operate, you wait for points to reset 404.” 系统说:“你别逗,人家都说是开玩笑的。颁布了任务又怎样,人家不让你操作,你等着积分清零404吧。” The Qin Ze doubts said: Did not say that I will not change the vegetable.” 秦泽疑惑道:“不是说我不会变植物人了吗。” system asked back: Did not have me, you and 404 have what/anything to distinguish.” 系统反问:“没了我,你和404有什么区别。” Qin Ze had nothing to say in reply unexpectedly, then asked: I , if not expose your existence carefully, you also do meet obliterate I?” 秦泽竟无言以对,便问:“我要是不小心暴露你的存在,你还会抹杀我吗?” system said: Cannot.” 系统说:“不会的。” So is unexpectedly enlightened?” Qin Ze happy, who would imagine a system thread of conversation revolution: I will be tender you.” “竟如此开明?”秦泽高兴了一下,岂料系统话锋一转:“我会嫩死你。” Your this black heart's maggot.” “你这个黑了心的蛆。” Before Qin Ze sees Pei Nanman boards, towards oneself waves, he raises the hand to lay out, what is strange, Su Yu actually does not have chapter of company, sneaks in the Pei Nanman vehicle, together. 秦泽看见裴南曼上车前,朝自己挥挥手,他扬起手摆了摆,奇怪的是,苏钰竟然没回公司,钻进裴南曼的车子,一同去了。 Cannot think through cannot think through.” Su Yu backs on the seat, stretching oneself of small scope, the nape of the neck is fair, the chest is not great is not base and low. “想不通啊想不通。”苏钰背靠座椅,小幅度的伸懒腰,脖颈白皙,胸脯不伟岸也不卑微。 Returns Ph.D also to have the issue of being able to think through?” The Pei Nanman visual front, drives with single-hearted devotion. “海归博士也有想不通的问题?”裴南曼目视前方,专心开车。 What world is most difficult is the will of the people, the sentiment of most difficult solution.” Su Yu winks: „The boy is reluctantly dignified in appearance, the makings conform to the mild two characters that in the book said that IQ is perhaps terrifying, in addition, felt that does not lose face. How you can be hard to solve with him.” “世间最难懂的是人心,最难解的感情。”苏钰挤眉弄眼:“那小子勉强算仪表堂堂,气质符合书上说的温润二字,智商或许恐怖,除此之外,感觉也不是太出彩。你怎么会和他纠缠不清。” Hard to solve?” Pei Nanman shakes the head to laugh in spite of trying not, „is sometimes very curious , he goes at first sight, average not wonderful, was together for a long time, will also think that supported is not concerned about face. Realizable is deeper, more wants to know that his limit where, the examination paper is also good, plays a stringed musical instrument, including writing the song...... always gives people an immeasurably deep misconception. Let person of hundred claws torment the mind.” “纠缠不清?”裴南曼摇头失笑,“有时候挺好奇的,他这人,乍一看去,平平无奇,相处久了,还会觉得挺不要脸。可了解的越深,越想知道他的极限在哪里,考卷也好,弹琴也罢,包括写歌......总给人一种深不可测的错觉。让人百爪挠心。” Cannot see clearly the limit, therefore thought that is unable to control.” Su Yu thinks: Because of the perverted control desire?” “看不清极限,所以觉得无法掌控。”苏钰想了想:“因为变态的掌控欲?” Pei Nanman did not refute. 裴南曼不反驳。 āi yā yā, heard that a woman produces curiously to a man, often is the beginning of falling to the enemy.” Su Yu said: Your ex-husband that matter has not handled, be not thinking raises pretty boy oh. 哎呀呀,听说一个女人对一个男人产生好奇,往往是沦陷的开端。”苏钰说:“你前夫那档子事都没搞定,可别想着养小白脸哦。 Only has with Pei Nanman is together, Su Yu removes the chilly camouflage, active likely little girl. 唯有与裴南曼相处,苏钰才褪去清冷的伪装,活跃的像个小女孩。 Pei Nanman turned head, was angry her eyes: Your love story looked.” 裴南曼扭头,嗔了她一眼:“你言情小说看多了吧。” The silent moment, Pei Nanman said suddenly: Feels lonely, why does not look for a boyfriend.” 沉默片刻,裴南曼忽然道:“觉得寂寞,为什么不找个男朋友。” Su Yu stares, the smiling face goes pale, talking clearly is the chilly or melancholy look floats the face, she looks the scenery that outside the glass backs up rapidly is in a daze. 苏钰一愣,笑容淡去,说不清是清冷还是忧郁的神色浮上脸庞,她看着车窗外飞速倒退的景物发呆。 Another side, in the Qin Ze mind ding, quest came. 另一边,秦泽脑海里“叮”一声,任务来了。 Before a Crowd Shows One's Sagacity: Helps Qin Baobao capture Single Song Sales Championship, success reward 600 points, the failure deducts corresponding points this month.” 人前显圣:帮秦宝宝夺得本月单曲销量冠军,成功奖励六百点积分,失败扣除相应积分。” Why Qin Baobao's quest entered randomly.” Qin Ze expressed puzzled. “为什么秦宝宝的任务乱入了。”秦泽表示不解。 Your psychological desire, don't you understand?” system said. “你自己的心理欲求,你不懂?”系统说。 Talked nonsense what frank talk.” Qin Ze is afraid. “瞎说什么大实话。”秦泽心虚。 Host, sought the psychological desires of your many acting cool, making me enter the stage several times.” system said: Asked you, yīng yīng yīng......” 宿主,求你多一点装逼的心理欲求,让我多出场几次。”系统说:“求你了,嘤嘤嘤......” „Is ying your younger sister, studying Qin Baobao.” “嘤你妹啊,学秦宝宝是不是。” Qin Ze fishes out the cell phone, sent an information to elder sister: When your does single send?” 秦泽摸出手机,给姐姐发了条信息:“你的单曲什么时候发?” After several minutes, elder sister replies: On Thursday!” 几分钟后,姐姐回复:“周四!” Heard that propagandized MV to get online today?” “听说宣传mv今天上线了?” Qin Baobao sends in one hēi ya the expression, must try hard, must try hard, strives for the champion.” 秦宝宝发来一个“嘿呀”的表情,“要努力,要努力,争冠军。” Same time two extremely strong competitors?” “同期有两个实力很强的竞争对手?” elder sister sends hēi ya expression: Has not related, elder sister is Little Immortal Fairy, divides minute to kill them.” 姐姐又发“嘿呀”表情:“没关系的,姐姐小仙女,分分钟干掉他们。” I asked one, can make how much money.” “我就问一句,能赚多少钱。” hēi ya, did not tell you.” 嘿呀,不告诉你。” Where comes so many broken expressions, Sister Zijin to infect to your?” “哪来这么多破表情,子衿姐传染给你的?” Wang Zijin since when Internet company assignment, the unlocking various network knowledge, time, craved use recently funnily expression, has the matter to be all right sends a Qin Ze funny elder brother, chatted, the presence frequency was extremely high. 王子衿自从在网络媒体公司任职,解锁了各种网络知识,最近一段时间,热衷使用“滑稽”表情,有事没事就发秦泽一个滑稽哥,聊天时,出场频率极高。 Qin Baobao mischievous sending- are a series of hēi ya. 秦宝宝调皮的发来一连串“嘿呀”。 A Qin Ze round of information makes Yang Jian help itself ask for leave, draws on a taxi in the roadside, mentor, goes to Yuanxing Road No. 1168, the Star Skills building.” 秦泽发信息让杨建帮自己请个假,在路边招来一辆出租车,“师傅,去源兴路1168号,星艺大厦。” The Star Skills building, several small leadership of market Marketing Department, while eating meal, gather together held a small meeting. 星艺大厦,市场营销部的几个小领导,趁着吃饭,聚在一起开了个小会。 The lunch is nearby restaurant point, six people eat is very sumptuous, company has the reimbursement in any case. The floor staff naturally does not have this benefits. 午饭是附近的餐馆点的,六个人吃的很丰盛,反正公司有报销。底层员工当然没这种福利。 Qin Baobao's MV propaganda effect how.” vice-manager said. 秦宝宝的mv宣传效果怎么样。”副经理说。 Also ok,” a grouping team leader said: Stably in first three.” “还行,”一个分组组长说:“稳定在前三。” vice-manager is chewing the vegetable/dish, hesitates saying: First three...... hopeful steamroll same time singer?” 副经理嚼着菜,沉吟道:“前三啊......有希望碾压同期歌手吗?” The grouping team leader is the head of Qin Baobao single special edition marketing, hearing this, the forced smile said: old boss, first three are good. Same time little fresh meat, that side Xiangjiang always sings, will have the huge fans foundation. Qin Baobao can fight with them, is very good.” 分组组长是秦宝宝单曲专辑营销的负责人,闻言,苦笑道:“老大,前三已经不错了。同期有一个小鲜肉,一个香江那边的老唱将,都有庞大的粉丝基础。秦宝宝能和他们争锋,已经很不错了。” Another head said: Wants standing firm first three, the effect is good, after single on the shelf, definitely gains greatly, is gains gains few issues.” 另一个负责人说:“只要稳住前三,效果就是好的,单曲上架后,肯定是大赚的,就是赚多赚少的问题。” vice-manager sighed: „The company affiliated artist, very long has not won the sales volume champion. Now the market competition is too fierce. little fresh meat springs up everywhere.” 副经理叹道:“公司旗下艺人,已经很久没有夺过销量冠军了。现在市场竞争太激烈了。小鲜肉遍地开花。” The young leader who once was responsible for the Xu Lu special edition promotion marketing deep is so, expresses the opinion: Domestic market fries ip popularly, the performing skill and art or technique of singing are secondary, was red celebrity handful, naturally has fans large bundle to pursue. The online has good that words saying: face value is the justice.” 曾经负责徐璐专辑推广营销的小领导深以为然,发表意见:“国内市场流行炒ip,演技和唱功是次要,把明星捧红了,自然有大把大把的粉丝追。网上有句话说的好:颜值就是正义。” vice-manager direction landscape: This is the morbid state market, I just entered this line of times, Actor's Self-training is placed in the basis that first cannot be shaken, now is not, some celebrity act in a play, the lines do not need to record, so long as carried the digit on the line. Some little fresh meat, pat film to use dozens over a hundred substitute people. Is more excessive, pats film later the editing.” 副经理指点江山:“这是个病态的市场,我刚入这行的时候,演员的自我修养是摆在首位不可撼动的根本,现在不是,有的明星演戏,台词都不用记,只要背数字就行了。有的小鲜肉,拍个片子要用几十上百次替身。还有更过分的,拍片子都后期剪辑。” Although the words so said that but Star Skills are also frying ip, is holding face value not to have little fresh meat of performing skill. Including although is honored as very potential Qin Baobao, they are also frying. If not this issue has fame very hot little fresh meat, and that side Xiangjiang reputation extremely good will always sing, Star Skills successful fried the throne of sales volume champion Qin Baobao. 话虽这般说,但星艺自己也在炒ip,也在捧有颜值没演技的小鲜肉。包括虽然被誉为很有潜力的秦宝宝,他们也在炒。如果不是这期有个名气很火的小鲜肉,以及香江那边口碑极佳的老唱将,星艺就成功把秦宝宝炒到销量冠军的宝座了。 The young leader who once was responsible for the Xu Lu special edition curled the lip, said: „The Qin Baobao background is too thin, company holds, with the hope of champion is also uncertain.” 曾经负责徐璐专辑的小领导撇嘴,道:“秦宝宝底子还是太薄,公司这么捧,拿冠军的希望也是渺茫。” The team leader who is responsible for the Qin Baobao special edition promotion refuted: Having this result is very good, moreover this company investment fund does not have Xu Lu that time many. The result is better.” 负责秦宝宝专辑推广的组长反驳:“有这个成绩已经很不错了,而且这次公司投入资金没徐璐那次多。成绩却更好。” This saying said that Qin Baobao is innocent, lets Xu Lu suffers defeat in " Singer » program, the propaganda effect has not achieved, will the sales volume slide is so serious?” “这话说的,要不是秦宝宝不懂事,让徐璐在《歌星》节目里败北,宣传效果没达到,销量会下滑这么严重?” Your this saying to be less pleasant to the ear, without the strength was rational?” “你这话更不中听,没实力还有理了?” How or saying that company is bigger, the faction is more complex. 要不怎么说公司越大,派系越复杂。 Two people almost quarrelled. 两人差点吵起来。 Eats meal,” vice-manager smooths over differences: Remembers before company, looks for Qin Baobao to discuss, wants to make her younger brother help write the song, hadn't she agreed?” “吃饭吃饭,”副经理和稀泥:“记得公司之前找秦宝宝谈过,想让她弟弟帮忙写歌的,她没同意?” This little girl may have the individuality, this good deed rejects, previous time did the underwear advertisement also to reject, has not seen the rookie who has bickered.” “这妞可有个性了,这种好事都拒绝,上次拍内衣广告也拒绝了,没见过这么抬杠的新人。” Listens to the company rumor, Chief Huang and she has a leg?” “听公司传言,黄总和她有一腿?” This really does not know, but that underwear advertisement, is Chief Huang secretary informs us to cancel.” “这个真不知道,不过那次内衣广告,是黄总秘书通知我们取消的。” Is separated by three 25 buildings, Qin Baobao and Li Yanhong and two assistants, the lounge in recording technician next door eats meal. With her status rise, the benefits is also good gradually, eats meal the journey, can reimburse. However did not care about this change, light/only by former that several copyright royalties, can eat well-off life for a lifetime. 相隔三层的二十五楼,秦宝宝李艳红以及两个助手,在录音师隔壁的休息室吃饭。随着她的地位上升,福利也渐好,吃饭出行,都可以报销。不过也不在乎这点小钱了,光靠以前那几首的版权费,能吃一辈子的小康生活。 Li Yanhong eats meal at the same time, does not forget to brush the forum, watches the MV hitting list situation. 李艳红吃饭的同时,不忘刷论坛,关注mv的打榜情况。 Competition may be really fierce, looked at the current situation, Baobao (darling) you can stand firm first three is very good.” “竞争可真激烈啊,看目前的形势,宝宝你能稳住前三就很不错了。” Qin Baobao eats meal earnestly, un, was also lowering the head to play the cell phone, is chatting with younger brother. manager, is working oneself to death the propaganda for her single special edition including company Marketing Department, her instead serene. 秦宝宝埋头吃饭,“嗯”了一声,也在低头玩手机,不过在和弟弟聊天。经纪人,包括公司营销部都在为她单曲专辑卖命宣传,她自己反而云淡风轻 Sees her so attitude, Li Yanhong somewhat is helpless, she brings many celebrity, did not say that looks like Qin Baobao is so successful, even C-list small celebrity, is still has high morale the breaknecking work, floods me from top to bottom is being model worker qi field. 见她如此态度,李艳红就有些无奈,她带过很多明星,不说像秦宝宝这般大红大紫的,就算是个三线明星,也是斗志昂扬玩命工作,浑身上下充斥着“我是劳模”的气场 Li Yanhong has not contacted with Qin Ze, otherwise must certainly sigh with emotion one: It is not the whole family does not enter a home. 李艳红是没和秦泽接触过,不然肯定要感慨一声:不是一家人不进一家门。 Some Qin Baobao actually her plans, Mother Qin has good that words saying, obtains, lost are more. She just in entertainment world conspicuous, thinks that rubs to ride the rocket to flee upward, without the personal connection are not related, can only by taking off/escaping? Although Jianghu was widely known, her Qin Baobao is Chief Huang flunky, has Sir Director-General to cover. But Qin Baobao were clear, in the past few days when company high-level meeting, broke up, Qin Baobao passed by exactly, has seen one side Sir Director-General from afar, that is all. 秦宝宝其实有她自己的打算,秦妈有句话说的好,得到越多,失去的越多。她刚在娱乐圈冒尖儿,就想“蹭蹭蹭”坐火箭往上窜,没人脉没关系,只能靠脱咯?虽然江湖盛传,她秦宝宝黄总手下的马仔,有总裁大人罩着。但秦宝宝自个儿清楚,前些天公司高层会议,散会时,秦宝宝恰好路过,远远见过总裁大人一面,仅此而已。
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