MESIS :: Volume #2

#161: Disagreement elder sister intimate younger brother is what good younger brother

In the evening, Qin Ze does not have sleepiness, made one cup of strong tea, sits writes the note on the sofa. He must make a summary these days separation only, key engaging in introspection short line operation. Builds crude number model while convenient, appraises the major plates. Room Qin Ze has a value not poor desk, was still known as that excrement holds up a baby so it can urinate elder sister that he raises buys. 晚上,秦泽毫无困意,泡了一杯浓茶,坐在沙发上写笔记。他要把这几天的割据单做个总结,重点自省短线操作。顺便搭建一个简陋数模,评估一下各大板块。秦泽有一张价值不菲的书桌,依然是号称一把屎一把尿把他拉扯大的姐姐买的。 However Qin Ze has the trauma to the study room since childhood, does not like lying in the desk studies. 不过秦泽从小对书房有心理阴影,不爱趴在书桌边学习。 The notebook puts on the thigh, writing to be very tired, perhaps this consideration buys the plank teaching movement blackboard, on swayed in living room, no matter like this constructs number model to analyze a listing company financial statement, contour and moon/month line, can have enough big space, does not need to deign to accept a post in the small notebook. 笔记本搁在大腿上,写起来很累,或许该考虑买个支架式移动黑板,就摆在客厅,这样不管是构建数模还是分析一个上市公司的财务报表、周线、月线,就能有足够大的空间,不用屈就在小小的笔记本上。 kā cā! 咔擦”! Slight sound that the door knobs twist, elder sister cautious drills from the crack in a door, is soundless to close the door. 门把手拧动的细微声,姐姐小心翼翼的从门缝里钻出来,蹑手蹑脚关门。 How not to have rested, from the crack in a door saw that the living room lamp is starting.” Qin Baobao beautiful hair hangs loose, was slightly disorderly, making her many for several points lazy lovable. “怎么还不睡,从门缝里看到客厅灯开着。”秦宝宝一头秀发披散,略显凌乱,让她多了几分慵懒可爱。 Cannot fall asleep, writes a thing. Did Sister Zijin rest?” Qin Ze holds in the mouth cigarette, Qin Baobao is away from the tea table to throw, clinches his smoke, is angry saying: Said does not permit to smoke, is not clever hits your oh. “睡不着,写点东西。子衿姐睡了?”秦泽叼上一根烟,秦宝宝隔着茶几扑过来,摘走他的烟,嗔道:“都说了不准抽烟,再不乖打你哦。 Her little bear pajamas are lax, the chest is also too great, this posture, sees in the collar very much easily the deep gully. 她的小熊睡衣松松垮垮,胸又太伟岸,这个姿势,很容易就看见领子里深深的沟壑。 In pajamas vacuum. 睡衣里真空的。 Qin Ze maintains composure to put aside the vision, Qin Baobao turns out one bag of between-meal snack from the cabinet, disassembles the chocolate toward the mouth stopper, the women likes snacking, Qin Baobao is no exception. In the family/home is preparing the snack between-meal snack frequently. 秦泽不动声色移开目光,秦宝宝从橱柜里翻出一袋零食,拆开巧克力就往嘴里塞,女人都爱吃零嘴,秦宝宝也不例外。家里时刻备着小吃零食。 elder sister turns head suddenly, said with a smile: A'Ze, do you want to eat mew mew?” 姐姐忽然扭头,笑吟吟道:“阿泽,你要吃咪咪吗?” Qin Ze stares, the subconsciousness turns head to look at the elder sister's chest, can the unbelievable look, eat?” 秦泽一愣,下意识扭头看姐姐的胸,难以置信的神色,“能吃吗?” Naturally can eat, not expired.” Qin Baobao rolls the eyes, throws one bag mew mew the shrimp strip. “当然能吃,又没过期。”秦宝宝翻白眼,抛来一袋咪咪虾条。 The whole world is instantaneous. 整个世界瞬间索然无味。 Qin Ze does not meet, lowers the head to write own note. 秦泽不接,低头写自己的笔记。 Qin Baobao lies toward the sofa on, eats between -meal snack, plays the cell phone, the enunciation does not scavenge: tremendous stress, the elder sister cannot fall asleep. A'Ze, helping me rub the waist.” 秦宝宝往沙发上一趴,啃零食,玩手机,口齿不清道:“压力山大,姐也睡不着。阿泽,帮我揉揉腰。” Is busy.” Qin Ze writes with vigor earnestly. “忙着呢。”秦泽埋头奋笔疾书。 Qin Baobao yīng yīng yīng said: „Doesn't the elder sister's body have the attraction to you?” 秦宝宝嘤嘤嘤”道:“难道姐姐的身体对你已经没有吸引力了么?” Qin Ze then raised the head, holds the notebook to strike an attitude to hit, ” good that „„ these two characters have used.” 秦泽这才抬起头来,捧起笔记本作势欲打,““已经”这两个字用的好。” elder sister always likes before him flower. 姐姐总喜欢在他面前口花花。 Qin Baobao haunches the body, moves near butt Qin Ze, said: „It is not right is not right.” 秦宝宝撑起身子,把屁股挪动秦泽边上,道:“不对劲呀不对劲。” What is not right.” Qin Ze wonders to say. “什么不对劲。”秦泽纳闷道。 Qin Baobao faintly said: Wang Zijin that little girl is not right, she just chatted with me, said that must maintain elder sister's to be dignified, cannot hee laugh out loud noisily with you, cannot be too intimate. Clearly is did not look that A'Ze is good to elder sister.” 秦宝宝幽幽道:“王子衿那妞儿不对劲咯,她刚跟我唠嗑,说要保持姐姐的威严,不能和你嘻嘻闹闹,不能太亲热。分明是看不得阿泽姐姐好。” Qin Baobao holds up the head, with Qin Ze looking at each other, sneers: You said that she was jealous?” 秦宝宝昂起头,与秦泽对视,冷笑一声:“你说她是不是吃醋了?” elder sister excrement holds up a baby so it can urinate to pull me to grow up, intimate point how.” Qin Ze smells the smell of gunpowder that seems does not have, knows that at this time should speak. 姐姐一把屎一把尿拉扯我长大,亲密点又怎么了。”秦泽嗅到一丝似有似无的火药味,知道这时候该说什么话。 Qin Baobao shows the smiling face immediately, the head by his shoulder, precisely, disagreement/not with elder sister intimate younger brother, is what good younger brother.” 秦宝宝顿时露出笑容,把脑袋靠在他肩膀,“就是嘛,不和姐姐亲热的弟弟,算什么好弟弟。” Qin Ze said: This saying does not have the problem.” 秦泽说:“这话没毛病。” He toward elder sister hē hē. 他朝姐姐呵呵一下。 Qin Baobao knocks his head, stares: Cannot to elder sister hē hē,” 秦宝宝敲他脑袋,瞪眼:“不许对姐呵呵,” Qin Ze lowers the head , to continue to write the note. 秦泽低头,继续写笔记。 Qin Baobao stares at him to make an effort to take a look, being scared that Qin Ze looks, he said: You look at what/anything.” 秦宝宝盯着他使劲瞅,把秦泽看的发毛,他说:“你看什么呢。” Qin Baobao said: Graceful.” 秦宝宝道:“帅。” Qin Ze snort/hum, this also said with you.” 秦泽哼一声,“这还用你说。” Qin Baobao wonders saying: Pitifully has not looked.” 秦宝宝纳闷道:“可惜没看出来。” Qin Ze counting on the fingers shoots her forehead, a sound, was then clutched one to hit by corner of the eye elder sister with tears. 秦泽屈指弹她额头,“”一声响,然后被眼角含泪的姐姐揪着一顿打。 You said that what Wang Zijin did have a liking for your?” Qin Baobao depressed full tone: „Her lady, the vision does not have the truth is so bad. You except for will prepare food, will write the song, no losing face/showing off place. Is it possible that this is the white swan that in the legend is blind?” “你说王子衿看上你什么了?”秦宝宝郁闷十足的语气:“她一个大家闺秀,眼光没道理这么差啊。你除了会做菜,会写歌,没什么出彩的地方了。莫非这就是传说中瞎了眼的白天鹅?” Qin Ze has the favorable impression to Wang Zijin, believes her also however, but has not been in the degree of bringing to light, he thinks actually, feared offensive Wang Family little elder sister, some sentiments allow nature to take its course well. 秦泽王子衿有好感,相信她亦然,不过还没到挑明的程度,他倒是想,就怕唐突王家小姐姐,有些感情顺其自然就好。 The Qin Baobao air/Qi said painstakingly: I raise a pig is not easy laboriously, her lady keeps thinking about what/anything.” 秦宝宝气苦道:“我辛辛苦苦养大一头猪不容易,她一个大家闺秀惦记什么。” Qin Ze grips elder sister's suddenly, elder sister, you know soap opera that Sister Zijin she watches?” 秦泽忽然握住姐姐的手,“姐,你知道子衿姐她看的电视剧吗?” Qin Baobao does intentionally calmly, knows that asked «Mother To hit My probably Again».” 秦宝宝故作镇定,“知道呀,好像叫《妈妈再打我一次》。” Un?” Qin Ze stares. “嗯?”秦泽一愣。 Bah!” Qin Baobao spat the mouth, one anxious, said the online very popular piece recently, «Mother Holds My Again», inside protagonist may be miserable, first by boyfriend wears green hat, then had Overbearing President to like on her, but the pursue of vigor, female protagonist pretends to act with constraint, then pours when the Overbearing President offensive, saw with own eyes that the lover becomes the family member finally, but both guardians meet, her mother collapsed, originally the Director-General father is she is young the sweetheart, what a pity for the household great undertaking, marries the woman who did not love, abandons their mother and daughter. Her mother wails: The child, actually your father is not your biological father, your boyfriend is your younger brother.” “呸!”秦宝宝啐了口,一紧张,把最近网上很流行的段子说出来了,“《妈妈再抱我一次》,里头的主角可惨了,先被男朋友戴绿帽,然后有个霸道总裁喜欢上她,可劲儿的追求,女主角假装矜持,然后就倒在霸道总裁的攻势下,眼见有情人终成眷属,可双方家长一见面,她妈崩溃了,原来总裁的父亲是她年轻时的情人,可惜为了家族大业,娶了一个不爱的女人,把她们母女抛弃。她妈哀嚎一声:孩子,其实你爹不是你亲爹,你男朋友是你弟。” Qin Baobao smiles sways back and forth on the sofa: This screenwriter may really have the talent, in the brain mountain road 18 is curved.” 秦宝宝笑的在沙发上打滚:“这编剧可真有才啊,脑子里山路十八弯。” The Qin Ze look is somewhat sad, the child, actually your father, he is not your biological father. 秦泽眼神有些悲伤,孩子,其实你爹,他也不是你亲爹。 Qin Baobao also said: „The entire play is most miserable, is actually the female protagonist father. The daughter raised 20 several years, suddenly discovered oneself are Scraps Picking Hero. Grieved cannot breathe.” 秦宝宝又道:“整部剧最惨的,其实是女主角的父亲。女儿养了二十几年,忽然发现自己是接盘侠。心痛的不能呼吸了。” The Qin Ze look was sad, old gentleman you may probably endure. 秦泽眼神更悲伤了,老爷子你可要挺住。 That, you have thought that if this matter does happen in the reality? For example: You!” “那,你有没有想过,如果这种事情发生在现实呢?比如说:你!” Qin Baobao stares, scolds: piss off, elder sister is so attractive, how possibly not one's own. You are pick.” 秦宝宝一愣,骂道:“滚犊子,姐姐这么漂亮,怎么可能不是亲生的。你才是捡来的。” The younger brother words asked somewhat towering, but similar bickering, they often had in childhood, Qin Baobao said that younger brother was unnecessary, Qin Ze said that elder sister was wrong. An excess birth, unmarried is first pregnant. 弟弟的话问的有些突兀,但类似的斗嘴,他们小时候经常有,秦宝宝弟弟多余的,秦泽姐姐是错误的。一个超生,一个未婚先孕。 Does not want to bicker with you.” Qin Ze beckons with the hand: If, I meant if.” “不想和你斗嘴。”秦泽摆摆手:“如果,我是说如果。” Good.” Qin Baobao grinning say/way. “挺好的呀。”秦宝宝笑嘻嘻道。 Good? 好? Qin Ze cannot bear touch the elder sister's forehead, can it be that elder sister's did worldview collapse? 秦泽忍不住去摸姐姐的额头,莫不是姐姐的三观崩了? Good what/anything, this matter in eating the melon people eye loves, on oneself, that is a disaster.” Qin Ze said. “好什么啊,这种事情在吃瓜群众眼里喜闻乐见,发生在自己身上,那是一场灾难。”秦泽道。 Also yes,” Qin Baobao feels rational, changes mind thinks, whispered: Is a mother lives.” “也是,”秦宝宝觉得有理,转念一想,嘀咕道:“还是一个妈生的。” What?” “什么?” No.” “没什么。” elder sister relaxed, moved to pull the Qin Ze's arm, routine head by his shoulder. Qin Ze has not hugged the elder sister's waist, smells her hair to fill the shampoo the fragrance, writes the note with single-hearted devotion. Qin Baobao kā chā kā chā eats between -meal snack. 姐姐放松多了,又挪过来挽住秦泽的胳膊,习惯性把脑袋靠在他肩膀。秦泽没搂姐姐的腰,嗅着她发丝弥漫出洗发水的香味,专心写笔记。秦宝宝咔嚓咔嚓”啃零食。 Elder sister, asked your matter.” “姐,问你个事。” You not one's own.” “你才不是亲生的。” „It is not, I did not say this.” “不是,我不说这个。” You asked.” “那你问吧。” If, capital big shot of entertainment world thinks you, you what to do?” “如果,娱乐圈的资本大佬你,你怎么办?” Asked the questions of some disgusting people only,” Qin Baobao discontented staring: Your psychology perverted.” “净问一些恶心人的问题,”秦宝宝不满的瞪眼:“你心理变态是吧。” elder sister twisted his, shows the disciplinary punishment, „the entertainment world also has its order, did not say that thinks who...... thinks on whose. The person of commercial mind, will a little be placed the benefit in the first position, the woman who is willing to deliver in any case what are many, why to intertwine 1~2? So long as can make money, everyone can sit to chat. Naturally, is only majority this , some the people of hungry look always want to take young attractive female celebrity, can, when the toys are best. If not obedient blocks, rather little makes money. 1~2 celebrity makes inadequately to company too in a big way affects. But celebrity has the contract in the body, is under the control of others, mostly the meeting little darling compromises, is not willing to give up this fish leaps over the dragon's gate occupation. It is not willing to betray the body, chooses is blocked. celebrity that the entertainment world appears briefly are many.” 姐姐拧了他一把,以示惩戒,“娱乐圈也有它的秩序,不是说想......想谁就谁的。有点商业头脑的人,会把利益摆在第一位,反正愿意送上门的女人多的是,何必纠结一两个?只要能赚钱,大家就能坐下来聊。当然,只是大部分这样,也有一些饥色的人总想把年轻漂亮的女明星弄到手,能当玩物最好。如果不听话就封杀,宁愿少赚钱。一两明星公司造不成太大影响。而明星有合同在身,受制于人,大多会乖乖妥协,不愿放弃这个鱼跃龙门的职业。不愿意出卖身子的,就选择被封杀。娱乐圈昙花一现的明星很多的。” Ok, your work is done is very careful.” Qin Ze accident/surprise. “可以啊,你的工作做的很细致嘛。”秦泽意外。 That is.” Qin Baobao favorite say/way, except that the semblance is pleasant, she intrinsic also intelligent, is not the vase of having no merit to speak. With her, the work is like the study, how should absorb the knowledge, how to deliberate the difficult problem, routine is the same. “那是。”秦宝宝得意道,除了外表赏心悦目,她内在也聪颖,不是一无是处的花瓶。与她而言,工作就跟学习一样,该怎样摄取知识,怎么推敲难题,套路都是一样的。 If had the entertainment world capitalist who did not keep eyes open to have a liking for you, after all elder sister was so attractive.” Qin Ze said. “如果就有不长眼的娱乐圈资本家看上你了呢,毕竟姐姐这么漂亮。”秦泽说。 For example your Star Skills that Director-General. 比如你们星艺的那个总裁 Qin Baobao pitiful acting like a spoiled brat appearance: That can only be elder sister takes responsibility by A'Ze.” 秦宝宝可怜兮兮的撒娇模样:“那就只能靠阿泽姐姐做主啦。” Qin Ze helplessly said: Spoke well.” 秦泽无奈道:“好好说话。” Qin Baobao sighed: What to do can also, quit while ahead, endured the contract to finish. The dream and reality, are the fish and bear's paws, cannot have both. Accompanies big belly man pā pā pā this matter, the elder sister does not want. Also I also became famous, I was superstar. Even if leaves the entertainment world, I am still indifferent. So long as is managing A'Ze bride's price, elder sister did not worry about food for a lifetime does not worry to drink. Several songs can I eat for a lifetime.” 秦宝宝叹气:“还能怎么办,急流勇退呗,熬到合同结束。梦想和现实,便是鱼和熊掌,不可兼得。陪大肚子男人啪啪啪这种事,姐可不要。再说我也出名啦,我是大明星啦。就算退出娱乐圈,我也是无所谓啦。只要管着阿泽老婆本,姐姐就一辈子不愁吃不愁喝了。几首歌能够我吃一辈子呢。” Said seems me not to marry wife.” Qin Ze tsukkomi. “说的好像我不娶老婆似的。”秦泽吐槽 Qin Baobao just about to speaks, Qin Ze vies to answer first: Has such attractive elder sister, but also takes a wife to do.” 秦宝宝刚要说话,秦泽抢答:“有这么漂亮的姐姐,还娶媳妇干嘛。” Qin Baobao hear tone of younger brother satire, angrily said: You married Wang Zijin to be good, wants to come not to mind my pit your bride's price.” 秦宝宝听出弟弟讽刺的语气,生气道:“那你娶王子衿好了,想来是不介意我坑你老婆本的。” Sister Zijin is two generations of good class origin and performance, making her move the relations, covers you not to have the issue.” 子衿姐是根正苗红的二代,让她动动关系,罩你是没问题的吧。” Said again, always thought among the friends owes too many favors, the friendship will deteriorate.” Some Qin Baobao contradictions. “再说吧,总觉得朋友之间欠太多人情,友谊会变质。”秦宝宝有些抵触。 Qin Ze smiles to touch the dog head: Relax, I will shelter your.” 秦泽笑摸狗头:“放心啦,我会庇护你的。” Qin Baobao has not made with him, the vision is delicate, said in a low voice: A'Ze, singing listens to be good to me.” 秦宝宝没和他闹,目光柔弱,低声道:“阿泽,唱首歌给我听好不好。” Fairy Tale?” 童话吗?” Time Boils the Rain.” 时间煮雨。” Wind blows rain to become flower/spend.” “风吹雨成花。” time cannot catch up with the white horse.” 时间追不上白马。” „The sleep-talking of your young palm.” “你年少掌心的梦话。” Still gripping tightly.” “依然紧握着吗。” ...... ...... Night, the silent living room, the Qin Ze low and deep voice flutters, his face is pasting elder sister's beautiful hair, the visual front, the look is bright and profound, seems some mood to ripple. 夜深了,寂静的客厅,秦泽低沉的嗓音飘荡,他的脸贴着姐姐的秀发,目视前方,眼神明亮而深邃,似有某种情绪荡漾。 We reach an agreement do not separate 我们说好不分离 Must continuously continuously in the same place 要一直一直在一起 Even with time for enemy 就算与时间为敌 Even if with departs in the world...... 就算与全世界背离...... Qin Baobao closes the eye, goes off safely. 秦宝宝闭上眼睛,安心睡去。
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