MESIS :: Volume #2

#164: Special edition

Li Yanhong is still saying to talk on endlessly, inquired why does not look for younger brother to help write the song, the Qin Baobao impatient wrinkle the small brow, my younger brother does not have time, he is busy, but was fierce.” 李艳红还在叨叨叨,询问为什么不找弟弟帮忙写歌,秦宝宝不耐烦的皱起小眉头,“我弟弟时间啦,他忙着呢,可厉害了。” Li Yanhong is engaged in the manager industry having seven years eight years, celebrity that brings most takes a higher position the C-list peak, spent in distress to hold for several years, this thought finally after the bitter comes the sweet, who knew female celebrity that rested, was supported by some rich second generation, with marrying into the fond dream of rich and powerful family, wash one's hands in a gold basin was not dry. Said that enters rich and powerful families are as mysterious as the sea, but is the rich and powerful family so can it be that good? Finally runs away the destiny that difficultly has thoughtless sex at first and abandonment later, then wants to mix the entertainment world again, popular and time passage already not in the peak. 李艳红从事经纪人行业有个七年八载的,带出来的明星最高就三线顶峰,还是苦熬了数年才捧上去,本以为终于苦尽甘来,谁知那个一路睡上去的女明星,被某个富二代包养,怀着嫁入豪门的美梦,金盆洗手不干了。都说一入豪门深似海,可豪门岂是那么好进?最终难逃始乱终弃的命运,回头再想混娱乐圈,人气和年华都已不在巅峰。 Two female assistants have not held, pū chī smiles. Qin Baobao Flaunting Young Brother Crazed Demon title, well-known entertainment world. In fact, she truly likes taking younger brother to boast very much, for example now! 两个女助手没憋住,噗嗤一笑。秦宝宝炫弟狂魔”的称号,闻名娱乐圈。事实上,她确实很爱拿弟弟吹牛,比如现在! Qin Baobao phoenix eye one horizontal, two female assistants lower the head hastily. 秦宝宝凤眼一横,俩女助手连忙低头。 The gate of lounge shoves open, the reception desk younger sister comes in: Teacher Qin, your younger brother came, I made him wait in your office.” 休息室的门推开,前台妹子进来:“秦老师,你弟弟来了,我让他在你办公室等着了。” This stretch of recording area, non- staff no admittance. 这片录音区,非工作人员禁止入内。 You first eat.” Qin Baobao threw the chopsticks, steps on to lower with the shoes to run. “你们先吃。”秦宝宝把筷子一丢,踩着低跟鞋跑了出去。 Qin Ze third time comes to the elder sister office, obviously feels here change, the interior trim was more refined, on the wall is hanging two giant ink and wash paintings, enjoyable full kaffir lily, and well-known Japanese banana Manchurian crane chart. The window is suspending a glass basin of row of planter flowers and plants, was opposite of the desk added several brown sofas again. 秦泽第三次来姐姐办公室,明显感受到这里的变化,内部装修雅致了许多,墙上挂着两幅巨大的水墨画,写意十足的君子兰,以及著名的芭蕉仙鹤图。落地窗边摆着一排种植花草的玻璃盆,再就是办公桌对面添了几张棕色沙发。 Qin Ze closes the door, sits to the elder sister's work big chair on, experiences the pleasant sensation of having the independent office. In Star Skills Entertainment, the artists of making a debut have own independent office, but is the difference of area size. 秦泽关上门,坐到姐姐的办公大椅上,体验一下拥有独立办公室的快感。在星艺娱乐,出道的艺人都有自己的独立办公室,只不过是面积大小的区别。 Near the foot as if bumped into anything, looks down, a black sports package, he recognizes, Qin Baobao carries this thing to go out every day. 脚边似乎碰到了什么东西,低头看去,一个黑色运动包,他认得,秦宝宝每天都拎着这东西出门。 The office is so big, why to put the ground the package? 办公室这么大,干嘛把包放地上? Qin Ze takes possession to carry the package, places on the desk, scoffs at one to pull open the sports bag. Wraps disorderly dancing outfit, a 36 D cup bra, elder sister is 36 D this matter, Qin Ze is very early knows, as normal younger brother, should not know the elder sister's private matter, but some year of some moon/month, elder sister, because the net buys the account to freeze accidentally/surprisingly, then bought several underwears with the younger brother account number, Qin Ze knew the elder sister's cover cup like this. 秦泽附身拎起包,放在办公桌上,“嗤啦”一声拉开运动包。包里塞着凌乱的舞蹈服,一件36d罩杯的文胸,姐姐是36d这种事,秦泽很早就知道,做为一个正常的弟弟,本不该知道姐姐的私密事,但某年某月,姐姐因为网购账户意外冻结,便用弟弟的账号买了几件内衣,秦泽就这样知道了姐姐的罩杯。 That year Qin Ze on university, had not just enjoyed a trip to the old driver world, naive later, Chinese woman almost this scale, promoted old driver until experience full price/value, knows that 36 D was how fearful disposition. 那年秦泽刚上大学,还没畅游过老司机的世界,天真的以后,中国女人差不多都这规模,直到经验满值晋升老司机,才知道36d是多么可怕的配置。 Again a black underpant, the buttocks are the see-through ice silk, the appeal is very very sexy, without a doubt, to the man lethality is huge. The key is, my elder sister does not have the boyfriend. 再还有一条黑色内裤,臀部是半透明的冰丝,很情趣很性感,毫无疑问,对男人杀伤力是巨大。关键是,我的姐姐没男朋友呀。 Carefully looked, this underwear has slight wet stains...... 仔细一看,这内衣有轻微的湿迹…… The room gate shoves open, sound that elder sister jumps for joy: small rascal, how did not say one to elder sister......” 房间门推开,姐姐雀跃的声音:“小赤佬,怎么不跟姐姐说一声……” Pushes elder sister that the gate comes to see this, the sound stops. 推门进来的姐姐看到这一幕,声音嘎然而止。 In the office, Qin Ze stares at elder sister's to look fiercely...... 办公室里,秦泽盯着姐姐的猛看…… Qin Baobao cheek one red, slightly runs over, has snatched the sports bag, scoffs draws in the zipper, shames to be angry: Do not move heedlessly my thing to be good to cut down.” 秦宝宝脸蛋一红,小跑过来,抢过运动包,“嗤啦”拉上拉链,羞恼道:“你别乱动我东西好伐。” Although in the family/home the balcony is air-drying her n strip small underpants, but so stark naked sizing up, at heart is very embarrassed. 虽然家里阳台晒着她n条小内裤,但这般赤条条的打量,心里还是很窘迫。 The Qin Ze doubt said: Why your going to work brings two clothes.” 秦泽狐疑道:“你上班带两套衣服干吗。” Qin Baobao supercilious look: I do not rehearse the dance, does big hot days perspiration, put on for day?” 秦宝宝白眼:“我不要练舞的呀,大热天一身汗,穿一天吗?” Qin Ze suddenly: I felt relieved.” 秦泽恍然:“那我就放心了。” What feels relieved?” In the elder sister eye seems the ray to flash. “放心什么?”姐姐眼里似有光芒一闪。 No.” Qin Ze pulls out cigarette, but also without the point , the white and tender small hand robs him, cuts off throws the trash can, Qin Baobao plunders the younger brother pocket: Said does not permit to smoke, you bought. Hands over quickly.” “没什么。”秦泽掏出一根烟,还没点上,白嫩小手就把他抢走,掐断丢垃圾桶,秦宝宝搜刮弟弟的口袋:“都说了不准抽烟,你又买了。快交出来。” Qin Ze is tired of this especially, angrily said: You sufficed, you are my mother are my elder sister.” 秦泽特烦她这个,怒道:“你够了,你是我妈还是我姐。” Long elder sister stepmother,” Qin Baobao said: Elder sister, smokes what smoke for your own good young, in the future will take a wife, affects to give birth.” “长姐如母,”秦宝宝说:“姐是为你好,年纪轻轻抽什么烟,将来娶媳妇,影响生育的。” Closes your trifling thing.” “关你屁事。” I......” Qin Baobao choked, does not permit to pull out in any case.” “我......”秦宝宝噎了一下,“反正就是不准抽。” The smoke that Qin Ze just bought in the morning was given, decides does not smoke before her. 秦泽早上刚买的烟被缴走,打定主意不在她面前抽烟。 You come Star Skills to do, you are not go to work, knows that catches a fish by hand.” Qin Baobao joyful younger brother asks her to play, but on mouth unforgiving. “你来星艺干嘛,你不是上班吗,就知道摸鱼。”秦宝宝欣喜弟弟找她玩,但嘴上不饶人。 The Qin Ze heart said, system proclaimed quest, I can not come. 秦泽心说,系统都颁任务了,我能不来吗。 How or saying that the cheap person is artificial, he actually hopes helps elder sister win the championship. 要不怎么说贱人就是矫情,他其实蛮希望帮姐姐夺冠的。 Heard that your MV rank competition is very fierce?” “听说你mv排位竞争很激烈?” „The row of what position, you think dozen of games,” Qin Baobao tsukkomi: Struggles the list.” “排什么位哦,你以为打游戏啊,”秦宝宝吐槽:“争榜。” Wins this month the sales volume champion hopefully?” “有希望夺本月销量冠军吗?” „It is not clear, is a little difficult.” “不清楚诶,有点难吧。” Useless thing, it seems like or wants me to go into action personally.” “没用的东西,看来还是要我亲自出马。” The office gate shoved open, Li Yanhong raises the food that Qin Baobao leftovers to come: Baobao (darling), I helped you bring.” 办公室门又推开了,李艳红提着秦宝宝吃剩的饭过来:“宝宝,我帮你带过来了。” She takes a look at Qin Ze, said with a smile: Has eaten.” 她瞅瞅秦泽,笑道:“吃过了吗。” Qin Ze said that has eaten. Turned head to say to elder sister: I helped you write several songs, now trades the song with enough time?” 秦泽说吃过了。扭头对姐姐说:“我帮你写了几首歌,现在换歌来得及吗?” Li Yanhong fierce stares wide-eyed: „Did you write the song? You have time.” 李艳红猛的瞪大眼睛:“你写歌了?你不是没时间吗。” Qin Ze strange looks at her one eyes, who told you me not to have time, my time too many. 秦泽奇怪的看她一眼,谁告诉你我没时间,我时间不要太多好不。 Qin Baobao said in a low voice: You were not busy interviewing couple days ago, writes song taking the trouble to spend brain, affects your energy.” 秦宝宝低声道:“你前几天不是忙着面试么,写歌费神费脑,影响你精力。” Before Qin Baobao, does not have the method, clings to for dear life younger brother to write the song, now on industry reluctantly stock rail , not endless entanglement Qin Ze. 秦宝宝以前是没法子,才死缠着弟弟写歌,现在实业勉强上正轨,也就不没完没了的纠缠秦泽 Song has certainly, feared that you arrange the song, cannot change.” Qin Ze said. “歌当然有,就怕你们定好歌,不能改。”秦泽说。 Can change to change,” Li Yanhong vies to answer first: I went to that side the marketing department to say one.” “能改能改,”李艳红抢答:“我去市场部那边说一声。” She went bad happily, the Qin Ze's name in the entertainment world is the golden signboard, song that he writes, absolutely is the high-quality goods. Some he led a cheer, the Qin Baobao's sales volume champion ninety percent sure. 她高兴坏了,秦泽的名字在娱乐圈是块金子招牌,他写的歌,绝对是精品。有他助阵,秦宝宝的销量冠军十拿九稳。 I communicate on the past now.” Li Yanhong is all smiles runs. “我现在就过去沟通。”李艳红笑容满面的跑出去。 „Do you really have the song?” Qin Baobao winks is seeing Qin Ze, do not deceive elder sister oh. “你真有歌啊?”秦宝宝眨着眼看秦泽,“不要骗姐姐哦。 When I have deceived you.” “我什么时候骗过你。” Quality assurance?” “质量保证?” Should not have the issue.” “应该是没问题的。” Qin Baobao holds in the arms the Qin Ze's neck, kissed one in his cheeks: Clever, elder sister kisses reward fragrant.” 秦宝宝搂住秦泽的脖子,在他脸颊亲了一口:“乖,姐姐香吻奖励。” One side of the Qin Ze face, here also wants.” 秦泽脸一侧,“这边也要。” Go away!” elder sister patted on his head, she plays the hooligan also on a wave of matter, many cannot support again. “滚!”姐姐在他脑瓜上拍了一下,她耍流氓也就一波的事,再多就撑不住。 Li Yanhong found Marketing Department several small leadership, they are still eating meal, on the table is putting several bottles of canned beer, the work is usually busy, on noon one hour of time rest, most suitable drink up to chat. 李艳红找到营销部几个小领导,他们还在吃饭,桌上搁着几瓶灌装啤酒,平时工作忙,就中午一个小时的时间休息,最适合喝酒聊天。 The gate of lounge naturally does not close, Li Yanhong comes in directly, towards marketing department vice-manager said: Manager Yang, discussed a matter with you, the program of Qin Baobao special edition must change.” 休息室的门自然是不关的,李艳红直接进来,朝市场部副经理说道:“杨经理,跟你商量个事,秦宝宝专辑的曲目要变一变。” A Manager Yang brow wrinkle. 杨经理眉头一皱。 Be responsible for the Qin Baobao special edition promotion Team Leader Xu being disgruntled: Program did not arrange, immutable. first, in the quality has no way to guarantee. company puts into so many resources promotion propagandas, the sales volume, if pounded, whom this does lose to be responsible for? second, in short time does not have the means to trade the song to you.” 负责秦宝宝专辑推广的徐组长不悦道:“曲目不是定好了吗,不能变的。第一,质量上没法保证。公司投入这么多资源推广宣传,销量要是砸了,这损失谁负责?第二,短时间内没办法给你们换歌。” Li Yanhong is just about to speak, Manager Yang beckons with the hand, says with a smile: Yanhong, I know that you worried Qin Baobao this time cannot win the sales volume champion, this matter, does not have the means. Said that we are the same annual income company, these years you have not carried over a making a name artist, was somewhat eager for quick success and immediate gain, I, understand you.” 李艳红正要说话,杨经理摆摆手,笑道:“艳红,我知道你担心秦宝宝这次拿不到销量冠军,这事儿,也没办法。说起来咱们是同一年入公司的,这些年你没带出一个成气候的艺人,有些急功近利了,我啊,理解你。” At least first three are hopeful, is very good, trades what song.” Another team leader said. “至少前三是有希望的嘛,已经很好了,换什么歌啊。”另一个组长说道。 Li Yanhong seizes the opportunity opens the mouth finally, Qin Baobao younger brother comes, he requests to trade the song.” 李艳红总算逮住机会开口,“秦宝宝弟弟来,他要求换歌。” Team Leader Xu said ill-humoredly: Her younger brother came, our company business his blind manages what/anything ....... 徐组长没好气道:“她弟弟来就来了,咱们公司的业务他瞎管什么.......” Then, the eyeball stares, „did he deliver the song to come?” 说罢,眼珠子一瞪,“他送歌来了?” The vision gathers instantaneously, Li Yanhong nods. 目光瞬间汇聚,李艳红点点头。 Team Leader Xu looks to Manager Yang, „did old boss, how say?” 徐组长看向杨经理,“老大,怎么说?” Manager Yang said, trades, naturally must trade. However I must have a look. 杨经理说,换啊,当然要换。不过我得去看看。 Several other young leader one hears, follows to join in the fun, the gang leaves the lounge, runs hurriedly toward the recording area. 其他几个小领导一听,也跟着凑热闹,一伙人离开休息室,风风火火往录音区跑去。 Marketing department several leader past tenses, Qin Ze has practiced the song with elder sister in the recording technician, Qin Baobao in the indoor, Qin Ze outside the sound-insulated glass, monitors with the recording technician together. Before his body, is having several computers, and tuning equipment. 市场部几个领导过去时,秦泽已经和姐姐在录音师练歌,秦宝宝在室内,秦泽在隔音玻璃外,与录音师一起监听。他身前摆着几台电脑,以及调音设备。 The structure of this recording room, making Qin Ze remember on the television to interrogate the interrogation chamber of criminal, the criminal closes in the small room, a wall is the unidirectional glass, the police observes the criminal by the unidirectional glass. 这间录音室的构造,让秦泽想起电视上审讯犯人的审讯室,犯人关在小小的房间里,一面墙壁是单向玻璃,警察透过单向玻璃观察犯人。 Wind blows rain to become flower/spend,” “风吹雨成花,” time cannot catch up with the white horse.” 时间追不上白马。” „The sleep-talking of your young palm,” “你年少掌心的梦话,” Still gripping tightly.” “依然紧握着吗。” ...... ...... Qin Baobao has the earphone, stands before the support microphone, stature tall, black hair like waterfall, voice soft immerse. 秦宝宝戴着耳机,站在支架话筒前,身材高挑,青丝如瀑,嗓音软濡。 The leaders of marketing department stand in the one side silently, is listening carefully, no one has made noise. 市场部的领导们默默站在一旁,仔细听着,谁都没有出声。
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