MESIS :: Volume #2

#162: Beautiful woman Director-General syrup smiling face

The Qin Ze's trainee border, wants to make an effort to kick like one, actually cannot raise the spray salted fish. Every day except for two hours of training, other time stupidly sits in the office, listening to other colleagues to telephone, chats the business, occasionally Li Linfeng will come out from the office, to is doing the subordinate to instruct earnestly, at this time Qin Ze will raise up the ear, listens to this work place elite's judgment and experience to the market. 秦泽的实习生涯,就像一条想使劲扑腾,却掀不起浪花的咸鱼。每天除了两个小时的培训,其他时间在办公室傻坐着,听着其他同事打电话,聊业务,偶尔李林峰会从办公室出来,对着一干下属耳提面命,这时候秦泽就会竖起耳朵,听一听这位职场精英对市场的判断和经验 Yang Jian is temper very flexible funny fool, cannot idle, always likes swaying in the major office districts, gangs up with the reception desk younger sister, is longing for met with beautiful woman Director-General. For several days, a person's shadow had not seen, wishes one could the running ladies' room entrance to come to wait for gains without pains. 杨建是个性子很活泛的逗逼,闲不住,总爱在各大办公区晃荡,勾搭一下前台妹子,渴望着邂逅美女总裁。一连几天,连个人影都没见到,恨不得跑女厕所门口来个守株待兔。 Qin Ze understands the fellow who finally this is known as the science subjects expert, why resigns from big company, he often gives Qin Ze to instill into oneself theory, big company worries, the small company labor force, medium company most can fish in troubled waters. 秦泽总算明白这个号称理科牛人的家伙,为什么从大公司辞职,他常给秦泽灌输自己的理论,大公司操心,小公司劳力,中型公司最能浑水摸鱼。 Any nonsense theory. 什么狗屁理论。 This is not willing to make workaholic's goods at the enterprise, the before reason of resignation is not then able to endure, frequent working overtime of master. 这就不是个肯在事业上做拼命三郎的货色,辞职的原因便是无法忍受前东家的频繁加班。 Yang Jian said, in any case I am a native, has the room to have the car(riage) parents to have the deposit, the health insurance social security pension is one by one complete. I struggle to do, rack one's brains have not been possible to succeed, I live my well-off life freely good. 杨建说,反正我是本地人,有房有车父母有存款,医保社保养老金各个齐全。我拼命奋斗干什么,殚精竭虑还不一定能成功,我过我的小康生活自由自在多好。 The Qin Ze heart said that your mother, this is not the life that I once yearned, friend! 秦泽心说,尼玛,这不是我曾经向往的生活嘛,知己啊! This morning, the Yang Jian rare going out wave, before not having put the computer, in raps the keyboard. 今天早上,杨建难得没出去浪,扑在电脑前噼里啦敲击键盘。 „Are you doing?” Qin Ze sees him to type on the keyboard not to stop, is somewhat noisy. “你在干什么?”秦泽见他敲键盘没停过,有些吵。 Irrigates.” Yang Jian looks at the computer, I am helping your elder sister wave the flag and shout.” “灌水啊。”杨建看着电脑,“我在帮你姐姐摇旗呐喊。” What do you mean.” Qin Ze collects to look. “什么意思。”秦泽凑过去看。 Qin Baobao this week sends single, the same time several popular idols, the competition is very fierce. Promotes and buys the news and fans to spurt......” Yang Jian to turn head mutually, you will not know.” 秦宝宝这周发单曲,同期的还有几个人气偶像,竞争很激烈呢。推广、买新闻、粉丝互喷......”杨建扭头,“你不会不知道吧。” I know certainly.” Qin Ze denied. “我当然知道。”秦泽否认。 Actually he does not know, elder sister only said recently must send the special edition, without saying concrete time, without looking for him asked the song, «Singer» time, Qin Baobao needed the song to keep up the appearance, is clinging to for dear life younger brother, now she had the fame, company is willing on the flowered resources toward her, she not to entangle younger brother. 其实他不知道,姐姐只说最近要发专辑,没说具体时间,也没找他求歌,《歌星》的时候,秦宝宝需要好歌撑门面,死缠着弟弟,现在她有名气了,公司愿意往她身上花资源,她也就不缠弟弟了。 Now situation how?” Qin Ze asked. “现在情况怎么样?”秦泽问。 What situation how?” Yang Jian asked back. “什么情况怎么样?”杨建反问。 „It is not fans spurts mutually, spurts the person to make no distinction between victory and defeat?” “不是粉丝互喷么,喷人不分胜负?” Same time sends in single celebrity, the strong opponents of two struggle lists, little fresh meat, will always sing. Our fans must do, is helps the idol propagandize single, then the forum and Weibo inside of competitor spurt the person.” Yang Jian said: I operated ten trumpets, the resentment died they.” “同期发单曲明星里,有两个争榜的强大对手,一个小鲜肉,一个老唱将。我们粉丝要做的,就是帮偶像宣传单曲,然后去竞争对手的论坛、微博里面喷人。”杨建说:“我开了十来个小号,怼死他们。” Understood, like full fans the team that for support, a word does not fight at earliest convenience such.” Qin Ze nods. “懂了,就像足迷们为了自己支持的球队,一言不合就打架那样。”秦泽点点头。 Qin Baobao single MV issued yesterday.” Yang Jian complained about him suddenly: How you did not give your older sister to write the song, done war very rubber, no one could suppress anyone.” 秦宝宝单曲的mv昨天就发布了。”杨建忽然埋怨他:“你怎么不给你姐写歌了,搞的战局很胶着啊,谁都压不住谁。” Qin Ze could not master the difference of single and special edition, elder sister says, the difference of wholesale and retail. 秦泽一直搞不懂单曲和专辑的区别,姐姐解释说,批发和零售的区别。 Usually in the significance, single is universally recognized as contains to have 1 to 3 programs generally, but the special edition in seven songs above, the pack sells. 通常意义上,单曲一般被公认为包含有一至三首曲目,而专辑在七首歌以上,打包卖。 Now was not the age of cd and recording, sent celebrity of big small dish to be few, generally was single, therefore can also be called the special edition single. 现在不是cd和唱片的年代了,发大碟的明星已经很少,一般都是出单曲,所以也可以把单曲叫做专辑。 But MV, propagandizes single or the special edition manufactures. 而mv,是宣传单曲或者专辑而制作出来的。 Did not have the prosperous age in the network, the cd special edition is one of channels the singer most makes money. But now, sending the special edition are more is the fame, makes money on the contrary next, 在网络还没有兴盛的年代,cd专辑是歌星最赚钱的渠道之一。而现在,发专辑更多为名气,赚钱反倒其次, „Is this hitting list in legend?” Qin Ze asked. “这就是传说中的打榜吗?”秦泽问。 „It is not clear.” Yang Jian said. “不清楚。”杨建说。 So-called hits the list, the inside water depth. To a certain extent deceives the consumer behavior, for example brushes the data, similar example: The hitting list of book distribution industry, the publishing house sizes up the buy-back books, makes the false appearance that this books disappear prosperously to rush to the ranking. Again by fans. 所谓打榜,里头水深着呢。一定程度上是欺骗消费者行为,比如刷数据,类似的例子:图书发行行业的打榜,出版社打量回购图书,制造该图书旺消的假象冲上排行榜。再就是靠粉丝们了。 The Qin Ze point opens the music top list the website, selected the MV day list, discovered that Qin Baobao's MV was in the first place. Song «Shy». 秦泽点开音乐风云榜的网站,点开mv日榜,发现秦宝宝的mv占据榜首。歌名《青涩》。 He watched MV, inside female lead is Qin Baobao, male lead is B-list celebrity, they wear the high school uniform. What said was one love of having in the campus. The basketball court acquaintance, writes the letter paper dear friend, the storage loves one another, then the affection exposure, under the pressure of school and guardian, ended this shy love. The only being out of sorts feeling, the elder sister's chest is too big, lets a person a little play. How the high-school students possibly have 36 D, this is unscientific. 他观看了mv,里头的女主秦宝宝,男主是个二线明星,他们都穿着高中校服。讲的是一场发生在校园的恋爱。篮球场相识,写信笺相知,储物室相恋,然后恋情曝光,在学校和家长的压力下,结束这段青涩的爱情。唯一的违和感,姐姐的胸太大,让人有点出戏。高中生怎么可能有36d,这不科学。 the MV manufacture is quite fine, singing is also good, definitely cannot achieve the high-quality goods, but quality online. mv制作颇为精美,唱歌也还行,肯定达不到精品的,但质量在线。 Qin Ze looks, relaxes, what MV propaganda is a shy pure love, male lead female lead most pulls the small hand, has not kissed. 秦泽看完,松了口气,mv宣传的是一种青涩纯真的爱情,男主女主最多牵牵小手,没有接吻。 He opens delightfully music website, the same MV day list, the first place was actually «Dragon of East», a little fresh meat song. Qin Baobao's «Shy» arranges second. 他打开“悦耳”音乐网站,同样的mv日榜,榜首却是《东方之龙》,一个小鲜肉的歌。秦宝宝的《青涩》排第二 Changes another music website again, the first place is «Disconsolate», is a Xiangjiang old preserved meat song. 再换另一个音乐网站,榜首又是《惆怅》,是香江一位老腊肉的歌。 The age of this old preserved meat active song world, Qin Baobao is still attending the junior middle school, the Xiangjiang old generation artist is great, the old play bone, the real skill, lacks successors, artist temporary shortage of new generation. 这位老腊肉活跃歌坛的年代,秦宝宝还在读初中,香江老一代艺人没得说,老戏骨,真本事,不过后继无人,新生代的艺人青黄不接。 No wonder Yang Jian said that the competition is fierce. 难怪杨建说竞争激烈。 Looks at the commentary again, the sprayer and fans are many. 再一看评论,喷子和粉丝都很多。 Goddess puts on the appearance of school uniform, my uniform-con stimulating.” 女神穿校服的样子,把我这个制服控给刺激到了。” Wanting is your song, I support, wait for the single release.” “只要是你的歌,我都支持,坐等单曲发行。” Blue and White Porcelain to the present or the single circulation, Qin Baobao sings what/anything to be of pleasant to hear.” 青花瓷到现在还是单曲循环,秦宝宝唱什么都好听。” „It is not of pleasant to hear.” “不好听。” Anticipates single.” “期待单曲。” Loves Qin Baobao greatly.” “大爱秦宝宝。” To be honest, looks at MV, felt that the level dropped, looks at the composer, originally is not your younger brother.” “说实话,看完mv,感觉水平下降了,一看作曲人,原来不是你弟弟。” If shy is the high level in single, what that other songs I also do have to be good to anticipate?” “如果青涩已经是单曲中的高水平,那其他歌我还有什么好期待的?” First removed, when your next special edition, the hope is your younger brother writes.” “先撤了,等你的下一张专辑,希望是你弟弟写的。” Two's commentary, is praise or blame. Some people applaud, some people write off. 其他两人的评论,亦是毁誉参半。有人叫好,有人唱衰。 Good that Yang Jian said that if has sung at " I am a Singer » program Qin Baobao all songs compile, make the digital special edition, it is estimated that can in online sell greatly, but Qin Ze sold the net copyright, the cd special edition has actually, it is said sells is very good, other channel income, therefore the elder sister's little strongbox affirms the enrichment. 杨建说的不错,如果把秦宝宝在《我是歌星》节目唱过的所有歌汇总,做成数字专辑,估计能在网上大卖,不过秦泽把网络版权卖了,cd专辑倒是有,据说卖的很不错,还有其他渠道收入,因此姐姐的小金库肯定充实。 At noon, Qin Ze and Yang Jian approximately good to go to cafeteria to eat meal together, before leaving company, receives the Pei Nanman message, makes him to eat meal at noon, throws in the address. Very near to company, walks on ten minutes. 中午,秦泽杨建约好一起去“食堂”吃饭,离开公司前,收到裴南曼的短信,约他中午吃饭,附赠地址。离公司很近,走路过去就十分钟 Looks at the Hunan building, the passenger compartment. 望湘楼,包间。 Pei Nanman puts down the cell phone, clamps a chopsticks cold dish, the phone screen is shining, Qin Ze's reply: Good! 裴南曼放下手机,夹一筷子凉菜,手机屏幕亮着,秦泽的回复:好的! Her side sits in the makings elegantly simple woman, turns the neck to attract watermelon juice, the vision actually does not leave the cell phone, in the cell phone broadcasts the teaching video of some well-known game, the sporty sound effect sound reverberates in the small passenger compartment. 她身边坐在气质淡雅的女人,扭着脖子吸一口西瓜汁,目光却不离手机,手机里播放某知名游戏的教学视频,动感十足的音效声在小包间回荡。 How many days? You looked that these thing aren't greasy?” The Pei Nanman finger knocks the desktop, never does not look at these videos.” “几天了?你看这些玩意不腻吗?”裴南曼指头敲敲桌面,“不是从不看这些视频的嘛。” Before was indifferent, plays the game well happily. But I bumped into a cheap person recently.” The appearance that Su Yu clenches jaws destroyed her to be elegantly simple the dust the makings, she said: Gentleman revenges for ten years is not late, the girl most endures for three days, I must recover the gathering place.” “以前是无所谓,玩游戏高兴就好。但我最近碰到一个贱人。”苏钰咬牙切齿的模样破坏了她淡雅出尘的气质,她说:“君子报仇十年不晚,小女子最多忍三天,我要找回场子。” Pei Nanman is speechless, big person, knew to play the game except for the work, continuously single?” 裴南曼无语,“多大的人了,除了工作就知道打游戏,一直单身下去吗?” Our other 50 steps smile hundred to be good.” Su Yu said: Playing the game is good, whom looks at not pleasing to the eyes on the resentment he, elementary school life and death Spicy Chicken scolded casually, has not needed to consider the vivid quality, zé zé, good place. Most likes these people to spurting with me, I can spurt for day.” “咱们别五十步笑百步好不好。”苏钰道:“打游戏多好啊,看谁不顺眼就怼他,小学生死辣鸡随便骂,还不用考虑形象素质,啧啧,好地方啊。最喜欢那些人跟我对喷,我能喷一天。” The Pei Nanman look flashes through, helpless with being fond, sighed, ok, do not look, was supposing he also approaches fast, you always do not want to lose the image before the subordinate.” 裴南曼眼神闪过无奈和疼惜,叹了口气,“好了,别看了,估摸着他也快来了,你总不想在属下面前丢形象吧。” Su Yu according to the word, withdraws from the video. The sitting posture solemnly is immediately graceful. 苏钰依言,退出视频。坐姿立时端庄优雅起来。 After several minutes, the knock resounds, the service person pushes the door to come, follows Qin Ze. 几分钟后,敲门声响起,服务员推门进来,身后跟着秦泽 The Qin Ze itself thinks sits side Pei Nanman can be Pei Ziqi and Pei Ziqi liangs the child, sees the Konggu Youlan simple and beautiful woman, gawked staring, isn't this their company beautiful woman Director-General? How can sit the same place with ripe female elder sister. What secretive py transaction do they have? 秦泽本以为坐在裴南曼身边的会是裴子淇个屁孩子,看到空谷幽兰般清丽的女人,愣了愣,这不是他们公司的美女总裁嘛?怎么会和熟女姐姐坐一起。她俩有什么不可告人的py交易? Pei Nanman beckons, the smiling face is gentle: Sits.” 裴南曼招招手,笑容温婉:“坐。” The vision of Qin Ze doubts saunters among two people, guessed that their relations, beautiful woman Director-General does not care at all to the Qin Ze's vision, the smile nods. 秦泽疑惑的目光在两人之间转悠,猜测她们的关系,美女总裁秦泽的目光毫不在意,微笑点头。 Pei Nanman dispels doubt for him, I am gather to benefit one of the company shareholders.” 裴南曼为他解惑,“我是聚利公司的股东之一。” Qin Ze, the feeling is suddenly inconceivable, also at just the right moment.” 秦泽恍然,感觉不可思议,“还真巧。” He awakens quickly, your mother, I said that makes the examination paper routine so to be how familiar. 他幡然醒悟,尼玛,我说做试卷的套路怎么如此熟悉。 Pei Nanman greeted the service person to serve food, said: „When comes home to play, Donglai and Ziqi very think you.” 裴南曼招呼服务员上菜,说道:“什么时候来家里玩玩,东来子淇都挺想你。” Your this is the pleasantries, Li Donglai thinks I to absolutely can understand, Pei Ziqi? She does not have to see me. 您这绝对是客套话,李东来想我到可以理解,裴子淇?她从没正眼看过我。 Recently worked is very busy.” Qin Ze subconscious shirking. “最近工作挺忙的。”秦泽下意识的推脱。 Pei Nanman turns the head to ask Su Yu: „Is company so busy?” 裴南曼转头问苏钰:“公司这么忙吗?” Su Yu said with a smile: Perhaps in family/home busy.” 苏钰笑吟吟道:“许是家里忙吧。” How this saying to be listening strangely, Qin Ze were crooked. 这话怎么听着怪怪的,秦泽自己想歪了。 Afterward chatted several daily family activities, Qin Ze and Pei Nanman non- warm feelings are not unfamiliar, but the side were many Konggu Youlan, many topic not good unscrupulous expansions. Then chatted in the suggestion about Li Donglai study. Pei Nanman is listening patiently, said that comes back I to urge him. 随后聊了几句家常,秦泽裴南曼不热络也不生疏,但身边多了一株空谷幽兰,很多话题都不好肆无忌惮的展开。便聊了些关于李东来学习上的建议。裴南曼耐心听着,说回头我督促他。 Konggu Youlan inserts several occasionally, said that on this day air/Qi hot scary, Nanman we resort summer vacation go. 空谷幽兰偶尔插几句,说这天气热的吓人,南曼我们去度假村避暑去吧。 Qin Ze then said with a smile: Which summer resort mountain villa can the comparing favorably with air-conditioned room?” 秦泽便笑道:“哪个避暑山庄能比得上空调房?” Su Yu looks at his one eyes, did not speak. 苏钰看他一眼,不说话。 Was especially awkward. 特么尴尬了。 Pei Nanman deeply feels the approval, this saying to be rational.” 裴南曼深感赞同,“这话有理。” Finished eating the food quickly time, Su Yu unprecedented spoke with Qin Ze on own initiative, she revealed that simple and beautiful smiling face: Qin Ze, you and Nanman are acquaintances, I do not look on as an outsider with you, heard that you when interview, said own stocks speculation profit is 100 percent, if I give you 5 million, you can in one month, double?” 快吃完饭的时候,苏钰破天荒的主动和秦泽说话,她露出浅浅的,清丽的笑容:“秦泽,你和南曼是熟人,我就不和你见外,听说你在面试时,说自己炒股利润是百分之百,如果我给你五百万,你能在一个月内,翻一番吗?” Qin Ze is dumbfounded, what situation? 秦泽目瞪口呆,什么情况? Su Yu sees him not to speak, the smiling face ponders, doesn't have the confidence?” 苏钰见他不说话,笑容玩味,“没信心?” A your face not proper smiling face, I suspected that you are playing me. 你一脸不正经的笑容,我怀疑你在耍我。 Qin Ze thinks, 秦泽想,
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